Cayman fund structures: limited partnership vs. limited company

Page created by Jessica Ramsey
Cayman fund structures: limited partnership vs. limited company
Cayman fund
structures: limited
partnership vs.
limited company
Cayman fund structures: limited partnership vs. limited company
The Cayman Islands has become the most common domicile for most hedge funds these
days. The increase in legal entity options has made deciding on legal formation more
complicated than ever. The most common structure used to be a Cayman limited company
(Ltd). However, since the introduction of the exempted limited partnership (LP) in 2014,
we have seen increased use of the Cayman LP structure. There are a number of reasons
why new funds would consider launching a Cayman LP master fund rather than the more
traditional Cayman limited company structure. The chart below outlines some of the key
considerations and differences when deciding between a Cayman LP or a Cayman Ltd.

                Cayman LP                                            Cayman Ltd
 Legislation    Exempted Limited Partnership Law, 2014               Companies Law (2016 Revision)

 Inception      An LP requires at least one general partner          There are no residency or
                (GP) and at least one limited partner. The main      qualification requirements for
                requirement is that at least one GP is required      directors or shareholders of a
                to be either an individual resident in the           company.
                Cayman Islands, a company incorporated or
                registered as a foreign company in the Cayman
                Islands, an exempted LP in the Cayman Islands
                or a registered foreign LP.

 Amendment      Provisions governing the amendment of                Amendments to the memorandum
 of             a limited partnership agreement (LPA)                or articles of association, or the
 constitution   are invariably contained in the LPA itself.          name of the company, may only be
                Notwithstanding any term in the LPA to               made by special resolution of the
                the contrary, any term of the LPA may be             voting shareholders.
                amended orally by the partners.

 Liability      An LP does not have separate legal                   A limited entity is a corporate body
                personality, and a limited partner should not        with separate legal personality. No
                take part in the conduct of the business of the      contribution shall be required from
                partnership. A limited partner may lose the          any member of the limited entity
                benefit of limited liability if it engages in the    exceeding the amount, if any,
                conduct of the business of the partnership           unpaid on the shares in respect of
                with persons who are not partners in the             which they are liable.
                partnership who reasonably believed the
                limited partner to be a GP.

 Taxation       An LP is by default a flow-through entity for        Master funds formed as limited
 for masters    US tax purposes, and therefore, all profits and      entities will need to make a “check
                losses flow directly to the partners and the         the box” election (i.e., Form 8832)
                character of income earned by the partnership        to be taxed as a partnership for US
                is preserved.                                        tax purposes. This election ensures
                                                                     that the entity is treated as a
                Although no entity classification election would
                                                                     partnership for US tax purposes
                be required in the US, it should be noted that
                                                                     and that income flowing through to
                even when the master entity is set up as a
                                                                     the investors retains its character,
                Cayman LP, if the GP in an LP feeder has no
                                                                     i.e., dividends, short-term/long-
                economic interest, then the IRS could take
                                                                     term gains (losses). Given that
                a position that the foreign master LP is not
                                                                     there is no taxation on income,
                technically a partnership. Many managers
                                                                     profit or capital gains in the
                setting up a Cayman master LP file protective
                                                                     Cayman Islands, the limited entity
                US check-the-box elections to treat the Cayman
                                                                     can accumulate earnings without
                LP as a partnership for US tax purposes to
                                                                     taxation at the corporate level,
                eliminate any tax risk on the issue.
                                                                     while at the same time limiting
                The Cayman LP structure may have tax benefits        liabilities to the corporation.
                for non-US investors whose home country
                tax rules allow for treaty withholding rates in
                foreign jurisdictions. Depending on the trading
                strategy of the fund and the investor profile, the
                LP structure may allow for reduced tax leakage
                for those specific investors.
Cayman fund structures: limited partnership vs. limited company
Cayman LP                                           Cayman Ltd
Taxation      Non-US investors, investing through a fiscally      Cayman feeders that are organized
for feeders   transparent structure, may be entitled to lower     as limited entities are by default
              withholding rates for income that the fund          treated as corporations for US tax
              earns when investing in other countries. The        purposes. No entity classification
              entire investment structures would need to be       filings are required other than
              transparent to the non-US investor; therefore,      work filing on a protective basis.
              investment through the offshore feeder would        Investors from non-US jurisdictions
              require both the offshore feeder fund and the       would invest through a non-
              trading master fund to be structured as Cayman      transparent entity under their
              LPs. The Cayman LP feeder would likely want         local tax laws as well, so they are
              to elect to be treated as a corporation for         likely unable to claim home treaty
              US tax purposes, allowing it to continue to         benefits through this structure.
              eliminate exposures to US trade or business         The feeder would be a passive
              and unrelated business taxable income, and          foreign investment company to any
              otherwise would function the same way a             US taxable investors.
              Cayman LTD would for US tax purposes. The
              feeder would be a passive foreign investment
              company to any US taxable investors.

Governance    There is no legislation covering governance         Similar to Cayman partnerships,
              of Cayman partnerships; however, the                there is no legislation covering
              Cayman Islands Monetary Authority (CIMA)            governance of Cayman limited
              has published a Statement of Guidance for           entities. However, the SOG referred
              Regulated Funds – Corporate Governance              to under Cayman partnerships also
              (SOG) that sets forth the minimum guidance          applies to Cayman limited entities.
              for operators of Cayman Islands regulated
                                                                  For directors of limited entities,
              funds. Operators include the GPs of an LP.
                                                                  under the Directors Registration
              The SOG addresses oversight functions,
                                                                  and Licensing Law, 2014, all
              conflicts of interest, operator meetings, duties,
                                                                  natural persons appointed as
              documentation, relations with CIMA and risk
                                                                  directors of regulated funds are
                                                                  required to be registered and pay
              Under the SOG, the operator of a regulated          an annual fee. CIMA may refuse to
              fund has the ultimate responsibility for            register an applicant under certain
              effectively overseeing and supervising              circumstances, and when that
              the activities and affairs of the fund and          occurs, the director can no longer
              for ensuring that the fund conducts its             serve as a director of the regulated
              affairs in accordance with all applicable           fund.
              regulations, rules, laws, anti-money laundering
                                                                  Professional directors are required
              requirements, statements of principles and
                                                                  to be licensed as professional
              guidance. The operators of a regulated fund
                                                                  directors under the law. CIMA may
              should meet at least twice a year in person or
                                                                  refuse to grant a license if it is
              via telephone or video conference and, where
                                                                  not satisfied that the director has
              necessary, request the presence of the fund’s
                                                                  sufficient capacity to carry out its
              service providers at the meetings. They should
                                                                  duties as a professional director and
              also exercise independent judgment, acting
                                                                  is not a fit and proper person for
              in the best interests of the regulated fund and
                                                                  licensing as a professional director.
              taking into consideration the interests of the
                                                                  There are further requirements for
              investors as a whole.
                                                                  professional directors to be insured
                                                                  to minimum levels.

Accounting    The accounting for an LP fund is considered         Accounting for a limited entity
              to be simpler than with a limited entity. There     structure can be complicated.
              are no shares to issue, no authorized capital       Shares are required to be
              to consider, no equalization and no series          issued, and authorized capital,
              roll-ups.                                           equalization and series roll-ups are
                                                                  all factors to consider.
              Allocation of gains and losses to partners is
              easier as the allocation is simply based on the     Allocations of gains/losses are
              dollar amount of the partner’s capital balance.     performed based on the number
              Allocations to/from the GP and limited partner      of shares held by each investor.
              (e.g., incentive allocations) are easier due to     Shares will need to be issued and
              not having to issue shares or redeem shares at      redeemed if performance fees
              the GP level when incentive is allocated.           are allocated to the investment
                                                                  manager as an investor in the fund.

Cayman fund structures: limited partnership vs. limited company
Cayman LP                                             Cayman Ltd
 Financial     Financial statements require a few less               Financial statements require some
 statements    disclosures under US GAAP. There is no                disclosures under US GAAP that
               requirement to disclose a net asset value per         an LP does not need to consider.
               share roll in the financial highlights. All that is   These include a net asset value per
               required is total return percentage, expenses to      share roll in the financial highlights,
               average net asset ratio and investment gain/loss      series roll-ups, share rollforward
               to average net asset ratio. Financial statements      disclosures and ending net asset
               also do not need to take into account series roll-    value per share disclosures.
               ups, share roll forward disclosures or net asset
               value per share disclosure.

Final thoughts
In June 2016, the Cayman Islands enacted the Limited Liability Companies Law,
2016 (the LLC law), which provides yet another kind of Cayman Islands vehicle: the
limited liability company (LLC). An LLC is a hybrid entity that essentially combines
characteristics of an exempted company with those of an exempted LP. Like an
exempted company, it is a corporate body with separate legal personality, but it does
not have share capital. The LLC is similar in many respects to a Delaware LLC but with
added amendments and modifications based on corresponding provisions from the
Companies Law and the Exempted Limited Partnership Law for greater consistency with
those laws.

Fund managers looking to launch new funds should consider the legal, operational and
tax aspects to the various forms when deciding which option is right for them. There is
no longer a one-size-fits-all approach to structuring.

    Ernst & Young LLP key contacts
    Jeff Short                    Seda Livian
    Partner, Wealth and Asset 				Partner, Wealth and Asset
    Management Assurance          Management Tax
    +1 345 814 9004               +1 212 773 1168

    Rosa Nolan                                    Bill Bailey
    Senior Manager, Wealth and Asset              Partner, Wealth and Asset
    Management Assurance                          Management Tax
    +1 345 814 9038                               +1 441 294 5319            

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