Catalogue Indoor 2021/v2 - - Floors that inspire well being - Futura Floors

Page created by Adam Yang
Catalogue Indoor 2021/v2 - - Floors that inspire well being - Futura Floors
Floors that inspire well being

                                   Indoor 2021/v2
Catalogue Indoor 2021/v2 - - Floors that inspire well being - Futura Floors
organic world spaces
Solid and engineered flooring - We offer th e finest floors
which have been carefully selected for those who anticipate
world trends and respect our planet so that together we may
build a world that inspires well being. Because where there is
well being, there is also happiness.


Catalogue Indoor 2021/v2 - - Floors that inspire well being - Futura Floors
Futura produces personalized sustainable flooring for your dream space

                                          When you again find yourself in the shops of Lacoste, s.Oliver, Esprit, L'Osteria, HiG (Hans im Glück),
                                          Birkenstock and Cecil, you are probably standing on a Futura floor!

                                          We invite industry professionals to explore with us our world of carefully selected materials, rich textures
                                          and organic colors designed to please the most refined tastes. Specializing in the production of hardwood
                                          flooring, Futura Floors offers a fantastic portfolio of high grade, cost effective products. We also prioritize
                                          chosen technical characteristics for ease of installation.

Our factory, your                         Our clients have a multitude of flooring options to select from including solid wood flooring, mosaic/
dream floor
                                          industrial parquet, multilayer parquet, designer vinyl flooring and even exotic/WPC decking for the
•   select fine European flooring         outdoors. Our customer care and logistics programs assist to fulfil all customers’ needs.
    from our own production
•    choose wood species, grading
                                          We prioritise sustainability in production and “our ecologically run sawmill has a capacity to produce half a
    and surface treatment(s)
•   promote your brand with               million square meters per year and we are pleased to have warehouse space over 25,000m2,” said Dieter
    white label packaging                 Schelhorn, Head of Sales. We are well aware of the newest product and market trends, successfully meeting
                                          the increasingly sustainable requirements of the market as Futura offers selections of FSC certified flooring.

                                          Futura Floors also creates personalized flooring for specialists who anticipate the world trends. Whether
                                          your client’s style is classic, contemporary, or eclectic, a hardwood surface can complement the decor and
                                          add value to any home. One of our most sought after styles of parquet flooring is herringbone. It offers a
                                          blend of traditional and modern design elements to create a floor that not only looks authentic and stylish,
                                          but also ensures remarkable practicality and durability. At Futura we create a surface unique to any space
                                          from traditional finishes to oiled, distressed and wire-brushed flooring. Did you know that we design white
                                          label packaging and distinctive handheld or stationary floorboard samples for your showroom?

                                          “We maintain a consistent dialogue with our clients by sending monthly product specials directly to them,”
Quick delivery to the                     says Sven Haase, sales manager. Building relationships based on reliability and communication is key to our
client's door
                                          success. Futura understands the importance of timing and therefore we maintain a high performance
•   distribute to the DACH                logistics system covering the France, Luxemburg, Belgium and the DACH region.
    region, France, Belgium,
    Luxemburg and more
•   manage a dedicated                    With decades of expertise in the wood industry, Futura has a history of success in exceeding expectations as
    fleet of articulated                  an essential partner for hardwood flooring products, services and customer support.

                                          Kick-start your next flooring project with us- Futura Floors can make the most of any space!

                                    sustainability before all else                                          our expert team is here to promote
                                                                                                            your business
                                    •     promote high level legal & ethical                                •     provide technical experties
                                          guidelines                                                        •     educate our clients through personal visits
                                    •     support reforestation program                                          & demonstrations
                                    •     certified FSC/CE/EUTR provider

                                                                                                                Indoor Catalogue | 3 – 2021
Catalogue Indoor 2021/v2 - - Floors that inspire well being - Futura Floors
4– 2021
Catalogue Indoor 2021/v2 - - Floors that inspire well being - Futura Floors
Table of Contents

   06-22         SOLID WOOD
   07-09         Herringbone
    10-15        Solid Oak Planks
     16-17       Castle Planks
        18       Other Hardwood Solid Floors
     19-21       Softwood Solid Planks

   22-32         PARQUET
   23-25         Strip Parquet
   26-27         Mosaic Parquet in Oak
      28         Mosaic Parquet
      29         Industrial Parquet

      33         Multilayer Oak Tongue and Groove
   34-39         Monte Carlo Collection
   40-42         Cologne Collection

   47-54         SURFACE FINISHING
      50         Textures, UV Lacquer
      51         Woca Surfaces
        52       Exclusive End-oil
        53       Rubio Monocoat Surface

        54       ACCESSORIES
        54       Oil and Maintenance Products, Installation

   55-63         DESIGN DÉCOR
      57         International Premium Wood Collection
   58-59         English Interiors Wood Collection
   62-63         Manhattan Collection

       64        YOUR CONTACT PERSON

   66-69         TERMS AND CONDITIONS

All offer prices not confirmed prior to the validation of new pricelists are no longer valid.

                                                                                                Indoor Catalogue | 5 – 2021
Catalogue Indoor 2021/v2 - - Floors that inspire well being - Futura Floors
Solid Planks

Solid Wood floor
There is no other flooring that reflects the natural properties of a real wood floor as perfectly as the solid planks and
parquet manufactured in our factory. This traditional type of plank has been used for interior floors for centuries
because of its timeless beauty. The floor is suitable for use in domestic living spaces as well as for larger areas.

We have a wealth of experience in finishes for almost every type of wood. You can choose between brushing, oiling
and lacquering to show off the natural beauty of the wood. Since we have our own factory, we can also create stairs
and skirting for you that also match your floor.

 Obtained from domestic         Environmentally                To add surface
    European forests.               friendly                  finishes see pages

                                                                                                          6– 2021
Catalogue Indoor 2021/v2 - - Floors that inspire well being - Futura Floors
Solid plank
                                                                                                       Herringbone oak

In principle knot-free and sapwood-free, small point knots allowed.
 Article no.        Dimensions, mm                               Package content

 SX-103722          15 x 120 x 500 / 600 / 700 / 800 / 900       4 left & 4 right pieces

 SX-103726          20 x 120 x 500 / 600 / 700 / 800 / 900       2 left & 2 right pieces

                                                                                                    In principle sapwood-free, knots allowed.

                                  Article no.       Dimensions, mm                                  Package contents

                                  SX-103723         15 x 120 x 500 / 600 / 700 / 800 / 900          4 left & 4 right pieces

                                  SX-103727         20 x 120 x 500 / 600 / 700 / 800 / 900          2 left & 2 right pieces

Possible with larger knots and sapwood content.

 Article no.        Dimensions, mm                               Package contents

 SX-103724          15 x 120 x 500 / 600 / 700 / 800 / 900       4 left & 4 right pieces

 SX-103728          20 x 120 x 500 / 600 / 700 / 800 / 900       2 left & 2 right pieces

                                                                                           With knots and approx. 15 - 20% sapwood content.

                                  Article no.        Dimensions, mm                                 Package contents

                                  SX-103725          15 x 120 x 500 / 600 / 700 / 800 / 900         4 left & 4 right pieces

                                  SX-103729          20 x 120 x 500 / 600 / 700 / 800 / 900         2 left & 2 right pieces

                     Products adhere to the highest standards, produced according to DIN EN 13629, surfaces filled and sanded,
     On enquiry
                     tongue and groove, micro bevels, right and left strips mixed in the package.

                                                                                                      Indoor Catalogue | 7 – 2021
Catalogue Indoor 2021/v2 - - Floors that inspire well being - Futura Floors
Solid oak plank, Herringbone

                    8– 2021
Catalogue Indoor 2021/v2 - - Floors that inspire well being - Futura Floors
Solid oak plank, Herringbone

             Indoor Catalogue | 9 – 2021
Catalogue Indoor 2021/v2 - - Floors that inspire well being - Futura Floors
Solid oak plank

In principle knot-free and sapwood-free, small point knots allowed.

 Article no.          Dimensions, mm           Lengths (mm)           contents sqm

 SX-102622            15 x 120                 400-1800               2.112

 SX-100008            15 x 130                 400-1800               2.288

 SX-100010            15 x 140                 400-1800               2.464

 SX-100012            15 x 150                 400-1800               2.640
                                                                                                         To add surface
 SX-100014            20 x 120                 500 - 2000             1.200
                                                                                                        finishes see pages
 SX-100015            20 x 140                 500 - 2000             1.400
 SX-100017            20 x 160                 500 - 2000             1.600

 SX-100019            20 x 180                 500 - 2000             1.800

 SX-100021            20 x 200                 500 - 2000             2.000

                     Products adhere to the highest standards, produced according to DIN EN 13629,
    On enquiry
                     surfaces filled and sanded, tongue and groove, micro bevels.
                                                                                                              10– 2021
Solid oak plank

In principle sapwood-free, knots allowed.

  Article no.                 Dimensions, mm   Lengths (mm)   contents sqm

 SX-102011                     15 x 120        400-1800       2,112 m²
 SX-100029                     15 x 130        400-1800       2,288 m²
 SX-100032                     15 x 140        400-1800       2,464 m²
 SX-100035                     15 x 150        400-1800       2,640 m²
 SX-100030                     15 x 130        1900 - 2000    8 Stück
 SX-100033                     15 x 140        1900 - 2000    8 Stück
 SX-100036                     15 x 150        1900 - 2000    8 Stück
 SX-102459                     20 x 120        500 - 2000     5 Stück
 SX-100038                     20 x 140        500 - 2000     1,400 m²
 SX-100041                     20 x 160        500 - 2000     1,600 m²
 SX-100044                     20 x 180        500 - 2000     1,800 m²
 SX-100047                     20 x 200        500 - 2000     2,000 m²
 SX-100039                     20 x 140        2100 - 2500    5 Stück
 SX-100042                     20 x 160        2100 - 2500    5 Stück
 SX-100045                     20 x 180        2100 - 2500    5 Stück
 SX-100048                     20 x 200        2100 - 2500    5 Stück

                                                                  Indoor Catalogue | 11 – 2021
Solid oak plank

Possible with larger knots and sapwood content.

 Article no.                  Dimensions, mm             Lengths (mm)                     Package

 SX-102467                    15 x 120                   400-1800                         2,112 m²
 SX-100055                    15 x 130                   400-1800                         2,288 m²
 SX-100059                    15 x 140                   400-1800                         2,464 m²
 SX-100062                    15 x 150                   400-1800                         2,640 m²
 SX-100056                    15 x 130                   1900 - 2000                      8 Stück
 SX-100060                    15 x 140                   1900 - 2000                      8 Stück
 SX-100063                    15 x 150                   1900 - 2000                      8 Stück
 SX-101576                    20 x 120                   500 - 2000                       5 Stück
 SX-100065                    20 x 140                   500 - 2000                       1,400 m²
 SX-100069                    20 x 160                   500 - 2000                       1,600 m²
 SX-100073                    20 x 180                   500 - 2000                       1,800 m²
 SX-100077                    20 x 200                   500 - 2000                       2,000 m²
 SX-100585                    20 x 140                   2100 - 2500                      5 Stück
 SX-100070                    20 x 160                   2100 - 2500                      5 Stück
 SX-100074                    20 x 180                   2100 - 2500                      5 Stück
 SX-100078                    20 x 200                   2100 - 2500                      5 Stück

                     Products adhere to the highest standards, produced according to DIN EN 13629,
                     surfaces filled and sanded, tongue and groove, micro bevels.
                                                                                                            12 - 2021
Solid oak plank

With knots and approx. 15-20% sapwood.

 Article no.               Dimensions, mm   Lengths (mm)   Package

 SX-102468                  15 x 120        400-1800       2,112 m²
 SX-100087                  15 x 130        400-1800       2,288 m²
 SX-100091                  15 x 140        400-1800       2,464 m²
 SX-100094                  15 x 150        400-1800       2,640 m²
 SX-100088                  15 x 130        1900 - 2000    8 Stück
 SX-100092                  15 x 140        1900 - 2000    8 Stück
 SX-100095                  15 x 150        1900 - 2000    8 Stück
 SX-102469                  20 x 120        500 - 2000     5 Stück
 SX-100097                  20 x 140        500 - 2000     1,400 m²
 SX-100101                  20 x 160        500 - 2000     1,600 m²
 SX-100105                  20 x 180        500 - 2000     1,800 m²
 SX-100109                  20 x 200        500 - 2000     2,000 m²
 SX-100098                  20 x 140        2100 - 2500    5 Stück
 SX-100586                  20 x 160        2100 - 2500    5 Stück
 SX-100587                  20 x 180        2100 - 2500    5 Stück
 SX-100110                  20 x 200        2100 - 2500    5 Stück

                                                                Indoor Catalogue | 13 – 2021
Solid oak plank

Light smoked
Nature: In principle sapwood-free, knots allowed.
Marcant: In principle sapwood-free with larger knots.

 Article no.          Grade            Dimensions, mm   Lengths (mm)       contents

 SX-100114            Nature           15 x 130         400-1800           2,288

 SX-102470            Nature           20 x 140         500 - 2000         1,400

 SX-100115            Nature           20 x 160         500 - 2000         1,600

 SX-102471            Nature           20 x 180         500 - 2000         1,800

 SX-102472            Nature           20 x 200         500 - 2000         2,000                         To add surface

 SX-100116            Marcant          15 x 130         400 - 1800         2,288                        finishes see pages
 SX-102473            Marcant          20 x 140         500 - 2000         1,400
 SX-100117            Marcant          20 x 160         500 - 2000         1,600
 SX-102474            Marcant          20 x 180         500 - 2000         1,800
 SX-102475            Marcant          20 x 200         500 - 2000         2,000

Deep smoked
Nature: In principle sapwood-free, knots allowed.
Marcant: In principle sapwood-free with larger knots.

 Article no.          Grade            Dimensions, mm                      Package
                                                        Lengths (mm)       contents

 SX-101362            Nature           15 x 130         400 - 1800         2,288
 SX-103597            Nature           20 x 140         500 - 2000         1,400
 SX-101363            Nature           20 x 160         500 - 2000         1,700
 SX-101364            Marcant          15 x 130         400 - 1800         1,800
 SX-103598            Marcant          20 x 140         500 - 2000         2,000
 SX-101365            Marcant          20 x 160         500 - 2000         2,288

                     Products adhere to the highest standards, produced according to DIN EN 13629,
    On enquiry
                     surfaces filled and sanded, tongue and groove, micro bevels.
                                                                                                               14- 2021
Solid oak plank deep smoked

            Indoor Catalogue | 15 – 2021
Oak Castle planks

Oak Castle planks

Named after the planks traditionally found in castles, our solid planks embody the natural beauty of the forest and
reflects a truly authentic look. With this type of wood we offer the option of producing the lengths of the boards
individually. For a truly custom-made, elegant floor, simply choose one of the oils from our range.

With large knots and a low percentage of sapwood.
Dimension 21x180/200 mm.

 Article no.         Grade                    Dimensions, mm        Lengths       Package
                                                                    (mm)          contents

 SX-100613           Marcant/Rustic           21 x 180              2600 - 3900   3 Pieces
 SX-100614           Marcant/Rustic           21 x 180              4000 - 5000   3 Pieces
 SX-100615           Marcant/Rustic           21 x 200              2600 - 3900   3 Pieces
 SX-100616           Marcant/Rustic           21 x 200              4000 - 5000   3 Pieces

All of our solid planks are sanded several times before delivery.
                                                                                                       16 – 2021
Oak Castle planks

  Indoor Catalogue | 17 – 2021
Solid plank

BEECH steamed European                                                    Elegance

Elegance: In principle knot-free and without brown core.
Rustic: With a dark core and knots.

 Article no.        Grade               Dimensions, mm     Lengths (mm)              Package

 SX-100132          Elegance            15 x 140           400 - 1800                2,464
 SX-100133          Elegance            20 x 140           500 - 2000                1,400
 SX-100134          Rustic              15 x 140           400 - 1800                2,464
 SX-100135          Rustic              20 x 140           500 - 2000                1,400

ASH European                                                              Elegance

Elegance: In principle knot-free and without brown core.
Rustic: With brown core and knots.

 Article no.        Grade               Dimensions, mm     Lengths (mm)
 SX-100136          Eleganz             15 x 140           400 - 1800                2,464
 SX-100137          Eleganz             20 x 140           500 - 2000                1,400
 SX-100138          Rustikal            15 x 140           400 - 1800                2,464
 SX-100139          Rustikal            20 x 140           500 - 2000                1,400

                                                                                                   18– 2021
Solid plank

Spruce A
Fixed length 2050/2350 mm and long plank 3850/4450/5050 mm. With firmly grown knots.

 Article no.     Grade                  Dimensions, mm       Lengths (mm)               contents,

 SX-105465       A                      21 x 133             2050 / 2350                4 Pieces

 SX-105466       A long plank           21 x 133             3850 / 4450 / 5050         4 Pieces
 SX-105467       A long plank           27 x 180             3850 / 4450 / 5050         3 Pieces

                                                                                                                                          Pine A
                                             Fixed length 2050/2350 mm and long plank 3850/4450/5050 mm. With firmly grown knots.

                                   Article no.           Grade               Dimensions, mm           Lengths (mm)              contents,

                                   SO-105468             A                   21 x 133                 2050 / 2350               4 Pieces

                                   SO-105469             A long plank        21 x 133                 3850 / 4450 / 5050        4 Pieces

                                   SO-105470             A long plank        27 x 180                 3850 / 4450 / 5050        3 Pieces

Larch Siberian A
System length 1750-2950 mm, (1 layer of fixed length) With firmly grown knots.

 Article no.     Grade                    Dimensions, mm      Lengths (mm)                contents,

 SXL-104150      A                        20 x 134            1750 - 2950                 4 Pieces

                                                                                                           Larch Siberian A/B
                                                                   System length 1750-2950 mm, (1 layer of fixed length) With healthy knots.
                                                                         With firmly grown knots, as well as open knots, isolated core allowed.

                                    Article no.      Grade                   Dimensions, mm            Lengths (mm)           contents,

                                    SXL-104151       A/B                     20 x 134                  1750 - 2950            4 Pieces

                                    SXL-104078       A/B long plank          20 x 134                  3000 - 6000            4 Pieces

                                    SXL-104187       A/B                     26 x 180                  1750 - 2950            3 Pieces

                                    SXL-104189       A/B long plank          26 x 180                  3000 - 6000            2 Pieces

                      To add surface finishes see
                                pages 34-37.

                                                                                                                      Indoor Catalogue | 19– 2021
Solid plank Softwood

            20- 2021
Solid plank Softwood

        Indoor Catalogue |21– 2021


We offer parquet flooring in a variety of assortments, from the Select and Nature gradings to the more expressive
Rustic grade. Our parquet flooring comes exclusively in oak which is a species renowned for its natural properties,
durability and practicality. The parquet comes with tongue and groove all around and is available various dimensions.

             Obtained from domestic               Environmental                     To add surface
                European forests.                    friendly                     finishes see pages

                                                                                                       22 – 2021
                                                                                                     Strip parquet oak

Oak Select
In principle knot-free and sapwood-free, occasionally only small point knots.

 Article no.           Dimensions, mm                               Package contents,

 SX-103757             16 x 70 x 300 / 400 / 500                    0,84 / 1,12 / 1,40

 SX-103753             22 x 70 x 300 / 400 / 500                    0,84 / 1,12 / 1,40

                                                                                                                    Oak Nature
                                                                                   In principle, sapwood-free, occasionally small point knots.

                                  Article no.          Dimensions, mm                                 Package contents,

                                  SX-103758            16 x 70 x 300 / 400 / 500                      0,84 / 1,12 / 1,40

                                  SX-103754            22 x 70 x 300 / 400 / 500                      0,84 / 1,12 / 1,40

Oak Rustic
With knots and approx. 20% sapwood.

                                                                    Package contents,
 Article no.           Dimensions, mm                               sqm

 SX-103760             16 x 70 x 300 / 400 / 500                    0,84 / 1,12 / 1,40

 SX-103756             22 x 70 x 300 / 400 / 500                    0,84 / 1,12 / 1,40

                                                                                                  Our strip parquet is also available in
      Please note: special dimensions
                                                                                                  the following sizes on request:
       of parquet, as well as bevelled
       parquet with surface finishing
                                                                                                  16 x 60 x 300 / 400 / 500 mm
            possible on request.
                                                                                                  22 x 60 x 300 / 400 / 500 mm

                                                                                                                   Indoor Catalogue | 23 – 2021
Strip parquet

      24 – 2021

             Magical World of Parquet
               nature         objekt          rustic

Imagination is the only limit to parquet wood floor designs. Come to
                         Futura and explore!

                                                       Indoor Catalogue | 25 – 2021
Mosaic oak parquet

             26– 2021
                                                                                                                                Mosaic parquet

Oak Nature
Calm sorting with healthy knots
                                                                                                        Mosaic parquet

Ash Rustic
Expressive sorting with healthy knots
                                                                                                 Industrial parquet

Oak Industry
Healthy knots and black knots allowed.
Article no.            Dimensions, mm                contents, sqm

 SO-105448              10 x 10 x 160                 2,048
 SO-105283              15 x 10 x 160                 1,025

 SO-104199              23 x 10 x 250                 0,780

                                                          Laying pattern of
                                                          industrial parquet

                     Harmonious color image, only slight color differences allowed. In principle, the goods are free from sapwood, cracks
     On enquiry
                     and bark ingrowth. Products adhere to the highest standards, produced according to DIN EN 14761.
                                                                                                    Indoor Catalogue | 29 - 2021

Where there is well-being, there is also happiness. futura
Wooden floors are very durable and suitable for everyday use. As natural products, they retain heat much better
than artificial laminates, tiles or stone floors, so you will feel much more comfortable, especially in the colder
months of the year.


                                                                                                       30 – 2021

Indoor Catalogue | 31 – 2021

Imagination is the only limit for parquet floors.
 Come to Futura and explore the artist within.

                                           32 – 2021
Multilayer oak
                                                                                              Tongue and groove

Elegance/Natural herringbone
Harmonious sorting with small knots. Sapwood-free.

 Article no.   Dimensions, mm                            Surface
                                        contents, sqm

 EF-105217     14x140x740 herringbone 0.829 sqm          Unfinished

                                                                          Marcant/Rustic herringbone
                                                                                         Characteristic sorting with knots. Sapwood-free.

                                Article no.     Dimensions, mm                           Surface
                                                                         contents, sqm

                                EF-105218       14x140x740 herringbone   0.829 sqm       Unfinished

Elegance/Natural Chevron
Harmonious sorting with small knots. Sapwood-free.

 Article no.   Dimensions, mm                            Surface
                                         contents, sqm

 EF-105219     14x120x880 Chevron 45°    0.845 sqm       Unfinished

                                                                                   Marcant/Rustic Chevron
                                                                                         Characteristic sorting with knots. Sapwood-free.

                                Article no.     Dimensions, mm                           Surface
                                                                         contents, sqm

                                EF-105220       14x120x880 Chevron 45°   0.845 sqm       Unfinished

     On enquiry

                                                                                                   Indoor Catalogue | 33 – 2021
Monte Carlo
Monte Carlo

Välinge 5G-C Clic-Drop Down. Products adhere to the highest standards, produced according to DIN EN 13489.
Structure: top layer / wear layer: approx. 4 mm oak / middle layer approx. 8 mm pine / counter-pull approx. 2 mm
pine / spruce. Bevelled edges on four sides. Stained lengths 1900/2200 mm can be combined with each other.
Filled in black.

Dimensions                        14x190x1900/2200 mm                                Lengths 1900/2200 mm can be combined.

Package contents 2,888/3,344 sqm

*Information: Depending on availability, also available in lengths of 1830/2190mm.

                                                                                                                   34 – 2021
Characteristic sorting

Noblesse           Natural texture, small knots possible, slight color
                   differences, with a small amount of sapwood

Provence           Lively texture and color differences, percentage of            To add surface finishes
                   sapwood possible, knots
                                                                                    see pages 32-37.

                   NEW article
                   Endoiled surface with 3mm top layer
                   Consistent grading across all products

                                                                         Indoor Catalogue | 35– 2021
Plank 3-layer Välinge 5G-C oak
                                                                            Monte Carlo Collection

Prince selection
Surface            Brushed, RUBIO oiled Pure # R101. Dimensions 14x190x1900 / 2200mm; Package contents 2,888 / 3,344sqm
 Article- 1900mm          Article - 2200mm       Grade              Additionally

  EF-105144*               EF-105159*           Noblesse

  EF-105145*               EF-105160*           Provence
  EF-105146*               EF-105161*           Provence            Smoked
  EF-105147*               EF-105162*           Provence            Handscraped


Surface            Brushed, natural endoil. Dimensions 14x190x1900 / 2200mm; Package contents 2,888 / 3,344sqm
 Article- 1900mm          Article - 2200mm       Grade              Additionally

 EF-105471                EF-105472              Noblesse

 EF-105473                EF-105474              Provence

Princess selection
Surface         Brushed, RUBIO oiled white # R331. Dimensions 14x190x1900 / 2200mm; Package contents 2,888 / 3,344sqm.
 Article - 1900mm        Article - 2200mm        Grade              Additionally

 EF-105150*               EF-105165*             Noblesse
 EF-105151*               EF-105166*             Provence
 EF-105152*               EF-105167*             Provence           Smoked
 EF-105153*               EF-105168*             Provence           Handscraped


Surface         Brushed, white endoil. Dimensions 14x190x1900 / 2200mm; Package contents 2,888 / 3,344sqm.
 Article- 1900mm         Article - 2200mm        Grade              Additionally

 EF-105475                EF-105476             Noblesse
 EF-105477                EF-105478             Provence

    Article No.* Limited quantities available - while stock lasts

                                                                                                                 36 – 2021
Plank 3-layer Välinge 5G-C oak
                                                                            Monte Carlo Collection

Monaco selection
Surface         Unfinished; Dimensions 14x190x1900 / 2200mm; Package contents 2,888 / 3,344sqm.

Additionally    Brushed           Smoked            Vintage

Any combination of oil and lacquer from page 32 - 37.

 Article no.          Article 2          Grade

 EF-105156*          EF-105171*          Noblesse
 EF-105157*          EF-105172*          Provence


Surface         Unfinished; Dimensions 14x190x1900 / 2200mm; Package contents 2,888 / 3,344sqm.

  Article no.         Article 2          Grade

 EF-105479            EF-105480          Noblesse

 EF-105481            EF-105482          Provence

      Give your unique floor an aged look, contact us to find out more.

Sustainable forestry only.

We see the world as something we only borrowed from our children and not as something we own. For this reason,
all of our products are FSC certified. This is a sign of our lifelong commitment to protecting the natural habitats of
plants and animals and protecting the legitimate interests of forestry workers and local communities.

    Article-No.* Limited quantities available - while stock lasts

                                                                                         Indoor Catalogue | 37 – 2021
3-layer engineered floor

               38– 2021
3-layer engineered floor

        Indoor Catalogue | 39– 2021
3-layer engineered floor
              Rustic Life

                40 – 2021
Plank 1-strip 3-layer 2G/5G-C clic-drop
                                                     down oak Cologne collection

Cologne collection
2G/5G-C Clic-Drop Down: Quality according to company standard, produced analogously according to DIN EN
13489. Edges chamfered on four sides. Structure: top layer / wear layer: approx. 3 mm oak / middle layer approx.
9 mm poplar / backing approx. 2 mm poplar. Stained.

Dimensions              14x190x1900 mm

Package contents 2,888 sqm

Characteristic grades

Exclusive               Best sorting with isolated knots, pin knots, in principle
                        sapwood-free, natural texture, harmonious appearance

                                                                                             To add surface
Natural                 Quiet sorting with isolated small knots. In principle,
                                                                                            finishes see pages
                        sapwood-free, natural texture and slight color
                        differences.                                                             34-37.

                        NEW article
       NEW              Endoiled surface with 3mm top layer
                        Dosljedno ocenjavanje po svim proizvodima

                                                                                            Indoor Catalogue | 41 – 2021
Plank 1-strip 3-layer 2G/5G-C clic-drop
                                                                      down oak Cologne collection

Cathedral selection
Surface         WOCA natural oiled

 Article no.              Grade                             Additionally

 EF-105131*               Exclusive
 EF-105135*               Rustikal life                     Brushed


Surface         natural endoiled
 Article no.              Article 2         Grade           Additionally

 EF-105483                EF-105555        Exclusive
 EF-105484                                 Rustikal life

Brühl Castle selection
Surface         WOCA 22% white oil
 Article no.               Grade                            Additionally

 EF-105136*                Exclusive
 EF-105140*                Rustikal life                    Brushed

Surface         white endoiled
 Article no.            Artikel 2          Grade            Additionally

 EF-105485              EF-105557          Exclusive
 EF-105486              EF-105558          Rustikal life

Phantasialand selection
Create your unique flooring by combining three different widths.


Surface         Unfinished
Additionally    Brushed        Smoked          Vintage              Any combination of oil and lacquer from page 32 - 37.
 Article no.            Artikel 2          Grade                           Dimensions, mm
                                                                                                           contents, sqm
 EF-105487              EF-105559          Exklusiv                         14x190x1900                     2,888 m²
 EF-105488              EF-105560          Rustikal life, Brushed
                                                                            14x190x1900                    2,888 m²

     Article No.* Limited quantities available - while stock lasts

                                                                                                                            42– 2021
Plank 3-layer 2G/5G Clic Drop Down
                          Rustic Life

                       Indoor Catalogue | 43-2021
Plank 3-layer 2G/5G Clic Drop Down

Where there is well-being,
there is happiness. futura

                                  44– 2021
                                                                                    Solid skirting

Solid skirting OAK knots-free
(select / natural)
Article no.                           Lengths, mm        Profile      Surface

X-AC100445           15x40             1500-2400         beveled      Unfinished¹

X-AC100451 /                                             beveled /
                     15x60             1500-2400                      Unfinished¹
X-AC101520                                               rounded

X-AC100448 /                                             beveled /
                     20x40             1500-2400                      Unfinished¹
X-AC101608                                               rounded

X-AC100221 /                                             beveled /
                     20x60             1500-2400                      Unfinished¹
X-AC100218                                               rounded

X-AC100460           20x80             1500-2400         beveled      Unfinished¹

Solid skirting OAK with knots
(marcant/ rustic)

Article no.                           Lengths, mm        Profile      Surface

X-AC101607           15x40             1500-2400         beveled      Unfinished¹

X-AC100466 /                                             beveled /
                     15x60             1500-2400                      Unfinished¹
X-AC101519                                               rounded

X-AC101505 /                                             beveled /
                     20x40             1500-2400                      Unfinished¹
X-AC101913                                               rounded

X-AC100469 /                                             beveled /
X-AC100882           20x60             1500-2400                      Unfinished¹

X-AC101518           20x80             1500-2400         beveled      Unfinished¹

Skirting surfaces available!

                         ¹ To add surface finishes see pages 34-37.

                                                                                     Indoor Catalogue | 45 - 2021
                                                                              Skirting veneered / MDF

Skirting veneered / MDF
              Dimensions Lengths, mm
Article no.                            Profile                 Surface

                                       Oak veneer knot-free,
AC-103200     16x40      2500                                  Unfinished
                                       straight bevelled

                                       Oak veneer knot-free,
AC-103201     16x58      2500                                  Unfinished
                                       straight bevelled

                                       Oak veneer knot-free,
AC-100841     16x58      2500                                  white oiled
                                       straight bevelled

AC-101329     18 x 80    2500                                  opaque white
                                       just beveled OK

AC-101307     19 x 100   2500                                  opaque white
                                       Hamburg profile

       Ask about stairs that match your floor today.

                                                                                              46– 2021
Surface finishing

Design your own dream floor.
Futura has chosen the most beautiful flooring collections, but we know what it’s like to be picky in style. That is why
we offer you the opportunity to create your own appearance.

At Futura Floors you have the option of having all “natural” or “brushed” products with chamfered edges manufac-
tured with the following surface finishes:

• Sharp-edged classical parquet

• Solid plank and Castle planks

• Solid 2-layer plank, sharp-edged

• Plank multi-layer, bevel

• Plank 3-layer, bevel

• Castle planks 3-layer, sharp-edged

                                                                                                Indoor Catalogue | 47 – 2021
Surface finishing

         48– 2021
Surface finishing

   Indoor Catalogue | 49– 2021
Surface finishing


                      Brushed                                  Smoked                                      Aged

Article no.   R0020             Article no.   R0029                       Article no.   R0390

                                UV lacquered

                                                      Natural silk matt

                                Article no.   R0012

     On enquiry

                                                                                                50– 2021
                                                                             surface finishing - WOCA

After laying, our pre-oiled surfaces from WOCA require cleaning with WOCA intensive cleaner and initial
care with Meister Bodenöl. For further information, the care instructions from Futura Floors are available


                                    Natural                          NEUTRAL (3-times)

 Article no.                                           Article no.

                                 White 5%                                    White 22%

Article no.    R0002*                                 Article no.

     Article No.* Limited quantities available - while stock lasts

                                                                                         Indoor Catalogue | 51 - 2021
                                                                                                  Exclusive endoil


                              Natural                                       White 5%                                         White 22%

Article-No. R0416                         Article-No.   R0412                               Article-No.   R0413

                                                           Vanilla                                        Champagne

                    Article-No.   R0414                              Article-No.    R0417

                                                    Smoked Oak                                            Grey Brown

                    Artikel-Nr.   R0415                               Artikel-Nr.   R0418

   On enquiry

                                                                                                                       52– 2021
Surface end-oiled
                                                                                                          Rubio Monocoat

Our oiled surface refinements with the high-quality oil system from RUBIO MONOCOAT generally do not
require any initial maintenance after installation and offer further advantages:
• Improvement of the natural appearance of the wood                                          • easy to maintain
• Natural oil based on linseed oil                                                           • very resistant
• 0% VOC, contains no water or solvent

                         Pure #R101                                       White #R331                                         Whit 5% #R331A

 Article-No.   R0137*                              Article-No.   R0139*                                Article-No.   R0138*

                                          Crudo² #P920+R920                                      Smoke 5% #R326A

                        Article-No.   R0148*                              Article-No.   R0163*

                                               Gris Belge #R310                         Champagne #R331A+R333

                        Article-No.   R0146*                              Article-No.   R0141*

    Article No.* Limited quantities available - while stock lasts

                                                                                                                 Indoor Catalogue | 53 - 2021
General Accessories

Oils & care products

                                      Contents /
Article no.   Article        Colour                Consumption / spreading
                                      package, L

AC-100208     Masters oil    Nature   1,0 L        approx. 10-12 m² for natural surfaces /
                                                   approx. 40 m² for initial care
AC-100210     Masters oil    White    1,0 L        approx. 10-12 m² for natural surfaces /
                                                   approx. 40 m² for initial care
AC-100212     Natural Soap   Nature   1,0 L        approx. 320-400 m²

AC-100214     Natural Soap   White    1,0 L        approx. 320-400 m²

                                                                                                           54 – 2021
Design Decors
English Interiors Clic York

          Indoor Catalogue | 55– 2021
Design decors


Our design floor (vinyl) is extremely durable and easy to care for. Vinyl is characterized by an authentic natural look
and is personalized by a variety of surfaces for a perfect fit.

Our integrated impact sound insulation, SPC stone dust is ideally suited for underfloor heating as well as for
kitchens and bathrooms, matt finish embossed, phthalate-free, suitable for high loads.

Due to its unique composition, the design floor (vinyl) is resistant to physical damage, the presence of water and
open flames.

All products are made with an original Unilin click system for easy installation or as boards for glued use.

                                                                                                       56 - 2021
Design decors

International EIR collection
Embossed In Register (EIR): An authentic flooring of the highest quality, Vinyl design decors from our
International EIR collection, are extremely resistant on all surface impacts. Special underlayment provides noise
protection up to 18 decibels (dB). Unique wood look, the grain and structure correspond exactly to that of natural
wood. This is reason why our EIR collection is diamond among the other Vinyl floors.

Package content:           2,11 sqm          8 pieces                         Dimensions 6.0 x 218 x 1210 mm
Pallet:                    92,85 sqm         44 carton                        Wear layer 0.55 mm
                                                                              Exposure class 23/33

  Article no.                       Decor

  VI-105041*                        Madrid                       VI-105040*                  Rom
  VI-105039*                        Wien                         VI-105038*                  München
  VI-105037*                        Paris                        VI-105042*                  Stockholm

                                                        Madrid                                                               Paris

                                                      München                                                                Wien

                                                          Rom                                                           Stockholm

     Article No.* Limited quantities available - while stock lasts

                                                                                                   Indoor Catalogue | 57– 2021
Design decors
                                                                             Design board SPC wood

English Interiors Clic
Carrier material SPC (stone powder), suitable for underfloor heating.

Dimensions 6,5 x 175 x 1210mm                                           Dimensions 2,5 x 189 x 1229mm
Wear layer 0,5 mm                                                       Wear layer 0,5 mm
Exposure class 33/42                                                    Exposure class 33/42
Incl. 1.5 mm integrated impact sound insulation                         Adhesive plank

Package contents:     1,6940 sqm         8 pieces                       Package contents: 3,252 sqm       14 pieces
Pallet:               101,64 sqm         60 cartons                     Pallet:          292,68 sqm       90 cartons

  Article no.                Decor                                        Article no.             Decor

  VI-103566                  Cambridge                                    VI-101628               Cambridge

  VI-103564                  Kingston                                     VI-101627               Kingston

  VI-103565                  Sunderland                                   VI-101625               Sunderland
                                                          Stone decor

  VI-103563                  York                                         VI-101624               York

                                                                          VI-105211               Macys

                                                                          VI-105212               Library

                                                                                                      58 - 2021
Design decors
                                         Design board SPC wood

English Interiors Clic
Carrier material SPC (stone powder)
suitable for underfloor heating.

                            York      Kingston                             Sunderland


                                                 Indoor Catalogue | 59 – 2021
Design Decors
   SPC Beton

     60 – 2021
Design Decors
   SPC Beton

  Indoor Catalogue | 61 – 2021
Design decors
                                                                Design board SPC concrete

Manhattan Collection Clic 6.5 mm
Wall and floor coverings 1.5 mm integrated impact sound insulation carrier
material SPC (stone powder), suitable for underfloor heating. Beveled.

      Dimensions 6,5 x 305 x 610 mm
      Wear layer 0,50 mm
      Exposure class 33/42
                                                                Article no.   Decor

      Package contents: 1,488 sqm     8 pieces                  VI-105185     Library
      Palette:           98,23 sqm    66 cartons                VI-105184     Macys

                                                                                        62 – 2021
Design decors
                                                                Design board SPC concrete

Incl. 1.5 mm integrated impact sound insulation carrier material SPC
(stone powder), suitable for underfloor heating

                                          Library                                            Macys

                                                                          Indoor Catalogue | 63 – 2021
                                                                                                     Contact personim
                                                                                                           the office

          Our headquarters

         Futura Floors
Phone:   +49 (0) 951 917 888-0
Fax:     +49 (0)9543 418 09-19


         Dieter Schelhorn                                  Daniel Moser                                      Nermin Arnautovic
         Sales Manager                                       Sales person                                    Sales person

Phone:   +49 (0) 951 917 888-12                  Phone:     +49 (0)951 917 888-18                Phone:      +49 (0)951 917 888 33
Email:        Email:          Mob:        +49 (0)151 188 60 222
Skype:   futura_ds                               Skype:    futura_dm                             Email:

                                                                                                 Skype:      futura_na

         Sven Haase
         Sales Manager

Phone:   +49 (0)151 188 60 228
Skype:   futura_sh

         Finance                                          Logistics                                      Customer Service

         Lyubomir Kanev                                   Emir Buric                                      Semir Opacin

Phone:   +49 (0)951 917 888-20                 Phone:     +49 (0)951 917 888 35              Phone:       +49 (0)951 917 888 34
Fax:     +49 (0)951 917 888-19                 Mob:       +49 (0)151 105 274 91              Mob:         +49(0) 151 188 60 224

Email:           Email:           Email:
                                               Skype:     futura_eb                          Skype:       live:.cid.344d005f3f6e50ca

         All offer prices not confirmed prior to the validation of new pricelists are no longer valid.

                                                                                                                            64 – 2021
Our story.
we offer finest flooring, selected with care for those who anticipate world trends and respect the

planet. so that together we may build a world that inspires wellbeing, for where there is wellbeing,

there is happiness. futura.

                                                                             Indoor Catalogue | 65 – 2021
                                                                                                                 and Conditions

Futura Floors General terms and conditions of sales and delivery

§ 1 Scope                                                                                c. For the rest, the regulations apply, which are detailed in the following
                                                                                         cancellation policy:
 1.1 These general terms and conditions (AGB-K) apply exclusively to the busi-
     ness relationship (= initiation, formation and execution of contracts for       Right of withdrawal
     the delivery of movable goods (“goods” or “products”) from Futura Floors        Withdrawal
     GmbH (legal entity : Futura Floors GmbH, Pödeldorfer Strasse 146,
     96050 Bamberg, as the user of these terms and conditions and                    You have the right to cancel this contract within fourteen days without giving
     contractual part-ner) with its customers (= consumers, entrepreneurs).          any reason. The cancellation period is fourteen days from the day on which the
1.2 A consumer is any natural person who concludes a legal transaction for           last partial shipment or the last piece was delivered. In order to exercise your
     purposes that are predominantly neither their commercial nor their Inde-        right of cancellation, you have to give us Futura Floors Gm Pödeldorfer
     pendent professional activity can be attributed (§ 13 BGB). Entrepreneur        Strasse 146, 96050 Bamberg Telephone: 0951 917 888-0 Fax .: 0951 917
     is any natural or legal person or a legal partnership that acts in the course   888-19, Email: by means of a clear statement (e.g. a letter
     of a legal transaction in the exercise of their commercial or independent       sent by post, Fax or email) of your decision to cancel this contract.
     professional activity (§ 14 BGB).                                               You can use the attached sample cancellation form, but this is not mandatory.
1.3 For the business relationship of Futura Floors GmbH with company The             You can also electronically fill in and send the sample withdrawal form or an-
     general terms and conditions for entrepreneurs (AGB-U) in section II also       other clear statement on our website If you make use
     apply.                                                                          of this option, we will send you a confirmation of receipt of such a revocation
1.4 The general terms and conditions of Futura Floors GmbH apply exclusively;        immediately (e.g. by email). To meet the cancellation deadline, it is sufficient for
     general conditions of the customer for his business relationships do not be-    you to send your communication regarding your right of cancellation before the
     come part of the contract, even if they are known by Futura Floors GmbH,        cancellation period expires.
     unless their validity is expressly approved in writing by Futura Floors GmbH.
                                                                                     Consequences of cancellation
§ 2 Quality of product
                                                                                     If you cancel this contract, we will return all payments to you that we have re-
The following is agreed as the quality of the goods ordered: Wood is a               ceived from you, including delivery costs (with the exception of the additional
natural product; its natural properties, deviations and characteristics must         costs that result from the fact that you chose a different type of delivery than
always be ob-served. In particular, the customer has to take into account its        the cheap standard delivery we have offered) to repay immediately and at the
biological, phys-ical and chemical properties when buying and using. The range       latest within fourteen days from the day on which we received notification of
of natural color, structure and other differences within a type of wood is one of    your cancellation of this contract. For this repayment, we use the same means of
the properties of the natural product wood and does not constitute a reason for      payment that you used in the original transaction, unless expressly agreed
complaint or liability. We recommend that you order 5-10% more than you              otherwise with you; under no circumstances will you be charged any fees for this
need as waste or for re-sorting. Professional advice is to be obtained by the        repayment. We can refuse the repayment until we have received the goods back
customer on his own re-sponsibility.                                                 or until you have provided proof that you have returned the goods, whichever is
                                                                                     the earlier. Note: Cancellation notice of order will be excepted no later then 7
§ 3 offers, conclusion of contract, right of withdrawal                              days prior to the agreed delivery date.

3.1 The presentation of goods in sales rooms or via a web shop / homepage            End of revocation
does not constitute a binding offer from Futura Floors GmbH.
                                                                                     § 4 packaging, shipping, delivery, transfer of risk
3.2 Offer to conclude a purchase at the request of a customer, Futura Floors
gives the customer a non-bindtract, which prompts the customer to                    4.1 Unless otherwise agreed, all packaging and shipping costs for transport to
submit a binding offer is (invitatio ad offerendum).                                      the customer shall be borne by the customer, which are shown separately on
3.3. An order placed by the customer based on the non-binding offer                       the invoice. However, this only applies if they are announced when placing
constitutes a binding offer by the customer in accordance with § 145 BGB to               the order before the customer makes a binding offer.
conclude a purchase contract.                                                        4.2 Unless otherwise agreed, delivery is made from the warehouse to the deliv-
3.4 Futura Floors GmbH can make an offer of the customer while absent                     ery address specified by the customer, free to the curb.
(§ 147 paragraph 2 BGB) within 12 working days ( Calculation of deadlines            4.3. The delivery takes place by truck, plane or ship. If a delivery is made by
    without Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays; the day of receipt of the             truck, the unloading point must be accessible to the customer with a heavy
    order is not included) at its own discretion by accepting the delivery in text        truck or truck-mounted forklift. Futura Floors GmbH can assume this until
    form (e.g. email) or delivering the goods, unless otherwise agreed. With the          further notice.
    acceptance by Futura Floors GmbH, the contract between the customer              4.4 Information about the delivery period is non-binding. The expected delivery
    and Futura Floors GmbH comes into being (contract conclusion).                        period or expected delivery date is specified in the order confirmation (de-
3.5 If the contract is not concluded within the acceptance period (Section 3 No.          livery period).
3.4 Sentence 1), the customer’s offer expires (Section 3 No. 3.3).                   4.5 The delivery obligation of Futura Floors GmbH is subject to the self-supply
3.6 Legal right of withdrawal for consumers with distance contracts:                      by the suppliers of Futura Floors GmbH; however, this only applies if Futura
    a. For distance contracts for the delivery of goods, customers who are con-           Floors GmbH is not responsible for the non-delivery.
    sumers (§ 1 No. 1.2 sentence 1) have a right of withdrawal in accordance with    4.6 If Futura Floors GmbH according to § 4 No. 4.1. or is unable to deliver an
    the statutory provisions. This right of withdrawal does not exist for goods           ordered product for any other reason through no fault of his own, the cus-
    that were made according to customer specifications or that are clearly tai-          tomer will be informed immediately that the ordered product is not avail-
    lored to the personal needs of the customer.                                          able. If the impediment to performance continues for more than three
    b. Does a consumer exercise the right of withdrawal according to Section              months, both contracting parties are entitled to withdraw from the con-
    3 No.                                                                                 tract. The customer’s statutory claims going beyond this remain unaffected.
3.6 a. Use, he has to bear the regular costs of the return.

                                                                                                                                                66 – 2021
Terms and Conditions

    The return service rendered by the customer will be refunded immediately in          7.3 Futura Floors GmbH bears the expenses required for the purpose of testing
    the event of cancellation by Futura Floors GmbH.                                         and supplementary performance, in particular transport, travel, labor and
4.7 The fulfillment of the contract in partial deliveries and partial services is per-       material costs, if there is actually a defect. If the customer has incorporated
    missible to a reasonable extent. Additional costs arising from partial deliveries        the defective item in another item or attached it to another item in accor-
    or partial services are not charged to the customer, but are to be borne by              dance with its type and intended use, Futura Floors GmbH is obliged as part
    Futura Floors GmbH.                                                                      of the supplementary performance to provide the customer with the nec-
4.8 The risk of accidental loss and accidental deterioration of the goods passes             essary expenses for removing the defective item and installing or installing
    to the customer upon delivery. The handover is the same if the customer is in            it to replace the repaired or delivered defect-free item (reimbursement of
    default of acceptance.                                                                   expenses). The rights of the customer are excluded if he knows the defect
4.9 If Futura Floors GmbH sends the sold item to a place other than the place                when installing or attaching the defective item. If the customer is not aware
    of performance (mail order purchase) at the customer’s request, the risk of              of a defect due to gross negligence, the customer can only assert rights due
    accidental loss and accidental deterioration only passes to the buyer if the             to this defect if Futura Floors GmbH maliciously concealed the defect or
    customer is the forwarder, the carrier or has otherwise instructed a person              assumed a guarantee for the quality of the item.
    or institution to carry out the shipment and Futura Floors GmbH has not              7.4 If there is actually no defect, Futura Floors GmbH can demand reimburse-
    previously named this person or institution to the buyer.                                ment from the customer of the costs arising from the unjustified request to
                                                                                             remedy the defect.
§ 5 Prices, payment
                                                                                         § 8 liability
5.1 The statutory value added tax is included in product prices, unless this is
    shown separately. If the sales tax is shown separately, it must be paid in ad-       The liability of Futura Floors GmbH from and in connection with the business
    dition to the product price. The product prices are exclusive of shipping and        relationship is limited as follows:
    packaging costs.                                                                     8.1 For slight negligence, Futura Floors GmbH is only liable for breach of essen-
5.2 The deduction of cash discount requires a special agreement in text form.                 tial contractual obligations, the violation of which jeopardizes the achieve-
5.3 In the case of a cash purchase, the purchase price is due immediately upon                ment of the purpose of the contract, or for the violation of obligations, the
    receipt without deduction. In all other cases, unless otherwise agreed in text            fulfillment of which proper execution of the contract is made possible and
    form, the purchase price must be paid by the customer without any deduction               the customer regularly trusts in compliance. In this case, Futura Floors
    within 14 days after receipt of the invoice, but no later than 14 days after              GmbH is only liable for the foreseeable, contract-typical damage. Futura
    delivery.                                                                                 Floors GmbH is not liable for the slightly negligent violation of obligations
5.4 For orders from customers abroad or if there are reasonable grounds for a                 other than those mentioned in the previous sentences.
    risk of payment default, Futura Floors GmbH reserves the right to deliver            8.2 If the cause of the damage is based on an intentional or grossly negligent
    only after receipt of the purchase price together with shipping and packaging             breach of duty by Futura Floors GmbH or a legal representative or vicarious
    costs. If Futura Floors GmbH makes use of the prepayment reservation, Fu-                 agent of Futura Floors GmbH, Futura Floors GmbH has unlimited liability.
    tura Floors GmbH will inform the customer immediately.                               8.3 Claims under the Product Liability Act, due to a defect after assuming a
5.5 The receipt of money at Futura Floors GmbH is decisive for the observance                 guarantee for the quality of a product or in the case of fraudulently con-
    of payment deadlines and dates. This also applies to the timeliness of payment            cealed errors and damage to health, limb and life as well as claims already
    in the event that the customer has been granted a cash discount.                          arising from negligence at the time of contract negotiations at the time of
5.6 Payments by checks or bills of exchange are excluded.                                     inclusion of these conditions remain from the foregoing Limitation of lia-
5.7 During the delay, the customer has to pay interest on the monetary debt                   bility unaffected.
    in the amount of 5 percentage points above the respective base rate. If Futura
    Floors GmbH can prove a higher damage caused by delay, then Futura Floors            § 9 Retention of title
    GmbH can claim this.
                                                                                         9.1 Futura Floors GmbH reserves the ownership or the right to the purchase of
§ 6 Offsetting; Lien                                                                         the sold goods until the purchase price has been paid in full.
                                                                                         9.2 The customer is obliged to immediately notify Futura Floors GmbH of
6.1 The customer is only entitled to offset against claims of Futura Floors                  third-party access to the goods subject to retention of title, for example in
    GmbH with legally established, recognized or undisputed claims. The custom-              the event of attachment or damage as well as the destruction of the goods.
    er is also entitled to offset against claims of Futura Floors GmbH if he makes       9.3 If the customer behaves contrary to the contract, in particular if the pur-
    complaints or counterclaims from the same purchase contract.                             chase price is not paid, Futura Floors GmbH is entitled to withdraw from
6.2 The customer may only exercise a right of retention if his counterclaim is               the contract in accordance with the statutory provisions and to demand the
    based on the same contract.                                                              goods back. If the customer does not pay the purchase price due, Futura
                                                                                             Floors GmbH may only assert this right if Futura Floors GmbH has previ-
§ 7 Rights of the customer in case of defects                                                ously unsuccessfully set a reasonable payment deadline for the customer
                                                                                             who is a consumer or if such a deadline can be dispensed with in accordance
7.1 The statutory provisions apply to the customer’s rights in the event of ma-              with the statutory provisions.
    terial and legal defects (defects), unless otherwise specified below. The gen-
    eral limitation of liability of Futura Floors GmbH according to § 8 applies to       § 10 Limitation
    claims for damages against Futura Floors GmbH due to a defect.
7.2 For the purpose of checking claims for defects, the customer must fully              10.1 For consumers, the general limitation period for defects and claims for
    and truthfully inform and support Futura Floors GmbH about the circum-                     damages is 2 years from delivery. If an acceptance has been agreed, the
    stances of the individual case. This also includes the transmission of photo-             limitation period begins with the acceptance.
    graphs in sufficient number and quality by the customer for the purpose of           10.2 This does not affect statutory special regulations on limitation, in particular
    checking the claims for defects, as well as the immediate answering of queries.           in accordance with Section 438 (1) No. 1, No. 3 and Section 3 of the Ger-

                                                                                                                           Indoor Catalogue | 67 – 2021
                                                                                                                        and Conditions

    man Civil Code, Sections 444, 479 of the German Civil Code, Section                   § 15 Supplement to Section 5 Prices, Payment
    634a (1) No. 2 of the German Civil Code and in cases of injury to life, limb
    or health, within the framework culpable liability in the event of intent and         15.1 In legal transactions in which a consumer is not involved, the interest rate
    gross negligence as well as claims for damages under the Product Liability                 for payment claims is 9 percentage points above the base interest rate.
    Act.                                                                                       (Deviation from Section 5 No. 5.7)

§ 11 Data protection                                                                      § 16 Supplement to § 7 Rights of the customer in the event of defects

11.1 Futura Floors GmbH will only collect and use personal customer data (e.g.            16.1 If the customer is an entrepreneur, he must check the goods for any defects
     title, name, address, date of birth, email address, telephone number, fax                   immediately upon receipt and immediately notify existing defects in text
     number, bank details, credit card number) in accordance with the provisions                 form. Hidden defects must be reported in text form immediately after
     of the applicable statutory data protection law.                                            their discovery. If he does not meet one of the above obligations, he loses
11.2 The customer has the right, upon written request, to be informed of the                     all claims arising from and in connection with a defect, unless Futura Floors
     personal data stored about him                                                              GmbH has maliciously concealed the defect. (Deviation from § 7 No. 7.1)
                                                                                          16.2 The entrepreneur bears the full burden of proof for all claim requirements,
§ 12 Applicable law, place of jurisdiction, online dispute resolution                            in particular for the defect itself, for the time of its creation and the deter-
                                                                                                 mination of the defect and for the timely notification of the defect. (Devi-
12.1		 The law of the Federal Republic of Germany applies to these Terms and                     ation from Section 7 No. 7.1)
       Conditions and our contractual relationships with the customer, excluding          16.3 Futura Floors GmbH is only obliged to provide replacement deliveries from
       the UN Sales Convention.                                                                  contracts with entrepreneurs in the context of subsequent performance.
12.2 If the customer has placed his order as a consumer and is habitually resident               In this respect, Futura Floors GmbH is not obliged to reimburse expenses
       in another country at the time of his order, the application of mandato-                  (deviation from § 7 No. 7.2).
       ry legal provisions of that country remain unaffected by the choice of law         16.4 Recourse by the entrepreneur to Futura Floors GmbH due to expenses (§
       made in sentence 1.                                                                       7 No. 7.2) that the entrepreneur has to bear in relation to his customer due
12.3 The European Commission provides a platform for online dispute resolu-                      to a defect for which Futura Floors GmbH is responsible is excluded insofar
       tion (OS), which the customer can access at                   as the entrepreneur’s obligation towards his Customers are not based on a
       ers/odr/. The seller is not willing or obliged to participate in dispute resolu-          mandatory liability of the entrepreneur due to the legal regulations on the
       tion proceedings before a consumer arbitration board.                                     sale of consumer goods. § 8 remains unaffected even if the contractor’s
                                                                                                 recourse against Futura Floors GmbH is not excluded according to the pre-
II. General terms and conditions for entrepreneurs (AGB-U)                                       ceding sentence. (Deviation from § 7 No. 7.1)
                                                                                          16.5		 For entrepreneurs, the warranty period is 1 year from the transfer of risk.
§ 13 General, supplement to § 3 offers,                                                          This does not include claims for damages due to injury to life, limb or health
    		 conclusion of contract, right of withdrawal                                               and / or claims for damages due to grossly negligent or willful damage
                                                                                                 caused by Futura Floors GmbH. Also excluded are the recourse claims not
13.1 		 The following General Terms and Conditions for Entrepreneurs (AGB-U)                     excluded according to § 16 No. 16.4. (Deviation from Section 7 No. 7.1)
        only apply to entrepreneurs within the meaning of Section 1 No. 1.2 Clause
        2. The AGB-U supplement the above provisions in Section I. of the AGB-K           § 17 Supplement to § 9 Retention of title
        and take precedence if and as far as the AGB-U contain different regula-
        tions.                                                                            17.1 		 In the case of a contract with an entrepreneur, Futura Floors GmbH retains
13.2 In the context of an ongoing business relationship, the AGB-K and AGB-U                      ownership or the right to acquire ownership of the goods sold (reserved
        according to § 13 No. 13.1 are also part of the contract if Futura Floors                 goods) until all claims from an ongoing business relationship have been paid
        GmbH has not expressly indicated their inclusion in individual cases.                     in full in accordance with the following provisions Nos. 17.2 to 17.7 before
13.3 If the customer is an entrepreneur, a contract is concluded if Futura Floors                 (deviation from § 9):
        GmbH accepts the customer’s offer in a reasonable time either by a decla-         17.2 The entrepreneur is entitled to resell the reserved goods in the ordinary
        ration of acceptance or by delivery of the goods. (Deviation from § 3 No.                 course of business. With the conclusion of the contract with Futura Floors
        3.3).                                                                                     GmbH (initial contract), he assigns to Futura Floors GmbH all claims in
13.4 If the customer is an entrepreneur, he has no right of withdrawal. (Devia-                   the amount of the invoice amount to Futura Floors GmbH that accrue to
        tion from § 3 No. 3.6)                                                                    him from the resale. Futura Floors GmbH accepts the assignment upon
                                                                                                  conclusion of the first contract. After the assignment, the entrepreneur is
§ 14 Supplement to § 4 packaging, shipping, delivery, transfer of risk                            authorized to collect the claim. Futura Floors GmbH reserves the right to
                                                                                                  collect the claim itself, but will not make use of it as long as the customer
14.1 If the customer is an entrepreneur, he bears the customary costs for ship-                   properly fulfills his payment obligations.
     ping and packaging the goods, unless otherwise agreed; Section 4 No. 4.1             17.3		 The manufacturer processes or processes the reserved goods. The manu-
     Sentences 2 and 3 are not applicable. (Deviation from § 4 No. 4.1)                           facturer is Futura Floors GmbH or, if Futura Floors GmbH is entitled to
14.2 The customer and Futura Floors GmbH make a separate agreement with                           the rights to the reserved goods, the supplier of Futura Floors GmbH. The
     regard to additional costs arising from partial deliveries or partial services               manufacturer does not incur any liabilities from the processing or trans-
     (deviation from §4 No. 4.7 sentence 2).                                                      formation in relation to the entrepreneur. The manufacturer is entitled to
14.3 If the customer is an entrepreneur, the risk of accidental loss and accidental               (co-) ownership of the new item resulting from processing or transforma-
     deterioration of the goods at Futura Floors GmbH’s warehouse passes to                       tion, regardless of the time and the degree of processing or modification
     the customer: (i) upon delivery to the customer; (ii) in the case of a mail                  (intermediate and end products). In the event of processing or transfor-
     order purchase with the delivery of the goods to the freight forwarder, the                  mation with mixing or combining with other goods, the manufacturer is
     carrier or to the person otherwise designated to carry out the shipment                      entitled to co-ownership of the new item in the ratio of the value of the
     (deviation from Section 4 No. 4.8)                                                           reserved goods to the connected or mixed goods at the time of processing
                                                                                                  or modification. In the event that the customer acquires (joint) ownership

                                                                                                                                                      68 – 2021
Terms and Conditions

       of the processed or remodeled reserved goods through processing or re-
       organization regardless of the above provision, he transfers future (joint)
       ownership of this goods to Futura Floors GmbH upon conclusion of the
       first contract the time of its acquisition and stores the goods for Futura
       Floors GmbH. The customer assigns any surrender claims against third par-
       ties to Futura Floors GmbH upon conclusion of the first contract. Futura
       Floors GmbH accepts the transfer of the future co-ownership and the fu-
       ture surrender claim upon conclusion of the first contract. The new item is
       considered reserved goods in the sense of these provisions.
17.4 The retention of title according to the above provisions also remains if indi-
       vidual claims are included in a current invoice and the balance is drawn and
       recognized. When all secured claims of Futura Floors GmbH against the
       customer are satisfied, ownership automatically passes to the customer.
       Furthermore, the assigned claims and rights fall back on him.
17.5		 Futura Floors GmbH undertakes to release the claims and rights to which it
       is entitled according to the above provisions to the extent - at Futura Floors
       GmbH’s option - that its realizable value exceeds the claims to be secured
       by 20%. With the exception of deliveries with a genuine current account
       relationship, this only applies to deliveries or their surrogates that are fully
17.6 If the proceeds from the resale or processing / reorganization are paid to
       the customer by a third party, Futura Floors GmbH is to transfer the mon-
       ey immediately regardless of any different due date.
17.7		 The authorization of the customer to dispose of the goods subject to re-
       tention of title as well as for processing, reorganization, connection, mix-
       ing, blending, furthermore for collection of the assigned claims expires in
       the event of non-compliance with the payment conditions, in the event of
       unauthorized disposals, and also if bankruptcy proceedings are filed against
       the customer or is pending or an out-of-court settlement procedure is in
       progress. In these cases, Futura Floors GmbH is entitled to take possession
       of the reserved goods without setting a grace period or a declaration of
       withdrawal. For this purpose, Futura Floors GmbH is permitted to enter
       the customer’s business, to request useful information and to inspect its
       books to safeguard the rights of Futura Floors GmbH. A withdrawal from
       the contract is only in the return of the reserved goods if Futura Floors
       GmbH expressly declares this.

§ 18 Supplement to § 12 Applicable Law,
    		 Place of Jurisdiction, Online Dispute Resolution

18.1		 Place of performance for all liabilities from the contract with the entrepre-
       neur is Hirschaid.
18.2 The place of jurisdiction for all legal disputes arising from and in connection
       with the business relationship with the entrepreneur is Bamberg, if the en-
       trepreneur is a businessman or has no general place of jurisdiction in the
       Federal Republic of Germany, or after the contract has been concluded, his
       place of residence or habitual residence has been moved from the Federal
       Republic of Germany or his place of residence or personal residence is not
       known at the time the lawsuit is filed. Futura Floors GmbH is also entitled
       to file suit at the general place of jurisdiction of the entrepreneur. (Devia-
       tion from § 12 No. 12.3)

                                                                                             Indoor Catalogue | 69 – 2021
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