Carleton University Students' Association - 2021/22 Itemized Budget - Carleton University Students ...

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Carleton University Students’ Association 2021-22 Itemized Budget Reference Report

      Carleton University Students’ Association – 2021/22 Itemized Budget
           Presented and Prepared by Vice President of Finance Venassa J. Baptiste
This document is a reference list for all interested parties, stakeholders, and individuals of the
financial matters of the Carleton University Students’ Association (CUSA). To ensure complete
transparency between CUSA, CUSA Council, and the student population, each budget line
outlined in the Executive Budget Report released on September 15th, 2021, is addressed, and
explained in this reference document. If you have any further questions or concerns that aren’t
answered within this document, feel free to forward them to the Vice President of Finance at at your earliest convenience.
Frequently Asked Questions
What do the budget lines mean?
The budget lines (i.e., IS-6500-FC) are linked to each account on the budget. Each budget is
unique to one account and does not overlap with another. The first two letters indicate which
financial statement it appears on (Income Statement, Balance Sheet, etc.). The four numbers
indicate which account code it goes to (Office Supplies, Projects, etc.). The last two letters
indicate which department the account falls under (Administration, Roosters, VP Student Issues,
etc.). Below is an explanation of the numbers and codes for an example budget line:
IS = Income Statement                  6105 = Office Supplies              FC = VP Finance Budget
Why are the budget titles so vague?
The budget titles are meant to last from year to year to ensure consistency within the finance
department. While it would provide additional clarity to have specific budget titles for
individuals outside of the finance department when reviewing the budget, keeping the titles the
same helps maintain efficiency for the finance team to record and match expenses/revenues. It is
especially important for the budget titles to remain the same when conducting the audit, as the
auditors will be reviewing all budget lines, expenses, cash flows, and internal controls within
CUSA. By keeping the same budget lines, we can keep all our actions as transparent as possible
for the audit team and ensure they have the resources/information needed to audit us
appropriately, effectively, and efficiently.
How do we know our student fees entrusted to CUSA are being managed appropriately?
Each summer, CUSA participates in a lengthy external audit conducted by a third-party audit
firm, currently BDO. The role of an audit team is to determine the level of accuracy and clarity
of a company’s financial records, review financial records for their compliance with local tax
laws, and ensure all documents are completed correctly and legally. After conducting a thorough
review of the company’s financial records, the audit team provides recommendations to improve
Carleton University Students’ Association 2021-22 Itemized Budget Reference Report

weak internal controls, investigate possible instances of fraud, and monitor compliance with
industry standards, laws, and guidelines. CUSA’s audited statements are posted online after our
annual budget has been approved by CUSA Council.
Is the VP Finance the only one controlling the money?
The Finance team is made up of the VP Finance (full-time, student executive), the Director of
Finance (full-time, staff member), the Accounts Payable Administrator (full-time, staff member),
the Accounts Receivable Administrator (full-time, staff member), and the Finance Clerk (part-
time, student). All expenses and revenues flow through these members, ensuring that multiple
eyes are reviewing each transaction. To complete transactions and payments, both the VP
Finance and the Director of Finance must approve the transaction. Without either the VP Finance
or the Director of Finance’s approval, the transaction cannot move forward.

Common Budget Lines
The following budget lines in this section repeat across a majority of department and executive
budgets in the Executive Budget Report. They are used for the same purpose across each budget
and share the same number.
 Budget Line                                                   Description
 6105 - Supplies                    Office supplies purchased for the related department (i.e.,
                                    writing tools, printing paper, notepads, staples/stapler, etc.)
 6110 – Duplicating                 Photocopying expenses
 6111 – Colour Duplicating          Photocopying expenses (colour)
 6200 – Voluntary Training and      Money reserved for employees to take part in extra training
 Staff Appreciation                 related to their role or to show appreciation for the work an
                                    employee or a group of employees have done during their
                                    time at CUSA. Generally used for office-wide holiday staff
                                    parties, to recognize important milestones, and/or to
                                    commemorate/thank the service of an employee at the end of
                                    their career with CUSA.
 6500 – Special Projects            Purpose is to provide a fund for projects related to the
                                    executive’s election platform promises and increase student
                                    engagement. If under a service centre, this budget line is
                                    used for events solely related to the purpose of said centre.
 8200 – Salaries 3011               Full-time employee salaries, health benefits, and pension
 8210 – Wages Non-Union             Part-time/contract employee wages
 8260 – Payroll taxes (3011)        Payroll taxes withheld from full-time employees’ salaries to
                                    pay to the government
 8260 – Payroll Taxes (non-         Payroll taxes withheld from part-time/contract employees’
 union)                             wages to pay to the government
 8300 – Travel                      Travel expense fund used solely and specifically for
                                    travelling to/from CUSA events for CUSA employees.
Carleton University Students’ Association 2021-22 Itemized Budget Reference Report

 8310 – Conferences/Meetings        Covers delegate and/or conference fee for executives and/or
                                    CUSA employees to attend to obtain professional
                                    development relevant to their position/role within CUSA.
 9125 – Telephones                  The university charges CUSA for telephones used in the
                                    main office and each executive’s office. For
                                    employees/members without a telephone, this covers phone
                                    charges due to the need to be available on short notice.
 9130 – Mail                        Mailing expense fund for tracking/shipping items
 9500 – Capital Asset               Covers large items that are significant pieces of property
 Purchases                          with a useful life longer than a year and less than $5,000
                                    (i.e., furniture and equipment, etc.).
 9900 – Miscellaneous               Unexpected, unaccounted expenses that relate to the budget
 Expenses                           and purpose of the budget (e.g., thank you gift for sanitary
                                    staff in the USC office (EXAMPLE ONLY))

Budgets and Specific Budget Lines
Below are the budgets for each Executive position, all Service Centres, and a variety of internal
CUSA department budgets. If a budget is not listed in this section, it is because the current
budget lines for that budget are self-explanatory and easy to determine what kind of expenses fall
under that budget line. Please reach out to the Vice President of Finance at
for additional information.
Executive Budgets
 Budget Line Budget Title            Description
  IS-5000-PS Other Revenue           Purpose is to record revenues received from federal,
             - $11,970               provincial, and municipal sources as well as funding from
                                     public/private businesses. This year, this account line is
                                     made up of federal grant funding for summer student
                                     positions within CUSA.
   IS-6500-PS Projects -             The 2021/22 President (resigned) aimed to use this fund to
              $3,000                 support Indigenous community initiatives throughout the
                                     Academic year.
   IS-8311-PS Strategic              Purpose is to account for a contract summer student
              Planning -             position hired to work towards developing a short-term and
              $6,000                 long-term strategic plan for CUSA. This position was 37.5
                                     hours a week for 8 weeks. This position is subsidized by
                                     budget line IS-5000-PS by $3,990 through federal summer
                                     student grant.
   IS-8200-PS Executive Staff        Purpose is to account for a part-time, year-round student
              (EC) - $12,920         position hired to support the CUSA executive team with
                                     duties related to campaign/event execution, onsite support,
                                     and leading the Street Team volunteer group with the VP
Carleton University Students’ Association 2021-22 Itemized Budget Reference Report

                                     Community Engagement. This position was 20 hours a
                                     week during the later half of Summer 2021 and currently is
                                     15 hours a week during the academic year until April 1st,
                                     2022. This position is subsidized by budget line IS-5000-PS
                                     by $3,990 through federal summer student grant.
   IS-8205-PS Executive Staff        Purpose is to account for a part-time, year-round student
              (EA) - $12,580         position hired to support the CUSA executive team with
                                     duties related to bylaw review, drafting council motions,
                                     and administrative work related to the executive team. This
                                     position was 17.5 hours a week during the latter half of
                                     Summer 2021 and currently is 15 hours a week during the
                                     academic year until April 1st, 2022. This position is
                                     subsidized by budget line IS-5000-PS by $3,990 through
                                     federal summer student grant.
   IS-9135-PS Employee               Purpose is to account for expenses related to supporting an
              Appreciation -         inclusive, accepting environment for CUSA full-time/part-
              $6,800                 time staff and Executive team. Expenses include all-staff
                                     lunch reimbursements, bereavement/retirement gifts, and
                                     all-staff celebratory events (holidays).

Vice President of Finance
 Budget Line Budget Title            Description
  IS-6500-FC Special Projects        The 2021/22 VP Finance aimed to use this fund to provide
             Fund - $4000            new students to Carleton with free Student Price Card
                                     (SPC) accounts through Fall Orientation packages.
  IS-6501-FC Business                Purpose is to promote and support CUSA-owned businesses
             Incubator               (Haven’s, Ollie’s, Roosters) through initiatives and events.
             Program -               This year, the VP Finance used this fund to provide $2
             $8000                   coupons to use at either Ollie’s or Roosters. These coupons
                                     were inserted in Fall Orientation packages for incoming
                                     Carleton students.
  IS-8360-FC Tuition Credits         Purpose is to subsidize executive tuition up to 2.5 credits.
             - $35000                This year, the VP Finance used this fund to replenish the
                                     Academic Resilience Fund (formerly known as the
                                     Hardship Fund) to ensure that all students, rather than 6
                                     students, receive financial support to achieve academic
                                     success during their undergraduate journey.
  IS-8400-FC External                Purpose is to account for sponsorship and collaboration
             Sponsorship -           requests from external organizations/groups in Ottawa and
             $46,000                 within Carleton University. All requests are reviewed to
                                     ensure they adhere to CUSA’s mission and values.
                                     Examples of collaborations include EngFrosh, SOAR
                                     (organized by SEO), and Ottawa Youth Awards.
  IS-8405-FC Business                Purpose is to account for a part-time, year-round student
             Administrator           position hired to work towards promoting/supporting
Carleton University Students’ Association 2021-22 Itemized Budget Reference Report

                 Salary -            CUSA-owned businesses (Havens’, Roosters, and Ollie’s).
                 $26,775             This position is 20 hours/week and commenced in late
                                     Summer 2021.

Vice President Internal
 Budget Line Budget Title            Description
  IS-6500-IN Special Projects        The 2021/22 VP Internal aims to use this fund as a
             Fund - $2500            temporary fund for the Student Initiative Fund.
  IS-9200-IN Rent - $28000           Purpose is cover rent expenses for the CUSA offices
                                     located on the fourth floor of the University Centre (401

Vice President Student Issues
 Budget Line Budget Title            Description
  IS-5000-SI Revenue -               Purpose is to record grants and funding for initiatives
             $3,990                  related to the 2021/22 VP Student Issues portfolio. This
                                     year, $3,990 of summer grant funding was obtained from a
                                     federal government program to subsidize the Research and
                                     Advocacy student position (reports to the VP Student
    IS-6500-SI Campaigns -           Purpose is to fund month-long advocacy campaigns to raise
               $24,000               awareness and promote education on topics and situations
                                     that affect the Carleton University undergraduate student
                                     body. The 2021/22 VP Students Issues has budgeted for 10
                                     campaigns to be held over the academic year.
    IS-6502-SI Projects and          Purpose is to fund the CUSA awards that are offered at the
               Awards -              end of the academic year (totaling $3,700) and fund short-
               $8,700                term projects and recognize important days that hold
                                     significance and raise awareness to the Carleton University
                                     undergraduate student body. The 2021/22 VP Student
                                     Issues has budgeted for 5 projects to be held throughout the
                                     academic year.
    IS-8210-SI Campaign Staff        Purpose is to account for a part-time, year-round student
               Wages -               position hired to work towards integrating training and
               $26,775               advocacy on key societal issues into CUSA’s structural
                                     policies and supporting the VP Student Issues with various
                                     advocacy campaigns. This position is 20 hours a week and
                                     commenced in late Summer 2021.
    IS-8260-SI International         Purpose is to directly support International undergraduate
               Student Support       students integrate into campus life and culture through fall
               - $7,000              orientation merchandise and events.
Carleton University Students’ Association 2021-22 Itemized Budget Reference Report

Vice President Community Engagement
 Budget Line Budget Title            Description
  IS-6502-SS Projects (CE) -         Dual Purpose: $6,000 is budgeted for initiatives and
             $11,000                 partnerships geared towards engaging/connecting the
                                     Carleton University undergraduate student body with local
                                     and national businesses and initiatives for free or at a
                                     subsidized cost. $5,000 is budgeted for funding giveaway
                                     prizes for various holidays throughout the calendar year
                                     (e.g., National Camera Day, National Ice Cream Day, etc.)
                                     to increase online engagement with CUSA brand on social
                                     media platforms as well as connect students with products
                                     and services offered from the local Ottawa/Ontario region.
   IS-6503-SS Event                  Purpose is to support campus-wide event programming to
              Programming            engage the Carleton University undergraduate student body
              (CE) - $2,000          in collaboration with other campus departments.
   IS-6504-SS Post-Secondary         Purpose is to create an Ottawa-wide post-secondary
              Coalition -            institution coalition amongst other PSIs in the Ottawa
              $5,000                 region (University of Ottawa, Algonquin College, La Cite,
                                     Saint Paul University) to amplify and unite the post-
                                     secondary voice to municipal, provincial, and federal
                                     government officials. Budget was created to account for
                                     rally costs and expenses.
   IS-6512-SS Mentorship             Purpose is to account for honorariums for the Brand
              Program -              Ambassador Program (5 in total). Brand Ambassadors are
              $5,500                 hired based on a $1000 honorarium for the academic year to
                                     promote a positive experience of the services and events
                                     CUSA offers.
   IS-8310-SS Services               Dual Purpose: $15,000 is budgeted to collaborate on an
              Conference -           event with each service centre. $1,500 is allocated per each
              $16,000                service centre with $3,000 allocated for unexpected speaker
                                     costs. $1,000 is delegated for VP Community Engagement
                                     conferences/meetings to attend to obtain relevant
                                     professional development.

Vice President Student Life
 Budget Line Budget Title            Description
  IS-5000-EX General                 Purpose is to record cash and POS system sales for
             Revenue                 merchandise, tickets, and/or services sold related to the VP
                                     Student Life portfolio. This includes but is not limited to
                                     Panda Game tickets, Capital Hoops Tickets, Bird Gang
                                     passes, CUSA merchandise sales, and so on.
   IS-6150-EX Promotion and          Purpose is to account for promotion expenses promoting
              Advertising -          CUSA and the CUSA brand. Expense includes posters, paid
              $15,000                ads, tabling handouts, and swag, and so on.
Carleton University Students’ Association 2021-22 Itemized Budget Reference Report

   IS-6500-EX Student                Purpose is to fund events and initiatives to promote student
              Engagement             engagement for the Carleton University undergraduate
              Projects -             student body. This year, the VP Student Life used part of
              $23,000                this fund to cover Panda Game Fan Packages.
 IS-PROG-EX Total                    Covers all expenses related to programming under the VP
              Programming -          Student Life budget. A breakdown will follow.
   IS-6511-EX Summer                 Purpose is to budget for Summer (May – August) events to
              Programing -           engage the Carleton University undergraduate student body
              $2,000                 in summer events in and around Ottawa, ON.
   IS-6512-EX Fall Orientation       Purpose is to fund all events/games/programming led by
              - $8,000               CUSA during Fall Orientation week programming.
                                     Expenses can and are not limited to a keynote speaker, prize
                                     giveaways, and workshop leads. This year, the VP Student
                                     Life used this budget line to hold events including a “DJ at
                                     Home” event (livestream dance party through Oliver’s Pub
                                     and Patio) and “An Evening with Fred VanVleet”
                                     livestream chat.
   IS-6513-EX Fall Orientation       Purpose is to allocate funds for CUSA’s contribution to Fall
              – Student              Orientation incoming student’s packages. In the past,
              Packages -             CUSA has contribute the following: water bottles, hoodies,
              $20,000                stickers, coupons, discount codes, brochures, and
   IS-6514-EX Winter                 Purpose is to allocate funds for CUSA to lead Winter
              Orientation -          Orientation programming with input from other campus
              $15,500                groups that put forward interest in collaborating on events
                                     during the first week of the Winter term. The purpose of
                                     Winter Orientation is to support a smooth transition into
                                     campus culture and activities for new, incoming students to
                                     Carleton University. This year, the VP Student Life aims to
                                     use this budget to fund iconic speakers to speak on living
                                     with roommates, fun engaging material, prizes and
                                     giveaways, and hosting food trucks on campus to introduce
                                     students to local cuisine.
   IS-6515-EX Leadership             Purpose is to allocate funds for 2021/22 VP Student Life’s
              Academy -              leadership program initiative that focuses on leadership and
              $8,000                 skill development through experiential learning
                                     opportunities and workshops. Funds allocated to this budget
                                     will cover workshop speakers, certificates, promotional
                                     giveaways, and promotional swag for participants.
   IS-6516-EX CUSA Gala -            Purpose is to allocate funds to host a gala event
              $13,000                commemorating the end of the academic year open for all
                                     students to attend (capacity capped at venue restrictions).
                                     This event has been denied by the Carleton University Risk
                                     Assessment team and will not happen this year. Funds
                                     previously allocated for the CUSA Gala will be dispersed to
Carleton University Students’ Association 2021-22 Itemized Budget Reference Report

                                     initiatives that benefit the Carleton University
                                     undergraduate student body in a similar fashion.
   IS-6517-EX Leadership             Purpose is to allocate funds to hold a conference for
              Summit -               participants in the Leadership Academy. Expenses expected
              $5,000                 to be incurred include keynote speakers, workshop
                                     facilitators, awards, food, and miscellaneous items for
                                     attendees (pens, name tags, notepads, etc.). This event has
                                     been approved by the Carleton University Risk Assessment
   IS-6518-EX Winter                 Purpose is to allocate funds to support programming
              Programming -          throughout the Winter 2022 semester. Events and initiatives
              $39,000                include Capital Hoops, Colonel by Classics, and general
                                     programming events led by the VP Student Life.

Service Centres
Womxn’s Centre
 Budget Line Budget Title    Description
 IS-6501-WO Emergency        Purpose is to keep a well-stocked supply of safe sex
             Relief Fund -   supplies, menstruation products, and contraceptives
             $1,500          including but not limited to condoms, pregnancy tests, pads,
                             tampons, and so on.
  IS-6502-WO Survivors Speak Purpose is to allocate funds for campus-wide event that
             - $500          brings the stories, art, and experience of survivors of sexual
                             violence beyond the Carleton campus and into the
                             community to create space for affirmation, healing, and
                             political advocacy. If the event does occur, expected
                             expenses can be upwards of $1,000.

Mawandoseg Centre
 Budget Line Budget Title            Description
  IS-6501-AB Aboriginal              Purpose is to allocate funds specifically for programing to
             Awareness               raise awareness and inform the Carleton University
             Week - $1,500           undergraduate student body on issues currently affecting the
                                     Indigenous community.

Unified Support Centre
 Budget Line Budget Title            Description
  IS-6106-FP Equipment and           Purpose is to allocate funds to maintain equipment in stock,
             Gear - $2,900           create supply of Unified Support Centre masks, and restock
                                     medical supplies/first aid kit borrowing program supply
Carleton University Students’ Association 2021-22 Itemized Budget Reference Report

   IS-6150-FP Promotion and          Purpose is to allocate funds for the following items: USC
              Advertising            business cards, pamphlets, services info cards, mini first aid
                                     kits, volunteer t-shirts, campus TV ad placement,
                                     promotional items, and signage.
   IS-6200-US Volunteer and          Purpose is to cover expenses incurred to appropriately train
              Staff Training         staff and volunteers. Expenses include but are not limited
              (FP) - $7,725          to: Police Record Check reimbursements, Standard First
                                     Aid training, and Mental Health First Aid training
   IS-6201-US Volunteer              Purpose is to allocate funds to recognize positive efforts
              Appreciation           from volunteer and staff, boost morale through monthly
              (FP) - $2,210          shift prize giveaways amongst volunteers, and recognize
                                     important milestones within the USC (End of Year
                                     Volunteer Appreciation, Winter Holiday celebration, etc.)
   IS-6500-US Projects (FP)          Purpose is to allocate funds specifically for promoting the
                                     Unified Support Centre’s services to undergraduate students
                                     at Carleton University. Initiatives include tabling, ASIST
                                     courses, updating the Crisis and Support Resource Guide
                                     and Volunteer Handbook, and unexpected
   IS-6501-US Sentinel               Purpose is to allocate funds to appropriately train
              Program (FP) -         volunteers/staff enrolled in the Sentinel program. Expenses
              $4,425                 include an honorarium of $500/volunteer leader, mandatory
                                     ASIST training, mandatory Mental Health First Aid
                                     Training, and optional First Responder training.
   IS-6502-US Special Projects       Purpose is to allocate funds for food related
              (FO) -$4,750           programming/projects and to stock a cookbook library
   IS-6503-US Emergency              Purpose is to reserve funds for additional food and
              Food Relief            household item support when Ottawa Food Bank donations
              (FO) - $13,000         are insufficient, to support struggling students through a
                                     multi-tiered food and essentials support system (regular
                                     hamper deliveries, extra hamper deliveries, once/semester
                                     short-term financial support requiring proof of need), and
                                     operational supplies for the Food Hamper. The USC will
                                     effectively merge the temporary Foot Patrol COVID-19
                                     Emergency Response Support program into a permanent
                                     aspect of Food Centre services.
   IS-9220-US Radio Airtime          Purpose is to provide a direct communication system
              (FP)                   between USC volunteers when conducting Safe Walks and
                                     other events. The USC currently has 9 radios (think of
                                     walkie-talkies that work over longer distances).
Carleton University Students’ Association 2021-22 Itemized Budget Reference Report

Carleton Disability Awareness Centre (CDAC)
 Budget Line Budget Title            Description
  IS-6500-DS Projects -              Purpose is to allocate funds specifically for programing to
             $4,000                  raise awareness and inform the Carleton University
                                     undergraduate student body on disability issues and social
                                     supports regarding disability and accessibility. Expenses
                                     include guest speaker fees, prizes, DIY supplies, and
                                     materials for events.

Health and Wellness Centre
 Budget Line Budget Title            Description
 IS-6500-HW Projects -               Purpose is to allocate funds specifically for peer
             $4,000                  support/mentorship and informing the Carleton University
                                     undergraduate student body on ways to care for their
                                     physical, mental, and emotional health. Expenses include
                                     guest speaker fees, prizes, DIY supplies, and materials for

 Budget Line Budget Title            Description
  IS-6503-IS RISE Projects           Purpose is to allocate funds to create a safe(r) space for
             REC - $5,000            Carleton University undergraduate students of all ethnicities
                                     and backgrounds through dialogue, programming, and
                                     support. Expenses include guest speaker fees, prizes, DIY
                                     supplies, and materials for events.

 Budget Line Budget Title            Description
  IS-5000-HT Revenue                 Purpose is to record revenues and funding from external
                                     resources. Currently, Hatch has received funding support
                                     from Innovation Hub.
   IS-6105-HT Office Supplies        Purpose is to allocate for new office and associated
              - $500                 expenses located in the Nicol Building on campus. As a
                                     result, Hatch has not allocated a budget for rent expenses to
                                     the university through budget line IS-9200-HT.
   IS-6500-HT Special Projects       Purpose is to allocate funds for events to assist the start-up
              - $12,000              community and connect entrepreneurs with investors,
                                     potential partners, and their peers. $4,000 is accounted for 4
                                     honorarium-based roles ($1,000/role for the year).
Carleton University Students’ Association 2021-22 Itemized Budget Reference Report

   IS-6510-HT Cohort Startup         Purpose is to allocate for expenses related to supporting the
              Expenses -             incubator program for entrepreneurs. Expenses include but
              $1,500                 are not limited to the purchase of software, tools, and
                                     resources for the co-hort.

Gender and Sexuality Resource Centre
 Budget Line Budget Title            Description
  IS-6500-GL Projects -              Purpose is to allocate funds specifically to promote
             $6,000                  programming and initiatives including but not limited to
                                     peer support, community resources, safe(r) space training,
                                     and workshops to the Carleton University undergraduate
                                     student body. Expenses include guest speaker fees, prizes,
                                     DIY supplies, and materials for events.
   IS-9500-GL Capital Asset          Purpose is to update and upkeep the shelves for the GSRC
              Purchases -            library.

 Budget Line Budget Title            Description
  IS-6060-AD Covid Supplies          Purpose is to allocate funds for cleaning supplies, sanitary
             - $15,000               measures, and free masks for all visitors and employees
                                     upon returning to on-campus work in the office.
  IS-9225-AD Maintenance             Purpose is to allocate funds for IT repairs and upgrades for
             and Repairs -           the internet/computer software/hardware used by CUSA
             $20,000                 employees.
  IS-9240-AD Software -              Purpose is to allocate funds for the use of and
             $20,000                 Zoom for all CUSA full-time and part-time employees.

Clubs and Societies
 Budget Line Budget Title            Description
  IS-5000-CL Levies -                Purpose is to account for revenues collected from levy on
             $180,000                undergraduate student tuition that go directly to CUSA to
                                     support clubs and societies on campus.
   IS-6125-CL CUSA Hub and           Purpose is set aside funds to pay for the website
              Clubs Software to promote and highlight services available to
              - $15,000              clubs and societies certified under CUSA.
   IS-6500-CL Projects -             Purpose is to fund events and initiatives to engage
              $1,500                 professional leadership development opportunities for
                                     CUSA certified clubs and societies. This year, the Student
                                     Groups Administrator used this fund to create CUSA Clubs
                                     training for club executives.
Carleton University Students’ Association 2021-22 Itemized Budget Reference Report

   IS-9220-CL Equipment              Purpose is to account for the use of Carleton University
              Rentals IMS -          equipment/conference rooms/regular classroom booking for
              $10,000                CUSA clubs and societies.
   IS-9400-CL FACCS Grants           Purpose is to allocate for event funding to support events
              - $90,000              open to all Carleton University undergraduate students and
                                     is solely for clubs and societies certified under CUSA.

 It is CUSA’s priority to create a culture of transparency, accountability, and open
communication between the Association and all stakeholders. By drafting and presenting this
reference list, CUSA takes another step in entrenching these values in our organization to better
serve the undergraduate student body. If further questions persist, please feel to email the Vice
President of Finance at for additional clarification.

Fiscally Yours,
Ms. Venassa J. Baptiste
2021 – 2022 Vice President of Finance
Carleton University Students’ Association
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