Career Booster Programme - University of Bradford

Page created by Jordan Carter
Career Booster Programme - University of Bradford

Career Booster Programme - University of Bradford
The Career Booster programme is a fantastic opportunity to boost
                                                                            your career in a variety of ways:
  Introduction from the Dean                                                  Boost your academic skills: improve your skills in report writing, exam techniques,
  I am delighted to introduce you to the Career Booster Programme for         research, critical thinking and analysis, helping you to achieve the best possible
  2018/9. This unique employability focused programme is designed             degree classification
  and delivered with our industry partners and will allow you to develop      Boost your employability skills: develop the graduate attributes and transferable
  essential skills and attributes that will prepare you for the ‘world of     skills you need to make yourself stand out from the crowd
                                                                              Boost your career options: gain professional qualifications that will open more doors
  work’ during complex and challenging times.
                                                                              for you after graduating
  I hope that you enjoy the programme.                                        Boost your enterprise skills: do you know what it takes to be an entrepreneur?
                                                                              Develop the skills to be your own career coach
  Best wishes,                                                                Boost your networking skills: Meet like-minded people who share your passion
                                                                              for success

                                                                            The Career Booster programme runs throughout the academic year. To ensure you can
                                                                            attend workshops without the worry of them clashing with taught modules, we have
                                                                            designated two weeks as Career Booster Week.

                                                                            The Career Booster weeks for 2018/9 are:
                                                                              Week commencing 29 October 2018 (Semester 1)
                                                                              Week commencing 18 February 2019 (Semester 2)

                                                                            Normal module teaching will not take place during these weeks to allow you to take full
  Professor Zahir Irani PhD, MPhil, BEng (Hons)                             advantage of the excellent workshops available. The workshops will be delivered by an
  DEAN FACULTY OF MANAGEMENT, LAW & SOCIAL SCIENCES                         exciting mix of alumni, external and internal experts, and are free of charge to students.

                                                                            There may also be the opportunity to study further and gain external certification/
                                                                            accreditation – you will need to register and pay for these at your own expense.

                                                                            In this booklet we hope to give you a flavour of the workshops on offer. They may not all run
                                                                            in both semesters, and more may be added.

                                                                            Keep an eye out for the workshop schedule and booking information which will be available
                                                                            on the Career Booster website at the start of each semester.

                                                                            “It was such a great session! The role playing in authentic scenarios really
                                                                            makes a difference!”
                                                                            WORKSHOP: EMOTIONAL AGILITY, ANONYMOUS STUDENT FEEDBACK

Career Booster Programme - University of Bradford
Higher Education Achievement Report (HEAR)
Attendance at workshops and other activities can contribute to you achieving a HEAR award.     Boost your academic skills
HEAR is a report of all your achievements that you build up and add to during your time
at Bradford. Your HEAR record includes your academic achievements as well as extra-
                                                                                               Boost your employability skills
curricular activities that the University has verified you have achieved.
                                                                                               Boost your technical skills
Employers now recognise HEAR as a formal transcript of a student’s time at University,
so plan your activities well and demonstrate your full range of experiences and skills.        Boost your career management skills
It is your opportunity to demonstrate to potential employers how you have made the most        Boost your enterprise skills
of your time here at Bradford and gained the skills and experience needed to be successful
on graduation.

You must engage in at least 25 hours of approved Career Booster activity over the academic
year to achieve the HEAR award.

Other activities will also count towards HEAR, these include:
  Effective Learning Services (ELS) workshops: look out for the Academic Research Skills
  Week commencing 8 October 2018.
  Knowledge Transfer Network (KTN): the School of Management is engaged with the local/
  regional business community and offers guest lectures and opportunities for our students
  to meet external stakeholders.

More information on these lectures is available on the School of Management website.

We will be offering other activities and will let you know if they count towards your
HEAR record.

“A well delivered programme. It was worth every minute of time spent,
questions I had about PMI before coming to the programme were answered
during the course”

                           So M        WWW.BRADFORD.AC.UK/CAREER-BOOSTER                     WWW.BRADFORD.AC.UK/CAREER-BOOSTER   So M   CAREER BOOSTER   3
Career Booster Programme - University of Bradford
                                                                                              RUNNING IN   RUNNING IN   OPEN TO        OPEN TO
THEME                                                                               LENGTH    SEMESTER 1   SEMESTER 2   YEAR 1 AND 2   FINALIST/MSc/PG     FACILITATOR

Boost your academic skills

Academic writing styles: What does good academic writing actually look like?        2 hours       3           3             3                3             Dr Martin Sedgley,
This workshop provides you with the ‘nuts and bolts’ of sentence and paragraph                                                                             Bradford SoM alumnus
structure. These enable you to write clearly and fluently so that your tutor                                                                               and Head of Effective
immediately sees your understanding of the topic                                                                                                           Learning Service

What is critical analysis? Management tutors assign the most marks in               2 hours       3           3             3                3             Dr Martin Sedgley,
assignments for critical analysis. But what are they actually looking for?                                                                                 Bradford SoM alumnus
This session will identify tutors’ academic expectations of high grade writing.                                                                            and Head of Effective
This particularly focusses on how to integrate ideas from a range of source texts                                                                          Learning Service
into a well evidenced analytical argument.

Self reflection: how do I write about my own experience in reflective               2 hours       3           3             3                3             Dr Martin Sedgley,
assignments? Tutors increasingly ask you to show your own learning                                                                                         Bradford SoM alumnus
development in a range of management assignments. This workshop shows                                                                                      and Head of Effective
a range of examples from past students’ work that achieved high marks by                                                                                   Learning Service
combining critical analysis with self-reflection.

Harvard referencing skills Still having trouble understanding how to reference      1 hour        3           3             3                3             Sarah Clark, Subject
correctly? Losing marks with your referencing? See how it’s done and learn the                                                                             Support Librarian
basic rules of Harvard referencing with this interactive session.

Library basics Learn how to get the most out of your library service. Test your     1 hour        3           3             3                3             Sarah Clark, Subject
knowledge with a library quiz and be in with a chance of winning a prize.                                                                                  Support Librarian

Endnote demonstration A demonstration of how to get started with Endnote –          1 hour        3           3             3                3             Sarah Clark, Subject
the automated referencing system. See how to create an account, set Endnote                                                                                Support Librarian
up on your own device and create references in a Word document using the
University’s own Harvard(Brad) referencing style.

Endnote hands on A follow-on from the Endnote demonstration. This is your           1 hour        3           3             3                3             Sarah Clark, Subject
chance to create your own account with your librarian there to guide you through                                                                           Support Librarian
the process.

                        So M       WWW.BRADFORD.AC.UK/CAREER-BOOSTER                                  WWW.BRADFORD.AC.UK/CAREER-BOOSTER             So M    CAREER BOOSTER        5
Career Booster Programme - University of Bradford
THEME                                                                                LENGTH   SEMESTER 1   SEMESTER 2   YEAR 1 AND 2   FINALIST/MSc/PG     FACILITATOR

Academic research: searching – find the best sources for your assignments            1 hour       3           3             3                3             Sarah Clark, Subject
quickly and easily The library electronic databases have all that you need to                                                                              Support Librarian
create a well-informed assignment that meets tutors’ challenging requirement
for ‘wide and deep reading’. This session is led by the management librarian to
show you how to shortcut your electronic searches and quickly target the most
relevant information.

Academic research: reading – how to read 10 academic texts in one hour               1 hour       3           3             3                3             Dr Martin Sedgley
Time-efficient academic reading is crucial to the success of your studies. This
session pinpoints how to select the best texts for each assignment, and how to
then read those quickly, but still targeting the ideas you need for your academic

Academic research: referencing – why, when and how to reference using                1 hour       3           3             3                3             Dr Martin Sedgley
the Harvard system This workshop focusses on how to ‘present’ your research
(academic reading) in writing that meets all the requirements of the university
referencing system. Even more importantly, this also explores how to integrate
into your writing, a range of the best types of academic sources that are most
useful for your assignments.

Boost your employability skills

The art of negotiation An introduction and a refresher for anyone who wants to       1 day        3           3             3                3             Robert McClements,
negotiate and anyone who wants to refresh their skills – maximise your potential.                                                                          Bradford SoM
     Are you investing in education to improve your personal brand value?                                                                                  Alumnus, President,
     Do you want to increase your income?                                                                                                                  CDi Creative and
                                                                                                                                                           Digital and Owner,
     Do you want to find ways to add value to your employability?
                                                                                                                                                           Grange Corporate
If the answer to any of these questions is, “Yes”, you should book this workshop                                                                           Consulting Ltd
This unique workshop combines the theory of negotiation with real examples
and practical exercises. By the end of the session you will understand how to
negotiate, and you will have developed new abilities to negotiate for yourself and
a new skillset to offer any company.

                          So M       WWW.BRADFORD.AC.UK/CAREER-BOOSTER                                WWW.BRADFORD.AC.UK/CAREER-BOOSTER             So M    CAREER BOOSTER        7
THEME                                                                                      LENGTH    SEMESTER 1   SEMESTER 2   YEAR 1 AND 2   FINALIST/MSc/PG     FACILITATOR

How to deliver successful and stress-free presentations Presenting                         3 hours       3           3             3                3             Lorraine Lucas and
information clearly and effectively is a key skill to get your message or opinion                                                                                 Peter Lunio, Peter is a
across and this skill is required in almost every role/sector. So, if you feel terrified                                                                          Bradford SoM Alumnus
at the thought of doing a presentation, this is the workshop for you. The aim of                                                                                  and Performance
the workshop is to build your confidence so that presentations feel less daunting.                                                                                Improvement/
We will cover all you need to do before, during and after the presentation and the                                                                                Analytics/Digital
session will include opportunities to practice the skills you are developing.                                                                                     & Social Housing
                                                                                                                                                                  Director, Lorraine is a
                                                                                                                                                                  Bradford SoM Alumna
                                                                                                                                                                  and Head of Business

Emotional agility The world is different. Instead of a ‘job for life’ you find             1 day         3           3                              3             Dr Audrey Tang,
yourself moving from project to project, to new people and new places. You are                                                                                    Author, Speaker, TV
surrounded with different cultures, different rules and you need to be able to take                                                                               Psychologist
all of that in your stride. You need soft skills and emotional agility.
It is more than just learning to be nice. It is about developing a range of effective
emotional responses that are authentic and will get what you need to be done,
done! AND if you’re good at it – it’s about protecting your own well-being too so
that you can continue to support others. It’s talked about, it’s wanted – but it’s not
always taught properly – you can’t learn this from a computer!

Sales quota Quota is a dynamic sales performance game used by many of                      1 day         3           3                              3             Martin Allison,
the World’s top organisations. The game is a fun, interactive and competitive                                                                                     Bradford SoM Alumnus
experience that teaches players about B2B sales processes and cycles and helps                                                                                    and Entrepreneur in
develop critical sales skills.                                                                                                                                    Residence, Banker
                                                                                                                                                                  with entrepreneurial
                                                                                                                                                                  flair & energy; coach &

From student to professional Professional life has different rules of engagement           3 hours       3           3             3                              Beverley Thomas,
to student life and most people learn the rules by trial and error. Learn the                                                                                     Career Consultant,
unwritten rules, avoid embarrassing mistakes and accelerate the learning curve                                                                                    and students who
by attending this session which will clarify professional relationships, emails,                                                                                  have undertaken their
dress codes, working hours, hierarchies, conversations, office politics and all you                                                                               placement year in
want to know about the world of work.                                                                                                                             industry

                          So M       WWW.BRADFORD.AC.UK/CAREER-BOOSTER                                       WWW.BRADFORD.AC.UK/CAREER-BOOSTER             So M     CAREER BOOSTER      9
THEME                                                                                 LENGTH    SEMESTER 1   SEMESTER 2   YEAR 1 AND 2   FINALIST/MSc/PG     FACILITATOR

Working with others, what’s your personality type, how do you contribute to           3 hours       3           3             3                3             Hermione Berry
team work? Forget quick fix online surveys and horoscopes. This is a chance to                                                                               Career Consultant
complete a recognised personality type instrument (MBTI) used by many leading
This session will help you to make the most of your working relationships
(in the context of decision making, planning and organising and communication)
at university and at work and also identify how these might be improved.

Boost your technIcal skills

Basic Excel Excel is an incredibly powerful tool for getting meaning out of vast      3 hours       3           3             3                              Dr Jyoti Mishra,
amounts of data. But it also works well for simple calculations and tracking almost                                                                          Director for Work
any kind of information. Employers will take it for granted that you can use Excel,                                                                          Placement &
so if you are not confident in using the basics this is the workshop for you.                                                                                Internships, Lecturer
We will cover:                                                                                                                                               in Logistics, Supply
 How to collect, store and assess data to aid decision making                                                                                                Chain and Technology
 How to present data visually
 How to calculate and use key statistics to aid decision making using Excel

Using SPSS Handling statistical data is an essential part of business research.       3 hours                   3                              3             Dr Ellie ismagilova,
This SPSS training course will teach you the fundamentals of using SPSS. SPSS is                                                                             Lecturer in Marketing
the data management software package produced by IBM and makes statistical
data analysis straightforward. Applying practical examples this workshop will
explain how to code variables, perform data transformations, generate descriptive
statistics and graphs, perform correlation and regression analysis.
This workshop is a must if you are undertaking research for your dissertation/

Introducing project management principles and practice This workshop will             3 hours                                                  3             Dr Mahmoud El
discuss some of the main headings in project management theory. Led by a senior                                                                              Sabouni, Senior Project
project manager, you will experience actual project planning through interactive                                                                             Manager/Head of
cases. You will have your say about how to tailor your project plan, and implement                                                                           Construction Project
the plan, apply critical thinking, and get to know different schools of project                                                                              Management UAE

Project management: concepts and tools for beginners This workshop will               3 hours       3           3             3                              Dr Mahmoud El
introduce you to project management. You will work with a professional project                                                                               Sabouni, Senior Project
manager in hands-on sessions practicing several internationally adopted project                                                                              Manager/Head of
tools. It is a window through which to look at how to plan and control a project.                                                                            Construction Project
                                                                                                                                                             Management UAE

                         So M       WWW.BRADFORD.AC.UK/CAREER-BOOSTER                                   WWW.BRADFORD.AC.UK/CAREER-BOOSTER             So M     CAREER BOOSTER    11
THEME                                                                                    LENGTH    SEMESTER 1      SEMESTER 2     YEAR 1 AND 2   FINALIST/MSc/PG     FACILITATOR

SAGE 50 accounts Trusted by over 400,000 businesses world wide SAGE 50                   2 days         3               3             3                3             Majid Aminzare,
Accounting is one of the leading accounting software packages. This workshop                                                                                         Lecturer in Taxation
will introduce you to nominal accounts, cash and credit accounts, stock purchases                  Accounting      All students                                      and Accounting
much more.                                                                                         and Finance                                                       Information System
                                                                                                   students only                                                     at Brunel Business

PMI (project management) The PMP training is an intensive programme during               5 days                         3                              3             George Diakonikolaou,
which you will learn to understand how projects should be selected and the roles                                                                                     Managing Director of
and responsibilities of project managers. You will learn the tools and techniques                                                                                    “Project Management
for effective planning of projects.                                                                                                                                  Coach” LTD
Skills you will gain from PMI: teamwork, time management, leadership, problem
solving and conflict resolution, communication and influencing skills, working
with different personalities and adapting to different business situations, critical
thinking, research and analytical skills, creativity and innovation, drive and
initiative, management decision making.
Participants must have some previous work experience.

Business intelligence and data analytics using SAS This workshop offers                  2 days         3               3             3                3             Dr Sankar Sivarajah,
insights into business data analytics techniques in order to extract knowledge                                                                                       Reader in Technology
and provide meaning from data for better business intelligence. We use SAS,                                                                                          Management and
one of the world’s leading industry standard data analytics software as part of                                                                                      Circular Economy.
this workshop to train students. SAS are one of our strategic partners and are                                                                                       Kamran Mahroof,
advocates for our students gaining experience with the software, which is used                                                                                       Lecturer in Logistics
widely in the business world.                                                                                                                                        and Supply Chain

Basics of data analysis using financial and economic data This workshop                  3 hours                        3                              3             Dr Abhijit Sharma,
provides an introduction to importing, manipulating, transforming and analysing                                                                                      Senior Lecturer in
financial and economic data. It also provides training in exporting results to                                                                                       Economics
commonly used file formats and graphical analysis of data. Such skills form
essential building blocks for students aspiring to work in the banking or finance
sector, at a central bank, a public institution, or a consultancy firm. Our main focus
is on applied empirical analysis using relevant methods and publicly available data.
This workshop will include the following indicative topics:
  Obtaining, organising and handling data
  Data analysis
  Producing analysis output: graphs and tables
  Introduction to linear regression (time permitting)

                         So M        WWW.BRADFORD.AC.UK/CAREER-BOOSTER                                       WWW.BRADFORD.AC.UK/CAREER-BOOSTER                So M     CAREER BOOSTER       13
THEME                                                                                       LENGTH     SEMESTER 1   SEMESTER 2   YEAR 1 AND 2   FINALIST/MSc/PG     FACILITATOR

Boost your career management skills

Dress to impress The new brightly patterned shirt or high heel Manolo Blahniks              2 hours        3           3             3                3             Lorraine Lucas,
may be the height of fashion but are they the best choice for a job interview?                                                                                      Bradford SoM Alumna
Come along and discover the fashion do’s and don’ts for business wear and how                                                                                       and Head of Business
to dress to impress an employer.                                                                                                                                    Engagement

LinkedIn: building your profile So you know about LinkedIn and maybe you have               Webinar:       3           3             3                3             Webinar: Hermione
an account but are you making the most of the world’s largest online professional           1 hour                                                                  Berry, Career
network?                                                                                    Work-                                                                   Consultant
LinkedIn is a powerful networking tool that can help you connect with professionals,        shop:                                                                   Workshop: Jonaid
brand yourself, and get noticed by recruiters… but only if you know how to really use it!   3 hours                                                                 Khan, SoM alumnus
You can choose between a one hour webinar or 3 hour workshop                                                                                                        and Alumni Manager
                                                                                                                                                                    for UoB
This workshop will:
  Introduce you to LinkedIn: what it has to offer and how you can use it to
  develop your personal brand and online presence
  Get you started on building and managing your profile so recruiters can find you
  Help you to grow your network: initiate, build and maintain successful connections
  Show you Groups on LinkedIn: understand them and how to use them
  Give you an insight into some of its other powerful tools e.g. jobs and alumni
  pages, skills and endorsements

You and your career plan New to the university and still finding your feet,                 2 hours        3           3             3                3             Hermione Berry,
induction a dim distant memory? Everyone telling you it’s never too early to start                                                                                  Career Consultant
planning your career - but where to start?
This workshop will provide an in-depth overview of the fantastic resources on offer
and provide a step by step guide to help you develop and implement your career plan.

Company visits We will be offering opportunities to visit regional companies (large         3 hours        3           3             3                3             Elaine Dean, Bradford
and small) during Career Booster weeks, these are great opportunities to look                                                                                       SoM alumna and
behind the scenes and meet the companies you might like to work for in the future.                                                                                  Employer Services
The list of companies you may visit will be posted on the schedule during each                                                                                      Consultant

                          So M        WWW.BRADFORD.AC.UK/CAREER-BOOSTER                                        WWW.BRADFORD.AC.UK/CAREER-BOOSTER             So M    CAREER BOOSTER      15
THEME                                                                                   LENGTH    SEMESTER 1   SEMESTER 2   YEAR 1 AND 2   FINALIST/MSc/PG     FACILITATOR

How to build a successful and sustainable network Networking is a crucial part          2 hours       3           3             3                3             TBC
of the job search process. In fact, career networking should become part of your
daily work and your career network should be in place for when you need it, both
for job searching and for moving along the career ladder.
This session covers:
  The role of networking in a professional context
  How to identify, build and manage networks to full advantage
  Overcoming the fears around networking and developing confidence

Understanding psychometric tests used in recruitment and selection                      3 hours       3           3                              3             Hermione Berry,
  Psychometrics – what are they and when are they used?                                                                                                        Career Consultant
  An introduction to the Graduates First Psychometric Test Licence – opportunity to
  practice various tests (e.g. Aptitude, Personality, Situational Judgement Tests and
  New developments in online assessment including Game Based Assessment now
  being used by employers such as PWC
  Hints and tips on how to tackle a range of psychometric tests

Psychometric tests hands on session This workshop gives you a chance to                 1 hour        3           3                              3             Hermione Berry,
experience some of the types of psychometric tests typically used in recruitment                                                                               Career Consultant
and selection especially for graduate opportunities. These will include Aptitude
Tests (Verbal and Numerical Reasoning) and Situational Judgement Tests. The
facilitator will be on hand to help you understand what employers are looking
for, work through examples to show you techniques and show you how you can
compare yourself to other candidates at a similar level. To attend this session you
must have attended the three-hour workshop above.

                         So M       WWW.BRADFORD.AC.UK/CAREER-BOOSTER                                     WWW.BRADFORD.AC.UK/CAREER-BOOSTER             So M    CAREER BOOSTER     17
THEME                                                                                   LENGTH    SEMESTER 1   SEMESTER 2   YEAR 1 AND 2   FINALIST/MSc/PG     FACILITATOR

How to succeed at interview Job interviews can be the most stressful part of            3 hours       3           3             3                3             Lorraine Lucas and
the application process. Be prepared! Interviewing is a skill and like all skills you                                                                          Peter Lunio, Peter is a
will get better with preparation and practice. This session will take you through                                                                              Bradford SoM Alumnus
the whole interviewing process, so you can develop the behavioural and process                                                                                 and Performance
skills to achieve success.                                                                                                                                     Improvement/
It will include:                                                                                                                                               Analytics/Digital
                                                                                                                                                               & Social Housing
  Principles of interviews and hints and tips in general
  Types of interviews – telephone, videos (live/automated), face-to-face and                                                                                   Director, Lorraine is a
  multiple mini interviews (MMI)                                                                                                                               Bradford SoM Alumna
  Interview structure, content and answering different types of questions                                                                                      and Head of Business
  (strengths, competency, values and CV/Applications based)                                                                                                    Engagement
  A chance to have a go at some questions and answers in a safe environment
  Bring along interview questions that you have encountered or experienced
  which you would like to discuss

Graduate Jobs – Find and apply! Many graduate recruiters advertise their                3 hours       3           3                              3             Beverley Thomas,
opportunities and they will be looking for you but how can you find them?                                                                                      Career Consultant
  This session will show you how to explore graduate opportunities including
  looking at graduate schemes, knowing where recruiters advertise and the
  hidden jobs market
  We will cover implementing your job seeking strategies as well as provide
  advice on what recruiters are looking for and how to make yourself stand out
  from the crowd
  This session will provide useful resources for your graduate job search

International students job search in the UK and on leaving the UK and                   3 hours       3           3                              3             Beverley Thomas,
returning home This session will be of interest to international students who are                                                                              Career Consultant
looking to apply for roles within the UK and those preparing to leave the UK on
completion of their studies.
It will cover a range of topics including:
   Looking for work in the UK and/or overseas
   Re-orientation to your home country
   How Career and Employability Services can help graduates
   Alumni networking

                         So M        WWW.BRADFORD.AC.UK/CAREER-BOOSTER                                    WWW.BRADFORD.AC.UK/CAREER-BOOSTER             So M    CAREER BOOSTER     19
THEME                                                                                    LENGTH    SEMESTER 1   SEMESTER 2   YEAR 1 AND 2   FINALIST/MSc/PG     FACILITATOR

Confidence building for career success This workshop is for anybody who wants            3 hours       3           3             3                3             Kenneth Howgill,
practical confidence boosting techniques to help them move ahead with their                                                                                     Career Consultant
career planning.
By the end of the workshop participants will:
  Understand how to be their own ‘career coach’
  Know how to focus on the positives and turn around the negatives
  Have practiced simple techniques for confident self-presentation

Make it to work: where are you now? Where do you want to be and how will                 1 day                     3                              3             Hermione Berry,
you get there? This intensive one-day workshop covers a variety of activities                                                                                   Career Consultant
to help you plan for your future career. We will help you to review where you
are now, visualise where you want to be, identify your skills, look at your career
options and think proactively about your job seeking. You will leave with a
personal action plan to help you achieve your career or job search goals.

Career planning - using using library databases for other uses Not sure what your        90            3           3             3                3             Sarah Clark, Subject
next step is after university? Come and see how to use the library databases to search   minutes                                                                Support Librarian
for companies or industries and see how they can help you to make the next step.

Boost your enterprise skills

To be or not to be employed Have you considered self-employment, what skills,            3 hours       3           3             3                3             Martin Allison
attitudes and behaviours do you need to be successful? Come and find out if you
have what it takes to be an entrepreneur.

Enterprise car club challenge An interactive session… want to know what it takes         3 hours       3                         3                3             ERAC
to be a budding entrepreneur? Take the Enterprise rent-a-car Car Club Challenge!
In groups you will:
  test your wits and teamworking skills
  decide the city in which you are going to launch the next Enterprise Car Club
  location in
  market the launch of the business using a budget of £50,000 using your
  innovative marketing ideas!
Finally, each group will have a 1-minute pitch to sell the city they have chosen and
why and how they have spent their marketing budget to the judging panel.
Best teams are selected, presented to the judging panel to win a prize and if
members meet their eligibility criteria will be fast tracked through Enterprise
rent-a-car’s graduate application process.
Are you ready to take the challenge?

                         So M        WWW.BRADFORD.AC.UK/CAREER-BOOSTER                                     WWW.BRADFORD.AC.UK/CAREER-BOOSTER             So M     CAREER BOOSTER       21
How to enrol
                                                                 Career Booster weeks
                                                                 The schedule and booking information for these weeks will be available on the Career
                                                                 Booster website at the start of each semester.

                                                                 KTN events
                                                                 Will be advertised on the webpage and bookings made via Eventbrite.

                                                                 Act quickly, places are limited and are offered on a first-come, first-served basis.

                                                                 You will also be advised of activities via the Career Booster Ambassadors who will be
                                                                 supporting the programme via social media and the Career Booster stand in the atrium.

                                                                                            “We are not just looking for graduates
                                                                                               with a degree, we are looking for
                                                                                              job-ready graduates with the right
                                                                                            level of skills, who can hit the ground
                                                                                               running and start adding value.
                                                                                             The Career Booster programme will
                                                                                             give students an added advantage in
                                                                                                a very competitive job market.”
                                                                                                       MICHAEL A WALL
                                                                                              BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR,
                                                                                                  1825 FINANCIAL PLANNING

Become a Career Booster Ambassador                                                         “The Career Booster programme was a great new initiative last year
Each year, students taking part in the Career Booster programme will be invited to apply    and reinforced my view from my placement year that employers
to become ambassadors of the programme. A call for applications for ambassadors
will be announced in the autumn term, and selection will be based on a competitive
                                                                                            are looking for more than a degree, they want graduates with a
process involving an interview. Career Booster ambassadors may be asked to undertake        wide range of skills and attributes that include technical and soft
small projects, where the work will be supervised and validated as part of the career
development and volunteering process.
                                                                                            skills. The Career Booster Programme is a great way to develop and
                                                                                            improve these skills, I would recommend you take full advantage of
                                                                                            the workshops on offer.”
  The information provided is correct at time of going to press, it may be subject
  to change.                                                                                DANIELLE LIU, BSc BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT STUDIES,
                                                                                            PLACEMENT YEAR WITH CLUB VITS (PRINCIPLE HEALTHCARE)

  The schedules and booking information, via Eventbrite will be available online at
  the start of each semester at:

     “It was a day as enjoyable
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      someone with little or no
    sales training, but all of the
      responsibility within my
     business, I feel like I have
   taken away real insight that
   I can apply to my approach.”

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