Care and Preservation of Slate Roofs

Page created by Virgil Hudson
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Journal of architectural
technology published by
Hoffmann Architects, Inc.,
specialists in the rehabilitation
of building exteriors.

                                                   Care and Preservation of Slate Roofs
                                                   Deborah J. Costantini, AIA and Benjamin J. Robinson, Assoc. AIA

                                                   A     ccustomed as we are to the
                                                   complicated roof systems of today’s
                                                                                                                the country, from the humble country
                                                                                                                cottage to the imposing cathedral,
                                                   construction, with waterproof mem-                           slate roofs have become an endan-
                                                   branes, insulation board, ballast, and                       gered species, not because they have
                                                   adhesives, it can be hard to imagine                         reached the end of their serviceable
                                                   that simple stone slabs nailed to a                          life, but rather due to a lack of infor-
                                                   plain wood roof deck could protect                           mation about their repair and upkeep.
                                                   against the elements for upwards of                          Because so many roofing professionals,
                                                   a century. But that is exactly what a                        while knowledgeable about contem-
                                                   slate roof does, provided it has been                        porary roofing materials, do not have
                                                   properly designed and maintained. Al-                        much experience with natural stone,
                                                   though they cover buildings through-                         slate roof owners are plagued with
                                                   out New England and dotted around                            a barrage of misinformation—and
                                                                                                                incorrectly performed repairs. Walk-
                                                                                                                ing on the roof during installation or
                                                                                                                selecting the wrong type of fasten-
                                                                                                                ers for replacement slates could lead
                                                                                                                to cracked stone pieces tumbling off
                                                                                                                the roof: dangerous, unsightly, and a
                                                                                                                source of leaks. Even worse is the
                                                                                                                slate roof owner who dutifully invests
                                                                                                                in a full roof replacement, only to learn
                                                                                                                that the original roof still had fifty-plus
                                                                                                                years of useful life, and that the new
                                                                                                                roof, incorrectly installed, is beginning
                                                                                                                to crumble after just a few short years.
                                                                                                                So when is it necessary to replace a slate
                                                                                                                roof? And what maintenance is needed
                                                                                                                to keep the roof in good condition? A
                                                                                                                variety of new products are on the mar-
                                                                                                                ket, from synthetic slate to photovoltaic
                                                                                                                shingles. When would these be appropri-
   With regular maintenance and appropriate, periodic repairs, a well-designed slate roof can last
                                                                                                                ate technologies to consider, and how do
upwards of a century.
                                                                                                                they integrate with traditional roofing?

                                                   As a Project Architect with Hoffmann Architects, Inc., Deborah J. Costantini, AIA has specialized expertise in the
                                                   design and maintenance of slate roofs. Project Coordinator Benjamin J. Robinson, Assoc. AIA develops design
                                                   solutions for slate rehabilitation that apply new technologies to the historic roof restoration process.

Broken slates                              Damaged flashing                            Loose gutters

While slate rehabilitation can raise       of problem areas, is essential to a slate   fractures may not create observable
many questions, caring for a historic      roof ’s longevity.                          problems until months or even years
roof need not be a painful process.                                                    down the road, when the slate begins
                                           When should major investigations occur?
After all, the material is durable, and                                                to break apart, permits water entry,
                                           Every 5 to 7 years, a more thorough
the construction elegantly simple. The                                                 and eventually slides off the roof.
                                           inspection by a qualified roofing
solution lies in knowing what to look                                                  Who should perform the survey?
                                           professional should be conducted to
for, and how to approach any prob-                                                     Twice-yearly seasonal inspections for
                                           identify deteriorated conditions. Wait-
lems that do arise.                                                                    general conditions can be performed
                                           ing until problems are so obvious and
                                           pervasive that they can no longer be        by building maintenance personnel,
How and When to Inspect a Slate            ignored only leads to more costly re-       but more comprehensive roof system
Roof                                       habilitation, with the added likelihood     investigations should be conducted by
Why inspect the roof? Adequate             of interior and structural damage. A        an architect or roofing design profes-
drainage is a critical component of a      detailed, routine investigation can help    sional experienced with slate rehabili-
properly functioning slate roof system.    to identify minor deterioration and         tation.
For this reason, slate roofs typically     maintenance issues which can then           What needs to be inspected? Assess the
have a high slope, so that water runs      be addressed promptly, before they          condition and quality of installation for
off as quickly as possible. When leaves    become serious problems.                    each component of the slate roof system:
and other waste are allowed to ac-         How should the inspection be conducted?     • Slate. Document cracked, broken,
cumulate on the roof or in gutters,        Such surveys should be completed              misaligned, delaminated, or missing
water becomes trapped, creating a          initially from the ground, with the use       slates. “Sounding” a slate by tapping
potential source for leaks. To prevent     of binoculars, to assess the overall          it with knuckles or a slating hammer
this problem, simple gutter cleaning       condition of the roof. However,               can help determine its integrity; a
and debris removal in the spring and       because some defects are only evident
                                                                                         dull thud can indicate poor condi-
fall, along with inspections for signs     on closer inspection, use of a ladder
                                                                                         tion, whereas a full, deep sound
of damage to the drainage or snow          or lift to access all roof areas is an
                                                                                         generally means the slate is intact.
guard systems, should be performed         important part of a thorough inves-
twice a year. Basic roofing steward-       tigation. Avoid walking on the roof!        • Flashing. A slate roof is only as
ship, including the early identification   Slate cracks easily, and some hairline        good as the weakest flashing detail.

Deteriorated roof deck                     Missing fasteners                           Bent snow guards

VOLUME         25        NUMBER 4

  Slates may last centuries, but flashing
  must be maintained and replaced                                                          Synthetic Slate
  periodically. Look for loose and
  missing fasteners, and flashing that                                                     Shingle Roofing:
  exhibits deformation, wearing, cor-
  rosion, or pin holes. Open seams
                                                                                           When Is It a Viable Option?
  and missing flashing members are                 Why synthetic slate?
  also common sources of water                     Because natural slate roofs can last up to 100 years or more, property owners
  entry. Areas to investigate include:             are often surprised when roof replacement is recommended. Rehabilitation
  ridge, hip, valley, roof-to-wall, drip           of slate roofs can be both expensive and time intensive, requiring specialized
  edge, and step flashing.                         craftsmen (slaters), tools, and accessories. Natural slates often break during
• Drainage system. Deterioration of                shipment, such that additional quantities must be purchased. Plus, material lead
  copper gutters and drainage attach-              times can drastically stretch out the timeline of the project.
  ments manifests similarly to flashing            To circumvent these challenges, some slate roof owners have turned to syn-
  damage. Check for the signs of                   thetic slate shingles as an alternative reroofing option. Synthetic slate roofing
  distress listed above at gutters, con-           is relatively inexpensive and can be installed quickly by a standard roofing crew,
  ductor heads, leaders, attachments,              using pneumatic nail guns with standard roofing nails. Lead times for materials
  and related flashings.                           are shorter than those for natural slate. And, overall, the weight of the syn-
• Substrate/roof deck. Inspect the                 thetic material is far less than that of traditional slate, allowing for a slate-like
  rafters and sheathing for moisture               appearance on a structure that could not bear the load of natural stone.
  staining. Test probes, involving re-             What is synthetic slate?
  moval of selected slates to expose               Numerous manufacturers produce synthetic slate shingles. Product composition
  the substrate, can be used to deter-             varies from rigid ceramic materials to semi-flexible shingles made with post-indus-
  mine if wood rot is present when                 trial waste rubber and plastics. While the real-time life expectancy of synthetic slate
  attic space is inaccessible.                     is not proven, laboratory testing has projected its useful life to be 40 to 60 years.
• Fasteners. Confirm the condition                 How do synthetics compare with natural stone?
  and material of nails and other                  Just as with natural slate, the lifespan of a synthetic roof is dependent on the
  fasteners. Copper or steel nails are             quality of the weakest element. Heavy gauge metal flashings, heavy roofing
  generally found on most slate roofs,             underlayments and bituminous ice and water barriers are key aspects to a
  but replacement slates or flash-                 successful synthetic slate roof. Properly detailed conditions, such as intersec-
  ings may have been secured with                  tions at dormers, chimneys, vent stacks, and skylights, as well as hips, valleys and
  inappropriate fasteners, which may               ridges, are important design considerations.
  deteriorate prematurely.
                                                   Colors, textures, shingle sizes, and edge profiles of existing slate can all be
• Accessories. Check the stability,                mimicked with synthetic shingles. To determine if the “look” of the synthetic
  proper functionality, and correct                is acceptable when compared to the natural stone, product samples and test
  installation of snow guards, lightning           panels should be assessed in position on the roof. Often, synthetics have a
  protection systems, and other safety             slight sheen and in some cases appear too regular in their coursing, yielding an
  devices.                                         unnatural and potentially unappealing appearance.
How should information from the                    Where might synthetic slate be suitable?
inspection be collected and used?                  A design professional should be able to offer guidance in choosing an appropri-
To create a record of the survey,                  ate synthetic or natural slate for a specific building. Is the structure to receive the
both for immediate repairs and for                 new roof in a historic district or considered to be a landmark building? Can the
long-range maintenance planning,                   roof structure bear the load of natural slate? What is the budget for the project?
document deterioration conditions                  There are many questions that an architect will answer prior to recommending a
and sites of previous repair work in               specific roofing product, whether synthetic or natural slate.
a written report, supplemented with
                                                   Regardless of the material selected, proper detailing of the roof using quality
photographs and drawings where
                                                   products, thorough design documents, and certified installers is what yields a
possible. Prioritizing repairs and
                           (continued on page 4)
                                                   successful outcome.


(continued from page 3)

budgeting for larger-scale remediation      Install membrane flashings. Replace-        areas, slate should be removed in a py-
projects can be simplified with clear       ment of metal flashings or gutters          ramidal shape. A diminishing number
records of ongoing and emerging             provides an opportunity to add or           of slates at higher courses allows for
problems. Results of maintenance            replace ice and water barriers along        proper nail positioning at installation
efforts can also be tracked to deter-       eaves or at valleys. Although many          and minimizes the use of bibs.
mine the solution’s effectiveness.          older slate roofs were constructed          To avoid a patchwork of obvious
                                            without membrane flashings and              replacement slates, matching by
Maintenance and Repairs                     remained leak-proof for decades, new        color, size, and texture is an essen-
                                            developments in underlayment ma-            tial part of any slate replacement
Documenting signs of deterioration
                                            terials provide added security should       effort. When available, attic stock
is an important first step in caring
                                            the slate or flashing become dam-           can be used, or extra materials can
for a slate roof, but it is insufficient
                                            aged by weather events, fallen trees,       be ordered during a replacement
to record problems yet wait until
                                            or other unexpected circumstances.          project to maintain stock for future
they require major rehabilitation to
add them to the facility maintenance        Secure loose and misaligned slates.         repairs. A knowledgeable roofing
schedule. In conjunction with bian-         Position the slate and secure it with       design professional should be able to
nual inspection of the roof assem-          appropriate roofing nails in the over-      identify the slate type on your roof
bly, building personnel should also         lying slots, covered with a bib flashing.   and its origin, and should be able to
perform routine cleaning and repairs,                                                   locate matching slate, either salvaged

                                                   “A slate roof
guided by a maintenance agenda such                                                     or newly quarried.
as the following, but tailored to the                                                   Replace damaged safety accessories.
needs of the specific structure type,                                                   Snow guards that are bent or broken
occupancy demands, and exposure:              is only as good as                        should be replaced promptly, as large
Clear debris. Remove leaves, branches,                                                  drifts of snow are potentially danger-
dirt, and other waste from gutters,               the weakest                           ous, both in themselves and in their

                                               flashing detail.”
valleys, and penetrations. Clear any ob-                                                tendency to loosen and dislodge slates,
structions in gutters and downspouts,                                                   which can then fall from the roof.
both seasonally and after major storms.                                                 For any repair or maintenance work,
Repair/replace flashings. Open                                                          new materials and installation details
seams and missing or inappropriate          Alternatively, use a slate hook, which      should produce a roof area with a
securement can be repaired, while           is a curved, copper or stainless steel      serviceable life comparable to that of
deteriorated flashings will need to be      metal device which hooks under the          existing sections, when possible. Ap-
replaced. Copper flashings can be           slate at the exposed edge. Strap hang-      propriate and well-performed repair
replaced in kind, with a minimum of         ers might seem to function similarly to     measures may aid in remedying im-
16-ounce copper, although a heavier,        slate hooks, but these are not only large   mediate failures, in turn delaying—or
24-ounce weight is preferred for            and unsightly, they also tend to deflect,   preventing—more extensive repairs or
erosion-prone areas like valleys and        allowing the slate to slip out.             replacement.
gutters. Lead-coated copper is also         Replace deteriorated or missing slates.
commonly used for historic restora-         To remove a broken or damaged slate,        When to Replace a Slate Roof
tion, because of its durability in repair   a slate ripper can be used to extract       A properly installed and well main-
applications.                               the existing nails. The slate then slides   tained slate roof has a life expectancy
To extend the life of existing flash-       out, and a new one can be inserted          of 60-125 years or more, depend-
ings, by sometimes as much as ten to        using either the nail-and-bib or slate      ing upon the building location, slate
twenty years, appropriate coatings          hook techniques described above.            type, and roof pitch. However, poorly
can be applied, such as an elasto-          When multiple slates have deterio-          performed repair work or neglected
meric roofing membrane (e.g. GAF            rated in a given area, substrate issues     flashings and other details can signifi-
Topcoat). Check first to be sure the        may be the source of the problem            cantly shorten a slate roof ’s lifespan.
coating is compatible with the flash-       and should be addressed before              To determine the appropriateness and
ing material and with the slate roof        replacing the overlying slates, lest the    cost-effectiveness of repairs as com-
system.                                     problem recur. For larger replacement       pared with replacement, a roof design

VOLUME          25        NUMBER 4

professional will conduct a thorough
evaluation of the roof assembly.                                                 Integrating Solar Power with
Repair is usually indicated when:
• Less than 20% of slates on a given
                                                                                                Traditional Stone
  roof or roof slope are damaged;                                                                                   Is it possible to combine alternative
• The roof is not complex, with mini-                                                                               energy roofing technologies with
  mal flashing details;                                                                                             traditional slate roofing systems?
• Overall, the slate is in good condi-                                                                              Surprisingly, the answer is yes. Photovoltaics
                                              COURTESY ATLANTIS ENERGY SYSTEMS, INC.
  tion, and flashings are at least in fair                                                                          (PV) in roofing have become increasingly
  shape;                                                                                                            mainstream; from integrated solar modules
• The roof still has a significant bal-                                                                             in EPDM membrane to rack mounted rigid
  ance of its expected serviceable life                                                                             rooftop solar panels, Building Integrated
  remaining; and/or                                                                                                 Photovoltaic (BIPV) systems harness the
                                                                                                                    power of the sun and create clean and free
• Historic significance makes preserva-                                                                             electricity for a building owner.
  tion a priority.
                                                                                 One way to integrate a PV system with a slate roof is with a product called
Replacement should be considered                                                 “Sunslates.” Sunslates are dimensionally the same as a slate shingle and are
when:                                                                            installed the exact same way by a roofer. They clip together in series to cre-
• 20% or more of slates on a given                                               ate a low voltage electrical circuit, and an electrician connects the system to
  roof or roof slope are damaged;                                                the building’s electrical panel.
• Slate deterioration areas are perva-                                           A variety of local and federal rebates and incentives are available to offset
  sive and throughout multiple slopes;                                           the cost of a BIPV system, generating return on the investment in a short
                                                                                 period of time. Your roofing design professional can guide you through the
• Flashings in need of replacement
  are complex, requiring excessive
  manipulation and maintenance of the                                            If a slate roof rehabilitation is imminent, and alternative energy methods
  slates;                                                                        desired, BIPV roofing may be the answer. Consider integrating Sunslates or
                                                                                 another solar roofing technology with your traditional slate roof. Then, sit
• Multiple areas or challenging loca-
                                                                                 back, relax, and watch you electric meter spin backwards!
  tions of damaged slates necessitate
  extensive removal, risking breakage
  of additional slates; and/or
                                             poor attic ventilation, or other sources                                      copper, selected for all flashings, gutters,
• Slate is in fair to poor condition         of moisture; isolated replacements — for                                      downspouts, and metal roofs, to avoid
  overall, with little remaining service-    example, of a single roof slope — may                                         corrosion by galvanic action between
  able life.                                 be sufficient.                                                                dissimilar metals.
Because the detailing and craftsman-         In the case of older roofs, planning                                          Finally, availability of matching new or
ship of original slate roofs contribute      ahead and budgeting for eventual re-                                          salvaged slates should also be consid-
to the character of historic buildings,      placement can prevent hasty decisions                                         ered in the repair/replacement decision
they should be repaired rather than          and inferior detailing when problems                                          process. Even when replacement is
replaced whenever possible. However,         become urgent. An architect with ex-                                          necessary, temporary repairs may have
because the majority of slate roofs          perience in slate roof design can specify                                     to suffice to allow time for locating,
were installed around the turn of the        a new slate roof which matches, as                                            ordering, and delivering the slates.
20th century, many are now reaching          closely as possible, the existing roof, in
the end of their serviceable life. Before    slate type, coursing style, and detailing,
rushing into a full-scale replacement,
                                                                                                                           Preservation of Slate Roof Character
                                             even for a complex roof. All materi-
however, consult an experienced              als used, from flashings to nails, should                                     Before major repair or replacement
slate roof design professional to rule       have a lifespan comparable to that of                                         projects are undertaken, documenta-
out worn flashings, clogged gutters,         the slate, with a single metal, such as                                       tion of a slate roof ’s unique detailing


           Problem Diagnosis                                                     Solution Design

and style should be made, such that           Hips and ridges, the upper unions of          eaves or valleys with insufficient drain-
new sections can cleave to the original       two adjacent roof slopes, could be            age, deteriorate more rapidly than do
design as closely as possible. In ad-         covered with specially cut slates in a        areas that can dry out quickly. Use of
dition to matching the size, shape,           variety of arrangements, or might be          soft slates also shortens a roof ’s useful
color, and texture of the individual          ornamented with flashing formed of            lifespan.
slates themselves, which may vary at          sheet metal or terra cotta. Valleys, at       Installation problems. Improper nailing
different points along the roof slope         the internal angle of two roof slopes,        of slate, with nails driven in too tightly
or randomly along courses, replicating        shed the bulk of water runoff and so          or with nail heads left exposed, can
detailing along hips, ridges, and valleys     must be particularly well protected.          crack the stone or puncture overly-
is also important to preserving the           As such, they may employ metal flash-         ing slates. Plain steel or galvanized
character of a slate roof.                    ing, with slates overlapping at the sides     nails used instead of solid copper or
                                              (open valley), or they may have slates        stainless steel will rust prematurely,
Standard grade roofs, which are the
                                              overlying a metal lining (closed valley).     necessitating roof replacement even
most common, use uniform slates of
consistent length and width, with even        Construction style may also vary as to        while the slate itself is still sound.
cleavage at the edges. Headlaps, the          type of sheathing, ranging from wood          Design flaws, such as failure to leave
overlap of each slate with the courses        boards or battens to concrete and             sufficient headlap or sidelaps, permit
above it, and sidelaps, the lateral spac-     steel. Even where materials and slate         water to pass through joints between
ing of slates in relation to the courses      coursing have been duplicated ac-             slates, leading to leaks.
above and below, are regular.                 curately, failure to appropriately specify
                                                                                            Repair problems. Roofing mastic ap-
Random width or textured roofs use            and secure the substrate may threaten
                                                                                            plied to damaged slates or flashings
slates of various thicknesses, widths,        the longevity of a slate roof installation.
                                                                                            may be a tempting quick fix, but the
and tail lengths to create a less uni-                                                      black paste is not only unsightly, it is also
form appearance. Cleavages may be             Pitfalls to Avoid                             prone to crack and to accelerate metal
uneven at the bottom, and slates may          Design problems. Insufficient pitch           corrosion. Mastic is also difficult to re-
range in color and texture.                   leads to slower water runoff, which           move, making future repairs a challenge.
Graduated roofs employ thicker, larger        permits moisture entry into the slate         Replacing solid wood sheathing with
slates at the eaves, and gradually dimin-     by capillary action. Roof areas that          cheaper plywood or pressure-treated
ish in slate size along the slope, with the   are permitted to remain in prolonged
smallest, thinnest slates at the ridge.       contact with water, such as along                                           (continued on page 8)

VOLUME            25          NUMBER 4

Slate Roofing
Experience in working with historic
materials, along with technical expertise
in applying new technologies, makes
Hoffmann Architects’ project archi-
tects and engineers uniquely suited to
restoring and replacing slate roofing.
Resolving deterioration at the outsides
of buildings is the firm’s exclusive focus.
As such, our project teams commit to
a detail-oriented approach to roofing
projects, beginning with a thorough
investigation into the slate, flashing, and
underlayment conditions. Compre-
hensive document preparation and
construction administration see that
installation is completed as designed.
Hoffmann Architects’ specific experi-            Wellesley College, Tower Court (pictured), Severence Hall and Clafin Hall in Wellesley, Massa-
ence with slate roofing includes:             chusetts. Slate Roof Replacement and Building Envelope Rehabilitation

New York Public Library
                                              Queensborough Community College                    Smithsonian Institution
St. George Library Center
                                              Oakland Building                                   Arts & Industries Building
Staten Island, New York
                                              New York, New York                                 Washington, District of Columbia
Slate Roof Investigation
                                              Synthetic Slate Shingle Roof Replacement           Slate Roof Repairs
Columbia University
Casa Hispanica                                University of Maryland, Eastern Shore
New York, New York                            Physical Education and Health Building
Slate Roof Rehabilitation, Part of            Princess Anne, Maryland
60-Building Master Plan                       Slate Roof Investigation

Goodwin Square Hotel                          Lockwood Mathews Mansion Museum
Hartford, Connecticut                         Norwalk, Connecticut
Slate Roof and Façade Rehabilitation          Slate Roof Rehabilitation

Former Southern New England                   Scholastic Inc.
                                              New York, New York                                    Fairfield University, McAuliffe Hall (pictured),
Telephone Company
                                              Slate Roof Replacement and Cast-Iron               and Bellarmine Hall in Fairfield, Connecticut.
Central Offices
                                              Façade Rehabilitation                              Slate Roof and Building Envelope Rehabilitation
Various Locations, Connecticut
Slate Roof Replacement and Masonry
Repairs at Five Offices


(continued from page 6)
                                                                         roof is a testament to     JOURNAL is a publication of
                                                                         nature’s endurance         Hoffmann Architects, Inc., specialists in
                                                                         and to the craftsman-      the rehabilitation of building exteriors.
                                                                                                    The firm’s work includes investigative
                                                                         ship and skill of its
                                                                                                    and rehabilitative architecture and
                                                                         artisans and caretak-      engineering services for the analysis
                                                                         ers. To preserve such      and resolution of problems within
                                                                         a historic treasure, and   roofs, facades, glazing, and structural
                                                                         to avoid the unneces-      systems of existing buildings, plazas,
                                                                         sary expense of re-        terraces and parking garages.
                                                                         peat repairs, it’s worth
                                                                                                    Please send news, technical information,
                                                                         taking the time to find    address changes or requests for free
                                                                         an experienced slate       subscriptions to Editor, Hoffmann
                                                                         design professional to     Architects JOURNAL, 2321 Whitney
   Failure to match the color, profile, and texture of existing slates   evaluate the roof and      Avenue, Hamden, CT 06518.
when selecting replacements can lead to an unattractive patchwork        design a maintenance
                                                                         and rehabilitation         For information on the services
                                                                                                    offered by Hoffmann Architects, Inc.,
                                                                         strategy. Learning         contact our Marketing Coordinator at
wood can lead to shrinking and resultant              the fundamentals of slate roof protec-        800-239-6665 or:
displacement of overlying slates, as can              tion will enable the slate roof owner
uneven or loosely nailed wood boards.                 or facility manager to stay abreast           2321 Whitney Avenue
                                                                                                    Hamden, CT 06518
Thin, substandard replacement flash-                  of developing problems, to prevent            203-239-6660
ings can create serious water infiltra-               premature deterioration where pos-
                                                      sible, and to budget and plan for major       500 Fifth Avenue, Suite 830
tion problems, even if the surrounding                                                              New York, NY 10110
slate is in excellent condition. At-                  rehabilitation.                               212-789-9915
tempting to save money by skimping                    Investigating contemporary innova-
on flashing details is poor economics:                                                              2611 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 200
                                                      tions in products and techniques may          Arlington, VA 22202
the expense of duplicate repairs is                   be appropriate for your roof—al-              703-253-9800
greater than the cost of doing it right               though there is nothing wrong with
the first time.                                       sticking to tried-and-true materials          For more information on the topics
                                                                                                    discussed in this article, visit us on the
                                                   and methods. After all, traditional slate        web at or contact
Protecting Your Investment                         roofs use natural materials to provide           us at
Slate, installed correctly and main-               distinctive character and sound wa-
                                                   terproofing that lasts for generations.          Editor: Alison Hoffmann
tained with due diligence, is one of the
                                                                                                    Production: Margaret Bailey
most durable of building materials. A              Now that’s sustainable design.

                          Hoffmann Architects, Inc.
                          2321 Whitney Avenue
                          Hamden, CT 06518

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