Capital Improvement Plan 2019 2024 - Detroit Lakes, MN

Page created by Gilbert Walsh
Capital Improvement Plan 2019 2024 - Detroit Lakes, MN
Capital Improvement Plan
2019 - 2024
City of Detroit Lakes, MN
Apex Project Number 18.178.0016

                               Mayor: Matt Brenk
             Council Members: Dan Wenner, Ron Zeman, Jamie Marks-
          Erickson, Jay Schurman, Matt Boeke, Dan Josephson, Natalie Bly,
                           Bruce Imholte, Madalyn Sukke

                         City Administrator: Kelcey Klemm
                 Public Utilities General Manager: Vernell Roberts
                         City Finance Director: Pam Slifka
                Community Development Director: Larry Remmen
                        Public Works Director: Brad Green
                                City Engineer: Jon Pratt

                          Adopted: March 2019

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Capital Improvement Plan 2019 2024 - Detroit Lakes, MN
Capital Improvement Plan | 2019 – 2024
                                                                                                      City of Detroit Lakes

                                                     Table of Contents
1.0      INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................. 3
2.0      PURPOSE & SCOPE OF A CIP............................................................................................ 3
3.0      CIP PREPARATION AND IMPLEMENTATION ....................................................................... 3
4.0      PROJECT FINANCING AND FUNDING .................................................................................. 4
5.0      COMPLETED CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS ................................................................ 5
6.0      PROPOSED CAPITAL PROJECT SUMMARY ........................................................................... 6

                                                         List of Tables
Table 1: Summary of Completed CIP Projects ............................................................................................. 5
Table 2: Summary of Proposed CIP Projects – Street & Utility .................................................................... 6
Table 3: Summary of Proposed CIP Projects –Parking Lots & Multi-Use Trails ........................................... 7

                                                         List of Figures
Figure 1: CIP Overview/Location Map …………………………………………………………………………………………………….8
Figure 2: Bike/Multi-Use Trail Plan …..…………………………………………………………………………………………………….9

Appendix A – CIP Project Worksheets
Appendix B – Multi-Use Trail Plan

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Capital Improvement Plan 2019 2024 - Detroit Lakes, MN
Capital Improvement Plan | 2019 – 2024
                                                                                 City of Detroit Lakes

    This Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) has been prepared by the City of Detroit Lakes, Minnesota to
    identify infrastructure needs and discuss proposed improvements to the City’s water,
    wastewater, drainage, and transportation infrastructure. This CIP is general in nature and
    outlines basic information such as location, infrastructure deficiencies, proposed improvements,
    estimated project costs, probable year of construction, and possible funding allocation for each
    capital improvement discussed.

    This CIP is intended to be utilized as a road map by City staff and City elected officials when
    planning for future improvements. A CIP is often times the first step in the planning stages of a
    project and is often times a key component in schedule and financial planning. The City is not
    obligated to complete projects included in this CIP and it can be altered at any time. CIPs should
    be visited and updated on an annual basis in order to ensure the City has a current planning
    document in regards to its infrastructure system needs.

    CIPs are conceptual in nature and are not intended to be a basis for design. Estimated costs and
    financing splits are planning level with the primary purpose of providing a means for
    demonstrating general project scale. As specific projects are to be considered in detail, a
    preliminary engineering report/study should be prepared to evaluate existing conditions in detail,
    specific design considerations and evaluate challenges. A preliminary engineering report will
    gather the information needed to provide more detailed and accurate cost estimates.

    This CIP was prepared as a collaborative effort from City staff listed on the cover page and with
    input and direction of the City Council. City staff identified projects by reviewing known
    infrastructure deficiencies, needs, or projects that were being programed by outside factors (i.e.
    funding opportunities, cooperative projects with other agencies, etc.). The identified projects
    were programed (scheduled) by evaluating level of need/urgency, schedule of partnering
    agencies, impact of capital cost and bonding to the City, and other factors. City staff utilized the
    estimated costs contained in this CIP to evaluate and analyze the impact to bonding, tax levy, and
    utility rates/funds. Adjustments were made to the programing to best balance all of these

    It is well understood that the CIP and the related financing impact cannot possibly or accurately
    anticipate or predict all of the factors that will arise in future years that will impact the City’s
    ability to execute the CIP as presented. Projects contained in this plan could be deferred or

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Capital Improvement Plan 2019 2024 - Detroit Lakes, MN
Capital Improvement Plan | 2019 – 2024
                                                                                  City of Detroit Lakes

    eliminated and other project not contained in this plan will likely be added. The implementation
    of the plan can and will be impact by any number of known and unknown factors. Accordingly
    the CIP is thought of as a general roadmap and basis of capital project planning. It will reaming
    somewhat fluid and likely adjusted annually or as needed.

    The City generally finances capital improvement projects with a combination funds from the
    general tax levy, utility funds, special assessments allocated to benefitting properties, and/or
    grants from local, state, or federal agencies. This will likely continue to be the case for projects
    outlined in this CIP.

    The CIP worksheets contained in the appendix of this report outline possible and assumed
    sources of funding and financing for the project. It should be noted that both the estimated
    project costs and proposed funding sources are based on very limited information and rough
    estimates. Typically, there is not detailed investigation of the various project details that can
    impact the project costs. This information is evaluated in more detail as individual projects are
    developed. As a result the cost information is considered to be planning level and is subject to

    The City has also been historically successful in minimizing project costs by securing low interest
    loans and grant dollars available for public infrastructure projects. The City will continue to seek
    out such funds for projects that are good candidates and when funding programs are available.
    Outside funding sources administered by various state and federal agencies include but are not
    limited to:
           Minnesota Public Facilities Authority (PFA)
           United State Department of Agriculture (USDA) Rural Development,
           United States Economic Development Authority (USEDA),
           Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED)
           Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT)
           Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR)

    It should be noted that the application process for many of these programs can take substantial
    time. Often the City will need to commence the application process for such programs years in
    advance of planned construction dates to ensure anticipated timelines can be met. Not all
    projects are good candidates for outside funding sources. The applications and administration of
    such outside funds can also take significant effort and funds to complete. Accordingly, it is
    important to weigh these factors in any evaluation of funding pursuits.

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Capital Improvement Plan 2019 2024 - Detroit Lakes, MN
Capital Improvement Plan | 2019 – 2024
                                                                             City of Detroit Lakes

    It can be important to consider capital improvement projects that have been completed in the
    recent past. This can provide a benchmark of past funding levels, investment, and assessment of
    geographic diversity of project locations. Table No. 1 is a summary of significant projects
    completed across the City since 2016.

                         Table No. 1: Summary of Completed CIP Projects
                                                                              City Funds or
 Year                         Project
                                                                Assessable        Other             Total
 2016   Street Rehab. (Mill/Overlay & Reclamations)              $1,206,000        $824,000        $2,030,000
 2017   Landing on Little Detroit                                   $47,000         $28,000           $75,000
 2017   Long Pine Estates - Phase 1                                $267,000        $204,000          $471,000
 2017   Long Bridge Heights - Phase 3                              $358,000        $191,000          $549,000
 2017   North TH 59 Sewer & Watermain Improvements                 $870,000      $2,044,000        $2,914,000
 2018   Long Lake Annexation - Phase 4                           $1,743,000      $1,759,000        $3,502,000
 2018   Lake Forest 7th Addition - Phase 1                         $332,000        $147,000          $479,000
 2018   Randolph Road - Sanitary Sewer Realignment                       $0        $680,000          $680,000
 2018   Co. Road 131 - Sewer &Watermain Improvements               $694,000        $332,000        $1,026,000
                                                       Total:    $5,517,000     $6,209,000        $11,726,000

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Capital Improvement Plan 2019 2024 - Detroit Lakes, MN
Capital Improvement Plan | 2019 – 2024
                                                                               City of Detroit Lakes

    Table No. 2 is a summary of the projects contained within this CIP, estimated projects costs, and
    proposed year of construction. Table No. 3 includes a summary of other parking lot and multi-
    use trail improvements anticipated over the next five years. An overview location map and
    worksheets containing additional detail, project background, and overview of proposed
    improvements are contained in the appendix of this CIP.

             Table No. 2: Summary of CIP Projects – Street and Utility Improvements
 Year                        Project                                      City or
                                                          Assessable                  Total
 2019   West Avenue - Willow to TH 10                      $1,840,000    $2,110,000  $3,950,000
 2019   Willow Street - Jackson to Washington              $1,117,500    $1,642,500  $2,760,000
 2019   Randolph Road - Kris St. to Co. Rd 54                      $0    $2,290,000  $2,290,000
 2019   Highland Estates                                     $280,500        $67,500   $348,000
 2019   Bergquist Subdivision - Phase 1                      $340,000      $139,000    $479,000
 2020   Long Pine Estates - Phase 2                          $511,000      $152,000    $663,000
 2020   Long Lake Annexation - Northwest Area              $1,535,000      $730,000  $2,265,000
 2020   West Lake Drive - Co. Rd. 6 to Legion                      $0    $3,435,000  $3,435,000
 2020   Washington Avenue Alley - Forest to Willow            $26,500      $347,500    $374,000
 2020   Washington Avenue - North Shore to Willow            $350,000    $1,380,000  $1,730,000
 2021   Lake Forest 7th Add. - Phase 2                       $995,000      $250,000  $1,245,000
 2021   East Holmes Street, East Frazee Street, & Alley      $485,000    $1,105,000  $1,590,000
 2021   Willow Street - Washington to Cheryl               $1,165,000    $1,605,000  $2,770,000
 2022   Long Lake Annexation - Western Area                $2,215,000      $925,000  $3,140,000
 2022   Willow Springs                                     $1,697,000      $908,000  $2,605,000
 2022   West Lake Drive - Pelican River to Co. Rd 6          $712,500    $1,342,500  $2,055,000
 2023   Cambell Avenue & Linden Lane                         $980,000      $940,000  $1,920,000
 2023   Various (Unknown Locaitons) Street Overlays          $500,000      $250,000    $750,000
 2023   Highland Drive - Randolph to TH 34                   $655,000    $1,015,000  $1,670,000
 2023   Long Pine Estates - Phase 3                          $539,000      $163,000    $702,000
 2024   West Lake Drive - Legion to North Shore Drive        $570,000    $2,620,000  $3,190,000
 2024   Frazee Street - Washington to Summit                 $280,000      $435,000    $715,000
 2024   Holmes Street - Washington to Summit                 $322,500      $787,500  $1,110,000
 2024   Lake Avenue - Front to State                         $107,500      $149,500    $257,000
 TBD    Lincoln Avenue - Willow to Oak                       $335,000      $360,000    $695,000
                                                   Total: $17,559,000 $25,149,000 $42,708,000

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Capital Improvement Plan | 2019 – 2024
                                                                        City of Detroit Lakes

        Table No. 3: Summary of Proposed CIP Projects – Parking Lot and Multi-Use Trail
                                                                       City , Grant,
Year                          Project                    Food & Bev
                                                                             or            Total
2019   Hwy 10 Trail ( Co. Rd. 54 to TH 10 Box Culvert)        $37,650                       $37,650
2019   Lincoln Avenue Multi-Use Trail - Oak to Willow        $130,000                      $130,000
2019   City Park Multi-Use Trail - Langford to Pavilion      $175,000                      $175,000
2019   South Shore Park Parking Lot                           $60,000                       $60,000
2019   DMRA (Tubing Hill) Parking Lot                         $50,000      $250,000        $300,000
2019   Boys and Girls Club Parking Lot                       $165,000                      $165,000
2020   Becker County Mesuem/DLCCC Parking Lot                $250,000                      $250,000
2020   Long Lake Park Multi-Use Trail                        $100,000                      $100,000
2021   Multi-Use Trail - TH 59 to Washington Ave             $650,000                      $650,000
2023   Washington Sq. Mall Parking Lot                       $225,000      $225,000        $450,000

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Capital Improvement Plan 2019 2024 - Detroit Lakes, MN

                       K HIG
                               Y 10

                                                                                           WASHINGTON AVE

                                                                                                              ROOSEVELT AVE
                                                                                                                                                                         DETROIT MOUNTAIN
                                                                                                                                                                          RECREATION AREA
                                                                                                                                                                    PARKING IMPROVEMENTS

                                                                            WILLOW STREET

                                                                                 * *                *
                                                             * *
                                                       *   *
                                               * * *  *                      LITTLE DETROIT

                                                                                                                                             BIG DETROIT

                LAKE SALLIE

                                                                                                                                                                               S HO

2019                     2022
2020                     2023
2021                     2024

                                                                                                                                            FIGURE NO. 1:
                                                                                                                                      PROJECT LOCATION MAP
                                                                                                                              2019 - 2025 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN
                                                                                                                                       CITY OF DETROIT LAKES
                                                                            NOT TO SCALE
                                                                                                                       Date: December 2019            Drawn By: MAW            Apex Project #: 18.178.0016
                                                                                                            L:\Projects\2018\18.178.0016 - DTL - 2018 General Municipal Services\CIP Updates\CIP Exhibits2.dwg
Capital Improvement Plan 2019 2024 - Detroit Lakes, MN

                    K   HIGH

                                                                                           WASHINGTON AVE

                                                                                                                ROOSEVELT AVE

                                                        WILLOW STREET

                                                                          LITTLE DETROIT

                                                                                                                                   BIG DETROIT

                                                                                                                                                                       H   SH


  EXISTING MULTI-USE TRAIL                 2019

  EXISTING BIKE ROUTE                      2020
  (SHOULDER/BIKE LANE)                     2021

  PROPOSED MULTI-USE TRAIL                 2022
  (SHOULDER/BIKE LANE)                     2024

                                        COLOR SHADING INDICATES PROPOSED
                                        YEAR OF CONSTRUCTION

                                                                                                                                     2019 - 2025 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN
                                                                                                                  N                         BIKE-MULTI-USE TRAIL PLAN
                                                                                                                                              CITY OF DETROIT LAKES
                                                                                                            NOT TO SCALE
                                                                                                                                      Date: December 14, 2018         Drawn By: J.C.           Apex Project #: 18.178.0016
                                                                                                                                L:\Projects\2018\18.178.0016 - DTL - 2018 General Municipal Services\CIP Updates\Trail Map.dwg
Capital Improvement Plan 2019 2024 - Detroit Lakes, MN
Capital Improvement Plan | 2019 – 2024
                                                        City of Detroit Lakes

Appendix – Index
Appendix A – CIP Project Worksheets

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2019 ‐ 2024
                                       CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN                                      Project Year                 2019
                                                  City of Detroit Lakes
                                                                                                     Total Project
                                                                                                                   $                  3,950,000

Project Name:        West Avenue ‐ Willow to Highway 10
Reconstruction of street, sidewalk, watermain, sanitary sewer, and storm sewer on West Avenue from Willow Street to just south of Highway 10.

Due to the lack of records, the exact age of the existing infrastructure within this corridor is unknown, but it is believed to be some of the oldest
infrastructure in the City. The condition of the existing sanitary sewer, watermain and storm sewer are beyond their useful life and showing signs of
deterioration. There have been frequent water and sewer failures in this area. The sanitary sewer is a critical component of the City's collection
system as this is a main trunkline and conveys flow from a majority of the City to the WWTF. In addition to deficiencies with the underground
facilities the street and sidewalk are also deteriorated. The existing pavement condition is extremely poor and experiencing extreme cracking
resulting and significant stripping. The condition is well beyond typical maintenance measures and periodic patching is no longer proving effective
in temporarily improving ride quality.

Project Financing
ITEM                                ASSESSABLE                 GENERAL FUNDS                  UTILITY FUNDS                        TOTAL
Sanitary Sewer                       $405,000                     $135,000                      $100,000                         $640,000
Sewer Services                       $200,000                                                    $30,000                         $230,000
Lift Stations & Forcemains                                                                                                           $0
Watermain                             $345,000                    $115,000                        $20,000                        $480,000
Water Services                        $230,000                                                                                   $230,000
Hydrants                                                                                         $120,000                        $120,000
Storm Sewer                                                                                      $320,000                        $320,000
Street                                $660,000                    $860,000                                                      $1,520,000
Sidewalks                                                         $400,000                                                       $370,000
Trails                                                                                            $10,000                         $10,000
Street Lighting                                                                                                                      $0
Streetscapes                                                                                                                         $0
            TOTAL                    $1,840,000                  $1,510,000                      $600,000                       $3,950,000
Note: The City has applied to PFA for funding assistance related to sewer/water. This could be low‐interest loan or grant. MSA
funds will likely be utilized for street, sidewalk, and stormwater costs. Bonding may not be required.
Location Map
2019 ‐ 2024
                                       CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN                                      Project Year                 2019
                                                  City of Detroit Lakes
                                                                                                     Total Project
                                                                                                                   $                   2,760,000

Project Name:        Willow Street ‐ Jackson to Washington Avenue
Reconstruction of street, watermain, sanitary sewer, storm sewer, and sidewalk on Willow Avenue from Washington Avenue to Jackson Avenue.
The sanitary sewer replacement will include provisions for re‐routing the Jackson Lift Station under Willow Street. The project will also include the
construction of a multi‐use trail along Lincoln Avenue from Oak Street to Willow (connecting to the existing trail extending along the Sanford
Health property).

The infrastructure within this segment of Willow Street is beyond its useful life. The exact age is unknown as it predates current recordkeeping.
The sanitary sewer and storm sewers have recently collapsed near M&H. As part of the sanitary sewer replacement, it will be reconfigured to
consolidate parallel mains and upsized to accommodate future flows from the Jackson Avenue Lift Station. Rerouting of the Jackson Avenue Lift
Station will dramatically reduce the demand on the Lakeshirts and Jail Lift Stations.

The existing surface infrastructure is in extremely poor condition. The reconstruction will incorporate geometric improvements at Washington
Avenue to improvement vehicle movements near M&H.

Project Financing
ITEM                                ASSESSABLE                 GENERAL FUNDS                  UTILITY FUNDS                        TOTAL
Sanitary Sewer                       $220,000                     $70,000                        $40,000                         $330,000
Sewer Services                       $140,000                                                                                    $140,000
Lift Stations & Forcemains                                                                       $250,000                        $250,000
Watermain                             $217,500                     $72,500                        $20,000                        $310,000
Water Services                        $150,000                                                                                   $150,000
Hydrants                                                                                         $40,000                          $40,000
Storm Sewer                                                                                      $200,000                        $180,000
Street                                $390,000                     $490,000                                                      $880,000
Sidewalks                                                          $280,000                                                      $280,000
Trails                                                                                           $130,000                        $130,000
Street Lighting                                                                                   $50,000                        $50,000
Streetscapes                                                                                                                         $0
            TOTAL                    $1,117,500                    $912,500                      $730,000                       $2,760,000
Note: The City has applied to PFA for funding assistance related to sewer/water. This could be low‐interest loan or grant. MSA
funds will likely be utilized for street, sidewalk, and stormwater costs. Bonding may not be required.
Location Map
2019 ‐ 2024
                                       CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN                                     Project Year                 2019
                                                 City of Detroit Lakes
                                                                                                    Total Project
                                                                                                                  $                  2,290,000

Project Name:        Randolph Road Reconstruction ‐ Kris Street to Co. Road 54
The City, Becker County, and MnDOT have completed a transportation planning study that evaluated various signal and intersection improvements
to the TH 10/East Shore Drive/CSAH 54/Randolph Road intersection and the TH 10/Kris Street/Randolph Road intersection. Anticipated
improvements include construction of a signal at TH 10/East Shore Drive, signal modifications at TH 10/Kris Street and removal of the signal at Kris
Street/Randolph Road. The signal improvements are scheduled for construction in 2020. The project will also include the reconstruction of
Randolph Road, from Kris Street to CSAH 54, with a wider (+/‐ 36') urban section street.

This would be a cooperative design/construction project with MnDOT and Becker County. The TH 10/East Shore Drive intersection meets warrants
for a traffic signal. The addition of this signal allowed for the opportunity to evaluate improvements to the Kris Street/TH 10 signal which is very
inefficient. The intension would be to encourage more traffic from the industrial park to utilize the TH 10/East Shore signal. The changes to the
signals will increase the use and traffic volumes (heavy commercial traffic) on Randolph Road. Improvements to Randolph Road are needed in
order to accommodate the additional traffic.

Project Financing
ITEM                                ASSESSABLE               GENERAL FUNDS                   UTILITY FUNDS                   TOTAL
Sanitary Sewer                                                                                                                 $0
Sewer Services                                                                                                                 $0
Lift Stations & Forcemains                                                                                                     $0
Watermain                                                                                                                      $0
Water Services                                                                                                                 $0
Hydrants                                                                                                                       $0
Storm Sewer                                                                                    $610,000                    $610,000
Street                                                          $1,640,000                                                $1,640,000
Sidewalks                                                                                                                      $0
Trails                                                                                                                         $0
Street Lighting                                                                                 $40,000                     $40,000
Streetscapes                                                                                                                   $0
            TOTAL                       $0                      $1,640,000                     $650,000                   $2,290,000
*Note: City has received a $1,500,000 grant through the MHFP and $266,000 from MnDOT local Partnership Program that will offset some of the
street and stormwater costs. Above costs do not include City share of signal costs on TH 10. However, MnDOT has secured grant funding that
should cover a majority of these costs.
Location Map
2019 ‐ 2024
                                        CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN                                      Project Year                 2019
                                                  City of Detroit Lakes
                                                                                                      Total Project
                                                                                                                    $                     348,000

Project Name:        Highland Estates ‐ Street & Utility Improvements
Project will include the installation of sanitary sewer and watermain infrastructure to a portion of the Highland Estates residential subdivision and
the southern end of Highland Drive. The project will also include improvements (paving) of Lemmon Road and reconstruction of the southern end
of Highland Drive. The project may be completed as part of the Randolph Road Improvements or may be a stand‐alone contract.

The improvements are in response to a petition from a developer to provide municipal sewer and water to the proposed multi‐family subdivision.

Project Financing
ITEM                                ASSESSABLE                 GENERAL FUNDS                  UTILITY FUNDS                        TOTAL
Sanitary Sewer                        $62,500                                                     $6,500                          $69,000
Sewer Services                        $19,000                                                                                     $19,000
Lift Stations & Forcemains                                                                                                           $0
Watermain                              $48,000                                                    $16,000                         $64,000
Water Services                         $27,000                                                                                    $27,000
Hydrants                                                                                          $23,000                         $23,000
Storm Sewer                                                                                       $22,000                         $22,000
Street                                $124,000                                                                                   $124,000
Sidewalks                                                                                                                            $0
Trails                                                                                                                               $0
Street Lighting                                                                                                                      $0
Streetscapes                                                                                                                         $0
            TOTAL                     $280,500                        $0                          $67,500                        $348,000

Location Map
2019 ‐ 2024
                                       CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN                                     Project Year                2019
                                                 City of Detroit Lakes
                                                                                                    Total Project
                                                                                                                  $                    479,000

Project Name:        Bergquist Subdivision ‐ Phase 1
This project would include the construction of City infrastructure to a proposed residential housing subdivision. Anticipated improvements include
the installation of sanitary sewer, watermain, service laterals, 36' wide urban section street, stormwater collection and treatment, and lighting.
Project is anticipated to be constructed in phases over several years. The first phase would create aproximatly 12 residiential housing lots.

Developer plans to subdivide and develop residential housing.

Project Financing
ITEM                                ASSESSABLE                  GENERAL FUNDS                UTILITY FUNDS                       TOTAL
Sanitary Sewer                        $59,000                                                                                   $59,000
Sewer Services                        $21,000                                                                                   $21,000
Lift Stations & Forcemains                                                                                                         $0
Watermain                             $60,000                                                   $13,000                         $73,000
Water Services                        $30,000                                                                                   $30,000
Hydrants                                                                                        $20,000                         $20,000
Storm Sewer                                                                                     $106,000                       $106,000
Street                               $170,000                                                                                  $170,000
Sidewalks                                                                                                                          $0
Trails                                                                                                                             $0
Street Lighting                                                                                                                    $0
Streetscapes                                                                                                                       $0
            TOTAL                    $340,000                        $0                         $139,000                       $479,000

Location Map
2019 ‐ 2024
                                         CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN                                     Project Year                 2019
                                                    City of Detroit Lakes
                                                                                                      Total Project
                                                                                                                    $                        60,000

Project Name:         South Shore Park ‐ Parking Lot
In the 2018 the City acquired property in the northwest corner of the Lake Forest subdivision for the purposes of a 5.5 acres City park. The City is
planning to develop the park with a parking lot, bathroom facility, picnic shelter, sport courts, etc. These improvements will be make over several
years as funding allows. This initial improvement will include the construction of a parking lot.

There is no parking lot or available on‐street parking currently available at this park.

Project Financing
ITEM                                  ASSESSABLE                  GENERAL FUND                 UTILITY FUND                        TOTAL
Sanitary Sewer
Sewer Services
Lift Stations & Forcemains
Water Services
Storm Sewer
Street                                                                                             $60,000                         $60,000
Street Lighting
            TOTAL                          $0                            $0                        $60,000                         $60,000

Location Map
2019 ‐ 2024
                                        CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN                                       Project Year                 2019
                                                   City of Detroit Lakes
                                                                                                      Total Project
                                                                                                                    $                      300,000

Project Name:        DMRA ‐ Tubing Hill Parking Lot
The existing parking lot at/near the tubing lodge/hill consists of a graded gravel surface. The proposed project will include the construction of
curb/gutter, sidewalk, lighting, and pavement improvements

The City/DMRA obtained a grant from state Legacy funding for improvements to the parking lot, mountain bike trails, and a treehouse/playground.

Project Financing
ITEM                                 ASSESSABLE                 GENERAL FUND                    UTILITY FUND                        TOTAL
Sanitary Sewer
Sewer Services
Lift Stations & Forcemains
Water Services
Storm Sewer
Street                                                                                            $300,000                         $300,000
Street Lighting
            TOTAL                         $0                           $0                          $300,000                        $300,000

Location Map
2019 ‐ 2024
                                        CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN                                       Project Year                  2019
                                                   City of Detroit Lakes
                                                                                                       Total Project
                                                                                                                     $                      165,000

Project Name:         Boys & Girls Club Parking Lot
The Boys and Girls Club is in the process of building a new facility. This facility sits on City owned property. The proposed improvements will
include curb/gutter, sidewalk, grading, and pavement improvements.

The project is being funding primarily by donations. Part of the City's donation was the construction of the parking lot to service the facility and the
park area on the same property. The pakring lot improvements will be funded by food and beverage tax funds.

Project Financing
ITEM                                 ASSESSABLE                  GENERAL FUND                    UTILITY FUND                        TOTAL
Sanitary Sewer
Sewer Services
Lift Stations & Forcemains
Water Services
Storm Sewer
Street                                                                                             $165,000                         $165,000
Street Lighting
            TOTAL                         $0                            $0                         $165,000                         $165,000

Location Map
2019 ‐ 2024
                                       CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN                                     Project Year                2020
                                                 City of Detroit Lakes
                                                                                                    Total Project
                                                                                                                  $                    663,000

Project Name:        Long Pines Estates ‐ Phase 2
This project would include the construction of City infrastructure to a proposed residential housing subdivision. Anticipated improvements include
the installation of sanitary sewer, watermain, service laterals, 36' wide urban section street, stormwater collection and treatment, and lighting.
Project is anticipated to be constructed in phases over several years. The first phase was completed in 2017. The second phase costruction is
tenativly anticpated in 2020.

Developer plans to subdivide and develop residential housing.

Project Financing
ITEM                                ASSESSABLE                  GENERAL FUNDS                UTILITY FUNDS                       TOTAL
Sanitary Sewer                        $86,000                                                                                   $86,000
Sewer Services                        $47,000                                                                                   $47,000
Lift Stations & Forcemains                                                                                                         $0
Watermain                             $81,000                                                                                   $81,000
Water Services                        $50,000                                                                                   $50,000
Hydrants                                                                                         $23,000                        $23,000
Storm Sewer                                                                                     $119,000                       $119,000
Street                               $247,000                                                                                  $247,000
Sidewalks                                                                                                                          $0
Trails                                                                                                                             $0
Street Lighting                                                                                 $10,000                         $10,000
Streetscapes                                                                                                                       $0
            TOTAL                    $511,000                        $0                         $152,000                       $663,000

Location Map
2019 ‐ 2024
                                       CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN                                     Project Year                2020
                                                  City of Detroit Lakes
                                                                                                    Total Project
                                                                                                                  $                  2,265,000

Project Name:        Long Lake Water and Sanitary Sewer Extensions ‐ Northwest Side
Project will include extension of water and sanitary sewer to the north portion of the phases IV of the orderly annexation agreement. Some street
reconstruction and drainage improvements will also be required to accommodate the sewer and water improvements. Project development will
start with master planning of future water and sewer service of the entire area east and south of Long Lake to ensure improvements are long‐term
solutions for future growth within these areas. Project will include extensive easement and/or property acquisition.

The 2002 orderly annexation agreement indicates that the City will extend City infrastructure to the annexed areas within two years of annexation.
Water and sanitary sewer has been extended to phase I and II areas by four separate construction projects over the last 10 years. The primary
drivers for extension of water and sanitary sewer around Long Lake are; public request, groundwater quality concerns (arsenic), lake water quality
concerns, and development on south and east sides of the lake.

The west area of Long Lake is well suited for future residential and commercial/industrial development as other areas throughout the City begin to
reach ultimate build out.

Project Financing
ITEM                                ASSESSABLE                GENERAL FUNDS                  UTILITY FUNDS                       TOTAL
Sanitary Sewer                       $400,000                                                  $200,000                        $600,000
Sewer Services                        $25,000                                                                                   $25,000
Lift Stations & Forcemains           $500,000                                                                                  $500,000
Watermain                            $475,000                                                   $235,000                       $710,000
Water Services                        $25,000                                                                                   $25,000
Hydrants                                                                                        $140,000                       $140,000
Storm Sewer                                                                                     $15,000                         $15,000
Street                                $110,000                    $110,000                                                     $220,000
Sidewalks                                                                                                                          $0
Trails                                                                                                                             $0
Street Lighting                                                                                  $30,000                        $30,000
Streetscapes                                                                                                                       $0
            TOTAL                    $1,535,000                   $110,000                      $620,000                      $2,265,000

Location Map
2019 ‐ 2024
                                      CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN                                   Project Year                2020
                                                City of Detroit Lakes
                                                                                                 Total Project
                                                                                                               $                 3,435,000

Project Name:       West Lake Drive ‐ County 6 to Legion
Reconstruction of West Lake Drive between CSAH 6 and Legion Road. Reconstruction will include reconstruction and a slight shift of the
roadway, stormwater collection/treatment, and trail multi‐use trail improvements. West Lake Drive is a County road, accordingly, this is a
cooperative project with Becker County.

This portion of West Lake Drive was originally constructed and operated as Highway 59. It was widened at some point and has been
rehabilitated with several overlays. Its current condition is very poor resulting in poor ride quality. Becker County planed to make
improvements (primarily and overlay) to the roadway in 2019. The City is working with Becker County to make more significant improvements
to this area. This area experience heavy volumes of pedestrian traffic with no dedicated pedestrian facilities. The City has identified this
corridor as the preferred route for the future Heartland State Trail through the City. In order to accommodate the state trail, the street
alignment needs to be shifted and street needs to be upgraded to an urban section as there is insufficient right‐of‐way and space to
accommodate a trail and rural section road due to design standards/requirements. Also, the stormwater from this section currently discharges
directly to Little Detroit Lakes without treatment. The only practical way to improve the stormwater management is to construct a storm
sewer, collect the water, and provide treatment prior to discharge. In order to make these improvements it is necessary to reconstruct West
Lake Drive with curb and gutter and also shift the roadway to provide space for a multi‐use trail.

Project Financing
ITEM                               ASSESSABLE               GENERAL FUNDS                  UTILITY FUNDS                     TOTAL
Sanitary Sewer                                                 $20,000                                                      $20,000
Sewer Services                                                                                                                 $0
Lift Stations & Forcemains                                                                    $10,000                       $10,000
Watermain                                                                                     $40,000                       $40,000
Water Services                                                                                                                 $0
Hydrants                                                                                       $20,000                      $20,000
Storm Sewer                                                                                   $930,000                      $930,000
Street                                                         $1,700,000                                                  $1,700,000
Sidewalks                                                                                                                      $0
Trails                                                                                       $490,000                       $490,000
Street Lighting                                                  $75,000                     $150,000                       $225,000
Streetscapes                                                                                                                   $0
            TOTAL                       $0                     $1,795,000                    $1,640,000                    $3,435,000
Note: Estimated costs do not reflect cost participation from Becker County which should be +/‐$1.70 million (street costs). Also,
the City has received a grant in the amount of $325,000 was received by the City through MnDOT TA funding for the multi‐use
Location Map
2019 ‐ 2024
                                       CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN                                      Project Year                 2020
                                                  City of Detroit Lakes
                                                                                                     Total Project
                                                                                                                   $                     374,000

Project Name:        Washtington Ave. Alley ‐ Forest Ave. to Willow St.
Reconstruction of the alley and storm sewer on the west side of Washington Avenue between Forest Street and Willow Street. The proposed
alley will include either curb/gutter and/or valley gutter facilitate drainage. It is assumed that the existing storm sewer will need to be
replaced. Further verification is needed (televising) to confirm the condition. If the storm sewer is in fair condition it could potentially remain
in‐place, reducing project costs.

The surface of the existing alley is in very poor condition. Some of this is related to age and use. However, the surface has also be deteriorated
by poor drainage. Stormwater runoff tends to stand on the surface and/or run along the surface to storm sewer inlets. A proposed mixed use
commercial development is proposed for construction in 2020 along the central portion of the alley. The development will result in increased
use of the alley. Improvements will be need to at least than portion of the alley to facilitate access to adjacent parking and garages, and to
ensure correct grades and drainage between the alley and site.

Project Financing
ITEM                                ASSESSABLE                GENERAL FUNDS                   UTILITY FUNDS                        TOTAL
Sanitary Sewer                        $22,500                     $7,500                                                          $30,000
Sewer Services                         $4,000                                                                                      $4,000
Lift Stations & Forcemains                                                                                                           $0
Watermain                                                                                                                            $0
Water Services                                                                                                                       $0
Hydrants                                                                                                                             $0
Storm Sewer                                                                                      $150,000                        $150,000
Street                                                            $190,000                                                       $190,000
Sidewalks                                                                                                                            $0
Trails                                                                                                                               $0
Street Lighting                                                                                                                      $0
Streetscapes                                                                                                                         $0
            TOTAL                     $26,500                     $197,500                       $150,000                        $374,000

Location Map
2017 ‐ 2024
                                      CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN                                    Project Year                2020
                                                City of Detroit Lakes
                                                                                                  Total Project
                                                                                                                $                 1,730,000

Project Name:        Washington ‐ North Shore to Willow
The desired improvements will included replacement/reconstruction of the street, curb and gutter, sidewalk, and adjustments to the storm sewer
system. The street improvements would include concrete pavement, a turf boulevard, and some streetscapes, similar to Washington Avenue from
Frazee to Willow.

This segment of roadway is becoming increasingly rough. The utilities were replaced in 1998 and are in good condition. Becker County is planning
to overlay this segment in +/‐2022. An overlay will provide some short term improvement to the pavement condition. However, the City may
consider making further improvements to this are to carry the theme/appearance of northern portions of Washington through this area. Further
discussion/coordination will be necessary to determine if a full reconstruction is implemented, as suggested, or a more simple mill and overlay.

Project Financing
ITEM                               ASSESSABLE                GENERAL FUNDS                 UTILITY FUNDS                       TOTAL
Sanitary Sewer                                                                                $10,000                         $10,000
Sewer Services                                                                                                                   $0
Lift Stations & Forcemains                                                                                                       $0
Watermain                                                                                                                        $0
Water Services                                                                                                                   $0
Hydrants                                                                                       $20,000                        $20,000
Storm Sewer                                                                                   $130,000                       $130,000
Street                               $350,000                    $700,000                                                   $1,050,000
Sidewalks                                                        $190,000                                                    $190,000
Trails                                                                                                                           $0
Street Lighting                                                  $30,000                      $100,000                       $130,000
Streetscapes                                                                                  $200,000                       $200,000
            TOTAL                    $350,000                    $920,000                     $460,000                      $1,730,000
Note: Estimated costs do not reflect cost participation from Becker County which should be +/‐$1.50 million (street, sidewalk,
stormsewer, and some lighting costs). Becker County recived $1.0 million in LRIP grant funding for the project.
Location Map
2019 ‐ 2024
                                        CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN                                       Project Year                 2020
                                                   City of Detroit Lakes
                                                                                                      Total Project
                                                                                                                    $                      250,000

Project Name:        DLCCC/Becker County Museum Parking Lot Improvements
The Becker County Museum is planning to build a new museum connected to the DLCCC/theater, near the existing facility. This will require
reconfiguration of the existing parking lot. Much of the existing parking will be displaced due to the new building. The new parking lot will be
located over the existing museum and will require some reconstruction of the existing parking lot areas. Plans are still being developed and the
final costs/layout are very uncertain at this point.

The museum is requesting a donation form the City to this project. The City will likely consider paying for a portion of the required parking lot
improvements. The proposed parking lot improvements will also help maximize/improve parking at this facility, which is frequently short of
available off/street parking.

Project Financing
ITEM                                 ASSESSABLE                 GENERAL FUNDS                   UTILITY FUNDS                       TOTAL
Sanitary Sewer                                                                                                                        $0
Sewer Services                                                                                                                        $0
Lift Stations & Forcemains                                                                                                            $0
Watermain                                                                                                                             $0
Water Services                                                                                                                        $0
Hydrants                                                                                                                              $0
Storm Sewer                                                                                                                           $0
Street                                                                                             $250,000                        $250,000
Sidewalks                                                                                                                             $0
Trails                                                                                                                                $0
Street Lighting                                                                                                                       $0
Streetscapes                                                                                                                          $0
            TOTAL                         $0                           $0                          $250,000                        $250,000

Location Map
2019 ‐ 2024
                                        CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN                                       Project Year                 2021
                                                   City of Detroit Lakes
                                                                                                      Total Project
                                                                                                                    $                   1,245,000

Project Name:        Lake Forest 7th Addition ‐ Phase 2
This project would include the construction of City infrastructure to the final phase of the Lake Forest residential housing subdivision. Anticipated
improvements include the installation of sanitary sewer, watermain, service laterals, 36' wide urban section street, stormwater collection and
treatment, and lighting. The project will also need to include reconstruction of the northern portion of 270th Avenue to facility sewer and water
extensions from South Shore Drive into the western portion of the subdivision.

Developer plans to subdivide and develop residential housing.

Project Financing
ITEM                                 ASSESSABLE                 GENERAL FUNDS                  UTILITY FUNDS                         TOTAL
Sanitary Sewer                        $170,000                                                                                     $170,000
Sewer Services                         $80,000                                                                                      $80,000
Lift Stations & Forcemains                                                                                                             $0
Watermain                              $145,000                                                                                    $145,000
Water Services                         $100,000                                                                                    $100,000
Hydrants                                                                                          $35,000                           $35,000
Storm Sewer                                                                                       $200,000                         $200,000
Street                                 $500,000                     $15,000                                                        $515,000
Sidewalks                                                                                                                              $0
Trails                                                                                                                                 $0
Street Lighting                                                                                                                        $0
Streetscapes                                                                                                                           $0
            TOTAL                     $995,000                      $15,000                       $235,000                        $1,245,000

Location Map
2019 ‐ 2024
                                       CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN                                    Project Year                 2021
                                                 City of Detroit Lakes
                                                                                                   Total Project
                                                                                                                 $                  1,590,000

Project Name:        Holmes, Frazee, and Alley Improvements
Reconstruction of streets and sidewalks as well as various aged or undersized underground utilities. Streetscaping would also be included to
match the adjacent downtown areas.

The City has invested greatly over the last several years to reconstruct the aging infrastructure within the downtown area. Holmes and Frazee
street along with the JC Penny alley are a few remaining segments that are in need of reconstruction. Various underground and surface
infrastructure within these areas have been update/replaced over time however there are undersized/aged underground utilities remaining and
the majority of the surface improvements are beyond their useful life. The street surfaces are in very poor condition and segments of the
underground utilities have had to undergo localized repairs due to failures.

Project Financing
ITEM                                ASSESSABLE               GENERAL FUNDS                  UTILITY FUNDS                        TOTAL
Sanitary Sewer                        $75,000                   $25,000                        $10,000                         $110,000
Sewer Services                        $20,000                                                                                   $20,000
Lift Stations & Forcemains              $0                                                                                         $0
Watermain                             $90,000                     $30,000                       $50,000                        $170,000
Water Services                        $50,000                                                                                   $50,000
Hydrants                                                                                       $30,000                          $30,000
Storm Sewer                                                                                    $280,000                        $280,000
Street                               $250,000                    $300,000                                                      $550,000
Sidewalks                                                        $230,000                                                      $230,000
Trails                                                                                                                             $0
Street Lighting                                                   $8,000                        $22,000                        $30,000
Streetscapes                                                     $120,000                                                      $120,000
            TOTAL                    $485,000                    $713,000                      $392,000                       $1,590,000
Note: $672,000 of Federal MSA funding (grant) have been programed into the STIP for partial funding of the street and stormwater
Location Map
2017 ‐ 2024
                                        CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN                                      Project Year                 2021
                                                  City of Detroit Lakes
                                                                                                      Total Project
                                                                                                                    $                  2,770,000

Project Name:        Willow Street ‐ Cheryl to Washington Avenue
Improvements will focus on pavement rehabilitation. This could include full depth reclamation, subgrade corrections and pavement replacement
(reconstruction), and/or segments of mill/overlay. The condition and deterioration of the pavement varies and will require in‐depth evaluation to
determine appropriate improvement methods. It is anticipated that a majority of the sidewalk and curb/gutter will remain in place. Pedestrian
ramps will be upgraded to current ADA standards. Some of the underlying utilities are believed to be in good condition (replaced in early‐mid
1990's). Other portions (older utilities) will likely be replaced.

This is a significantly important corridor both from a traffic perspective and for underground infrastructure. Portions of this street and utilities
were replaced in the early‐mid 1990's. However, portions of the pavement surface have various deficiencies ranging from heavy cracking to
heaving and significant rutting. Some deficiencies could be related to increase in traffic volume and/or poor subgrade conditions not addressed in
prior projects. Most areas have deteriorated to a condition that will not allow for effective use of a mill/overlay and will require more significant
rehabilitation or replacement. The condition of the driving surface is beyond an overlay and is in need of reconstruction.

Project Financing
ITEM                                ASSESSABLE                 GENERAL FUNDS                  UTILITY FUNDS                         TOTAL
Sanitary Sewer                       $125,000                     $45,000                        $60,000                          $230,000
Sewer Services                        $55,000                                                                                      $55,000
Lift Stations & Forcemains                                                                                                            $0
Watermain                             $200,000                     $65,000                        $75,000                         $340,000
Water Services                        $60,000                                                                                      $60,000
Hydrants                                                                                          $32,500                          $32,500
Storm Sewer                                                                                       $95,000                          $95,000
Street                                $725,000                     $725,000                       $300,000                       $1,750,000
Sidewalks                                                           $82,500                                                        $82,500
Trails                                                                                                                                $0
Street Lighting                                                    $35,000                        $90,000                         $125,000
Streetscapes                                                                                                                          $0
            TOTAL                    $1,165,000                    $952,500                       $652,500                       $2,770,000
Note: $1,008,000 of Federal MSA funding (grant) have been programed into the STIP for partial funding of the street and
stormwater improvements.
Location Map
2019 ‐ 2024
                                       CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN                                     Project Year                2022
                                                  City of Detroit Lakes
                                                                                                    Total Project
                                                                                                                  $                  3,140,000

Project Name:        Long Lake Water and Sanitary Sewer Extensions ‐ West Side
Project will include extension of water and sanitary sewer to the north portion of the phases IV of the orderly annexation agreement. Some street
reconstruction and drainage improvements will also be required to accommodate the sewer and water improvements. Project development will
start with master planning of future water and sewer service of the entire area east and south of Long Lake to ensure improvements are long‐term
solutions for future growth within these areas. Project will include extensive easement and/or property acquisition.

The 2002 orderly annexation agreement indicates that the City will extend City infrastructure to the annexed areas within two years of annexation.
Water and sanitary sewer has been extended to phase I and II areas by four separate construction projects over the last 10 years. The primary
drivers for extension of water and sanitary sewer around Long Lake are; public request, groundwater quality concerns (arsenic), lake water quality
concerns, and development on south and east sides of the lake.

The west area of Long Lake is well suited for future residential and commercial/industrial development as other areas throughout the City begin to
reach ultimate build out.

Project Financing
ITEM                                ASSESSABLE                GENERAL FUNDS                  UTILITY FUNDS                       TOTAL
Sanitary Sewer                       $540,000                                                  $100,000                        $640,000
Sewer Services                       $120,000                                                                                  $120,000
Lift Stations & Forcemains           $610,000                                                                                  $610,000
Watermain                            $600,000                                                   $300,000                       $900,000
Water Services                       $120,000                                                                                  $120,000
Hydrants                                                                                        $140,000                       $140,000
Storm Sewer                                                                                     $100,000                       $100,000
Street                                $225,000                    $225,000                                                     $450,000
Sidewalks                                                                                                                          $0
Trails                                                                                                                             $0
Street Lighting                                                                                  $60,000                        $60,000
Streetscapes                                                                                                                       $0
            TOTAL                    $2,215,000                   $225,000                      $700,000                      $3,140,000

Location Map
2019 ‐ 2024
                                        CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN                                       Project Year                 2022
                                                   City of Detroit Lakes
                                                                                                       Total Project
                                                                                                                     $                   2,605,000

Project Name:        Willow Springs
This project would include the installation of a water, sanitary sewer, and reconstruction of the existing streets. Street improvements are
anticipated to include the replacement of the existing streets with 28' wide rural section streets. An urban section roadway would result in
increased costs. It is anticipated that stormwater improvements will be limited to ditching and culverts.

It is anticipated that Willow Springs will be annexed into the City within the near future. It has been the City's policy to extend water and sewer to
annexed areas. Water and sanitary sewer is currently not reasonably available, however the City tentatively plans to extend water and sewer up
the TH 59 corridor in 2017.

Project Financing
ITEM                                 ASSESSABLE                 GENERAL FUNDS                   UTILITY FUNDS                        TOTAL
Sanitary Sewer                        $713,000                     $50,000                                                         $763,000
Sewer Services                        $172,000                                                                                     $172,000
Lift Stations & Forcemains                                                                                                             $0
Watermain                              $308,000                     $50,000                                                        $358,000
Water Services                         $179,000                                                                                    $179,000
Hydrants                                                                                           $111,000                        $111,000
Storm Sewer                                                                                        $337,000                        $337,000
Street                                 $325,000                     $325,000                                                       $650,000
Sidewalks                                                                                                                              $0
Trails                                                                                                                                 $0
Street Lighting                                                                                     $35,000                         $35,000
Streetscapes                                                                                                                           $0
            TOTAL                     $1,697,000                    $425,000                       $483,000                       $2,605,000

Location Map
2019 ‐ 2024
                                       CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN                                    Project Year                 2022
                                                 City of Detroit Lakes
                                                                                                   Total Project
                                                                                                                 $                  2,055,000

Project Name:        West Lake Drive ‐ Pelican River to Co. Road 6
The primary improvement will include the construction of a sanitary sewer collection system and lift station on West Lake Drive from the Pelican
River to Co. Road 6. Some property owners would also like the project to include broader street and infrastructure improvements such as
replacement of the street with an urban section street, multi‐use trail, stormwater collection/treatment, and possibly watermain replacement.
West Lake Drive is under the jurisdiction of Becker County. Accordingly this would likely be a cooperative project with the County.

There is no gravity sewer collection system in this area. The existing homes pump into a forcemain which results in routine sewer back‐ups.
Property owners have requested the installation of a conventional sewer collection system. Roadway improvements would help to better define
driveway access and allow for improvement stormwater control and treatment. A multi‐use trail would link the existing Dunton Locks trail with the
proposed West Lake Drive (Legion to Co. Road 6) trail being constructed in 2020.

Project Financing
ITEM                               ASSESSABLE                  GENERAL FUNDS                   UTILITY FUNDS                    TOTAL
Sanitary Sewer                       $172,500                                                      $57,500                    $230,000
Sewer Services                        $50,000                                                                                  $50,000
Lift Stations & Forcemains           $235,000                                                                                 $235,000
Watermain                                                                                         $290,000                    $290,000
Water Services                                                                                                                    $0
Hydrants                                                                                           $55,000                     $55,000
Storm Sewer                                                                                       $295,000                    $295,000
Street                               $255,000                      $345,000                                                   $600,000
Sidewalks                                                                                                                         $0
Trails                                                             $195,000                                                   $195,000
Street Lighting                                                    $105,000                                                   $105,000
Streetscapes                                                                                                                      $0
            TOTAL                    $712,500                      $645,000                       $697,500                   $2,055,000
Note: Becker County cost participation is not yet know. It is anticipated that the county will provide between $400,000 and $900,000 for street
and stormwater improvements.

Location Map
2019 ‐ 2024
                                       CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN                                      Project Year                 2023
                                                  City of Detroit Lakes
                                                                                                     Total Project
                                                                                                                   $                  1,920,000

Project Name:        Cambell Avenue & Linden Lane
Reconstruction of street, watermain, sanitary sewer, storm sewer, and sidewalk on Cambel Avenue and Linden Lane.

Due to the lack of records, the exact age of the existing infrastructure within this corridor is unknown, but it is believed to be some of the oldest
infrastructure in the City. The condition of the existing sanitary sewer, watermain and storm sewer are beyond their useful life and showing signs of
deterioration. There have been frequent water and sewer failures in this area. In addition to deficiencies with the underground facilities the street
and sidewalk are also deteriorated. The existing pavement condition is extremely poor. The condition is well beyond typical maintenance
measures and periodic patching is no longer proving effective in temporarily improving ride quality.

Project Financing
ITEM                                ASSESSABLE                 GENERAL FUNDS                  UTILITY FUNDS                        TOTAL
Sanitary Trunkline                                                                              $150,000                         $150,000
Sanitary Sewer                        $187,500                     $62,500                                                       $250,000
Sewer Services                        $140,000                                                                                   $140,000
Lift Stations & Forcemains                                                                                                           $0
Watermain                             $202,500                     $67,500                                                       $270,000
Water Services                        $150,000                                                                                   $150,000
Hydrants                                                                                         $40,000                          $40,000
Storm Sewer                                                                                      $200,000                        $200,000
Street                                $300,000                    $420,000                                                       $720,000
Sidewalks                                                                                                                            $0
Street Lighting                                                                                                                      $0
Streetscapes                                                                                                                         $0
            TOTAL                     $980,000                    $550,000                       $390,000                       $1,920,000

Location Map
2019 ‐ 2024
                                        CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN                                      Project Year                 2023
                                                   City of Detroit Lakes
                                                                                                      Total Project
                                                                                                                    $                     750,000

Project Name:        Various Mill/Overlay & Street Rehabilitation
The project will include restoration to various segments of streets through the City. Improvements will likely include a combination of mill and
overlays, and/or full‐depth reclamation. The streets included in this project will be identified through by assessment and evaluation of potential
streets across the City a year or two in advance of the construction.

The City typically undertakes a large street restoration project of this nature every +/‐5 year depending on available funding and need. This is a
'placeholder' project for financial planning purposes.

Project Financing
ITEM                                 ASSESSABLE                GENERAL FUNDS                   UTILITY FUNDS                       TOTAL
Sanitary Sewer                                                                                                                       $0
Sewer Services                                                                                                                       $0
Lift Stations & Forcemains                                                                                                           $0
Watermain                                                                                                                            $0
Water Services                                                                                                                       $0
Hydrants                                                                                                                             $0
Storm Sewer                                                                                                                          $0
Street                                $500,000                     $250,000                                                       $750,000
Sidewalks                                                                                                                            $0
Trails                                                                                                                               $0
Street Lighting                                                                                                                      $0
Streetscapes                                                                                                                         $0
            TOTAL                     $500,000                     $250,000                           $0                          $750,000

Location Map

                     Locations/Streets To Be Determined
2019 ‐ 2024
                                        CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN                                       Project Year                 2023
                                                   City of Detroit Lakes
                                                                                                       Total Project
                                                                                                                     $                   1,670,000

Project Name:        Highland Drive ‐ Randolph Road to TH 34
Reconstruction of Highland Drive between Randolph Road and Trunk Highway 34. The proposed improvements are not yet well defined. For
purposes of this CIP it is assumed that the improvements will include reconstruction of the roadway with a 32' wide, rural section, bituminous
surfaced street. This includes space for 4' wide bike lanes on the shoulders. Sanitary sewer and watermain extensions to this area are a possible
consideration by have not been included in the estimated costs at this time.

Highland Drive connects Th 34 to Randolph Road and is a significant traffic corridor on the northeast side of the City's corperate limits. A majority of
the Roadway is under the jurisdiction of Detroit Township and the City is responsible for slightly less than half of the roadway. The pavement
surface is in very poor condition and the roadway narrow and geometrically deficient.

Project Financing
ITEM                                 ASSESSABLE                 GENERAL FUNDS                   UTILITY FUNDS                        TOTAL
Sanitary Sewer                                                                                                                         $0
Sewer Services                                                                                                                         $0
Lift Stations & Forcemains                                                                                                             $0
Watermain                                                                                                                              $0
Water Services                                                                                                                         $0
Hydrants                                                                                                                               $0
Storm Sewer                                                                                        $100,000                        $100,000
Street                                 $655,000                     $855,000                                                      $1,510,000
Sidewalks                                                                                                                              $0
Trails                                                                                                                                 $0
Street Lighting                                                                                     $60,000                         $60,000
Streetscapes                                                                                                                           $0
            TOTAL                      $655,000                     $855,000                       $160,000                       $1,670,000

Location Map
2019 ‐ 2024
                                       CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN                                     Project Year                2023
                                                 City of Detroit Lakes
                                                                                                    Total Project
                                                                                                                  $                    693,000

Project Name:        Long Pines Estates ‐ Phase 3
This project would include the construction of City infrastructure to a proposed residential housing subdivision. Anticipated improvements include
the installation of sanitary sewer, watermain, service laterals, 36' wide urban section street, stormwater collection and treatment, and lighting.
Project is anticipated to be constructed in phases over several years. The first phase was completed in 2017. The second phase costruction is
tenativly anticpated in 2020.

Developer plans to subdivide and develop residential housing.

Project Financing
ITEM                                ASSESSABLE                  GENERAL FUNDS                UTILITY FUNDS                       TOTAL
Sanitary Sewer                       $112,000                                                                                  $112,000
Sewer Services                        $37,000                                                                                   $37,000
Lift Stations & Forcemains                                                                                                         $0
Watermain                             $93,000                                                                                   $93,000
Water Services                        $39,000                                                                                   $39,000
Hydrants                                                                                         $22,000                        $22,000
Storm Sewer                                                                                     $132,000                       $132,000
Street                               $258,000                                                                                  $258,000
Sidewalks                                                                                                                          $0
Trails                                                                                                                             $0
Street Lighting                                                                                                                    $0
Streetscapes                                                                                                                       $0
            TOTAL                    $539,000                        $0                         $154,000                       $693,000

Location Map
2019 ‐ 2024
                                       CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN                                      Project Year                 2023
                                                  City of Detroit Lakes
                                                                                                     Total Project
                                                                                                                   $                     450,000

Project Name:        Washington Square Mall Parking Lot
The project will include the reconstruction of the existing mall parking lot. The project will also incorporate some onsite stormwater treatment and
'green' islands in effort to beautify the area.

The original parking lot was constructed in the late 1980's. The existing pavement surface is beginning to show some signs of deterioration. Also,
there is as desire to improve the aesthetics of the area and provide for some onsite stormwater treatment.

Project Financing
ITEM                                ASSESSABLE                GENERAL FUNDS                   UTILITY FUNDS                       TOTAL
Sanitary Sewer                                                                                                                      $0
Sewer Services                                                                                                                      $0
Lift Stations & Forcemains                                                                                                          $0
Watermain                                                                                                                           $0
Water Services                                                                                                                      $0
Hydrants                                                                                                                            $0
Storm Sewer                                                                                                                         $0
Street                                $225,000                    $225,000                                                       $450,000
Sidewalks                                                                                                                           $0
Trails                                                                                                                              $0
Street Lighting                                                                                                                     $0
Streetscapes                                                                                                                        $0
            TOTAL                     $225,000                    $225,000                          $0                           $450,000

Location Map
2019 ‐ 2024
                                      CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN                                      Project Year                2024
                                                 City of Detroit Lakes
                                                                                                    Total Project
                                                                                                                  $                 3,190,000

Project Name:        West Lake Drive Reconstruction ‐ Legion to North Shore Drive
This project would include significant reconstruction and reconfiguration of West Lake Drive. Proposed improvements include the construction
of a 10' wide multi‐use trail with a concrete surface along the south side of the existing street and new sidewalk on the north side of the street.
This will require the elimination of one side of on‐street parking or conversion of the street to one‐way traffic. The street will require complete
reconstruction with new curb and gutter and a concrete surface. Storm sewer will be partially replaced (primarily catch basins and leads) as
needed for the street reconstruction. Other improvements will include new lighting and other streetscaping elements.

This segment of West Lake Drive was originally Trunk Highway 59 and has undergone several overlays and widening throughout the years. The
existing street and sidewalk within this corridor are in extremely poor condition and in need of reconstruction. The City's Business Corridors
Redevelopment Plan included a number of proposed improvement concepts to this portion of West Lake Drive. These improvements included
the incorporation of a multi‐use trail, parking improvements, and providing a more pedestrian friendly environment that could help enhance
business and redevelopment of this area. The design of West Lake Drive may include reconstruction to a narrower width to accomidate the
construction of multi‐use trail. The underground utilities in this segment are limited to watermain between Summit Avenue and North Shore
Drive. The segments between Lake Avenue and North Shore Drive were updated to PVC in 1998. The segment from Summit Avenue to Lake
Avenue is the original cast iron pipe (CIP) and is assumed to be 60+ years old, beyond its useful life.

Project Financing
ITEM                                ASSESSABLE                GENERAL FUNDS                  UTILITY FUNDS                      TOTAL
Sanitary Sewer                                                                                                                    $0
Sewer Services                                                                                                                    $0
Lift Stations & Forcemains                                                                                                        $0
Watermain                             $52,500                     $17,500                                                      $70,000
Water Services                        $20,000                                                                                  $20,000
Hydrants                                                                                         $30,000                       $30,000
Storm Sewer                                                                                     $230,000                       $230,000
Street                               $497,500                    $1,492,500                                                   $1,990,000
Sidewalks                                                         $240,000                                                     $240,000
Trails                                                                                          $260,000                       $260,000
Street Lighting                                                   $90,000                       $140,000                       $230,000
Streetscapes                                                                                    $120,000                       $120,000
            TOTAL                    $570,000                    $1,840,000                     $780,000                      $3,190,000
Note: Estimated costs do not reflect cost participation from Becker County which should be +/‐$2.0 million (street, sidewalk,
stormsewer, and some lighting costs)
Location Map
2019 ‐ 2024
                                       CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN                                     Project Year                2024
                                                 City of Detroit Lakes
                                                                                                   Total Project
                                                                                                                 $                     715,000

Project Name:        Frazee ‐ Washington to Summit
Reconstruction of street, watermain, sanitary sewer, storm sewer, and sidewalk on Frazee Street between Summit and Washington. Project may
be completed in conjunction with west Holmes Street.

The existing watermain and sanitary sewer within this corridor varies in pipe size and type. Segments of these utilities have been upgraded to PVC
throughout time. The segments that remain CIP and VCP should be replaced. Additionally the watermain on the segment between Lake and
Washington is undersized, it is currently a 6" and should be a 12" as this is the direct connection from the water tower to the downtown area.

The existing street, curb and sidewalk are in poor condition. The street has been overlaid several times and street currently has an extreme crown.
The reconstruction of the surface infrastructure is necessary.

Project Financing
ITEM                                ASSESSABLE                GENERAL FUNDS                  UTILITY FUNDS                       TOTAL
Sanitary Sewer                        $37,500                    $12,500                                                        $50,000
Sewer Services                        $20,000                                                                                   $20,000
Lift Stations & Forcemains                                                                                                         $0
Watermain                             $37,500                     $12,500                       $30,000                         $80,000
Water Services                        $15,000                                                   $5,000                          $20,000
Hydrants                                                                                                                           $0
Storm Sewer                                                                                     $20,000                         $20,000
Street                               $170,000                    $170,000                                                      $340,000
Sidewalks                                                        $150,000                                                      $150,000
Trails                                                                                                                             $0
Street Lighting                                                   $10,000                       $25,000                        $35,000
Streetscapes                                                                                                                       $0
            TOTAL                    $280,000                    $355,000                       $80,000                        $715,000
Note: Could potentially utilize MSA funds for a portion of street, sidewalk, and stormwater costs depending on status of MSA
Location Map
2019 ‐ 2024
                                        CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN                                      Project Year                 2024
                                                   City of Detroit Lakes
                                                                                                      Total Project
                                                                                                                    $                   1,110,000

Project Name:        Holmes ‐ Washington to Summit
Reconstruction of street, watermain, sanitary sewer, storm sewer, and sidewalk on Holmes Street between Summit and Washington. Project may
be completed in conjunction with west Frazee Street.

The condition of the existing street and underground utilities within this segment of Holmes Street is poor. The street is severely cracked, the
sidewalk and curb is broken experiencing extreme degradation. Holmes Street is a main collector for the downtown area and experiences high
volumes of traffic, particularly after the construction of the TH 59 underpass and TH 10 frontage road.

The watermain is of CIP construction beyond its useful service life. The sanitary sewer is of VCP construction and anticipated to be in poor
condition. This main also serves as a trunkline providing service to a large area. The storm sewer within this corridor of RCP construction and is also
a trunk line. The condition of this main is unknown, however for planning level purposes, it is assumed that this main will be replaced along with
the other improvements.

Project Financing
ITEM                                 ASSESSABLE                GENERAL FUNDS                   UTILITY FUNDS                        TOTAL
Sanitary Sewer                         $37,500                    $12,500                         $10,000                          $60,000
Sewer Services                         $20,000                                                                                    $20,000
Lift Stations & Forcemains                                                                                                            $0
Watermain                              $60,000                      $20,000                        $30,000                        $110,000
Water Services                         $30,000                                                                                     $30,000
Hydrants                                                                                          $10,000                          $10,000
Storm Sewer                                                                                       $320,000                        $320,000
Street                                $175,000                     $175,000                                                       $350,000
Sidewalks                                                          $150,000                                                       $150,000
Trails                                                                                                                                $0
Street Lighting                                                     $10,000                       $25,000                          $35,000
Streetscapes                                                                                      $25,000                          $25,000
            TOTAL                     $322,500                     $367,500                       $420,000                       $1,110,000

Location Map
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