Caring, Discovering, Growing: Together - Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust Strategy 2017 2022

Page created by Ken Harmon
                Northumberland, Tyne and Wear
                NHS Foundation Trust Strategy

                2017 – 2022

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About us                                                                          Our vision and values
                                                                                                Our vision is:

              Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation                                      “To be a leader in the delivery of high
              Trust (NTW) provides a wide range of mental health,                               quality care and a champion for
              learning disability and neuro-rehabilitation services                             those we serve”
              to a population of 1.4 million people in the North
                                                                                                Our vision is underpinned by a set of core values which we refreshed during
              East of England.                                                                  2013, in consultation with a range of partners, including service users, carers,
                                                                                                staff and governors.
              In September 2016 the CQC rated our Trust as ‘Outstanding’ and we became
              one of only two non-acute trusts in England to be awarded an overall              Our values ensure that we will strive to provide the best care, delivered by the best
              rating of Outstanding.                                                            people, to achieve the best outcomes. Our concerns are quality and safety and we
                                                                                                will ensure that our values are reflected in all we do:
              We are one of the largest mental health and disability organisations in the
              country with an income of approximately £300 million. We employ over 6,000
              staff, operate from over 60 sites and provide a range of comprehensive services
              including some regional and national services.
                                                                                                 Caring and                   Respectful                    Honest and
                                                                                                 compassionate                                              transparent
                                                                                                 Put ourselves in other       Value the skill and           Have no secrets
                                                                                                 people’s shoes               contribution of others        Be open and truthful
                                                                                                 Listen and offer hope        Give respect to               Accept what is wrong
                                                                                                 Focus on recovery            all people                    and strive to put
                                                                                                 Be approachable              Respect and                   it right
                                                                                                                              embrace difference            Share information
                                                                                                 Be sensitive and
                                                                                                 considerate                  Encourage innovation          Be accountable for
                                                                                                                              and be open to                our actions
                                                                                                 Be helpful                   new ideas
                                                                                                 Go the extra mile            Work together and
                                                                                                                              value our partners

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Shaping our strategy - Together                                                 Some key facts
                                                                                              Here are some key facts about the world around us..

              In 2015, the Board of Directors agreed    We have taken into account the                                                     Poor mental health has a
                                                                                                                                           social and economic cost of
              that the time was right to review our     national and local strategies that                                                 £105 billion a year
              strategy. From the start we took an       are relevant to the people using
              inclusive approach to refreshing our      our services, carers, our staff and                                                The North East                                        50%                               75%
              strategy and over the eighteen month      our organisation as a whole.                                                       has some of the highest rates of
                                                                                                                                           mental illness in England
              period while we developed the strategy,
              we have tried to involve lots of          The involvement work took many                                                     By 2030 it is estimated that there

              people including:                         forms and some key themes
                                                                                                                                           will be approximately
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Half                             75%
                                                                                                                                           Two Million                                   of mental health problems        of mental health problems
                                                        emerged. These were:                                                               more adults in the UK with a mental          are established by the age of    are established by the age of

              • Service users and carers
                                                                                                                                           heath problem than there were in 2013
                                                                                                                                                                                             14 years                         24 years
              • Our staff                               • Including people
              • Our three clinical groups               • Being people centred
              • The Council of Governors                • Recovery                               1 in 4 adults                                                                                            1 in 4 adults (26%)
              • The Board                               • Developing pathways                    are diagnosed with a mental illness
                                                                                                 at some stage in their life
                                                                                                                                                                                                          young people in the UK experience
                                                                                                                                                                                                          suicidal thoughts

                                                        • Real support
                                                        • Wellbeing
                                                        • Quality
                                                        • Expertise
                                                        • Listening                                                                                                                                                     of people with a mental illness face
                                                                                                    9 out of 10 people in prison have
                                                                                                    mental health or a drug and
                                                                                                    alcohol problem
                                                                                                                                                                                      42%                               stigma and discrimination at least

                                                                                                                                                                                                                        once a month

              The feedback from all of those involved has helped us shape this strategy,            Suicide is rising and is the leading
                                                                                                    cause of death for
              identify what is important and determine our strategic ambitions.                     Men aged
                                                                                                    15-49                                                                                                               of people with neurological
              The title of our strategy, ‘Caring, Discovering, Growing: Together’                                                                                                          Over                         condition do not think that

              sums up the themes and comments which everyone made.                                                                                                                    40%                               local services work well together

              Thank you to everyone who helped us with this important work.                                                                                                     People with a learning disability in England on average die

                                                                                                    1 in 5 mothers suffer from depression                                       16 years earlier than the rest of the population
                                                                                                    with the costs of perinatal mental
                                                                                                    health estimated at

                                                                                                    £1.8 billion                                                                Over 4 Million
                                                                                                                                                                                people in England have a neurological condition

                                                                                                    15.4 Million
                                                                                                    people in England ( over a quarter of the population) have a long term condition, and are
                                                                                                    at a far higher risk of developing mental health problems than the rest of the population

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The challenges and opportunities

              As the NHS strives to continue to            The NHS is however facing these              Alongside this, mental health in              We have an exciting opportunity
              provide high quality services, and to live   challenges at a time of unprecedented        particular has never had a higher profile     through our local partnerships to
              up to the high expectations of patients      austerity and adjusting to an era of         in society. After many years of fighting      encourage our local health partners to
              and the public, we must have regard to       much tighter public finances. In addition    hard to challenge the stigma associated       understand the benefits of providing
              today’s challenges and anticipate the        financially challenged local authorities     with mental ill health, the tide is finally   a more integrated approach to the
              challenges of the future.                    have reduced their spending on social        turning. Celebrities, pop stars and the       physical, mental and social wellbeing of
                                                           care, impacting on the demand for            Royal family have opened up about             the people and communities we serve.
              People are living much longer which is       health services. There are also shortfalls   their personal experiences, and charities
              good news, but an ageing population          in the available workforce including         such as Time to Change and Heads              The next five years will be a time of
              presents a number of serious challenges      medical, nursing and other staff groups.     Together have supported this.                 change for the whole of the NHS and
              for the health and social care system.                                                                                                  also for NTW. This strategy provides
                                                           To meet these challenges, health             A new light has been shone on mental          an opportunity for us to play our part
              By 2021, the number of people living         and social care services must change         health services, which have traditionally     in ensuring that the people we serve
              with dementia in the UK is projected         fundamentally.                               been described as a ‘cinderella service’.     are able to have their voices heard in
              to exceed one million and dementia                                                        The phrase ‘parity of esteem’ has             these changes.
              is estimated to cost the NHS local           This means everyone working differently      been coined to underline the need to
              authorities and families £23 billion         and ‘smarter’. It means altering or          see mental health services as equally
              a year.                                      completely reshaping services giving         important to other parts of the
                                                           people better quality and experience         health service.
              The cost of providing care is getting        for less money. It means reinvesting
              more expensive. The NHS now
              provides a much more extensive and
                                                           any money saved in more and better
                                                           services and so extending access to care.
                                                                                                        Change for the better is happening,
                                                                                                        and more is to come. The work we have
                                                                                                                                                            “A new light
              sophisticated range of treatments and
              procedures than could ever have been         Only by getting everyone involved and
                                                                                                        done with our partners around the Five
                                                                                                        Year Forward View for Mental Health                 has been shone
              envisaged when it was established. New
              drugs, technologies and therapies have
                                                           working together, will a network of
                                                           services be provided which can meet
                                                                                                        and the Crisis Care Concordat’s have led
                                                                                                        to some significant developments such               on mental
              made a major contribution to curing          the changing needs of people in the          as street triage, enhanced psychiatric
              disease and extending the length and         21st century within the limits of the        liaison services and better access and              health services”
              quality of people’s lives.                   budgets available.                           community services.

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Our Quality Goals

              NTW initially identified our Quality Goals in 2009, drawing upon feedback from                    Each year we also set new quality priorities to help us achieve our Quality Goals.
              patients, staff and our partners. Following feedback from those involved in                       These priorities are identified in partnership with service users, carers, staff and
              developing this strategy we have reviewed and updated our Quality Goals.                          partners as well as information gained from incidents, complaints and
                                                                                                                other learning.
                  Quality Goal One                 Quality Goal Two             Quality Goal Three
                                                                                                                Our Quality Goals are three things that will help us achieve our vision by providing
                  Keeping you safe                 Working with you, your       Ensuring the right services
                                                                                                                the overarching framework for this strategy. We will deliver our vision and our
                                                   carers and your family to    are in the right place at the
                                                                                                                Quality Goals by meeting our strategic ambitions.
                                                   support your journey         right time to meet all your
                                                                                health and wellbeing needs

                                     In 5 years’ time what would success look like?
                Learning from experience          Working together with         Service users “living better
                                                  service users, carers         for longer”
                                                  and communities
                Openness in reporting             Principles of the Triangle    Evidence based care
                                                  of Care embedded              consistently provided

                Demonstrating improvement         Co-production at all levels   Meaningful outcomes

                Reduction in incidents            Improved positive service     Timely access to 24/7
                of harm                           user and carer feedback       services, in accordance
                                                                                with need

                Smooth transitions from one       Seamless care across all      Care close to home and
                service to another                partners-no barriers          elimination of out of
                                                                                area placements

                Better suicide prevention         Wellness Recovery Action      An integrated approach to
                                                  Plans (WRAP) embedded         meeting physical, mental
                                                                                health and social care needs

                                                  Supporting resilience in
                                                  people and communities

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Our strategic ambitions                                                               Another way to think about these is:

              We have developed six strategic ambitions. These are:

              1. Working together with service            2. With people, communities and
                                                                                                          Caring             Discovering                Growing
              users and carers we will provide            partners, together we will promote
              excellent care, supporting people on        prevention, early intervention
              their personal journey to wellbeing         and resilience                             Providing excellent     Doing everything        A centre of excellence
                                                                                                     care, supporting        we can to prevent ill   for mental health and
                                                                                                     people on their         health and offering     disability support
                                                                                                     personal journey        support early
              3. Working with partners there will be      4. The Trust’s mental health and           to wellbeing                                    Sustainable services
              “no health without mental health”           disability services will be sustainable                            Striving for joined     that are good value
              and services will be “joined up”            and deliver real value to the people       A great place to work   up services             for money
                                                          who use them

              5. The Trust will be a centre of            6. The Trust will be regarded as a
              excellence for mental health                great place to work
              and disability


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Strategic                                                                          Our successful strategy will mean;         We will deliver community services
                                                                                                                                            which demonstrably deliver value for
              Ambition One                                                                       • Service users and carers will have a    money in terms of productivity
                                                                                                    positive experience of our services and and outcomes.
                                                                                                    will recommend the care delivered by
                                                                                                    the Trust
              Working together with service           When we asked people:                      • Our services will comply with national Building the right support -
              users and carers we will provide        ‘What good would look like in five            and local access, quality and 24/7      Transforming services for people
              excellent care, supporting people       years’ time?’ these are some of the           crisis response standards               with learning disabilities
                                                      recurring words people used:                                                          and autism:
              on their personal journey to                                                       • A comprehensive set of care
              wellbeing. Everyone involved in                                                       pathways are fully established
                                                      • Seven day services                                                                  We will close the agreed number of
              helping us shape this strategy          • Meaningful outcomes
                                                                                                 • We will deliver meaningful outcomes
                                                                                                                                            adult secure beds, in line with the
              overwhelmingly agreed that                                                            which demonstrate effectiveness
                                                      • Co-production                                                                       national programme.
              service users and carers should
                                                      • Evidence based                           There are also some major service
              be at the centre of everything                                                     developments we have planned that
                                                                                                                                            We will work to ensure a patch wide
                                                      • Local services                                                                      approach to improving services for
              we do.                                                                             will contribute towards this
                                                      • Responsive                                                                          people with a learning disability and
                                                                                                 strategic ambition:
              Getting this right is the single most   • Recovery                                                                            autism, using our expertise alongside
              important thing we can do in NTW to     • Person centred                                                                      partners to transform the services across
                                                                                                 Delivering excellence in
              have a positive impact upon people’s    • Accessible                                                                          the whole pathway in all localities.
                                                                                                 patient care:
              health and wellbeing.
                                                      Meeting this ambition is about more                                                   We will develop our provision of world
                                                                                                 Inpatient care is provided in fit for
              When we asked people about              than reaching milestones in terms of                                                  class inpatient services for people with
                                                                                                 purpose facilities, with common
              what we must do over the next           improvements to service provision.                                                    autism with the most complex needs.
                                                                                                 standards of care and support,
              five years they said:                   It is fundamentally about changing         responsively, seven days a week,
                                                      the relationship between people who                                                   You can see more about all of our
                                                                                                 within the constraints of the resources
              • Communication between staff,         work for NTW and people who use our                                                   detailed plans at the end of the booklet.
                                                                                                 available to us.
                 service users, carers and families   services and care for them. It involves
              • Co-production                         creating equal, trusting and therapeutic   Great care in your community:
                                                      relationships between individual service
                                                      users, their families and carers           Roll out new community evidence based
                                                      and professionals.                         care pathways across Northumberland,
                                                                                                 North Tyneside, Newcastle and
                                                                                                 Gateshead and ensure that our
                                                                                                 community services work alongside
                                                                                                 our partners to ensure people’s holistic
                                                                                                 needs are met.

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Strategic                                                                              Meeting this ambition will require us to work even more closely with our partners
                                                                                                     so that we can support people who are outside the traditional reach of our

              Ambition Two                                                                           services. In particular we will focus on the difference that children and young
                                                                                                     people’s services, and IAPT services can make, as well as continuing to improve
                                                                                                     access to services that people use at times of crisis.

              With people, communities and               This strategic ambition says very clearly
                                                         that NTW has a role to play in making       Our successful strategy will                 There are also some major service
              partners, together we will promote
                                                         sure that our communities and local         lead to:                                     developments we have planned
              prevention, early intervention                                                                                                      that will contribute towards this
                                                         partners focus on the causes of poor
              and resilience.                                                                        • Children and young people will have       strategic ambition:
                                                         health, and in making improvements.
                                                         It also highlights the importance of           quick access to high quality mental
              The future health of millions of children,                                                health and learning disability services   Building resilience for people and
                                                         ending the stigma around mental ill
              the sustainability of the NHS, and                                                        when they need it                         communities: We will play a leading
                                                         health and disabilities.
              the economic prosperity of Britain all                                                 • Easy access to psychological support      role with partners, as part of our joint
              now depends on a radical upgrade in        When we asked people about                     for people who need it                    Sustainability and Transformation Plan,
              prevention and public health.              what we must do over the next                                                            in developing a patch wide approach
                                                                                                     • More people living with mental health
                                                         five years they said:                          problems and disabilities will find and   to building resilience for people and
              In mental health and disability services,                                                                                           communities. We will work with all
                                                         • That they want us to lead, be               stay in work
              we have known for a long time that                                                                                                  partners and agencies to enable people,
              employment is vital to health and             courageous, tackle stigma and use        • Improvements in the quality of life
                                                                                                                                                  their families, carers and communities
              should be recognised as a positive            our expertise and knowledge                 outcomes for people living with
                                                                                                                                                  to better support mental illness
              outcome. The NHS must play a greater       • Promotion, prevention and resilience        mental health problems and disabilities
                                                                                                                                                  and disability.
              role in supporting people to find or          and partnership working is essential     • Reduction in suicides
              keep a job. Housing is also critical to                                                • Easy access to crisis response services.   Our future for children and young
              the prevention of mental health            When we asked people:                                                                    people - improved access to
                                                                                                     • As a part of the health and justice
              problems and the promotion of              ‘What good would look like in                                                            community services:
                                                                                                        pathway, improve access to liaison
              recovery. Those in the criminal justice    five years’ time?’ these are some
                                                                                                        and diversion services
              system experiencing mental health          of the things they said:                                                                 We will promote and play an integral
                                                                                                     • An end to the stigma around mental
              problems and disabilities need better                                                                                               part in delivering a system wide
                                                         • Partnership working                          ill health and disabilities
              support with agencies working                                                                                                       approach to improving services
              together to provide the right support.     • Independence                                                                           for children and young people,
                                                         • Healthy                                                                                collaborating with all partners.
                                                         • No stigma
                                                         • Collaboration
                                                         • Working with communities
                                                         • Community engagement
                                                         • Wellbeing

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              Ambition Three

              Working with partners there will           prevention reflecting their higher risk of   acute Hospitals. We will also need          The major service development
              be ‘no health without mental               poor physical health.                        to continue to build partnerships           which contributes to this strategic
              health’ and services will be                                                            with local GP’s and relevant                ambition is:
                                                         When we asked people about                   clinical networks.
              ‘joined up’.
                                                         what we must do over the next
              At least four million of the 15 million
                                                         five years they said:                        Our successful strategy will                Enabling the
              people in England with a long                                                           mean that we:
              term physical health condition also
                                                         • Stop the division between mind
                                                           and body
                                                                                                                                                  system to support
              have a mental health problem. The                                                       • Improve the physical health of those
              interdependency of mental health           • Use your expertise to bring on others        with severe mental illness               your whole needs:
              and physical health has significant          - acute hospitals, other organisations     • Improve the physical health of those
              implications for individual patients.        and agencies                                  with a learning disability               We will, as an integral part of the
              Shockingly, people with a learning                                                      • Improve the mental health of             Sustainability and Transformation Plan,
              disability in England on average die       When we asked people:                           those suffering with long term           promote a patch wide approach to
              16 years earlier than the rest of          ‘What good would look like in                   medical conditions                       better supporting people’s whole needs,
              the population.                            five years’ time?’                                                                       working with all local acute hospitals
                                                                                                      • Support the resilience and wellbeing
                                                         these are some of the things they said:                                                  and community service providers to
                                                                                                         of carers
              Addressing the inequality arising from                                                                                              integrate mental health into physical
                                                         • Joined up map of care and support          • Improve access to specialist mental      health pathways.
              the lack of an integrated approach to
                                                                                                         health services to those presenting
              mental health, disabilities and physical   • Making a difference
                                                                                                         with mental health problems in
              health needs, and improving the health     • Educate                                       acute hospitals
              of our local populations and reducing
                                                         • Pathways                                   • Improve the physical health of
              the need for hospital admissions, is an
              integral aim of the local Sustainability   • Partnership                                   patients with severe mental illness
              and Transformation Plans.                  • No barriers                                   in our inpatient services
                                                                                                      • Improve access to specialist perinatal
              The Five Year Forward View stresses        Meeting this ambition will require us           mental health care for mothers,
              the need to make physical and mental       to continue to prioritise the focus on          infants and young children
              health care equally important and says     the physical healthcare and the health       • Improve the mental health and
              that by 2020/21, at least 280,000          and wellbeing of all of those that              wellbeing of older people in
              people living with severe mental health    use our services. With the support of           residential care homes
              problems should have their physical        commissioners we have developed a
              health needs met. They should be           range of psychiatric liaison services in
              offered screening and secondary            partnership with our partners in local

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              Ambition Four

              The Trust’s mental health                 with the job that we do best, providing   Our successful strategy                       The major service development
              and disability services will be           the best support we can to our service    will mean:                                    which contributes to this strategic
              sustainable and deliver real value        users and their families.                                                               ambition is:
              to the people who use them.                                                         • Being financially sound and meeting
                                                        When we asked people:                        all of our financial targets
              The NHS has suffered severe financial
                                                        ‘What good would look like                • Providing services that offer real value   Our future for
                                                        in five years’ time?’                        to the people that use them and are
              restraint in recent years and this is
              unlikely to ease. At the same time,
                                                        these are some of the things they said:      sustainable in the long term               children and young
              demand for many of our services is                                                  • Playing our part in a financially
              rising and expectations from the public   • Financially secure                         sustainable and thriving Sustainability    people - care for
              are becoming higher.                      • Economically viable                        and Transformation approach,
                                                        • Simpler organisation                       operating collaboratively and              the most vulnerable
              We have been successful in meeting        • A well-oiled machine                       transparently to deliver high value
              this challenge of providing ever better                                                pathways of care across organisational     We will not provide young people’s
                                                        • Stability
              and more accessible services with the                                                  barriers and mutual organisational         specialist inpatient services from the
              same or less money over recent years,     • Performing well                            sustainability across the patch            current location of Alnwood in the
              and this challenge is set to continue.    • Best services                           • Growing our service offering               medium term and will re-provide
                                                        • Well resourced                             where this supports the underlying         those services from alternative
              Money isn’t the driver for what we                                                     sustainability of our organisation and     accommodation or exit from
              do or the reason we come to work.         Meeting this ambition underpins and          our existing services                      the market.
              But this strategic ambition is about      enables all of our other hopes. Our
              helping to manage the delivery of great   Outstanding rating gives us confidence                                                  We will develop a sustainable model
              quality sustainable care for the long     that we are doing the best we can for                                                   of care for children and young people
              term by living within the resources we    our service users, and our continuing                                                   requiring specialist inpatient support.
              have available and ensuring that we       financial health means that we are able
              maintain the confidence of the wider      to set our own direction for the future
              system as a Trust that delivers. Our      without undue attention from our
              Outstanding rating gives us confidence    regulators. This enables us to get on
              that we are doing the best we can for     with the job that we do best, providing
              our service users, and our continuing     the best support we can to our service
              financial health means that we are able   users and their families.
              to set our own direction for the future
              without undue attention from our
              regulators. This enables us to get on

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              Ambition Five

              The Trust will be a centre of               When we asked people:                     We are ranked as the fourth most           Our successful strategy will
              excellence for mental health                ‘What good would look like in             research active mental health trust,       mean that we are:
              and disability.                             five years’ time?’                        on the basis of the number of
                                                          these are some of the things              nationally funded studies. Many of our     • A leader in research and in
              Research and innovation are critical        they said:                                clinicians are recognised nationally and     embedding research into practice
              to addressing the challenges the NHS                                                  internationally for their research and     • A centre of excellence for mental
              faces. The NHS as a whole needs to          • Become experts and develop expertise    involvement in the development of best       health and disability services,
              harness the best of our clinical, research, • Grow                                    practice and guidance, including those       developing Trust Innovations to
              academic and industry expertise.            • Lead                                    developed through the Royal Colleges         both export and draw in expertise,
                                                                                                    and National Institute for Healthcare        knowledge and innovation
                                                          • Share knowledge
              The five Year Forward View recognises                                                 Excellence. Our staff are often              nationally and internationally
                                                          • Deliver quality                         responsible for training and inspiring
              that innovation and research is the                                                                                              • A leader in using technology to
              key to driving change, now and in                                                     the next generation, and they help raise     connect and empower service
                                                          Meeting this ambition acknowledges        the profile of mental health, disability
              the future. We are committed to                                                                                                    users, carers and staff, and in driving
                                                          that we are one of the largest mental     conditions and treatments.
              playing a leading role in this and digital health and disability trusts in the                                                     increasing value by supporting and
              technology has a pivotal role to play.                                                                                             enabling continual improvement
                                                          country, and our clinicians and other     The transformation of services has           in productivity
                                                          staff have a wide breadth of experience   been at the heart of our strategy and
              Many of our staff and service users         and skills in many fields. Our services                                              • A key partner within our Sustainability
              carry a powerful computer with them                                                   this work is also now being recognised
                                                          are recognised as Outstanding at a                                                     and Transformation footprint,
              – in their smartphones and tablets -                                                  nationally with other organisations
                                                          national level, with some having an                                                    breaking down information
              all the time. The emergence of this                                                   seeking to learn from us. We have
                                                          international profile and we want                                                      barriers across organisations,
              advanced digital technology opens up                                                  established Trust Innovations as our
                                                          to build on this. We are committed                                                     enabling the delivery of seamless
              opportunities for support, treatment                                                  brand for providing external support,
                                                          to maintaining this high standard                                                      timely and effective care to people
              and prevention. The technologies now                                                  advice, consultancy and products to the
                                                          consistently across all of our services                                                and communities
              on offer give us the potential to provide                                             wider NHS and beyond.
                                                          and sharing best practice with                                                       • Engaging widely with our
              a more tailored and person centred          other organisations.                                                                   population through the widespread
              approach to care.                                                                     We have been recognised as a global
                                                                                                    digital leader across the mental health      use of digital communications
                                                                                                    and disability sector.

                                                                                                    We work hard to influence national and
                                                                                                    local plans and policy, fighting stigma
                                                                                                    and the highlighting the need for parity
                                                                                                    of esteem.

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Strategic                                                                                When we asked people:
                                                                                                       ‘What good would look like in
                                                                                                                                                    • An organisation with senior
                                                                                                                                                      leaders who have the capacity and

              Ambition Six                                                                             five years’ time?’
                                                                                                       these are some of the things they said:
                                                                                                                                                      competency to lead and support
                                                                                                                                                      organisational and cultural change
                                                                                                                                                      and make the most of their skills
                                                                                                       • Leadership                                   and qualities
                                                                                                       • More staff “time to care”                  • Somewhere that individuals and
              The Trust will be regarded as a                play a fundamental part of what we do
                                                             and must systematically flow from this    • Believing in “the firm”                      teams are highly engaged, members
              “great place to work”.                                                                   • Happy
                                                             strategy and our strategic ambitions.                                                    of highly effective teams and problem
                                                                                                       • Mutual respect                               solve at a local level when issues
              Our talented, passionate and dedicated
                                                             A strategic approach to talent            • Engaged                                      arise, in the context of the Trust’s
              workforce are our greatest asset. Every
                                                             management is required to ensure          • Motivated - want to improve                  devolved decision making and
              day they deliver a diverse range of
                                                             individuals are developed, engaged and    • Communication                                Accountability Framework
              outstanding local, regional and
              national services.                             retained within the organisation along                                                 • Integrating service improvement and
                                                             with continuing our work on embracing     As part of developing this ambition,           organisational development and that
                                                             equality, diversity and inclusion and     we have commissioned a new                     this is being delivered by clinicians
              They are the key to meeting the
                                                             further enhancing leadership capacity     Collective and Clinical Leadership             and managers
              significant challenges ahead and are
                                                             and capability.                           Programme. We are an NHS Employers
              an essential part of designing and                                                                                                    • Seen as a great place to work with
                                                                                                       Diversity and Inclusion Partner for
              delivering future services which will                                                                                                   more applicants than jobs available,
                                                             We are passionately committed to          the second year running and in 2016
              provide excellent patient care and                                                                                                      embedded values based recruitment,
                                                             supporting and empowering staff           launched BAME, Disability and LGBT
              meet service user, carer and public                                                                                                     limited vacancies, low use of agency
                                                             to improve their own health and           networks. We have successfully
              expectations.                                                                                                                           staff and reductions in turnover
                                                             wellbeing, supporting the wider health    maintained Investors in People status
                                                                                                       (including the health and wellbeing          • Developing strong partnerships with
              The values of our whole workforce is           and wellbeing of the population.                                                         trade unions, people feel safe to raise
                                                                                                       standard) and continue to be accredited
              vital in delivering quality in everything                                                                                               concerns and there are low levels of
                                                             We must continue to engage our            as a Better Health at Work Employer at
              that we do.                                                                                                                             bullying and harassment
                                                             staff, involve them in decision making,   the continuing excellence level.
                                                                                                                                                    • Able to effectively support the health
              Flexibility and adaptability will be crucial   listen to their ideas, further empower
                                                                                                       A successful strategy will ensure              and wellbeing of our staff
              for our future workforce. There will           them to influence and make changes
                                                             at local level and do all we can to       that we are:
              inevitably be significant changes in
              where they work, how they work and             create high levels of job satisfaction
                                                             and motivation so that the Trust is ‘a    • An organisation with an increasingly
              who they work with.
                                                             great place to work’.                        flexible workforce, working across
                                                                                                          health and social care, delivering
              We want our workforce to be fully
                                                                                                          excellence in patient care with greater
              equipped with the skills, knowledge
                                                                                                          provision of recovery focused self and
              and resources to deliver evidenced
                                                                                                          whole person care
              based care across new pathways and
              with partners. Workforce planning must                                                   • Recognised as a diverse and
                                                                                                          representative employer, valuing and
                                                                                                          embracing diversity in our workforce

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How will we measure success
             and report on our progress?
             We have set out in this strategy our vision, values and strategic
             ambitions for the next five years. Having set this direction, our
             Council of Governors and Board of Directors must now ensure
             that it is delivered.

             We have set ourselves specific targets which we will use to measure
             our success in achieving our ambitions. We will monitor and report
             to the Council of Governors and Board of Directors on the progress
             made in delivering this strategy and include a progress report in our
             Annual Report.

             We will also develop a range of other underpinning strategies that
             will set out further detail on how we will achieve our plans. This will
             include a focus on our clinical workforce, pharmacy and medicines
             management and information technology for example.

             If you would like to know more about our strategy you can contact:


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