Candidate Pack Director of Education: Community Learning

Page created by Angel Sutton
Candidate Pack Director of Education: Community Learning
Candidate Pack

Director of Education:
Community Learning
Candidate Pack Director of Education: Community Learning
Candidate Pack                                                                                                     2

and welcome
Dear Candidate,                                            The opportunities for the WEA, even in challenging
                                                           times, are endless.
Thank you for your interest in this new role, which is
essential to the delivery of our vision to bring adult     In 2020, I set out a bold One WEA strategy and
education within reach.                                    designed a new leadership team to bring our mission
                                                           to life. As Director of Education: Community Learning,
If you are passionate about the power of adult             you will be responsible for building on the success of
education, an expert in your field, and a born leader      our rich and popular community-based adult learning
able to inspire and empower your team, this could be       provision.
just the role for you.
                                                           You will manage our regional and branch delivery. This
Founded in 1903, the Workers’ Educational Association      includes providing strategic direction and ensuring
(WEA) is a charity dedicated to bringing high-quality      income targets are met, and most importantly that our
education into the heart of communities across             students receive an excellent learning experience.
England and Scotland. Initially WEA’s focus was to
bring access to the liberal arts, otherwise inaccessible   You will need to balance long-term strategic
to workers. Now, we deliver a hybrid of arts, crafts       improvements, medium-term development of new
and essential employability training from English as a     curriculum and services, while maintaining robust
second language, digital skills, literacy and numeracy,    operations which mean our tutors deliver an excellent
opening doors to opportunity.                              experience every day for our students.

We are here to serve those who need us, often in some      Reporting directly to me, you will be welcomed into
of the most deprived communities in the UK. Unlike         a dynamic, creative and target-driven team. We are
other educational institutions, our students do not        determined to maximise the impact of the WEA, whilst
need any previous knowledge or qualifications to join      ensuring sustainability in a post-Brexit and pandemic
most of our courses, only a willingness to share with      economic environment.
others their curiosity, ideas and experience.
                                                           To achieve this we are building a positive, collaborative
In 2020 we fast-tracked the conversion of our teaching     and supportive culture, focussing our teams on
and learning online. This has proven essential through     delivering our One WEA mission.
the pandemic. Though we look forward to returning
to face to face delivery, which we know many of our        Inspired by this challenge? Then, please do apply. I very
students prefer, online delivery will continue to be a     much look forward to welcoming you to the team.
core part of our offer.

                                                           Simon Parkinson
                                                           CEO and General Secretary, WEA
Candidate Pack Director of Education: Community Learning
Candidate Pack                                                                            3

Who we are

The WEA has been providing high-quality      Values
educational opportunities to communities
since 1903. Today, our Vision, Mission and      Democratic
Values inform everything we do.

“A better world - equal, democratic and
just; through adult education the WEA           Open
challenges and inspires individuals,
communities and society”
                                             Approach to Education
                                             and Learning
                                             The WEA is committed to adult education
   Raising educational aspirations           for social purpose and to achieve social
                                             justice. To find out more, click here
   Bringing great teaching and learning
                                             to download the WEA Approach to
   to local communities
                                             Education and Learning.
   Ensuring there is always an
                                             We deliver our mission by developing
   opportunity for adults to return to
                                             partnerships to meet individual and
                                             collective needs, using active learning
   Developing educational opportunities      and a student centred approach in which
   for the most disadvantaged                teachers and students work as equals. We
                                             constantly strive to adapt our services to
   Involving students and supporters as      meet people’s needs, making full use of
   members to build an education 		          technology.
   movement for social purpose

   Inspiring students, teachers and
   members to become active citizens
Candidate Pack                                                                                               4

Our students
No rush,
no pressure                                         The WEA has made
                                                    so much possible for
                                                    me now

Here at WEA, we are passionate about               The course was an introductory guide to IT, and I
giving our students an excellent learning          found it really enjoyable. You can take your time.
                                                   No rush, no pressure. In a way, the lockdown was
experience and supporting them to make
                                                   a blessing, as I couldn’t rush back into life. I had to
the most out of their life. One student who        go slow. I did a lot of walking with my dog Walter.
exemplifies this is Vicky.                         It meant I could recover properly. I count myself
Vicky completed our Include IT course at           I have since done courses in English and maths
Change Grow Live in Widnes. During lockdown,       in college. I applied for a job as an account
she received support from the WEA, including       assistant and came second out of more than
the use of a tablet. She has now progressed to     200 applicants. The feedback was so good for
studying maths and English, and is completing an   my confidence. My son tells me I’m a changed
accountancy course at college.                     person. Without Jill, I really wouldn’t be where I
                                                   am today. The WEA has made so much possible
“I’ve had a tough time with my health in recent
                                                   for me now.”
years, and I was out of work and badly lacking
in confidence. I’ve always been a worker and so
really wanted to take baby steps towards getting
back on the job ladder. My tutor Jill at the WEA
has been amazing. I can’t speak highly enough
about her. She got me going again.
Candidate Pack                                                                          5

Job description

  Job title:             Director of Education: Community Learning

  Business unit:         Education

  Grade:                 LT 		                                FTE 1.0

  Reports to:            CEO & General Secretary

  Direct reports:        Heads of Region

  Place of work:         TBC

  Purpose of the role:   All posts at the WEA will support the vision for "A better
                         world - equal, democratic and just; through adult
                         education the WEA challenges and inspires individuals,
                         communities and society.”

                         Reporting to the CEO & General Secretary the Director
                         will provide, vision, strategic direction and leadership for
                         the Regions. Balancing long term strategies to improve
                         performance while ensuring the robust operational day to
                         day delivery and development of the vital services.

                         The post holder will develop, direct, influence and
                         implement the regional business plans and contribute
                         to the National improvement strategy. The Director will
                         achieve the successful delivery of the Regional plans within
                         budget and to restricted and unrestricted income targets.

                         The post holder will lead on the curriculum outcome areas
                         as well as being responsible for specific, distinct national
                         partnerships and to continually improve and raise the
                         profile of the Association.
Candidate Pack                                                                                                          6

Job description
Director of Education: Community Learning

     Key areas of responsibility

1.     Ownership of the overall relationship of the            12.   Management oversight of all Regional activities,
       Head of Regions / Regional Committee structures,              ensuring that operational /educational
       ensuring effective communications and activity                deliverables are regularly reviewed to optimise
       coordination across the WEA. Identification and               student learning experience and profile in line with
       resolution of cross-functional issues.                        WEA 2025 strategy
2.     Along with the Director of Education:                   13.   Embed and lead a culture of ‘student excellence’
       Employability & Skills the role holder is responsible         and continuous improvement within the Regions
       for developing and implementing the Regions
                                                               14.   Contribute to business/strategic planning
       Strategic direction.
                                                                     and delivery of relevant KPIs; monitor
3.     Lead, shape and influence WEA’s education                     performance in responsible areas and drive/lead
       delivery policy, recognising the link between                 change and improvements.
       education and other policy area
                                                               15.   Responsible and accountable for the delivery
4.     Accountable for the Performance of the                        of the WEA’s grant and contract commitments,
       directorate, ensuring the successful delivery of              course / education management, contact /
       business strategy, Key Performance Indicators                 student management.
       (KPIs) and objectives, whilst adhering to
                                                               16.   Determine the operational practices of the region,
       regulatory compliance and achieving high
                                                                     making sure each runs smoothly, cleanly, complies
       outcomes for learners.
                                                                     with marketing and sales campaigns and meets
5.     Accountable for ensuring all aspects of                       budget and operational goals.
       delivery are quality assured and meet internal,
                                                               17.   Responsible for setting clear goals and
       external and contractual assurance requirements.
                                                                     performance expectations and ensures that
6.     Support the Director of Quality & Student                     all managers and staff have a objectives and a
       Services with an annual programme of                          personal development plan, and that regular
       performance reviews that test self-assessment                 reviews and an annual appraisal take place for all
       judgements, provide evidence of progress linked               staff in the region.
       to quality improvement plans.
                                                               18.   To Lead, coach and ensure a competent
7.     Support the Director of Quality & Student                     management team, getting behind their efforts
       Services with all regulatory and inspectorate                 and helping them to accelerate plans and deliver
       activities across the Association.                            improvements where required.
8.     Develop, nurture and manage national and                19.   Conduct meetings with Heads, Regional
       international alliances including relationships               Leadership Teams and Regional Committees to
       with agencies supporting the WEA’s educational                review the impact of Regional plans and develop
       themes of Health & Wellbeing, Community                       and implement improvement strategies
       Engagement and Culture as well as policy groups,
                                                               20.   .Reviewing and promoting Regional participation
       adult learning communities and professional
                                                                     in Association wide projects and activities;
                                                               21.   Build and support diverse and effective
9.     Involving and engaging national and regional
                                                                     volunteer and member engagement activities
       governance in the planning process and ensuring
                                                                     for the Region, and monitor their effective
       that they are engaged and involved in the
       implementation of strategies and plans.
                                                               22.   To develop strong partnerships with MCA’s
10.    The Director is responsible for the implementation
                                                                     external Partners and organisations
       of the people strategy in the Regions and to
       demonstrate role model behaviours                       23.   Any other reasonable request from the line
11.    Ensure frameworks are in place to support
       partnership development at regional and local

To be used in conjunction with relevant person specification
Candidate Pack                                                                                                  7

Person specification
Director of Education: Community Learning

                                                                                       Assessment method
                                                                                       (for recruitment only)
   Criteria                                                    Essential   Desirable   A     Application Form
                                                                                       I     Interview
                                                                                       T     Test

 Education & qualifications
 Degree or equivalent                                             Yes                           A/I

 Proven track record in delivery of large scale
                                                                  Yes                           A/I
 contracts and projects

 Strong contract and project management skills                    Yes                           A/I

 Demonstrates strong leadership
 experience at level 5 plus                                       Yes                           A/I

 Experience of developing cross functional coherent
 business plans and project planning within an agreed             Yes                           A/I

 Strong networking and public speaking experience                 Yes                           A/I

 Experience of working with a wide range of internal and
                                                                  Yes                           A/I
 external stakeholders

 Demonstrates strong commercial acumen with a
                                                                  Yes                          A/I/T
 General Manager background

 Experienced Business development                                 Yes                           A/I

 Knowledge & skills
 Excellent interpersonal and communication skills
                                                                  Yes                           A/I
 (written and verbal)

 Strong influencing and leadership / motivational skills.         Yes                           A/I

 Excellent planning, organisational and time
                                                                  Yes                           A/I
 management skills

 Proven project management and strategic
                                                                  Yes                           A/I
 planning skills

 Ability to work well under pressure, prioritise a heavy
                                                                              Yes               A/I
 workload and work both reactively and pro-actively

 Strong financial acumen

 Shows a deep motivation and commitment to improving
 adult and community learning and to making a real                Yes                           A/I
 difference to students

To be used in conjunction with relevant person specification
Candidate Pack                                                                                                  8

Person specification
Director of Education: Community Learning

                                                                                       Assessment method
                                                                                       (for recruitment only)
   Criteria                                                    Essential   Desirable   A     Application Form
                                                                                       I     Interview
                                                                                       T     Test

 Communicates and translates strategic priorities                 Yes                           A/I
 setting clear metrics and deliverables to drive
 continuous improvements and high performance

 Makes informed and brave and relevant strategic
 decisions and finds solutions that will work within the          Yes                           A/I
 culture and values within the capability of the WEA

 Identifies and establishes and maintains strong
 strategic stakeholder partnerships and alliances at an           Yes                           A/I
 Association National level.

 Actively keeps up to date with wider sector issues and
                                                                  Yes                           A/I
 professional development

 Champions and benchmarks all quality standards
 against all aspects of service to deliver high levels of         Yes                           A/I
 service and standards

 To represent the WEA messages to and to
 communicate WEA

 Additional requirements
 Comply with all WEA’s Policies and Procedures, e.g.
 Code of Conduct, Health and Safety and Equality and              Yes                           A/I
 Diversity Policy

 A willingness to travel within the UK                            Yes                           A/I

 Be prepared to work flexibly, including outside of
                                                                  Yes                           A/I
 normal office hours

To be used in conjunction with relevant person specification
4 Luke Street

T. 0300 303 3464


The WEA is a charity registered in England and Wales
(no. 1112775) and in Scotland (no. SC039239).
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