Can the bull market continue? - Presentation to Momentum Think Tank 2020 Steven Bell, Chief Economist - Momentum Global Investment ...

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Can the bull market continue? - Presentation to Momentum Think Tank 2020 Steven Bell, Chief Economist - Momentum Global Investment ...
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Can the bull market continue?
Presentation to Momentum Think Tank 2020

Steven Bell, Chief Economist

                                           21st September 2020
Can the bull market continue? - Presentation to Momentum Think Tank 2020 Steven Bell, Chief Economist - Momentum Global Investment ...
Key Issues   The virus: is it winning?

             US politics: likely outcomes, likely impact

             Can the bull market continue?

Can the bull market continue? - Presentation to Momentum Think Tank 2020 Steven Bell, Chief Economist - Momentum Global Investment ...
Tracking Covid-19
US second wave turns, possibly in Europe too                                                                                 …new cases tumble in key US states
                                                                80,000                                                                                                   7%
                                                                                Daily Coronavirus New Cases                                                                        Daily % Increase in Total Coronavirus Cases

                                                                                                                              Increase in Confirmed Cases (7 day m.a.)

                                Daily Cases (7 day mov. ave.)
                                                                                                                                                                                               Arizona        Florida
                                                                                                    US                                                                   4%                                       Texas
                                                                                                                                                                                            South Carolina
                                                                                                                                                                         2%                                                      California
                                                                10,000                                                                                                   1%

                                                                    0                                                                                                    0%
                                                                         Mar   Apr    May     Jun     Jul      Aug     Sep                                                01 May   22 May      12 Jun    03 Jul    24 Jul   14 Aug       04 Sep

Source: BMO Global Asset Management and Bloomberg, as at 7 September 2020                                                    Source: BMO Global Asset Management and Bloomberg, as at 7 September 2020

•      Europe had been outperforming the US but the gap has narrowed markedly
•      Global daily cases of COVID-19 continue to rise. Daily deaths have fallen from their peak.
•      Medical progress in therapeutics and testing has been remarkable. Oxford vaccine trials are critical as it is months ahead of rivals and could be available in
       large quantities by the autumn. Uncertainty remains until results are published and analysed. The recent halt to the trial is worrying but probably not critical.

                              Past performance is not indicative of future performance.

Second Waves in Europe

                                               Daily % increase in Total Coronavirus cases

           Increase in Confirmed Cases (7
                      day m.a.)             2.0%

                                                   Germany                                       Italy
                                               01 May     01 Jun           01 Jul   01 Aug     01 Sep

Source: BMO Global Asset Management and Bloomberg as at 7 September 2020

Tracking Covid-19
Some EM countries are suffering badly …                                                                                          …but infections among the UK general public are flat
                                                                                 Daily Coronavirus New Cases                                             % testing positive for COVID-19
                                                                80,000                                                           0.5

                                Daily Cases (7 day mov. ave.)
                                                                50,000                                                           0.3
                                                                20,000                                                           0.1
                                                                10,000                                             Mexico
                                                                          Saudi Arabia                                           0.0
                                                                    0                                                                  6 May to 20 May 3 Jun to 17 Jun to 1 Jul to 15 Jul to 29 Jul to 12 Aug to
                                                                         Mar    Apr      May      Jun    Jul     Aug       Sep          19 May to 2 Jun 16 Jun 30 Jun      14 Jul   28 Jul 11 Aug 25 Aug

Source: BMO Global Asset Management and Bloomberg, as at 7 September 2020                                                        Source: ONS, as at 3 September 2020

•      The virus seems to be out of control in certain EM where social distancing is impractical and health care systems are inadequate
•      A high quality UK study of infection within the community (excluding those in hospital etc.) shows a rate of incidence that has been flat since lockdowns
       were eased. Separate data show a sharp rise in new cases and a limited national lockdown has been reimposed.

                              Past performance is not indicative of future performance.

A global recession
2020 growth forecasts are edging up except in UK ..                                                                                       …and data surprises remain positive

                                                                  6                                                                       50                                                                        125
                                                                                    Forecasts GDP Growth
                                                                  4                                                                       40                                                                        100
                                                                                                                                                                                               Global Economic

                                   Forecast GDP (% year / year)   2                                                                       30                                                    Surprise Index      75
                                                                                                                                                                                               (Goldman Sachs)
                                                                                                                                          20                                                                        50
                                                                                               Canada                                     10                                                                        25


                                                                                                                                           0                                                                        0
                                                                                                              US                          -10                                                                       -25
                                                                  -6                                                                      -20                                                                       -50
                                                                                         Euro Area
                                                                  -8                                                                      -30                                                 Global Economic       -75
                                                                                                                                                                                             Surpise Index (Citi)
                                                    -10                                                                                   -40                                                                       -100
                                                    -12                                                                                   -50                                                                       -125
                                                                       Jan   Feb   Mar   Apr    May     Jun    Jul   Aug    Sep              2015         2016          2017          2018      2019       2020

Source: Bloomberg, as at 3 September 2020                                                                                                 Source: Bloomberg, as at 3 September 2020

                               •                                   Recent data for European economic activity have come in in weaker than expected. With strong second waves in
                                                                   France and Spain and a more modest second wave in Germany, hopes of rapid recovery have receded.
                               •                                   UK data have recently come in much stronger than expected but reimposed lockdown raises risks.
                               •                                   Despite the well-documented problems with the virus in the US, recent data, notably on housing and the labour
                                                                   market have been strong. This is a significant surprise. .

                               Past performance is not indicative of future performance.

Massive monetary and fiscal support
Central banks cut rates aggressively…                                                                                          …along with very large fiscal support

                                                                       80                                                                             US Budget Balance (% of GDP)
                                                                                   Recession                                               5

                                    Cumulative Interest Rate cuts in

                                                                       60                                                                  0
                                           OECD countries

                                                                                                                               % of GDP

                                                                       30                                                                 -10
                                                                                                      6m rolling sum
                                                                       10                                                                                                                    Consensus
                                                                        0                                                                 -20
                                                                         2000   2003   2006    2009   2012   2015      2018                  1970   1980        1990          2000          2010         2020
Source: BMO Global Asset Management and Bloomberg as at September 2020. Note: Central Banks/ countries considered are          Source: BMO Global Asset Management and Bloomberg as at September 2020.
ECB, Fed, BoE, Australia, Canada, Chile, Denmark, Hungary, Iceland, Israel, Japan, South Korea, Mexico, New Zealand, Norway,
Poland, Sweden, Switzerland and Turkey.

                                •                               Cutting interest rates helps a little but non-traditional measures by central banks help more. Fed buying credit, QE
                                                                to infinity and measures by ECB notable.
                                •                               Huge fiscal response underway. Many of the massive US measures expire soon and a new package is needed.
                                                                Progress has been limited.

                                 Past performance is not indicative of future performance.

Pledged Fiscal Packages
Budgetary measures                                                                                                   Non-budgetary measures

                Source: IMF, Fiscal Monitor, April 2020 and update June 2020; IMF, World Economic Outlook; BIS calculations.
                Estimates focus on government discretionary measures that supplement existing automatic stabilisers, which differ across countries in their breadth and scope. AEs = AU, CA, DE, ES, FR, GB, IT, JP
                and US; EMEs = AR, BR, CN, ID, IN, KR, MX, RU, SA, TR and ZA. For regions, weighted averages based on GDP and PPP exchange rates.
                1 Equity injections, asset purchases, loans and debt assumptions, including through extra-budgetary funds. 2 Guarantees on loans and other contingent liabilities such as loans channelled through
                public financial agencies.

                •       Huge support globally is unevenly distributed and hard to gauge.
                •       The US has led the way of fiscal support but many lower income countries have been unwilling or unable to do
                        much on this front. Loan guarantees have been a big feature in many countries, notably Japan and Germany (who
                        can easily afford it) and Italy (who cannot).

                Past performance is not indicative of future performance.

Long-term US real rates fall ever lower
Risk-free rate is very low…                                                                         …but US jobs needs continued fiscal support
                                             Yield on 10 year US inflation protected security                             5000                                                  17.0
                                                                            Peak = 1.16                                                                                         15.0
                                    1                                                                                     4000
                                                                                                                                                      US                        13.0

                                                                                                     Claims (thousands)
                                   0.5                                                                                                                Unemployment
                                                                                                                                                      Rate                      11.0


                                                        Average                                                                       US Initial Jobless                        9.0
                                                       2017 = 0.44                                                                    Claims (4 week
                                 -0.5                                                                                                 moving average)                           7.0
                                                                                           Latest                         1000
                                    -1                                                        =                                                                                 5.0
                                 -1.5                                                                                        0                                                  3.0
                                     2017                2018                 2019        2020                                1990 1994 1998 2002 2006 2010 2014 2018

Source: BMO Global Asset Management and Bloomberg, as at 7 September 2020                           Source: BMO Global Asset Management and Bloomberg, as at 7 September 2020

•      The yield on 10-year US Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities - a key component of the discount rate for assets like equites whose income is likely to rise
       with inflation – fell heavily since late 2018 and has recently hit a record low.
•      Massive fiscal support, notably in the US has cushioned the blow of sudden, sharp, deep recession. Many forecasters are worried about further economic
       weakness as fiscal support is withdrawn. Many measures expired at the end of July and a new package is needed. But low interest rates limit the pressure to
       reduce deficits.

                              Past performance is not indicative of future performance.

US economy now stronger than Europe again


             Composite PMI Index



                                         Sep 17   Mar 18   Sep 18          Mar 19   Sep 19              Mar 20

       Composite PMI Index

                                                                                        US - Eurozone



                                        Sep 17    Mar 18   Sep 18          Mar 19   Sep 19              Mar 20

Source: BMO Global Asset Management and Bloomberg as at 7 September 2020

US Economy: High Frequency Measures
Big Data Mobility Measures                                                                                US Daily Travel, dining measures YoY Change

                    160                                                                                       20

                    140                                                                                        0
                                                                                                               Mar 20          Apr 20        May 20            Jun 20   Jul 20
                                                                                   Walking                                                                       Homebase Total
                     80                                                                                                                                          Hours Worked

                     60                                                        Transit                       -60
                                                                                                                                  US TSA Traveler
                     40                                                                                      -80                  Throughput
                                                                                                                                                     OpenTable Seated
                       Jan 20     Feb 20     Mar 20      Apr 20    May 20      Jun 20      Jul 20          -120

•   The recovery in mobility data has largely flattened since mid-June.

                   Sources: U.S. Transportation Security Agency, Opentable, Homebase, Bloomberg, Apple Mobility Trends Reports. Data through August 2, 2020.

Politics and Policy

         Image source: istock photo

Who will win the US election?
Trump approval rating has fallen                                                              Betting markets pricing Democrat clean sweep
                               48                                                             100
                                                        Trump Approval Rating                   90
                               46                                                               80 Democratic Controlled House
                                                                                                60     Democratic President


                               40                                                               30
                                                                                                20 Democratic Controlled Senate

                               36                                                                 0
                                 2017                  2018                2019        2020       Sep 19   Nov 19     Jan 20     Mar 20    May 20      Jul 20    Sep 20

Source: BMO Global Asset Management and Bloomberg, as at 7 September 2020                     Source: BMO Global Asset Management and Bloomberg, as at 7 September 2020

•     US election is a major risk for this year and Trump’s approval rating has fallen significantly since the virus struck
•     Betting markets and polls suggest the election will be very close but the odds on Democrats regaining the Senate and the White House have risen
•     The race remains close

                           Past performance is not indicative of future performance.

Purchasing managers’ indices bounce …                                                              …but markets see continue low inflation
                                                            Euro Area PMIs                                                  German 10y Breakeven
                                        70                                                             1.6

                            PMI Index


                                        40                                                             0.8


                                        10                                                               0
                                             2017      2018                 2019           2020           2016          2017          2018          2019          2020
Source: BMO Global Asset Management and Bloomberg, as at 7 September 2020                          Source: BMO Global Asset Management and Bloomberg, as at 7 September 2020

Europe is well on the way to easing the lockdown and the economy has responded.
But second waves are evident in many countries and lockdown easings have been delayed or reversed

                           Past performance is not indicative of future performance.

UK overtakes Europe


      Composite PMI Index


                                   Sep 17   Mar 18        Sep 18           Mar 19        Sep 19           Mar 20


                                                                                                  UK - Eurozone
        Composite PMI Index




                                   Sep 17   Mar 18       Sep 18            Mar 19        Sep 19           Mar 20

Source: BMO Global Asset Management and Bloomberg as at 7 September 2020

UK High Frequency Data shows strong pick up
Electricity Usage normalised for temperature                            Spending Trends
and long term trend
                                  115                                                                      30

                                                                           Spending Trends (28 day and 7

   Electrical Power Actual Load

                                                                               day averages, % y/y)
         Usge (5 day m.a.)        105
                                  100                                                                      -10
                                   90                                                                                                                Offline
                                   85                                                                      -50

                                   80                                                                      -60
                                    Jan 20   Mar 20   May 20   Jul 20                                            Jan   Feb   Mar   Apr   May   Jun      Jul    Aug    Sep

Source: Barclays, as at 7 September 2020                                Source: Barclays, as at 7 September 2020

Past performance is not indicative of future performance.

China versus the world
China’s PMIs back close to pre-covid levels…                                                            …and the rest of the world is catching up
                              70                                                                                                Global Services Jan10-Dec19 Avg: 53.2
                                           Construction Jan10-Dec19 Avg: 59.9                                                                                                Current:
                              65                                                                                    55
                                                                                       Current: 60.2                                                                             51.9
                              60                                                                                    50
                                                                                            Current:                     Global Manufacturing Jan10-Dec19 Avg: 51.7
                              55                                                                55.2                45

                                                                                                        PMI Index
                              50                                                                                                                                   Current:
                                   Non-Manufacturing Jan10-Dec19 Avg: 55.1                   Current                40
                              45                                                               : 51.0                                                                  51.8
                                                 Manufacturing Jan10-Dec19 Avg: 51.0                                35
                              35                                                                                    30

                              30                                                                                    25

Source: BMO Global Asset Management and Bloomberg as at 7 September 2020                                Source: BMO Global Asset Management and J. P. Morgan as at 8 September 2020.

                          •        China’s more severe lockdown has limited second waves and allowed almost complete recovery.
                          •        The RoW was catching up fast but second waves and higher infection rates means that lockdowns in the US and
                                   parts of Europe have been reimposed or easings delayed. EM countries like India and Brazil are still suffering badly
                                   from the virus.

                           Past performance is not indicative of future performance.

Emerging Markets
EM easing on all fronts…                                                                                               …EM PMIs above DM

                                                                50                                                                                  Composite PMIs
                                                                            Recession                                              60

                             Cumulative Interest Rate cuts in
                                                                                                                                   55                                      Emerging Markets

                                EM (largest 15 by GDP)
                                                                35                                                                 50

                                                                30                                                                 45

                                                                                                                       PMI Index
                                                                25                                                                 40
                                                                                               6m rolling sum
                                                                15                                                                                                     Developed Markets
                                                                 5                                                                 25

                                                                 0                                                                 20
                                                                  2000   2003   2006    2009   2012   2015      2018                    2018           2019                     2020
Source: BMO Global Asset Management and Datastream, as at September 2020                                               Source: BMO Global Asset Management and Bloomberg, as at September 2020

•     Emerging market central banks have turned incrementally dovish year-to-date motivated by slowing growth expectations, continued disinflation and
      monetary policy easing in developed economies. There is plenty of headroom for sustained policy accommodation.
•     The shift in monetary policy stance seems sustainable given the dovish shift in DM central banks; a broad-based slowdown in both export and domestic EM
      growth; continued disinflation from lower energy prices

                           Past performance is not indicative of future performance.

Earnings outlook improves…
2020 EPS heavily revised down…                                                                                       …but Q2 results have beaten low expectations

                                                     40                                                                                    20
                                                                      MSCI All Country EPS Growth                                                           S&P 500 2020 Quarterly EPS
                                                     30                                                                                    10

                                                                                                                      EPS Growth (% y/y)
                            % growth (year / year)                                                            2021
                                                     20                                       2017                                          0
                                                                   2013    2014
                                                     10                                                                               -10                                                            Q4
                                                           2012                                      2019                                                                                            Q1
                                                      0                                                                               -20
                                                                               2015                                                                                                                  Q3
                                                -10                                                                                   -30
                                                                                                              2020                                                                                   Q2
                                                   2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
                                                                                                                                                Jan   Feb   Mar     Apr May Jun        Jul   Aug   Sep
                                                                            Date forecast made                                                                    Date Forecast Made
Source: BMO Global Asset Management and Datastream, as at September 2020                                             Source: BMO Global Asset Management and Bloomberg, as at September 2020

                           •                              EPS forecasts for 2020 have been slashed but projections for 2021 are above 2019. Q2 reporting season has seen
                                                          a high % of companies beating analysts’. Significant beats on a cap-weighted basis are less impressive. With
                                                          economic data surging, estimates for earnings in 2020H2 may start to improve but a setback to economic recovery
                                                          in the US and Europe could lead to a double dip unless a vaccine come to the rescue.

                           Past performance is not indicative of future performance.

…and could improve further
Bounce in EPS forecasts …                                                                           …and guidance is strong
                                                                US Earnings                                                             30%                                                   75

                                                                                                    Earnings Revisions (%, 4w mov av)
                                        40                                                                                              20%       S&P 500 Earnings Revisions
                                                   S&P 500 12m forward                                                                         ((Upgrades - Downgrades) / Total)
                    EPS Growth (%yoy)   30         EPS change (% yoy)                                                                   10%
                                        20                                                                                               0%                                                   50

                                                                                                                                        -30%                US Company Profit                 25
                                        -20                                                                                                                   Outlook Index
                                                   Model                                                                                -40%
                                        -30       estimate
                                        -40                                                                                             -50%

                                        -50                                                                                             -60%                                                  0
                                           1998   2001   2004    2007   2010   2013   2016   2019                                          Jan 19 Apr 19 Jul 19 Oct 19 Jan 20 Apr 20 Jul 20
                  Source: BMO Global Asset Management, Bloomberg and Datastream, as at September    Source: BMO Global Asset Management, Bloomberg and Datastream, as at September
                  2020                                                                              2020

•   The recent Q2 earnings season at -35% y/y is the worst since the GFC but came in better than expected. EPS surprise (+22%) for those that have reported
    has been the strongest since 2009 but sales surprise has not been as strong (+2%). U.S. companies profit-outlook index, compiled by Bloomberg and
    based on corporate revisions to forecasts was recently at a record high and remains elevated.

                   Past performance is not indicative of future performance.

What news on a vaccine?                                                                                                            Classification: only to be shown if not public

                                                 • Phase 1/II trials in UK show Oxford vaccine is safe and produces T-cells and

                                                 • Phase III trials started in June. Recent halt to trials may merely be temporary

                                                 • 100 million doses ordered by UK, 300 million by US, 300million by EU
                                                 • 30mn due in the UK by September, US may have the vaccine by 3 November
                                                 • Moderna started Phase III trials in late July. 9 vaccines in Phase III trails
                                                 • High probability that one or more of the vaccines will be successful

           Source: BMO Global Asset Management

Classification: only to be shown if not public

               The virus is fighting back but wil probably be
               defeated by a vaccine. This would be a game
               US suffering serious second wave, Europe’s second
               wave is gathering force

               Political uncertainty headed higher in the US. Major
               market implications

               Life will never be the same again but pre-covid levels of
               economic activity and earnings regained by end 2021.
               Risk assets would receive boost from good news on a

                                                          22              22
Acronyms, definitions and explanations

EPS = earnings per share. P/E = ratio of share price to earnings

US CPI and PCE deflator There are two common measures of inflation in the US today: the Consumer Price Index (CPI) and the Personal Consumption Expen ditures price
index (PCE) The CPI gets more press, it is used to adjust social security payments and is the reference rate for Treasury Inf lation Protected Securities (TIPS) and inflation swaps.
The Federal Reserve, however, states its goal for inflation in terms of the PCE.

Core consumer prices exclude volatile for and energy. In Japan the core measure excludes fresh food (notably fish); the core core measure also excludes food and energy.

Trimmed mean inflation excludes the extremes of price movements. The closely-followed US PCE version compiled by the Cleveland Federal Reserve excludes the bottom and
top 8% of monthly movements. We think it is a better measure of underlying inflation than the core.

Purchasing managers’ indices, PMIs The Purchasing Managers' Index (PMI) is an index of the prevailing direction of economic trends in the manufacturing and service
sectors. An index of construction is also provided for a few countries. In China, we tend to use the indices complied by the National Bureau of Statistics. The Canadian PMI
relates purely to manufacturing which is more volatile; we use a six month moving average.

Breakeven inflation This is derived either directly from the swap market or as the difference between the yield on conventional government bonds and their inflation-protected
equivalent. 5x5 measures the 5 year breakeven inflation rate 5 years ahead.

BOC. Bank of Canada, BoE Bank of England, Fed, FOMC the FOMC is the rate setting body in the US, part of the Federal Reserve

FTA a free trade agreement that imposes zero tariffs between the countries concerned

Sources: BMO GAM, Cleveland Federal Reserve, Investopedia

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