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Message from the Dean It is with great pleasure that we present in this Bulletin the char ter class of Campbell College School of Law. Its members symbolize the pioneering spirit and dedication to excellence which have been responsible for the remarkable success of the School of Law since it opened its doors in August of 1976. At that time, we defined the character and goals of the school in the following manner: Campbell College School of Law is purposely a small law school, with ultimate plans to admit no more than approximately 90 students per class. While its academic program is arduous, its rural village setting and commitment to human values are designed to enhance one's likelihood of success as a student, and as a lawyer in any setting in which one chooses to practice. Campbell proposes to educate lawyers who will be prepared from the outset of their careers to serve their communities with legal skill and ethical and intellectual leadership, in the noblest tradition of the counselor. The aims of the School of Law are to equip men and women for the general practice of law and all that such a practice involves; to foster the formulation of a sound philosophical and ethical foundation upon which the student can base his or her legal education and career; and to instill in the student a sense of the responsibihty of the legal profession and of the individual lawyer as a member of the larger community. In accomplishing these primary goals, the School of Law further intends to promote cooperation between law schools and the legal profession in meeting the needs of both the profession and the public; to foster research not only in those areas traditional to schools of law but also with respect to the actual practice of law; and to serve the cause of constructive innovation in legal education by developing a unique program of instruction which recognizes and responds to the fact that the lawyer works in the real world, and that in the life of the lawyer the philosophical, the theoretical, the ethical and the practical are indispensable in their relationship to each other. That language has been maintained by the School of Law in subsequent bulletins. That it has found fulfill ment is a tribute to the efforts of the charter class. They have taken full advantage of instruction from an unusually talented and demanding faculty, profiled on pages 28 through 30. The faculty has allowed no pattern of grade inflation to develop here, its goal being to insure that any Campbell graduate should be a good lawyer. Of 97 students admitted to the charter class, 83 will graduate. Their curriculum, shown on the inside back cover, requires that they take and pass those courses containing the substance of what the public, and prospective employers, are entitled to have them know. In addition, one-third of their third-year curriculum is devoted to a unique two-semester Advo cacy and Practice course designed to bridge the gap between the law school and law practice. The decision to maintain a small law school has provided us with many advantages. One is the ability to be unusually selective in the admission of our students, who are accepted not only on the basis of academic promise, but also on the basis of character and motivation. Other advantages have allowed us to develop a truly different type of law school, one whose graduates should require less than normal employer super vision in developing into fine lawyers — lawyers capable of helping the Southeastern United States take advantage of the unparalleled opportunities projected for the rest of this century. We are confident these graduates will be a credit to Campbell and to our profession, and we invite your inquiries concerning their placement. We hope you will contact Associate Dean Broderick, Director of Placement Lanier, me or other members of the faculty concerning your needs. Sincerely yours, F. Leary Davis Dean of the School of Law
CAMPBELL COLLEGE SCHOOL OF LAW 1979 PLACEMENT BULLETIN SCHOOL OF LAW The Student Bar Association in conjunction with the Placement Office presents with great pride the Charter Edition of the Placement Bulletin. STUART N. WATLINGTON JAMES B. WHELESS, JR. Student Editors
John J. Broderick Thomas T. Lanier Associate Dean Director of Placement School of Law Placement Procedures In publishing this Bulletin we are proud to present the members of the Charter Class of Campbell College School of Law. If you are contemplating the hiring of an associate or a summer clerk, we cordially invite you to take advantage of our Placement Program. On page 31 you will find a detachable postage-paid form which you may utilize to reserve interview time or request further information from the Placement Office. Upon request our office will arrange an interview schedule, reserve conference rooms and make all other necessary accommodations. Employers who do not wish to send a representative to the School of Law are invited to send job descriptions which will be processed by the Placement Office. Students will be instructed to contact the employer in the manner designated. Thank you for your interest. For placement information contact; Mr. Thomas T. Lanier Director of Placement or Dr. John J. Broderick Associate Dean at Campbell College School of Law Post Office Box 158 Buies Creek, North Carolina 27506 Telephone (919) 893-4111 2
Contents Message from the Dean inside front cover Placement Procedures 2 Charter Class Profiles 4 Class of 1979 Directory 24 Class of 1980 Directory 25 Class of 1981 Directory 26 Faculty Profiles 28 School of Law Curriculum inside back cover Third-year students participating in a trial in Campbell's model courtroom.
JAMES RUFFIN BAILEY, JR. Raleigh, North Carolina. Born: March 5, 1953. Married. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND, HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, B.A., Political Science, 1975; Dean's List; Student Government Attorney General's Staff; Freshman Council; Elections Committee; Student Volunteer North Carolina Memorial Hospital; Intramural Sports. LAW SCHOOL HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: Delta Theta Phi Legal Fraternity; Intramural Sports. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Law Clerk, Bailey, Dixon, Wooten, McDonald & Fountain, Raleigh, North Carolina, Summers, 1977, 1978; Interned 2 summers for Department of State Treasurer; Administrative Assistant, Department of State Treasurer, 1975-1976. CAREER INTEREST: General Practice. SPIER LOUIS BENNETT Rocky Mount, North Carolina. Born: November 26, 1953. Single. EDUCATWNAL BACKGROUND, HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, B.A., Political Science, 1976; Dean's List; U.N.C. Karate Club; Intramural Sports. LAW SCHOOL HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: President, Baldwin Dormitory; Intramural Sports. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Interned with U.S. Attorney's Office (E.D.N.C.), Raleigh, North Carolina, Summer, 1978; Law Clerk, W.d. Rosser, Esquire, Whitakers, North Carolina, Summer, 1978; Research Assistant in History and Political Science at the University of North Carolina. RODNEY STEVE BOWDEN Liberty, North Carolina. Born: November 30, 1949. Married. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND, HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: Wake Forest University, B.A., Speech, 1972; Selected to appear in 1975 awards volume of Outstanding Young Men in America; All- ACC football player in 1971; Athletic Grant-in-Aid Scholarship; Monogram Club member, 3 years; Afro-American Society Charter member. LAW SCHOOL HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: Student Bar Association Constitution Drafting Committee; Who's Who Among Students in American Colleges and Universities; Volunteer Research Assistant for Cumberland County Legal Aid Services; Academy of Trial Lawyers, Student Division; Vice-President of Campbell College Civil Rights Research Council; Professor's Research Assistant; Delta Theta Phi Legal Fraternity, Membership Committee, Chairman; Executive Committee; SBA Public Relations Committee; Intramural Sports. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Law Clerk, Arthur L. Lane, Esquire, Fayetteville, North Carolina, Summer, 1978; Horace Mann Educators Insurance Company, Springfield, Illinois, Winston-Salem, North Carolina office, 1974-1976; Teacher-Coach, North Forsyth Senior High School, 1972-1974. CAREER INTEREST: General Practice. WILLIAM LEE BREEDEN West Plains, Missouri. Born: January 16, 1949. Married. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND, HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: University of Arkansas, B.S., Business, 1972; Three year Letterman in baseball; Athletic Scholarship. LAW SCHOOL HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: Co-Director of Law Student Legal Aid Chapter, 1978- 1979; Volunteer Research Assistant for Cumberland County Legal Aid Services; Delta Theta Phi Legal Fraternity. MILITARY EXPERIENCE: U.S. Army, 1973-1976, First Lieutenant Infantry; 82nd Airborne Division; 95th Civil Affairs Group; 95th Civil Affairs BN. Jump School Qualified; Participated in Operation "New Life" at Fort Chaffee, Arkansas, caring for the Vietnamese refugees after the fall of Vietnam - Processed in excess 25,000 refugees; U.S. Naval Reserves 1967-1971. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Volunteer Law Clerk for Cumberland County Legal Aid Societv Summer 1978. CAREER INTEREST: General Practice.
DEARL LINWOOD BUNCE II Buies Creek, North Carolina. Born: June 24, 1953. Single. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND, HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: Campbell College, B.S., History and English, 1975; Student Government, Attorney General's Staff; Intramural Sports. LAW SCHOOL HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: Honor Court Representative; Student Bar Association Honor Code Drafting Committee; Delta Theta Phi Legal Fraternity; Intramural Sports. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Research Intern, North Carolina State Bar, Summers, 1977, 1978; Inmate Educational Instructor, North Carolina Department of Community Colleges, Summers, 1977,1978. CAREER INTEREST: General Practice. • • * •« » » 1 DEWEY RICKY BUTLER Benson, North Carolina. Born: May 5, 1949. Married. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND, HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: Campbell College, B.B.A., Trust Management, 1973; Dean's List. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Trust Administrator for Personal Trusts and Employee Benefit Plans for two years prior to entering law school. Responsibilities included Administration of Accounts in excess of twelve million dollars. CAREER INTEREST: General Practice: Estate Planning. I* " f*M *• « • t i • RICHARD H. CARLTON Salisbury, North Carolina. Born: June 26, 1952. Single. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND, HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: East Carolina University, M.B.A., Business Administration, 1975; University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, B.S., Business Administration, 1974; Dean's List; Intramural Sports. LAW SCHOOL HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: Professor's Assistant, Legal Research; Young Democrats; Intramural Sports. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Intern, North Carolina Department of Justice, Summer, 1978. JAMES HARRISON CARTER Charlotte, North Carolina. Born: March 11, 1946. Married. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND, HONORS AND ACTIVITIES. University of North Carolina at Charlotte, B.A., Psychology, 1974. LAW SCHOOL HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: Student Bar Association Legislative Council Representative; Student Bar Association Constitution Drafting Committee; Delta Theta Phi Legal Fraternity. MILITARY EXPERIENCE: U.S. Air Force, 4 years. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Law Clerk, John D. Warren, Esquire, Charlotte, North Carolina, prior to law school, Summer, 1978. CAREER INTEREST: Trial Work; Malpractice; Products Liability. 5
WALTER B. GATES Roxboro, North Carolina. Born; September 22, 1950. Married. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND, HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: East Carolina University, B.S., Accounting, 1972; Phi Beta Lambda Business Fraternity; Omicron Delta Epsilon Honorary Economic Fraternity; Accounting Society. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Law Clerk, Ramsey, Hubbard and Galloway, Roxboro, North Carolina, Summers and spare time, 1977, 1978; Sales, The Upjohn Company, 1974-1976; Peoples Bank and Trust Company, Trust Department, 1972-1974. DANIEL GORDON CHRISTIAN Raleigh, North Carolina. Born: June 5, 1954. Married, EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND, HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: Mars Hill College, B.S., Business Administration, 1976; Student Government Association, President, Chief Justice; Truesdell Scholar. LAW SCHOOL HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: Student Bar Association Legislative Council Representative ; N a t i o n a l M o o t C o u r t C o m p e t i t i o n ; Legal R e s e a r c h T e a c h i n g A s s i s t a n t ; S t u d e n t B a r Association Newsletter; Delta Theta Phi Legal Fraternity. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Law Clerk, Woodall and McCormick, Lillington, North Carolina, Part-time August, 1978 to present, Summer, 1978; Intern, North Carolina State Government, Summer, 1976 1977. CAREER INTEREST: General Practice; Property; Litigation. C. EUGENE COMPTON DAVENPORT, VIRGINIA. Born: June 20, 1948. Married. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND, HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: Clinch Valley College of the University of Virginia, B.A., History, 1976; Darden Honor Society; recipient of William Elbert Fraley Award; Who's Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges; Dean's list; Phi Beta Lambda, President; Business Manager, OUTPOST, 1976; member of TrevelyanSociety; Chair man, Honor Court. LAW SCHOOL HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: Academic Honors List; American Jurisprudence Award; Law School Honor Code drafting committee co-chairman and presiding officer. MILITARY EXPERIENCE: U.S. Air Force, 1967 - 1973, Staff Sergeant. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Legal Assistant, Mr. Jeff D. Johnson, Summer, 1978; Research Assistant for Professor Charles Friend and Professor C. Allen Watts while attending Campbell. CAREER INTEREST: General Practice. ROGER RAY COMPTON Fayetteville, North Carolina. Born: July 5, 1946. Married. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND, HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: Campbell College, B.S., Sociology, 1973; Dean's List. LAW SCHOOL HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: Delta Theta Phi Legal Fraternity; Sports: Racquet Ball, Golf, Bowling. MILITARY EXPERIENCE: U.S. Army, 11 years; Honors: Bronze Star; Purple Heart; Combat Infantry Badge; National Defense; Airborne Qualified; Honor Graduate, Airborne School. Presently, Captain in N.C. National Guard; Association of U.S. Army; N.C. National Guard Association. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Volunteer Research Assistant Cumberland County Legal Aid Services. CAREER INTEREST: Labor Law; General Practice; Trial Law.
HOWARD JOHNSON CUMMINGS Kinston, North Carolina. Born: November 11, 1953. Married. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND, HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: North Carolina State University, B.S., Civil Engineering, 1976; Graduated with Honors; Member of Chi Epsilon and Tau Beta Pi, Engineering Honor Societies. LAW SCHOOL HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: Curriculum Committee Student Representative. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Law Clerk, Ragsdale, Liggett and Cheshire, Raleigh, North Carolina, Summer, 1978; Residential and Commercial Construction. CAREER INTEREST: General Practice. MARGARET PERSON CURRIN Oxford, North Carolina. Born: June 17, 1949. Married. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND, HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: Meredith College, B.A., Religion, 1972; Dean's List; Silver Shield Honorary Leadership Society; Meredith Recreation Association, President. LAW SCHOOL HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: Law Review, Editorial Board; Academic Honors List; Student Bar Association Treasurer, 1977-1978, 1978-1979; Who's Who Among Students in American Colleges and Universities; Women in Law; Legal Research Teaching Assistant; Delta Theta Phi Legal Fraternity. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Law Clerk, U.S. Attorney's Office for the District of Columbia Superior Court - Felony Trial, Summer, 1978; N.C. Energy Division, 1975-1976; North Carohna Department of w Correction, 1974-1975; Wake County Department of Social Services, 1972-1974. CAREER INTEREST: General Practice. DANNY EDWARD DAVIS Waynesville, North Carolina. Born: February 22, 1953. Married. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND, HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: Western Carolina University, B.S., Political Science, 1975; Dean's List. LAW SCHOOL HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: Law Review; Am Jur Book Award, Corporations; Who's Who Among Students in American Colleges and Universities. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Law Clerk, Alley and Killian, Waynesville, North Carolina, Summer, 1978. CAREER INTEREST: General Practice. ROY WILSON DAY, JR. Durham, North Carolina. Born: September 6, 1942. Married. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND, HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: Campbell College, B.S., History, 1976, Minor in Computer Programming; Hatley Scholar; Campbell College Delegate to North Carolina Student Legislature, 1976. LAW SCHOOL HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: President of the Student Bar Association, 1976-1978; Law Review, Editor-in-Chief, 1978-1979; Campbell Law Scholar 1976-1977, 1977-1978, 1978-1979; Who's Who Among Students in American Colleges and Universities; West Hornbook Award, 1976- /I 1977, 1977-1978; Am Jur Book Awards, Civil Procedure, Agency and Partnership, Wills, and Administrative Law; C.J.S. Award for Significant Legal Scholarships; Delta Theta Phi Legal Fraternity. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Law Clerk, Pope, Tilghman, and Tart, Dunn, North Carolina; Nine years in management with General Telephone and Electronics. 7
WILBERT WELLONS EDGERTON, JR. Fayetteville, North Carolina. Born: June 23, 1949. Single. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND, HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, B.S., Business Administration, 1971. LAW SCHOOL HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: Am Jur Book Award, Evidence; Volunteer Research Assistant for Cumberland County Legal Aid Services; Jaycees. MILITARY EXPERIENCE: U.S. Army - Explosive Ordinance Disposal - 4 years. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Real Estate Broker. ROGER LEE EDWARDS Sparta, North Carolina. Born: October 29, 1953. Single. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND, HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: Appalachian State University, M.A. - B.A., Political Science, 1976; Academic Scholarship; Pi Gamma Mu, Alpha Chi, and Phi Kappa Phi,, National Honor Societies; Intramural Sports. LAW SCHOOL HONORS AND ACTIVITIES; Am Jur Book Award, Constitutional Law; Residence Hall Counselor; Intramural Sports. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Law Clerk, Hayes and Hayes, North Wilkesboro, North Carolina, Summers. CAREER INTEREST: Criminal; Domestic. GUY BENJAMIN EUBANKS Morehead City, North Carolina. Born: November 2, 1945. Single. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND, HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, B.A., History, 1971; Played football; Mason; Shriner; Chamber of Commerce; Town commissioner. LAW SCHOOL HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: Honor Court Defense Counselor, Summer, 1978; Delta Theta Phi Legal Fraternity. MILITARY EXPERIENCE: U.S. Air Force, 1966-1969. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Law Clerk, Barrington, Jones and Witcover, Fayetteville, North Carolina, Summer, 1978; Owner-Operator of two Convenience Food Stores, Carwash and Down East Realty Company, 1973 - Present; Manager of Sentry Oil Company and P. and E. Oil Company, 1971-1973. GAIL POOLE FANNON Boone, North Carolina. Born: January 25, 1942. Married. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND, HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: Appalachian State University, M.A., Business, 1975, B.S., Business, 1964. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Community College Instructor, 6 years; taught sixth grade, 2 years; high school, 1 year. CAREER INTEREST: Teaching, School Law.
ROBERT FRANCIS FLOYD, JR. Fairmont, North Carolina. Born: March 30, 1954. Married. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND, HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: Campbell College, B.S., Geology, 1976; President's List; Dean's List; Played baseball and was All-District and Most Valuable Player in 1974 and 1975; Honor Society Member; Geology Club. LAW SCHOOL HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: Intramural Sports. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Law Clerk, Robert F. Floyd, Esquire, Fairmont, North Carolina, Summers, 1977, 1978. CAREER INTEREST: General Practice. SHERRY DENISE FOWLER Greensboro, North Carolina. Born: July 5, 1955. Single. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND, HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: Central Wesleyan College, B.A., History, 1976; Magna Cum Laude; Dean's List. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Law Clerk, Egerton, Fowler and Marshall, Greensboro, North Carolina, Summers, 1977, 1978. LEO FOX Boca Raton, Florida. Born: February 8, 1949. Single. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND, HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: Tulane University, M.A., English, 1973, B.A. English, 1971. LAW SCHOOL HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: Legal Research Teaching Assistant. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Law Clerk CAREER INTEREST; General Practice; Estate Planning. JOHNNY SHERWOOD GASKINS Raleigh, North Carolina. Born: September 10, 1949. Married. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND, HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: North Carolina State University, M.A., English, 1973, B.A., English, 1970. LAW SCHOOL HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: Student Bar Association Legislative Council Representative; Am Jur Book Award, Torts. MILITARY EXPERIENCE: U.S. Coast Guard. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Law Clerk, Dement, Redwine and Askew, Raleigh, North Carolina; Special Agent with the North Carolina State Bureau of Investigation, 1972-1976. X 9
ANTHONY WILTON GAY Zebulon, North Carolina. Born: August 23, 1952. Single. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND, HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: Atlantic Christian College, M.B.A., 1976, B.S., Business, 1974; Student Body President; Dean's List; Who's Who Among Stu dents in American Colleges and Universities; Atlantic Christian Faculty Cup Nominee; Member of Atlantic Christian Board of Trustees, 1974; Sigma Pi Social Fraternity, Vice-President. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Title and Tax Work, McCown and McCown, 1976-1978; Real Estate Broker, Orville Beach West, Inc., 1977, 1978. CAREER INTEREST: Real Estate Development and Title Work; Estate Planning. G. REX GORE Nakina, North Carolina. Born: April 9, 1948. Married. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND, HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: North Carolina State University, B.A., English, B.S., Sociology, 1970. LAW SCHOOL HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: Law Review; Am Jur Book Award, Family Law. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Sportswriter, Raleigh News and Observer, 7 years. CAREER INTEREST: School Law. STEVEN ANDERSON GRAHAM Enfield, North Carolina. Born: June 7, 1954. Single. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND, HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: North Carolina State University, B.S., Economics, 1976; Graduated with Honors. LAW SCHOOL HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: Delta Theta Phi Legal Fraternity, Social Committee. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Law Clerk, William Dickens, Esquire, Rom B. Parker, Jr., Esquire, Enfield, North Carolina, Summers, 1977, 1978. JANE POWELL GRAY Williamsburg, Virginia. Born: November 21, 1949. Married. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND, HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: University of Florida, B.A., Sociology, 1972; Sweet Briar College, 1968-1970; Dean's List. LAW SCHOOL HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: Legal Research Teaching Assistant; President of Women in Law; Research Assistant's Scholarship; Founders Council - Student Member; Delta Theta Phi Legal Fraternity; Who's Who Among Students in American Colleges and Universities. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Law Clerk, U.S. Attorney's Office, Raleigh, North Carolina, Summer, 1978. CAREER INTEREST: Litigation, Criminal and Civil.
MARVIN DALE GREEN Athens, Georgia. Born: August 16, 1952. Single. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND. HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: University of North Florida, substantial graduate work toward M.B.A.; Florida State University, B.A., Public Administration, 1974; Minor in Public Speaking; Vice-President of Student Body; Student Senator; Honor Court Justice; Who's Who Among Students in American Colleges and Universities; North Florida Coordinate for John Ship; Member Florida Democratic Executive Committee; Tau Kappa Epsilon Social Fraternity, President; Dean's List. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Law Clerk, J. Chandler Peterson, Atlanta, Georgia, Summer, 1978; Law Clerk, Jay Cook, Athens, Georgia, Summer, 1977; Manager, Computer Operations, Federal Reserve Bank, Jacksonville, Florida, 1974-1976. CAREER INTEREST: Trial Work. GREGORY THOMAS GRIFFIN Clinton, North Carolina. Born: October 12, 1953. Married. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND, HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: Appalachian State University, B.A., Political Science, Minor in Geology with Honors, 1976; Graduated Magna Cum Laude; Alpha Chi National Honor Society; Pi Sigma Alpha National Political Science Honor Society; Pi Gamma Mu National Social Science Honor Society. LAW SCHOOL HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: Holderness Moot Court Competitor; Legal Research Teaching Assistant; Delta Theta Phi Legal Fraternity; Intramural Sports. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Law Clerk; Holshouser and Lamm, Boone, North Carolina; John R. Parker, Clinton, North Carolina; Hogue, Hill, Jones, Nash and Lynch, Wilmington, North Carolina. CAREER INTEREST: Real Estate; Corporate Law; Admiralty Law; General Practice. RICHARD BYRON HAGER Sanford, North Carolina. Born: September 16, 1952. Married. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND, HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, B.A., Political Science, 1974; Dean's List. LAW SCHOOL HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: Student Bar Association Legislative Council Representative, Class Spokesman; Who's Who Among Students in American Colleges and Universities; Honor Court Representative, 1976-1978; SBA Newsletter; Intramural Sports. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT. North Carolina Attorney General's Office, Legislative Services Division, Summer, 1978; Worked 2 years with the South Carolina National Bank, analyst. CAREER INTEREST: Corporate Law; Taxation. JOHN WILEY HALSTEAD, JR. South Mills, North Carolina. Born: April 3, 1949. Married. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND, HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: University of South Carolina, B.S., Business Administration (Marketing), 1976; President's List; Dean's List; Alpha Kappa Psi, Professional Business Fraternity. LAW SCHOOL HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: Holderness Moot Court Competitor; Outstanding Appellate Advocacy Award; Am Jur Book Award, Labor Law, Intramural Sports. MILITARY EXPERIENCE: U.S. Air Force, Sergeant; Air Force Security Service. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Law Clerk, North Carolina Industrial Commission, Summer, 1978; Internship, North Carolina Department of Correction, Summer, 1977. CAREER INTEREST: General Practice. 11
RANDELL HUGHES Tarboro, Nortb Carolina. Born: October 28, 1950. Single. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND, HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: East Carolina University, B.S., Business, 1975; Played football; Law Society. LAW SCHOOL HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: Vice-President of the Student Bar Association, 1978- 1979; Student Bar Association Public Relations Committee, Chairman; Attended Notre Dame Summer Law Program in London, England; Intramural Sports. MILITARY EXPERIENCE: U.S. Army; Graduate of Defense Language Institute in Monterey, California; Korean Interpreter, Seoul, Korea. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: North Carolina National Bank. CINDY CLAYTON HUNTSBERRY Smithfield, North Carolina. Born: March 21, 1950. Married. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND, HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: Meredith College, B.A., English, 1972. LAW SCHOOL HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: Student Bar Association Legislative Council Representative; Secretary and Treasurer of Women in Law; Delta Theta Phi Legal Fraternity. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Law Clerk, Daughtry, Hinton and Woodard, Summers, 1977,1978; Social Worker, Four years; Newspaper writing, one year. CAREER INTEREST: General Practice. BRUCE HOLT JACKSON, JR. Spivey's Corner, North Carolina. Born: January 17, 1947. Single. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND, HONORS AND ACTIVITIES. University of North Carolina at Wilmington, B.A., Sociology, 1976. LAW SCHOOL HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: Student Bar Association Legislative Council Representative, 1976-1978. MILITARY EXPERIENCE: U.S. Army, 3 years, Germany. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: N. C. Highway Patrol, State Trooper, 5 years; Administrative Assistant for the District Attorney (Fifth Judicial District), 3 years; Police Officer, Criminal Investigator, . Coats Police Department, Coats, North Carolina, 1 year. i CAREER INTEREST: Trial Work, Criminal and Civil. RICHARD WILBURT JACKSON Fayetteville, North Carolina. Born: May 9, 1945. Married. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND, HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: Methodist College, B.A., Business Administration and Economics, 1974; George Washington University; Graduated Cum Laude. LAW SCHOOL HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: Honor Court Representative; Student Bar Association Constitution Drafting Committee; Am Jur Book Award, Labor Law; Organizer and member of the Robert C. Bryan Senate; Delta Theta Phi Legal Fraternity. MILITARY EXPERIENCE: U.S. Army, 10 years active service, Commissioned Officer for 8 years, 2 years in Vietnam with Special Forces. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Presently trying cases two days weekly for the State in Cumberland County District Court - third year practice program; Investigator for District Attorney's Office (Twelfth Judicial District); Consumer Protection and White Collar Crime, 18 months; Cumberland County Deputy Sheriff, 2 years. CAREER INTEREST: General Practice. 12
MICHAEL DEAN JOHNSON Raleigh, North Carolina. Born: April 20, 1953. Single. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND, HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: North Carolina State University, B.A., Philosophy, 1975; Dean's List; Treasurer of N.C.S.U. Philosophy Club; Member of Liberal Arts Council. LAW SCHOOL HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: Participant in Campbell Intramural phase of Holderness Moot Court Competition as second year student. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Internship prosecuting Misdemeanor cases with Wake County District Attorney's Office; Employment Interviewer with N.C. Employment Security [Job Service). CAREER INTEREST: Criminal Law; General Practice. NORWOOD EARL JONES, JR. Buies Creek, North Carolina. Born: November 17, 1953. Married. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, B.S., Industrial Relations, 1976; Morehead Nominee; Eagle Scout, Order of the Arrow, God and Country. LAW SCHOOL HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: Academic Honor Roll. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Construction Work; Harnett County Board of Education. CAREER INTEREST: General Practice. STEPHEN DENNIS KAYLOR Valdese, North Carolina. Born: August 5, 1951. Married. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND, HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: University of Alabama, M.A., Political Science, 1975; East Carolina University, B.A., Political Science, 1973; Dean's List; Honor Roll. LAW SCHOOL HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: Dean's List; Legal Research Teaching Assistant. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Law Clerk, William M. Bacon III, Clinton, North Carolina; Law Library Assistant. CAREER INTEREST: General Practice; Labor Law. TIMOTHY SAMUEL KINCAID Newton, North Carolina. Born: December 9, 1952. Single. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND, HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: Western Carolina University, B.S., Business, 1976; Graduated Cum Laude; S.G.A. Senator; Phi Tau Kappa Fraternity. LAW SCHOOL HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: Student Bar Association Legislative Council Representative; Delta Theta Phi Legal Fraternity. MILITARY EXPERIENCE: U.S. Army, Drill Sergeant, Staff Sergeant, seven years. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Law Clerk, Matthews and Vaught, Hickory, North Carolina, Summer. CAREER INTEREST: Domestic; Criminal; Personal Injury. 13
JAN WISE LAMM Boone, North Carolina. Born: August 20, 1954. Married EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND, HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: Appalachian State University, B.A., Political Science, 1976; Graduated with Honors; Who's Who Among Students in American Colleges and Universities; Alpha Chi and Gamma Beta Phi Honor Societies; Pi Sigma Alpha National Political Science Honor Society; Pi Gamma Mu Social Science Honor Society; Outstanding Service Certificate in Co-Curricular Programs; Student Government Senate; Student Welfare Committee; Law Association, Secretary/Treasurer. LAW SCHOOL HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: Student Bar Association Secretary, 1977-1978; Women in Law; Research Assistant for Dr. Robert E. Lee. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Law Clerk, Holshouser and Lamm, Boone, North Carolina; Watauga County Tax Supervisor's Office; Cabarrus County Tax Collector's Office. CAREER INTEREST: General Practice. LEON ARTHUR LUCAS Kenly, North Carolina. Born: October 25, 1953. Single. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND, HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: Wake Forest University, B.A., Political Science, 1976; Student Government Representative. LAW SCHOOL HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: Student Bar Association Constitution Drafting Committee; Delta Theta Phi Legal Fraternity. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Law Clerk, Mast, Tew, Nail and Moore, Smithfield, North Carohna. CAREER INTEREST: General Practice. JOHN GARRETT LUDLUM Wilmington, North Carolina. Born: October 2, 1947. Married. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND, HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: Campbell College, B.S., Sociology, 1969; Wake Forest University. LAW SCHOOL HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: Legal Research Teaching Assistant; Delta Theta Phi Legal Fraternity; WITAN; Intramural Sports. MILITARY EXPERIENCE: N. C. National Guard, 6 years. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Law Clerk, Eugene C. Thompson, III, Warsaw, North Carolina, Summer, 1978; Bank of North Carolina, Raleigh North Carolina, 4 years; Licensed Real Estate Broker. CAREER INTEREST: General Practice. JOHN COURTNEY MacCONNELL, JR. Longwood, Florida. Born: December 16, 1946. Married. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND, HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: Stetson University, M.B.A., 1970, B. A., Business, 1969; Pi Kappa Alpha Social Fraternity; Outstanding Alumnus, 1974 and 1976. LAW SCHOOL HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: Delta Theta Phi Legal Fraternity, Dean; Honor Court Defense Counsellor, 1978-1979. MILITARY EXPERIENCE: Combat Engineer, U.S. Army Reserves; Honorable Discharge, December 6, 1976. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Law Clerk, Summer, 1977, 1978; Project Manager of Construction Day Realty of Orlando, August, 1973 to August, 1976.
BEVERLY WHEELER MASSEY Zebulon, Nortb Carolina. Born: August 8, 1955. Married. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND, HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: University of North Carolina, A.A., English, 1975. Dean's List; St. Mary's College: Dean's List; Phi Theta Kappa; Honor Board; Order of the Circle; Editor of Handbook; Legislative Council; President of Caperettes; Hall Council; Letter Club. LAW SCHOOL HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: Lavi^ Review, Editorial Board; Who's Who Among Students in American Colleges and Universities; Academic Honor Roll; Am Jur Book Awards in Real Property, Labor Law, Wills and Administration and Criminal Law; Delta Theta Phi Legal Fraternity. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Law Office worker, summers, six years. WILLIAM EDWARD MATHERS Silver Spring, Maryland. Born: September 25, 1952. Single. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND, HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, M.A.T., 1976; Wake Forest University, B.A., Biology, 1974; Beta Beta Beta Honor Society; ACC Athletic Scholastic Award; Student Government Athletic Advisory Board; Letterman, Varsity Track, 4 years. LAW SCHOOL HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: Legal Research Teaching Assistant; Delta Theta Phi Legal Fraternity, Financial Committee. CAREER INTEREST: General Practice; Criminal Defense; Domestic Law. CHRISTOPHER BARLOW McLENDON Greensboro, Nortb Carolina. Born: October 3, 1951. Married. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND, HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, B.A., Political Science, 1973; Order of Ghimghoul; Assistant Attorney General; Zeta Psi Social Fraternity, Rush Chairman; U.N.C. Parachute Club; Gama Beta Epsilon Society; Interfraternity Council; Intramural Sports. LAW SCHOOL HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: Student Bar Association Legislative Council Representative; Student Bar Constitution and Honor Code Drafting Committees; SBA Public Relations Committee; Order of the WITAN; Delta Theta Phi Legal Fraternity. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Law Clerk, Edward C. Bou, Esquire, Washington, D.C.; Congressman Lamar Gudger, Washington, D. C.; Episcopal Diocese of Alaska, Beaver, Alaska; First Colony Farms, Creswell, North Carolina. CAREER INTEREST. General Practice; Litigation, Criminal and Civil. STEVEN HAMILTON MESSICK Burlington, North Carolina. Born: May 27, 1954. Single. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND, HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: East Carolina University, B.A., Political Science, 1976; Writer, Campus Honor Society; North Carolina Student Legislature; Bicentennial Debate Participant; Intramural Sports; Writer, New East Magazine. LAW SCHOOL HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: Participant in Campbell Intramural phase of Holderness Moot Court Competition as second year student; Intramural basketball. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Law Clerk, Messick and Messick, Burlington, North Carolina, Summers, 1977, 1978. CAREER INTEREST: Litigation, Criminal and Civil; Real Property Law. 15
CHARLES L. MOORE Greensboro, North Carolina. Born: March 2, 1953. Married. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND, HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, B.A., Political Science, 1975; Dean's List; Varsity baseball; Intramural Sports. LAW SCHOOL HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: Honor Court Attorney General; Student Bar Honor Code Drafting Committee; Co-Director of Law Student Legal Aid Chapter, 1978-1979; Volunteer Research Assistant for Cumberland County Legal Aid Services; Delta Theta Phi Legal Fraternity; Intramural Sports. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Law Clerk, Joseph K. Adams, Angier, North Carolina; Law Library Assistant, summers and during year, 1976-1979. CAREER INTEREST: Labor Law; Motor Carrier Law; ICC; General Practice. J. STEPHEN NOBLE Sanford, North Carolina: Born: July 18, 1942. Married. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND, HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: Campbell College, B.A., Social Studies, 1965. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: 7 years as Trust Officer specializing in Pension and Profit Sharing Plans. CAREER INTEREST: General Practice. LARRY ELLIS NORMAN Henderson, North Carolina: Born: May 1, 1952. Married. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND, HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: North Carolina State University, B.A., Political Science, 1973; Eagle Scout; North Carolina Young Repubhcan Man of the Year, 1971- 1972; Outstanding First Year Jaycee, Franklin, North Carolina Jaycees, 1975-1976; District Jaycee Public Speaking Competition Award, 1976; Jaycee Keyman Award, 1975; Speak-up Jaycee Award, 1975. LAW SCHOOL HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: Scholarship Award, 1977-1978, 1978-1979; Academic Honor Roll, PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Law Clerk, Thomas F. East, Louisburg, North Carolina, Summer, 1978; County Executive Director, Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Macon County, North Carolina, 1975-1976; County Executive Director Trainee, A.S.C.S., U.S. Department of Agriculture, Raleigh, North Carolina 1974-1975. CAREER INTEREST: General Practice. FRANK ROLAND PARRISH Wilson, North Carolina. Born: March 27, 1949. Married. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND, HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: University of North Carolina at C h a p e l Hill, A.B., J o u r n a l i s m , 1 9 7 1 ; F e a t u r e E d i t o r , D a i l y T a r H e e l . LAW SCHOOL HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: Who's Who Among Students in American Colleges and Universities; Legal Research Teaching Assistant, SBA Newsletter, Editor. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Manpower Program, Summer, 1978; Newspaper Reporter, 1971-1976. CAREER INTEREST: Legal Services; General Practice.
JAMES WAYLON PARTIN Elkin, North Carolina. Born: October 24, 1953. Married. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND, HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: North Carolina State University, B.A., Philosophy, 1975; Dean's List; Graduated with Honors. LAW SCHOOL HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: Champion, Annual Law School Tennis Tournament, 1977, 1978. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Law Clerk, Franklin Smith, Elkin, North Carolina, Summer, 1978; Durham Herald Newspaper, one year. CAREER INTEREST: General Practice. TIMOTHY LEE PATTI Bessemer City, North Carolina: Born: April 30, 1954. Single. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND, HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: Belmont Abbey College, B.A., History, 1976; Graduated Cum Laude. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Law Clerk, Robert H. Forbes, Gastonia, North Carolina, Summer, 1978. CAREER INTEREST: General Practice; Criminal Law; Domestic Law. VANCE MELTON PERRY Spindale, North Carolina. Born: August 13, 1950. Married. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND, HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: Western Carolina University, B.S,, Business, 1972; Student Government Association; Pi Kappa Alpha Social Fraternity. LAW SCHOOL HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: Delta Theta Phi Legal Fraternity. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Retail Banking, North Carolina National Bank; Insurance Adjuster, Hartford Insurance. ALAN PITTMAN Fayetteville, North Carolina. Born: August 10, 1946. Married. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND, HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: Methodist College, B.A., Political Science, 1968. LAW SCHOOL HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: Chief Justice of the Honor Court, 1978-1979; Associate Justice of the Honor Court, 1977-1978. MILITARY EXPERIENCE: Army Reserves, Airborne Rigger, 6 years; 824 Q.M.A.D. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT; Law Clerk, McGeachy, Altman, and Cicone, Fayetteville, North Carolina Summer, 1978; Counselor, C.E.T.A (Manpower) of Harnett County, North Carolina, Summer, 1977; Assistant Regional Supervisor, A.V.P., Assistant Cashier, Assistant Regional Supervisor, A.V.P., Assistant Cashier, First Citizens Bank and Trust Co., June 1969-August 1976. CAREER INTEREST: General Practice; Litigation, Civil and Criminal; Estate Planning; Real Property Law. 17
WILLIAM ARRINGTON PULLEY Rocky Mount, North Carolina. Born: January 13, 1952. Single. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND, HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, B. A., History, 1974; Order of the Old Well; Student Legislature Inter-Fraternity Council; Alpha Tau Omega Social Fraternity; Acting Attorney General; Mutton and Shoats. LAW SCHOOL HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: Student Bar Association Constitution and Honor Code Drafting Committees; Am Jur Book Award, Criminal Procedure; Delta Theta Phi Legal Fraternity; Order of the WITAN. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Law Clerk, Dill, Exum, Fountain and Hoyle, Rocky Mount, North Carolina, Summers, 1977, 1978, June 1975-August 1976. GARY WAYNE RAGLAND Clayton, North Carolina. Born: Feburary 15, 1947. Married. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND, HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: High Point College, B.A., Psychology, 1969; Deans List; Lees McRae College, A.A., English, 1967. MILITARY EXPERIENCE: U.S. Army, Discharged on December 9, 1969 with E-1 Rank. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Chief of Police, Clayton, North Carolina; Director of Police Science at Johnston County Technical Institute; N.C.N.B., Collections Manager; N.C. State Bureau of Investigation, Special Agent; High Point Police Department, Vice Squad. CAREER INTEREST: Prefer to find employment in a firm engaged in trial work, either Criminal or Civil; Contract Law. CABELL JONES REGAN St. Pauls, North Carolina. Born: April 12, 1952. Married. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND, HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, B.A., Political Science, 1974; East Carolina University, 1970-1972; Studied abroad in Germany, 1971-1972. LAW SCHOOL HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: Law Review; Student Bar Association Honor Code Drafting Committee; Holderness National Moot Court Competition; Legal Research Teaching Assistant; Delta Theta Phi Legal Fraternity; Who's Who Among Students in American Colleges and Universities. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Law Clerk, Woodall and McCormick, Summer, 1978, August 1978 to present part-time; Law Clerk, Harnett County, Summer 1978; City and Regional Planner, Lumber River Council of Governments, October, 1974-August, 1976. HAROLD EUGENE RUSS II Wilmington, North Carolina. Born: January 20, 1948. Married. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND, HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: North Carolina State University, M.S., Zoology, 1975; University of North Carolina at Wilmington, B.A., Biology, 1970; Deans List; Varsity soccer and baseball. Full Athletic Scholarship; Who's Who Among Students in American Colleges and Universities; Biology Club. LAW SCHOOL HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: Volunteer Research Assistant for Cumberland County Legal Aid Services. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Law Clerk, Nance and Collier, Fayetteville, North Carolina, Summer, 1978; District Game Biologist, North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission, January, 1973-February, 1975; Dove Bander, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Summers, 1971, 1972; Graduate Teaching Assistant, North Carolina State University in General Biology, Ecology, Wildlife Management and Conservation, August, 1970-December, 1972. CAREER INTEREST: Environmental Law; General Practice.
DAVID GRAY SNEEDEN Wilmington, North Carolina. Born: November 26, 1951. Married. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND, HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, B.S., Business Administration, 1974; Dean's List; Sigma Nu Social Fraternity, House Manager, Social Chairman. LAW SCHOOL HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: Student Bar Association Constitution Drafting Committee; Student Bar Association Legislative Council Representative; Academic Honor Roll. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Law Clerk, U.S. Attorney, W.D.N.C., Charlotte, North Carolina, Summer, 1978; Law Clerk, North Carolina Justice Academy, Salemburg, North Carolina, Summer, 1977. WILLIAM MARK SPENCE Elizabeth City, North Carolina. Born: November 2, 1951. Married. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND, HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: Atlantic Christian College, B.S., Education, 1972. LAW SCHOOL HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: Academic Honor Roll. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Juvenile Probation Officer, Administrative Office of the Courts, 1974- 1976; Interviewer, Employment Security Commission, 1973-1974. CAREER INTEREST: General Private Practice. WILLIAM MICHAEL SPIVEY Rich Square, North Carolina. Born: May 23, 1951. Single. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND, HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: East Carolina University, B.A., Philosophy, 1972. LAW SCHOOL HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: C.J.S. Award; Am Jur Book Award in Contracts and Trusts; Law Review; Chairman, Honor Review Board; Legal Research Teaching Assistant; Campbell Law Scholarship; Who's Who Among Students in American Colleges and Universities; Delta Theta Phi Legal Fraternity. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Supervisor, Marine Manufacturing Industry, 4 years. DAVEY L. STANLEY Shallotte, North Carolina. Born: February 9, 1930. Married, EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND, HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: University of Nebraska, B.S., Business, 1962. LAW SCHOOL HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: Who's Who Among Students in American Colleges and Universities; International Academy of Trial Lawyers Student Advocacy Award. MILITARY EXPERIENCE: U.S. Army, 24 years as enlisted man and officer. Rank: Lt. Colonel; Current 141 Regular Army Officer on retired list. Duties: Primarily Aviation, Pilot and Commander up to Battalion Level; Staff Officer on National and International Level; Completed Military Schooling to include Command and General Staff College. CAREER INTEREST: General Practice; Aviation Industry Law; FAA Law; CAB Law, 19
CECIL CORNELIUS SUMMERS Winston-Salem, North Carolina. Born: April 2, 1954. Married. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND, HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: Winston-Salem State University, B.A., History, 1976; Alpha Kappa Mu Honor Society; Pi Gamma Mu Honor Society; Phi Alpha Theta Honor Society; Who's Who Among Students in American Colleges and Universities; A and A Scottish Rite of Free Masonry. LAW SCHOOL HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: Student Bar Association Legislative Council Repre sentative; Who's Who Among Students in American Colleges and Universities; Campbell College Civil Rights Research Council; Volunteer Research Assistant for Cumberland County Legal Aid Services; N.C. Academy of Trial Lawyers; SBA Newsletter; Delta Theta Phi Legal Fraternity, Membership Committee. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Law Clerk, Davis and Wilson, Sanford, North Carolina, Summer; Tutor, Winston-Salem State University, Winston-Salem, North Carolina. CAREER INTEREST: General Practice. HUGH C. TALTON, JR. Smithfield, North Carolina. Born: April 11, 1951. Single, EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND, HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: Campbell College, B.S., Government, 1975; University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; North Carolina Student Legislature, Dean's List. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Law Clerk. CAREER INTEREST: General Practice; Criminal Law; Domestic Relations; Personal Injury Litigation. BENJAMIN NORMAN THOMPSON Winterville, North Carolina. Born: March 7, 1954. Married. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND, HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: Campbell College, B.A., History, 1976; Attorney General, Student Government Association; President's List; Dean's List; Omicron Delta Kappa; Epsilon Pi Eta Honor Society; Crawford Rogers Coats Scholar; President's Student Advisory Committee; North Carolina Student Legislature. LAW SCHOOL HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: Delta Theta Phi Legal Fraternity; Volunteer Research Assistant for Cumberland County Legal Aid Services; Participant in the North Carolina State Bar third year Practice Program. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Law Clerk, Bowen and Lytch, Dunn, North Carolina, 2 years; Intern, North Carolina Institute of Government, assigned to the S.B.I. CAREER INTEREST: General Practice; Criminal Law; Real Property Law; Estate Planning. WILLIAM ROGERS TITCHENER Buies Creek, North Carolina. Born: January 12, 1947. Single EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND, HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: University of North Carolina at Greensboro, M.A., History, 1976; Graduate Assistant in History Department; University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, B.A., History, 1970; Navy R.O.T.C. Scholarship; Phi Alpha Theta Honor Society; Phi Gamma Delta Social Fraternity. LAW SCHOOL HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: Delta Theta Phi Legal Fraternity. MILITARY EXPERIENCE: U.S. Air Force, 1970-1973; First Lt.; Strategic Air Command; Missile Launch Officer (Titan II I.C.B.M); Honorable Discharge. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Law Clerk, Connor, Lee, Connor, Reece and Bunn, Wilson, North Carolina, Summer, 1978; Summer Intern, North Carolina Parole Commission, Raleigh, North Carolina, Summer, 1977.
WALTER C. TRAINOR Arlington, Massachusetts. Born: September 30, 1928. Married. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND, HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: Elizabeth City State University, B.A., Political Science, 1976; Graduated Summa Cum Laude; Alpha Kappa Mu Honor Society; Alpha Chi Honor Society; Veterans Club; Political Science Club. LAW SCHOOL HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: Delta Theta Phi Legal Fraternity. MILITARY EXPERIENCE: U.S. Navy, 1946-1970; Lieutenant Commander, U.S.N., Retired; Aircraft Maintenance Officer; Flight Engineer, Carrier and Land-based Aircraft. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Q.E.D. Systems Engineering and Analysis Corp., Program and Project Managers, Virginia Beach, Virginia, 1973-1974; County Development Coordinator, Code Enforcement, Currituck County, North Carolina, 1971-1972. CAREER INTEREST: Aviation Industry Law; Educational Field; General Practice. JOHN MARSH TYSON Fayetteville, North Carolina. Born: July 14, 1953. Married. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND, HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: University of North Carolina at Wilmington, B.A., English, 1974; Dean's List; Nominated for Hoggard Medal of Achievement by English Faculty; Author, 50,000 word novel. LAW SCHOOL HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: Student Bar Association Legislative Council Representative; Attended Notre Dame Law School Summer Program in London, England; Placed tenth in Wagner Labor Law National Moot Court Competition, Law Review, Editorial Board, 1978; International Academy of Trial Lawyers Student Advocacy Award; Who's Who Among Students in American Colleges and Universities. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Probation/Parole Officer, North Carolina Department of Correction, 1975- 1976. CAREER INTEREST: Labor Practice and Arbitration; General Administrative Law; Criminal Prosecution. GARY MADISON UNDERBILL, JR. Raleigh, North Carolina. Born: February 22, 1941. Married. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND, HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: American Institute for Foreign Trade, M.A., International Management, 1971; University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, B.A., Psychology, 1964; Dean's List. MILITARY EXPERIENCE: Naval Security Group, 4 years; Captain, U.S.A.R., Civil Affairs. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Manufacturers Hanover Trust Co., International Dept., New York, New York, 3 years; Detroit Latin American Loan Office, 1 year; Fluent in Spanish; Conversationally fluent in French. WILLIAM ALFRED VAN STORY IV Fayetteville, North Carolina. Born: August 28, 1953. Married. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND, HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: University of North Carolina at Wilmington, B.A,, Political Science, 1976; Montreat-Anderson College, A.S., 1974. LAW SCHOOL HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: Vice-President, Student Bar Association, 1977-1978; Academic Honor Roll; Am Jur Book Award in Criminal Law; Chairman, Honor Code Revision Committee; Delta Theta Phi Legal Fraternity. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Law Clerk, McCoy, Weaver, Wiggins, Cleveland and Raper, Summer, 1978. 21
> WALTER WAYNE VATCHER Jacksonville, North Carolina. Born: March 12, 1952. Single. EDUCATWNAL BACKGROUND, HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, B.S., Industrial Relations, 1974; Dean's List; Pi Kappa Phi Social Fraternity, Social Chairman; Intramural Chairman, Morrison Dormitory; Attorney General's Staff; Intramural Sports. LAW SCHOOL HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: Student Bar Association Constitution and Honor Code Draftmg Committees; Delta Theta Phi Legal Fraternity; Order of the WITAN; Intramural Sports. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Law Clerk, Onslow County District Attorney's Office, Summer 1978- Real Estate Broker, 1974-1976. CAREER INTEREST: General Practice: Trial Work; Criminal Law; Real Estate. DONALD WILLIARD VIETS, JR. Whiteville, North Carolina. Born: November 27, 1950. Single. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND, HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, A.B., Chemistry, 1976; Escheats Scholarship; Intramural Sports; Residence Counselor LAW SCHOOL HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: Law review; Academic Scholarship; Academic Honor Roll; Residence Counselor; Young Democrats; Intramural Sports. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Law Clerk, J.B. Eure, Whiteville, North Carolina, Summer, 1978. JAMES A. WARREN, JR. Charlotte, North Carolina. Born: April 17, 1954. Married. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND, HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: North Carolina State University B.A., History, 1976. LAW SCHOOL HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: Am Jur Book Award, Criminal Procedure; Residence Counselor. CAREER INTEREST: General Practice; Criminal Law. i STUART NEAL WATLINGTON Yanceyville, North Carolina. Born: June 15, 1954. Married. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND, HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, B.A., English, 1976; Morehead Scholarship; Dean's List; played football for one year, baseball for three years, Varsity; Pi Kappa Alpha Social Fraternity; Intramural Sports. LAW SCHOOL HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: President of Student Bar Association 1978-1979- Director of Law Student Legal Aid Chapter, 1977-1978; Volunteer Research Assistant for Cumberland County Legal Aid Service; Who's Who Among Students in American Colleges and Universities; Student Bar Honor Code Drafting Committee; SBA Newsletter; Delta Theta Phi Legal Fraternity, Membership Committee; Co-Editor, 1979 Placement Brochure; SBA Public Relations Committee; Intramural Sports. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Law Clerk, Blackwell and Farmer, Yanceyville, North Carolina, Summer. CAREER INTEREST: General Trial Practice. 22
JAMES BLOCK WHELESS, JR. Louisburg, North Carolina. Born, December 11, 1952. Single. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND, HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: Wake Forest University, B.A., History, 1975; Dean's List; Kappa Sigma Social Fraternity, Social Chairman 1974-1975. LAW SCHOOL HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: Student Bar Association Legislative Council Representative; Co-Editor, 1979 Placement Brochure; Delta Theta Phi Legal Fraternity. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Law Clerk, Vaughan S. Winborne, Esquire, Raleigh, North Carolina, Summer, 1978; General Office Assistant, Womble, Carlyle, Sandridge and Rice, Winston-Salem, North Carolina, May 1975-July 1976. CAREER INTEREST: General Practice. JOHN ALONZA WHITLEY Smithfield, North Carolina. Born: December 23, 1952. Single. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND, HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: Wake Forest University, B.A., Psychology, 1975; Kappa Alpha Social Fraternity. LAW SCHOOL HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: Placed tenth in Wagner Labor Law National Moot Court Competition; Delta Theta Phi Legal Fraternity; Intramural Sports. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Law Clerk, Daughtry, Hinton and Woodard, Smithfield, North Carolina; Real Estate Broker. CAREER INTEREST: General Practice; Estate Planning. ROBERT EDMOND WILHOIT Asbeboro, Nortb Carolina. Born: February 9, 1953. Single EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND, HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: Wake Forest University, B.A., Political Science, 1975; Dean's List; Honor Council, 1973-1974, Co-Chairman, 1974-1975; Election Committee; Challenge '75. LAW SCHOOL HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: Student Bar Honor Court Representative,1976-1978; Attended Notre Dame Summer Law Program in London, England; Delta Theta Phi Legal Fraternity. CAREER INTEREST: General Practice; Criminal Law; Estate Planning. OWEN HENRY WILLIS, JR. Dunn, North Carolina. Born: November 23, 1950. Married. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND, HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: North Carolina State University, B.A., Political Science, 1975; Dean's List; Campbell College, Campbell College Band. LAW SCHOOL HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: Student Bar Association Honor Court Representative, 1976-1978; Am Jur Book Award in Constitutional Law; Legal Research Teaching Assistant; Intramural Sports. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Law Clerk, Stewart and Hayes, Dunn, North Carolina, Summers, 1977, 1978, part-time 1977-1978; Internship, U.S. Attorney's Office, E.D.N.C., Raleigh, North Carolina, Fall, 1 9 7 8 - S p r i n g , 1 9 7 9 ; R e s e a r c h f o r 1 9 7 8 S u p p l e m e n t t o W i g g i n s , W i / ] s a n d A d m i n i s t r a t i o n o f Estates in North Carolina; Duputy Sheriff, Harnett County Sheriff's Department, 1 year; Professional Musician, 10 years. 23
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