STUDENT HANDBOOK The Word of God, THE SPIRIT OF EXCELLENCE - Family Christian Academy
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S T U D E N T H A N D B O O K 2022-2023 The Word of God, THE SPIRIT OF EXCELLENCE
“I am afraid that schools will prove to be the great gate of Hell, unless they diligently labor in explaining the Holy Scriptures, engraving them in the hearts of youth. I advise no one to place his child where the Scriptures do not reign paramount. Every institution in which men are not unceasingly occupied with the Word of God must become corrupt.” — Martin Luther 16TH CENTURY FAMILY WORSHIP CENTER SERVICE TIMES Sunday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 A.M. & 6 P.M. Wednesday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 P.M. SUNDAY Ages 0–4 (Nursery) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9:30 A.M.–Noon 5:30-7:30 P.M. Ages 6–12 (Powerhouse Kidz Children’s Ministry) . . . . . . . . . . . 9:30 A.M.–Noon 5:30-7:30 P.M. WEDNESDAY Crossfire (FCA Auditorium) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 P.M. Nursery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:45 P.M. PRAYER TIMES Saturday . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 A.M. and 6 P.M. (Family Worship Center Sanctuary) SONLIFE RADIO WJFM 88.5 FM SONLIFE BROADCASTING NETWORK COX Channel 273 • DirecTV® Channel 344 • DISH Channel 257 Verizon FiOS Channel 797 •
STUDENT HANDBOOK Elementary School - K–4 through Grade 5 Middle School - Grades 6 through 8 High School - Grades 9 through 12 Gabriel Swaggart PASTOR Christopher Granier, Ph.D. PRINCIPAL Melissa Kennedy VICE PRINCIPAL / ACADEMIC DEAN Carolyn Richards BUSINESS ADMINISTRATOR Steve Rachal ATHLETIC DIRECTOR Joseph Larson CHAPEL PASTOR Jonathan Steele ELEMENTARY CHAPEL PASTOR 8919 World Ministry Avenue | Baton Rouge, LA 70810 TEL 225.768.3026 or 225.768.3027 | WEB TABLE OF CONTENTS Our Mission 3 Parent/Teacher Communication 9 Admission 3 Dress Code and Hygiene 10 General Information 4 Discipline Policies & Visitors 5 Regulations 12 REVISED JULY 2022 School Attendance 6 Honor Pledge 14 Health Policies 7 Academics 8
INTRODUCTION by whose indwelling the Chris- tian is en- abled to live a holy life. The Family Christian Academy Handbook 9. In the resurrection of both the saved and was produced to aid its families in the un- the lost, the one to everlasting life and derstanding of FCA’s educational philosophy, the other to everlasting damnation. its general operating procedures, and the school’s expectations of each student and OUR MISSION family. This handbook is not intended to be a comprehensive statement of school policy, We pray: but rather a compilation of information vital 1. The student may find Christ as his Sav- to our students. ior and cultivate a relationship with Him through prayer and the study of the Bible, Family Christian Academy was organized thereby becoming a committed ambas- in 1983 as a ministry outreach of Family sador for Christ in today’s world. Worship Center. Since that time, the school 2. The student will be motivated to become has seen hundreds of families touched by a lifelong learner; applying research the Lord and blessed through this Chris- skills, critical thinking, and technologi- tian School Ministry. We exist as an exten- cal advances to the quest for knowledge sion of the family to educate children in and wisdom. the fear of the Lord; that they may recog- 3. The student will, out of love for Christ, nize and accomplish the tasks God has laid develop compassion for all humanity; before them. recognize the Godly potential of those in his own environs, as well as the re- We believe: mote areas of the globe; showing con- 1. The Bible is the inspired and only infal- cern, respect, and kindness to all. lible and authoritative written Word of 4. The student will recognize God’s order of God. government and will assume his scriptur- 2. There is one God, eternally existent in al position in the traditional family, the three persons: God the Father, God the school, and society. Son, and God the Holy Spirit, in the dei- 5. The student will acquire a Biblical ty of our Lord Jesus Christ, in His virgin work ethic in his educational pursuits, birth, in His sinless life, in His miracles, co-curricular activities, and family in His vicarious and atoning death, in His responsibilities. bodily resurrection, in His ascension to 6. The student will be prepared to meet the right hand of the Father, in His per- the challenges of continued education sonal future return to this earth in power by mastering effective study habits, be- and glory to rule a thousand years. coming an avid reader, securing a solid 3. In the Blessed Hope — the rapture of mathematical and scientific foundation, the Church at Christ’s coming. acquiring healthy social skills, maintain- 4. The only means of being cleansed from ing wholesome recreational activities sin is through repentance and faith in and physical well-being to the glory of the precious blood of Christ. God. 5. That regeneration by the Holy Spirit is ab- solutely essential for personal salvation. ADMISSION 6. The redemptive work of Christ on the cross provides healing of the human Family Christian Academy maintains a selec- body in answer to believing prayer. tive admissions policy. Students are enrolled 7. In the baptism with the Holy Spirit, ac- who best fit within the spiritual and academ- cording to Acts 2:4, is given to believers ic climate of the school. Admission to Family who ask for it. Christian Academy is a privilege and not a 8. In the sanctifying power of the Holy Spirit right. All students and their families must 3
maintain proper standing with the school the accounting office by parents. for continued enrollment. All parents must 2. School hours are from 7:55 a.m. to submit the appropriate enrollment informa- 3 p.m. tion and pay all applicable fees upon enroll- 3. Morning Routine: ment. No student may attend class until all 7:00 a.m. – FCA begins accepting stu- enrollment requirements are met. Student dents for dropoff at the front lobby en- accounts are handled through the school’s trance to meet in the gym until school business office. All financial obligations not starts. kept in good faith will forfeit one’s admis- 7:50 a.m. – Middle and high school bell sion to the Academy. sounds for those students to report to homeroom. All fees paid to Family Christian Academy 7:55 a.m. – Middle and high school stu- are non-refundable. Upon signing the enroll- dents are marked tardy. ment contract, parents are responsible for 8:15 a.m. – School lobby doors are the entire yearly fees as listed on the con- locked, and elementary roll is taken. tract. Withdrawals involving a geographic re- Missing students are marked absent or location of the family beyond a 50-mile radi- tardy. us of Baton Rouge will result in a refund of 4. Students will be released to parents at any tuition paid less a forfeiture fee of $500. 3 p.m. Elementary student pick up re- quires an FCA issued student identifi- Family Christian Academy admits students cation car-line tag. The elementary car- of all race, color, national and ethnic origin line is located on the right side of the to all the rights, privileges, programs, and Family Christian Academy school behind activities generally accorded or made avail- the cafeteria. Middle and high school able to students at the school. It does not students depart from the front lobby discriminate on the basis of race, color, or entrance. national and ethnic origin in administration 5. Extended care is provided from 3:15– of its educational policies, admissions poli- 5:30 p.m. All students who are on cam- cies, or other school-administered programs. pus after 3:15 p.m. are to be in extend- ed care or face disciplinary action (see GENERAL INFORMATION fee schedule). 1. It is mandatory that all parents/ guard- Matthew 18 Principle ians sign up for Remind and Sycamore. We ask that all parents agree to use a. Remind is a cell phone text-based the Matthew 18 Principle when dealing communication program the school with any grievance, misunderstanding, uses to send out information regard- or concern. Matthew 18: 15-16 says: ing important events or changes to the school schedule. To sign up for Remind, “Moreover if thy brother shall trespass refer to the handout available in the ele- against thee, go and tell his fault mentary office. between thee and him alone: if he shall b. Sycamore is Family Christian Academy’s hear thee, thou hast gained thy brother. campus management software, which But if he will not hear thee, then take allows you to check your child’s grades with thee one or two more, that in the and contact teachers easily. To sign up mouth of two or three witnesses every for Sycamore, include your email address word may be established.” on your student’s information card. c. If any of your contact information We must all be committed to the principle changes, please notify the office im- of good reports. Therefore, if a problem aris- mediately and change it in Sycamore. es at the school, the parents should coun- d. All payments must be submitted to sel with the individual involved first. If the 4
conflict cannot be resolved, at that time, the students are tardy at 7:55 a.m. matter should be brought before the school administration. Check-Ins When a student is checking in late, a written Grievances excuse will be required. If the check-in is ex- In a spirit of Christian cooperation and in cused under the Attendance Policy, the stu- accordance with the principle of Matthew 18, dent may make up work and should contact any grievance should be solved as a testi- the teacher via Sycamore or confer with the mony to the Christian ethic. When a prob- teacher after school. Classes should never lem arises, the individuals involved should be interrupted to inquire about missed work. go to the person with whom the offense ex- Three late unexcused check-ins equate to ists. If the problem is not rectified, then the one absence. If the check-in is unexcused, individuals should confer with the school ad- the student will receive a “0” for all work ministrator for further efforts of resolution missed. Elementary students must be ac- and reconciliation. companied by an adult when checking in. At no time should offended parents attempt Elementary Checkouts to involve other parents or individuals in an To check out your student(s), please visit the offense. Such actions only hinder the efforts elementary office. Teachers will not release of the school and ultimately the ability of the students from the classroom without notice child to learn in the Christian school. If there from the office. All parties who wish to sign is a legitimate problem in the school, parents a child out of school must be prepared to individually expressing concern for their child show proper identification. to the administrator will provide the insight needed to correct the problem. Tuesday Checkouts: To avoid interrupt- ing the elementary chapel service, please Communication with Teachers check your child out prior to 2 p.m. On all and Administration other days of the week, please complete Parents should not interrupt teachers while any check-outs prior to 2:30 p.m. they are teaching or supervising students in the classroom or “on duty.” You can commu- Elementary Carline nicate with teachers via a Passanote, or re- No student will be released to a parent walk- quest a conference through the high school ing up to the carline. Parents must remain office, or via Sycamore. in their vehicles and wait in the line with the appropriate car tag. For any other pick-up, Tardiness and Late Arrivals parents should park in the parking lot and Tardiness and late arrivals disrupt the teach- confer with staff in the elementary office. ing pattern and, therefore, must be kept to a minimum. Students are allowed three un- Middle and High School excused late arrivals each semester. Upon Checkouts the fourth late arrival, a $25 fine will be as- High school students who drive are allowed sessed. Upon the fifth, the student will be to sign out when parental permission is veri- suspended, or the parents will come to the fied by the office. Non-driving students must school for counsel with the administration be signed out by parents or be given admin- to correct the problem. istrative approval to leave school property. Please be aware that the front doors to VISITORS the school lock at 8:15 a.m. Elementa- ry students should be in the gym by 8:10 Parental visits to the classroom are encour- for morning assembly and will be marked aged but must be scheduled in advance tardy at 8:16 a.m. Middle and high school with the administration, and, per FCA Policy, 5
observations are limited to 10 minutes in absences without professional documen- length. Any visitors to campus must obtain a tation will be unexcused, and students pass from the office before visiting a class- will receive zeroes for all missed work. room or participating in on-campus activities. Students attending other schools may visit Unexcused Absences our campus only with approval from FCA ad- Excessive Unexcused Absences: ministration. Approved visitors must wear a Students will not receive credit for a course visitor’s badge obtained from the office and if they have 10 unexcused absences during agree to dress modestly. the school year. All absences are counted toward the maximum of 9 unexcused ab- SCHOOL ATTENDANCE sences; upon the 10th unexcused absence, the student will not pass to the next grade. Students cannot receive the necessary spiri- tual and educational training provided by the Absences on Field Trip Days: Family Chris- school when proper attendance is not main- tian Academy considers field trips to be in- tained. We require that all families be good tegral parts of the curriculum, and classes stewards of their time and, therefore, keep may include assignments associated with absences to a minimum. Parents should call the field trip. Absence from a field trip will and notify the office when students are ab- be marked as unexcused and students will sent from school. not be able to make up work unless the student is able to present a valid excuse Makeup Work as outlined below. FCA must receive documentation of an ex- cused absence upon return to school. No Family Travel excuses will be accepted later than 24 If a student is going out of town for any hours after a student returns to school. reason and will miss school, please re- quest work ahead of time and either com- When a student is absent, it is the re- plete the work before leaving, or turn it in sponsibility of the parent and the stu- promptly upon return. Family travel, other dent to make up any missed work and than bereavement, is considered an unex- be prepared for class upon return. Stu- cused absence. dents should obtain a study partner when they know that they will be absent so Valid Absence and Tardy Excuses that the student will be prepared for any 1. Appointments: a doctor/dentist’s writ- tests or assignments due upon return. ten excuse must be turned into the re- spective office. Middle/High School 2. Injuries or illnesses: a doctor/dentist’s Upon return to school, a student must written excuse must be turned into the report to the front office to obtain an respective office. If the illness is for a absentee slip. On the slip, the absence will single day, a parental note will suffice either be noted as excused or unexcused to allow the student to make up missed by the office. If the absence is excused, work; however, that absence will still be the student will receive one day for each unexcused and will count against the day of school missed to turn in missed “grace day” policy. For absences lasting work. If the absence is unexcused or if more than one day, a professional ex- the student fails to procure an absentee cuse will be required. slip, the student will receive a zero for all 3. School-related activities: must be ap- missed assignments. An allowance will be proved by FCA administration. Field trips, made for up to four unexcused absences sporting events, BETA Club, college vis- per year for a child to make up missed its, and Rallies are examples which con- work. After those four “Grace days,” any stitute such events. 6
4. Bereavement: Deaths in the family re- identification cards must be worn around quire a funeral program or obituary. No the neck, in purse, wallet, or backpack and more than 5 school days will be excused. be produced when asked by a school facul- 5. College Visitation: During sophomore ty member. Students will be asked to show and junior years, one day of college vis- their ID’s for admission into home games. itation will be excused. During a stu- dent’s senior year, two days of college Student Vehicles visitation will be excused. Students Any vehicle driven to FCA by students must must provide documentation of atten- be registered through the high school of- dance. An invitation letter does not suf- fice. A student must provide a current copy fice as proof of attendance. of license and proof of insurance to the of- fice. A parking permit is required and must Students may be withdrawn from extracurric- be purchased for $3.00. Failure to obtain ular activities if they have poor attendance a parking permit may result in a student’s and/or a grade point average below 2.0. vehicle being towed at the owner’s expense. HEALTH POLICIES Once a student has arrived on campus, he/ she should proceed immediately into the Family Christian Academy maintains a building and not return to the vehicle without healthy environment for all faculty, staff, express permission and direct supervision and students. Therefore, the following gen- of a teacher or staff member. No students eral health rules will be adhered to: are allowed to remain unattended in vehi- 1. All parents must maintain proof of im- cles before, during, or after school hours munization for their student(s) in accor- (see discipline section). dance with Louisiana state law. 2. No medication will be administered by Automobile Searches teachers in the classroom. Required Students are permitted to park on Fami- prescriptions must be kept in the school ly Christian Academy premises as a mat- office and be administered there. It is a ter of privilege, not a right. Permission to student’s responsibility to report to the park on school property is granted only after office at the time required for the admin- the student driver, the owner of the vehicle, istration of the medication. A medical and the Student’s parent or guardian have permission form must be filled out. signed written consent to allow a search 3. All student-athletes must undergo a phy- of that vehicle upon the school’s request. sician’s physical examination at the be- School authorities may perform periodic pa- ginning of the school year. trols of student parking lots and conduct 4. Parents should report all contagious ill- exterior inspections of student automobiles nesses and submit medical documen- on school property. tation from their physician immediately upon diagnosis. Interior searches of student vehicles can 5. All students must be symptom-free occur to determine if contraband or illegal and fever-free for at least 24 hours be- materials are contained inside. Refusal to fore returning to school with a return to allow access to a vehicle at the time of school date provided by a physician. the search will be cause for terminating 6. In extreme emergencies, students will the privilege of parking on school property be transported to Our Lady of the Lake without further hearing. Regional Medical Center. Personal Searches Student Identification A student’s person or personal effects (e.g. Students in grade 6-12 will be issued a backpack, purse, pockets) may be searched current-year identification card. Student by a staff member to determine whether 7
the student is in possession of contra- ACADEMICS band. Searches may be performed with- out notice, without consent, and without a Family Christian Academy offers a rigorous search warrant. All personal searches will curriculum that seeks to prepare students be performed in a manner that is respectful for a successful college career upon gradu- of the norms of decency and the emotion- ating high school. Parents are made aware al maturity of the student. A school admin- of student progress by eight grading reports. istrator of the same sex will conduct the These reports consist of four interim reports search in private with another adult witness (issued halfway through each nine-weeks) of the same sex present, and only upon the and four quarterly reports. Each of the four approval of the principal or a specific des- quarterly reports must be signed and re- ignee. Under no circumstances will a body turned. The interim report is not kept for cavity or strip search be permitted unless the student’s permanent record. conducted by law enforcement personnel. Attribute Grading (K4) Locker Searches In elementary school, Family Christian Acad- A student’s locker or desk is the property emy utilizes “Attribute Grading,” whereby a of Family Christian Academy and is under student is rated on a scale of E (Excellent), the control of the school. School author- S (Satisfactory), N (Needs Improvement), ities may perform general inspections of or U (Unsatisfactory) in their core classes lockers and desks at any time without no- as well as in social areas such as conduct, tice, without student consent, and without working/playing well with others, following a search warrant. directions, exhibiting self-control, respect- ing authority, attention to responsibilities, Each student, grades 6-12, may provide finishing work on time, neatness, and abili- their own lock for their locker. It should be a ty to work independently. combination lock with numeric entry codes. No remote or key type locks are acceptable. In K5 through fifth grade, attribute grading The arm of the lock needs to be slim enough for social areas persists, but attribute grad- to fit through the opening of the locker. A ing for core subjects ends. (see below). copy of the combination must be turned into the office. Students are not permitted Grading Scale (K5-12) to lock or otherwise impede access to any Family Christian Academy utilizes locker except with a lock approved by the the following grading scale: A: 92.5- school. Unapproved locks will be removed 100, B: 84.5-92.49, C: 76.5-84.49, and destroyed. D: 68.5-76.49, and F: Below 68.49. FCA Cafeteria In Middle and High School, a student’s FCA Cafeteria provides well-balanced, tasty grade point average (GPA) is calculated with hot lunches for all its students at the cost each semester of credit constituting one- of $20 weekly. Payments should be made half Carnegie Unit. An “A” earns 4 quality in advance through the accounting offices points; a “B” earns 3 quality points, a “C” in the elementary office. Students may also earns 2 quality points, and a “D” earns 1 bring lunch from home if they prefer. More quality point. information is available in either office. Honors Classes Food-Borne Allergy Policy Based upon student needs and interests, Please refer to the enrollment packet for Family Christian Academy offers honors more details regarding food borne allergies. classes in both middle and high school. Such classes are graded on a 5.0 scale and may (at the discretion of the teacher) 8
use a different grading scale. These classes maturity, academic ability, and parental in- are designed to be more rigorous than reg- volvement. Parents will be notified in the ular classes, and better prepare a student third nine weeks if retention of their child for future endeavors in college. is being considered. If retention is recom- mended by the administration, summer Dual Enrollment school work may be considered remedia- Dual Enrollment classes are honors tion and will not substitute for repeating classes offered in high school to students the grade. In this case, evaluation will be who wish to receive both college and handled by the administration on a case- high school credit. These classes follow by-case basis. the regulations provided to FCA from the accredited university offering the class. Due Middle and High School: to the increased difficulty of dual enrollment In grades 6-12, permanent grades and cred- classes, each semester in which a student it are recorded each semester. has dually enrolled counts as a whole Carnegie Unit in addition to counting as an Middle School (6-8) honors class. Parents are responsible for The failure of a single class is a cause for any additional fees or books required for alarm as it denotes that a student will like- Dual Enrollment classes. ly not be ready for the next school year’s material unless drastic action is taken to catch up in the subject area failed. If a stu- PARENT/TEACHER dent fails two (or more) core classes, the COMMUNICATION student will be required to successfully com- plete credit recovery during the summer fol- Communication between teacher and parent lowing the current school year or repeat the is vital to student success. Family Christian current grade during the next school year. Academy provides quick and easy access to teachers at all times via the “Passanote” High School (9-12) function on Sycamore. If a student fails a core class, the student will be required to successfully complete Conferences credit recovery during summer school fol- Both offices exist to serve as a liaison lowing the current school year. between the parent, teacher, and student. The high school office should be contacted Summer school credit is accepted when a to schedule teacher conferences, interven- high school student has failed a semester tions, or graduate planning. of a course required for graduation. Fami- ly Christian Academy will not acknowledge The Student Planner “new” work done during summer school ex- FCA recommends that each student car- cept when approved by administration. ry an academic planner daily. They should keep track of any due dates in the plan- Academic Probation ner. In addition, this practice provides par- FCA requires all students to maintain above ents with a window into their child’s educa- a 2.0-grade point average each nine-week tion. It is a parent’s responsibility to review grading period. If a student fails to meet papers sent home, Sycamore, and report these standards, they may be placed on cards, and contact teachers regarding is- academic probation, which involves tempo- sues that may arise. rary removal from extracurricular activities so better study skills may be developed. Retention of Students Elementary (K-5): Retention of elementary students will be reviewed based on social First Semester Failures Only 9
If a student fails the first semester of a The student must submit personal prefer- full-year course, they may retroactively earn ences in appearance and dress guidelines full credit by receiving a “C” or higher for to those in keeping with the vision and mis- the second semester. This accomplishment sion of the school. Realizing that the dress demonstrates that the student has over- code identifies the students of Family Chris- come the first-semester deficiency. In such tian Academy on the campus and in the cases, on the student’s final transcript, the community, adherence to it is a vital respon- first semester “F” will be changed to a “D,” sibility of both the parent and student. and the second-semester grade will be low- ered one letter grade. Unfortunately, a sec- Proper Hygiene ond-semester failure occurs at the end of Good personal hygiene plays a critical role the school year, and, therefore can only in promoting both a positive self-image and be amended by successfully completing reinforcing healthy habits. We recommend summer school. these good hygiene strategies at school and encourage the same at home: Graduation Requirements 1. Shower or bathe daily. Wash hair A student of Family Christian Academy daily or every other day. must fulfill all the basic requirements of 2. Wash your hands after using the graduation to participate. All students restroom, before/after eating, are required to complete the Academy’s playing outdoors, touching animals. Bible program each year. Failure of FCA’s 3. Use deodorant or antiperspirant at Bible program may result in probation or least once daily. expulsion. It is the responsibility of the 4. Brush teeth daily (in the morning parent to ensure the student has earned and evening), and floss daily. the necessary Carnegie units for gradua- 5. Wear clean and unsoiled clothes tion. This is the sole responsibility of the daily. parent and student. Family Christian Acad- Parents will be contacted if students look emy offers the “TOPS University Diploma” neglected. only. No other diploma types will be granted. Uniform Providers TOPS GPA Uniforms must be purchased from one of The “TOPS GPA” is a cumulative grade point our two uniform providers: Young Fashions average which takes into account only the or 19 Carnegie Units required for the “TOPS University Diploma.” As a result, a student’s Friday Spirit Days FCA GPA may differ from the TOPS GPA. It Only current-year spirit shirts may be worn is the responsibility of the parent and stu- with blue jeans on Fridays, on field trips dent to tabulate this GPA. More informa- (teacher permitting), and any other FCA tion may be found on the Louisiana Office deemed special event day. Attire includes of Student Financial Assistance website. current-year Spirit, Bible-Thon, Athletic, elec- tive, and club shirts. DRESS CODE AND HYGIENE Bible-Thon Days Only current-year Bible-Thon shirts may be Self-discipline results in self-respect, which worn with blue jeans. is evident in personal grooming. The dress code of Family Christian Academy is rooted Jeans in the Biblical principles of modesty and Jeans may only be worn on Spirit Fridays, submission. Bible-Thon Days, or other “Spirit Day” op- portunities. Jeans may not be worn as part of normal uniform dress. Jeans may not 10
have embellishments, be colored or tie-dye, General Guidelines sliced or ragged, low-rise, skinny, flare-bot- 1. Hair: Hair color must be natural. No ex- tom, or cargo stretch. Yoga, sweatpants, jog- treme haircuts, length, or style will be gers, or overalls are not permitted. Jeans allowed. may never be worn with a uniform shirt. Mid- 2. Hats: Hats or other head coverings may dle and high school students may not wear only be worn for athletic practices or jean shorts. special events. 3. Jewelry: No excessive, loud, or offensive Sweatpants jewelry, necklaces, or pendants. Black sweatpants, bearing the FC logo, may 4. Clothing: Must have finished edges or be worn on cold weather days when the hems, no holes, not too tight or over- morning index or “feels like” temperature is sized, fitted at the waist, and be proper 50 degrees Fahrenheit or below.” The sweat- lengths. Sagging is not permitted. Hems pants must be worn with an approved uni- may be cuffed or flat. form top, and both must be purchased from a. Shorts/Jumpers/Skorts Must reach one of our approved uniform providers. the top of the kneecap. b. Tank Tops: Are not permitted. Shoes 5. Windbreakers/Jackets/Sweaters/ Elementary students must wear matching Sweatshirts: Must be solid red, white, or tennis shoes; 6-12 may wear matching ath- black with or without FC logo, plain, with- letic shoes or dark sole flats. No sandals, out pockets. FCA cardigans and sweat- flip-flips, open-toed shoes, slides, mules, or shirts are available at one of our uniform boots of any type are allowed. providers. FCA Athletic and spirit wear is acceptable. All non-compliant outerwear Socks must be stored in student lockers during Socks must be matching solid red, black, or class time. white. Socks must not have a logo, lettering, 6. Hoodies: Must have a zippered front and or advertising. must be solid red, black, or white. Pull- over hoodies with front pockets are un- Physical Education acceptable unless they are FCA Athletic For grades 6-12, black shorts or black sweat- or Spirit wear. pants with a red t-shirt bearing the FC logo 7. Belts: For grades k4-2, no belt is re- must be purchased through Young Fashions. quired. All other grades: belts must be solid red, black, or neutral, worn with For athletic physical education classes pants and shorts that have belt loops. (during school hours), black basketball Belts should always be visible and prop- shorts or black sweatpants with any Fam- erly cinched around the waist. Oversized ily Christian Academy spirit shirt must be belt buckles are not permitted. worn. No volleyball or track shorts will be accepted. Boys 1. Hair: Must be clean cut, neat, and away Tattoos from the face, not falling below the eye- Tattoos are not allowed; if a student already brows, shirt collar, or ears. No top knot has a tattoo, it must be covered at all times. buns or ponytails are allowed. No facial hair is permitted. Students will be asked Logos to shave on site. For the rare exception Other than the Family Christian Academy of a skin allergy, a doctor’s excuse will logo, no visible logos will be allowed on any be required. No headbands are allowed. clothing. 2. Earrings: No earrings or piercings. 3. Bottoms: a. Elementary: Students may wear 11
black pants or shorts. Jean shorts are DISCIPLINE POLICIES only permitted on Free Dress Friday or AND REGULATIONS Bible-Thon Day with a current-year Spirit shirt or Bible-Thon shirt. Family Christian Academy is determined to b. Middle/High: Students may wear maintain a Biblical discipline philosophy black pants or shorts. No jeans are per- that reinforces the spiritual and academic mitted during uniform dress days. training of each student. Our objective is 4. Shirts: All grades must wear red, black, that children discipline themselves by dai- or white Polo shirts with the FC logo ly yielding to Christ’s control of their lives. from one of our approved uniform pro- However, the school will take measures to viders. Shirttails must always be tucked correct the behavior of a student, according in. If undershirts are worn, they must be to Hebrews 12:6, 11. The school expects solid red, white, or black. parents to support the school in its disci- plinary efforts as a loving responsibility to Girls the student. 1. Clothing: No tight clothing. All clothing must fit properly. Discipline Protocol 2. Earrings: All grades may wear one small One of our top priorities is to create an earring, no longer than one inch or great- environment that is welcoming, safe, and er that one inch in diameter, per lobe. No secure to facilitate an excellent education. other piercings. As well, students and families have a 3. Hats: Girls may wear headbands that are role to play in creating that environment. solid in color. No bandanna-type head- It is our sincere intent that students and wear is allowed. parents clearly understand and accept the 4. Bottoms: responsibility for positive behavior. a. Elementary: Students may wear plaid jumpers, plaid pants, plaid walk- FCA has implemented a standardized ing shorts, black pants, or skorts. Jean Disciplinary Protocol System that will benefit shorts are only permitted on Free Dress both students and teachers. Together, we Friday or Bible-Thon Day with a cur- must create an environment that leads to rent-year Spirit Shirt or Bible-Thon shirt. effective overall learning. This Three-Point b. Middle/High: Students may wear Discipline Protocol was developed to assist black pants or plaid or black skorts. students, parents, and staff in understand- 5. Tops: All red, black, and white Polos must ing discipline policies currently in place and be purchased from an FCA approved uni- the consequences of not adhering to those form provider with the FC logo. They must policies. Administration reserves the right be tucked in at all times, with the excep- to raise or lower point values depending tion of banded polo shirts for girls. Ele- on the severity and/or repetitive nature of mentary may wear a red or white Sports infractions. Collar Blouse with plaid jumpers. If un- dershirts are worn, they must be solid Students must conduct themselves in an red, white, or black. orderly fashion while on campus, buses, or 6. Tights/leggings: All grades may wear at any school function with prompt obedience red, black, white, or flesh-colored tights to all school staff. Students will receive a under their school-approved bottoms. No disciplinary write-up and accumulated points visible thermal underwear. Elementary for the following minor, moderate, and major may wear red, black, white, or flesh-col- infractions: ored leggings under their school-ap- proved bottoms. Minor Violations: (1 point per infraction; reset every 4.5 weeks) 1. Chewing gum 12
2. Minor dress code violation (see dress before the student is allowed to return to code for guidelines) class. 3. Unapproved food/drink in the classroom Minor Violation-Personal Property 4. Tardiness after first hour All classroom materials must be properly 5. Failure to secure personal property stored in a book bag or locker. Book bags, sports bags, and band equipment may be Moderate Violations: left neatly next to a locker during school (2 points per infraction; reset every 9 weeks) hours (not after 3 p.m.) and may not be in 1. Profanity the middle of the hallway, where it obstructs 2. Disrespectful attitude traffic. Violations will be written up. 3. Failure to follow directions 4. Out of designated area Major Violation-Cell Phone 5. Disrespectful behavior during chapel Cell phones must be kept in lockers, back- packs, or purses during school hours (7:50 Major Violations: a.m. - 3:00 p.m.). If a cell phone is seen or (3 points per infraction; reset each semester) heard during school hours, it will be confis- 1. Physical altercation cated. The first time a cell phone is confis- 2. Inappropriate displays of affection cated, it will be returned to parents or guard- 3. Cheating, stealing, or vandalism ians at the end of the day. Upon the second 4. Skipping class offense, the cell phone will be held until a 5. Insubordination $50 fine is paid, and a parent or guardian 6. Bullying, harassment, or must pick up the phone. The third offense intimidation will result in the phone being kept for the 7. Cell Phone or Social Media remainder of the school year. Violation (see below) 8. Tampering with school equipment If a student “misuses” a cell phone while (electronic or otherwise) at school by calling or texting a parent for 9. Use of racial slurs any reason, please be aware that there will 10. Indecent exposure in person or be additional consequences. Any communi- electronically cation must go through the office. Immediate In-School Suspension Social Media Some offenses are so egregious that they Students are not permitted to use their cell require immediate removal from the class- phones to video and/or post to social media room setting so that learning may continue. (including, but not limited to Facebook, Insta- Such offenses include but are not limited to gram, TikTok, Twitter, Snapchat, YouTube, and extreme profanity, vulgarity, taking the Lord’s Vine). Students may not use a tag such as name in vain, indecent exposure, significant @FCA, a hashtag such as #FCA, or any other physical altercation, and sexual misconduct. @/# indicating, tagging, or implicating Family Christian Academy in any way. Violation of Major Dress Code Violations these rules may result in student dismissal. Major dress code violations are any issues which cannot be corrected by the student Major Violation-Bullying without parental involvement (including but Harassment, intimidation, bullying, or cyber- not limited to wearing the wrong shorts bullying of a student by another student is or wearing black jeans). Initially, students prohibited. Any intentional gesture, written, will receive a warning, and parents will be verbal, or physical act that a person under notified. Upon any further major violations, the circumstances should know may have the student will be held out of class, and the effect of harming a student, damaging parents will be called to rectify the issue a student’s property, or placing a student in 13
reasonable fear of harm to his life, person, CD players, iPods, iPads, PEDs, Smart- or property, or that creates an intimidating, watches, game devices, etc. are not per- threatening, or abusive educational environ- mitted on campus. FCA cannot be held ment for the student is prohibited. responsible if these devices are lost or stolen while on campus. On days of away Vandalism: Vandalism of any school games, athletes may use portable elec- property including any building or vehicle tronic devices on the bus. These devices used for school events is considered a should be locked up during school hours. major violation and may result in extended Coaches may hold these for their athletes. suspension or expulsion. Fines for any property damaged will be assessed and, if necessary, addressed through JSM Legal. HONOR PLEDGE Any textbook damages beyond normal wear Family Christian Academy was founded and usage may be assessed a replacement under the direction of the Holy Spirit to be or repair fee. an educational ministry, developing the whole person. Therefore, its administration Based on an accumulated 3 point system, at is dedicated to preserving a student body each accumulation of a multiple of 3 points, growing “in grace, and in the knowledge of notices will be handed out, and the following our Lord” (II Peter 3:18). By enrolling in consequences will be administered: Family Christian Academy, students are expected to adhere to the Honor Pledge 1. 3-9 Points: After school detention. presented below. Students who, in the 2. 12-18 Points: In-school suspension opinion of the administration, do not fulfill and unreplaceable zeros for misse their allegiance to the Honor Pledge may work. jeopardize their enrollment in the Academy. 3. 21-27 Points: At home suspension and unreplaceable zeros Family Christian Academy for missed work. Honor Pledge 4. 30+ Points: Counseling with administration and possible 1. I pledge to apply myself whole-hearted- expulsion. ly to my intellectual pursuits that I may bring glory to God. Any criminal offense (violent criminal 2. I pledge to develop myself physically acts, possession of illegal substances or and spiritually according to the gifts of weapons) will result in removal from Fam- God in my life. ily Christian Academy and release to civil 3. I pledge to love my neighbor as myself. authorities. I will not cheat, lie, or inflict pain upon others. Vapes, juuls, cigars, cigarettes, or other 4. I pledge to maintain integrity and purity smoking devices are prohibited and will re- by the grace of God. sult in suspension or expulsion. 5. I pledge to esteem my authorities with respect, obedience, and Christian love. Drug Testing Christian Academy is a private school. FCA reserves the right to drug test any stu- Special Honors and Awards dent at any time for any reason. Random Romans 13:7 urges us to render honor to drug tests may be conducted throughout whom it is due. Each year, Family Christian the year. Academy hosts both an academic and ath- letic awards ceremony to recognize students Electronic Devices who demonstrate an exceptional work ethic Electrical items such as radios, headsets, and performance in these areas. 14
Family Christian Academy takes academic Christian Character: Each year, teachers honesty very seriously. Any instances of select a student in each grade by vote academic misconduct may jeopardize a who they believe is the best example of student’s ability to be selected for any of Christlike behavior to receive the Christian the following awards: Character Plaque. Senior Awards: Perfect Attendance: A student who attends class for all 175 days of the school year, Valedictorian: The title of Valedictorian will without missing a single hour, excused or be awarded to the graduating senior with the unexcused, will be recognized with this highest cumulative high school GPA who has certificate. attended Family Christian Academy for at least three of the four years of high school. High Honors: Any student who maintains a 3.75 or higher grade point average for the Salutatorian: The title of Salutatorian current school year will be awarded the High will be awarded to the graduating senior Honors Certificate. with the second highest cumulative high school GPA who has attended Family Chris- Honors: Any student who maintains a 3.5 tian Academy for at least three of the four – 3.75 grade point average for the current years of high school. school year will be awarded the Honors Certificate. Graduation with High Honors: Any senior who has maintained in excess of a 3.75 cu- Biblical Values mulative grade point average for the grades We believe that there are two genders –male 9-12 will be awarded the Gold Honor Cord, and female–and students will be addressed signifying graduation with honors. accordingly as created by God. Graduation with Honors: Any senior who has maintained a 3.5-3.75 cumulative grade point average for the grades 9-12 will be awarded the White Honor Cord, sig- nifying graduation with honors. Family Christian Academy Alumni Award: This award is granted to students who have attended Family Christian Academy for their To the Parents of All Students entire educational career, K5-12th grade. You are to be commended for choos- ing to educate your child in the Chris- All Students: tian school. We hope that Christian education is more than just a logical Academic Excellence: In each grade, the decision, but is a spiritual conviction student with the highest grade point average before God. Our joy is in aiding you in for the current school year is selected to the fulfillment of your divine responsi- receive the Academic Excellence Plaque. bility. If we may be of any assistance to your family, we are committed to you Academic Achievement: In each grade, “till we all come in the unity of the faith, the student with the second highest and of the knowledge of the Son of God, grade point average for the current school unto a perfect man, unto the measure year is selected to receive the Academic of the stature of the fullness of Christ” Achievement Plaque. (Ephesians 4:13). 15
Family Christian Academy is a private school. Attendance at FCA is a privilege and not a right. The Academy reserves the right to require the withdrawal of a student at any time if in the judgment of the administration such action is deemed necessary to safe- guard FCA’s ideals of academic integrity or the spiritual and moral atmosphere of it as a Christian school. 16
Revised 2022 Jimmy Swaggart Ministries | All rights reserved | Printed in U.S.A. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without the publisher’s prior written permission.
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