Campaign Forecasting 2022 - Ocient

Page created by Lauren Bauer
Campaign Forecasting 2022 - Ocient

Next generation

The Technical and Business Case for Campaign Forecasting
on Raw Bidder Log Data with Ocient
Campaign Forecasting 2022 - Ocient
Ocient has partnered with leading Demand               VP of Big Data Analytics, VP of Engineering,
Side Platforms (DSPs) to deliver a new suite of        Director of Data Warehousing, and Product
campaign forecasting capabilities based on             Managers who are evaluating data warehouses
Ocient’s next-generation SQL analytics platform.       and analytics platforms for Demand Side
Until now, it was technically infeasible to query      Platforms, Supply Side Platforms, Advertisers,
full resolution bidder log data in interactive time,   and Publishers will most benefit from this
so complex pre-aggregation and estimating              analysis.
pipelines were required to produce forecasts
quickly. These pre-aggregation solutions add
cost and have technical limitations that prevent
the full breadth of analytics and ad hoc
querying desired in a full-featured forecasting
and bid optimization solution. With Ocient’s
ground-breaking architecture, built from the
ground up for massively parallel use of NVMe
SSDs, it is now possible to build petabyte scale
applications with interactive response times that
directly query raw log data with SQL.

In this paper, we will discuss the challenges and
tradeoffs with pre-aggregation solutions, how
full resolution SQL analytics revolutionizes the
data stack for large scale data applications, and
why Ocient is the best choice for a log analytics
application like Campaign Forecasting.


This paper is intended for a technical leader
at AdTech or MarTech companies creating
applications built on many Terabytes to
Petabytes of data. Leaders in roles such as CTO,

© 2022 Ocient Inc
Campaign Forecasting 2022 - Ocient
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY                                      data from these bid opportunities to plan
                                                       campaigns and improve campaign performance.
Campaign Forecasting is a challenging workload
for many traditional databases due to the scale        Millions of auctions occur every second, and each
and selectivity of queries involved.                   one must occur in less than approximately 100 to
Pre-aggregation offers a possible solution when        200 milliseconds to reach consumers. A DSP may
query characteristics are known ahead of time,         evaluate 5 to 10 million bid opportunities per
when only simpler classes of forecasts are             second. While this technical marvel is what makes
required, and when sufficient engineering              it possible to hold real time auctions, in this paper,
resources are available to design, build, and          we focus on what happens after the auction has
maintain a multi-stage data system. Ocient’s           occurred. On the demand side, these raw auction
Petabyte scale data warehouse and SQL analytics        opportunities, bids placed, and impression wins
platform deliver a cost-saving solution that is        are stored for future analysis to improve the
helping DSPs deliver better forecasting tools with     quality of advertising campaigns and advertiser
less development and operational effort. Ocient        return on investment. On the supply side, similar
streamlines the loading and transformation of          data is analyzed to optimize auction dynamics
bidder log data, simplifies the development of         and yield for publishers.
forecasting features, and delivers more accurate
results by operating over bigger scale than other      Example Campaign Analyses:
industry leading options. Compared to brittle
ETL and legacy data solutions, applications built      • Advertisers use historical bid opportunity log
on Ocient are easily extended for future               data to forecast user impressions for a set of
enhancements. Ocient is a new platform built for       campaign targeting criteria and pricing strategies.
the future. With elasticity of both storage and        This allows media planners to allocate their
compute, Ocient can expand to support the              marketing budget across advertising media and
growth of current workloads as well as entirely        customer audiences. Inaccurate forecasts can lead
new use cases. Ocient is helping DSPs create the       to wasted ad spend or lost opportunity to reach
systems that make it easier for their advertisers to   audiences.
deliver campaigns most effectively.
                                                       • DSPs use historical bid opportunity data to train
                                                       machine learning models that automatically
REAL TIME BIDDING OVERVIEW                             adjust bid prices to increase campaign ROI.
                                                       Poor models can lead to poor performance for
Real time bidding facilitates spot auctions for        advertisers and a loss of business.
advertisement space for advertisers and
publishers whenever someone loads a webpage,           • SSPs use historical bid opportunities to run
mobile app, or views a digital video. Two major        reports or train machine learning models to adjust
technical challenges faced in the RTB ecosystem        auction dynamics. This allows publishers to adjust
are quickly processing new bid opportunity             auction floor prices, craft private marketplace
requests and analyzing the massive volume of           deals effectively, and monetize first party data.

© 2022 Ocient Inc
Campaign Forecasting 2022 - Ocient
CAMPAIGN FORECASTING                                      to create a segment. Forecasts may query 50
                                                          different dimensions, each with hundreds or
REQUIREMENTS                                              thousands of values. For example, a campaign
                                                          may include hundreds of zip codes while
Campaign Forecasting assists advertisers in               combining this with contextual information on
discovering what advertising opportunities exist          targeted sites, blocked domains, audience
and in fine tuning the delivery of their marketing        attributes, device, creative or placement
budgets to the right people at the best prices. To        properties such as banner dimensions or video
deliver an industry leading campaign forecasting          constraints. A single day of data at 5 million
capability, DSPs need to deliver highly specific          queries per second is approximately 15 PB of
targeting capabilities with fresh, accurate results       data, so a month at this scale is almost half an
in a highly interactive user interface or API.            exabyte! In addition, campaigns may leverage
                                                          specific bidding criteria to pace budgets or cap
                                                          how frequently a user can see an ad. These
Data Latency                                              settings require full data resolution for accuracy.

It is not critical that forecasts query real-time data,
but recency is important. Digital advertising
experiences seasonality similar to the broader
advertising world with surges in activity around            SELECT count(distinct user_id) as distinct_users,

annual holidays and major buying events like                count(user_id) as impression_count
                                                            FROM auctions.bid_opportunities
back-to-school season. The internet is also a
                                                            (geo_country_code IN ('US', 'CA'))
rapidly changing ecosystem, where traffic can
                                                            AND (geo_postal_code IN ('53794','53784','53774','53786','53790')
shift based on trending patterns. Thus, data                OR geo_postal_code IN
freshness of a few minutes to 1 hour is desired             ('T1X','T1Y','V5M','V5L','V5X','L7P','M6S','R3T'))
with a lookback period of up to 30 days.                    AND traffic_type = 'WEB'
Historical data is used to project the number               AND device_type IN ('TABLET','PHONE','DESKTOP')
of impressions a campaign can win in the next               AND allowed_creative_types @> 'BANNER_IMAGE'
7-30 days.                                                  AND page_position = 'ABOVE_THE_FOLD'
                                                            AND banner_dimensions &&
Highly Specific Targeting                                   AND (deal_ids && array['X-1072', 'Y-5443', '5496444', 'X-7999'])
                                                            AND (audience_id @> 99122530
                                                            AND NOT (audience_id @> 99249960 OR audience_id @> 99249362)
Advertisers need to process large amounts of                AND (
raw bidder log data to create statistically                 (NOT (contextual_id @> 'X-196451') AND NOT (contextual_id @>
accurate forecasts. Depending on campaign                   'Y-189823'))
strategy, advertisers may cast a wide net to                OR (contextual_id @> '9197502' AND contextual_id @> 'X-159486')
expand awareness or focus narrowly on needles               AND (third_party_audience_id && array[1001,1002,1003,1004])
in the haystack to drive conversion. In cases with
narrow focus, campaign targeting is highly
specific and uses many highly selective criteria

© 2022 Ocient Inc
Campaign Forecasting 2022 - Ocient
Example Forecast Query: This query finds the          10 seconds, and it is generally accepted that
count of distinct users over a few US zip codes,      responses over 5 seconds require additional
Canadian postal codes, specific banner and            progress indicator feedback to demonstrate
device criteria, and a set of audience and            progress and reduce user frustration. 1
contextual values. Attribute lists have been
abbreviated for readability. In practice most lists
of values in this query would include dozens of       BIG DATA CHALLENGES IN
values. This query could be modified to include
bid price information, to frequency cap by user,
or to include breakdowns by specific query
dimensions such as device_type.                       These requirements create a big challenge for
                                                      AdTech developers. Each forecast is unique, has
                                                      many dimensions, many attributes per dimension,
Interactive, Accurate                                 and must evaluate a sizeable sample of data to
Planning                                              be statistically representative. Delivering on this
                                                      challenge in 5 seconds or less for the end user
Marketing campaigns combine many targeting            requires substantial engineering effort or
and bidding criteria to effectively spend a           functional tradeoffs. Statistical approaches may
marketing budget for the highest return on ad         work in certain limited applications but can lack
spend (ROAS). The consequences of inaccurate          the required accuracy or flexibility on highly
forecasts include both overspending and               specific forecast queries.
underspending. If forecasts are too optimistic, an
advertiser could fail to spend budget causing         First, we will review a few common approaches to
them to miss top line revenue targets. On the         solving these challenges along with their benefits
other hand, if forecasts are too conservative,        and drawbacks. Then we will describe a new
advertisers could spend their budgets prematurely     approach made possible by Ocient’s innovative
or overspend on impressions leading to poor           platform.
ROAS results.

Furthermore, forecast speed is critical. When
planning ad campaigns, the end user may test
                                                            COMMON CAMPAIGN
dozens of different settings in a DSP’s User
nterface and combine different strategies to
                                                            SOLUTIONS INCLUDE:
deploy their marketing budget. These must
calculate quickly so that advertisers can explore           1    Pre-aggregation and rollups
inventory and create effective campaign                     2    Statistical estimations using sketches
trategies. A user experience rule of thumb is
                                                            3    Custom engineered solutions
that analytical user interface interactions should
complete in under 5 seconds to help users
maintain a consistent train of thought in their
workflow. Short-term memory maxes out around

                                                      Nielsen, Jakob, “Response Time” Excerpt from ch. 5 in Usability Engineering,
© 2022 Ocient Inc                                     pg 135.
Campaign Forecasting 2022 - Ocient
Approach #1: Pre-aggregation                                            In practice, the intersection of N dimensions is
and Rollups                                                             required to compute accurate user level forecasts.
                                                                        For example, an advertiser may target a set of
One approach that optimizes for speed at query                          domain names, exclude a second set of domain
time limits the size of data required for forecasts                     names, target a list of hundreds of zip codes,
by pre-aggregating results for the end user in                          target a few private marketplace (PMP) deal IDs,
either a regular batch process or via a streaming                       exclude dozens of contextual values, target
algorithm. This approach follows the mantra to                          devices, and video placement types that allow
“make big data small data” and comes with                               a specific video attribute. There are millions of
significant complexity and functionality tradeoffs.                     possible domain names, tens of thousands of
                                                                        zip codes, tens of thousands of PMP deal IDs,
Pre-aggregation systems are designed to                                 hundreds of contextual values, dozens of device
explicitly include a set of queryable dimensions                        types and video dimensions to consider. This
and aggregates like an OLAP Cube. Importantly,                          alone could represent on the order of 1020
pre-aggregating sacrifices the ability to run ad                        combinations if all combinations were
hoc queries for forecasting. Analysts are also                          pre-aggregated. Because data cardinality is
unable to easily change the way aggregates are                          high in AdTech, representing this number of
computed to support use cases like frequency                            combinatoric rollups becomes cost prohibitive
capping. Independent sets can be unioned                                on standard databases, data warehouses, and
together to obtain overall counts, but uniques                          in-memory databases. In addition, building
and more complex metrics are not possible.                              applications on top of rollup data can make it
This can deliver approximate results on simpler                         more difficult to include new feature requests
forecast queries or allow users to see basic                            like time zone-based reporting if rollups are
inventory breakdowns but is not suited to an                            performed on a daily basis.
enterprise grade forecasting solution.

 Real Time Bidding         Storage and            Custom                        Fast Query Serving             Forecaster GUI
 Sources                   NoSQL Queries          Transformation Code           Layer                          www

                           HADOOP                                                         MySQL                Desired Capabilities
                                                                                                               • AdHoc Queries
                                                                                                               • Realtime Monitoring
                                                                                                               • Fraud Detection
                                                                                                               • Bid Optimization

                                                                         Limited query flexibility and speed

Figure 1 Example System Diagram for Pre-aggregation Based Solutions. Data streams into a NoSQL or Hadoop storage layer, then
custom ETL code is written in frameworks like Spark to batch data into a “fast query” layer which may be a standard OLTP database or
OLAP system.

© 2022 Ocient Inc
BENEFITS                                             DRAWBACKS
• Quick response times when                          • Poor accuracy for “real” forecast queries
  pre-aggregated value is available                  • Lacks the ability to query more than a couple of
• Reduced storage requirements                         combinations of targeting attributes accurately

• Many databases can perform this kind of            • May require multiple data systems to handle
  pre-aggregated lookup on modest                      underlying data vs rollup data queries
  hardware                                           • Less flexible solution, so new parameter
                                                       combinations or capabilities difficult to introduce
                                                     • Cannot provide user level data for advanced
                                                       queries like frequency capping

                                                     • Still requires massive storage if storing
                                                       combinations of parameters that are high

Approach #2: Statistical                             However, some sketch types like HyperLogLog
Estimations using Sketches                           (HLL) sketches cannot be combined accurately
                                                     to get aggregate values where two sketches
A second approach to campaign forecasting is         intersect. This creates significant challenges in
to leverage algorithms that estimate counts for      the highly specific queries needed in Campaign
different dimensions as the data is streamed into    Forecasting. Others sketch algorithms, like Theta
the system and query those estimates at forecast     sketches may be used in set operations, so they
time. Different classes of sketches are useful for   may be more useful for scenarios like Campaign
estimating values like count distinct, quantiles,    Forecasting.
and the most frequently occurring items. Open
source libraries, such as Apache DataSketches,       While many of the benefits of sketching are
have made the mathematics of this easier for         powerful for simple use cases, engineers should
practitioners, but the overall architecture to       be aware that Sketching suffers similar drawbacks
support them remains complex and tuning is           to pre-aggregation for “real” forecast queries.
required to tradeoff accuracy, performance,          When an end-user combines many different
and cost.                                            dimensions in a query that need to intersect
                                                     query predicates, one must understand the
Sketching is a statistical approach to estimating    accuracy of intersected theta sketches.
aggregates. Also called streaming algorithms,        Depending on the sampling size used on
they have a mathematically guaranteed accuracy       sketches, estimator accuracy can vary significantly.
and perform in near constant time with minimal       This is dominated by the sketch with the least
storage requirements by storing the result in a      accuracy.2 One option is to sketch various
hashed format in a single pass so that source data   common combinations of predicates, but this
is not needed to satisfy a query. If the groups of   quickly spirals into combinatoric problems as the
data that are queried are mutually exclusive,        relevant combinations that must be considered
different sketches can be summed together.           explodes.
                                                       Source: Theta Sketch Set Operations Accuracyhttps://datasketches
© 2022 Ocient Inc                          
Real Time Bidding
                                                       Forecast Aggregates      Forecast API
                                            rollups    and Sketch Lookup
                          and Sketching                                          www
                                                                                                   Forecaster GUI

  Historical Data
                                                                                Queries            www

                                            sketches                            sketches
                                                                                and rollups
                                           Daily Batching

Figure 2 Sketch Based System Diagram

BENEFITS                                                           DRAWBACKS
• Quick response times when sketch results                         • Poor accuracy for “real” forecast queries that
  are precomputed                                                    require intersection

• Reduced storage requirements                                     • Specialized knowledge of sketching systems
                                                                     required for development, maintenance, and
• Summability makes late data arrival and                            extension of applications
  combination across multiple dimensions
  possible.                                                        • Lacks the ability to query more than a couple of
                                                                     combinations of targeting attributes accurately
• Query time and sketch update time scales
  sublinearly with sketched record count                           • Requires coordination of multiple data processing
                                                                     systems to handle sketch computation, storage
• High concurrent query processing                                   and querying
• Mathematically known error bounds                                • Less flexible solution, so new parameter
                                                                     combinations or capabilities are difficult to
                                                                   • Cannot provide user level data for advanced
                                                                     queries like frequency capping

© 2022 Ocient Inc
Approach #3: Custom                                   an inability to easily perform computations at an
Engineered Solutions                                  individual user or account level as the tie to
                                                      underlying data is usually lost in transformation.
A third approach occasionally pursued in
forecasting situations is a custom solution.          Like any custom solution, this can lead to
This approach is usually a custom superset of         technical debt that makes future extension of
pre-aggregation and statistical estimation. Unlike    the framework challenging. Retention of key
standard application Sketching, custom solutions      contributors to the project is critical for long
may use special data structures like bitmap           term maintenance and upgrades. Unlike modern
ndexes to allow for rapid set operations. In          databases that are built for streaming data
general, custom solutions are useful when             sources, any custom engineered solution would
straightforward pre-aggregation yields too            require a further investment in stream processing
many distinct values and ingest, storage, or          tooling or to settle for longer latency batch ETL
performance become challenging. Custom                processing.
applications are then built on top of these
performance optimizations to deliver a campaign
forecast UI that is quick enough for end users to

An alternative custom engineered solution
involves using batch ETL processes to combine
and downsample the data to a scale that is
manageable by a team’s existing database stack.
A processing framework like Spark or
Map-Reduce is used to run the ETL and the
downsampled results are stored in a database
like MySQL or PostgreSQL for querying. In these
cases, lengthy ETL processes are scheduled on a
daily or weekly basis to fully replace the working
data set or to incrementally update the data.
These processes grow in complexity over time
and can become brittle. Additionally, the
processing time elongates as ingested data scales
up leading to cost and data freshness issues. Any
feature requests for the forecasting application
tier require extensive data engineering and
backporting of historical data features before they
are production ready. For this reason, the batch
ETL approach can lead to lengthy delays in new
feature development and eventual product
stagnation. The ETL approach can also suffer from

© 2022 Ocient Inc
BENEFITS                                           DRAWBACKS

• Quick response times possible for targeted       • Very inflexible – new features or queries require
  subsets of queries                                 development effort or may not be possible

• Full control over low level engineering          • Challenging to adapt to changing AdTech
  details                                            landscape

• Possible storage and hardware savings if         • Key contributor risk to maintain system long
  application is well optimized                      term and growing technical debt

• Proprietary software retains intellectual        • Up front expense and time to develop can
  property                                           be prohibitive
                                                   • System accuracy and performance may vary
                                                     significantly based on engineering decisions
                                                   • In batch ETL flows, data processing time
                                                     increases with scale leading to eventual need
                                                     for replacement when data is not fresh enough
                                                     or costs grow too high.

Summary of Existing Solutions                      or batch ETL workflows may solve initial forecasting
                                                   use cases, but quickly become brittle in the face
In summary, existing solutions to campaign         of frequent feature requests. What works now
forecasting each have their shortcomings.          becomes dated and can quickly hit scale limits
Pre-aggregation or in-memory databases             as data volumes increase. In the next section,
attempt to shrink the amount of data that must     we will describe a radically simpler approach
be handled by queries, but they fall short on      leveraging raw bidder log data, enabled by
query flexibility and analytical power. Sketch     Ocient’s revolutionary new architecture.
estimation approaches can scale well by moving
processing into the streaming layer but involve
complex pre-processing and lose accuracy when
handling the type of complex query predicates
common in forecasting. Finally, custom solutions

© 2022 Ocient Inc
A NEW APPROACH: DIRECT SQL                            Now that it is technologically possible to build
                                                      interactive PB scale applications directly on raw
QUERY OF BIDDER LOG DATA                              bidder log data, this approach will become the
                                                      new standard in many applications. Engineering
Recent breakthrough innovation in NVMe SSD            managers will face a choice between augmenting
storage has made a new class of database              legacy data warehouses or adopting a newer more
application feasible and affordable. Ocient’s         highly optimized solution like Ocient. In the
optimized database engine is built specifically       following section, we outline why Ocient is the
for NVMe SSDs. This design enables novel,             best choice for full resolution analytics applications
simpler approaches to many big data challenges        and an excellent choice for Campaign Forecasting.
including Campaign Forecasting.

Rather than pre-aggregate or statistically            WHY OCIENT IS THE BEST CHOICE
estimate a predefined set of queries, Ocient
users write SQL to directly query full resolution
                                                      FOR BIDDER LOG ANALYTICS
bidder log data. Ocient’s Loading and
Transformation makes streaming data available         Built to scale to exabytes of data, Ocient is the only
for query with a low latency on time to query         solution that has the power to deliver flexible SQL
(in seconds) and with interactive query response      analysis on the full resolution digital trail required
times across trillions of data points.                for Campaign Forecasting and to lay a foundation
                                                      that scales cost effectively into the needs of the
Why haven’t AdTech firms queried raw                  future. Ocient radically simplifies the system
bidder log data before now?                           architecture for campaign forecasting and log
                                                      analytics. This leads to lower total cost of ownership,
Before Ocient, databases could not process            quicker development of new products, richer end
raw log data efficiently enough to deliver fast       user experiences, and faster response times.
responses at an affordable price. Queries took
minutes to return in Presto or Hive for Petabytes
of bidder log data. Other columnar SQL
                                                          THIS BEST-IN-CLASS PRICE TO
solutions could handle small samples (~ 0.5%-1%)
                                                          PERFORMANCE AND SYSTEM
of bidder log data but were designed in an era
                                                          SIMPLICITY IS MADE POSSIBLE BY
when 10-100 TB of data was considered large.
                                                          OCIENT’S UNIQUE DESIGN:
With these legacy data warehouses, all but the
simplest queries will fail to return in interactive
time. Legacy data warehouses were designed
                                                          1   Custom built database engine, optimized for
around spinning disk hard drive technology and
lack the architecture and low-level code to                   commodity NVMe Hard Drives at scale
optimize for today’s NVMe SSD hard drive                  2   ANSI SQL queries with powerful windowing,
performance. This leads to common scale                       aggregation, and machine learning models
problems: higher cost, slower queries, and                3   Complex Data Types
time-consuming workarounds.
                                                          4    Advanced Stream Loading and Transformation

© 2022 Ocient Inc

The guiding design principle of Ocient’s architecture
is to deliver massive scale data exploration at an
unbeatable total cost of ownership.                     A CRITICAL
                                                        MOMENT IN TIME
Ocient is a massively parallel distributed system
which stores data in optimized, partitioned,                 SSDs Rapidly Reaching HDDs Costs
indexed columnar data structures optimized for
extremely high disk input/output operations                      SSD vsHDD Price $/GB
(IOPS). Ocient Foundation Nodes run highly              $0.16
optimized C++ code that leverages the
incredible throughput of commodity NVMe
Hard Drives to achieve random read data rates           $0.08
that rival DRAM at a fraction of the cost               $0.04
($0.20/GB vs $5/GB). Ocient’s Zero-Copy                 $0.00                                        HDD
Reliability uses parity coding of data across the                 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025
Foundation Nodes to further reduce the cost of
data storage relative to redundant copy strat-
egies. This allows Ocient to operate on 1/5 the
storage of a copy-based system. This cost
advantage is multiplied when disaster recovery
systems are added.                                      SSDs closing the gap n HDDs,
                                                        achieving TCO$ cost crossover in 2022
The cost of NVMe Solid State Drives (SSD) is
expected to continue decreasing as they are
                                                         SSD Reaching Crossover with HDD in 2022
applied in broader applications and supplier
scale increases. Rob Cooke, SVP and GM Intel                      As measured by TCO$/TBe?Rack
NAND Products and Solutions Group illustrated
this trend in the Intel Memory and Storage
Briefing from December 2020 found at                    $200                                                              HDD
s/memory-and-storage.html. Intel projects that          $100
the TCO of SSDs will be lower than HDDs in              $0
2022. This will drive Ocient’s cost advantage
                                                                   2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025
over traditionally spinning disk-based
technologies like Hadoop or systems based on
object storage as Ocient optimizes database
                                                        Figure 3 Intel illustrates TCO crossover for SSD
performance on storage adjacent to compute.

© 2022 Ocient Inc
NVMe SSDs are also being adopted as the                               decisions and low-level engineering create the
storage layer in other data stacks as the costs                       efficiency at the core of Ocient’s ability to scale
decrease. As detailed in the “Ocient Cost vs                          cost-effectively. At petabyte and exabyte scale,
Performance Deep Dive” section, while other                           these efficiencies compound into substantial
databases try to “bolt on” NVMe SSDs, Ocient                          speed gains and cost savings as fewer nodes,
is highly optimized for this breakthrough                             fewer cores, less memory, and lower IT
technology creating high performance that                             management costs are needed to deliver the
legacy systems cannot touch. Key architectural                        required performance.

  Source: Intel Storage and Memory Moment 2020, Rob Crooke, Senior Vice President and General Manager, NAND Products & Solutions Group


NVMe Native
NVMe SSD drives have revolutionized the                               than 256 are required to saturate most NVMe
storage stack. SSD drives were introduced 10                          drives. Many servers have up to 8 NVMe drives
years ago, but the SATA interface constrained                         in them, so the software layer needs over 2,000
the speed to 70K IOPS and 4Gbps because of                            requests in flight to saturate an 8 drive NVMe
the lack of parallel access. It was only with the                     system. All databases designed prior to NVMe
introduction of NVMe in 2015 that SSD drives                          drives were not designed for this level of queue
have been able to achieve much high levels of                         depth. By focusing software on the new
throughput. NVMe enabled this performance                             parallel characteristics of NVMe drives, Ocient
disruption achieving throughput of 25Gbps with                        has optimized its software to realize the full
800K IOPS through parallel access and much                            performance from this storage disruption.
higher queue depths. Queue depths greater

© 2022 Ocient Inc
NVMe Direct

Most databases access the hard drive through a          has bypassed the kernel to read and write
filesystem and a kernel mode driver. This layer         directly to NVMe drives through the PCI bus.
of abstraction was acceptable when using                This direct level of access dramatically lowers
spinning disks, but as hard drives have increased       the number of context switches and memory
their performance, it has been increasingly             copies that need to occur in the data path. This
expensive to keep this level of abstraction. As a       dramatically frees up the memory bandwidth
result, Ocient has removed this abstraction and         and CPU usage for other tasks.


Until relatively recently, increases in computational   This sort of highly parallelized design must be
or data processing speed were made by increasing        built into the engine at its lowest levels and
the speed of processing elements such the CPU           cannot simply be "bolted on" after the fact.
clock rate. In the foreseeable future, increases        Most existing database systems were designed
in total computational throughput are realized          in a world where serial spinning disk technology
less through increasing the speed of single             was the only viable bulk storage available and
components and more through having multiple             with internal structures that don't align with the
components acting in parallel. Achieving peak           parallelism exposed by processing elements. As
throughput and performance from NVMe                    a result, they are often fundamentally incapable
storage, high core count processors, and                of fully utilizing the resources available. Since
modern memory systems requires software                 future increases in computational throughput
that has been designed to interact with and             will be brought about by increases in parallelism
consume these components in a highly parallel           at all levels of the hardware, existing database
manner. The Ocient database engine has been             systems will be even less capable of capitalizing
designed in just this way, with a significant focus     on this increased throughput. In contrast, the
on this parallelism to fully capitalize on the          Ocient database engine, due to its highly
capabilities of the modern hardware on which it         parallelized design, will be able to scale its
runs. This includes processing patterns that view       processing throughput in line with future
individual CPU cores as parallel data channels,         increases in hardware capabilities.
storage structures designed to effect parallel IO
requests, and data flow schemes that allow the
engine to maintain highly parallel flow across
process and network boundaries.

© 2022 Ocient Inc
Optimizer Optimizations

Optimizing database queries is an essential           results. This helps the optimizer to cost out
part of a relational database. The number of          alternative plans. Additionally, combining a rich
permutations available for complex queries is         set of runtime operators and novel stochastic
endless. Finding an optimal solution has              optimization techniques allows Ocient to
dramatic impact on query speed.                       generate execution plans for queries that would
                                                      be impossible or never found by traditional
The Ocient optimizer uses multi-dimensional           database systems.
probability density functions, instead of
histograms, to calculate selectivity. In general,     Finally, the Ocient optimizer has a model of the
this allows the optimizer to compute much more        network and hardware infrastructure layer to
accurate selectivity estimates and to understand      manage the optimizer and build a model to find
correlation between columns in intermediate           the most efficient execution path for the query.

Highly Optimized C++

Ocient is built in C++ with key performance           • Ocient has also designed its algorithms and
optimizations to maximize processing efficiency         structures to further minimize cache misses.
and throughput.
                                                      • Ocient uses huge pages in Linux and has written
                                                        custom memory allocators for different
• Ocient makes heavy use of C++ template
                                                        algorithms that run frequently. By avoiding
  capabilities that speed up the code paths during
                                                        fragmenting memory and using the knowledge
  processing and tend to minimize cache misses
                                                        of how the algorithms are going to use memory,
  on the processor.
                                                        memory bandwidth and CPU utilization are
                                                        dramatically improved.

Zero Copy Reliability

Many data systems rely on replicating data in         architects can choose a preferred level of reliability
triplicate to have the ability to recover data in a   based on the data parity width. At scale, the costs
hardware loss scenario. Ocient has developed          of reliably storing 100’s of PB of data are reduced
proprietary Zero Copy Reliability approaches that     from 200% to only 15% - 25% additional space
use parity encoding techniques across the Ocient      required to ensure reliability.
storage cluster to ensure data reliability. System

© 2022 Ocient Inc
ANSI SQL QUERIES AT SCALE                               Complex Data Types are essential to high
                                                        performing Campaign Forecast queries. Ocient
                                                        can deliver blazing fast performance at low cost
                                                        due to its complex types such as Arrays, Matrixes,
Built on the Foundation Nodes is a SQL processing       and Tuples that allow for nested data structures to
layer that uses probabilistic query planning to         be queried with amazing efficiency. Expensive
optimize queries and execute plans. Ocient SQL          query time joins are easily avoided due to this
looks exactly like familiar SQL dialects like           support, and rich set operations are also made
PostgreSQL so the learning curve for new                more efficient for Campaign Forecasting
engineers is essentially zero. Ocient SQL supports      applications. Ocient has also added indexing
the full suite of ANSI SQL capabilities through         strategies on these complex types that deliver
industry standard JDBC or ODBC drivers and              even faster query performance.
works easily with common visualization and data
tools. While NoSQL databases, Spark ETL jobs, or        In Campaign Forecasting, deep lists of attributes
Map-Reduce languages are challenging to write           such as audience segments or contextual data
well, SQL can easily perform powerful windowing         attributes can number in the hundreds or
functions, aggregates, joins, set operations, and       thousands depending on the data partnerships.
even machine learning functions within the data-        When querying tens of billions of bidder log
base. For example, Ocient allows the automated          events, the total entries in an array column could
creation and training of a multiple linear regression   number in the tens of trillions. Ocient’s phenomenal
model and the subsequent querying of data               disk throughput on foundation nodes and
against that model to make predictions.                 Complex Data Type optimizations make forecast
                                                        queries possible in interactive time. Competing
Campaign Forecasting with SQL brings the                technologies often require joins or runtime
flexibility to add new features such as hourly          parsing of string representations of Array, Tuple,
frequency capping with a single query. Ocient’s         or JSON data types. These approaches introduce
rapid response times allow this query to run on         excessive query processing overhead that leads
the fly for a user so no pre-aggregation or ETL         to slower queries and higher compute bills.
is required. This streamlines the prior workflow
which required the addition of new steps to the
ETL flow, complex aggregation steps to handle               OCIENT ALSO HAS OTHER
user-based computations, batching delays, and               PERFORMANCE OPTIMIZATIONS THAT
the possibility that results would be inaccurate in         BENEFIT ADTECH SOLUTIONS:
the end. Simplifications in the data stack like this
reduce the amount of code and number of
systems involved in creating insights which leads           • Geospatial data types such as points, lines,
to faster engineering team velocity.
                                                              and polygons to deliver geofencing capabilities
                                                            • High performance IP Address functionality
                                                            • Varchar column indexing strategies optimized
                                                              for domain names and URLs
                                                            • Join optimizations using Bloom filters and Semi-join

© 2022 Ocient Inc
ADVANCED STREAM LOADING                                In historical scenarios, large volumes can be batch
                                                       loaded at high rates to initiate analyses and
AND TRANSFORMATION                                     support new data exploration. In a continuous
                                                       streaming scenario, an N+M architecture is used
Ocient’s massively parallel stream loading system      for Indexer Nodes to provide high availability
can stream transform and load hundreds of              uptime of loading systems. The addition of new
thousands of records per second per node with          streams of data is as simple as publishing a
no complex stream engineering. This gracefully         stream to a Kafka topic and writing a single text
scales out horizontally to accommodate the             transformation so new data streams can be
largest data volumes in bidder log systems.            effortlessly onboarded by data engineers or
When a 100% sample is not required, it can             database administrators.
scale back and operate in a sampled data set
mode to save costs.
                                                       Benefits of Ocient for Bidder
Data is received in Ocient in standard formats         Log Analysis
such as JSON, AVRO, and TSV. As the data is
streamed, Ocient’s Loading and Transformation          Ocient’s simplified approach replaces multiple
system uses transformations based on familiar          ETL, storage, and processing applications and
SQL syntax to transform incoming data streams          hundreds of servers with a streamlined data
into tabular data. Transformed data is delivered       analytics cluster. This simplified architecture benefits
to Indexer Nodes that partition, order, and index      many types of users. Key benefits include:
the data for optimal storage on the Ocient
Foundation Nodes. Indexer Nodes are
decoupled from the storage system such that
they can scale horizontally to accommodate the              • Query Performance with minimal tuning
ingest rate separately from storage and querying
                                                            • Simplicity for developers – improving
requirements. Ocient seamlessly parallelizes
incoming streams onto available Indexer Nodes,                 time to market and reducing
maximizing throughput.                                         development costs
                                                            • Massive scalability and speed that
Data is made available for query within seconds.               future proof data infrastructure
This low latency availability of data for queries is
                                                            • Serving mixed workloads on a
critical in many AdTech applications. Ocient’s
Loading and Transformation system handles                      single system
streaming and batch jobs alike and leverages                • Cost benefits that continue to increase
industry standard queueing systems like Apache                 at scale due to storage innovations
Kafka to provide exactly once processing. Finally,             and optimized processing
Ocient allows for dynamic schema modifications
while streaming to ensure that data migrations
are reliable and effortless to deploy to production.

© 2022 Ocient Inc
                          • Transform and load data directly in Ocient
Data Engineers              reduces effort for data engineering projects
                          • Highly scalable loading processes
                          • Shared workload environment with advanced
Database Administrators     workload management settings
                          • Limited tuning required due to optimized
                            storage and compression strategies
                          • Build petabyte scale applications directly using
Software Engineers          SQL dramatically decreases project complexity
                          • Eliminates lengthy data prep and engineering
                            steps to condition data for interactive applications
                          • Ability to handle massive datasets eliminates
                            pre-aggregation and need for batch processes
                          • Reduce time to run machine learning tasks
Data Scientists           • Rapidly explore raw data with SQL instead of
                            less expressive or flexible query languages
                          • Perform powerful analytical windowing and
                            statistical queries in SQL
                          • Streamlined hardware requirements with
IT/Developer Operations     commodity parts for low cost, high availability
                          • Fewer system interconnections and failure
                            points and interconnections
                          • Simplified system monitoring via unified platform
                          • Reduced number of external data processing
Data Protection and         systems streamlines data protection efforts
Governance Managers       • Built in transformation simplifies data lineage
                          • Strong user access controls
                          • Simplified data stack requires less specialized
Engineering Leadership      talent allowing more team members to
                            participate in active data development and
                            easing recruiting challenges.
                          • SQL reduces training time to bring team
                            members up to speed vs
                            Spark/Map-Reduce/NoSQL queries

© 2022 Ocient Inc
DESIGNED FOR DIVERSE                                                 management and resource limit capabilities.
                                                                     Database administrators can limit the number of
ENTERPRISE WORKLOADS                                                 rows returned, max elapsed time for a query, max
                                                                     concurrent queries in a service class, and throttle
On Ocient, an analyst running an exploratory query                   access to system resources like disk spill space.
on all historical data that will take minutes to                     Administrators can also assign priorities to different
execute and a customer facing GUI running a query                    service classes to ensure that higher priority
that must return in seconds can operate simulta-                     workloads are prioritized by the query processing
neously. These mixed workloads are made possible                     engine.
on a single system through sophisticated workload

Figure 4 Example Mixed Workload Implementation in AdTech. High priority workloads are allowed to run more concurrent queries and are
scheduled with higher priority so that they perform at the highest level. Background processes and lower priority analyst users receive
fewer resources and limited concurrent queries which limits their impact on critical performance workloads.

© 2022 Ocient Inc
SECURITY AND PRIVACY                                    CASE STUDY

Ocient also provides fine grained access control        In this example, Ocient was installed to replace
to allow data controllers to assign rights to access    ElasticSearch as a campaign forecasting solution
and manage data. These rights are integrated            for a DSP. ElasticSearch had performed adequately
with Single Sign On (SSO) providers to allow            at a small scale (0.5% of bid opportunities) but
enterprise IT teams to easily manage which users,       was too expensive to operate at the scale the DSP
roles, and groups can interact with which data.         desired. A 50 node Elastic Search cluster was
Ocient’s monitoring solutions allow complete            required to serve forecast queries on demand, to
auditing of user access and activity providing          support nightly aggregation queries and to allow
essential tools to data security organizations.         ad hoc explorations by the operations team and

FORECASTING                                             The Challenge

Ocient’s streamlined big data SQL architecture          ElasticSearch was configured to consume a
is well suited for applications like Campaign           sample of the bid opportunity stream of JSON
Forecasting where interactive response times are        messages. Indexes were applied across most
required at PB scale. However, Ocient goes beyond       columns to improve query performance. Queries
these use cases to serve a broader array of more        needed to return in less than 5 seconds on
traditional OLAP style workloads while enabling         average to provide an interactive experience to
new possibilities. Within AdTech, Ocient is well        end users. Data freshness of one hour or less was
suited to deliver outstanding performance per dollar:   preferred by product management with a 7-day
                                                        lookback period. Daily aggregation jobs were
                                                        created to digest data from ElasticSearch and
                                                        store it in MySQL, a relational database tier. This
• Campaign and Private Marketplace                      allowed pre-aggregates to be frequently queried,
  Deal Troubleshooting                                  but some pre-aggregate sets were still large
• Supply Side Yield Optimization                        enough that developers avoided querying the
                                                        pre-aggregates unless strictly required. The
• Bidding Optimization
                                                        system setup worked well at smaller scale, but
• Impression Analysis and Attribution                   had the following drawbacks:
• Campaign Reporting
• User Profiles and Identity Resolution
• Machine Learning and Data Science
  Rapid Exploration
• Large Scale reporting over billions to
  trillions of records

© 2022 Ocient Inc

    50 ElasticSearch node cluster and wanted to increase the amount of data in the system by 2x-3x.
    The cost to handle this scale was too high to justify a ROI to the business, so they had to settle for
    less accurate analyses
2   QUERY SYNTAX: Difficult to write EQL queries against highly nested document structure with
    arrays, arrays of objects, etc.
3   ANALYSIS LIMITATIONS: Searching for record counts was simple, but more complex grouping,
    aggregation or sophisticated analyses that needed to run across joined records or sets not possible
4   OPERATIONS: Regular reindexing was a slow operation on production applications and
    complicated production updates
5   CROSSTALK: No easy way to limit the impact a resource intensive query would have on the overall
    system. Troubleshooting queries from analysts could negatively impact other customer facing
6   TIME TO QUERYABILITY: for some queries that merely retrieved records, time to queryability was
    adequate (< 1 hour), however for queries relying on pre-aggregation of results, fresh results were
    not available. In some cases, aggregated data was 24-36 hours old before being made available to
    query due to batching

The Solution
Ocient engaged the DSP in a pilot project to
demonstrate Ocient’s extreme performance on
the customer’s live application at larger scale.

The pilot Ocient system delivered response
times with a 4.6 second average response time
across tens of thousands of query variations
while loading 2.5x more data into the database
cluster. The pilot system, illustrated below, used
13 Foundation Nodes with 8x 4TB drives each for
a total raw storage of 416TB. Due to compression
performance of the data, this system can store
approximately 1.2PB of raw data.

© 2022 Ocient Inc
Data Engineering                                  Query Workload

Data was streamed into Kafka on four topics at    Campaign Forecasting was the focus of the pilot,
an average rate of 42,000-52,000 documents        including over 20,000 different variations of
per second. These topics were transformed and     campaign forecast queries. Simpler queries
loaded into tables using the Ocient Loading       counted bid opportunities for a small set of
and Transformation system, delivering data        targeting criteria. More complex queries included
latency of < 5 min. Ocient’s transformation       up to tens of thousands of filter criteria. Many of
capabilities were able to transform one JSON      these were unable to execute on the original
document into many different tables and to        ElasticSearch system but performed well on
explode rows in the JSON document such that       Ocient. Beyond counts, forecast queries also
many rows are generated per document in           analyzed the bid and win pricing information to
some tables. Beyond this, scalar transformation   generate pricing recommendations. Forecast
functions were used to clean data and derive      queries typically analyzed 7 days of data examining
columns in the final schema.                      20-30B auction data points. Finally, a set of other
                                                  analyses that joined more auction data to perform
                                                  inventory analysis, bid shading analysis, and bid
                                                  quality assessments were run in nightly batches.
© 2022 Ocient Inc
Data Validation                                      Seamless Company Adoption

Ocient collaborated with the customer quality        Ocient pilot projects are targeted to be production
assurance team to validate that the Campaign         ready deployment. As soon as the pilot period
Forecasting query results on Ocient matched the      completed, Ocient and the customer moved the
results from the original application. Once the      pilot cluster directly into production. In addition,
solution was validated, the customer switched        because SQL was well known by other engineers,
their Campaign Forecasting solution to begin         analysts, and operations teams at the company,
using Ocient.                                        adoption for other uses proceeded immediately
                                                     upon moving from the pilot to the production
Performance Validation

During the design process, Ocient’s performance      CONCLUSION
team evaluated different schema alternatives
and identified the best option for fast query        Recent breakthroughs in storage technologies
response times on the most critical Campaign         have opened up new possibilities for analytical
Forecasting queries. This involved small changes     applications like Campaign Forecasting. Ocient
to the clustering keys and application of            is pioneering a simpler approach to analyzing
secondary indexes over a few of the largest          massive, high-dimensional, high-cardinality data
array columns that store audience and                sets. This approach reduces engineering effort,
contextual identifiers in the schema to deliver an   speeds up delivery of new products, increases
average query response time under 5 seconds.         query accuracy and flexibility, and saves costs.
                                                     Software efficiencies and a unique architecture,
                                                     built for NVMe SSDs, allow Ocient to deliver
Enabling Forecast Improvements                       outstanding query performance at an industry
                                                     leading total cost of ownership. With elasticity of
During this process, the flexibility and speed of    both storage and compute, Ocient can expand
Ocient enabled additional extensions to the          to support the growth of current workloads as
forecasting application including:                   well as entirely new use cases. In the rapidly
                                                     changing world of AdTech, Ocient is a clear
                                                     contender for a better way of doing business.

• Forecast breakdowns showing the
 distribution of opportunities across key
• Advanced bid shading model support
• Rapid inventory analysis on more complex
 dimensions defined in SQL

© 2022 Ocient Inc
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