CalSAWS UAT Areas Participation Phases and Dates

Page created by Randy Silva
CalSAWS User CALWIN Acceptance Areas Attachment

        CalSAWS UAT Areas Participation Phases and Dates
        The table below provides a high-level view of the multiple UAT areas, a short summary of each test area, and timelines.

        UAT Participation Phases and Dates

          Test Effort Summary                             Preparation Dates                                  Execution Dates
                                                 CalSAWS Migration CALWIN UAT
Counties will confirm that the CalSAWS     Jan 26 - May 27, 2022                              Jun 13 – Sept 02, 2022
system (as a whole) functions per the      CalWIN County participants will participate in a   During the UAT Execution, Test execution will
approved CalSAWS Design,                   kick-off, a test scenario and script               be conducted in two groups and consists of:
Development, and Implementation            development process training, and weekly           • Jun 13 – June 24 and Jul 11 – Jul 22
(DD&I) requirements. The DD&I              touch points.                                         •  Security Validation consists of testers
migration changes were implemented             • Jan 26, 2022 - UAT Test Scenario and               logging into the UAT environment and
for the eligibility programs such as              Script Kick-Off                                   confirming their role and access to the
CalWORKs, CalFRESH, Medi-CAL, FC,              • Feb 01 – Mar 04, During the Test Scenario          application. This will be confirmed by
GA/GR etc., and functions such as                 development                                       running a series of generic scripts for
Welfare to Work, correspondence,               • CalWIN counties will be provided a                 their role verification. Participation in
fiscal, and specialized areas (including          baseline of Test Scenarios to peer review
CalSAWS User CALWIN Acceptance Areas Attachment

          Test Effort Summary                              Preparation Dates                                     Execution Dates
lobby management, manage                          and provide feedback and add                          this activity is required prior to UAT
personnel, resource databank etc.)                additional scenarios as needed via a                  Execution.
                                                  County Review coordinator                        • UAT Execution Process training will
End-to-End test scenarios are                         • Time commitment:                                provide the tester with hands-on
integrated and will cover                                 Self-paced within feedback due                instruction on how to:
                                                          dates                                         o Find a test script
•   Intake and Ongoing real production        •   Mar 01 – May 27, During the Test Script               o Execute a test script
    workflow scenarios                            development, participants will                        o Log a finding
•   Journal entries, Task management,             participate in:                                       o Retest, and validate defects
    BenefitsCal, e-apps, Imaging, EDBC,           • Mar 01- Mar 04, Application Training         • Jun 27 – Jul 22 and Jul 25 – Aug 19, Script
    and Correspondence are                            for CalWIN County participants will           Execution will be performed based on
    integrated in all applicable program              be provided via self-paced LMS and            role, program, and functional areas.
    areas                                             access to a hands-on CalSAWS                  During execution testers will participate
•   Adhoc testing can be completed                    environment                                   in:
    after all daily assignments are               • Mar 07- May 27 Consortium and                  • Daily stand-up meetings
    complete                                          CalSAWS (40-Non CalWIN) County               • Executing scripts, and
                                                      participants will participate in Test        • Logging of findings
Execution will be conducted in two                    Script development, and                      • Commitment for a minimum four-week
groups                                                • Time commitment:                                period
Group 1:                                                  Full-time (i.e., M: noon-5:00pm, Tu-     • CalSAWS (40-Non CalWIN) County
1. CW, CF, and Non-FC Resource Data                       Th: 9am-5pm, F: 9am-noon)                     participants can participate as SMEs
   Bank (RDB)                                 •   Mar 14 – Mar 18 CalWIN County                         on the Triage team
2. CAPI (*2 wks.)                                 participants will have the option to peer      • Jul 25 – Aug 12 and Aug 22 – Sept 02,
3. Child Care (*2 wks.)                           review Test Scripts and provide                   Defect Retest will be performed as
4. GAGR                                           feedback for a subset of 2-3 Test Scripts         defects are delivered during the
5. WTW, FSET, Non-FC Resource Data                                                                  execution timeframe. On-call defect
   Bank (RDB), Cal-Learn                                                                            retesting for defect fixes delivered
6. Manage Personnel                        There are two Preparation roles a participant            outside the execution window will be
7. Lobby Management                        can be part of:                                          extended to the tester that identified the
                                             Role          Responsibilities                         defect if they are able to retest.
                                             Review        • Receive test scenarios and
Group 2:                                     Coordinator      subset of scripts for review       •   Time commitment:
UAT Kick-Off and Security Validation                          and input
CalSAWS User CALWIN Acceptance Areas Attachment

             Test Effort Summary                            Preparation Dates                                    Execution Dates
•   MC/CMSP                                   (CalWIN       •   Coordinate reviews within       Full-time (i.e., M: noon-5:00pm, Tu-Th: 9am-
•   FC, AAP, KG, ARC and FC RDB               only)             county and reconcile            5pm, F: 9am-noon)
•   Fiscal Issuance & Reports **                                feedback
•   Fiscal OP/OI & Reports**                  One per       •   Participate in weekly Q         There are three Execution roles a participant
•   State Reports**                           County            and A touch points              can be part of:
•   Special Units- Hearings and Special       Test Script   •   Develop detailed test            Role           Responsibilities
    Investigations (*1 wk.)                   Developer         scripts                          User           • Execute Test Scenario
•   Special Units - QA, Error Prone, IEVS      (CalSAWS-    •   Receive feedback and             Acceptance        and log results
    (*1 wk.)                                  Non-              apply it as applicable           Tester         • Retest Defects and log
                                              CalWIN)       •   Participate in weekly Q          (CalWIN           results
** Selective Imaging and Reports                                and A touch points               only)          • Participate in Triage
validation will require on site                                                                                    Meetings
participation                                               •   Time commitment:                                • Highlight Business
                                                                Full time                                          process impacts
                                                                                                 UAT Triage     • Participate in Triage
Maximum participation of one county                                                              Subject           Meetings
representative per program/functional       May 02 – Jun 10, 2022,                               Matter         • Triage Findings for a
area                                        UAT Execution participants will participate in in    (CalWIN and       group of Testers
                                            self-paced LMS, demonstrations and hands on          CalSAWS)       • Provide SME Business
                                            CalSAWS application training                                           process support
                                            • Time commitment:                                                  • Highlight Business
                                                Self-paced, and scheduled time                                     process impacts
                                                                                                 UAT Security • Maintain Security profiles
                                                                                                 Administrator • Identify Security Role
                                                                                                 (CalWIN           mapping issues
                                                CalSAWS Imaging (Admin) CALWIN
Counties will confirm that the CalSAWS      Feb 17 - Apr 08, 2022                               Jul 05 – Aug 05, 2022
Imaging Administrative functionality        CalWIN County participants will participate in a    •   Jul 05 – Jul 07, UAT participants learn
such as editing Imaging security            kick-off, a test scenario and script                    about test execution tools, execution test
rights/groups, searching within the         development process training, and weekly                scripts, logging defects and retesting
Imaging application, specialty drawers,     touch points.                                           defects.
CalSAWS User CALWIN Acceptance Areas Attachment

           Test Effort Summary                       Preparation Dates                                   Execution Dates
exception queue processing, and      •   Feb 17, UAT Test Scenario and Script Kick-Off      • Week 1-Day 1: How to log in and
validating workflow queue creation   •   Feb 21 – Mar 04, During the Test Scenario              access all the tools and environments
functions as designed.                   development                                        • Week 1-Day 2: Security profile
                                         • CalWIN counties will be provided a                   validation via general role/program-
                                            baseline of Test Scenarios to peer review           based checklist
                                            and provide feedback and add                    • Week 1-Day 3: UAT Execution process
                                            additional scenarios as needed via a                training with hands-on scenarios
                                            County Review coordinator                  •    Jul 11 – Jul 22, UAT participants will
                                     •   Mar 07 – Apr 08, During the Test Script            execute scenarios/cases, document
                                         development,                                       results and findings/defects, and
                                         • Mar 02- Mar 04, Application Training for         participate in daily meetings. A
                                            CalWIN County participants will be              commitment for a minimum of two-week
                                            provided via self-paced LMS and access          period.
                                            to a hands-on CalSAWS environment               • Time commitment:
                                         • Mar 07- Apr 08 Vendor develops Test                  Full-time (i.e., M: noon-5:00pm, Tu-Th:
                                            Scripts                                             9am-5pm, F: 9am-noon)
                                         • Mar 21 – Mar 25 CalWIN County                        period.
                                            participants will have the option to peer   •    Aug 01 – Aug 05, Retest will be
                                            review Test Scripts and provide                  performed as defects are delivered
                                            feedback for a subset of 2-3 Test Scripts        during the execution timeframe. On-call
                                         • Time commitment:                                  defect retesting for defect fixes delivered
                                            Full-time                                        outside the execution window will be
                                                                                             extended to the tester that identified the
                                     There are two Preparation roles a participant           defect if they are able to retest.
                                     can be part of:                                         • Time commitment:
                                       Role          Responsibilities                            As needed
                                       Review        • Receive test scenarios and
                                       Coordinator      subset of scripts for review   There are three Execution roles a participant
                                       (CalWIN          and input                      can be part of:
                                       only)         • Coordinate reviews within        Role           Responsibilities
                                                        county and reconcile            User           • Execute Test Scenario
                                                        feedback                        Acceptance        and log results
CalSAWS User CALWIN Acceptance Areas Attachment

Test Effort Summary                   Preparation Dates                              Execution Dates
                                      •   Participate in weekly Q      (CalWIN        •   Retest Defects and log
                                          and A touch points           only)              results
                        Test Script   •   Develop detailed test                       •   Participate in Triage
                        Developer         scripts                                         Meetings
                         (CalSAWS-    •   Receive feedback and                        •   Highlight Business
                        Non-              apply it as applicable                          process impacts
                        CalWIN)       •   Participate in weekly Q      UAT Triage     •   Participate in Triage
                                          and A touch points           Subject            Meetings
                                                                       Matter         •   Triage Findings for a
                                      •   Time commitment:             (CalWIN and        group of Testers
                                          Full time                    CalSAWS)       •   Provide SME Business
                                                                                          process support
                                                                                      •   Highlight Business
                      Jun 27 – Jul 01, 2022, UAT Execution                                process impacts
                      participants will participate in in self-paced   UAT Security •     Maintain Security
                      LMS, demonstrations and hands on CalSAWS         Administrator      profiles
                      application training                             (CalWIN       •    Identify Security Role
                      • Time commitment:                               only)              mapping issues
                         Self-paced, and scheduled time.
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