Call for Expressions of Interest - Wits RHI

Call for Expressions of Interest - Wits RHI
Call for Expressions of Interest
November 21, 2019

Invitation to implement HIV prevention, care and treatment
activities for key populations in South Africa
(Female sex workers and transgender women)

Implementation period:
January 01, 2020 – September 30, 2021

Notice: Bidders’ Questions and Responses
   •   Wits RHI will accept requests for clarification submitted by email at the following address:
   •   Questions must be received by 12:00 noon South African Standard Time (SAST) on
       Thursday, November 28, 2019
   •   Questions and responses will be shared on the Wits RHI website at 17:00 by Friday,
       November 29, 2019
Table of Contents
SECTION A: PROGRAM DESCRIPTION ..................................................................................................... 3
   1.    Overview ..................................................................................................................................... 3
   2.    Goal and Objectives .................................................................................................................... 3
   3.    Geography and Target Populations ............................................................................................ 4
   4.    Monitoring and Evaluation ......................................................................................................... 5
SECTION B: GRANT INFORMATION ......................................................................................................... 6
   5.    Funding Availability ..................................................................................................................... 6
   6.    Start Date and Period of Performance........................................................................................ 6
   7.    Purpose of the Grant and Role of Prime and Recipient .............................................................. 6
SECTION C: ELIGIBILITY INFORMATION .................................................................................................. 7
   8.    Eligible Applications .................................................................................................................... 7
SECTION D: APPLICATION AND SUBMISSION INFORMATION ................................................................ 8
   9.    Application Instructions .............................................................................................................. 8
   10.       Submission Process and Timeline ......................................................................................... 10
SECTION E: APPLICATION REVIEW INFORMATION ............................................................................... 11
   11.       Selection Decision ................................................................................................................. 12
   12.       Anticipated Announcement and Award Dates ..................................................................... 13
SECTION F: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION AND DISCLAIMERS ............................................................... 13

                                                                                                                                    Page 2 of 16
    1. Overview
The goal of USAID/South Africa’s Advancing the South African HIV Response for Key Populations (KP)
Activity is to reduce HIV incidence and mitigate the impact of HIV in South Africa through the
advancement of HIV prevention, care, and treatment services and interventions for KP. Wits
Reproductive Health and HIV Institute, a division of Wits Health Consortium (Pty) Ltd (hereafter
referred to as Wits RHI) is the prime Recipient of a five-year Cooperative Award starting October 01,
2018 to implement activities for female sex workers (FSW) and transgender women (TGW). The
Activity supports the implementation of the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) in
South Africa, the Government of South Africa’s (GoSA) National Strategic Plan (NSP) on HIV, TB and
STIs (2017-2022), the South African National Sex Worker HIV Plan (2016-2019), and the South
African National Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender HIV Framework (2017-2022).

PEPFAR has committed additional resources to key populations programming under this Award via
the Key Populations Investment Fund (KPIF). The KPIF aims to identify, measure, and change the
complex dynamics driving stigma, discrimination, and violence towards KP individuals as well as to
expand their access to and retention in HIV prevention, care and treatment. It will support KP-led,
competent and trusted organizations serving KP individuals and contribute to their technical and
institutional capacity strengthening.

The expansion of FSW programming will be supported in the PEPFAR implementation districts City of
Johannesburg, City of Tshwane and Ekurhuleni metropolitan municipalities and Vhembe district
municipality; and TGW programming in the City of Johannesburg, City of Cape Town, Nelson
Mandela Bay and Buffalo City metropolitan municipalities.

This announcement is a call for expressions of interest (EOI) from South African civil society
organizations (CSOs) to be considered as sub-partners, on an appropriate contracting mechanism to
be decided as the sole discretion of Wits RHI. Applicants should have both program implementation
and monitoring & evaluation knowledge, skills and experience in the program areas listed under the
scope of work and be present in the districts identified. Please note that implementing partner
selection is subject to USAID/ Southern Africa approval.

    2. Goal and Objectives
The goal of Wits RHI is to support the achievement and maintenance of epidemic control through
improved accessibility, acceptability, coverage, and quality of HIV services for key populations in
South Africa. In doing so, it seeks to strengthen sustainable community ownership through capacity
strengthening of local KP-led, competent and trusted organizations. The activities will engage KP-led
organizations and communities in the achievement of results under the Advancing the South African
HIV Response for Key Populations (KP) Activity, namely:

•   Increased demand for and availability and access to comprehensive prevention, care and
    treatment services and interventions for KP members
•   Increased capacity of KPs to advocate for and implement HIV activities
•   Strengthened systems for planning, monitoring, and quality assurance of sex worker programs

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The goal of the KPIF is to achieve accelerated HIV epidemic control amongst key populations. Over
the two-year period of performance, the program will achieve the following six objectives:

Objective 1: Intensify community mobilization and demand creation through cadres of peer
educators, navigators’, and health care workers serving KP individuals.
Objective 2: Increase HIV testing and case finding amongst FSW and TGW through risk network
referral, index testing and social network testing strategies.
Objective 3: Increase antiretroviral therapy (ART) initiation amongst FSW and TGW.
Objective 4: Improve ART retention/ adherence and achieve viral load (VL) suppression amongst FSW
and TGW.
Objective 5: Scale up pre-and post-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP and PEP) and support consistent and
accurate use amongst FSW and TGW.
Objective 6: Address the social and structural drivers of HIV transmission (stigma, discrimination,
criminalization and violence) amongst FSW and TGW.

    3. Geography and Target Populations
 Province                 District                                                 Target Population
 Gauteng                  City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality (CoJ)     FSW & TGW
                          City of Tshwane Metropolitan Municipality (CoT)          FSW
                          Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality (EMM)               FSW
 Limpopo                  Vhembe District Municipality (VDM)                       FSW
 Eastern Cape             Nelson Mandela Bay Metropolitan Municipality (NMB)       TGW
                          Buffalo City Metropolitan Municipality (BC)              TGW
 Western Cape             City of Cape Town Metropolitan Municipality (CoCT)       TGW
Table 1. PEPFAR KPIF Implementation Districts Activities

Activities focus on the implementation of a comprehensive package of services and interventions to
FSW and TGW. The Recipient(s) need not address all the objectives listed below. Successful
implementation will utilize innovative approaches to address gaps in programming that impede
achievement of PEPFAR and USAID/ Southern Africa’s aim for epidemic control and achievement of
annual targets in South Africa.

Successful Applicants will work in close partnership with Wits RHI and its implementing partners.
Table 2 describes illustrative sub-partner activities under KPIF Objectives 1-6 that Wits RHI is
interested in supporting.

 Objectives                               Illustrative Interventions/ Activities
 Objective 1: Intensify community         •   Community stakeholder engagement
 mobilization and demand                  •   Innovative community outreach modalities to improve case finding
 creation through cadres of peer          •   Innovative demand creation approaches
 educators’, navigates, and health        •   Peer lead community mobilization
 care workers serving KP                  •   Social networking technologies for improved health outcomes and
 individuals.                                 service utilization.
                                          •   Condoms and lubricant distribution
                                          •   Intensified outreach and linkage for HIV-positive FSW and TGW
                                          •   Health education
                                          •   Individual risk profiling
                                          •   Sensitization of health care workers
                                          •   Development and distribution of FSW and TGW specific
                                              information, education and communication (IEC) material
 Objective 2: Increase HIV testing        •   Strengthened referrals and linkages for HIV testing
 and case finding amongst FSW             •   Distribution of HIV self-testing kits

                                                                                                  Page 4 of 16
and TGW through self-testing,             •   Collaborate with Ward Base Outreach Teams and district
 index testing and social network              implementing partner community teams
 testing strategies.
 Objective 3: Increase                     •   Intensified linkage and enrolment of newly diagnosed FSWs and
 antiretroviral therapy (ART)                  TGW on ART
 initiation amongst FSW and
 Objective 4: Improve ART                  •   Peer navigation support to implementing partners to enhance
 retention/ adherence and                      linkage, reduce loss to follow up and improve adherence
 achieve viral load (VL)                   •   Behavioral interventions in increase adherence such as ART
 suppression amongst FSW and                   support groups
 TGW.                                      •   VL literacy and demand creation for VL testing
                                           •   Undetectable=Untransmittable messaging and campaigns
                                           •   Provide tracing and tracking services of missed appointments and
                                               Lost to Follow Up individuals in collaboration with Ward Base
                                               Outreach Teams and district implementing partner community
 Objective 5: Scale up pre- &              •   PrEP marketing
 post-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP           •   PrEP screening
 & PEP) and support consistent             •   Linkage to PrEP services
 and accurate use amongst FSW              •   Follow up of FSW and TGW enrolled on PrEP to support continued
 and TGW.                                      and accurate use
                                           •   Behavioral interventions to support continued use of PrEP
 Objective 6: Address the social           •   Psychosocial support programs to support coping skills, disclosure
 and structural drivers of HIV                 support and adherence to treatment/PrEP
 transmission (stigma,                     •   Identification of mental health needs and referral to services as
 discrimination and violence)                  needed
 amongst FSW and TGW                       •   Community empowerment interventions including support groups
                                               and safe spaces.
                                           •   Funding will also support FSW and TGW-led organizations and
                                               networks to implement community-based monitoring, with a focus
                                               on access to, and quality of, services.
                                           •   Community-driven monitoring of human rights violations
                                           •   Community dialogues to address the high prevalence of violence
                                               and police discrimination against FSW and TGW
                                           •   Sensitization of law enforcement agents to reduce stigma and
                                           •   Capacity building in selected Department of Health (DoH) facilities
                                               to provide FSW and TGW HIV-related services
Table 2. Illustrative activities for FSWs and TGW

     4. Monitoring and Evaluation
Wits RHI will monitor overall project performance against several PEPFAR and custom indicators,
including those listed in Table 2. The selected organizations will contribute to the provisional targets
indicated for the first year ending September 30, 2020.

                                                                                                     Page 5 of 16
Districts                  CoJ         CoT          EMM         VDM   CoJ   CoCT   BC       NMB

                           SW          SW           SW          SW    TG    TG     TG       TG


Outreach                   4527        3020         1787        735   649   402    138      210
HIV Testing                1697        1133         670         276   389   241    83       126
HIV Test Positive          254         170          100         41    78    48     17       25
HIV Positive Linked to ART 229         153          90          37    70    44     15       23
HIV Negative Linked to
                           433         289          171         70    93    58     20       30
HIV Self Screening Kits
                           1839        1227         726         299   422   261    90       136
Gender based violence
                           679         453          268         110   97    60     21       31
Gender based violence
                             340         227          134        55   49    30     10       16
package provided
Return to care -
Treatment experienced 34                 23           14         6    11    7      3        4
person linked to ART
Community Supported
                             66          44           26         11   28    17     7        10
Table 3. KPIF Civil Society Organization Indicators’ and Targets

     5. Funding Availability
Subject to funding availability, Wits RHI will distribute up to $3 over a two-year period. Wits RHI
anticipates awarding multiple grants as a result of this Call for EOI, ranging from approximately $100,
000 to $300, 000 for each grant for the duration of the project.

Wits RHI reserves the right to determine the most appropriate contracting mechanism as well as the
most technically appropriate approach based on the applications received and the outcome of the
review process; to adjust proposed funding levels per grant; and may fund any one or none of the
applications submitted.

     6. Start Date and Period of Performance
It is anticipated that award(s) will be made in January 2020, with results reporting expected to begin
as of January 1, 2020. The estimated period of each award made as a result of this funding opportunity
is twenty-one months.

     7. Purpose of the Grant and Role of Prime and Recipient
The principal purpose of the relationship with the Prime and Recipient and under the subject
program is to transfer funds to accomplish a public purpose of support or stimulation of the Key
Populations Investment Fund.

Wits Reproductive Health and HIV Institute, a division of Wits Health Consortium (Pty) Ltd. Wits
Health Consortium (Pty) Ltd is a wholly owned company of the University of the Witwatersrand.

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The successful Recipient will be responsible for ensuring the achievement of the program objectives
and the efficient and effective administration of the grant through the application of sound
management practices. The Recipient will assume responsibility for administering funds in a manner
consistent with underlying agreements, program objectives, and the terms and conditions of the
grant. The Recipient using its own unique combination of staff, facilities, and experience, has the
primary responsibility for employing whatever form of sound organization and management
techniques may be necessary in order to assure proper and efficient administration of the resulting

    8. Eligible Applications
Qualified Applicants should meet all the following minimum eligibility criteria:

•   Must be locally registered as a CSO in South Africa, and may be faith-based, community-based,
    or a national CSO.
•   Must be KP-led or trusted organizations
•   Must have demonstrated experience in implementing services (biomedical, behavioral, and/or
    structural advocacy interventions related to HIV) among FSWs and/or TGW populations.
•   Must have current presence/activities in the targeted geographic regions.
•   Must disclose any conflict of interest. The Applicant’s relationships, associations, activities, and
    interests should not create a conflict of interest that could prevent full impartiality in
    implementation of the grant activities.
•   Must have established financial management, monitoring and evaluation processes, internal
    control systems, and policies and procedures that comply with established U.S. Government
    standards, laws, and regulations. The successful Applicant(s) will be subject to a pre-award
    capacity assessment by Wits RHI.
•   Must have or be in the processing of obtaining a DUNS number
•   Requirement for System of Award Management (SAM). Unless you are exempted from this
    requirement under 2 CFR 25.110, you as the recipient must maintain the currency of your
    information in SAM until you submit the final financial report required under this award or
    receive the final payment, whichever is later. This requires that you review and update the
    information at least annually after the initial registration, and more frequently, if required by
    changes in your information or another award term. (
•   Must be able to comply with all USG regulations as per or indicate steps underway to meet these
Any organization that does not meet these minimum eligibility criteria will not be considered.
Applications will undergo a preliminary review for completeness and responsiveness. Incomplete
applications, applications judged to be unresponsive to the Call for EOI, and applications submitted
after the due date and time will be considered ineligible and will NOT be considered for an award.
The Recipient must be a responsible entity. Wits RHI will conduct a pre-award capacity assessment
to determine whether the prospective Recipient has the necessary organization, experience,
accounting and operational controls, and technical skills – or ability to obtain them – in order to
achieve the objectives of the program and comply with the terms and conditions of the award.

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Note: Interested CSOs may express their interest as a single CSO or as a “consortium.” Consortiums
should select partners that complement their organizational strengths in providing a comprehensive
cascade of HIV services to FSWs or TGW individuals. If CSOs are forming a consortium, then the
strengths of each consortium member need to be detailed in the application. The lead for the
consortium should be the lead Applicant and as such will assume the overall financial and technical
responsibility for any funds received as well as all risk for the funds that are sub-granted to other
CSOs in the consortium

    9. Application Instructions
Applicants are expected to review, understand, and comply with all aspects of the Call for EOI.
Submissions that do not strictly comply with all the instructions and requirements outlined within
this Call for EOI or as requested by Wit RHI face the risk of being eliminated from consideration. It is
the Applicant’s responsibility to ensure that all necessary documentation is complete and received
on time.

Applications should be no longer than seven pages, excluding the budget and appendices, and
include the following information:

All text must be in Times New Roman 12-point font, with a minimum of 1-inch margins on all sides.
The Technical Application must be submitted in pdf format and in unlocked MS Word format. Tables,
graphs, and charts may use smaller font, but not less than 8-point may be used for any text. All
documentation must be written in English, and pages must be numbered, including numbered
Annexes (e.g. Annex 1). Technical applications must strictly follow the format prescribed below.
Please clearly label the file “Name of organization or consortium – Technical Proposal”

    A. Organizational Background (two pages maximum)
Applicants should briefly detail the following information in the organizational background section.
This information can be presented in a table format if needed.

If applying as a consortium, this information should be provided for the lead Applicant/lead
consortium member (clearly indicated) as well as each additional member organization in the

    •   Name of the organization.
    •   Registration number and DUNS number
    •   A program title that captures the essence of what the applicant is trying to accomplish.
    •   Duration of the proposed program with a start and end date between 01 January, 2020 and
        30 September, 2021
    •   Contact person and their/ his/ her title, including full address, telephone number, mailing
        address and email address. Please state whether the contact person is the person with
        authority to contract for the Applicant, and if not, that person should also be listed.

    •   Type of organization. Indicate if it is a membership organization.
    •   Current geographical coverage (states, local government areas, wards, communities/hot
    •   Organizational vision, mission, goals, and objectives.

                                                                                           Page 8 of 16
•   A list of current and recently completed HIV projects. Please include for each project the
        technical and geographic areas of focus, the groups served, and numbers reached. Please
        emphasize any work that you have done related to key populations; HIV prevention, care,
        and treatment activities; human rights; stigma and discrimination; increasing access to
        health services; gender; and gender-based violence.
    •   Sources and funding levels for the past three years. Indicate if the sources are
        private/foundation or government (United States, South Africa, other).
    •   Organizational structure and staffing/membership level.

   B. Technical Proposal (five pages maximum)
Applicants should detail the following in the technical proposal:

         B.1 Technical Approach and Key Activities
In this section Applicants should describe in detail the specific activities that they will conduct and
the proposed approaches they will take to ensure their success. Please take note of the following
when developing this section:

    •   This section, together with related supporting technical data in the annex, must include
        information enough to evaluate the application under the technical understanding and
        proposed program criteria and demonstrate how the proposed activities are likely to achieve
        results associated with objectives as articulated in the Call for EOI. The proposed program
        should be based on evidence and sound theories of change that illustrate how the proposed
        activities will lead to the desired outputs, outcomes, and results.
    •   This section should reflect an understanding of the HIV epidemiological context as it relates
        to the activities, the challenges associated with delivering a sustained program, and how
        these challenges will be overcome to achieve results.
    •   While all approaches and activities proposed should fall within the parameters of the KPIF
        objectives, Applicants are encouraged to propose additional activities and innovative
        strategies not specifically mentioned in this Call for EOIs that may also address the
    •   No single Applicant will be expected to address every activity in Table 2 above; rather,
        Applicants may focus on those that are the best match for their reach, mission, and capacity.
    •   Applicants are expected to propose specific geographic areas in the targeted regions in
        which they either have current presence or can reasonably expand to within a short period
        of time (less than 3 months). Applicants will be expected to work closely with Wits RHI and
        its current implementing partners in implementing their activities.
    •   During the EOI process, Wits RHI will be responsible for coordinating among Applicants to
        ensure that all the key activities, KPs, and geographies are covered.
Applicants should organize this section as follows:

    •   Indicate the proposed geographic area/s in which the Applicant will implement this project.
    •   Describe the overall technical approach to conducting activities, including what strategies
        the Applicant will use to ensure success. Where applicable, clearly indicate how strategies
        will differ based on the target population or geographic region.
    •   List and describe activities according to the objectives. (Keep in mind Applicants are not
        required to address all objectives or all activities within a specific objective. Applicants are
        free to focus on a sub-set of activities.)
Applicants are free to present the information above in narrative or table format and use figures as

                                                                                            Page 9 of 16
B.2     Management Approach and Institutional Capabilities
In this section Applicant should describe the management and staffing structure that will ensure
the successful implementation of the project.

        B.3     Monitoring and Evaluation Plan
Applicants should include the following in this section:
   • A description of how the Applicant’s monitoring and evaluation (M&E) system will support
        the implementation of the project.
   • A description of how the Applicant will use M&E data for continual project improvement.
   • Information on the Applicant’s current capacity to collect and analyze data; and monitor and
        evaluate project performance.

    C. Instructions for Preparation of the Budget
Applicants should prepare and submit a proposed budget in accordance with their proposed
interventions for the period of performance (January 1, 2020 to September 30, 2021). Applicants
must submit the budget in unlocked Excel format, using the budget template provided in this Call
for EOI.

Please clearly label the file “Name of organization or consortium – Budget”

    D. Annexes
The following annexes should be submitted with the application:

      •   Annex A – Certificate of Registration or Incorporation Papers
      •   Annex B – Supporting Data (up to 5 pages total)
          This section is optional, and may include any detailed graphs, maps, tables and other related
          technical information that support the Applicant’s technical approach. All supporting data
          must be clearly referenced in the Technical Application and referred to in Annex A (e.g. ‘See
          Annex A, Figure 1).

10.       Submission Process and Timeline

Questions and Answers
All questions regarding this announcement must be submitted in writing via email to by 12:00 noon South African Standard Time (SAST) on Thursday,
November 28, 2019. Responses to questions will be shared the Wits RHI website by 17:00 South
African Standard Time (SAST) on Friday, November 29, 2019.

The deadline for submission of completed EOIs is 12:00 midday South African Standard Time (SAST)
on Thursday, December 5, 2019. Late submissions will not be accepted.

All Applicants are required to:
     • Clearly reference subject line of the application as “Key Population Investment Fund Sub-
         Awardee Application 2019 – Name of organization or consortium”.
     • Ensure completeness of the application (including the attachment of all necessary
         supporting documentation) and not exceed recommended length of sections.
     • Attach board resolution authorizing submission of application.
     • Confirm in writing that the information and statements made in the proposal submission are
         true and accept that any misrepresentation contained in it may lead to disqualification.

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•    Ensure that appropriate staff is available on site when an on-site capacity assessment visit
         is scheduled.

Microsoft Word, Excel (for the budget), and Adobe Acrobat (PDF) files are all acceptable. Please do
not include attachments over 15 MB.

Only one EOI may be submitted per organization or consortium. After the EOI review process, Wits
RHI may contact Applicants with questions to clarify aspects of their applications. Applicants should
ensure timely submission of all documents and reports if requested as part of the assessment of the
organization’s ability to continuously fulfil the role of an implementing partner.

Table 4 below provides a summary of key dates in this EOI process.

 Milestone                                                           Dates
 EOI issue date                                                      November 21, 2019
 Questions due to                     November 28, 2019
 Responses to questions                                              November 29, 2019
 EOI submission deadline                                             December 5, 2019
 EOI review and post-submission Q&A                                  December 5-6, 2019
 Pre-award assessments                                               December 9-13, 2019
 Final selection and notification to Applicants                      December 17, 2019
 Sub-award development                                               December 17-31, 2019
 Sub-awards with successful Applicants processed and executed        January 1, 2020
Table 4. Key dates for EOI process

The criteria listed below are presented by major category, so that Applicants will know which areas
require emphasis in the preparation of the technical application. The highest ranking that can be
awarded in evaluating will depend on how well each element provided below addressed.

The selection panel will objectively review and score all applications against the following criteria:

                                                                                          Page 11 of 16
Criteria                                                                                          Points
      • The Applicant is KP-led and demonstrates the ability to reach KP communities and              40
          social networks in the selected regions the application includes all components
          detailed above
      • The Applicant meets minimum eligibility criteria
      • The Applicant organizational vision, mission, goals, and objectives are in line with
          the KPIF program
      • The Applicant has demonstrated their actual experience in delivering advocacy
          projects for KPs that are aligned to the objectives of the KPIF of implementation
          projects in the geographical areas in the past, and included clear examples
      • The Applicant has successfully managed donor funds
 TECHNICAL APPROACH AND KEY ACTIVITIES                                                                25
      • The application demonstrates a clear understanding of the current HIV epidemic in
          South Africa, and within the specific target population(s) for which the Applicant is
      • The technical approach is clear, complete, and responsive to the Wits RHI
          objectives and the requirements of this EOI
      • The technical approach is innovative, based on best practices, optimally targeted,
          and is likely to achieve the intended results
      • The Applicant demonstrates an understanding of the context and expertise on the
          subject matter described in this EOI
      • The application is likely to build local capacity and promote a sustainable response.
      • The technical approach clearly articulates what activities will be conducted, how,
          where, and by whom and with a clear timeline
 MANAGEMENT APPROACH AND INSTITUTIONAL CAPACBILTIES:                                                  20
      • The application proposes management structure and team that is capable of rapid
          project startup and achievement of the project’s objectives
 MONITORING AND EVALUATION PLAN:                                                                      15
      • The M&E approach responds to the technical strategy
      • The Applicant proposes effective and high-quality methods for monitoring
          activities, measuring results and using M&E data to improve performance
      • The Applicant demonstrates current capacity to collect and analyze data and
          moimoi and evaluate project performance
 TOTAL                                                                                                100
Table 5. Evaluation criteria for applications

The budget will not be scored but will be reviewed for reasonableness and realism in accordance
with the Applicant’s proposed interventions.

Other considerations are the completeness of the application, adequacy of budget detail and
consistency with elements of the technical application. In addition, the organization must
demonstrate adequate financial management capability, to be measured for a responsibility

     11. Selection Decision
Technical merit is considerably more important than cost faces. However, estimated cost is an
important factor and the estimated cost to Wits RHI increases in importance as competing

                                                                                                  Page 12 of 16
applications approach equivalence and may become the deciding factor when technical applications
are approximately equivalent in merit.

    12. Anticipated Announcement and Award Dates
It is anticipated that award(s) will be made in December 2019 with results reporting expected to
begin as of January 1, 20.

This information is provided to aid applicants in the preparation of their applications.

Wits RHI anticipates awarding one or more grant(s), subject to annual renewal. The grantee(s) will be
selected based on best value according to the criteria above.

    • Applicants will not be reimbursed for the cost incurred in preparation and submission of an
       application. All preparation and submission costs are at the applicant’s expense.
    • Wits RHI may cancel EOI and is under no obligation to extend the award to any Applicants;
    • Wits RHI may reject any or all responses received;
    • Issuance of EOI does not constitute award commitment by Wits RHI;
    • Wits RHI reserves the right to disqualify any offer based on applicant’s failure to follow EOI
    • Wits RHI will not reimburse applicants for costs incurred in preparation and submission of an
    • Wits RHI reserves the right to independently negotiate with any applicant, or to issue award
       based on initial evaluation of offers without further discussion;
    • Wits RHI may choose to award only part of the activities in the EOI, or issue multiple awards
       based on the solicitation activities;
    • Wits RHI reserves the right to check an applicant’s donor references; and
    • Wits RHI reserves the right to waive minor application deficiencies that can be corrected
       prior to award determination to promote competition.

This call for EOI represents only a definition of requirements. It is merely an invitation for submission
of applications and does not legally obligate Wits RHI to accept any of the submitted applications in
whole or in part, nor is Wits RHI obligated to select the lowest priced application. Wits RHI has no
contractual obligations with any applicants based upon issuance of this call for EOI. It is not an offer
to contract. Only the execution of a written award shall obligate Wits RHI, in accordance with the
terms and conditions contained in such award.

Wits RHI reserves the right to seek clarifications, enter discussions or negotiations, or to make award
on initial submissions without discussions or negotiations of any kind. Wits RHI reserves the right to
exclude from further consideration any applications at any time, including after discussions or
negotiations have been entered.


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Applicants must provide full, accurate and complete information as required by this call for EOI and
its attachments. At any time that Wits RHI determines that an applicant has provided false
statements in the EOI, Wits RHI may reject the EOI without further consideration. This call for EOI
and any resulting award shall be interpreted in accordance with the laws of the U.S. Government
except in cases where they contradict local law. The English language version of this call for EOI and
any resulting award shall govern, and all notices pursuant to the provisions of this call for EOI and
any resulting award shall be in English.

Wits RHI may contact applicants to confirm contact person, address, bid amount and to confirm that
the bid was submitted for this call for EOI.

   • All call for EOI responses become the property of Wits RHI and Wits RHI reserves the right in
      its sole discretion to disqualify any offer based on applicant failure to follow solicitation
   • Wits RHI reserves the right to waive any deviations by applicants from the requirements of
      this call for EOI that in Wits RHI's opinion are considered not to be material defects requiring
      rejection or disqualification; or where such a waiver will promote increased competition;
   • Extend the time for submission of all call for EOI responses after notification to all
   • Terminate or modify the call for EOI process at any time and re-issue the call for EOI to
      whomever Wits RHI deems appropriate;
   • Wits RHI reserves the right to issue an award based on the initial evaluation of offers
      without discussion;
   • Award only part of the activities in the call for EOI or issue multiple awards based on call for
      EOI activities.
   • The awardee must have or be in the process of obtaining a DUNS number. Additional
      assistance will be provided, as needed, during negotiations with prospective awardees.
   • Wits RHI reserves the right to request audited financial statements from the selected
   • At the conclusion of the evaluation process, any selected firm will be required to complete a
      Financial Pre-Award Assessment for Wits RHI to ascertain that the organization has the
      capacity to perform successfully under the terms and conditions of the proposed grant. As
      part of the Pre-Award Assessment process the firm will also be requested to submit their
      incorporated papers, certificate of registration and/or Tax ID number (TIN), audit reports
      and/or financial statements. Applicants may be asked to submit additional documentation to
      illustrate that the organization has the financial capacity to implement the grant. Site visits
      may be conducted by Wits RHI staff to evaluate the organization in these areas.

(a) The applicant certifies that--
    1) The prices in this EOI have been arrived at independently, without, for the purpose of
        restricting competition, any consultation, communication, or agreement with any other
        applicant, including but not limited to subsidiaries or other entities in which applicant has
        any ownership or other interests, or any competitor relating to (i) those prices, (ii) the
        intention to submit an offer, or (iii) the methods or factors used to calculate the prices
    2) The prices in this application have not been and will not be knowingly disclosed by the
        applicant, directly or indirectly, to any other applicant, including but not limited to
        subsidiaries or other entities in which applicant has any ownership or other interests, or any

                                                                                        Page 14 of 16
competitor before bid opening (in the case of a sealed bid solicitation) or contract award (in
         the case of a negotiated or competitive call for EOI) unless otherwise required by law; and
     3) No attempt has been made or will be made by the applicant to induce any other concern or
         individual to submit or not to apply for the purpose of restricting competition or influencing
         the competitive environment.
(b) Each signature on the application (if any) is a certification by the signiory that the signatory--
     1) Is the person in the applicant's organization responsible for determining the prices being
         offered in this application, and that the signiory has not participated and will not participate
         in any action contrary to subparagraphs (a)(1) through (a)(3) above; or
     2) Has been authorized, in writing, to act as agent for the principals of the applicant in
         certifying that those principals have not participated, and will not participate in any action
         contrary to subparagraphs (a)(1) through (a)(3) above;
     3) As an authorized agent, does certify that the principals of the applicant have not
         participated, and will not participate, in any action contrary to subparagraphs (a)(1) through
         (a)(3) above;
     4) As an agent, has not personally participated, and will not participate, in any action contrary
         to subparagraphs (a)(1) through (a)(3) above.
(c) Applicant understands and agrees that --
     1) violation of this certification will result in immediate disqualification from this call for EOI
         without recourse and may result in disqualification from future solicitations; and
     2) discovery of any violation after award to the applicant will result in the termination of the
         award for default.

All information submitted in connection with this call for EOI will be valid for three (3) months from
the call for EOI due date. This includes, but is not limited to, cost, pricing, terms and conditions,
service levels, and all other information. If your firm is awarded a grant, all information in the call for
EOI and negotiation process is contractually binding.

This call for EOI and any resulting award shall be interpreted in accordance with the laws of the U.S.
Government except in cases where they contradict local law. The English language version of this
solicitation and any resulting contract or grant shall govern, and all notices pursuant to the
provisions of this solicitation and any resulting award shall be in English.

Applicants may withdraw EOIs by written notice via email received at any time before award. EOIs
may be withdrawn in person by an applicant or his/her authorized representative, if the
representative’s identity is made known and the representative signs a receipt for the proposal
before award.

The contract with the Sub Recipient will be subject to and include USAID specific principles, policies,
regulations, definitions and contractual terms specific to the USAID Award. Without limiting the
generality of the foregoing:
    • All rights, title and interest to intellectual property and works, trademarks, copyright,
        patents, patent applications , data and property, including the application to be developed in
        terms of this EOI, will vest in Wits Health Consortium (Pty) Ltd subject thereto that USAID
        reserves a royalty free, worldwide, nonexclusive and irrevocable right to use, disclose,
        reproduce, prepare derivative works, distribute copies to the public, and perform publicly

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and display publicly, in any manner and for any purpose, and to have or permit others to do
•   Property financed under this EOI, USAID Award or furnished by the USAID will inter alia
    include the following:
•   Equipment, supplies, real property and intangible property;
•   Equipment means tangible nonexpendable personal property (including information
    technology systems);
•   Intangible Property includes, but is not limited to, intellectual property, such as trademarks,
    copyrights, patent and patent applications, and debt instruments, such as bonds, mortgages,
    leases or other agreements between a lender and a borrower.
•   Intellectual works include all works that document the implementation, evaluation and
    results of international development assistance activities developed or acquired under the
    USAID Award and EOI, which may include program and communication materials,
    evaluations and assessments, information products, research and technical reports, progress
    and performance reports required under the Award and this EOI and other reports, whether
    published or not;
•   Data means recorded information, regardless of the form or the media on which it may be
    recorded, including technical data and computer software and intellectual works

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