CALIFORNIA DNC PRESS DEMOCRAT - California Democratic Party

Page created by Bryan Horton
CALIFORNIA DNC PRESS DEMOCRAT - California Democratic Party
                   P R E S S D E M O C R AT
FEBRUARY 2018                                                                                                        PAGE 1


   The Democratic National
Committee will include a
DNC Ethnic Council meet-
ing as a regular part of the
upcoming Winter Meeting
Thursday, March 8 to Sat-
urday, March 10 in Wash-
ington, D.C.
   The Ethnic Council
meeting will provide an
opportunity to engage and
discuss strategy for 2018
elections, including key
congressional districts
which are composed of
large ethnic populations.
   As a member of the Eth-
nic Council, I want to tell
you about a 20 year old
woman who came to the                   California DNC Members at May 2017 CDP Convention in Sacramento
U.S. in 2014. Her name
was Frances Duggan, one
of eight children, from an
                                D R E A M E R S H E L D H O S TA G E
impoverished fishing vil-       BY REPUBLICAN LEADERSHIP
lage in Newfoundland.           BY KEITH UMEMOTO AND ALEX ROOKER, DNC MEMBERS
   Her immigration record
reveals that she came
through customs with her           "Hostage" - "a person or entity     Later in 2001, Sen. Rich-
cousin, Mary. They had          which is held by one of two bel-     ard Durbin (D-Illinois),
$15 between the two of          ligerent parties or seized as se-    knowing the need for a bi-
them. She gave her eth-         curity for the carrying out of an    partisan bill to avoid a fili-
nicity as Irish, and her        agreement."                          buster, worked with Sen.
occupation as domestic             Dreamers have been held hos-      Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) to
worker. She was on her          tage not once or twice, but too      introduce the first Dream
way to Boston to enter          many times. Recent? No, the          Act on August 1 (SB1291)
nursing school.                 Dream Act was introduced 17          similar to HR 1582.
   A few years later, after a   years ago.                             Since 2001, the DREAM
return visit to Newfound-          Dreamers are being held hos-      Act has been reintroduced        CDP Vice Chair Alex
land, Miss Duggan gave          tage by Trump, McConnell, Ryan       countless times, almost
                                                                                                      Rooker is Treasurer of
her occupation as nurse,                                                                                the Association of
                                and the Freedom Caucus.              succeeding after House             State Democratic
and her ethnicity as Eng-       There's would be no crisis had       passage on December 8,           Chairs and Vice Chair
lish. She seems to have         Trump, on September 5, 2017,         2010, but was five votes         of the DNC Women’s
reinvented herself during       NOT declared an end to               short of being filibuster               Caucus
her short time in the U.S.      Obama’s Deferred Action for          proof.
Living in South Boston,         Childhood Arrivals (DACA) pro-         Since immigration reform
she probably saw too            gram of June 15, 2012.               hasn't been updated since
many “No Irish Need Ap-            The first semblance of the De-    the Immigration and Control
ply” signs.                     velopment, Relief, and Educa-        and Reform Act of 1986
   The current U.S. presi-      tion for Alien Minors (DREAM)        (law) and the DREAM Act
dent, who is himself mar-       Act was introduced in 2001.          (proposal) since 2001,
ried to an immigrant,           Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-Illinois)     President Obama initiated
shows that he holds little      introduced the “Immigrant Chil-      several immigration poli-
value for those who come        dren’s Educational Advancement       cies, including DACA
here as poor and op-            and Dropout Prevention Act of        (2012).
pressed people, working         2001” (HR1582) on April 24,            Even with bipartisan sup-
long and hard to earn a         2001, protecting undocumented        port, the Republican              Keith Umemoto is Co-
                                students from deportation and                                         Chair of the Credentials
Continued on Page 4                                                   Continued on Page 4             Committee of the Califor-
                                                                                                       nia Democratic Party
CALIFORNIA DNC PRESS DEMOCRAT - California Democratic Party
FEBRUARY 2018                        CALIFORNIA DNC PRESS DEMOCRAT                                                 PAGE 2

                                REP. LEE MOVES TO PROTECT PROP 64
                                BY REP. BARBARA LEE, DNC MEMBER

                                  With the legalization of      Congress to fight back             can’t get off the ground without
                                marijuana use, possession       against this dangerous agen-       access to banking.
                                and distribution in Califor-    da - and ensure the will of           But it’s not enough to just
                                nia, a new era has              California voters is respect-      end wrongful federal interfer-
                                dawned on the Golden            ed.                                ence going forward - in order
                                State. By ending wrongful          That is why I have intro-       to create a truly equitable can-
                                cannabis prohibition, our       duced H.R. 4779, the Re-           nabis industry, we must correct
                                state has taken a critical      stricting Excessive Federal        the racial injustices of the War
                                step in the long-overdue        Enforcement and Regula-            on Drugs. For decades, com-
                                process of ending the War       tions of Cannabis (REFER)          munities of color have been
                                on Drugs.                       Act. This bipartisan legisla-      disproportionately impacted by
                                  But while California is       tion would prohibit federal        discriminatory drug enforce-
                                moving forward, the             spending on any marijuana          ment. As we end cannabis
                                Trump Administration            enforcement action in states       prohibition, we must also help
                                wants to drag us back-          that have legalization policies    these victims rebuild their lives.
                                wards. Just days after          on the books.                         Earlier this year, I introduced
                                Prop 64 took effect, Attor-        The REFER Act would also        H.R. 4815, the Marijuana Jus-
                                ney General Jeff Sessions       help cannabis businesses           tice Act with Congressman Ro
                                announced that he would         who are subject to unfair          Khanna. This legislation not
                                be rescinding the Cole          banking regulations. Right         only legalizes cannabis nation-
 DNC Member Barbara Lee         Memo - thereby ending           now, federal law prevents          wide, it also creates a path for
 represents California’s 13th
     District in Congress
                                the policy that allowed         these legal businesses from        restorative justice for the fami-
                                states to take the lead on      using any federally-backed         lies torn apart by these failed
                                cannabis policy, without        bank - making it nearly im-        laws. It is far past time for Con-
                                interference from the fed-      possible for dispensaries to       gress to catch up to the will of
                                eral government.                work with financial institutions   the American people, the ma-
                                  Now Attorney General          or even process credit card        jority of whom support ending
                                Jeff Sessions has made it       transactions. These punitive       federal prohibition, and to also
                                glaringly clear that he         restrictions disadvantage          help the victims of the failed
                                wants to reignite the failed    entrepreneurs with the fewest      War on Drugs who have been
                                War on Drugs. It’s up to        resources, many of them            disproportionately impacted.
                                                                people of color, who often

                                 HILLBILLY ELEGY, JUDGE MOORE & WHITE VOTERS
                                 BY BOB MULHOLLAND, DNC MEMBER

                                    The Electoral College,      norship in New Jersey, so          White House. In those key 270
                                 a system designed by the       now we are at the embar-           Industrial Belt states, whites
                                 founders at the 1787           rassing level of 16 Demo-          are actually 80-88% of the
                                 Constitutional Conven-         cratic Governors. It is criti-     electorate.
                                 tion, determines who is        cal that we pick up a lot of         Hillbilly Elegy is a book I rec-
                                 sworn in as President.         Governorships this No-             ommend to better understand
                                 The Republicans in 2000        vember as they will be             the white non-college voter.
                                 (Bush Jr.) and in 2016         overseeing redistricting in        Also, elections are "tribal." A
                                 (Trump), came in second        2021, and of course in             candidate's political party is
                                 but they got themselves        order to survive politically,      what drives most voters. Let's
                                 into the White House.          we have to defeat "Locker          say there are two family reun-
                                 The results - invading         Room Trump” in 2020.               ions in the same building. Rel-
                                 Iraq and the Great Re-            But first, some remind-         atives from afar ask the securi-
                                 cession under Bush Jr.         ers: white voters are 70%          ty guard - what room is the
                                 leading to trillions of dol-   of the national presidential       family reunion in? The guard
                                 lars of debt, and under        electorate and even higher         answers - “Well, the Smiths
                                 Trump - daily chaos, con-      in non-presidential elec-          are the ones meeting upstairs.”
                                 stant attacks on minori-       tions. The last time a plu-        You get the point.
       Bob Mulholland            ties, a Special Prosecu-       rality of the white elec-            Since the era of Civil Rights,
                                 tor, Putin calling the         torate voted for our Demo-         the white electorate has gone
  resides in Chico and can
        be reached at            shots, but hopefully not a     cratic presidential nomi-          with the GOP family. White               new war.                       nee was in 1964 for LBJ.           non-college women voted by
          and                       Democrats have a long       Only a shift of just 39,000        51 points (76% to 25%) for the
                                 way back to political pow-     votes (just 0.0002% of the         known child sexual assaulter,
       @chico.bob                                               136 million votes cast), in
                                 er, having lost almost                                            Judge Roy Moore, in the Ala-
                                 1,000 partisan seats dur-      the three states of Michi-         bama US Senate election.
                                 ing the eight years of         gan, Pennsylvania and              Why ? Well, the other family,
                                 President Obama. We            Wisconsin would have put           Doug Jones, was a Democrat.
                                 just gained one Gover-         Secretary Clinton into the
CALIFORNIA DNC PRESS DEMOCRAT - California Democratic Party
FEBRUARY 2018                          CALIFORNIA DNC PRESS DEMOCRAT                                                 PAGE 3


                                                                     proaches like partnering with
                                                                     groups that might be non-
    The Alabama victory was        Connerly initiative. And          partisan but have the same
 sweet!! Yes, we all gave          finally, they only vote if they   election values as the Demo-
 time, contributions, hope and     get information from a trust-     cratic Party.
 other things of importance to     ed source.                           I applaud the AA women in
 the campaign. That’s what            In Alabama, the DNC was        Alabama and the educated
 makes an exciting election:       on the ground and so also         white women who joined in
 when each of us recognizes        was the National and Ala-         turning the Trump stronghold
 that the campaign has rele-       bama NAACP. We wanted             into a no hold. We can do
 vance for our personal lives,     that red necked, homopho-         this everywhere if we take
 it’s almost like magic.           bic candidate to lose. From       the time to educate and moti-
    There is one take away         November 27 though Elec-          vate our outliers. Truth be
 that I wish to highlight for us   tion Day on December              told, African Americans will
 in California. The importance     12, the NAACP made:               vote the right way because
 of getting out the African        43,003 total calls: spoke to      we have shared values and        DNC Member Alice Huffman
 American (AA) vote. (This         4,049 people; 3,225               92% of us always vote the         is California Chair of the
 might also apply to Latinos).     pledged to vote on Election       right way. We just need an                 NAACP
 Infrequent voting AA were         Day; 106 said that they           explanation from trusted
 asked in a focus group why        would not vote; 263 were          sources why we must vote in
 they did not vote. They said      unsure about voting; 117          a given election. Let’s invest
 “our ancestors died for our       requested rides to the polls.     in our minority communities.
 right to vote and we don’t           I suspect that since Cali-        And one last word: if they
 have to vote if it does not       fornia is so blue we don’t        don’t see an outreach effort
 help us.” They also said that     target ethnic groups as           in the community, they be-
 “there is much trickery on the    much. But if we want to           come oblivious to the elec-
 ballot and we don’t know          take back Congress and            tion, they lose, and when
 when to vote yes or no,” of-      the White House, we might         they lose, we all lose collec-
 ten referring to the Ward         want to consider new ap-          tively.

 HARASSMENT VICTIMS FIGHT BACK                                       nated from promotion or
                                                                     advancement when they do.
 BY CHRISTINE PELOSI,                                                  Campaigns are ripe for
 DNC EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBER                                      exploitation, with young
                                                                     people working long hours
                                                                     in sometimes unfamiliar
    When San Francis-              foundation.                       territory, wholly dependent
 co’s Adama Iwu launched              Unfortunately, despite my      on the candidate or PAC for
 the #WeSaidEnough                 having raised this issue to       pay, food, lodging, and sup-
 movement in October —             leaders across the country,       port.
 America’s first #MeToo            not all politicians see the         Voters rarely learn of
 political letter inspired         possibility for reform, or        these uncomfortable truths.
 by Tarana Burke — I co-           grasp the enormity of the           But now that
 signed Iwu’s bipartisan           inequity.                         #WeSaidEnough has called
 letter complaining about a           So let us first                attention to these matters
 “pervasive culture of sexual      acknowledge the deep fis-         and people are speaking
 harassment in California          sures that #WeSaidEnough          out, we no longer can ig-
 politics” because I knew we       has exposed in politics:          nore that:
 needed radical change.               Elected Officials have           1) Politicians, who try to
                                   carved out exceptions to                                             DNC Executive Committee
    Little did we know then                                          take the “you aren’t being         Member Christine Pelosi is
 that we would be at the           employment laws for them-         harassed, ARE YOU?” ap-            Chair of the CDP Women’s
 forefront of a political earth-   selves, and for years have        proach, are intimidating          Caucus, and can be found at
 quake. The fault lines cut        operated in a culture of          staff.                      
 across all genders and            silence where sexual har-           2) Politicians, who take                     and
                                   assment, discrimination,                                   
 identities, races, creeds                                           the “let’s have the staff dis-
 and political philosophies.       bullying and verbal and           cuss harassment within the
    As victims have come           physical abuse are swept          office” approach, misunder-
 forward to share their sto-       under the rug. Or worse,          stand the need for inde-
 ries about harassment,            such allegations are sent         pendence that would invite
 discrimination, bullying and      into a “black hole” of secret     candor, disrespect same-
 abuse perpetuated by              self-investigation where          gender abuse victims, and
 those in power, the chal-         witnesses are encouraged          run the risk of silencing jun-
 lenge we face is to rebuild       to “take one for the team”        ior staffers.
 our infrastructure on a           rather than speak up, and
 more solid and equitable          are “disappeared” or elimi-       Continued on Page 4
FEBRUARY 2018                                   CALIFORNIA DNC PRESS DEMOCRAT                                            PAGE 4

Continued from Page 3

    3) Politicians, who say        peer review — to make            and offers connections to         institutions in which they
 “trust us to police our-          real change.                     victims’ services.                serve.
 selves,” operate with the           That is why                      We demand a system                 Whether you are in poli-
 same hubris as the Cath-          #WeSaidEnough has                built on a foundation of          tics or not, if you see or
 olic Church and the U.S.          consistently demanded            due process, with confi-          experience inappropriate
 military. The Church in           due process for all, lay-        dential investigations —          behavior, don’t remain
 some cases went bank-             ing down a path to last-         and harsh consequences            silent. Speak up, speak
 rupt rather than face up          ing justice, not Twitter         for leakers — and restor-         out, and know there is a
 to the harm caused by             justice. To forge that           ative practices that hold         community of people who
 pedophile priests.                path:                            everyone accountable              will support you. Together
    The military still has           We must encourage              and provide an opportuni-         we can build a new foun-
 not placed sexual as-             reporting through confi-         ty for healing.                   dation based on respect,
 sault investigations out-         dential systems, such as           We urge our leaders to          equity and justice for all.
 side the chain of com-            our report-and-support           understand the gravity of         As Democrats, that is our
 mand.                             app, which was created           the situation and act with        call to service; as leaders
    We need independent            for all people — male,           respect for the people            that is our solemn respon-
 investigations — not              female and nonbinary —           that they serve and the           sibility.

                                                                                                      FROM THE EDITORS:
                                                                                                      The California DNC Press
 DREAMERS HELD HOSTAGE                                                                                Democrat is published by
 Continued from Page 1                                                                                members of the California
                                                                                                      DNC Delegation, and is
 leadership has held Dream-          cial economic benefits.             'granted' Native Ameri-      not funded by the Califor-
 ers hostage. Yet other                Africans were uprooted;           cans born in the US          nia Democratic Party.
 issues have passed, re-             Ben Franklin cried out on           their citizenship on         Opinions expressed by
 cently in the Continuing            the number of German im-            June 2, 1924.                the authors of this news-
 Resolution (CR) to limit the        migrants; Irish immigrants            Urgent? Yes, over a        letter’s articles are not
 recent government shut-             and Roman Catholics were            million Dreamers live in     necessarily those of the
 down.                               scorned; Poles, Italians,           fear, DACA deferred          California Delegation, the
    Trump had agreed to              and Russian Jews were               actions will expire, and     DNC or the California
 support a clean DACA bill,          thought to be too different         Dreamers will be de-         Democratic Party.
 but reneged on his promise          to assimilate; Chinese were         ported from the only         Sincerely,
 and held Dreamers hos-              excluded; and Mexicans              place that they know as
                                                                         home.                              Mary Ellen Early
 tage, demanding an 1) ex-           were 'guest workers'
 pensive wall, 2) end to fam-        through the Bracero pro-              The Party stands for                 Otto Lee
 ily reunification, and 3) end       gram.                               "LIBERTY AND JUS-                    Garry S. Shay
 to the lottery/repurpose              Trump ordered a ban on            TICE FOR ALL."
 visas.                              Muslims, and asked, "Why            Changing the course
                                                                         means mobilizing, or-        Thank you to our spon-
    Historically, immigrants         do we want all these people
                                                                         ganizing, voting and         sors: Steven K. Alari,
 built the social economic           from 'shithole countries'
                                                                         taking back the House,       Eric C. Bauman, Becca
 fabric of the US. Past fears        coming here?"
                                                                         Senate and Presiden-         Doten, Jess Durfee, Mary
 have turned into huge so-             Ironically, Congress
                                                                         cy.                          Ellen Early, Alice Huff-
                                                                                                      man, Aleita Huguenin,
                                                                                                      Michael Kapp, Andrew
                              U.S. NEEDS IMMIGRANTS                      The workforce can easily     Lachman, Hon. Barbara
                                                                      be augmented by immi-           Lee, Otto Lee, Bob Mul-
                              Continued from Page 1
                                                                      grants. If they are uneducat-   holland, Christine Pelosi,
                                 don’t remember, and limit the        ed, we can educate them in      John A. Pérez, Alex
                                 number of legal immigrants           our schools.                    Rooker, Garry S. Shay,
                                 coming into the country.                So what happened to          Keith Umemoto, Roz Wy-
                                   The Republican Congress            young Frances Duggan, the       man, Laurence Zakson
                                 recently passed what they            immigrant who came here in
                                 call a “tax cut.” This so-called     2014? She graduated from        Printing:
                                 tax cut will drive up the defi-      nursing school in 2017. Her     Independent Printers
                                 cit. Congressional Republi-          contribution to this country
                                 cans are laying the ground-          was to care for shell-
                                                                      shocked (better known to-       Proofreading:
 DNC Member Mary Ellen           work to cut Medicare, Medi-
  Early is the founding          caid and Social Security.            day as PTSD) soldiers com-      Burt B. Belant
      editor of the              They claim that with so many         ing home from World War I.
  DNC Press Democrat             baby boomers retiring, they          She also married an Ameri-
                                                                      can, raised three children,     Want     an  electronic
                                 will soon run out of funds for                                       copy?
 living in their adopted                                              and became the grandmoth-
                                 these programs when there
 homeland. He wants to                                                er of 15, all of them produc-   Visit the CADEM web
                                 are not enough people in the
 throw dreamers under                                                 tive taxpayers. I should        site under
                                 workforce to support all the
 the bus by deporting                                                 know. I am one of them.
                                 retirees.                                                            Our Party/DNC Members
 them to countries many
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