Calendar - University of Aberdeen
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Introduction Equality, diversity and inclusion forms an integral part of our University’s foundational purpose to be ‘open to all and dedicated to the pursuit of truth in the service of others’. Highlights from 2021 include: The University Strategic Plan, Aberdeen 2040, was We are proud of our longstanding commitment The University is proud to be advancing equality Our academic Schools have been addressing launched in 2020 with Inclusive as a key strategic to advancing gender equality. As part of this for and raising awareness of learning disabilities EDI issues. By way of example, The School of theme. The University has been embedding the commitment, we have been embedding the through its Project SEARCH initiative. Despite Psychology developed a Staff Wellbeing Hub, Inclusive Commitments and targets included in Athena Swan principles within our policies, the challenges posed by the Covid-19 pandemic, overseen by a Clinical Psychologist and Wellbeing the Strategy and continues to be dedicated to procedures, and culture. The School of 75% of the Interns who graduated in June 2021 Coordinator. The School of Social Science’s ensuring inclusivity guides our education, research, Psychology obtained a departmental silver are in a positive destination, while the others are Equality and Diversity Committee hosted an and the projects we deliver. Athena Swan Award in 2020 and the University receiving support to undertake work experience online training session on an introduction to is striving for a silver Institutional Award. We placements or nationally recognised work-based sexual violence and its impact, the barriers introduced a Staff Athena Swan Forum as a qualifications. The University is a member of the faced by survivors, and how staff should handle To drive the development of an antiracist platform for sharing initiatives and driving Disability Confident Scheme, currently holding disclosures, safeguarding, and confidentiality. In University we established the Race Equality discussion which has had a positive impact, Committed status and progressing towards the April, The Business School hosted Professor Ilaria Strategy Group (RESG), began development leading to the introduction of a central maternity Disability Confident Employer level. The Staff Boncori from the University of Essex to deliver work on an Antiracism Strategy, appointed 21 fund. 2021 also saw the transformation of the Disability Network continues to thrive, providing a talk on understanding the experience of baby Race Equality Champions, delivered race literacy Athena Swan Charter and we look forward to critical feedback on Equality Impact Assessments loss in the workplace. training to more than 400 frontline staff (including seeing the impact of the new principles being and working with the University on a range of members of the Senior Management Team), and embedded across Schools and the Institution. accessibility issues and providing a safe space for established the Race Equality Network for Staff Additionally, the University held its first online staff to discuss disability-related issues. and Postgraduate Researchers. Ongoing activities International Women’s Day celebration, reaching Governance in relation to Equality, Diversity, and include networking with external societies a worldwide audience and attracting record- Inclusion (EDI) was reviewed to embed a strategic and groups such as GREC and NHS Grampian, breaking numbers. A Homeworking Policy and approach to the area by establishing an Equality, driving forward the work of the Decolonising the Workload Reduction Toolkit were launched to Last year saw the establishment of an EDI Events Diversity and Inclusion Committee (EDIC) in late Curriculum Group, listening activities with staff support staff during the Covid-19 pandemic. and Engagement Group which comprises staff 2019. The Committee, chaired by the Senior Vice- and students and the implementation of the and student representatives, enabling high quality Principal, continues to meet every three months Tackling Racial Harassment Action Plan. To learn EDI events to be delivered throughout the year. to oversee matters relating to EDI, including more please click here Remote working and blended learning continued The University delivered an exciting programme promoting an intersectional approach. This year, in 2021 following the outbreak of the Covid-19 of events for Black History Month in October on EDIC approved the Mainstreaming and Equality pandemic. These changes have affected all topics from how African nations are tackling the Outcomes Report to meet our duties under the Gender Based Violence staff and students in different ways. To address energy and climate crisis to a talk from author, Public Sector Equality Duty. The report can be In 2021, the University launched an online these issues, the University has been proactively blogger and screenwriter Uju Asika. October also accessed here. Confidential Reporting Tool which can be used to enhancing its support mechanisms, including saw the BeWell and Inclusion week held with report instances of sexual violence or harassment. working with the Parents and Carers Network to events and activities from a guided walking tour Reports can be made by witnesses or victims. The develop measures to support students and staff. through the Cruickshank Botanic Gardens to Student Partnership Agreement (SPA) continues Addressing Gender Based Violence and Sexual mindfulness sessions with certified instructors. to play a critical role in enhancing the Student Harassment Strategy Group has progressed a The University also held a virtual pride parade Experience through collaboration between Student and Staff policy that outlines how staff A Dignity at Work and Study (DAWS) Toolkit in June as well as developing an interactive trans students and staff. In 2021 there was an emphasis and students who have experienced gender-based has been developed in consultation with the history timeline marking major milestones from on the inclusion and mental health of students. violence or harassment will be supported by the campus Trade Unions to facilitate the promotion 1885 onwards. The Disabled Student Forum led two Disability University. Pilot training on handling disclosures of an inclusive environment. The Toolkit, along Deepdive events, providing valuable insights and has been delivered to key front-line staff. with training to support its roll-out, will be top tips for staff. launched in 2022. More information about Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion at the University can be found here
Race 01 JAN2022 E Equality CU EC Charter Member U RAC GEND R CH R RY C HA R T E ARTE R E E 27 January Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday New Year’s Day 1 2 World Braille Day Orthodox Christmas 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Maghi (Sikh) World Religion Day 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Martin Luther King Jnr. Day 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Burns Night Holocaust Memorial Day 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Notes: In this calendar we report only the main religious dates. *Holy days usually begin at sundown the day before this date. **Local or regional customs may use a variation of this date. Aberdeen school term and holiday dates can be found here: View school term and holiday dates | Aberdeen City Council 31 Aberdeenshire school term and holiday dates can be found here: School term dates and holidays | Aberdeenshire Council
Race 02FEB2022 E Equality CU EC Charter Member U RAC GEND R CH R RY C HA R T E ARTE R E E Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Chinese New Year World Cancer Day International Day of Zero Tolerance for Female LGBT History Month begins Genital Mutilation World Hijab Day 1 2 3 4 5 6 International Day of Women and Girls in Science 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 International Epilepsy Day Mãgha Pûjã Day Care Day ** (Buddhist) 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 International Mother Language Day 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Notes: In this calendar we report only the main religious dates. *Holy days usually begin at sundown the day before this date. **Local or regional customs may use a variation of this date. Aberdeen school term and holiday dates can be found here: View school term and holiday dates | Aberdeen City Council 28 Aberdeenshire school term and holiday dates can be found here: School term dates and holidays | Aberdeenshire Council
Race 03 MAR2022 E Equality CU EC Charter Member U RAC GEND R CH R RY C HA R T E ARTE R E E Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Zero Discrimination Day Ash Wednesday (Christian) World Hearing Day Self-Injury Awareness Day 1 2 3 4 5 6 International Women’s Day 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Young Carers Action Day Holi** (Hindu) Single Parents Day 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 International Day for the International Day of Elimination of Racial Remembrance of the Discrimination Victims of Slavery and the Transatlantic Slave Trade World Down Syndrome Day Neurodiversity Celebration Week (21st - 27th) 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Notes: In this calendar we report only the main religious dates. *Holy days usually begin at sundown the day before this date. **Local or regional customs may use a variation of this date. Aberdeen school term and holiday dates can be found here: View school term and holiday dates | Aberdeen City Council Aberdeenshire school term and holiday dates can be found here: 28 29 30 31 School term dates and holidays | Aberdeenshire Council
Race 04APR2022 E Equality CU EC Charter Member U RAC GEND R CH R RY C HA R T E ARTE R E E Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Stress Awareness World Autism Ramadan begins*- Month begins Awareness Day (Islam) 1 2 3 World Health Day International Roma Day 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Mahavir Jayanti** (Jain) Good Friday Easter Sunday* (Christian) Vaisakhi** (Hindu, Sikh) 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Orthodox Good Friday Pascha (Orthodox Christian) 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Lesbian Visibility Week (26th-2nd) 25 26 27 28 29 30 Notes: In this calendar we report only the main religious dates. *Holy days usually begin at sundown the day before this date. | **Local or regional customs may use a variation of this date. Aberdeen school term and holiday dates can be found here: View school term and holiday dates | Aberdeen City Council Aberdeenshire school term and holiday dates can be found here: School term dates and holidays | Aberdeenshire Council
Race 05MAY2022 E Equality CU EC Charter Member U RAC GEND R CH R RY C HA R T E ARTE R E E Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 1 Deaf Awareness Week Eid al Fitr* (Islam) (2nd-8th) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 International Day of Families 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 International Day Against Global Accessibility World Day for Cultural Homophobia, Transphobia Awareness Day Diversity for Dialogue and and Biphobia Development 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Grampian Pride 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Notes: In this calendar we report only the main religious dates. *Holy days usually begin at sundown the day before this date. **Local or regional customs may use a variation of this date. Aberdeen school term and holiday dates can be found here: View school term and holiday dates | Aberdeen City Council 30 31 Aberdeenshire school term and holiday dates can be found here: School term dates and holidays | Aberdeenshire Council
Race 06JUN2022 E Equality CU EC Charter Member U RAC GEND R CH R RY C HA R T E ARTE R E E Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Global Day of Parents International Day of Pride Month begins Innocent Children Victims 1st -30th June - Gypsy, Roma of Aggression and Traveller History Month 1 2 3 4 5 World Day Against Child 7th-12th June – Labour Carers Week 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Autistic Pride Day 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20th -26th June – Windrush Day International Women in Refugee Week Engineering Day 20th June – World Refugee Day 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Notes: In this calendar we report only the main religious dates. *Holy days usually begin at sundown the day before this date. | **Local or regional customs may use a variation of this date. Aberdeen school term and holiday dates can be found here: View school term and holiday dates | Aberdeen City Council Aberdeenshire school term and holiday dates can be found here: School term dates and holidays | Aberdeenshire Council
Race 07JUL2022 E Equality CU EC Charter Member U RAC GEND R CH R RY C HA R T E ARTE R E E Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 1 2 3 Eid al Adha begins - Sacrifice Day*- (Islam) 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Eid al Adha ends -Sacrifice World Youth Skills Day Day* (Islam) Asalha Puja Day** (Buddhist) 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Nelson Mandela International Day South Asian Heritage Month begins 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 World Hepatitis Day 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Notes: In this calendar we report only the main religious dates. *Holy days usually begin at sundown the day before this date. | **Local or regional customs may use a variation of this date. Aberdeen school term and holiday dates can be found here: View school term and holiday dates | Aberdeen City Council Aberdeenshire school term and holiday dates can be found here: School term dates and holidays | Aberdeenshire Council
Race 08AUG2022 E Equality CU EC Charter Member U RAC GEND R CH R RY C HA R T E ARTE R E E Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday World Breastfeeding Week (1st-7th) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 International Youth Day 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Krishna Janmashtami Krishna Janmashtami South Asian Heritage begins** (Hindu) ends** (Hindu) Month ends 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 International Day International Day for the Commemorating the Remembrance of the Slave Victims of Acts of Violence Trade and Its Abolition Based on Religion or Belief 18 24 19 25 20 26 21 27 22 28 22 23 Grief Awareness Day 29 30 31 Notes: In this calendar we report only the main religious dates. *Holy days usually begin at sundown the day before this date. | **Local or regional customs may use a variation of this date. Aberdeen school term and holiday dates can be found here: View school term and holiday dates | Aberdeen City Council Aberdeenshire school term and holiday dates can be found here: School term dates and holidays | Aberdeenshire Council
Race 09SEP2022 E Equality CU EC Charter Member U RAC GEND R CH R RY C HA R T E ARTE R E E Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 1 2 3 4 International Day of World Suicide Prevention Charity Day 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 International Equal Pay Day 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 International Day of Peace Bi Visibility Day Rosh Hashanah begins* (Judaism) World Alzheimer’s Day 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 European Day of Languages Rosh Hashanah ends* (Judaism) 26 27 28 29 30 Notes: In this calendar we report only the main religious dates. *Holy days usually begin at sundown the day before this date. | **Local or regional customs may use a variation of this date. Aberdeen school term and holiday dates can be found here: View school term and holiday dates | Aberdeen City Council Aberdeenshire school term and holiday dates can be found here: School term dates and holidays | Aberdeenshire Council
Race 10 OCT2022 E Equality CU EC Charter Member U RAC GEND R CH R RY C HA R T E ARTE R E E Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Black History Month begins International Day of Non- Violence International Day of Older Persons 1 2 Yom Kippur begins* Yom Kippur ends* Dyslexia Awareness Week Baby Loss Awareness Week (Judaism) (Judaism) (7th-13th) (9th-15th) 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 World Mental Health Day National Coming Out Day World Sight Day The Royal National Mòd begins 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 The Royal National Mòd ends World Menopause Day International Stammering Awareness Day 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Diwali** (Hindu, Jain, Sikh) Intersex Awareness Day National Mentoring Day 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Notes: In this calendar we report only the main religious dates. *Holy days usually begin at sundown the day before this date. | **Local or regional customs may use a variation of this date. Aberdeen school term and holiday dates can be found here: View school term and holiday dates | Aberdeen City Council 31 Aberdeenshire school term and holiday dates can be found here: School term dates and holidays | Aberdeenshire Council
Race 11 NOV2022 E Equality CU EC Charter Member U RAC GEND R CH R RY C HA R T E ARTE R E E Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Islamophobia Awareness Month begins 1 2 3 4 5 6 Remembrance Sunday 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 World Diabetes Day International Men’s Day Trans Day of Remembrance 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Disability History Month International Day for in (22nd November – 22nd Elimination of Violence December) Towards Women 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People 28 29 30 Notes: In this calendar we report only the main religious dates. *Holy days usually begin at sundown the day before this date. | **Local or regional customs may use a variation of this date. Aberdeen school term and holiday dates can be found here: View school term and holiday dates | Aberdeen City Council Aberdeenshire school term and holiday dates can be found here: School term dates and holidays | Aberdeenshire Council
Race 12 DEC2022 E Equality CU EC Charter Member U RAC GEND R CH R RY C HA R T E ARTE R E E Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday World Aids Day International Day for the International Day of Abolition of Slavery Persons with Disabilities 1 2 3 4 Human Rights Day 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Christmas* (Christian) 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Notes: In this calendar we report only the main religious dates. *Holy days usually begin at sundown the day before this date. | **Local or regional customs may use a variation of this date. Aberdeen school term and holiday dates can be found here: View school term and holiday dates | Aberdeen City Council Aberdeenshire school term and holiday dates can be found here: School term dates and holidays | Aberdeenshire Council MS: WLS1119
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