Page created by Shane Ramsey
A Property Investor’s Guide                                | 2017

Property Report

                                                             A special report on...
Introduction by
Stephen McCarthy
                                                             By Colin Dwyer
CEO McCarthy Group

Welcome to our investor update on Cairns. This is the        The Cairns economy is positioned well to reap the benefits
third in our series of 2017 research reports specially       of emerging Asian tourism. The key factors influencing
commissioned for our McCarthy Group clients. With            the Cairns economy are the lower Australian dollar and
tourism one of its key industries, Cairns suffered a         the infrastructure needed to attract tourists to the city and
setback immediately post-GFC. Fortunately, the area          region. A lower Australian dollar makes it cheaper for
has been on a slow but steady road to recovery and           foreign tourists to visit Australia and more expensive for
growth, and according to the respected Cairns Watch          local residents to travel overseas.
report (produced monthly by Herron Todd White),
                                                             Cairns International Airport is a quality piece of
“Cairns overall slowly continues to improve”.
                                                             infrastructure in the city’s infrastructure portfolio. The
Cairns is a large, tropical city located almost 1,700        international airport allows local produce to be flown fresh
kilometres from the state capital Brisbane. It is            all over the world. International and domestic tourists make
surrounded by world heritage listed assets including         this airport the seventh busiest in Australia and the resultant
the Great Barrier Reef and Tropical Rainforests.             accommodation demand and retail expenditure boosts
Cairns is a large busy city with significant economic        demand for residential and commercial property.
and environmental assets and a growing population.
                                                             Cairns is an economic powerhouse of the north with links
Confidence in the local property market is emerging.
                                                             to domestic and international mining operations and large
This special report is authored by Colin Dwyer, a            agricultural operations. Regular rainfall helps Cairns present
respected economist, and the goal is to give you an          itself as a lush, lifestyle location with specialised industrial
independent assessment of the short to medium outlook        advantages. The residential vacancy rate is the tightest in
of this key market. Colin is widely regarded as a leading    North Queensland (2.5%) and gross rental yields
economist and social commentator by business, the            are encouraging.
media and the broader community. We hope it will give
                                                             The Cairns residential property market can be described
you fresh insight into the economic and other factors
                                                             using production, population, potential growth and
at work in Cairns and give you confidence in the area
                                                             comparative price information.
whether you are already a Cairns investor or simply
considering your next investment moves.

                                                                                              Find out more
Production                                                                                                                                     Potential in Projects
    Cairns specialises in Tourism, Accommodation Services,            Cairns' proximity to the Asian Pacific market is also of                     Potential in Cairns’ property assets, at current prices, is                      In addition, sales in the $550 million Nova City
    Transport, Construction and Agriculture. Recent data reveals      considerable value, supported by the accessibility to an                     solid. If identified projects realise their full potential they                  development by World Class Land, a subsidiary of
    that Cairns has 38% more workers in Accommodation and             international airport for fresh produce export, including                    are likely to boost economic activity, drive confidence in                       Singaporean listed company Aspial, have now been
    Food Services than the state average. Cairns also has over        seafood and tropical fruit. The Cairns region has also grown                 property, improve the vacancy rate, increase household                           launched. These developments may be the catalyst the
    11.9% of its workforce in the Retail Industry, 11% above the      into a major supply and service hub for the resources sector,                incomes and improve the ability to afford rental and owner                       Cairns economy and Cairns property market needs to
    state average.                                                    with noticeable experience across Australia, including                       occupier homes.                                                                  overcome the announcement fatigue created by the
                                                                      Papua New Guinea and Indonesia.                                                                                                                               numerous other projects that have not managed to get out
    If we look to the recent past, Cairns and the wider region                                                                                     The projects range from various Mining developments to                           of the ground over the past few years. If successful they
    produced around $12 billion. Current official forecasts          According to Dransfield consultants, Cairns was the                           major Tourism developments. Plans have recently been                             will inject much needed confidence into the city.
    indicate that most of the commodities that the Cairns region     top-performing hotel market in Australia last year with                       announced by Syrian billionaire Ghassan Aboud to invest
    specialises in will perform solidly in 2017.                     occupancy rates rising to nearly 70 per cent, and room                        $200 million to redevelop the Rydges Tradewinds Hotel on
                                                                     rates rising almost six per cent. This resulted in revenue
                                                                                                                                                   the Cairns waterfront and to build a new 200-room hotel at
    Cairns region specialises in Sugar Production. Agricultural      per available room growth of more than 11 per cent.
                                                                                                                                                   the corner of Lake and Aplin Streets in the CBD.
    and Resource Economics recently forecast a 20% increase
    in sugar prices over 2017 due to the significant depletion of
    world sugar stocks. Interestingly, the moderate increase

                                                                                           did you know...
    in Cairns property prices in the early 1990’s was
    complemented by solid increases in Agricultural income.
    Solid increases in Agricultural incomes can lead to
    increased investment in property in the Cairns and North
    Queensland economy.                                                               The Cairns region is home to the
                                                                                      world's longest, single day mail
                                                                                      run. The mail run spans 1450km
                                                                                      and takes over 9 hours with 10
                                                                                      stops flying between Cairns and
                                                                                      Cape York.
    Cairns is the second largest city in North Australia. Over
    the ten year period from 2005 to 2015, Cairns LGA (Local
    Government Area) grew faster than the state and nation
    with average growth of 2.3%. The most recent official                                  CAIRNS FORECAST POPULATION
    population estimates indicate Cairns has 160,285 residents.

    Official projections over the next 20 years suggest that
    Cairns will achieve average growth of 1.7% per annum,                                                                      227,542
    leading to an expected population of 227,542. This is an
                                                                                                                                                               CAIRNS REGIONAL PROJECTS, VALUE AND JOB CREATION POTENTIAL 2017–2020
    increase of over 65,000 new residents. With an average
    of around 2.7 people per house, and given other factors                      210,000
                                                                                                                                                     Project                          Location                      Product                       Start        Value $m                Workforce
    such as rental vacancy rates and steady supply, we expect

    around 25,000 new dwellings will be required in Cairns                                                                                           Bauxite Hill                     Weipa                         Bauxite                       2017            2000                      70
    over the next twenty years.                                                                                                                      Sugar Prices                     NQ                            Sugar                         2017
                                                                                                                                                     Airport Expansion                Cairns                        Construction                2017-18           1000                     1000
                                                                                                                                                     Performing Arts Centre           CBD                           Construction                  2017              50                      100
                                                                                                                                                     Bruce Highway Upgrade            South of Cairns               Construction                  2017             464                     500

                           160,285 residents

           Cairns has                                                                                                                                Chillagoe Mining                 Chillagoe                     Zinc                          2017             100                     1000

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   3,614*                2,670 *
             with an average growth of 2.3%                                                 2011   2016   2021   2026   2031    2036                Table 1: Cairns Regional Projects, Value and Job Creation Potential 2017-2020                         Source QLD Government, Department of Infrastructure
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 *Estimated by DS Economics

                                                                                                                                 Source QGS, ABS
2                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               3
Historical Trends                                                                                                                           Comparative Affordability
    In the past 30 years Cairns’ median priced houses have                   Over the past five years Cairns’ capital appreciation has                      Cairns is a great place to live with a relaxed reputation.      Housing is considerably cheaper in Cairns than our major
    grown 6.5 fold. Along the journey there have been booms                  been smaller than Sydney’s and Brisbane’s, at just 10%.                        Housing affordability data released by International            capital cities, offering a distinct advantage when attracting
    and busts. There have been two booms in Cairns in the past               This comparative price difference in the past has proven                       researchers, Demographia, reveals that Cairns has the           new workers. There are several leading economic variables
    30 years. One occurred in the early 1990’s and the other                 to be an eventual positive for most North Queensland                           32nd most affordable housing (out of 51 cities) in Australia.   such as a softer exchange rate and comparative house
    in the mid 2000’s. Each had a different intensity. On each               cities. Both property booms mentioned above have been                                                                                          affordability that are providing confidence in the Cairns
    occasion these booms have been influenced by tourism                     influenced by this comparative price differential between                      Cairns median house prices are $110,000 cheaper                 property market.
    and, to a lesser extent, mining upturns complemented by                  Sydney and Brisbane.                                                           than Brisbane’s, $210,000 cheaper than Melbourne’s
    strong job creation, but also the difference in comparative                                                                                             and $480,000 cheaper than the median price of
    property prices between larger cities.                                   The current median house price difference between                              Sydney’s houses.
                                                                             Cairns and Sydney is high, but some of the potential has
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Cairns' median house prices
    After each of these booms there were economic downturns                  been absorbed as the exchange rate dropped. There is still
    driven primarily by an appreciating dollar but also linked
    to drop offs in projects. These downturns have been
    characterised by higher vacancy rates, job losses, negative
                                                                             comparative value in Cairns especially given comparative
                                                                             price value, multiple local projects, population growth and
                                                                             job creation.
                                                                                                                                                                        did you know...                                       $110k< $210k< $480k<
    net migration and recoveries.                                                                                                                                   The Great Barrier Reef is one of                             Brisbane           Melbourne              Sydney
    There is a strong link between Sydney house prices and
                                                                             Cairns is a growing regional city with a desirable lifestyle.
                                                                             Housing is considerably more affordable in Cairns than                                 the Seven Natural Wonders of
    Cairns house prices, although the delay period can be                    most other cities in Australia.                                                        the World.
    years. The Sydney to Cairns price ratio (2.19) is currently
    well below long run averages. This means Cairns’ house
    prices are less than half those in Sydney. This price
                                                                             Cairns' median house
    difference has been evident in previous booms, and it
    sometimes leads to a ripple effect. The ripple effect is                 prices have grown:
    where comparative price differences, in part, encourage
    investors to buy property in those cities that show better
    value than the epicentre of a boom.                                                                         10   20         30

                                                         CAIRNS MEDIAN HOUSE PRICE 1986-2016



       Median House Price
















                                                                                                                                   Source Corelogic, DNRM

4                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           5
Houses                                                                                           Land
    Cairns’ median house prices are performing better than
    other regional centres in North Queensland, although
                                                                     did you know...                 Land sales were steady in Cairns for the year to September
                                                                                                     2016 with 45 sales occurring, with a median value of
                                                                                                                                                                                              did you know...
    there’s been a drop of 1.3% in median values for the year
    to September 2016. Reduced confidence in the revised
                                                                   Cairns was founded in 1876 and    $215,000, a rise of 3% for the year.
                                                                                                                                                                                          The Cairns region is a world
                                                                   named after the Governor of                                                                                            renowned tourist destination
    Aquis project, lower population growth driven by negative
    net migration and lower demand for houses helped cool
    the median price.
                                                                   Queensland, William Wellington    Rentals                                                                              thanks to the Great Barrier Reef
                                                                   Cairns. Today it is the 5th       Recent data supports the notion that Cairns is a tightening
                                                                                                                                                                                          Marine Park, the Daintree and
    The suburbs of Redlynch, Mount Sheridan, Edmonton and
    Trinity Beach were the most preferred suburbs, accounting
                                                                   largest city in Queensland with   renters market. The vacancy rate is a firm 2.5% and steady.                          Wet Tropics Rainforests,
    for 106 sales or about a third of demand. The average          a population of 160,000, and      This is the tightest in North Queensland. Average three                              and its fabulous tropical climate
    annual price performance in each of these suburbs was          growing fast.                     bedroom houses achieve $360 per week. Gross rental
                                                                                                     yields for houses are 4.7% and units obtain 6.4%. This                               and environment.
    positive or no net loss. Over the past five years Cairns’
                                                                                                     compares very favourably to most other regional centres in
    median house prices increased by 10% and most of the
                                                                                                     Queensland and outperforms Brisbane.
    underlying demand generated from the hype about Aquis
    and improved tourist numbers has been absorbed.

    Cairns has one of the largest shares of units in its overall
    property composition. The median price for units in Cairns
    improved 4.4% over the year to September 2016. There
    were 270 unit sales, and 25 sales for the September quarter
    2016. The annual average performance is reflected in
    the improvement in tourist demand for accommodation.
    With significant comparative price differences, we expect
    median prices to steady in Cairns over 2017-18.

                                                                                                       Sources                                                                   Core logic
                                                                                                       REIQ Market Monitor September 2016                                        Demographia
                                                                                                       ABS 3218.0                                                      
6                                                                                                      Queensland Government Statisticians Office Regional Profiles Cairns LGA   billionaire-ghassan-aboud-snaps-up-cairns-hotel-project-20170131-gu2sr7   7
The softer exchange rate is positive news for the Cairns property
market, economy and general confidence. We expect domestic                                                                     Cairns
and international tourists to continue to increase visiting Cairns
in 2017, subsequently creating direct and indirect jobs in an
                                                                                                                Queensland            The Whitsundays
assertive economy. International student numbers will continue to
improve with a favourable exchange rate and improve demand for
student style accommodation. We also suspect that the potential                                                                              Brisbane
comparative price differential correction between Cairns and
capital cities (ripple effect) has not yet arrived.

While we have made every attempt to ensure that the information contained in this report has been obtained from reliable sources, DS Economics or Colin Dwyer is not
responsible for any errors or omissions, or for the results obtained from the use of this information. All information in this site is provided “as is”, with no guarantee of
completeness, accuracy, timeliness or of the results obtained from the use of this information, and without warranty of any kind, express or implied, including, but not limited to
warranties of performance, merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. In no event will DS Economics, its related partnerships or corporations, or the partners, agents or
employees thereof be liable to you or anyone else for any decision made or action taken in reliance on the information in this report or for any consequential, special or similar
damages, even if advised of the possibility of such damages.

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