Byron Bay Writers Festival - 6-8 AUGUST 2010 Workshops from 2 august

Page created by Jimmie Barton
Byron Bay Writers Festival - 6-8 AUGUST 2010 Workshops from 2 august
Byron Bay Writers Festival
      6-8 AUGUST 2010
     Workshops from 2 august
Byron Bay Writers Festival - 6-8 AUGUST 2010 Workshops from 2 august
Open Monday - Sunday: 10.00am - 5.30pm
Corner Lawson and Fletcher Streets, Byron Bay NSW AUSTRALIA 2481
P: 61 (0)2 6680 8813   F: 61 (0)2 6680 8835 E:
Byron Bay Writers Festival - 6-8 AUGUST 2010 Workshops from 2 august
WELCOME to the fourteenth program of the Byron Bay Writers Festival.
                                   I am delighted to introduce you to the complete range of marquee
                                   sessions, book launches, workshops, foodie and feature events that
                                   make up our 2010 celebration of writing and ideas. We’ve taken as our
                                   motto this year words without walls and the enormous range of writers
                                   certainly contains some of the biggest thinkers and writers today.
                                   These pages will introduce writers from beyond our shores, but yet
                                   again the heart of the program remains proudly Australian. We have a
                                   wealth of new voices participating for the very first time, including brave
                                   young writers and those at the peak of their powers. If you have already
                                   purchased your Festival pass, you will revel in the opportunity to select
                                   the sessions that reflect your interests, but take care to think beyond
Committee:                         your boundaries and venture into unfamiliar territory. I would also urge
Christopher Hanley, Chair          you to book now for the workshops and feature events that pique your
Lynda Dean, Vice Chair             imagination: we have new features and events on offer this year and
John Hertzberg, Treasurer          expect interest to be keen.
Jennifer Regan, Secretary
                                   For those visiting our Festival for the very first time, a joyous and intense
Cheryl Bourne
                                   celebration of words and ideas is building. Plan a fabulous Festival and
Jenny Cornish
                                   I look forward to meeting you in the marquees. On behalf of our entire
Marele Day
                                   community of writers, I invite you to widen your eyes and change your
Robert Drewe
                                   mind as the Byron Bay Writers Festival explores words without walls.
Russell Eldridge
Helen Hughes
Brenda Shero

Jeni Caffin, Director
Helen Fry, Volunteer Coordinator   Jeni Caffin,
Sarah Ma, Festival                 Festival Director
Communications, Launch and
Workshop Coordinator
Pip Morrissey, Accounts and
Schools Coordinator
Susie Warrick, Pitch Coordinator
Joyce Fabriek,
Survey Coordinator
and Festival Intern

Byron Bay Writers Festival - 6-8 AUGUST 2010 Workshops from 2 august
Friday 6 August 2010

    SCU MARQUEE                              BLUE MARQUEE                                MACQUARIE MARQUEE

    9.00am – 10.00am                         9.15am – 10.15am                            9.30am – 10.30am
    From manuscript to market:               Our whizzing, whirling world:               Adding the extra to ordinary:
    getting my book on the shelf             can writing reign supreme?                  creating characters with heart
    Amy Barker, Daniel Ducrou, Darren        Tom Cho, Angela Meyer, Peter                Janis Balodis, Cate Kennedy, Hannie
    Groth, Tasma Walton, plus the winner     Skrzynecki                                  Rayson, Michael Robotham
    of the Heading North competition         Chair: Susan Wyndham                        Chair: Irina Dunn
    Chair: Peter Bishop Sponsored by         Sponsored by Byron Shire Echo               Sponsored by NORPA
    ADFAS Byron Bay & Bangalow Lions

    10.15am – 11.15am                        10.30am – 11.30am                           10.45am – 11.45am
    Keeping the discourse alive:             IN CONVERSATION                             IN CONVERSATION
    the work of the literary                 Doctor, doctor, I think I’ve                From song to page: lyric to
    magazine                                 got a book in me: medicos                   literature
    Phillip Edmonds, Ben Naparstek,          who write                                   Robert Forster and Linda Neil with
    Julianne Schultz                         Jacinta Halloran and Karen Hitchcock        Sian Prior
    Chair: Moya Costello                     with Murray Waldren
    Sponsored by Wet Ink                     Sponsored by Zentveld’s Australian Coffee

    11.30am – 12.30pm                        11.45am – 12.45pm                           12.00pm – 1.00pm
    KEYNOTE CONVERSATION                     The plot thickens: crime                    My space: spilling the beans
    Every man in this village is a           writers confess                             on self
    liar: an education in war                Mark Dapin, Phillip Gwynne,                 Lily Bragge, Bryce Corbett,
    Megan Stack with Kerry O’Brien           Shamini Flint                               James Knight, Yvonne Louis
    Introduced by Peter Lee                  Chair: Irina Dunn                           Chair: Virginia Lloyd
    Sponsored by Southern Cross University                                               Sponsored by The Australian Womens’ Weekly

    12.45pm – 1.45pm                         1.00pm – 2.00pm                             1.15pm – 2.15pm
    Kindle, blog, tweet: what the            Mothers                                     IN CONVERSATION
    hell does it all mean?                   Jacinta Halloran, Kate Howarth,             Changing lives: fresh starts,
    Krissy Kneen, Angela Meyer,              Linda Neil                                  troubled endings
    Susan Maushart, Alvin Pang               Chair: Madonna Duffy                        Angelo Loukakis and Alex Miller with
    Chair: Janet Steele                                                                  Susan Wyndham
    Sponsored by Michael Malloy

    2.00pm – 3.00pm                          2.15pm – 3.15pm                             2.30pm – 4.00pm
    Elemental: the significance              The importance of being readers:            Bodice ripping: writing sex
    of place                                 the impact of reading on writing            and intimacy
    Judith Beveridge, Kim Cheng Boey,        Josephine Emery, Rodney Hall,               Laura Bloom, Kim Falconer, Krissy
    Ali Cobby Eckerman, Patrick Holland      Michael Robotham, Brenda Walker             Kneen, Kathy Lette Chair: Rosemary
                                             Chair: Chris Hanley                         Sorensen Sponsored by The Byron at
    Chair: Phillip Edmonds                   Sponsored by Good Reading Magazine          Byron Resort & Spa

    3.15pm – 4.45pm                          3.30pm – 4.30pm                             4.15pm – 5.15pm
    The powers of politics: people           IN CONVERSATION                             Does my head look big in this:
    who rule our world                       True Heroes                                 exploding cultural cliches
    Annabel Crabb, John Keane, Mungo         Mike Carlton with Russell Eldridge          Randa Abdel-Fattah, Akmal Saleh,
    MacCallum, Megan Stack, Janet                                                        Mohezin Tejani
    Steele                                                                               Chair: Irina Dunn

                                                                                                 Omar Musa
    Chair: Kerry O’Brien

Byron Bay Writers Festival - 6-8 AUGUST 2010 Workshops from 2 august
Friday 6 August
ABC3 MARQUEE                             LAUNCHPAD                         CHATROOM

9.00am – 9.30am
READINGS                                                                   8.30am – 11.00am
Morning book readings in the                                               ABC NORTHCOAST
ABC3 Marquee                                                               On Site Broadcast
Yvonne Louis, Kate Veitch

                                        Yvonne Louis                       Join ABC North Coast Radio for live
                                                                           broadcast from the Festival site.
                                                                           Expect a comprehensive menu of
9.45am – 10.45am                         10.00am – 11.00am                 conversations, forums and interviews
Hand on the wheel, eye on the            The return of Dr Strangelove:     as ABC’s Mornings presenter
ball: a trio of sporting lives           climate engineering and it’s      engages with a diverse sampling of
Steve Cannane, Adam Ramanauskas,         coming your way                   Festival guests. Expect laughter and
Mark Skaife                              Clive Hamilton with Jacqueline    inspiration in an intimate environment
                                         Woodman                           as writers leap off the page and on to
Chair: Russell Eldridge                                                    the stage.
Sponsored by The Railway Friendly Bar

11.00am – 12.00pm                        11.30am – 12.30pm
Three poets went into a bar…             LAUNCH
Omar Musa, Alvin Pang,                   Jude Conway
Maria van Daalen                         Women of East Timor: stories

                                                                          Krissy Kneen
Chair: Peter Bishop                      of resistance and survival
                                         Launched by Janelle Saffin, MP

12.15pm – 1.15pm                         1.00pm – 2.00pm
Briefs: celebrating the short            LAUNCH
form                                     Craig Reid
Tom Cho, Cate Kennedy, Karen             Coral reefs and climate
Hitchcock, O Thiam Chin                  change: the guide for
Chair: Chris Hanley Sponsored by         education and awareness
Byron Bay First National Real Estate
                                                                           12.00pm – 12.30pm
1.30pm – 2.30pm                          2.30pm – 3.30pm                   30 MINUTES WITH
Voices in my head: writing               LAUNCH                            Readings and musings
dialogue that works                      Daniel Prokop                     from Amy Barker
Hannie Rayson, Kate Veitch,              Peter Pan: time to leave
Tasma Walton                             Neverland                         2.00pm – 2.30pm
Chair: Virginia Lloyd                                                      30 MINUTES WITH
Sponsored by Screenworks
                                                                           Readings and musings from
                                                                           Steve Cannane
2.45pm – 3.45pm                          4.00pm – 5.00pm
IN CONVERSATION                          LAUNCH                            2.45pm – 3.15pm
Territories: writing indigenous          Darren Groth                      30 MINUTES WITH
characters                               Kindling                          Readings and musings from
Phillip Gwynne with Larissa Behrendt     Hachette Australia
Sponsored by Bim Bam Gallery                                               Randa Abdel-Fattah
                                                                           3.30pm – 4.00pm
4.00pm – 5.00pm                          DINING ROOM                       30 MINUTES WITH
The firm: when writing is the            5.30pm – 7.00pm                   Readings and musings from
family business                          LAUNCH                            Shamini Flint
Georgia Blain, Kirsten Tranter,          Victoria Cosford
Brenda Walker                            Amore & amaretti                                                           3
Chair: Angela Meyer                      Wakefield Press
                                         Launched by Joanna Savill
Saturday 7 August 2010

    SCU MARQUEE                        BLUE MARQUEE                           MACQUARIE MARQUEE

    9.00am – 10.00am                   9.00am – 9.30am                        9.15am – 10.15am
    Return journey: stories of         READINGS                               What women want: is it still OK
    triumph over adversity             Morning readings                       to need?
    Lily Bragge, Kate Howarth,         in the Blue Marquee                    Laura Bloom, Victoria Cosford,
    Brenda Walker                      Larissa Behrendt, Ali Cobby Eckerman   Susan Maushart
    Chair: Virginia Lloyd                                                     Chair: Sian Prior

    10.15am – 11.15am                  9.45am – 10.45am                       10.30am – 11.30am
    Fragmented identities:             I can almost taste it: language        On the road again: tall travel
    fractures, flaws and fears         as a sensory experience                tales
    Georgia Blain, Patrick Holland,    Judith Beveridge, Tom Cho,             Sam Cutler, AJ Mackinnon,
    Michael Robotham                   Robert Forster                         Brian Thacker, Kim Traill
    Chair: Angela Meyer                Chair: Peter Bishop                    Chair: Irina Dunn
                                                                              Sponsored by Jetset Byron Bay

    11.30am – 12.30pm                  11.00am – 12.00pm                      11.45am – 12.15pm
    IN CONVERSATION                    From the mouth of the merlion:         30 MINUTES WITH
    Requiem for a species: how         Singapore presents                     Readings and musings from
    long do we have left               Kim Cheng Boey, Shamini Flint,         Tony Martin
    Clive Hamilton and Ian Lowe        O Thiam Chin, Alvin Pang
    with Fran Kelly                    Chair: Janet Steele

    12.45pm – 1.45pm                   12.15pm – 1.15pm                       12.30pm – 1.30pm
    What lies beneath: intimate        Secrets and yearnings: the             IN CONVERSATION
    lives of ordinary people           writing of memory and memoir           Living it large: two wildly
    Cate Kennedy, Krissy Kneen,        David Carlin, Josephine Emery,         worldly women
    Alex Miller, William McInnes       Rodney Hall, Yvonne Louis              Kathy Lette and Gretel Pinniger
    Chair: Murray Waldren              Chair: Virginia Lloyd                  with Nic Pullen
                                                                              Sponsored by HWL Ebsworth Lawyers

    2.00pm – 3.00pm                    1.30pm – 2.30pm                        1.45pm – 2.45pm
    IN CONVERSATION                    Truth and nothing but the truth:       IN CONVERSATION
    The life and death of              getting history right                  Writing, growing and Bob
    democracy                          Mike Carlton, Michael Cathcart,        Blanche d’Alpuget with Ian Robertson
    John Keane with Julianne Schultz   Sam Everingham                         Sponsored by Holding Redlich
    Sponsored by Griffith REVIEW       Chair: Mungo MacCallum

    3.15pm – 4.15pm                    2.45pm – 3.45pm                        3.00pm – 4.00pm
    Fleshing it out: the role of       Eat me: writing food,                  Fit to be seen: adaptation
    imagination in non-fiction         glorious food                          for film
    AJ Mackinnon, Jack Marx,           Victoria Cosford, Ramona Koval,        Ross Grayson Bell, Bret Easton Ellis,
    William McInnes                    Luke Nguyen                            Hannie Rayson
    Chair: Irina Dunn                  Chair: Joanna Savill                   Chair: Jacqueline Woodman
                                       Sponsored by Ferment                   Sponsored by AFTRS

    4.30pm – 5.00pm                    4.00pm – 5.00pm                        4.15pm – 5.15pm
    THEA ASTLEY LECTURE                Fantastical and magical:               Defining home: the migrant
    The lost art of reading            expanding the conventional             experience
    Rodney Hall                        world                                  Yvonne Louis, Angelo Loukakis,
                                       Kim Falconer, Tom Cho,                 Luke Nguyen, Mohezin Tejani
                                       Maria van Daalen                       Chair: Joanna Savill
                                       Chair: Angela Meyer
ABC3 MARQUEE                         LAUNCHPAD                             CHATROOM
                                                                           10.00am – 10.45am

                                                                                                                         Saturday 7 August
KIDS’ SESSIONS                                                             IN CONVERSATION
                                                                           Mr Isherwood changes trains:
                                                       Shamini             Christopher Isherwood and

9.00am – 9.30am                                                            the search for the home self
MEET Shamini Flint                                                         Victor Marsh with Moya Costello

                                                                           11.00am – 11.30am
9.45am – 10.15am                     10.00am – 11.00am                     30 MINUTES WITH
MEET Ursula Dubosarsky               LAUNCH                                Readings and musings from
                                     Anna Bonshek                          David Carlin
10.30am – 11.00am                                                          12.00pm – 1.00pm
MEET Terry Denton                                                          Pitch perfect: fiction
                                                                           Six emerging writers compete
                                                                           with live pitches of their works in
11.15am – 11.45am                    11.30am – 12.30pm                     progress to a panel of publishers.
MEET Randa Abdel Fattah &            FOURTH WALL                           Who will win? Be first to meet the
Jack Heath                           PERFORMANCE                           new wave of Australian writing talent
                                     The work of Hannie Rayson
                                     Director Susan Melhuish and local     1.30pm – 2.30pm
12.00pm – 12.45pm                    actors present a rehearsed reading    RAILWAY WONDERLAND
MEET Phillip Gwynne &                of plays by award winning             READINGS WITH NORPA
Matthew Reilly                       playwright Hannie Rayson.             Readings and music from Northern
                                                                           Rivers residents on the abandoned
                                                                           railway network. NORPA is
1.00pm – 1.30pm                                                            developing a site specific show to
MEET Georgia Blain                                                         be performed on railway stations
                                                                           in 2011 and has collaborated with
                                                                           writers to hear local stories to inform
1.45pm – 2.30pm                                                            development of the work.
MEET Rebecca James &                 1.00pm – 2.00pm
Daniel Ducrou                        LAUNCH
                                     Hilary Kerr
                                     Look to see: the art of drawing

                                                                          Michael Robotham
                                     Launched by Mandy Nolan

2.45pm – 3.45pm                      2.30pm – 3.30pm                       2.45pm-3.45pm
IN CONVERSATION                      LAUNCH                                Twelve words
Intertextuality: the story           Lynne West                            Can you tell a story in twelve words?
behind the story                     Scurby                                Ernest Hemingway wrote one in six –
Kirsten Tranter with Moya Costello                                         “For sale; Baby shoes; Never used”
                                                                  is a National,
                                                                           online twelve-word story competition
                                                                           for 15-25 year olds funded by Arts
4.00pm – 5.00pm                      4.00pm – 5.00pm                       NSW
Work/life balance: from              LAUNCH
pressure cooker to chill             Daniel Ducrou                         4.00pm – 4.30pm
James Knight, Susan Maushart,        The Byron journals                    30 MINUTES WITH
Juanita Phillips                     Text Publishing                       Readings and musings from
Chair: Michael Cathcart                                                    Mark Dapin

Sunday 8 August 2010

    SCU MARQUEE                        BLUE MARQUEE                        MACQUARIE MARQUEE

    9.30am – 10.30am                   9.00am – 10.15am                    9.00am – 10.15am
    IN CONVERSATION                    Fathers                             Talk to me: the interviewer’s art
    Red Square blues: the decline      Larissa Behrendt, Kim Cheng Boey,   Ramona Koval, Jack Marx,
    and fall of the Soviet Union       David Carlin, Damien Leith          Ben Naparstek, Sally Neighbour
    Kim Traill with Chris Hanley       Chair: Alan Close                   Chair: Michael Cathcart

    10.45am – 12.00pm                  10.30am – 11.45am                   10.30am – 11.30am
    You can’t pick’em but you can      You’re on air: the journalists      IN CONVERSATION
    pick ‘em clean: families as        we let into our homes               Imperial bedrooms
    fodder                             Steve Cannane, Mike Carlton,        Bret Easton Ellis with Simon Marnie
    Tony Martin, Susan Maushart,       Fran Kelly, Juanita Phillips
    Justin Sheedy, Brian Thacker       Chair: Candida Baker
    Chair: Irina Dunn                  Sponsored by The Northern Star
    Sponsored by Rochdale Accounting

    12.15pm – 1.15pm                   12.00pm – 1.15pm                    11.45am – 12.45pm
    IN CONVERSATION                    Significant others: writing the     IN CONVERSATION
    Fanaticism and idealism            life of an icon                     Aren’t you married to what’s
    Sally Neighbour and Megan Stack    Sam Everingham, Reg Mombassa,       ‘is name?
    with Janet Steele                  Gretel Pinniger, Murray Waldren     A glimpse behind the scenes
                                       Chair: Jill Eddington               Kathy Lette with Sian Prior

    1.30pm – 2.30pm                    1.30pm – 2.30pm                     1.00pm – 2.15pm
    How big is too big?                IN CONVERSATION                     Clever, clever men: writing satire
    Australia’s population growth      Australian tragic: tales from       for performance
    Annabel Crabb, Clive Hamilton,     the dark and the strange            John Doyle, Tony Martin, Tim Pye
    Ian Lowe                           Mark Dapin and Jack Marx with       Chair: Jacqueline Woodman
    Chair: Mungo MacCallum             Michael Cathcart                    Sponsored by
                                                                           The Australian Writers’ Guild

    2.45pm – 3.45pm                    2.45pm – 3.45pm                     2.30pm – 3.30pm
    Love and other bruises:            The muso, the cook, the couch       Keeping the faith: are writers
    unravelling the intricacies        surfer and the priestess: wide      influenced by the market
    of love                            windows on the world                Larissa Behrendt, Kim Falconer,
    Alex Miller, Michael Robotham,     Sam Cutler, Luke Nguyen,            Matthew Reilly
    Kate Veitch                        Brian Thacker, Maria van Daalen     Chair: Candida Baker
    Chair: Chris Hanley                Chair: Shamini Flint
    4.00pm – 5.00pm                    4.00pm – 5.00pm                     3.45pm – 4.45pm
    It came from outer space:          Simpler times: boyhoods of          Music to our ears: the
    where writers find their muse      the past                            universality of song
    Omar Musa, O Thiam Chin,           Rodney Hall, Justin Sheedy,         Robert Forster, Damien Leith,
    Tasma Walton                       Peter Skrzynecki                    Linda Neill, Monica Trapaga
    Chair: Virginia Lloyd              Chair: Phillip Edmonds              Chair: Sian Prior

                                       Megan Stack

ABC3 MARQUEE                          LAUNCHPAD                      CHATROOM

9.00am – 9.30am                                                      9.45am – 10.45am
READINGS                                                             A-listers: three short listed
Morning book readings                                                writers from the NRWC/LitLink
in the ABC3 Marquee                                                  Unpublished Manuscript
Mohezin Tejani, Brian Thacker                                        Award
                                                                     Chair: Peter Bishop
9.45am – 10.45am                      10.00am – 11.00am              11.00am – 11.30am
IN CONVERSATION                       LAUNCH                         30 MINUTES WITH
Too big for Hollywood: the wild       Paula Morrow                   Readings and musings from
ride of adventure writing             Darwin’s dilemma: the damage   Victoria Cosford
Jack Heath and Matthew Reilly         done and the battle for the

                                                                                                                 Sunday 8 August
with Mark Dapin                       forests                        11.45am-12.15pm
                                      Launched by Cr. Jan Barham,    30 MINUTES WITH
                                      Mayor of Byron Shire Council
                                                                     Readings and musings from
11.00am – 12.00pm                     11.30am – 12.30pm              Akmal Saleh
IN CONVERSATION                       LAUNCH
Knit one, bake one: busy books        Kevin Palmer                   12.30pm – 1.30pm
that celebrate life                   Boys’ home to Broadway         Pitch perfect: non-fiction
Loani Prior and Monica Trapaga with   Magabala Books                 Six emerging writers compete
Joanna Savill                                                        with live pitches of their works in
                                                                     progress to a panel of publishers.
                                                                     Who will win? Be first to meet the
12.15pm – 1.15pm                      1.00pm – 2.00pm                new wave of Australian writing talent
Keeping it real versus going          LAUNCH
too far: writing Young Adult          Margaret King
fiction                               The King’s taste of Thailand
Ursula Dubosarsky, Daniel Ducrou,
Darren Groth, Rebecca James
Chair: Rosemary Sorensen
1.30pm – 2.30pm                       2.30pm – 3.30pm
Heightened states: fragility and      LAUNCH
danger in young lives                 Patt Gregory
Amy Barker, Georgia Blain,            Woodwork for women
Patrick Holland
Chair: Peter Bishop
                                                                     Luke Nguyen
2.45pm – 3.45pm                                                      2.00pm – 2.30pm
IN CONVERSATION                                                      30 MINUTES WITH
Mum, how many zeroes                                                 Readings and musings from
in a million? Earning the big                                        Ali Cobby Eckerman
Rebecca James and Kirsten Tranter                                    3.00pm – 3.30pm
with Lucy Clark                                                      30 MINUTES WITH
                                                                     Readings and musings from
4.00pm – 5.00pm                                                      Sam Everingham
Make it or break it: the role of
the literary review
Rosemary Sorensen, Murray Waldren,
Susan Wyndham
Chair: Alan Close

     Thursday 5 August

     12.00pm – 3.00pm
                                          Friday 6 August

                                          8.00am – 9.30am
                                                                                   Saturday 7 August

                                                                                   8.00am – 9.30am
     Having a ball: why sport             Breakfast with Loani Prior               Breakfast with Monica Trapaga
     matters                              LITERARY BREAKFAST                       LITERARY BREAKFAST
     SPORTS LUNCH                         Join the queen of the tea cosies for a
                                          woolly breakfast and conversation
                                                                                   ST ELMO’S
     Join Steve Cannane, Michael                                                   Fletcher St, Byron Bay
     Cathcart, Phillip Gwynne, Adam                                                $35.00 Code BSA
     Ramanauskas and Mark Skaife for      ST ELMO’S
     lunch and conversation               Fletcher St, Byron Bay                   Sponsored by St Elmo’s
                                          $35.00 Code BFR
     BANGALOW DINING ROOMS                Sponsored by St Elmo’s
     Bangalow Hotel, Bangalow                                                      7.30pm – 10.30pm
     $75.00 Code FSL
     Sponsored by Bangalow Dining Rooms   12.00pm – 3.00pm                         Amore & amaretti: a love affair,
                                                                                   with food
                                          The mind & times of
                                          Reg Mombassa                             LITERARY DINNER

                                                                                   Join Victoria Cosford and Joanna
                                          LITERARY LUNCH                           Savill for dinner and conversation
                                          Join Reg Mombassa and Murray
                                          Waldren for lunch and conversation       BYRON BEACH CAFE
                                                                                   Clark’s Beach, Byron Bay
                                          ITALIAN AT PACIFIC                       $125.00 Code BCD
                                          Beach Hotel, Byron Bay
                                                                                   Sponsored by Byron Beach Café
                                          $115.00 Code PDL

    Monica Trapaga
                                          Sponsored by Italian at Pacific
                                          and Ferment

                                          7.30pm – 10.30pm
                                                                                   Sunday 8 August
                                          In whom we trust: the power
                                          of the press
                                          LITERARY DINNER                          8am – 9.30am
                                          Join Mike Carlton, Fran Kelly and        Breakfast with Lily Bragge
                                          Juanita Phillips for dinner and
                                          conversation                             LITERARY BREAKFAST

                                          FISHHEADS RESTAURANT                     ST ELMO’S
                                                                                   Fletcher St, Byron Bay
                                                                                   $35.00 Code BSU
                                          $95.00 Code FHD
                                                                                   Sponsored by St Elmo’s
                                          Sponsored by Fishheads, Byron Bay

                                          Mike Carlton
Bret Easton
    Feature Events
                                                 Ellis                                 Kathy Lette
    Friday 6 August                         Friday 6 August                       Saturday 7 August

        Meet Bret Easton Ellis                      Poetry evening                       Meet Kathy Lette               9

    Byron Theatre                           SCU Room                              Byron Theatre
    Byron Community Centre,                 Byron Bay Community Centre,           Byron Community Centre,
    Jonson St, Byron Bay                    Jonson St, Byron Bay                  Jonson St, Byron Bay
    $30 CODE BEE                            3 day pass or $20 CODE FP             $30 CODE MKL
    7.00pm                                  7.30pm                                5.00pm
                                            Join the Byron Bay Writers Festival   A conversation hour with the
    A conversation hour with the
                                            poets and winners of the Byron        queen of the quip. Come prepared
    author of Less than Zero, The
                                            Bay Writers Festival Picaro Poetry    to love, honour and most of all
    Rules of Attraction, American
                                            competition for an evening of         laugh. Kathy Lette first achieved
    Psycho, Glamorama and Lunar

                                            lyrical language, rollicking rhyme    succes de scandale as a teenager
    Park and the short story collection
                                            and powerful poetry. Readings and     with the novel Puberty Blues. After
    The Informers. Your chance to
                                            ruminations from the masters of       several years as a newspaper
    meet this iconic author in the
                                            metre.                                columnist and television sitcom
    intimate setting of the Byron

                                            MC Omar Musa.                         writer in America and Australia,
                                                                                  she wrote the internationally-
    With Ramona Koval.
                                                                                  bestselling Girls Night Out, The

                                                                                                                        Feature Events
    Sponsored by Macquarie Group                                                  Llama Parlour, Foetal Attraction,
                                                                                  Mad Cows, Altar Ego, Nip ‘n’
                                                                                  Tuck, and Dead Sexy. Her novels
                                                                                  have been published in fourteen
                                                                                  languages around the world.
                                                                                  With Simon Marnie.
                                                                                  Sponsored by Macquarie Group

•   Luxury Retreat Accommodation
•   En-Suite Rooms with Private Verandahs
•   Private Tropical Gardens
•   Pool and Heated Jet Spa
•   5 Minutes to Byron Bay
•   Air Conditioning/Heating

02 6684 8215
Feature Events
     Akmal Saleh

      Saturday 7 August                      Saturday 7 August

        The comedy hour. Or two                             Ghostboy with Golden Virtues Cabaret

      Byron Theatre                          The Buddha Bar                           Cabaret festivals. Swallow & Exit
      Byron Community Centre,                Skinners Shoot Rd, Byron Bay             features original writing & songs
      Jonson St, Byron Bay                   $30 CODE SC                              from their debut album Enter
      $45 CODE SE                            8.00pm                                   as well as twisted re-workings
      8.00pm                                 Join avant-garde cabaret brutes          of Serge Gainsbourg, Iggy Pop,
                                             Ghostboy with Golden Virtues             and Katie Perry! Renowned QLD
      Join an alarmingly sharp and
                                             as they present their Green Room         performance poetess Pascalle
      devilishly clever line-up of
                                             nominated hybrid art rock theatre        Burton will also perform as well as
      Australian writers of comedy and
                                             show Swallow & Exit. Infamous for        burlesque guests and libidinous
      satire as they dissect their process
                                             their exploding live shows, GBGV         literary delights.
      of writing, making us laugh,
                                             have (dis)graced stages to critical
      making us cry and all the bits in
                                             acclaim including Woodford Folk,         Think along the lines of a high-art
      between. Learn their influences
                                             Melbourne Fringe & Brisbane              Hedwig but with a lot more punk
      and anxieties and moments when
                                                                                      and a lot sexier.
      they’ve gone too far. Lily Bragge,
      John Doyle, Tony Martin, Tim Pye
      and Akmal Saleh are ready and
      waiting to spill the beans on funny

                                                 Ghost boy with
                                                    Golden Virtues Cabaret

Loani Prior

                                                                                              Amy Barker
                                             Monday 2 &                                Tuesday 3 August
  Workshops have a maximum                   Tuesday 3 August                          1.30pm – 4.30pm
  attendance of 20 except where noted.
                                             10am – 4pm                                SCU Room,
  * Concession rate applies to students      Verandah Room,                            Byron Community Centre,
    and NRWC members
                                             Byron Community Centre,                   Jonson St, Byron Bay
                                             Jonson St, Byron Bay                      $55/ $45* Code 5W
                                             $195/ $165* Code 3W Max 10                Amy Barker
Monday 2 August                              Loani Prior                               Breaking through: getting
10am – 4pm                                   Wild knitting: turning tea                your first novel published
SCU Room,                                    cosies on their heads                     Every aspiring fiction author dreams
Byron Community Centre,                      Loani uses the iconic tea cosy to         of seeing their words in print and their
Jonson St, Byron Bay                         demonstrate the wild and sculptural       debut novel on bookshelves and
$100/$80* Code 1W                            possibilities of knitting. You will be    in the hands of readers. Yet for
                                             learning to knit in the round on two      a new writer getting published
Alan Close
                                             circular needles: a skill you can         can seem as elusive as discovering
Extreme memoir                               then transfer to knitting socks and       a door to Narnia in the back of your
If you’re not on the edge you’re             jumpers and bags and all sorts of         wardrobe! This seminar will teach
taking up too much space: taste              fabulous things. And you will learn to    you what you need to know to turn
the exhilaration of telling the truth.       knit beautiful motifs and accessories.    your dream of becoming a published
Got a story you want to tell? How            If you can knit a stitch and purl a       author into reality.
about a story you really don’t want          stitch and cast on and cast off, you      Whether you simply have a great
to tell? Yep, that’s the one everyone        can join this class. If you consider      idea for a book, are attempting to
                                             yourself to be an advanced knitter        write your novel, or have just typed
wants to hear. Come to the edge
                                             and would like to start to knit outside   ‘the end’ this seminar will show you
and jump. The view might be scary            the square of a pattern, this might       what to do next. Amy will take you
but the feeling is great. And don’t          also be the class for you.                through each stage of the journey to
worry, your family will talk to you                                                    publication as well as tell you what to
afterwards. Even if they have to yell        Tuesday 3 August                          expect when it comes to the editing of
at you first.                                9.30am – 12.30pm                          your book, its launch, marketing, and
                                             SCU Room,                                 critical reviews.
Monday 2 August
                                             Byron Community Centre,
                                             Jonson St, Byron Bay                      Tuesday 3 August
10am – 4pm
                                             $55/ $45* Code 4W                         1.30pm – 4.30pm

SAE Institute,                               Kim Falconer                              SAE Institute,
373 Ewingsdale Road, Byron Bay               Cast the spell: finding magic             373 Ewingsdale Road, Byron Bay
$100/ $80* Code 2W                           in immersion                              $55/ $45* Code 6W Max 25
Marele Day                                   Want to hook your readers on the first    Mark Dapin
Criminal intent                              line? Keep the pages turning until        Feature writing for magazines
Ned Kelly Award winner Marele                the end? This workshop is all about       Why don’t magazine editors ever call
Day covers everything you need               immersion, the magical ingredient         you back? Will they steal your ideas
                                             that makes a story compelling and         if you ever do get to talk to them?
to know to kick-start your crime
                                             allows readers to believe in something    Is there really a market for a feature
writing: the ‘rules’ and what readers        they know isn’t true. Novelist Kim        about what you did on holiday?
want, research for crime, bringing           Falconer has a lot to say on the topic    Good Weekend journalist Mark Dapin
characters to life on the page and           as well as techniques to help you bring   has been a freelance writer and an
keeping the writing suspenseful.             immersive qualities to the page.          editor-in-chief and everything in
Daniel Ducrou

     Workshops                       continued...

     between. He talks about the way            the juicier young adult subjects and       Wednesday 4 August
     magazines work, discusses the              bringing them to life.                     9.30am – 12.30pm
     common mistakes freelance writers          The workshop will also include             SAE Institute,
     make in pitching features, and the         theoretical discussion and some            373 Ewingsdale Road, Byron Bay
     kind of stories that magazines need        hands-on writing-exercises aimed at        $55/ $45* Code 9W
     and don’t need.                            helping writers who are new to the         Josie Emery
     The most important point to                genre of young adult fiction to come       Don’t you dare tell anyone
     remember is most stories start from        to grips with exactly who, and what,       that!
     an interview, so Mark will talk about      they are writing for.                      When silence is compliance
     how to use quotes and interview                                                       when shame becomes poetry.
     people, and also how not to do it,         Wednesday 4 August                         Memoir is the affirmation of
     using examples from his own vast           1.30pm – 4.30pm                            individual worth.
     library of personal mistakes.              SCU Room,                                  A memoir requires a life worth living
                                                Byron Community Centre,                    and the courage to live it. It requires
     Wednesday 4 August                         Jonson St, Byron Bay                       the talent to write it with no fear
     9.30am –12.30pm                            $35/ $25* Code 8W Max 50                   of the consequences. It requires
     SCU Room,                                  Irina Dunn                                 discipline and storytelling skill. For a
     Byron Community Centre,                    Preparing a publishing                     memoir is a story. A story requires
     Jonson St, Byron Bay                       proposal                                   drama and structure, to make a
     $55/ $45* Code 7W                          It is estimated that some 8,000–           space where reader and writer can
     Daniel Ducrou                              10,000 unsolicited manuscripts hit         discover themselves together. A
     Writing young adult fiction                the desks of Australian publishers         memoir is a step towards healing for
     So you want to write young adult           each year. How do you get yours to         both writer and reader.
     fiction but don’t know where to            the top of the slush pile?                 This workshop asks what is the
     start? You may be wondering: how           Can you avoid the slush pile               story you have to tell and how will
     hard is it to get published? How do        altogether? These days, publishers         you tell it?
     I make my stories both believable          spend little on editing, and if they
     and challenging? How can I improve         see your manuscript contains               Wednesday 4 August
     quickly?                                   grammatical errors, spelling mistakes      1.30pm – 4.30pm
     Young adult fiction often focuses          and other faults, they will reject it in   Anzac Room, Byron Bay Services
     upon the pivotal moments in                favour of those which “present well”.      Club, Byron Bay
     young people’s lives: the life-            If your manuscript is not word             $55/ $45* Code 10W
     changing decisions, accidents and          perfect and, preferably, edited by a       Sam Everingham
     experiences that shape the people          professional, you may lose your only       Digging up the dirt: writing a
     they become. Young people are              opportunity to interest a publisher        killer biography
     prone to taking risks and making           in your work as you will if your           Australian author Sam Everingham
     spectacular mistakes on a variety          submission as a whole is poorly            draws on his own experiences
     of fronts: relationships, sex, drugs,      presented. Writers are very good           and those of participants to shape
     first love, even just day-to-day living.   at writing but many baulk at the           an entertaining, yet practical
     This not only provides the writer          thought of approaching a publisher         workshop designed for anybody
     with the key ingredients for dramatic      with a submission and do not know          who has started or is thinking
     storytelling, it also makes these          how to go about it. This workshop          of penning life stories, whether
     characters a tremendous amount             will take you through the processes        for their own enjoyment, for
     of fun to write. This workshop will        of preparing a submission and by           family or a much wider audience.
     equip you with a range of ideas and        the end you will be confident of           Employing a combination of expert
     techniques for tapping into some of        preparing your own.                        input, participant input and group
Cate Kennedy

       Josie Emery Rodney Hall
discussion, participants will learn       This hands-on workshop in writing       Thursday 5 August
how to shape narratives which are         techniques actively involves all        9.30am – 12.30pm
both engaging and meaningful.             participants equally. No previous       Verandah Room,
We will discuss the ethics and legal      writing experience is necessary.        Byron Community Centre,
risks involved in life writing, explore   The material for the workshop           Jonson St, Byron Bay
the importance of understanding                                                   $65/$50* Code 14W Max 15
                                          is created, under guidance, on
psychological motives and the                                                     Cate Kennedy
                                          the spot. Those who enrol need
advantages of drawing on multiple                                                 How does a story tell
                                          only bring an adequate supply of
perspectives. Participants will                                                   a story?
                                          paper and a reliable pen plus open      In this stimulating half-day workshop
review the techniques required for
                                          minds and a desire to write. The        Cate Kennedy will explore the idea
successful biography, including the
                                          techniques explored can also be         of event and narrative in fiction (or in
use of oral history, letters, diaries,
                                          applied later with advantage to         short fiction) and the way they open
print media and official documents.
                                          non-fiction.                            up everything that makes a story
Wednesday 4 August                                                                memorable: character dimension,
1.30pm – 4.30pm                           Thursday 5 August                       metaphorical subtext, and satisfying
SAE Institute,                            10am – 4pm                              resolution. How does an author
373 Ewingsdale Road, Byron Bay            SCU Room,                               decide on what actually happens in
                                          Byron Community Centre,                 a story to reveal these elements to
$55/ $45* Code 11W
                                          Jonson St, Byron Bay                    their fullest potential, and how can
Brian Thacker
                                                                                  ordinary life provide the inspiration
Something to declare                       $75/$55* Code 13W Max 75
                                                                                  for these key fictional turning points?
You’ve climbed a mountain in              Nuts and Bolts: a publishing
                                                                                  If you have felt dissatisfied that your
Kyrgyzstan with a bunch of goats.         industry primer for
                                                                                  plots and storylines feel too “slight” to
You’ve eaten rancid shark in Iceland      Australian writers                      sustain the ideas you want to convey,
and had afternoon tea with the King       Writing is an art, but publishing is    this workshop will help you refresh
of Togoville. You want to write about     a business. In this 5 hour industry     your thinking.
your journey, but you’re not too sure     seminar, the team from The
how to start, what to say and how to      Australian Writer’s Marketplace will    Thursday 5 August
make it interesting for other people.     guide you through the publishing        1.30pm – 4.30pm
In this workshop Brian will reveal his    process, including developing your      Verandah Room,
Top Ten Tips including: creating a        work, submitting your manuscript        Byron Community Centre,
good ‘hook’; finding and focusing         to agents and publishers, book          Jonson St, Byron Bay

your story; the art and craft of travel                                           $65/ $50* Code 15W Max 15
                                          contracts, advances and getting
writing; ways to evoke a sense of                                                 Virginia Lloyd
                                          paid. You’ll also explore e-books and
place and getting published and                                                   Your life, edited: approaches
                                          the new age of digital publishing.
making contacts.                                                                  to editing memoir
                                          This session is for emerging writers
                                                                                  You’ve been writing a memoir for a
Wednesday 4 August                        seeking sustainable careers as
                                                                                  while now, and you’re wondering where
10.00am – 4.00pm                          authors and those who are just plain    all your words are heading. Perhaps you
Verandah Room,                            curious about books and publishing.     feel stuck and don’t know how to bring
Byron Community Centre,                   Meet top industry professionals,        the elements of your story together.
Jonson St, Byron Bay                      including publishers and agents, and    Maybe you don’t like how it’s turning
$100/ $80* Code 12W Max 14                walk away with tools and insider        out, or your story’s not coming to life
Rodney Hall                               knowledge to help you navigate a        on the page as you imagined. If any of
The craft of fiction                      pathway in the marketplace.             these things apply, then it’s time you
Angela Meyer

     Workshops                      continued...

     considered editing your work. At this     the aromas and flavours as Luke            New stories out of old: the
     workshop Dr Virginia Lloyd (author,       prepares the food he loves and we          fine art of adaptation
     The Young Widow’s Book of Home            crave.                                     Kirsten’s novel The Legacy
     Improvement, and memoir mentor)                                                      reshapes elements from Henry
     will explore approaches to editing        Thursday 5 August                          James’ classic Portrait of a Lady to
     so that you can better edit your own      10 am – 4pm                                create a contemporary meditation
     material. By the end of the class, you    Pandanus Room, Byron Bay                   on art, truth, friendship and loss
     will feel more confident about the work   Services Club, Byron Bay                   set in contemporary Sydney and
     you still need to do, and you’ll have a   $100/$80 Code 18W                          post-9/11 New York. The concept
     clearer way forward to finishing your     Sian Prior                                 of making stories out of the raw
     manuscript.                               The fact of the matter                     materials of other stories has a
                                               It’s official, non-fiction is the new      long and illustrious history, from
     Thursday 5 August                         darling of the publishing world. The       Ovid to Shakespeare through to
     9.30am –12.30pm                           range and breadth of subject is            the contemporary obsession with
     SAE Institute,                            unlimited: from memoir and travel          adaptations of Jane Austen. In
     373 Ewingsdale Road, Byron Bay            narrative to spiritual journeys and        Shakespeare’s time, hardly anyone
     $55/ $45* Code 16W                        how-to manuals, writers are writing        thought about making up their own
     Angela Meyer                              about the world they live in and the       story: the whole idea of artistic
     On my own: blogging and                   things they know, while readers            invention was invested in other
     self publishing                           are soaking it up and clamouring           aspects of the process – not the
     These days it’s so easy to create         for more. Truth being stranger than        story itself, but how it was told and
     your own path and have fun                fiction is a given. What’s less well-      re-told, reframed and reinterpreted.
     experimenting in new or alternate         known is that truth is also, in many       Our ideas about originality are very
     mediums. From the basics of               ways, harder to write. This is a one-      different now, but we still love to
     blogging and self-publishing,             day workshop that deals with the           hear our favourite stories re-told
     through to tips on embracing social       specific challenges that non-fiction       in a way that makes us see them
     media, and promoting yourself online      writing presents.                          anew: or turns them inside out. We
     and off, Angela Meyer will show you       Non-fiction writers need all the           will choose two or three classic
     how to form communities of readers,       writing craft skills of fiction writers.   stories and brainstorm ideas about
     how to choose what medium is right        But that’s not all. In addition they       how these plots could be adapted
     for you, what not to do, and how to       must deal with a swarm of other            into different settings and forms,
     maintain balance in your writing life     issues such as gathering material,         addressing key questions such
     while embracing technology. You           authenticating facts, dodging              as how stories need to adapt to
     don’t need a publishing contract or a     defamation suits and finding their         different temporal and cultural
     massive audience to be able to write      place in a crowded market. The             settings; how do you choose
     and create meaningful connections.        Fact of the Matter will be a fabulous      which elements to adapt, and to
     The tools are there for you.              grab-bag of tips, shortcuts and            what extent to follow or change
                                               invaluable insights that non-fiction       the original; where to draw the
     Thursday 5 August                         writers can’t fail to profit from.         line between adaptation and
     1.30pm – 4.30pm                                                                      plagiarism; and what happens
     North Beach Dining Room,                  Thursday 5 August                          when you imagine the story from
     Byron Bay                                 1.30pm – 4.30pm                            the perspective of a marginal or
     $85/ $65* Code 17W Max 50                 SAE Institute,                             invented character.
     Luke Nguyen                               373 Ewingsdale Road, Byron Bay
     The Songs of Sapa                         $55/$45* Code 19W
     Become a voyeur and savour                Kirsten Tranter

Randa Abdel-Fattah is the author             Peter Bishop has been Creative
of Does My Head Look Big In This? (A         Director of Varuna – The Writers’ House
Notable Book by the Children’s Book          since 1993. Through the Macquarie
Council 2006 and the winner of the           Bank Foundation LongLines Program
Australian Book Industry Awards) Randa       and the NSW LitLink Program, he travels
also works as a lawyer. She is married       around Australia each year consulting
with two young children and lives in         with writers.
                                             Georgia Blain has published four
Candida Baker is currently editor of the     novels and was named one of The
Weekender for The Northern Star. She         Sydney Morning Herald’s Best Young
also works as a creativity coach. Her
latest novel is The Hidden.
                                             Novelists in 1998. Darkwater is her first
                                             venture into Young Adult territory.               Tom Cho
Janis Balodis has written for television     Laura Bloom was born in Sydney. She
and radio. He was an Associate Director of                                                  Tom Cho began writing fiction in his
                                             is the author of In The Mood, the first in a   mid-teens. His stories have appeared
Melbourne Theatre Company (1988–93),         series of five novels set at different times
and Dramaturg-in-Residence and Artistic                                                     in many publications in Australia and
                                             in the last century.                           overseas, He is currently completing a
Associate at Queensland Theatre Company
(1995–6). He is Director of the Northern     Kim Cheng Boey was born in Singapore           doctorate at Deakin University.
Rivers Conservatorium.                       and became an established poet in              Lucy Clark is a journalist with 25 years
                                             his home country before migrating to           experience working on newspapers and
Amy Barker’s first novel, Omega Park         Australia in 1997.
(UQP, 2010), a confronting and sobering                                                     magazines in Sydney, London and New
tale of modern warfare in a housing          Lily Bragge is a Melbourne-based               York. She has been a literary editor for
estate, won the Queensland Premier’s         writer and journalist who, in what feels       11 years and currently works in that role
Literary Award for an emerging author        like somebody else’s life, used to be a        for Sydney’s Sunday Telegraph and the
in 2008.                                     writer and performer for stage, comedy,        Brisbane Sunday Mail.
                                             film and television.                           Alan Close is the author of Before
Larissa                                      Steve Cannane Having worked as a               You Met Me: A Memoir Of One Man’s

Behrendt                                     reporter, producer and presenter for           Troubled Search For Love. He edited the
                                                                                            anthology Men Love Sex and writes on
                                             triple j, Steve Cannane also presented         men’s issues for the national media.
                                             Hack, triple j’s current affairs show. He
                                             has been working in current affairs for        Bryce Corbett is the author of the best-
                                             ABC TV and has written First Tests on          selling travel memoir, A Town Like Paris.
                                             backyard cricket                               The book is based on his experience of
                                                                                            living and working in Paris for ten years.
                                             David Carlin Our Father Who Wasn’t             His second book, Memoirs Of A Showgirl,
                                             There (Scribe, 2010) is David’s first book     is written in conjunction with his Moulin
Larissa Behrendt is author of the            of creative non-fiction. He has previously     Rouge-dancing wife, Shay Stafford. He
award-winning Home and Legacy, a             worked in film, theatre and circus.            currently works as the Associate Editor
barrister and Professor of Law and                                                          of The Australian Women’s Weekly.
Director of the Jumbunna Indigenous          Mike Carlton is one of Australia’s best-
House of Learning at the University of       known broadcasters and journalists.            Victoria Cosford writes for the Byron
Technology. She is a member of the           He currently writes a column for The           Shire Echo to which she has also
Eualeyai/Kamilaroi nations of north-west     Sydney Morning Herald. Cruiser is his          contributed a weekly food column for
New South Wales and was named as             new book.                                      the past 7 years. Amore & Amaretti is
2009 NAIDOC Person of the Year.              Michael Cathcart is a high profile writer      her first book.
Ross Grayson Bell produced                   and ABC broadcaster. His latest book           Moya Costello has published two
groundbreaking movies Fight Club and         is The Water Dreamers, an imaginative          collections of short fiction, Kites in
Under Suspicion, wrote the Barry Cox         exploration of the history and cultural        Jakarta and Small Ecstasies and one
story for BBC Films UK, and is now Head      significance of water in Australia. He         novella, The Office as a Boat: A Chronicle
of Screenwriting at AFTRS.                   lives in Melbourne and is married to           published. She teaches Creative Writing
                                             Hannie Rayson.                                 at Southern Cross University.
Judith Beveridge has published four
books of poetry and has won many                                                            Annabel Crabb is the author of The
major prizes. Her most recent book is                                                       Rise of the Ruddbot: Observations from
Storm and Honey, Giramondo Publishing                                                       the Gallery, and Stop at Nothing: The Life
2009.                                                                                       and Adventures of Malcolm Turnbull.
Biographies                       continued...

     Sam Cutler has been at the centre of         Madonna Duffy is Head of Publishing            eccentrics. His recent biography of artist
     some of the most exciting developments       at The University of Queensland Press,         Gretel Pinniger is his third book.
     in the music industry, and has worked        one of Australia’s most respected              Kim Falconer is a HarperCollins
     with the two largest grossing live artists   small publishing houses. Madonna               Voyager author writing speculative
     in the world, the Rolling Stones and the     has previously worked for publishers in        fiction in Byron Bay and completing a
     Grateful Dead. You Can’t Always Get          Sydney and in London since she joined          Masters Degree in Writing through Open
     What You Want is his first book.             the industry in 1990. She is an active         Universities Australia.
                                                  member of the Brisbane Writers Festival
                                                  Management Committee.                          Shamini Flint worked as a corporate
                                                                                                 lawyer before resigning to be a stay-
                                                  Irina Dunn is Director of the Australian       at-home mum, writer, part-time lecturer
                                                  Writers Network. Previously she was            and environmental activist.
                                                  Director of the NSW Writers’ Centre and
     Blanche d’Alpuget                            Manager of the Australian Writers’ Guild
                                                  Authorship Collecting Society.
                                                                                                 Robert Forster was a founding member
                                                                                                 of The Go-Betweens. His book The 10
                                                                                                 Rules of Rock and Roll was published in
     Blanche d’Alpuget was born in                Ali Cobby Eckerman is a nunga poet             2009 by Black Inc.
     Sydney and has worked as a journalist        and writer from the Northern Territory,
                                                  now living in the “intervention-free”          Darren Groth has authored four novels,
     in Australia and the UK. She is author of                                                   including Most Valuable Potential which
                                                  South Australian village of Koolunga. Her
     numerous bestselling books including         poetry charts a long journey to reconnect      was shortlisted at the Queensland
     Mediator: A Biography of Sir Richard         with her Yankunytjatjara family. ‘little bit   Premier’s Literary Awards. Kindling, his
     Kirby, Turtle Beach, On Longing and          long time’ was first published by the          latest, is being launched at the Byron
     Robert J Hawke: A Biography.                 Australian Poetry Centre as part of their      Bay Writers Festival 2010.
     Mark Dapin moved to Australia in the         New Poets series.                              Phillip Gwynne grew up in rural areas
     late 1980s. He has been editor-in-chief      Jill Eddington has worked in the               in Victoria and South Australia. Gwynne’s
     of ACP’s men’s magazines, and is a           creative industries for 30 years. Jill         first novel, Deadly, Unna? was widely
     hugely popular columnist for Fairfax’s       currently consults to government,              praised and won several awards for its
     Good Weekend. He lives in Sydney with        corporate and not for profit arts and          contribution to Australia’s Young Adult
     his partner and two children.                cultural organisations in evaluation,          fiction. The background of Australian Rules
                                                  project and strategic development.             Football has made the novel’s examination
     Terry Denton is one of those lucky                                                          of race relations in rural Australia attractive
     people who can both write and illustrate.    Phillip Edmonds is the Managing                to young male readers.
     He has written fourteen children’s books     Editor of Wet ink (the magazine of new
     himself and collaborated on thirty more      writing). He is the author of two volumes      Rodney Hall was born at Solihull,
     with some of the most popular children’s     of short fiction and a Lecturer in the         Warwickshire, in England and came to
     authors in Australia. His work has won       English Department at the University of        Australia as a child. Rodney is the author
     countless children’s choice awards           Adelaide.                                      of over 30 books and countless articles.
     throughout Australia.                                                                       He has won the Miles Franklin Award
                                                  Russell Eldridge recently retired as           twice and many of his novels and poems
     John Doyle is one of Australia’s finest      editor of The Northern Star newspaper.         have been published internationally. He
     writers for stage and screen. His work       He is an actor, published writer and           lives in Melbourne. His latest book is
     spans the theatrical success of The          committee member of the Northern               Popeye Never Told You.
     Pig Iron People for the Sydney Theatre       Rivers Writers’ Centre.
                                                                                                 Jacinta Halloran is a Melbourne GP
     Company to the small screen acclaim of       Bret Easton Ellis is the author of six         and writer. She has written on medical
     series such as Marking Time and Changi       best selling novels including Less Than        topics for a wide variety of publications,
     for the ABC.                                 Zero, The Rules of Attraction, American        including The Sunday Age and Inside
     Ursula Dubosarsky has published              Psycho and Glamorama. Imperial                 Story.
     over 25 books for children and won           Bedrooms is his latest release.
     several national literary awards. Her        Josephine Emery first wrote as John
     most recent titles are The Terrible Plop     Emery. She has published five books
     and The Return of the Word Spy.              and written many feature films. A lot of

                                                                                                 Clive Hamilton
     Daniel Ducrou is a writer based              her current work is for cross-platform
     in Melbourne. His first novel, The           delivery.
     Byron Journals, was shortlisted for the      Sam Everingham has a passion
     2007 Australian/ Vogel Literary Prize        for bringing to life unknown aspects           Clive Hamilton is author or co-author
     and will be launched at the Festival.        of Australia’s rich history and great          of Affluenza, Growth Fetish, Scorcher,
Silencing Dissent and, most recently,           a decade in the Parliamentary Press Gallery   Angelo Loukakis was born in Australia
Requiem for a Species. He is one of             in Canberra, as Political Correspondent       and has worked as a teacher, editor,
Australia’s leading thinkers.                   for ABC Radio, Political Editor for The       publisher and scriptwriter. He is the
                                                7.30 Report and Political Editor on Radio     author of a children′s book on Greeks in
Chris Hanley is a founder and Chair             National Breakfast, the programme she
of the Byron Bay Writers Festival. He                                                         Australia, and a travel book on Norfolk
                                                now presents from Sydney.                     Island. Houdini’s Flight is his latest
is a business coach and speaker and
a writer across a range of genres from          Cate Kennedy is the author of two             novel.
short stories to business articles. Chris       poetry collections, Signs of Other Fires      Ian Lowe Professor Ian Lowe AO is
is the Principal of Byron Bay’s leading         and Joyflight and a travel memoir Sing        president of the Australian Conservation
real estate company, Byron Bay First            and Don’t Cry: a Mexican journal as well      Foundation (ACF), emeritus professor
National.                                       as her short story collection Dark Roots
                                                and novel The World Beneath (both             of science, technology and society at
Jack Heath is 22. As well as writing,           published in Australia by Scribe.) She        Griffith University in Brisbane and an
and composing music, Jack teaches a             lives in north eastern Victoria and works     adjunct professor at Sunshine Coast
creative writing course at the Canberra         as a mentor, editor and judge, especially     University and Flinders University.
Institute of Technology.                        of the short story form.                      His latest book is A Voice of Reason:
                                                                                              Reflections on Australia.
Karen Hitchcock is a writer and doctor.         Krissy Kneen is the author of Affection:
Her first collection of short stories, Little   A Memoir of Love, Sex and Intimacy
White Slips, was published by Picador           (Text Publishing). She works at Avid
in 2009.                                        Reader Bookshop.
Patrick Holland’s writing takes up              James Knight A bipolar sufferer,
geographical and theological themes.            whose latest of five books, A Theory of
His novel The Mary Smokes Boys                  Moments, recounts a year’s backpacking
(Transit Lounge) is about horse thieves         adventure through South America and
and broken promises.                            Africa with his wife.                         Mungo MacCallum has worked as
Kate Howarth is an emerging writer.             Ramona Koval is a journalist, writer          a political commentator, writer and
Her first book 10 Hail Marys, a memoir          (fiction and non-fiction) and broadcaster.    broadcaster since 1965 and currently
in the tradition of Angela’s Ashes, is a        She presents The Book Show on ABC             writes for the Byron Shire Echo. A prolific
frank, funny and incredibly moving              Radio National.                               author, his latest book is Poll Dancing.
Australian story of hope and survival.                                                        AJ Mackinnon is the author of The Well
                                                Damien Leith was born in Ireland and
Rebecca James grew up in various                became an Australian citizen in January       at World’s End, and the bestselling The
towns in New South Wales. Her Young             2007. He is the winner of television’s        Unlikely Voyage of Jack de Crow.
Adult novel Beautiful Malice was the            Australian Idol 2006. Remember June is        Simon Marnie stumbled into food
subject of an international bidding war         his second novel.                             media after an accidental career in
that netted her a $1 million advance.           Kathy Lette first achieved succes             radio and television spanning more than
                                                de scandale as a teenager with the            25 years. Currently Weekend Presenter
                                                novel Puberty Blues. After several            for 702 ABC Sydney and with Lifestyle
                                                years as a newspaper columnist and            Televisions “Food” Channel, Simon also
                                                television sitcom writer, she wrote the       judges for the Sydney Royal Agricultural
                                                internationally-bestselling Girls Night       Society’s Fine Food Awards.
                                                Out, The Llama Parlour, Foetal Attraction,
           John Keane                           Mad Cows, Altar Ego, Nip ‘n’ Tuck, and        Victor Marsh After careers in TV and
                                                Dead Sexy. Her latest is To Love, Honour      theatre, Victor got his PhD at 62. He has
                                                & Betray.                                     taught meditation in a dozen countries
                                                                                              on behalf of his guru. Mr Isherwood
John Keane Born in Australia and                Virginia Lloyd is a former book editor,       Changes Trains is his first book.
educated at the Universities of Adelaide,       a communications consultant to non-
Toronto and Cambridge, John Keane               profit organisations, and the author          Tony Martin Comedian Tony Martin is
was Professor of Politics at the University     of The Young Widow’s Book of Home             the author of Lolly Scramble and A Nest
of Westminster. In 2010 he takes up             Improvement.                                  of Occasionals, and the editor of humour
a Professorship at the University of                                                          website The Scriveners Fancy.
Sydney.                                         Yvonne Louis, author of A Brush with
                                                Mondrian, has been a teacher/ librarian       Jack Marx is a Walkley Award winning
Fran Kelly has a reputation as a “tough but     for over twenty years and is one of the       journalist, blogger and author. His new
fair” interviewer – a reputation forged over    founding members of KOALA (Kids Own           book, Australian Tragic, was released in
years of interviewing politicians. She spent    Australian Literature Awards).                2009.
Biographies                       continued...

     Susan Maushart Columnist, author             Sally Neighbour is an award-winning           Gretel Pinniger, dominatrix, fetishist,
     and social commentator Dr Susan              investigative journalist, author and          clothes designer and artist is well-known
     Maushart is a columnist for the Weekend      leading Australian commentator on             to many in Australia and beyond. She is
     Australian Magazine. Her latest book is      Islamic extremism and terrorism.              the subject of a recent extraordinary
     The Winter of our Disconnect.                                                              biography.
                                                  Linda Neil is an accomplished musician
     William McInnes One of Australia’s           and award-winning documentary                 Loani Prior lives on Queensland’s
     most popular actors, William McInnes is      producer with a PhD in Creative Writing.      Sunshine Coast where her woolly
     also a much loved writer. William’s fourth   Her memoir, Learning How to Breathe,          obsessions border on becoming a
     book, The Making of Modern Australia         (UQP, 2009) is a true story of love, family   disorder. The Queen of the Tea Cosies
     was released in July.                        and music.                                    admits to having a knit change since
                                                                                                publishing her first book, Wild Tea
     Susan Melhuish has worked in theatre,        Luke Nguyen is the chef and owner
     acting, directing & producing for over 20                                                  Cosies in 2008.
                                                  of the award-winning Vietnamese
     years. A senior drama teacher, Susan         restaurant, Red Lantern, and author of        Sian Prior has had twenty years
     is also Director for Byron’s FourthWall      the bestselling books, Secrets of the Red     experience as a journalist and
     Theatre.                                     Lantern and The Songs of Sapa. In his         broadcaster in radio, television, print and
     Angela Meyer’s fiction, reviews,             spare time, Luke hosts 13-day culinary        online, specialising in reporting on the
     articles and interviews have appeared        discovery trips to Vietnam and is the         arts and popular culture. She has been
     widely. She is a former editor of            television chef of a cooking series for       a newspaper columnist, opinion writer,
     Bookseller+Publisher and is well-known       SBS Television, called Luke Nguyen’s          theatre and opera critic and a book
     online for her blog LiteraryMinded.          Vietnam.                                      reviewer.
                                                  O Thiam Chin is a Singaporean writer          Nic Pullen Media lawyer and
                                                  whose stories have appeared in several        commentator, Nic Pullen looks after
                                                  literary journals and anthologies. He         many of Australia’s leading and
                                                  has also published two books of short         independent book publishers. He also
                                                  stories.                                      has fun advising authors, entertainers
                                                                                                and media personalities.
                                                  Kerry O’Brien is one of the most

     Alex Miller                                  prominent and respected names in
                                                  Australian journalism. He has won
                                                  numerous accolades, including the top
                                                                                                Tim Pye is an Australian writer, producer
                                                                                                and executive producer who has been
                                                                                                working in television drama and comedy
     Alex Miller is the author of nine novels.    award in journalism, the Gold Walkley.        for over twenty years.
     He has twice won the Miles Franklin                                                        Adam Ramanauskas was living
     Literary Award and is an overall winner      Alvin Pang Poet and editor Alvin Pang
                                                  was Singapore’s Young Artist of the Year      every boy’s dream. At twenty-two he’d
     of the Commonwealth Writers Prize. His                                                     been noted as a star of the future and
     ninth novel, Lovesong, was received          for Literature in 2005, and received
                                                  the Singapore Youth Award in 2007.            had an AFL premiership under his belt.
     with critical rapture and became an                                                        The discovery of a lump in Adam’s right
     instant best seller when it was released     He has appeared in major festivals
                                                  and publications around the world,            shoulder led to the words no one wants
     in November 2009.                                                                          to hear: ‘You have cancer.’ Over the next
                                                  and co-edited Over There: Poems from
     Reg Mombassa is a musician, painter,         Singapore and Australia with John             few years, his three battles with cancer
     writer, poet, humanist, sage, dispenser      Kinsella in 2008.                             required every ounce of courage he
     of arcane wisdom, buggerer of sacred                                                       could summon.
     cows and much loved national treasure.
                                                                                                Hannie Rayson has an established
     Omar Musa is of Malaysian-Australian                                                       reputation for topical, complex dramas.
     heritage. He has lived in London and                                                       Her plays include Hotel Sorrento, Life
     California and spends most of his time                                                     After George, Inheritance, Two Brothers

                                                  Juanita Phillips
     on the road, performing and writing.                                                       and The Swimming Club.
     Ben Naparstek gained degrees in arts                                                       Matthew Reilly is the international
     and law from the University of Melbourne.    Juanita Phillips is best known as the         bestselling author of seven novels. the
     He returned to Melbourne to become editor    ABC’s 7pm news presenter in NSW, but          children’s book Hover Car Racer and
     of The Monthly in May 2009, after eight                                                    one novella, Hell Island. His books are
                                                  she has also spent 25 years writing for
     years of writing about books and ideas for                                                 published in over 20 languages, with
                                                  newspapers and magazines, and is the
     more than 40 newspapers and magazines.                                                     worldwide sales approaching 4 million
                                                  author of a series of children’s books.       copies.
     In Conversation is his first book.
                                                  Her latest book is the autobiographical A
                                                  Pressure Cooker Saved my Life.
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