BY DR. SUDHIR R. KOHCHALE DR. ARCHANA S. SAWARKAR - As per Practical course of SGBAU B. Sc. I (Semester-I) Zoology Department of Zoology Shri ...

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BY DR. SUDHIR R. KOHCHALE DR. ARCHANA S. SAWARKAR - As per Practical course of SGBAU B. Sc. I (Semester-I) Zoology Department of Zoology Shri ...
As per Practical course of SGBAU B. Sc. I (Semester-I) Zoology
                                    DR. SUDHIR R. KOHCHALE
                                  DR. ARCHANA S. SAWARKAR
  Department of Zoology Shri R.L.T. College of Science, Akola
BY DR. SUDHIR R. KOHCHALE DR. ARCHANA S. SAWARKAR - As per Practical course of SGBAU B. Sc. I (Semester-I) Zoology Department of Zoology Shri ...
Kingdom - Animalia

Group -Protozoa                Group- Metazoa
  (Unicellular )                 (Multicellular)

                    Phylum- Porifera
BY DR. SUDHIR R. KOHCHALE DR. ARCHANA S. SAWARKAR - As per Practical course of SGBAU B. Sc. I (Semester-I) Zoology Department of Zoology Shri ...
Sr. No.   Specimen/Slide   Sr. No.   Specimen/Slide
1         Plasmodium       17        Aranea
2         Euglena          18        Scolopendra
3         Entamoeba        19        Julus
4         Sycon            20        Moth
5         Euspongia        21        Mosquito
6         Euplectela       22        Chiton
7         Obelia           23        Pila
8         Aurelia          24        Dentalium
9         Tubipora         25        Unio
10        Taenia soleum    26        Octopus
11        Ascaris          27        Antedon
12        Neris            28        Holothuria
13        Pheritima        29        Echinus
14        Hirudinaria      30        Asterias
15        Palaemon         31        Ophioderma
16        Limulus          32        Ballanoglossus
BY DR. SUDHIR R. KOHCHALE DR. ARCHANA S. SAWARKAR - As per Practical course of SGBAU B. Sc. I (Semester-I) Zoology Department of Zoology Shri ...
Phy –Protozoa
                     Sub phylum – Sporozoa
                       Class – Teleosporea
                        Order – Eucoccidia
                          Genus – Plasmodium
 The micro meta cryptozoites after escaping into
  the blood stream, invade the erythrocytes (RBC)
 Each became rounded and modified in to
 It grows in size, a central vacuole is developed
  and nucleus is pushed to one side in to
  peripheral cytoplasm
 This stage is clinically referred as Signet ring
BY DR. SUDHIR R. KOHCHALE DR. ARCHANA S. SAWARKAR - As per Practical course of SGBAU B. Sc. I (Semester-I) Zoology Department of Zoology Shri ...
Phy –Protozoa
                   Subphylum – Sarcomastigophora
                    Class -Mastigophora
                      Order – Euglenida
                        Genus –Euglena
 It is found in fresh water.
 It is an oval, spindle shaped organism measuring from
  50 to 100 micron in diameter.
 Endoplasm contains chloroplast, a large nucleus,
  contractile vacuole etc.
 Nutrition is holophytic (plant like).
 Reproduction is asexual by longitudinal binary fission.
BY DR. SUDHIR R. KOHCHALE DR. ARCHANA S. SAWARKAR - As per Practical course of SGBAU B. Sc. I (Semester-I) Zoology Department of Zoology Shri ...

                    Phy –Protozoa
                     Subphylum –Sarcomastigophora
                      Class – Rizopodea
                        Order – Amoebida
                         Genus – Entamoeba
   It is endoparasite found the large intestine of man.
   Nutrition is holozoic (animal like).
   It produces a toxic substance which dissolves tissues
    by an enzyme on which it feeds.
   Reproduction by simple binary fission
   It causes a disease called amoebic dysentery disease
    is caused by the trophozoit form
BY DR. SUDHIR R. KOHCHALE DR. ARCHANA S. SAWARKAR - As per Practical course of SGBAU B. Sc. I (Semester-I) Zoology Department of Zoology Shri ...
Phy –Porifera
                               Class – Calcarea
                                 Order – Heterocoela
                                  Genus – Sycon

   It is a solitary sponge found attach to the rocks near the
      sea shore
   Body vase shaped and opens to exterior by an osculum.
   Tissues and organs absent
   Body wall has many pores
   Body wall has many calcarious spicules
   Canal system is syconoid type
   Nutrition respiration and excretion by canal system
   Reproduction by sexual and asexual method
BY DR. SUDHIR R. KOHCHALE DR. ARCHANA S. SAWARKAR - As per Practical course of SGBAU B. Sc. I (Semester-I) Zoology Department of Zoology Shri ...
Phy –Porifera
                      Class – Demospongia
                        Order – Keratosa
                         Genus – Euspongia
 It is common bath sponge found in warm shallow water.
 It is large and rounded in forms
 Body surface contain large opening called oscula
 Skeleton of sponging fiber is present
 It is of great economic importance as it is used for
 Bathing, washing, automobiles, clearing and polishing
 It is commonly used in offices for wetting postal stamp
and coiling currency notes or papers etc.
BY DR. SUDHIR R. KOHCHALE DR. ARCHANA S. SAWARKAR - As per Practical course of SGBAU B. Sc. I (Semester-I) Zoology Department of Zoology Shri ...
Phy –Porifera
                           Class – Hexactinelida
                             Order – Hexasterophora
                              Genus – Euplectela

   It is commonly known as Venus basket flower due
    to its beautiful elegant glossy shape.
   It has long curved, cylindrical body, fastened in the
    mud of sea bottom by a mass of long siliceous root spicules.
   The size of individual varies from 15-30 cm in
    length and 2-5 cm in diameter.
   Skeleton consists of four and six rayed silliseous spicules
   The spicules are joined together forming a network.
   Terminal opening closed by an ‘Oscular sieve’
   The parietal gaps in the network of spicules connect with a
BY DR. SUDHIR R. KOHCHALE DR. ARCHANA S. SAWARKAR - As per Practical course of SGBAU B. Sc. I (Semester-I) Zoology Department of Zoology Shri ...
Phylum – Coelenterata
                         Class - Hydrozoa
                           Order - Hydroida
                             Genus – Obelia

    It is a marine colony found attached to the weeds
    Polyps and medusa are present
    Colony consists of a basal horizontal , portion called
    hydrorhiza, attached to substratum and number of
    vertical branches known as hydrocaulli
    The colony is trimorphic having three types of zooids
    Ex. Hydranth (nutritive zooid) Blastostyle (Reproductive
    zooid) and medusae (gonophores).
    Life history of Obelia exhibit alternation of the
Phylum – Coelenterata
                           Class -Schyphozoa
                             Order Semiostomae
                               Genus – Aurelia

   It is commonly called as jelly fish, It Measures
    up to 30 cm in diameter
   Body is gelatinous ,transparent ,bluish whitish
    reddish or pinkish
   Saucer shaped body is divided in to convex
    exumbrellar and concave subumbrellar surfaces
   Other structures seen are gastric filaments,
    subgenital pits and velarium.
Phylum – Coelenterata
                       Class -Anthozoa
                         Order - Stolonifera
                          Genus – Tubipora
 It is commonly known as organ pipe coral
  Only polyps present
 It is a colonial form which secrete the internal
 Colony consists of long parallel upright polyps arising
   from a basal plate
 The bright colours of polyps are due the presence of
  iron salts
 Reproduction assexual by budding
Phylum – Platyhelmenthes
                 Class -Cestoda
                  Order - Taenoidea
                    Genus – Taenia solium

   It is commonly known as tape worm
   It is soft tape like ,opaque ,white and about
      6-8 feet long
   It is an endoparasite fond in intestine of
   Man causing the disease called Taeniasis.
   Body consists of the scolex ,or head neck or strobila or the
    body segments
   Life cycle involves an intermediate host pig
Phylum – Aschelmenthes
                      Class -Nematoda
                       Order - Ascaroidea
                         Genus – Ascaris
   It is commonly known as round worm
   It is an endo parasite fond in small intestine of man
   Body is elongated cylindrical pointed at both ends
   Surface of the body is marked with four longitudinal lines
   Mouth is encircled by three lips
   Excretory pore is small
   Sexes are separate
   Male is small provided with curved tail with a pair of spicules
    known as pineal setae
   Female is large with small straight blunt tail
Phylum – Annelida
                           Class - Polychaeta
                            Order - Errantia
                              Genus – Nereis

   It is commonly known as rag worm or clam worm
   Body is long slender and dorsoventrally flat
   Head consists of two parts aroughly triangular anterior lobe
    the prosstomium and a posterior ring like portion the
   Prostomium bears a pair of tentacles two pairs of eye and
    a pair of palps. peristomium bears four tentacles on each
     side and mouth on ventral surface
   Each segment of the body bears a pair of lateral parapodia
    which are locomotory organ
   The last or anal segment is without parapodia but bears a pair
    of appendages known as anak cirri and anus
   Sexes are separate.
Phylum – Annelida
                               Class - Oligochaeta
                                Order - Neo oligochaeta
                                  Genus – Pheretima
    It is commonly known as earth worm
   It is terrestrial free living worm found in moist soil
   Earthworm are nocturnal (active at night habit)
   Body is long cylindrical and segmented
   Many setae are present for locomotion
   Clitellum a circular band of glandular tissue is present in
    14 to 16th segments
   Hermaphrodite; Reproduction is usually sexual
   It is economically very important
   as fishing bait, to agriculture, for preparing the organic fertilizers
   It also has medicinal , educational and experimental value
Phylum – Annelida
                       Class - Hirudinea
                        Order - Gnathobddellida
                          Genus – Hirudinaria

   It is commonly known as Indian cattle leech
   It is found in fresh water ponds lakes and swamps
   It is sanguivorous (blood sucking) in habit
   Body is divided in to 33 segments
   Anterior and posterior sucker are well developed
   Five pairs of eyes are present
   Alimentary canal is straight tube
   Hermaphrodite; Sexual reproduction is common
Phylum – Arthropoda
                   Class – Crustacea
                     Order - Decapoda
                      Genus – Palaemon
 It is commonly known as prawn. It is found in
  freshwater ponds and rivers.
 It is nocturnal in habit.
 Body is divided into cephalothorax and
 Cephalothorax is covered by carapace.
 The carapace is anteriorly produced into saw
  toothed rostrum.
Phylum – Arthropoda
                    Class – Arachnida
                     Order - xiphosura
                       Genus – Limulus
 It is commonly known as king - crab.
 Body is divided into prosoma and opisthosoma with a
  long telson.
 Prosoma is covered by carapace.
 Four pairs of walking legs.
 It is marine animal, found burrowing in the sand and
  feeds worms and soft molluscs.
 It is a living member of a very ancient fossil group of
  animals, hence called a living fossil.
Phylum – Arthropoda
                Class – Arachnida
                 Order - Aranieda
                   Genus - Aranea
   It is commonly known as Ore
       webbed spider.
   Body consists of prosoma and an opisthosoma, connected by a
    narrow pedicel.
   Prosoma is covered by carapace.
   Prosoma bears 8 eyes and 6 pairs of appendages.
   Poison glands present.
   Four pairs of walking legs are present.
   Opisthosoma is unsegmented, bears 3 pairs of spinnerets or
    spinning organs which produce threads for making webs.
   Respiration by book lung and tracheae.
   Sexes are separate. 10) Carnivorous and nocturnal, feeding on small
Phylum – Arthropoda
                    Class – Myriapoda
                      Order - Chilopoda
                       Genus – Scolopendra
 It is commonly called centipede.
 It is found under stones, in houses, in damp places.
 It is carnivorous and poisonous.
 Body is elongated, flat and segmented.
 Body is divided into head and trunk.
 Many pairs of walking legs are present.
 A pair of antennae present.
 First pair of trunk appendages bears a sharp claw
  connected with poison gland.
 Sexes are separate.
Phylum – Arthropoda
             Class – Myriapoda
               Order - Diplopoda
                 Genus – Julus

    It is commonly known as millipede or wire worm.
     Body is elongated, cylindrical and segmented.
    It is found rolled up in damp places under stones.
   It is herbivorous and non- poisonous.
   Body is divided into head, thorax and abdomen.
   Many pairs of walking legs are present.,
   A pair of antennae present.
   Stink glands are present secreting harmful substance. 9)
    Poison claws are absent.
   Sexes are separate.
Phylum- Arthropoda
                       Class – Insecta
                         Order –Lepidoptera
                          Genus – Moth (Silkworm)
 Moths are nocturnal. They come in the light during
  rainy season.
 Body is divided into head, thorax and abdomen.
 A pair of antennae present.
 Mouth parts are of sucking type.
 Three pairs of legs and two pairs of wings are present.
 Abdomen is composed of ten segments
Phylum – Arthropoda
                           Class – Insecta
                            Order - Diptera
                              Genus – Culex

   Body is small, soft, slender and covered with scales.
   Body colour is greyish black.
   Body divided into 3 parts: head, thorax and abdomen.
   Head bears a pair of compound eyes and a pair of antennae.
   Mouth parts are of piercing and sucking type.
   Three pairs of legs and a pair of membranous wings are present.
   They are nocturnal in feeding habit. Females feed on blood
    (sangvivorous) of man and large animals, while males suck juices of
    flowers and fruits.
   Due to the blood sucking adaptation, females are medically
    important as carriers of viral, bacterial and protozoan infections.
   Anopheles carries malaria, Culex carries dengue and elephantiasis
    and Aedes caries yellow fever.
Phylum – Mollusca
                               Class – Polyplacophora
                                 Order - Chitonina
                                  Genus – Chiton
   It is sluggish, marine animal.
   Body is soft with hard calcareous shell.
   Body consists of shell, foot, mantle and visceral mass.
   Shell is composed of eight plates.
   Head is small without eyes and tentacles.
   Foot is ventral, muscular and serves for creeping and adhering to
    the substratum.
   Mouth and anus are at opposite ends.
   Sexes are separate.
   It is herbivorous.
Phylum – Mollusca
                          Class – Gastropoda
                          Order - Mesogastropoda
                             Genus – Pila
    It is commonly known as apple snail.
   The soft body of the animal is enclosed in a shell.
   Shell is spirally coiled and opens outside by the mouth.
   The topmost portion of the shell is called apex & the lines
    that marks off the whorls are known as sutures.
    Operculum is well developed and closes the mouth of the
   Soft body consists of head, foot and visceral mass. 7) Head
    bears 2 pairs of tentacles and a pair of eyes.
   Foot is muscular, flat & serves for creeping.
   Sexes are separate.Pila feeds on aquatic plants.
Phylum – Mollusca
                             Class – Scaphopoda
                              Order - Dentalida
                                Genus – Dentalium
   It is commonly known as elephant’s trunk.
   Body is soft enclosed in a tubular shell open at both ends.
   Body consists of muscular foot and mantle (covering of
    visceral mass).
   Head is reduced, bearing the mouth with tentacles called
    captacula with suckers- like ends.
   Foot is long, conical and used for burrowing.
   Eyes absent.
   Gills absent, respiration by mantle.
   Sexes are separate.
Phylum – Mollusca
                  Class – Pelecepoda
                   Order – Eulamellibranchiata
                     Genus – Unio

   It is commonly known as fresh water mussel.
   Body is soft enclosed in a calcareous equal bivalve
   Foot is large, muscular and wedge- shaped used for
   Shell contains lines of growth on equal valves.
   Umbo is situated near the anterior end of dorsal side.
   Sexes are separate but the male and female shells
    are alike.
Phylum – Mollusca
                            Class – Cephalopoda
                               Order - Octapoda
                                 Genus – Octopus
    It is commonly known as devil - fish.
    Body is globose and bag - like with large head and trunk.
    Head bears a pair of eyes and eight elongated equal
    Each arm bears 2 rows of suckers.
    Shell is absent.
    Third right arm in male is modified as hectocotyl which
    serves as accessory reproductive organ.
    Octopus produces inky - fluid for defence from the
    The arms are used for catching the prey and for
Phylum – Echinodermata
                               Class – Crinoidea
                                Order - Articulata
                                  Genus – Antedon
   It is commonly known as feather star.
   Body consists of a central disc and a series of five radiating arms.
   Central disc is differentiated into an upper oral surface and lower
    aboral surface.
    Oral surface is covered by soft skin and bears mouth and anus.
   Aboral surface bears slender jointed cirri supported by small
    ossicles serve for attachment
   Each arm is divided at its base into two, so there are ten long
    slender, flexible arms, bearing lateral pinnules.
   Tube feet or podia without suckers are present on arms.
   Sexes are separate
Phylum – Echinodermata
                          Class – Holothuriidea
                           Order - Aspidochirota
                             Genus – Holothuria
   Body is black, elongated, bilaterally symmetrical.
   Mouth and anus present at opposite ends.
   Body bears numerous podia or tube feet.
   Body wall is leathery having a skeleton of minute
   Mouth surrounded by 15 – 30 tentacles.
   Sexes are separate.
   It feeds by pushing sand - containing - organic food
    into mouth with the help of tentacles.
Phylum – Echinodermata
                            Class – Echinoidea
                             Order - Camarodonta
                               Genus – Echinus

   It is commonly known as sea urchin.
   Body is spherical shaped, differentiated into oral and
    aboral surfaces.
   Body is enclosed in a rigid, globular shell or corona formed
    of closely fitted numerous spines.
   Test bears numerous spines.
   Mouth lies in the centre of oral pole and anus lies on the
    aboral pole.
   Numerous podia or tube feet project from the surface
    among the spines.
   Sexes are separate.
Phylum – Echinodermata
                            Class – Asteroidea
                              Order - Forcipulata
                                Genus – Asterias
   It is commonly known as star fish.
   Body is flat, star - shaped with central disc.
   Five non - flexible but grooved arms present.
   Body surfaces are differentiated into an oral and an
    aboral surface.
   Mouth and anus present on opposite sides.
   Water vascular system is well developed with tube -
   Sexes are separate.
   It has great power of regeneration.
Phylum – Echinodermata
                            Class – Ophiuroidea
                              Order - Ophiurae
                                Genus – Ophioderma

   It is commonly known as brittle star.
   Body consists of pentagonal disc and five arms.
    Body surfaces are differentiated into oral and aboral
   Mouth and anus present on opposite sides.
   Five flexible slender but ungrooved arms are present.
   Sexes are separate.
   It has great power of regeneration.
   It is known as brittle star because its arms are readily
    broken off into pieces when alarmed.
Phylum – Hemichordata
                             Class – Enteropneusta
                               Genus – Balanoglossus
   It is commonly known as acorn worm.
   It is burrowing, marine animal.
   Body is soft, cylindrical & ciliated.
   Body is divided into proboscis, collar & trunk.
   In the branchio-genital region, pair of genital wings with internal
    gonads & a branchial groove with many paired gill-slits are present.
   In the hepatic region are present double rows of hepatic caeca.
   Alimentary canal is straight.
   Sexes are separate.
   Proboscis is used to burrow in sand or mud.
   Skin is glandular.
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