By Brett Callwood Tori Amos is back with stunning album and tour - LA Weekly
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® Danny Boyle Talks about the Sex Pistols Legacy The power of the playlist in restaurants 2022 PRIMARY ELECTION: Several Familiar Faces Return JUNE 17 - 23, 2022 / VOL. 44 / NO. 32 LAWEEKLY.COM Tori Amos is back with stunning album and tour By Brett Callwood
2 NEWS McCosker will battle Danielle Sandoval, with each race assuring a new council have the trust of so many.” City Councilman Kevin de Leon was 2022 PRIMARY | June 17 - 23, 2022 | L A W E E K L Y member. a distant third in voting, receiving more Other notable results within the city in- than 7% of votes, and the Associated clude a runoff for controller between CPA Press has projected that the gap is wide Kenneth Mejia and Councilman Paul Ko- enough to predict Caruso and Bass as the ELECTION: retz, with Mejia receiving more than 38% final two candidates. of the vote. Had either candidate received more A much closer race for city attorney is than 50% of the vote, there would have still taking place between Faisal Gill, Ma- been no need for a runoff, but Los Ange- SEVERAL FAMILIAR rina Torres - both of whom received 20% les City Councilman Kevin deLeon gave of the vote and Hydee Feldstein Soto with the two top candidates a run, receiving a 19% of the vote. modest 7.6% of votes, with community activist Gina Viola receiving 5% of the FACES WITH LOS Caruso And Bass To Face Off In vote with the help of an endorsement November Race For Mayor Of LA from Black Lives Matter-L.A. Developer Rick Caruso and Represen- Ultimately, Caruso and Bass had led tative Karen Bass are projected to face off in polls conducted throughout the race ANGELES CITY RETURN in the race for Mayor of Los Angeles this and the projections held true until elec- November. tion time. W W W. L A W E E K L Y. C O M As of this writing, Caruso has received “It’s official - there will be a runoff in more than 40% of the vote, with Bass November,” Bass said in a tweet. “Be- earning more than 38%. tween now and then, we’ll bring folks With the 2022 primary election now behind us, the city of “... LA voters spoke by going into the from every corner of LA together, to Los Angeles will see many familiar faces returning with a voting booth and sending a clear mes- build a better city for ALL. We’re in the sage: we’re not hopeless in the face of our fight for the soul of Los Angeles.” handful of new blood entering City Hall, as well. problems,” Caruso said after the election. The winner of the November 8 election BY ISAI ROCHA “Together, we have the power to change will replace Mayor Eric Garcetti, who has the direction of LA for the better. I’m served two terms and is no longer eligible I honored to be the top vote-getter and to to run due to city term limits. n early vote tallies, there appear to Rick Caruso, a Democratic candidate be no new Los Angeles City Council for mayor of Los Angeles, waves members elected in the June 7 primary, to supporters attending a primary with some races likely to be decided in election campaign event in Los November. Angeles The city had eight of its 15 district seats up for grabs this year, from districts 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13 and 15, and multiple fa- miliar faces presumably returning to Los Angeles City Hall. We were assured to see at least four new council members next year, as Kevin de Leon and Joe Buscaino both conceded their seats to instead run for mayor of Los Angeles, Paul Koretz leaving to run for city controller and Mike Bonin an- nouncing his retirement. It appears voters chose to bring back four council members, with the rest of the seats, including 13th district Coun- cilman Mitch O’Farrell’s, to be decided in the Nov. 8 national elections. As of June 10, regaining their seats will be 1st district Councilman Gil Cedilllo, who received 52% of the vote, 3rd district Councilman Bob Blumenfield with 65% of the vote, 7th district Councilwoman Monica Rodriguez with 68% of the vote and Councilman Curren Price with 66% of the vote. Councilman O’Farrell fell behind can- didate Hugo Soto-Martinez by percent- age points in the 13th district, but both received 35% of the vote. Katy Young Yaroslavsky and Sam Yerbi will face off in November for the 5th dis- trict, Erin Darling and Traci Park will go head-to-head in the 11th district and Tim ALEX GALLARDO/AP/SHUTTERSTOCK
JOHN MCCOY/AP/SHUTTERSTOCK 3 L A W E E K LY | June 17 - 23, 2022 | W W W. L A W E E K L Y. C O M Rep. Karen Bass, D-Calif., speaks during her election night party, in Los Angeles. Sheriff Villanueva Will Face Robert Luna Luna was chief of police. He led with in- In November tegrity and was an excellent leader. He In the race for L.A. County Sheriff, Alex made important reforms and fixed prob- Villanueva (33%) held a lead over candi- lems. It’s time for the chaos of the current date Robert Luna (25%), with both candi- sheriff to end.” dates going to a November runoff. Villanueva goes into the November Governor Newsom Will Face Brian Dahle election facing much scrutiny over al- In November legations and investigations over gang With the primary election reaching its activity within the department, as well as end in California, it is now clear that Gov- an alleged “cover-up” of a video showing ernor Gavin Newsom and Senator Brian a Sheriff ’s deputy kneeling on an inmate’s Dahle will face off in the November race. neck. Newsom will be aiming for a second The Sheriff has proclaimed that allega- term as California governor, months after tions against his department have been an having to stave off a recall effort. orchestrated attack as the elections drew According to numbers from LAvote. near. gov, Newsom received 61% of votes and Luna is the former Long Beach Chief Dahle came in second with 10.9%, as of of Police and retired in order to run for this writing. sheriff. Long Beach PD has had its own Jenny Le Roux, Michael Shellenberger controversies with accusations of exces- and Luis Javier Rodriguez round out the sive use of force and Black Lives Matter top five candidates, all receiving less than protesters showing vocal opposition to- 5% of the vote. ward Luna. While Newsom has not yet publicly Luna did receive support from Long addressed the election results, he did Beach Mayor Robert Garcia, who com- go ahead with declaring and signing mended Luna on his “integrity.” the November 8 general election for “It’s time for L.A. County to unite be- California, where the two candidates, hind Robert Luna,” Garcia said. “I served as well as other races within the state as mayor for the entire time that Robert will take place.
T 4 ori Amos is partway through the Ocean to Ocean tour | June 17 - 23, 2022 | L A W E E K L Y when we speak to her for this interview; finally, the cel- ebrated singer and songwriter can get out on the road and celebrate the album of the same name that was re- leased in October. She’s characteristically chatty and charming when we speak by phone, an easy conversationalist. But she’s also very open about the fact that the past couple of years have been chal- lenging to say the least. Amos spent the pandemic period in her home in Cornwall, a gorgeous county in the southwest of England. Thankfully, she’s now able to travel and see family, as well as tour. “Now that the pandemic has lifted, between the tours I popped into the W W W. L A W E E K L Y. C O M beach house in Florida before it all started – I hadn’t seen my father except one time in the last couple of years,” she says. “So I’m in Cornwall for a good portion of the time, but not for many, many months now.” There are worse places to be locked down than Cornwall but still, a lockdown is a lockdown. In the UK, they had three over the course of the pandemic. “On the third one, I thought we handled it as well as we could,” Amos says. “For the first and the second, particularly the first, we were busy. We were at the recording studio so we had a book that came out [Resistance: A Songwriter’s Story of Hope, Change, and Courage], we did a virtual book tour, and then we did an EP and put out Christmastide with Decca. So we’ve been pretty busy. And then the insur- rection happened. And then the third lockdown had been put in place, and I think it was clear that live music wasn’t going to happen so here we go again. I think a lot of musicians that I’m speaking to are in a similar mental state which is ‘when is this going to shift?’ Our business was one of the businesses that was on its knees. That and live the- ater. But as you know, the music side of things was one of the last to come back. So it was challenging.” TORI’S GLORY It was particularly strange for Amos, a North Carolina native and former Los Angeles resident, to watch the January 6 insurrection from the UK. “The Brits that were phoning in were asking ‘what in the world has happened to your country?’,” she says. “My husband started wearing a t-shirt around the house going ‘Make America Great Britain Again.’ Then he looked at me and said, ‘Wife, your people have Tori Amos is back with stunning album and tour lost their way.’ Maybe they need their BY BRETT CALLWOOD older brother to come back in, colonize them and teach them what’s what. Oh my goodness. But in a way, this is such
Tori Amos 5 L A W E E K LY | June 17 - 23, 2022 | W W W. L A W E E K L Y. C O M PHOTO BY DESMOND MURRAY teenager behavior. ‘Watch me dad, I’m in that time of very dramatic weather. “I think it worked because Matt up. That was the process.” gonna crash my car. Fuck you, I’ll show It was humbling. I said, ‘Clearly, you as Chamberlain [drums], Jon Evans Ultimately, the album sounds phe- you.’ Burn it all down.” an energy force are able to deal with a [bass], Mark Hawley [guitar] and I, nomenal. Songs such as the title track It was the events on January 6, com- world that’s gone mad and I just need we worked as four directions on this and “Spies” are classic Tori Amos – bined with Cornish mythology and the to study from you’ because I’d got into a with John Philip Shenale – we added emotionally stirring, near-classical, environment, that inspired Ocean to place of despondency. I didn’t have the an extra direction with him in there,” epic yet organic and utterly beauti- Ocean. tools. Nobody did, really. How do you Amos says. “JPS I’ve been working with ful. Under the circumstances, she has “It’s all of it, and it’s also having to deal with a pandemic, especially if your since ‘91. So because we have a history excelled. get out even in the wintery Cornish livelihood and what you do doesn’t of playing together for so many years “Those were the circumstances,” weather – when the gales are blowing lend itself to Zoom. Not really. So it and working together, there was a lan- Amos says. “Would it have been differ- and the gusts of wind – it can be fero- was about, how do you adapt? That’s guage that we’ve developed. When you ent if we’d all been in a room together? ciously beautiful because it’s so power- when I just sat with nature and started have that language, you have it. Yet we Probably? I remember when Matt ful,” Amos says. “I got myself out in it. listening. ‘Metal Water Wood’ was the weren’t in a room together jamming. So heard ‘29 Years’ once it was done, and We’re in the middle of nowhere really, first song to come, to admit that I was it went from the studio to L.A. to Matt he said ‘reggae, really?’ That’s all he we’re in farm country 20 minutes from just in a place of sadness.” Chamberlain’s studio, then it would said. Because once he’d played drums the cliffs in northern Cornwall where The album was recorded, produced, come back to us and I’d do a take off on it, he didn’t hear it again until the the weather coming off the Atlantic mixed and engineered in Cornwall, Los my piano and play to him. Then it goes end. I’m sure he was surprised but after can be quite something. It was almost Angeles and Massachusetts, which was to Jon Evans’ studio, and comes back to he listened to it for a couple of days, I a relief to realize that nature wasn’t in challenging but the results are excep- us. We’d add stuff and it’d go to JPS, and think he was really thrilled. The choices lockdown. She was busy, and she was tional. then it would come back and we’d tie it you make are the choices. When you’re
6 Tori Amos in concert, 2017 | June 17 - 23, 2022 | L A W E E K L Y W W W. L A W E E K L Y. C O M RMV/SHUTTERSTOCK in a room together, it’s a very different about pro-life, then where are they after seven and a half years, when big hair ing as a pivot. But we’re rewriting the conversation than when you’re thou- the birth of the kid, these people? This was the thing. I lived in L.A. at a specific narrative so the journey is different every sands of miles apart. There was just no is about anti-choice. This isn’t about time. I was in my twenties – I moved night, reflecting what we’ve learned that time to get it back to people to say, ‘let them assisting these people with bring- there when I was 21. I was all over the day in that town, which will be L.A. It’s me change this, let me change that.’ ing up a kid. Financially and anything Canyons, in the Valley, and driving my just reading the letters before the show, I’ll occasionally get a letter from an else for the next 18 years. Very few little wannabe Mustang – a baby blue getting a sense of where people are, tak- introvert going, ‘How’s your pandemic? people put their money where their Capri – all over the place. Playing piano ing requests – that’s how I do it.” Mine’s going quite swimmingly.’ The mouth is. That’s where I just roll my bars anywhere I could. I played the Finally, Amos says that the schedule introverts get a little break here. Good eyes and say, ‘don’t confuse yourself on Sheraton, the Bonaventure. I even played over the next 12 months is open to for them.” what this is about. This is anti-choice, the Sheraton in Long Beach after Little change. Anything can happen. Now on tour, Amos receives a lot of because you’re forcing somebody to Earthquakes got rejected. I had to go back “A lot of it is timing,” she says. “Does it letters from people concerned about have a child, whether they then feel like to piano bars. I played the Ramada in work? Because when we’re touring really, the state of the world. She’s been an ef- they don’t want to send the child up for Beverly Hills. I played it all, my friend.” other than some interviews, it’s not as if fective activist for years, with organiza- adoption but struggle on and try to do People intending on attending all three I can just jump into a recording studio tions such as RAINN (Rape, Abuse & it.’ A lot of people are making it clear nights can expect the odd change in the somewhere and contribute to something Incest National Network). Naturally, to me how they’re seeing it. A lot of setlist here and there. if they have a deadline of three weeks she’s dismayed about the recent moves people are incredibly concerned about “We change a few songs every night,” from now. It doesn’t always work time- by the Supreme Court to potentially the court and what the court means. Amos says. “I’m always moving the set wise. So I’m open to what happens. I overturn Roe vs. Wade. This is a real defining moment, I think, around. I start the same way, because think I’m going to spend some time in “We’ve been out for several weeks, in our history, with our justice system.” that’s ‘once upon a time’ for each tour. the States so I can see my family because and the letters that we’re getting from Amos will be performing for three Then you can move anywhere you want I haven’t seen them in such a long time.” people who are deeply concerned about nights in Los Angeles at the Orpheum, to move, pretty much. There might be Tori Amos performs at 8 p.m. on what’s happening,” she says. “Many of and she’s relishing the chance to return some that show up more than others, Wednesday, June 15, Thursday, June 16 them keep making it clear that this is to her former home. because they’re part of the narrative right and Friday, June 17 at the Orpheum, anti-choice. It’s not pro-life. If this were “I love it,” she says. “I lived there for now for our time now, that are just work-
D anny Boyle was 19 when the Sex Pistols’ notoriety exploded in ENTERTAINMENT else. The episode providing background to the song “Bodies” is the only misstep in 7 PISTOL FIRES AND HITS England. The band had a for- the series, as it introduces a new character L A W E E K LY midable impact on the film- with a triggering tale that takes away from maker’s life that would inspire the band and their story, which is all we him for years to come. Boyle, best known for really want to see. acclaimed films including Trainspotting, The Still, the supporting characters in the Beach, 28 Days Later, and Slumdog Million- Danny Boyle Talks Johnny Rotten, Punk History and the band’s punk posse are pivotal and pretty aire, had a strict Irish-Catholic upbringing Sex Pistols Legacy wonderful to watch, too. Beth Dillon as | June 17 - 23, 2022 | W W W. L A W E E K L Y. C O M and was even supposed to enter the priest- a pre-Banshees Siouxsie Sioux and Game hood, but his affinity for theater in school BY LINA LECARO of Thrones’ Maisie Williams as famed UK led him down another, more creative path. punkette Jordan provide the moxie and Danny Boyles’ Pistol, a six-part FX series most importantly the looks needed to chronicling the formation and demise of convey the badassness of the scene at the the infamous punk group, is in many ways time, which shaped fashion, music and a homage to his youth, and really all English even feminism in ways they’d never imag- youth who came to discover that doing what ine. The styling by the way, is near perfect; was expected by family or society in general, looks from the era are replicated with ob- wasn’t necessarily what was best for them. vious attention to detail – from the spikey “When they emerged, they represented a hair to the latex looks and plaid bondage complete change of everything, in the way pieces. that the Beatles didn’t, for instance, may- If FX and Hulu’s connection to Disney be Elvis further back… they represented evoked concerns that Pearce and Boyle’s proper change in society where everything story might be a wholesome wash of was just shattered,” Boyle tells LA Weekly the U.K.’s greatest unwashed, the duo via Zoom during the press day for the quashed it pretty early on. Pearce’s work film. “They were this force that stopped is unapologetically audacious most of life from being rigid. I come from a very the time, and as for Boyle… just give similar background to the guys, where PHOTO BY MIYA MIZUNO/FX Trainspotting or even 28 days Later, a re- your life was laid out, you were going to watch and ask yourself if this man is the follow in your father’s footsteps, you were at least just as exhilarating. And it’s not childlike, if less complex, Sid Vicious than type to shy away from unpleasantness. going to kind of become your mom or be- just his story. It was adapted by Craig Oldman did in Sid & Nancy. That said, taking on the Sex Pistols and come your dad. And you could see it in the Pearce (best known for his work with John Lydon took issue with his portrayal their lore would be a challenge for any- fashion. People started to dress like their Baz Luhrmann), from Steve Jones’ 2016 and the movie even before filming began one. Punk purists will find fault with any- parents. They were like, ‘no – wear rubber, memoir Lonely Boy. (Read our 2017 inter- (after refusing to OK the group’s music for thing, and if the interpretation isn’t 100% wear leather, wear T-shirts with pictures of view with Steve Jones about Lonely Boy on the project, his former bandmates sued true to life, naysayers are sure to spew penises on them.’ him and won due to an agreement that negativity. But Boyle’s take is clearly more “They detonated the stultifying nature of Beyond Jones’ take, the story unfolds licensing approvals would be on a “major- concerned with capturing the anarchistic Britain, and I imagine it resonated around in a way that sort of gets everyone’s point ity rules basis”). The frontman, formerly whirlwind, and his artistic interpretation the world,” Boyle continues. “But I under- of view accounted for – it seems to try at known as Johnny Rotten, still has not en- is “punk,” no matter what that means to stood it in British terms, and when I look least. Jones (Toby Wallace) is an abused dorsed the film and he even called Boyle modern audiences. back, I owe a lot of my career to the way kid who finds his chosen family in the leg- an asshole on UK Morning TV recently. “It’s not a historical document and I that shaped me, and the freedom that gave endary UK punk fashion boutique SEX, We had to ask the director about it, of don’t know how you would make a truly me to believe in your own rules, not other owned by Vivienne Westwood (Talulah course. authoritative historical document be- people’s.” Riley) and Malcom McLaren (Thomas “Discord is sort of part of his genius, cause they all disagree constantly about Of course, Boyle, who has been nomi- Brodie-Sangster). The pair become paren- which I think the series, as you go on, what happened,” reminds Boyle. “Discord nated for several BAFTAs, Oscars and tal figures to the young hoodlum, and ul- shows more and more,” Boyle says of Ly- is sort of part of their nature. If they find Golden Globes (Slumdog scored him all timately puppet masters, as they take over don. “You realize that is a very particular themselves agreeing too much, they agree three for Best Director), has always played his young band – including bassist Glen part of his makeup. And if you’re going to to disagree. Then they just start disagree- by his own rules. His gritty yet beautiful Matlock (Chirstian Lees) and drummer make a TV series about it, you can’t expect ing. I mean, it’s just constant with them. filmmaking style, which plays with pac- Paul Cook (Jacob Slater), naming them, him to be all cuddly, because it wouldn’t But what you’re trying to do is you’re ing, from fast and frenzied to ponderous dressing them and ultimately guiding be accurate. You know, he is a confronta- trying to get people lost. You know, the and intimate, has become a signature of them into infamy as vessels for their anar- tional provocateur. And that’s his genius, viewer is in a gallery, and in the gallery are his cinematic storytelling. Embellished chistic pop culture revolution. his makeup… and you’ve got to celebrate real events, things that we can all agree on and heightened by a liberal use of archival McClaren has always come off as a ma- it, you’ve got to capture it and celebrate it. because they did happen.” footage, Pistol is an exhilarating musical nipulative cad, and as played by Brodie- I think no matter what he says about the Boyle understands that viewers want kick in the bum as it was intended, and a Sangster (who most people will recognize series, I hope that he watches it, and he re- realism, or close to it, but he also never modern bookend to the slate of films that from The Queen’s Gambit, but we can’t un- alizes how much the people who made it forgets that modern audiences are watch- have attempted to tackle the mythic story see as the kid from Love, Actually), he’s a think he is a genius, actually, because I do. ing with their own preconceived norms of the band– from Julien Temple’s fun but pretentious parody, but he still feels accu- And I think Anson who played him does and ideas. “You want to feel that you are corny The Great Rock ‘n’ Roll Swindle to rate, as the real man presented himself as as well, so that’s genuine.” watching truth about 1975, without hav- his documentary The Filth and the Fury to such. Other than Jonesy and his love inter- Indeed, you can feel the filmmaker’s rev- ing to make a big effort to go back there,” Sid & Nancy (the movie that made Gary est Chrisse Hynde (an amiable if miscast erence in pretty much every installment he explains. “It’s just fluid in front of you. Oldman a star). Sydney Chandler), everyone mostly feels of Pistol, maybe especially in the “Rotten” It feels convincing. And yet it’s not oppres- Fury is the only proper doc, and it re- like a caricature in Boyle’s film, but this and “Nancy and Sid” episodes, in which sively nostalgic, because nostalgia kills mains the best of the bunch, if you want to works with the film’s style and subject mat- there are obvious attempts to add dimen- everything. It feels vibrant and alive now, fully know and understand the band’s true ter. Any fan of the band will recognize the sion to the iconic personas of all three. because the gallery you’re in is ‘the now.’” trajectory. Punk policing aside, Boyle’s ar- personalities and dynamics at play. Louis Rotten, ironically, comes off more sympa- All six episodes of Pistol are on Hulu tistic interpretation of the Pistols’ story is Partridge, by the way, conveys a more thetically than we’ve seen him in anything now.
W 8 hen Carlos Alzaola dips in and out of the various FOOD questions and conversations with clients. They could be looking for energy, driv- THE POWER OF | June 17 - 23, 2022 | L A W E E K L Y indoor and outdoor zones ing food and beverage or extra drinks, or of the Cloverfield in Santa they’re looking for familiar sounds or dis- Monica and surveys the covery. Some of the hotels Talea works with scene, a sixth sense tells the assistant general can have up to eight different concepts per manager what sounds the crowd needs to hotel, like the lobby bar, two restaurants, subliminally enhance their dining experi- the spa, the pool that all need their own THE PLAYLIST ence. music. Hotel Figueroa wanted cool, mostly Restaurants still struggle post-pandemic discovery driven, electronic, good energy and are constantly coming up with strate- music playing in the hotel’s food and bev- gies to bring in new and returning custom- erage outlets. There’s one out by the pool ers. Because dining out is a multi-sensory and one in the lobby and they both need experience, a huge amount of time, money different music. and consideration is put into restaurant playlists. Many say that it makes the differ- How Restaurants Aim To Satisfy All The Senses It’s all about the senses. “People feel better when they are enjoy- ence between one mimosa and a bottom- BY MICHELE STUEVEN ing all of their senses,” the sound architect less brunch. says. “You go to a restaurant and have a In addition to his regular managerial du- great meal, the food tastes good, you’re ties, Alzaola spends almost an hour daily happy, the service is good, the design is W W W. L A W E E K L Y. C O M on compiling the lists made up of different Brunch at The Cloverfield visually interesting, the seats are comfort- artists and styles, relative to the vibe of the able. All those touchpoints – everything day or night. from the silverware to the napkins – it all “Depending on if people are enjoying the matters. But the music literally touches ev- moment, it tells me if I should switch over erything. If you have bad music, it ruins all to another list or not,” the former Patina of those other things that the designers and chef, who spent years absorbing the sounds the chefs worked so hard to perfect.” of the Walt Disney Hall and Hollywood On the flip side in the vinyl district, you’ll Bowl, tells L.A. Weekly. “It really depends find another one of the city’s best playlists on the flow of the day. On Fridays, I love to at Thompson Hotel. Curated by Sebastian play acid jazz, Herbie Hancock and John Puga, Executive Vice President of Brand Scofield. People come in at the end of the Experience at Ten Five Hospitality, three week for a chill vibe at sunset. At brunch very distinct global playlists for very dif- I let the kitchen pick the music. The serv- ferent moods fill the air at the Terrace, Bar ers get here real early and they want to lis- Carlos Lis and the new Mes Amis. ten to their music and it plays throughout Alzaola PHOTO BY MICHELE STUEVEN “At Bar Lis and the Terrace at Thompson, the restaurant inside and out to help get behind the we had a very clear idea of what we wanted them started. Then I’ll change it up again bar at The to create,” says Puga. “It’s a cote d’Azur, for the afternoon crowd. On weekends a Cloverfield just completed an installation in Mexico south of France 1960s inspired lounge that lot of families come in and like to listen to for a private resort attached to the Mon- derives from the idea of making an imagi- familiar songs and many want to discover tage called Maravilla Los Cabos that had nary place that never existed into a reality. new music. It’s just a feeling. I want it to 40 zones of music, requiring 40 unique It’s finding that perfect blend of what’s vin- be ever-changing. Volume has a lot to do concepts. tage and what’s modern. The music on the with it too, especially for the older clien- “Over the years as the streaming services rooftop is very worldly and thought out – tele. They come in to dine and talk, it’s not come out, people are a lot more aware and there’s Latin, there’s funk, jazz, soul, Italian, Vegas or Miami. Then again, later at night opinionated about music than they used and French. If you’re having a good time after people have had a few drinks the vibe to be,” says Wintner, who credits what he you’re going to stay and if you’re going to changes and so does the music and maybe PHOTO BY MICHELE STUEVEN learned about music to his time working stay you’ll likely order dessert or an extra the volume.” with hospitality guru Rande Gerber. “Ev- appetizer.” Born in Cuba with close ties to the Buena erybody’s got a Spotify account to build At Bar Lis, there are DJs nightly with a Vista Social Club, Alzaola notes that Latin good reaction out of that. I ask, ‘Listen, do their own playlists. People are paying more different format in the evening because jazz is especially popular on current play- you know who Duke Ellington is? Charlie attention to it when they’re in restaurants – people are coming for cocktails and danc- lists across Los Angeles. His tastes lean Parker? Charles Mingus?” Those people not just customers but restaurant owners, ing and those playlists are offered online. toward hip hop, acid jazz, and bebop be- are part of American culture and the ABC hoteliers and chefs. They are all aware of For the newly opened French bistro on the cause they all mix together well. Most of of any DJ and it’s important to know who the impact the music has on the business.” property, Mes Amis, Puga spent two weeks the songs are instrumental or with no lyrics they are. If you don’t recognize any of those With that sophistication in the public’s working for hours and days on the music because that can be distracting in a restau- names, you can’t be part of the process. The musical tastes, a lot of the playlist is also that went through five edits, listening to it rant. When he does pick songs with lyrics bar is pretty high here.” about discovering new music. in the space with the lights, food and other they are usually in Spanish, providing a For others, like Andrew Wintner who “When I’m in a space that we are curat- touchpoints that make the experience a soft and gentle background. owns Talea Tailored Music Solutions, ing music for and I see customers raise whole. “When I first got here everybody on the playlists are big business. Wintner and their phone up to the speakers to Shazam “We want you to be able to put your sun- staff was coming to me with different sug- his team of curators work with hospitality a song, that’s just the biggest compliment glasses on and listen to Françoise Hardy, gestions, trying to take over the music,” he groups like the Viceroy Hotels, The Lon- you can get,” says Wintner, whose compa- order something for lunch and linger and says while mixing an Aviation cocktail be- don Hotel, Tocaya Organica, Toca Made- ny also programs the music for the ice skat- feel like you’re in the south of France or on hind the bar. “If you are really interested ra, Hotel Figueroa,Lettuce Entertain You ing rink at Rockefeller Center. “That means the Italian coast,” he says. in music, you need to have knowledge of (Stella Barra in Santa Monica), Palisociety they like it and they want to know what it With some cajoling, if you hear a playl- all different kinds of music. I’m more than (Palihouse, Palihotel and their restaurants) is and plays a role in whether they come in ist you fall in love with, most restaurants happy to listen to suggestions, but if those as well as Sweetflower, the largest owned again or order another Manhattan.” will share the soundtrack with you as a names are always the same, it’s hard to get a multi-location cannabis shop in LA. Talea Fine tuning that process involves many parting gift.
CANNABIS 9 NEW PUFFCO PROXY L A W E E K LY HITS LIKE A CHAMP | June 17 - 23, 2022 | W W W. L A W E E K L Y. C O M The kings of digital dabs are at it again with their latest invention BY JIMI DEVINE T he Puffco Proxy is the company’s One could easily argue the quality of newest device and latest effort to the atomizer construction was the biggest push the way we consume con- jump between the first two Peak genera- centrates into the future. tions. What the pro offered felt like a tank Old School hash heads will that ripped compared to the original at- remember long before the Peak caused omizers that at times felt flimsy. The idea more torches to be put away than any elec- that from the very beginning the Proxy tronic dab tool in history, Puffco already had a better built-in atomizer construc- was a heady name in the most elite circles. tion has to give many high hopes. When Why? While quartz was king for the you actually use it, those hopes will hold people that owned hash companies, they up. We’ve only had the chance to con- still needed something to consume their sume some Wilson F3 live rosin from product in on the go or while vacationing Hash and Flowers in the proxy so far. It somewhere it was too sketchy to bring their was delicious. full dab rig setup. After Puffco’s founding The atomizer felt a pinch smaller than in 2013, its early dab pen, the Puffco Plus, the one on the Peak Pro. That being said, quickly made its way into the hands of it still felt very sturdy and capable of solid some of the most elite names in hash. chunky rips. Like the Peak, a slow steady The Plus went on to be one of the draw gives the best experience. most awarded cannabis products of Roger Volodarsky, CEO and founder the decade. A true gold standard in a of Puffco, weighed in on the company’s flooded field. When we think of Puffco latest release. products without water, it’s our most re- “The Puffco Proxy celebrates cannabis cent memory and it is still a gold stan- by creating connections -- not only to the plant and its cultural legacy, but also to our community and friends,” Volodar- sky said. “Its familiar pipe form honors the rich heritage of cannabis, and invites you to connect with others who share a passion for dabbing and other modes of consumption.” dard in the dab pen space Volodarsky noted that the Proxy is also with its timeless dart tech. Most one of Puffco’s smallest devices. A big importantly for the purposes of this plus whether you’re looking for discre- discussion, the Plus sets a very high bar tion or portability, for Puffco’s latest product the Proxy. “We designed it so you can enjoy But 2016 was a long time ago. Even if broad consumption flexibility, compat- the Plus was better than the coil vape pens ible with an array of future accessories of the era, Puffco has learned a lot in the from our ecosystem, along with those years since. The Proxy is all those years of from a world of talented glass artists,” new technology in a unique new package. Volodarsky said. “The Proxy’s innova- The Proxy has been in development for tive base design offers glass artists a so long that it’s actually where the now- broad new canvas and platform to create popular 3D chamber for the Peak Pro meaningful pieces, which we are really got its start. In the midst of creating the excited about.” Proxy, they realized the heating chamber The Puffco Proxy is available now. Puff- they were designing for it was awesome. co will host a pop-up here in L.A. later They would end up releasing tech based this week, where you can get your hands on it as a standalone peak atomizer last on one in person. You can RSVP through year at Puffcon. the link on Puffco’s Instagram.
10 American Avocet Black Skimmer Blue Jay American Flamingo | June 17 - 23, 2022 | L A W E E K L Y PHOTO BY PHIL WHEELER PHOTO BY ANA GALVAÑ PHOTO BY GIZEM VURAL PHOTO BY DAN WINTERS ART THE BIRDS AND THE BEES W W W. L A W E E K L Y. C O M Just in time for summer, the arts get friendly with nature BY SHANA NYS DAMBROT H ere are some creative ways series that you kind of just have to ex- naturalists are using the arts Washed Ashore perience to believe. to tell us about the Birds & the Bees — and by extension, to The (Illustrated) Aviary. The Aviary educate and engage citizens is an evolution of The Illustrated Aviary, with pressing environmental issues in in- which ran from 2013-2021, in which art- novative new ways. The Audubon Society ists reinterpreted Audubon’s iconic orni- is a paradigm of birder boosterism, but in thological paintings through their own recent years they’ve gotten really creative eclectic styles. From pop art to expres- with their interdisciplinary storytelling. sionism, vintage-inspired illustration and Their Mapping Migraciones project traced found-object assemblage, contemporary the migratory routes of species common folk and urban, street and Lowbrow, this to the Americas, overlaying these lessons series was anything but staid. Originally with individual lived experiences of human gracing the back covers of the printed immigration from those same regions. For magazines, the online archive also in- several years they produced The Illustrated cludes stories and interviews with the Aviary, since expanded into a broader inter- artists about why they chose their bird disciplinary arts-based education platform. species, along with facts about the species And now they’ve launched an online mu- and recordings of their calls and songs. sic series blending field recordings with a Now simply The Aviary, the series is ex- range of spoken word and compositions panded to include other disciplines than by contemporary musicians like Beck and the strictly visual, such as social practice, Nick Cave. video and performance. the-aviary. Closer to home and in person, a mys- tical dance-based musical production For the Birds: The Birdsong Project. this weekend at the Broad Stage uses A surprising, haunting, ethereal, and Sufi poetry, framing birds as meta- obsession-worthy musical collabora- phors for the journey of the soul; and tion gathering hundreds of voices — the Natural History Museum’s Butter- musicians, actors, writers and artists fly Pavilion (If you think about it, but- — to celebrate the beauty of birdsong terflies are kind of like a cross between and highlight the plight of so many spe- a bird and a bee… that counts, right?) cies of our feathered friends. Produced lets you enter their kaleidoscopic by lauded music supervisor Randall magical world. For those who like Poster, the five-volume series is free their apiary adventures with a side of to stream on Spotify, but there’s also cheerful feminist surrealism, the bee- a limited-edition LP box set. Figures forward spiritual center College of the PHOTO BY MASON TRINCA involved in Volume 1 alone include Melissae has launched a video podcast Nick Cave & Warren Ellis, Beck, Dani-
11 ANXIOUS? DEPRESSED? Audubon The Aviary Eastern Bluebird by RELATIONSHIP ISSUES? L A W E E K LY artist Dianne Bennett We are here to help. | June 17 - 23, 2022 | W W W. L A W E E K L Y. C O M Receive therapy in person, or from the comfort and safety of your home. Clear video and audio through your smartphone, tablet, or computer. Convenient. Private. HIPPA-compliant. Affordable. The clinic of the Fuller School of Psychology elle Haim, Mark Ronson, Jelani Cobb, bee goddess wisdom, comes a buzzy new Beach House, Terry Riley, Jack Korn- video podcast that takes a rather mind- CLASSIFIEDS feld, Kurt Vile, Jarvis Cocker, Haden blowing turn in the center’s outreach. Lotte Beverage America Sr. Systems Engineer Accounting & Tax Triplets, Karen O, Tilda Swinton, Nick They’re three episodes in, and this mean- Corp. at 3600 Wilshire Blvd (Property Management) Specialist (Alhambra, Rhodes & Wendy Bevan, Yo-Yo Ma, ingful, madcap adventure is just getting EMPLOYMENT Ste 836, LA, CA 90010; sought by Leaselock, Inc. CA) Resolve interna- & EDUCATION Attn: Ms. Lee in Marina del tional & domestic clients’ and hundreds more. Volumes II, III, IV started. In Episode 1, begin your journey Rey, CA. Bachelor’s in problems in individual Investment Portfolio and V will be released over the sum- by meeting your hosts and then a goddess Manager sought by Karlin Comp Sci, Software Eng or rel. Send resume tax & corporate tax. Reqs bachelor’s degree in ac- mer months. in meteorite form. Episode 2 visits the an- WANTED: MEMORY & Asset Management, Inc. to: Leaselock, 480 counting/finance or rltd, ATTENTION RESEARCH in Los Angeles, CA. Req project. cient Turkish city of Catal Huyuk, land- STUDY PARTICIPANTS Bachelor’s in Finance, Washington Blvd, Marina del Rey, CA 90292 4 yr exp in accounting & tax prep w/ 3 yr exp with ing around 9,000 years ago to encounter • M/F 20 – 55 yo Econ, Bus Admin or or via email to people@ Macau & Hong Kong tax/ Resonance Collective: Conference leopard dancers, a volcano, hallucino- • Dietary Supplement • No severe memory rel + 5 yrs of invest- ment mgt or rel exp accounting issues. Candi- dates may apply through of the Birds. An oratorio based on Sufi genic honey, and the mother bee goddess, issues in financial research & Business Analyst III for L.A. mail by sending their • Financial compensation analysis. Send resume to: Care in Los Angeles, CA to mystic poet Attar’s beloved text about Kybele. Episode 3 picks up the meteorite for participation $$ Tracy McGregor / Re: IPM, facilitate business process resumes to AAA American CPA Inc., 2 E Valley Blvd the journey of the soul, this epic nar- thread as the fuller picture of the Appian • Located in Sherman Oaks Karlin Asset Management, improvement & manage Ste 280, Alhambra, CA • Free med screening Inc., 11755 Wilshire Bl., requirements develop- rative distills the core tenets of the Sufi presence on earth and this contemporary CALL TODAY 877-778-7144 Ste1400, Los Angeles, CA ment. Reqs: BS or foreign 91801. spiritual path and philosophy, using birds vision quest begins to come into focus. Register at Global- 90025. degree equiv. in CS, IS, Community Outreach as a metaphor for the Sufi journey in a se- Watch free at function-study/ Public Relations Specialist: Electrical Engr or related technical field & 5 yrs exp Coordinator: Attend workshops to obtain ries of poignant, evocative, emotional vi- and on YouTube. Visit Our Cognitive Req’d: B.A. in Communi- cation, Public Relations, in job or as a Business religious information. App Function Study Page to Analyst, Data Analyst, Pro- must have a MA in Divin- gnettes. The story follows the birds of the Sign Up Business Administration, gramming Analyst, Claims ity, Theology, Christian world on a search for their divine, mythic Natural History Museum Butter- Senior Data Engineer (Los or related. Send resume to Donmich Corp, 2345 E. Processing or Encounter Counseling, or related. king, exposing the broader pitfalls and fly Pavilion. A swarm of butterflies is Angeles, CA) to implement 52nd St., L.A., CA 90058 Processing. CV to jtorres@ Mail resume to Doulos Mission Church, 548 S. yearnings of the spiritual journey, and called a kaleidoscope — and that’s just specialized maintenance strategies. Telecommuting (Job Site: L.A., CA) Sr Systems Engineer Kingsley Drive, Suite 200, Los Angeles, CA 90020; emphasizing the shared values between what they have going on over at the L.A. permitted in US. Resumes: Audit Senior Associ- needed by Oath Holdings Attn: Mr. Whang. ate (Los Angeles, CA) spiritual traditions, between humans, County Natural History Museum. The HR, Centerfield Media Holding Company, 12130 RSM US LLP: Coord, Inc. in Los Angeles, CA to coordinate administrators Social Worker, F/T, mas- and indeed between all life on Earth. At beloved annual tradition has returned in Millennium Dr, Ste. 600, examin & anlyz client & engineers to resolve ter’s degree in Psychology audit, preparng all nec fi- the Broad Stage in Santa Monica, June 18- a truly immersive experience offering ev- Los Angeles, CA 90094. nancl statemnts & related technical issues. To apply, email resume to jillianj@ or related. Mail resume: LTG Holding, Inc. dba Gil- June 19; $35-$60; eryone access to a bit of childlike wonder, Sr. QA Engineer (Los Ange- disclosures & reportbl & reference mar Manor, 15152 Victory les, CA): Provide technical conditions letters, w/an walking among hundreds of butterflies leadership. Resumes: J2 eye on quality, thrghnss Job code#KSDAWR. Blvd, Van Nuys, CA 91411 College of the Melissae’s video series and caterpillars of at least 30 different Cloud Services LLC, 700 S & accuracy. Reqs: Bach Karuna Skin LLC seeks To apply, send resume Flower St, Ste 1500, Los deg (or foreign equiv) Associate Marketing to: Bees in Space. From the learned api- species, inhabiting a sunny proliferation Angeles, CA 90017. in Accntng, Financ or Manager/Analyst. Bach. Must reference job code culture faculty of this unique, organic of seasonal native plants and blossoms, Regulatory Affairs Special- related; 3 yrs of exp as in Mkting, Bus. or related # below: an Accntnt, Assurance field. Conduct brand/digi- Strategy & Opera- institution best known for seminars and abundant fresh air, natural light, and the ist: Organize and maintain Sr, or a rel pos. Email res: tal mkting. Work site: Cul- tions Associate (Playa practices that combine practical beekeep- stuff of fairytales. Alive in Exposition Park internal regulatory documents. Bachelor’s in Attn: C Volkening – Ref # ver City, CA. Mail resumes Vista, CA) Design systems 2500, claudine.volkening@ to: 8524 Washington Blvd., & procedures for business ing with a decidedly spiritual quest for through Sept. 5; $8; Pol Sci, Public Policy, or Culver City, CA 90232. operations & strategy proj- related. Mail resume to
12 CLASSIFIEDS ects defined by Google’s Avenue, Studio City, CA | June 17 - 23, 2022 | L A W E E K L Y management teams. Job 91604. EOE. Code: 1615.63461 Exp Inc: Databases, data ware- Fashion Designer: Req’d: B.A. in Fashion Design, housing, & data analysis; SQL; Cloud Productivity Clothing and Textiles, Injured at work? Workers Comp Law Firm or related. Send resume Suites; Business Analytics; Integrating Customer to Eesome, Inc., 2701 S. READY TO HELP! Relationship Management Broadway, L.A., CA 90007 (CRM) platforms; & Tech & (Job Site: L.A., CA) For a FREE consultation, please call 310-664-9000 x 101 or text 310-849-5679 product presentations. Mattel HQ, Inc. has Website : Position reports to the openings for Managers Google Playa Vista office IT/ Project Manag- Warning: & may allow for partial ers, IT – IT Program Making a false or fraudulent claim is a felony subject up to 5 years in prison or telecommuting. Delivery (various a fine up to $50,000 or double the value of the fraud whichever Director, Business Affairs levels/types/mul- needed at CBS Studios, tiple positions) in El is greater, or by both imprisonment or fine. Inc. in Studio Segundo, CA. To Apply: City, CA to construct, Send resume w/ Ref# 7 days 9am-9pm negotiate, document, and B202206AD to talen- SECURITY GUARDS NEEDED manage a wide variety of agreements. Must have tacquisition@mattel. com. Plan, initiate, 4214 BEVERLY BLVD. #203 a Juris Doctor degree, or foreign equivalent, and manage informa- tion technology (IT) 213.915.0382 in Law + 2 yrs exp w/ projects. 213.436.8804 W W W. L A W E E K L Y. C O M Intellectual Property Omninet Capital LLC Rio Gentlemen's Club - 13124 S Figueroa St, Los Angeles, CA 90061 $18 to $20 production, rights and content licensing. Mail seeks Project Analysts estate projects, rang- an hour. Outside security needed for patdowns, ID checks and monitoring park- resume & copy of ad to in Beverly Hills, CA to conduct complex cost, ing from speculative development to heavy REAL ESTATE ing lot of the club. Please contact Dave Carlson at Jill Goerdt, CBS Studios, market, and procure- remodeling. Required: Inc., 4024 Radford ment analyses for real ROOM FOR RENT Master’s degree in business administration or related. Mail resume 2116 Portland Street. Bedroom with private Goldendoodles Standard. Red Standard Poodles. First Vaccines and deworming. Excellent therapeutic to Omninet Capital LLC bathroom. Rent is $1,100/ at 9420 Wilshire Blvd., month, Wifi, A/C and all Ste 400 Beverly Hills, CA utilities included. Close to 90212. AN EQUAL OPPOR- TUNITY EMPLOYER. USC and downtown. (213) 215-1350 family dogs. please text or call Lisa 424-227-2646. Instragram @redpoodlesndoodles Thank you Saint Jude, Saint of the Impossible, EC a r Pai d$$ pD o l l $$To WANTED HOTWHEELS 1968-1985 COLLECTOR WILL PAY TOP DOLLAR (562) 708-9069 LIVE-IN DOMESTIC COUPLE Looking for a legal, honest, vaccinated, energetic live-in proactive couple in WLA area (2 acres, 3 adults, animals, informal lifestyle). Job requirements: housekeeping, handy person skills, cooking, chauffeuring, and car maintenance. English speaking, non-smoking, and experienced with solid references. Work 5 days a week. Tue-Sat, competitive salary + benefits. The couple would live for free (housing, electricity, gas and internet) in a recently redone 800-sq-foot one bedroom cabin, with full bath and kitchen. Serious inqui- ries only please. Please send resume or work history and qualifications to April. Principals only. No recruiters, please don’t contact this job poster. Do NOT contact us with unsolicited services or offers:
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