Butte Schools District Calendar 2021-2022 - townnews.com

Butte Schools District Calendar 2021-2022 - townnews.com
Butte Schools
District Calendar
Butte Schools District Calendar 2021-2022 - townnews.com
From Butte Central Catholic                                      From Butte Public Schools Superintendent,
Schools President, Don Peoples Jr.                                                Judy Jonart
                                                                      Dear Families,
   As we prepare for the 2021-2022 school term we ae proud
                                                                      Once again it is my privilege to welcome you to a new school year which
to welcome many new students and families who will be
                                                                    holds the promise of yet another extraordinary year of opportunities and
joining our Butte Central Family and Community. We are also
                                                                    possibilities for all our students. We were all uplifted by our success in 2020-
thrilled to continue to expand the use of the technology in
                                                                    2021 as we were able to offer in-person instruction and we look forward to
our curriculum and in our classrooms. The generosity of Roy
                                                                    an even more complete return to normalcy for the 2021- 2022 school year.
Simperman, from the class of 1958, has been a driving force
                                                                    However, the success to the upcoming year is largely dependent on our
in this area. Through his continued support, Butte Central
                                                                    commitment to community-wide vaccination. As never before, education
Catholic Schools are fully equipped with state-of-the-art
                                                                    hinges on parents and the community; we literally can’t stay open without
technolgy in all classrooms.
                                                                    COVID-19 immunity.
   When school begins this fall, our students will experience
                                                                      We know that our parents can help us achieve this as Butte is one of the
several new programs. At Butte Central Catholic Elementary,
                                                                    leaders in state-wide immunity percentages but there is still more that we
we are excited to add a new K-8 math, a new 7th-8th English
                                                                    need to do in order to reach that recommended 85%. Everybody wants to
program, a new 8th grade social studies program, and a new
                                                                    see our kids safe, especially as we start back to school so please remember,
reading program for the Esther Cote Resource Program. We
                                                                    vaccination is our front-line defense against COVID-19.
are also thrilled to add a full music program and an introductory
                                                                      With the emphasis on student health and safety, we plan to return to our
Spanish program for our 7th and 8th graders.
                                                                    normal, five-day, full-time schedule. We remain committed to all health and
    At Butte Central Catholic High School, our students will
                                                                    safety protocols established during the pandemic, and as in 2020-2021, we
experience one of Montana’s best college credit programs.
                                                                    have a tiered intervention plan for continuing education in the event of an
Our students will have the opportunity to take over 70
                                                                    outbreak. But for right now, we are committed to that return to normalcy
college courses through Montana Tech College and Geat
                                                                    and that is cause for celebration. We will continue to keep you updated on
Falls Community College of the Montana University System.
                                                                    any changes that may occur prior to the start of the 2021-2022 school year.
BC students now have the opportunity to earn an associate
                                                                    Details regarding health and safety procedures and protocols can be found
degree in several programs.
                                                                    on our website at www.bsd1.org
   The Bishop Thomas Scholars Academy, which is open to
                                                                      We also have much to celebrate in regards to our building upgrades. We
freshmen through seniors, will begin its 5th year as Montana’s
                                                                    have enhanced our building safety design in all elementary schools, and
best college preparatory program. The program is designed
                                                                    we continue to progress towards the completion of our remodeling project
to improve college placement scores and prepare students for
                                                                    at East Middle School. Again, parents and community took the lead here
college and career successes. This highly successful program
                                                                    in approving the mill levies that financed these improvements. I am so
will also continue at Butte Central Catholic Elementary with
                                                                    appreciative of all your support!!!
the Junior Bishop Thomas Scholars Academy for 6th-8th
                                                                       With your help and support, we hope to make 2021-2022 our best year
                                                                    ever!!!. We are going to stay open, we are going to remain healthy, and we
   Most importantly, we will continue to include prayer and
                                                                    are, as always, going to provide our kids with a quality, rigorous, and student-
community service in our pograms. Our students will learn and
                                                                    centered educational experience!!!
grow in a community of faith centered on the proud traditions
                                                                      Thank for getting vaccinated and keeping you, your families, our children
of the Catholic Church.
                                                                    and the entire Butte community healthy and safe!!

We are BC!
                                                                    Together we are Butte School District PROUD!!

Don Peoples, Jr., President,
                                                                    Judy Jonart
Butte Central Catholic Schools
Butte Schools District Calendar 2021-2022 - townnews.com
School Contact Information
                BUTTE PUBLIC SCHOOLS                                      BUTTE CENTRAL SCHOOLS

Butte School District School                               President, Butte Central Catholic Schools: Don Peoples, Jr.
Administration Building                                    dpeoples@buttecentralfoundation.org
111 N. Montana St.                                         406-723-6706
Superintendent, Judy Jonart                                Butte Central Foundation Office
Business Director, Kevin Patrick                           50 E Mercury St
Human Resource Director, Therese McClafferty               723-6706
                                                           Director: Don Peoples, Jr.
Curriculum Office -533-2540                                Associate Director: Melissa Hill
Curriculum Director, Jim O’Neill
                                                           Butte Central Catholic High School
Transportation Department -533-2490                        Principal: J.P. Williams
Transportation Director, Jeremey Whitlock                  Registration (grades 9-12): Tamora Henderson
Warehouse - 533-2590
Warehouse Director, Kurt Marthaller                        Butte Central Catholic Elementary and Junior High
                                                           Principal: Dawn Ann Peterson
Butte High School - 533-2200                               Registration (Preschool – 8th grade): Sue Burt
Principal, John Metz                                       406-782-4500

Butte High Career Center - 533-2969
Special Education Director, Kathy Cannon

East Middle School - 533-2600
Principal, Keith Miller

Emerson Elementary - 533-2800
Principal, Brenda Miner                           L ASLOVICH
Hillcrest Elementary - 533-2850
Principal, Susan Johnson
                                               & GOOD TYMES CASINO
Kennedy Elementary - 533-2450
Principal, Travis Johnson

Margaret Leary Elementary - 533-2550
Principal, Jennifer Luoma

West Elementary - 533-2700
Principal, Pat Kissell

Whittier Elementary- 533-2890
Principal, Josh Schad
Butte Schools District Calendar 2021-2022 - townnews.com
Providing Butte School District Students
          with 21st Century Skills
  In today’s knowledge-based economy, the types of skills our            students understand facts,
students need to succeed are very different from what we needed          figures, statistics, data,
in the past. Reading, writing, math, science and history remain the      publishing methods and
foundation to our education, but broad access to information by way      sources. Students learn
of the Internet has changed how students get their information and       how to analyze publishing
the skills they need. (see below)                                        methods and sources in
                                                                         order to accurately identify
  The Butte School District combines the basic skills of the past        those that are credible.
with newer skills that are necessary for students to succeed in the
workforce of the future. Each of the 21st Century skills is unique in    • Technology Literacy:
how it helps students, but all are essential in the informational age.   Students learn the basic
The following is a brief summary of the 21st Century skills that are     information that they need
integrated throughout our entire K-12 curriculum.                        to understand computers,
                                                                         cloud programming, and
• Critical thinking and problem solving: Solving complex problems        mobile devices in order to
are key skills that students will need for high-skilled jobs.            adapt to an ever-changing
• Creativity and Innovation: Employers want employees who can            world. Understanding how
think creatively to find solutions to problems. Creativity empowers      technology works is critical
students to see concepts differently which leads to innovation.          in order to succeed in the
                                                                         Information Age.
• Collaboration: Students need to learn how to work together and
reach compromises to achieve the best possible solutions. Students       • Life and Career Skills:
must have a deep understanding and commitment to the idea of the         Students must develop                  East Middle School New Science Wing

“greater good”.                                                          adequate life and career skills
                                                                         that include; flexibility and adaptability, initiative, self-direction,
• Communication Skills: Students need to learn how to effectively        accountability, leadership, responsibility and citizenship.
articulate ideas and concepts to diverse groups of people. Good
communication is one of the most important soft skills students can    The Butte School District realizes the importance of creating 21st
bring to the work place. Good communicators are valuable members      Century  learning environments that are student centered and that
of any department or company. Oral and written communication are empower students to be active participants in the learning process.
critical 21st Century skills.                                         We are committed to designing learning environments that are safe,
                                                                      secure, and that celebrates the unique talents of every student.
• Media/Information Literacy: These are foundational skills that help

                                               & GOOD TYMES CASINO
Butte Schools District Calendar 2021-2022 - townnews.com
September 2021
     SUN        MON              TUE          WED                  THU        FRI            SAT
                                         1                    2          3              4

                                         BSD - First Day of

5          6                7            8                    9          10             11

           Labor Day - No

12         13               14           15                   16         17             18

19         20               21           22                   23         24             25

                                                                         BSD - Early
                                                                         Dismissal MS

26         27               28           29                   30

  SCHOOL               BUTTE - 1925 Dewey Blvd - 494-4452 • bobwards.com
Butte Schools District Calendar 2021-2022 - townnews.com
Butte School District Phase III Plan
                 2021-2022 School Year
Focus on Health and Safety:                                        Focus on Training:
  • Phase III was designed taking into consideration the unique      • Phase III includes training for all student, staff, and parents
needs of each grade level and include safety measures that will    regarding COVID-19.
help keep our students and staff safe.
                                                                   Focus on Flexibility and Consistency:
Focus on the Individual Student:                                     • Phase III is designed to allow for a smooth transition into the
   • Phase III includes a plan to provide extended learning        new school year with little or no disruption to instruction.
opportunities to ensure all students meet or exceed proficiency
in all content standards.

Focus on building strong family and student relationship:
   • The District will, in partnership, with state and local
agencies continue to provide social emotional support programs
for all K-12 students.

Focus on Nutrition:
   • The Butte School District will continue to offer the
“Breakfast After the Bell Program in all schools. The Butte
School District will apply for the Seamless Summer Option
during the 2021-22 school year. This option will allow the
district to offer free meals to all K-12 students regardless of

Focus on Technology:
   • Phase III includes the on-going implementation of our
student laptop program.

                                             & GOOD TYMES CASINO
Butte Schools District Calendar 2021-2022 - townnews.com
October 2021
      SUN                    MON                       TUE                         WED           THU             FRI             SAT
                                                                                                            1               2

                                                                                                            BSD - Early
                                                                                                            Dismissal HS

3                       4                        5                            6             7               8               9

10                     11                        12                           13            14              15              16
                       End of Term

                       Columbus Day

17                     18                        19                           20            21              22              23

                                                                                            BSD - PIR Day   BSD - PIR Day

24                      25                        26                          27            28              29              30

                                                                              BC - End of                   BSD - Early
    Halloween   31                                                            1st Quarter                   Dismissal K-6

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Butte Schools District Calendar 2021-2022 - townnews.com
Butte Central Schools Focus on
          Academic Excellence and Preparing
          Students for College and Beyond...
          ...We are Central to YOUR Future!
Curriculum Improvements in Butte Central Catholic               • 100% of Butte Central seniors who apply for college are
Elementary & Jr. High                                           accepted.
• New K-8 McGraw Hill “Reveal Math Program”                     • 100% of BC Students who apply for college are accepted
• New K-5 “Inspire Science Program”                             • 80% of Butte Central seniors receive scholarship assistance
• New “All About Reading” Program for the Cote Resource         for college or post-secondary education. Our graduating
Program                                                         classes earn millions in scholarships each day.
• New 7th – 8th grade “Voyages” English Program                 • Butte Central’s outstanding college credit program offers
• New 8th grade Social Studies Program                          over 70 courses through Montana Tech and Great Falls
                                                                Community College of the Montana University System.
Butte Central Catholic High School College Readiness Plan       • BC students can now earn associate degrees in several
• Butte Central offers advanced placement opportunities in      programs.
calculus and honors English.
• Butte Central High School has developed exciting
partnerships with in-state colleges such as MT Tech, Carroll
College, University of Montana, MSU, MSUB, as well as
out-of-state colleges such as Gonzaga University, Arizona
State, University of Colorado, Boise State, and many other
outstanding institutions..
• Butte Central’s Bishop Thomas Scholars Academy continues
to be successful in preparing our students for their ACT and
improving overall academic success.

                                          & GOOD TYMES CASINO
Butte Schools District Calendar 2021-2022 - townnews.com
November 2021
     SUN        MON         TUE        WED           THU                       FRI                       SAT
           1           2          3             4                      5                           6

7          8           9          10            11                      12                         13
                                                BSD - P/T
                                                Conference (Eve)
                                                                        BSD - P/T
                                                Veterans Day            Conference

14         15          16         17            18                      19                         20

21         22          23         24            25                      26                         27
                                                BSD/BC -
                                  BSD - Early
                                                No School              BSD/BC -
                                  End Term      Thanksgiving           No School

28         29          30

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Butte Schools District Calendar 2021-2022 - townnews.com
Prepare for College
Freshmen & Sophomores                                                                    Prep or International Baccalaureate). If they aren’t offered at your school, talk to your
Get familiar with the college prep curriculum if you plan to attend a four-year          counselor about your options.
program in the Montana University System. Outline your plan with your counselor.
                                                                                         ❑ Complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) as soon after
❑ Organize your assignments and activities using a student planner or a system that      October 1 as possible. Check with your school regarding the priority FAFSA filing
works for you.                                                                           date at that institution.
❑ Get involved in extra-curricular activities.                                           ❑ If you need help filling out the FAFSA, look for a Reach Higher Montana FASFA
                                                                                         Help event in your community, or contact the Reach Higher Montana advisor in your
❑ Find out about college prep courses. See which Advanced Placement, Running
Start, Tech Prep or International Baccalaureate courses are offered at your school. If
they aren’t offered at your school, talk to your counselor about your options.           ❑ Take the SAT or ACT in October or November.
❑ Take PSAT 10 as practice for the PSAT test your junior year. (PSAT scores count for    ❑ Continue to research and apply for scholarships to help you pay for school.
National Merit Scholar consideration in your junior year.)
                                                                                         ❑ Check with schools you are interested in attending regarding application and other
❑ Research potential careers you might want to pursue, and postsecondary                 important deadlines.
institutions where you can gain the required skills.
                                                                                         ❑ Create a planner on which to log all important dates and deadlines.
❑ Talk to your parents about your plans for after high school.
                                                                                         ❑ Attend college application nights and college fairs.
❑ Save for postsecondary education.
                                                                                         ❑ Send high school transcripts to colleges with your initial admissions application in
                                                                                         the fall, and send your complete transcripts after final grades and graduation status
Enroll in college prep courses. (Advanced Placement, Running Start, Tech Prep
                                                                                         are recorded.
or International Baccalaureate). If they aren’t offered at your school, talk to your
counselor about your options.                                                            ❑ Register for selective service at the post office or online. This applies to males, 18
                                                                                         years of age. (You can’t receive financial aid if you don’t register.)
❑ Register for the PSAT in the fall. (Scores count for National Merit Scholar
consideration.)                                                                          ❑ Attend financial aid nights at your school.
❑ Take the SAT or ACT in the spring.                                                     ❑ Check your Student Aid Report (SAR), sent via email. The SAR is the U.S.
                                                                                         Department of Education’s summary of information you submitted on the FAFSA and
❑ Research careers of interest to you, and explore postsecondary institutions where
                                                                                         provides an estimated Expected Family Contribution (EFC) and estimated Pell and
you can gain the required skills.
                                                                                         loan eligibility. Make sure your colleges of choice are listed. If corrections or updates
❑ Begin searching for scholarships to help you pay for postsecondary education.          are needed, complete them as soon as possible.
Some deadlines come earlier than you might think, so don’t delay. Use our Scholly
                                                                                         ❑ Evaluate financial aid packages offered by the schools to which you applied.
app. Free access provided courtesy of Reach Higher Montana.
                                                                                         Accept only the aid you need.
❑ Attend a financial aid night at your school. It’s not too early to be learning about
                                                                                         ❑ Expect to hear whether you have been accepted to colleges by April 15. Compare
your options to pay for your education.
                                                                                         the acceptance letters, financial aid and scholarship offers. Reply promptly to
❑ Plan visits to the campuses of colleges you are interested in attending.               acceptance letters from colleges. Pay a non-refundable deposit to your selected
                                                                                         college for tuition and housing for your freshman year.
❑ Save for postsecondary education.
                                                                                         ❑ Participate in summer orientation programs for incoming freshmen.
                                                                                         ❑ Save for postsecondary education and create a budget. Live like a student.
Visit with your counselor to make sure you are meeting all of the requirements of the
postsecondary institution you want to attend.                                            Information Provided by Reach Higher Montana.

❑ Continue to take college prep courses. (Advanced Placement, Running Start, Tech

        L ASLOVICH
                                                           & GOOD TYMES CASINO
December 2021
     SUN        MON                TUE                WED                 THU                FRI                SAT
                                                 1                   2                  3                  4

5          6                  7                  8                   9                  10                 11

12         13                 14                 15                  16                 17                 18

                                                                                        BSD - Early
                                                                                        All Schools

19         20                 21                 22                  23                 24                 25

           BSD/BC-No School   BSD/BC-No School   BSD/BC-No School    BSD/BC-No School   BSD/BC-No School
           Christmas Break    Christmas Break    Christmas Break     Christmas Break    Christmas Break    Christmas

26         27                 28                 29                  30                 31

           BSD/BC-No School   BSD/BC-No School   BSD/BC-No School    BSD/BC-No School   BSD/BC-No School
           Christmas Break    Christmas Break    Christmas Break     Christmas Break    Christmas Break

                                                                                                      YOUR FIRST
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                                                                     Butte, MT 59701
                                                          406-494-7600          Call for Details
About Butte Central Catholic Schools
Mission Statement
Through the generosity of its Catholic parishes and numerous
alumni, Butte Central Schools serves all committed families
in Butte by providing an outstanding preschool through
high school Catholic program. Accessible to all families, the
schools are committed to providing an excellent education
in an environment of Catholic faith and moral values. Butte
Central Schools prepare students for an exciting future by
building partnerships with families, parishes, and the wider
Butte community. Through academic, religious, and co-
curricular programs, Butte Central strives to produce leaders
in the Church and in society.

Vision Statement
Butte Central Catholic Schools were founded in the 1880’s to
serve the children of Butte’s Catholic minders. For over 135
years, Butte Central has thrived with a remarkable resilience
and a tremendous spirit of survival. Personal attention, high
expectations, strong discipline, teamwork, Christian values,
and a powerful drive toward excellence speak to Butte
Central’s motto of pride, tradition, and commitment.

The course of study at Butte Central Catholic High School is designed to provide an education that is both Christian and humanistic in its scope.
Because most of our students choose to continue their education at the college level, we place emphasis on developing the skills necessary for
the successful completion of college. We emphasize, not just the subject matter, but critical thinking skills, collaborative learning, and the “how
to” of successful scholarship. We know that teaching, like learning, is accomplished in a variety of ways, therefore we concentrate on keeping our
students at the center of instruction and on promoting excellence. In the tradition of Catholic education, we build on faith and commit ourselves
to excellence. Through this environment, we integrate academics with athletics, with art and music, with writing, as well as critical thinking and
with public speaking. We resolve to develop young learners who understand social justice and responsible action. Parents and students, we
suggest that you take the courses that best suit your needs, your abilities, and your plans for the future. Talk to your teachers, school counselor
or administrator for guidance in selecting your course of study. Finally, testing at the high school level is important for entering colleges and
universities. All students will test throughout their four years of high school and are encouraged to take it seriously. The SAT and ACT ae currently
used by most colleges and universities for entry.

                                                & GOOD TYMES CASINO
January 2022
     SUN              MON                  TUE                  WED                  THU                     FRI                           SAT

                                                                                                                                      New Year's Day

2                3                    4                    5                    6                  7                                  8

9                10                   11                   12                   13                 14                                 15

                                      BC - End of 2nd
                                      Quarter & Start of
                                      Finals Week          BC - Finals Week     BC - Finals Week   BC - Finals Week

16               17                   18                   19                   20                 21                                 22

                 Martin Luther
                 King Jr. Day                                                                      BSD - End of Term

23               24                   25                   26                   27                 28                                 29

            30                   31

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Butte Public Schools -
     Mission, Vision and Beliefs and Values
                                                             Our Mission
Butte Public Schools will create, in partnership with our staff, families and community, challenging opportunities for all students
to be successful as they become responsible and contributing citizens, and master the knowledge and skills essential for life-long
learning in our changing and diverse world.

                                                               Our Vision
Butte Public Schools will create a progressive, educational environment in which each day, each student achieves success in a
safe, positive, supportive and orderly learning environment.

                                                    Our Beliefs and Values
• A safe and caring environment will exist in all schools.
• Education will be a primary responsibility and investment
of society.
• Butte School District No. 1 staff members are valued.
Staff members will be involved in professional growth and
development activities.
• Students' self-esteem is important; they will feel valued
as human beings and successful as learners.
• All students will learn to become responsible partners
in their education and contributing members of their
• Students will develop a foundation of technological
knowledge that will enable them to access, use and
evaluate information.
• Cultural and social diversity are strengths – feelings and
beliefs of others will be respected.

                                          & GOOD TYMES CASINO
February 2022
      SUN                    MON                            TUE                  WED                    THU                               FRI            SAT
                                                     1                     2                   3                                 4                  5

                                                                           Groundhog Day

6                       7                            8                      9                  10                                 11                12

13                      14                           15                     16                 17                                18                 19

                        BSD - Early
                        Dismissal K-6
                        Valentine's Day

20                     21                           22                     23                 24                                 25                 26

                        BSD/BC -                                                                                                 BC - Optional
                        No School                                                                                                Tournament Day
                        President's Day              BSD - PIR Day                                                               Off

27                     28

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What is Kindergarten Readiness?
    Language & Literacy                                   Math & Reasoning                                  Social & Emotional
• I identify and name 12-15 letters                 • I count in order to 20                           • I “settle in” to new groups or situations
• I correctly match letters                         • I match number shapes from 1 to 12                 with minimal stress.
• I sing/chant ABC and number songs while                                                              • I play cooperatively with two or more peers
                                                    • I copy, trace and/or draw letters, numbers,
  pointing to letters, numbers                                                                         • I focus on a task for at least 5 minutes,
• I can recite 6-10 rhymes                           and 2D shapes                                       persisting even if there are problems or
• I can identify the beginning sounds in words      • I know 12 colors.                                  distractions
• I hear my parents speak to me about               • I name and sort objects by color, shape,         • I remember and follow 3-step directions
  30 times an hour                                   and size                                          • I obey simple rules
• I speak using complete sentences with few                                                            • I take care of my dressing, hygiene, and
                                                    • I recognize numbers and quantities to 10
  inaccuracies                                                                                           toileting needs
• I may print my first name using upper and         • I create and repeat 2 to 3 step color patters.   • I clean up after an activity
  lower case letters                                • I play memory games                              • I show kindness and empathy to others

  Don’t forget to get your child
  registered for Kindergarten.
    Your child has had his/her 5th birthday
             by September 10th

           These are readiness skills recommended
           by the Children’s Reading Foundation

                                                 & GOOD TYMES CASINO
March 2022
     SUN        MON                 TUE                    WED                      THU                      FRI                     SAT
2                              1                     2                         3                      4                        5

                                                                              BSD - HS P/T
                                                                              Conference (Eve)

6          7                   8                      9                       10                      11                       12

           BSD - End of Term                                                  BSD - No School          BSD - No School

13         14                  15                     16                      17                      18                       19

                                                      BC - End of
                                                      3rd Quarter             St. Patrick's Day

20         21                  22                     23                      24                      25                       26

27         28                  29                    30                       31

                                                                                                   TOTALLY FREE*
                               *Other fees such as overdraft, nonsufficient funds (NSF) fee, continuous overdraft, etc. may apply. See fee schedule
                                for details. Minimum opening deposit is only $50. Bank rules and regulations apply. Customer purchases checks.
Butte Schools Extra Curricular Activities
                   Butte High School                                                    Butte Central

Art Trek, Student Council, National Honor Society,                • Athletics – football, volleyball, cross-country, boys/
National Science Honor Society, Intramural Sports,                girls basketball, wrestling, golf, cheerleading, softball,
Football, Volleyball, Golf, Soccer, Cross Country,                and tennis. Many of our students also participate in
Basketball, Swimming, Wrestling, Softball, Tennis,                city teams, such as soccer and hockey.
Track, Cheerleading, FCCLA, DECA, Skills USA-VICA,                • HOSA (Health Occupation Students of America)
TSA, HOSA, Math Club, Key Club, International Club,               • Key Club                        • Yearbook
Yearbook, Mountaineer (BHS Newspaper), Infiniti Club,
                                                                  • Student Council                 • Pep/Rock Band
BPA, Youth and Government
                                                                  • National Honor Society          • Drama/Theatre
                  East Middle School                              • Youth Legislature               • Speech & Debate

Student Council, Builders Club, Earth Shuttle, Rocket
Club, Art Club, Recycling Club, Garden Club, Fitness
Club, Yearbook, 200 Clubs, TIP, Football, Volleyball,
Cross Country, Basketball, Wrestling, & Track

               East Middle School New Gym

                                            & GOOD TYMES CASINO
April 2022
     SUN        MON               TUE               WED                 THU               FRI               SAT
                                                                                     1                 2

3          4                 5                 6                   7                 8                 9

                                                                                     BSD - Early
                                                                                     Dismissal 7-12

10         11                12                13                  14                15                16
                                                                                     BSD - No School
                                                                                     Spring Break
           BSD - No School   BSD - No School   BSD - No School     BSD - No School   BC - No School
           Spring Break      Spring Break      SpringBreak         Spring Break      Spring Break

17         18                19                20                  21                22                23

           BC - No School    BC - No School    BC - No School      BC - No School    BC - No School
Easter     Spring Break      Spring Break      SpringBreak         Spring Break      Spring Break

24         25                26                27                  28                29                30

                                               BSD - End of Term

                                                                        RIGHT DOWN
                                                                    THE ROAD
Enrollment & Vaccinations
You need to bring the following:

• Copies of the child´s birth certificate
• Immunization records
• Parent, legal guardian, or legal custodian must be present at the
  time of enrollment

Current list of immunizations required according to the Montana
Department of Public Health and Human Services (DPHHS).

• Polio: 3 doses and at least 1 does after the 4th birthday.
• DTP/DT/DtaP/Td: 4 doses and one dose must be given after the
  4th birthday
• Tdap/booster: 1 dose (Prior to entering the 7th grade a pupil must receive a dose of Tdap containing vaccine.
  This Schedule applies to pupils who have completed the prior 4 doses listed above.)
• MMR: Dose 1 on or after the first birthday and dose 2 prior to kindergarten entry. A pupil entering any grade from 7 to 12 who
  has not already received the 2 required doses at kindergarten age must receive the second dose
• Varicella: 2 doses prior to entering kindergarten

The vaccines are available from your private health care provider or the Butte Silver Bow Health Department on an appointment only
basis. Contact 497-5026.

If a child has not completed the minimum vaccination series required by Montana Law, a Conditional Attendance Form, No. HES
103-1B should be completed and attached to the Blue immunization Form (HES-101). If the pupil received at least one or more doses
of the required vaccine, he/she can conditionally attend until the next dose is due. In order to remain in school the student must
continue to receive all remaining doses as specified on the conditional form. If the student fails to complete the immunizations within
the time period indicated, he/she must either qualify for or claim an exemption or be excluded immediately from school by the
school administrator or the person designee.

                                            & GOOD TYMES CASINO
May 2022
     SUN                MON             TUE        WED           THU                  FRI               SAT
1                  2               3          4             5                   6                  7

8                  9               10         11            12                   13                14

Mother's Day

15                 16              17         18            19                  20                 21

22                 23              24         25            26                  27                 28
                                                            BSD - Last Day      BSD - Early
                                                            for Seniors         Dismissal HS

                                                            BC - Finals & End   BC - Last Day of
                                              BC - Finals   of 4th Quarter      School

29                 30              31
                    BSD/BC -
                    No School
BC - Graduation     Memorial Day

BUTTE’S BEST SELECTION OF                                                               1925 Dewey Blvd.

                                                                                        Shop online 24/7 at
Butte High School Sports Calendar
VARSITY FOOTBALL                                     VOLLEYBALL                                                                     SOCCER
Date       Team                   H/A     Time       Date         Team                H/A      FR 11    FR 1 Soph J.V. Varsity      VARSITY
Aug. 26    Senior                 There   7:00 PM    Aug. 26      Skyview             There 11:00       3:00 12:30 11:00 12:30      Date       Team                H/A     Boys       Girls
Sept. 3    Great Falls            Home    7:00 PM    Aug. 26      West                There                   4:30 3:00 4:30        Aug. 26    Hellgate            Home    12:00 PM   2:00 PM
Sept. 10   Helena                 Home    7:00 PM    Sept. 2      Beaverhead          There 4:15              5:30                  Aug. 28    Big Sky             There   5:00 PM    3:00 PM
Sept. 17   Flathead               There   7:00 PM    Sept. 4      Crossover Tourney   Belgrade                            11:00     Aug. 31    Capital             There   3:00 PM    5:00 PM
Sept. 24   Big Sky                There   7:00 PM    Sept. 9      Flathead            Home 3:00         4:30 3:00 4:30 6:00         Sept. 2    Helena              Home    3:00 PM    5:00 PM
Oct. 1     Capital (HC)           Home    7:00 PM    Sept. 11     Glacier             There 11:00       12:30 11:00 12:30 2:00      Sept. 9    Flathead            Home    4:00 PM    2:00 PM
Oct. 8     Glacier (Silver B's)   Home    7:30 PM    Sept. 16     Big Sky             Home 4:00         5:30 4:00 5:30 7:00         Sept. 10   Glacier (Legends)   There   3:00 PM    5:00 PM
Oct. 14    Hellgate               There   7:00 PM    Sept. 18     Hellgate            There 1:00              1:00 2:30 4:00        Sept. 18   Sen�nel             Home    11:00 AM   1:00 PM
Oct. 21    Sen�nel (PN)           Home    7:00 PM    Sept. 21     Helena              There 4:00        5:30 4:00 5:30 7:00         Sept. 21   Hellgate            There   3:00 PM    5:00 PM
                                                     Sept. 23     Capital             Home 4:00         5:30 4:00 5:30 7:00         Sept. 23   Big Sky             Home    5:00 PM    3:00 PM
                                                     Sept. 28     Sen�nel             There 5:30        4:00 4:00 5:30 7:00         Sept. 28   Capital             Home    5:00 PM    3:00 PM
                                                     Oct. 2       Crossover Tourney   Home                                11:00
SUB-VARSITY FOOTBALL                                 Oct. 4       Beaverhead          Home              4:15 5:30
                                                                                                                                    Oct. 2
                                                                                                                                    Oct. 5
                                                                                                                                                                           1:00 PM
                                                                                                                                                                           3:00 PM
                                                                                                                                                                                      11:00 AM
                                                                                                                                                                                      5:00 PM
Aug. 26    Senior                 There   3:00 PM    Oct. 7       Flathead            There 3:00        4:30 3:00 4:30 6:00
Sept. 3    Great Falls            Home    3:00 PM                                                                                   Oct. 14    Glacier (PN)        Home    5:00 PM    3:00 PM
                                                     Oct. 9       Glacier             Home 11:00        12:30 11:00 12:30 2:00      Oct. 16    Flathead            There   12:00 PM   2:00 PM
Sept. 10   Helena                 Home    3:00 PM    Oct. 14      Sen�nel             Home 4:00         5:30 4:00 5:30 7:00
Sept. 17   Flathead               There   3:00 PM                                                                                   TBD        1st Rnd Playoffs     TBD     TBD        TBD
                                                     Oct. 19      Hellgate (PN)       Home              4:00 4:00 5:30 7:00         TBD        2nd Rnd Playoffs     TBD     TBD        TBD
Sept. 24   Big Sky                There   3:00 PM    Oct. 22      Big Sky             There 4:00        5:30 4:00 5:30 7:00
Oct. 1     Capital                Home    3:00 PM                                                                                   TBD        Semi Finals         TBD     TBD        TBD
                                                     Oct. 26      Capital             There 4:00        5:30 4:00 5:30 7:00         TBD        St. Championship    TBD     TBD        TBD
Oct. 8     Glacier                Home    3:00 PM    Oct. 28      Helena              Home 4:00         5:30 4:00 5:30 7:00
Oct. 14    Hellgate               There   3:00 PM    Nov. 4-6     Divisionals         Flathead
Oct. 21    Sen�nel                Home    3:00 PM                                                                                   JUNIOR VARSITY
                                                     Nov. 11-13   State               Bozeman
                                                                                                                                    Date       Team        H/A     Boys Girls
                                                                                                                                    Aug. 26    Hellgate            Home 2:00 PM 12:00 PM
                                                                                                                                    Aug. 28    Big Sky             There 3:00 PM 5:00 PM
FRESHMEN FOOTBALL                                    CROSS COUNTRY                                                                  Aug. 31    Capital             There 5:00 PM 3:00 PM
Aug. 28    Great Falls-Jamboree   There   11:00 AM   Date       Team                H/A        Time
                                                                                                                                    Sept. 2    Helena              Home 5:00 PM 3:00 PM
Sept. 2    Beaverhead             Home    5:30 PM    Sept. 2    Belgrade            There      2:00 PM
                                                                                                                                    Sept. 9    Flathead            Home 2:00 PM 4:00 PM
Sept. 11   Helena                 There   11:00 AM   Sept. 11   Bzman @ Bridger     There      3:00 PM
                                                                                                                                    Sept. 10   Glacier (Legends)   There 5:00 PM 3:00 PM
Sept. 17   Flathead               There   12:00 PM   Sept. 18   Mtn West            There      9:30 AM
                                                                                                                                    Sept. 18   Sen�nel             Home 1:00 PM 11:00 AM
Sept. 23   Big Sky                Home    5:00 PM    Sept. 24   Bu�e                Home       1:00 PM
                                                                                                                                    Sept. 21   Hellgate            There 5:00 PM 3:00 PM
Sept. 30   Capital                There   4:00 PM    Oct. 1     Great Falls         Away       3:00 PM
                                                                                                                                    Sept. 23   Big Sky             Home 3:00 PM 5:00 PM
Oct. 7     Glacier                Home    2:00 PM    Oct. 7     Helena 7 on 7       There      12:00 PM
                                                                                                                                    Sept. 28   Capital             Home 3:00 PM 5:00 PM
Oct. 15    Hellgate               Home    3:00 PM    Oct. 14    Bozeman             There      3:00 PM
                                                                                                                                    Oct. 2     Helena              There 11:00 AM 1:00 PM
Oct. 20    Sen�nel                Home    4:00 PM    Oct. 23    State               Missoula   TBD
                                                                                                                                    Oct. 5     Sen�nel             There 5:00 PM 3:00 PM
                                                                                                                                    Oct. 14    Glacier (PN)        Home 3:00 PM 5:00 PM
                                                     GOLF                                                                           Oct. 16    Flathead            There 2:00 PM 12:00 PM
                                                     Date             Event                  Place       Time
                                                     Aug. 23          Missoula               There       3:00 PM
                                                     Aug. 24          Missoula               There       8:30 AM
                                                     Aug. 30          Belgrade Invita�onal   There       10:00 AM
                                                     Aug. 31          Belgrade Invita�onal   There       9:00 AM                   Bu�e High School Winter and Spring
                                                     Sept. 7          Belgrade (JV)          There       9:30 AM                  Sport Schedules were not available by
                                                     Sept. 9          Bu�e Invite            Fairmont    10:00 AM                              print date
                                                     Sept. 10         Bu�e Invite            Fairmont    10:00 AM
                                                     Sept. 16         Bozeman Invita�onal    There       10:00 AM                 Dates and �mes are subject to change.
                                                     Sept. 17         Bozeman Invita�onal    There       9:00 AM
                                                     Sept. 23-24      Divisionals            Missoula    TBD
                                                     Sept. 30-Oct.1   State                  Bozeman     TBD
June 2022
     SUN            MON                    TUE        WED            THU               FRI        SAT
                                                 1              2                 3          4

                                                               BSD - Graduation

5               6                      7         8              9                 10         11

                                   Last Day of
                                   1/2 Day K-8   PIR Day        PIR Day

12             13                  14            15             16                17         18

                                   Flag Day

19             20                  21            22             23                24         25

Father's Day

26             27                  28            29             30

                                       YOUR FIRST
       2805 Lexington Ave,               FOR ANY
        Butte, MT 59701
406-494-7600        Call for Details
                                          PROJECT           silverbowmontessori.org • (406) 494-1033
Butte High School Sports Calendar                   Butte Central Maroons
                                                       Sports Calendar
                                                    Date           Team                    H/A       TIMES
                                                    Aug. 27-28     Tipoff Tourney           Ronan TBD
                                                    Sept. 4        Manha�an Tourney        Away      TBD
                                                    Sept. 9        Dillon                  Home 4:15; 5:30; 7:00 PM
                                                    Sept. 11       Corvallis               Away      1:00; 2:30; 4:00 PM
                                                    Sept. 16       East Helena             Home 4:15; 5:30; 7:00 PM
                                                    Sept. 18       Frenchtown              Away      1:00; 2:30; 4:00 PM
                                                    Sept. 23       Stevensville (HC)       Home 4:15; 5:30; 7:00 PM
                                                    Sept. 25       Hamilton                Away      1:00; 2:30; 4:00 PM
                                                    Sept. 28       Dillon                  Away      4:15; 5:30; 7:00 PM
                                                    Oct. 2         Corvallis               Home 1:00; 2:30; 4:00 PM
                                                    Oct. 5         East Helena             Away      4:15; 5:30; 7:00 PM
                                                    Oct. 9         Frenchtown              Home 1:00; 2:30; 4:00 PM
                                                    Oct. 15-16     Blockbuster Classic     Home 9:00 AM
                                                    Oct. 21        Stevensville            Away      4:15; 5:30; 7:00 PM
                                                    Oct. 23        Hamilton (SN)           Home 1:00; 2:30; 4:00 PM
                                                    Oct. 29-30     SW A District           Corvallis TBD
                                                    Nov. 4-6       Western A Divisional    Ronan TBD
                                                    Nov. 11-13     State Tourney           Bozeman TBD

                                                     Date          Team, Course            H/A           Time
                                                     Aug. 26       Ronan Invite            Ronan         TBD
                                                     Sept. 7       Belgrade Invite         Belgrade      9:00 AM
                                                     Sept. 9-10    Bu�e High Invite        Fairmont      10:00 AM
                                                     Sept. 13      Polson Invite           Polson        10:00 AM
                                                     Sept. 18      Hamilton Invite         Hamilton      10:00 AM
                                                     Sept. 25      Western A Divisional    Hamilton      10:00 AM
                                                     Oct. 1-2      State Tournament        Polson        TBD

                                                     VARSITY FOOTBALL
                                                     Date         Team                     H/A         Time
                                                     Aug. 27      Polson                   Away        7:00 PM
                                                     Sept. 3      Browning                 Away        7:00 PM
                                                     Sept. 10     Whitefish                 MT Tech     7:00 PM
                                                     Sept. 17     Hamilton                 Away        7:00 PM
                                                     Sept. 24     Corvallis (HC)           MT Tech     7:00 PM
                                                     Oct. 1       Dillon                   MT Tech     7:00 PM
                                                     Oct. 8       Frenchtown               Away        7:00 PM
                                                     Oct. 22      Stevensville (SN)        MT Tech     7:00 PM
                                                     Oct. 30      First Round Playoffs      TBD         TBD
                                                     Nov. 6       Quarter-Finals Playoffs   TBD         TBD
                                                     Nov. 13      Semi-Finals Playoffs      TBD         TBD
                                                     Nov. 20      State Championship       TBD         TBD

             Bu�e High School Winter and Spring
            Sport Schedules were not available by
                         print date                      Dates and �mes are subject to change.
Butte Central Maroons Sports Calendar
SUB-VARSITY FOOTBALL                                         BOYS BASKETBALL                                                          TENNIS
                                                             Date         Team                   H/A            TIMES                 Date          Team                  H/A       TIME
Date         Team                   H/A         Time
                                                             Dec. 10      Polson (Tipoff)         Frenchtown     10:30 AM              Apr. 2        Dillon                Home      10:00 AM
Sept. 13     Stevensville           Away        4:30 PM
                                                             Dec. 11      Bigfork (Tipoff)        Frenchtown     6:00 PM               Apr. 12       Stevensville          Away      2:00 PM
Sept. 20     Hamilton               MAC Field   4:30 PM
                                                             Dec. 13      Dillon Frosh           Home           6:00 PM               Apr. 23       Corvallis             Home      10:00 AM
Sept. 27     Corvallis              Away        4:30 PM
                                                             Dec. 16      East Helena            Away           4:15; 5:45; 7:15 PM   Apr. 23       Hamilton              Home      2:00 PM
Oct. 4       Dillon                 Away        4:30 PM
                                                             Dec. 18      Dillon                 Home           4:30; 7:30 PM         Apr. 30       Hamilton/Corvallis    Away      9:00 AM
                                                             Dec. 20      Bu�e High Frosh        Civic Center   6:00 PM               May 5         East Helena           Home      3:00 PM
CROSS COUNTRY                                                Dec. 21
                                                             Dec. 23
                                                                          Bu�e High
                                                                                                 Civic Center
                                                                                                                4:15; 5:45; 7:15 PM
                                                                                                                2:30; 7:30 PM
                                                                                                                                      May 14
                                                                                                                                      May 19-21
                                                                                                                                                    SW A Divisional
                                                                                                                                                                                    12:00 PM
Date       Team                   H/A           Time
Aug. 28    Powell County Invite   Deer Lodge    10:30 AM     Jan. 6       Park                   Home           4:15; 5:45; 7:15 PM   May 26-27     State                 Bozeman   TBD
Sept. 7    Bu�e Central Invite    Fairmont      5:00 PM      Jan. 8       Frenchtown             Away           1:00; 2:30; 4:00 PM
Sept. 11   Open                   Open          TBD          Jan. 11      Dillon Frosh           Away           6:00 PM
Sept. 18   Mountain West          Missoula      TBD          Jan. 13      Anaconda               Away           TBD
                                                             Jan. 15      Stevensville           Home           1:00; 2:30; 4:00 PM
Sept. 25
Oct. 2
           Bu�e High Meet
           Polson (Silver Fox)
                                                12:00 PM
                                                12:00 PM     Jan. 20      Dillon                 Away           4:30; 7:30 PM         SOFTBALL
                                                             Jan. 22      Hamilton               Home           1:00; 2:30; 5:30 PM   Date          Team                  H/A      TIMES (JV; Varsity)
Oct. 7     Helena 7 on 7          Helena        12:00 PM                                                                              Mar. 26      Polson                 Away     11:00 AM ; 1:00 PM
Oct. 16    Western A Classic      Dillon        2:00 PM      Jan. 27      Corvallis              Away           4:15; 5:45; 7:15 PM
                                                             Jan. 29      East Helena            Home           1:00; 2:30; 4:00 PM   Mar. 26      Columbia Falls         Away     3:00; 5:00 PM
Oct. 23    State Meet             Missoula      TBD                                                                                   Apr. 9       Stevensville           Away     1:00 PM; 11:00 AM
                                                             Feb. 3       Frenchtown (SN)        Home           4:15; 5:45; 7:15 PM
                                                             Feb. 5       Park                   Away           1:00; 2:30; 4:00 PM   Apr. 12      Dillon                 Away     5:00; 3:00 PM
WRESTLING                                                    Feb. 8       Stevensville           Away           4:15; 5:45; 7:15 PM   Apr. 21      Corvallis              Home 5:00; 3:00 PM
Date       Team                    H/A            TIME       Feb. 12      Hamilton               Away           1:00; 2:30; 4:00 PM   Apr. 23      Hamilton               Home 1:00 PM; 11:00 AM
Dec. 3     Havre Invite            Away           1:00 PM    Feb. 17-19   SW A District          Dillon         TBD                   Apr. 28      East Helena            Home 5:00; 3:00 PM
Dec. 4     Havre Invite            Away           9:30 AM    Feb. 24-26   Western A Divisional   Hamilton       TBD                   Apr. 29-30   Frenchtown Tourn.      Away     TBD
Dec. 9     Bu�e Central Mixer      Home           5:00 PM    Mar. 10-12   State                  Missoula       TBD                   May 3        Dillon                 Home 5:00; 3:00 PM
Dec. 10 Whitehall Duals            Away           12:00 PM                                                                            May 7        Hamilton               Away     1:00 PM; 11:00 AM
Dec. 11 Whitehall Duals            Away           10:00 AM                                                                            May 7        Corvallis              Away     5:00; 3:00 PM
Dec. 17 CMR Invite                 Away           11:00 AM                                                                            May 13-14    Combo Invita�onal      Home TBD
Dec. 18 CMR Invite                 Away           9:00 AM                                                                             May 17       East Helena            Home 5:00; 3:00 PM
Jan. 7     Bozeman Invite          Away           1:00 PM
                                                             GIRLS BASKETBALL                                                         May 20       Stevensville (SN)      Home 6:00; 4:00 PM
                                                             Date         Team                   H/A            TIMES                 May 26-28    State                  Hamilton TBD
Jan. 8     Bozeman Invite          Away           9:00 AM
                                                             Dec. 10      Polson (Tipoff)         Frenchtown     9:00 AM
Jan. 11    Dillon                  Away           TBD
                                                             Dec. 11      Bigfork (Tipoff)        Frenchtown     7:30 PM
Jan. 15    John Fisher Invite      Missoula       9:00 AM
                                                             Dec. 13      Dillon Frosh           Home           4:30 PM
Jan. 21    Class A Duals           Lewistown      1:00 PM
                                                             Dec. 16      East Helena            Home           4:15; 5:45; 7:15 PM
Jan. 22    Class A Duals           Lewistown      9:00 AM
                                                             Dec. 18      Dillon                 Home           3:00; 6:00 PM
Jan. 28    Bu�e Central Mixer (SN) Home           5:00 PM
Jan. 29    Powell County Mixer Away               TBD
                                                             Dec. 20
                                                             Dec. 21
                                                                          Bu�e High Frosh
                                                                                                 Civic Center
                                                                                                                7:30 PM
                                                                                                                4:15; 5:45; 7:15 PM
Feb. 5     Western A Divisional Frenchtown        9:00 AM                                                                             Date         Team                    H/A        TIME
                                                             Dec. 23      Bu�e High              Civic Center   4:15; 6:00 PM         Mar. 26      Gene Hughes Invite      Away       9:00 AM
Feb. 11-12 State                   Billings
                                                             Jan. 6       Park                   Away           4:00; 5:30; 7:00 PM   Apr. 2       Frenchtown              Away       10:00 AM
                                                             Jan. 8       Frenchtown             Home           1:00; 2:30; 4:00 PM   Apr. 9       Hamilton                Away       9:00 AM
SPEECH & DEBATE                                              Jan. 11      Dillon Frosh           Away           4:30 PM               Apr. 22      Dahlberg                Bu�e       TBD
Date           Team                  H/A           TIME      Jan. 13      Anaconda               Away           TBD                   Apr. 30      John Tomich Mem.        Home       10:00 AM
Oct. 23        Hamilton Workshop     Away          8:00 AM   Jan. 15      Stevensville           Away           1:00; 2:30; 4:00 PM   May 7        Dillon                  Away       10:00 AM
Oct. 30        Ronan                 Away          8:00 AM   Jan. 20      Dillon                 Away           3:00; 6:00 PM         May 14       Polson                  Away       9:30 AM
Nov. 6         Hamilton              Away          8:00 AM   Jan. 22      Hamilton               Home           1:00; 2:30; 4:00 PM   May 20-21    Western A Divisional    Hamilton   12:00 PM
Nov. 13        East Helena           Away          8:00 AM   Jan. 27      Corvallis              Home           4:15; 5:45; 7:15 PM   May 27-28    State                   Bu�e       10:00 AM
Nov. 20        Columbia Falls        Away          8:00 AM   Jan. 29      East Helena            Away           1:00; 2:30; 4:00 PM
Dec. 4         Stevensville          Away          8:00 AM   Feb. 3       Frenchtown             Away           4:15; 5:45; 7:15 PM
Dec. 11        Whitefish              Away          8:00 AM   Feb. 5       Park                   Home           1:00; 2:30; 4:00 PM
Dec. 18        Polson                Away          8:00 AM   Feb. 8       Stevensville (SR)      Home           4:15; 5:45; 7:15 PM
Jan. 8         Dillon                Away          8:00 AM   Feb. 12      Hamilton               Away           1:00; 2:30; 5:30 PM
Jan. 14-15     Bu�e High             Home          TBD       Feb. 17-19   SW A District          Dillon         TBD
Jan. 22        Western A             Frenchtown    TBD       Feb. 24-26   Western A Divisional   Hamilton       TBD
Jan. 28-29     State Tourney         Corvallis     TBD       Mar. 10-12   State                  Missoula       TBD

                                                                                                                                      Dates and �mes are subject to change.
Butte Central Schools  2021-2022 School Event Calendar
                           2021-2022 School Event Calendar
               July 2021                   July                                            January 2022              January
  Su    M    Tu    W     Th   F     Sa     4       Independence day              Su   M    Tu W Th         F    Sa   1       New Year's Day
                          1    2     3                                                                           1   17      Martin Luther King Jr. Day
   4    5     6     7     8    9    10                                            2    3    4    5    6     7    8   11      End of Second Quarter
  11   12    13    14    15   16    17                                            9   10   11   12   13    14   15   11      Start of finals week
  18   19    20    21    22   23    24                                           16   17   18   19   20    21   22
  25   26    27    28    29   30    31                                           23   24   25   26   27    28   29
                                                                                 30   31
              August 2021                  August                                          February 2022             February
  Su   M     Tu W Th          F     Sa     18-20 PIR Manatory teacher meetings   Su   M    Tu W Th         F    Sa   2     Groundhog Day
   1    2     3   4     5      6     7         23 First day of school                       1    2    3     4    5   12    Lincoln's Birthday
   8    9    10 11 12         13    14                                            6    7    8    9 10      11   12   14    Valentines Day
  15   16    17 18 19         20    21                                           13   14   15 16 17        18   19   21    President's Day
  22   23    24 25 26         27    28                                           20   21   22 23 24        25   26   25    Optional Tournament Day off
  29   30    31                                                                  27   28

            September 2021                 September                                        March 2022               March
  Su    M    Tu W Th          F     Sa     6     Labor Day                       Su   M    Tu W Th         F    Sa   17    St. Patrick's Day
                  1    2       3     4                                                      1   2    3      4    5   13    Daylight Saving
   5    6     7   8    9      10    11                                            6    7    8   9 10       11   12   16    End of third quarter
  12   13    14 15 16         17    18                                           13   14   15 16 17        18   19
  19   20    21 22 23         24    25                                           20   21   22 23 24        25   26
  26   27    28 29 30                                                            27   28   29 30 31

             October 2021                  October                                           April 2022              April
  Su    M    Tu W Th          F     Sa     11    Columbus Day                    Su   M    Tu W Th         F    Sa   1     April Fool's Day
                               1     2     27    End of First Quarter                                       1    2   22    Earth Day
   3    4     5     6     7    8     9     31    Halloween                        3    4    5    6    7     8    9
  10   11    12    13    14   15    16                                           10   11   12   13   14    15   16
  17   18    19    20    21   22    23                                           17   18   19   20   21    22   23
  24   25    26    27    28   29    30                                           24   25   26   27   28    29   30
            November 2021                  November                                           May 2022               May
  Su   M     Tu W Th F              Sa     11    Veterans Day                    Su   M    Tu W Th         F    Sa   30      Memorial Day
        1     2  3     4  5          6     25    Thanksgiving                     1    2    3    4     5    6    7   8       Mother's Day
   7    8     9 10 11 12            13     7     Daylight Saving                  8    9   10 11 12        13   14   25-26   Finals
  14   15    16 17 18 19            20     25-26 Thanksgiving break              15   16   17 18 19        20   21   26      End of fourth Quarter
  21   22    23 24 25 26            27                                           22   23   24 25 26        27   28   29      Graduation
  28   29    30                                                                  29   30   31

          December 2021                    December                                          June 2022               June
  Su    M  Tu W Th            F     Sa     24   Christmas Eve                    Su   M    Tu W Th         F    Sa   14   Flag Day
               1     2         3     4     25   Christmas Day                                    1    2     3    4   19   Father's Day
   5    6   7  8     9        10    11     31   New Year's Eve                    5    6    7    8    9    10   11
  12   13 14 15 16            17    18                                           12   13   14 15 16        17   18
  19   20 21 22 23            24    25                                           19   20   21 22 23        24   25           No School
  26   27 28 29 30            31                                                 26   27   28 29 30
                                                                                                                             Calendar subject to change

Calendar Template © 2021 by Vertex42.com. Free to print.                                                              https://www.vertex42.com/calendars/school-calendar.html
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