School Truancy: An Old Problem Which Requires New and Innovative Solutions
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© Kamla-Raj 2013 J Psychology, 4(2): 79-85 (2013) School Truancy: An Old Problem Which Requires New and Innovative Solutions M. J. van Breda Department of Psychology of Education, College of Education, University of South Africa PO Box 392, Pretoria 0003, South Africa Telephone: +2712 429 4148; E-mail: KEYWORDS Absenteeism. Dropout. Unsupportive School Environment. Disrupted Family Life ABSTRACT School truancy is a known predictor of learners leaving school prior to graduation. In this study the author explored the phenomenon of school truancy among grade 8 learners in the Metro East Education District of the Western Cape in South Africa. The study aimed to examine the prevalence, nature and extent of school truancy in the specified research cite and to offer guidelines to teachers in dealing with this serious concern. The study used a mixed method approach and is based on focus group interviews with learners, a survey conducted by means of a questionnaire completed by a sample of three hundred learners. Unstructured interviews were conducted with principals of schools included in the study. The findings of the study suggest that school truancy is a fairly common among grade 8 learners in the educational district concerned and appears to be closely associated with a host of interconnected and overlapping negative individual, family and community risks factors. The study concluded that if truant behaviour is not addressed through a collaborative approach taking numerous risk factors into account, it may have potentially disastrous effects not only for learners, but also for their families and communities at large. INTRODUCTION a good reason for the absence means by defini- tion that this form of behaviour is not truancy. In In recent decades, school truancy has attracted view of these definitional problems which often much interest in international research as well as result in the generic term implying different things policy discourse (Dalziel and Henthorne 2005; to different people, the author concurs with the Reid 2005; Winslade and Monk 2007). Most re- description of school truant behaviour cited by searchers agree that truancy is a serious issue Blum and Davis (2010) as ‘any intentional and facing all schools throughout the world from el- deliberate absence from school without a valid ementary through high school and is considered reason or permission from parents or the school’. a leading predictor of dropout (Ovink 2010; The negative effects that stem from school Puzzanchera and Sickmond 2008). When con- truancy necessitate a thorough understanding of sidering school absenteeism and truancy, one of the experience of truancy, including causes and the key issues is to understand correctly the mean- consequences, how truancy is perceived and in- ing and definition of the terms. This may not be stitutional responses. The author is of the opin- quite as simple as it sounds considering the view ion that understanding institutional and systemic held by Reid (2005) that there are various types responses to truancy, in particular, could be one of school absenteeism including specific lesson way in which schools could evaluate whether absence, post-registration absence, parentally their efforts are achieving or not achieving re- condoned absence, school refusal and school sults. Much of the extant literature points to the phobia. This is where the confusion may begin stereotyping of truancy as deliberate school dis- as for some researchers and education special- engagement and delinquent behaviour among ists, specific lesson absence, post-registration learners (Wright 2012; Henry 2010). However, absence and parentally condoned absence do not what appears to be lacking is the voice of truants constitute truancy. For others, this may consti- reporting on problematic issues what could lead tute truancy and are often re-titled as specific them to begin disengaging with school. “Going lesson truancy, post-registration truancy and pa- truant” is far too often dismissed exclusively as rentally condoned truancy. an example of a leaner’s apathy toward educa- Thus, in some circles, ‘being absent from tion, not taking into account that this behaviour school without good reason’ can be equated with may be related to a variety of individual, family, truancy, whereas in other circumstances, having school and community factors.
80 M. J. VAN BREDA School Truancy and Related Risk Factors schools are located in predominantly so-called coloured1 and Afrikaans-speaking communities Capps (2003) argues that truancy often indi- which are characterized by a high rate of unem- cates larger issues in a child’s life. He further ployment, poverty, gang activities, violence, and cites that truants often perceive the world around reliance on welfare support. According to school them as unstable and confusing with many com- attendance records observed by the author at the ing from dysfunctional, unstable and insecure 6 high schools included in the study, it does not homes. According to McCray (2006), children seem uncommon for many grade 8 learners to who do not feel a sense of belonging in a school, have accumulated up to one 100 days of ques- often seek acknowledgement, understanding and tionable absences. This alarmingly high absen- support elsewhere, which may result in truancy. tee rate represents approximately half of the Monobe and Baloyi (2012) emphasized that school year and seems to occur predominantly there is currently a great deal of concern and dis- among grade 8 male learners. A further motiva- quiet about learners who deliberately miss school tion why the study focussed on 8 learners only is and certain classes daily. This anxiety is well the high volume of referrals for psycho educa- founded considering the repercussions of con- tional support due to irregular school attendance sistently truanting are very severe and suggest a which are rife among learners in this grade. wider social, psychological and educational prob- Upon enquiring about measures in place to lem. Socially, truants do not know what to do address learner attendance in the research site, with their time while they are away from school neither a formally structured attendance nor anti- (Hans and Erikson 2013). Some for example truancy policies were found in place. Also lack- merely wander around their neighbourhood ing was a support programme for grade 8 learn- bored, engaging in such meaningless and mo- ers in facilitating their transition from primary notonous activities as vandalizing public or pri- to high school, a shift that usually comes with its vate property. unique challenges, opportunities and expecta- Heeyoung and Jaun (2011) report that two- tions. This situation appears to be exacerbated thirds of adolescent offenders begin their delin- by poor school-parent and school-community quent and criminal activities while truanting. In partnerships and cooperation. addition, truants are also at higher risk for sub- stance abuse, gang involvement and violence. Aims The united Sates and the United Kingdom have implemented policies and invested significant In response to the aforementioned issues, the resources to reduce truancy over several decades. main aim of this article was to explore the preva- Despite these significant efforts and millions lence, nature and intensity of truant behaviour spent, there is little evidence that any positive among grade 8 attending schools in the research impact has been made on school attendance and site. A second aim was to provide practical and in combating truancy (Maynard et al. 2013). preventative guidelines to teachers in helping A study conducted by the Community Agency them to combat truancy which is escalating at an for Social Enquiry in the Western Cape, South alarming rate particularly among grade 8 learn- Africa (2007) found that teachers, principals and ers attending the high schools in the research cite. district officials felt that truant behaviour is caused by risk factors such as poverty, transport METHODOLOGY problems, illness, lack of parental involvement and food insecurity. In her research findings, This study was conducted mainly from a Posi- Moseki (2004) cited that truancy is a major prob- tivist and Interpretive Paradigm and employed a lem in most South African township communi- mixed method research design. To determine the ties, linking this behaviour to a number of school nature and extent of school truancy in the research related factors, including the nature of interac- site, data was collected via a focus group discus- tion with peers and teachers, bullying, the con- sion, a questionnaire and unstructured interviews tent and delivery of the curriculum and its rel- with school principals. evance, discipline issues, boredom with school and the academic ethos of the school. Instruments, Data Collection Procedures The research sites for this study are six sec- ondary schools situated in Metro East Education A focus group discussion was conducted at District in the Western Cape, South Africa. These one of the 6 schools included in the research.
SCHOOL TRUANT BEHAVIOUR 81 The group comprised 6 learners who were iden- empirical research. The common themes which tified by their teachers in consultation with the emerged from these interviews are presented in author. The following selection criteria were ap- a later section. plied - firstly, evidence of skipping seven to 10 classes per week; secondly, their ages had to RESULTS range from 13 to 14 years and thirdly they had to be in grade 8 at the time of the group discussion. Content analysis was applied and the follow- The purpose of the discussion was explained to ing variables as measured by the questionnaire the learners, including the privacy and anonym- were identified and isolated as the being respon- ity of transcriptions of their responses. The par- sible for learner truant behaviour among Gr 8 ticipants were invited to be frank and detailed in learners in Metro East Education District in the their responses and could respond in the language Western Cape, South Africa: influence of peers; of their choice. The discussion, which lasted lack of parental/caregivers’ involvement; educa- about 60 minutes, ended once the facilitator felt tors influence; and learners own thoughts regard- satisfied with the responses. Recurring themes ing school activities. which emerged from the focus group discussion Based on the outcome of the section of the are presented in the section which covers the re- questionnaire which measured interaction with search findings. These themes were drawn upon peers as reflected in Table 1, 29.3% of the re- in constructing the research questionnaire. spondents indicated that they engaged with peers The questionnaire consisted of 43 focussed who work diligently in school, while 70.7% in- questions and one open-ended question. The fo- dicated that they readily associate with peers who cussed questions primarily aimed at eliciting re- tend to display irresponsibility, rebelliousness sponses from participants which reflected their and a negative attitude towards school and teach- opinions of various influences in their life-worlds ers. This outcome is supported by Capp (2003) which might or might not encourage them to play truant. These influences included the following Table 1: Items that focus on respondents’ perceptions aspects - the role of their peers, caregivers, teach- of the influence of peers on their truant behaviour (%) ers and their own self-images as factors which Item Stron- Uncer- Stron- may or may not play a role in shaping truant gly tain gly dis- agree/ agree/ behaviour. The open-ended question on the other agree dis- hand invited participants to indicate whether they agree have truanted before or not, and to briefly moti- 1. Being present at school every 33.3 2 61.3 vate their response day is very important for me and my friends. Participants 2. We encourage each other to 32.3 5 62.7 attend school. 3. We think that school is 34.3 2.3 62.7 The questionnaire was administered to a important. sample of 300 participants comprising 50 ran- 4. We like our teachers very 33.7 4.0 62.0 domly selected grade 8 male and female learn- much. ers attending each of the six participating schools. 5. It is important for all of us to 33.3 21.0 45.3 participate in sport activities Parental consent to participate in the study was at school. obtained through the schools concerned. Teach- 6. We like all our learning areas. 35.3 2.3 61.3 ers at the respective schools volunteered to as- 7. We attend all our classes. 32.3 3.0 64.7 8. My friends and I smoke. 55.0 0.7 44.3 sist with the administering of the questionnaire. 9. My friends and I take alcohol. 29.7 13.3 56.7 In order to secure honest and frank responses, 10. Some of my friends 6.0 42.0 52.0 anonymity was maintained by making use of a occasionally take drugs. numbering system, whereby a number was as- 11. In my circle of friends stealing 17.0 20.0 63.0 and disobeying of rules occur signed to each learner’s questionnaire which was occasionally. recorded next to their names on a class list. 12. In my circle of friends, theft 9.0 24.3 66.7 To obtain a school perspective, unstructured occurs occasionally. interviews were conducted with the six princi- 13. I hang around and mix with 29.3 0 70.7 friends who are hard working. pals of the schools which participated in the
82 M. J. VAN BREDA Table 2: Items that focussed on respondents’ Table 3: Items that focused on respondents’ perceptions perceptions of their parents/ caregivers’ involvement of teachers’ influence on their truant behaviour (%) in their scholastic activities (%) Item Stron- Uncer- Stron- Item Stron- Uncer- Stron- gly tain gly dis- gly tain gly dis- agree/ agree/ agree/ agree/ agree dis- agree dis- agree agree 1. My teachers always give me 33.7 2.0 64.3 1. My scholastic performance is 33.0 16.3 50.7 attention at school. important to my parents. 2. My teachers treat me with 32.0 9.3 58.7 2. My parents always attend 33.7 10.0 56.3 respect. parent meetings at my school. 3. Teachers always value and 27.0 24.7 47.7 3. The way my parents and I get 30.7 9.0 60.3 respect my contributions. on at home, motivates me to 4. My teachers encourage me to 33.7 5.7 60.7 work very hard at school. attend school regularly. 4. My parents have a positive 27.0 28.3 44.3 5. My teachers always try to 33.3 5.3 62.3 attitude towards my teachers. make lessons interesting and 5. My parents and I often discuss 31.0 3.7 65.0‘ meaningful. my schoolwork at home. 6. I know most of my teachers 31.0 14.3 54.3 6. My parents expect me to obey 42.3 15.3 41.7 have my interests at heart. the rules that apply at home. 7. I feel very comfortable to 32.7 6.0 61.3 7. My parents allow me enough 33.3 5.7 60.7 discuss anything with my time to do my homework. teachers. 8. My participation in cultural 26.7 27.3 45.7 8. My teachers do not say any 27.0 32.7 50.3 activities at school is negative or bad things about important to my parents. my work in front of other 9. My parents expect me to 57.3 12.0 30.7 learners. succeed in my school work 9. My teachers do not really 33.7 3.0 63.3 and to pass grade 12. make unreasonable demands 10. Should my parents discover 57.0 13.3 29.7 on me. that I am not attending all my 10. I will take any of my teachers 33.3 8.7 58.0 classes at school, they will be as my role model. very upset about it. ther demonstrated respondents’ extremely who reported that learners who present with dys- unfavourable and school experiences as well as functional behaviour and become trapped in a learners’ perceptions of educators’ uncaring and spiral of negative interaction with peers and authoritarian attitude of their teachers. Respon- teachers, often start absenting themselves from dents revealed that being subjected to undue and school. humiliating punitive measures, discrimination, As indicated by the information in Table 2, it rejection and antipathy displayed by educators appears that respondents agreed that they do not towards them play a significant role in their tru- enjoy much interest and support at home indi- ant behaviour. cating that their parents are not involved in their schooling. This research finding relates to what According to the information in Table 4, re- is often portrait in the literature which attributes spondents considered themselves largely incom- truancy to weak parenting, lack of discipline and petent to make adequate progress in school and parents who not consider education as important to eventually achieve their goals and dreams. as they have apparently managed to survive with- Generally there appears to be a significantly high out it. Le Riche (1995) cites that some parents level of doubt among respondents as to whether do not even know the whereabouts of their chil- they would achieve success in life, secure sus- dren during the day. In other cases parents are tainable income and be able to live comfortably aware of their child’s absence from school, but through the type of education obtained at school. are unwilling to do anything about it, leaving the Previous research in this regard conducted by child to his/ her own devices. Reid (2000), confirms that a higher proportion As shown in Table 3, the results of this sec- of truants than the normal school-age population tion revealed that a non-supportive school envi- have lower academic self-concepts, low general ronment may result in causing and sustaining tru- self-esteem and present with greater patterns of ant behaviour among learners. The findings fur- alienation from school.
SCHOOL TRUANT BEHAVIOUR 83 Table 4: Items that focussed on respondents’ single parenting, family violence and anti-edu- perceptions of their own thoughts and feelings cation values demonstrated by many parents and regarding school activities and attendance (%) caregivers. Item Stron- Uncer- Stron- gly tain gly dis- agree/ agree/ DISCUSSION agree dis- agree Despite the small scale nature of the study, its 1. I consider all my classes 34.3 3.3 61.3 overall findings suggest that the problem of important to attend. school truancy seems to be common among grade 2. Generally, I find schoolwork 31.7 4.0 63.3 8 learners in the research site. The evidence fur- very interesting. 3. All classroom activities are 30.7 17.3 51.0 ther indicate that truant behaviour originates from relevant to my everyday life. factors inside the child, in the child’s immediate 4. All the things that I learn in 29.3 21.0 48.7 environment extending to factors further away, school will help me to find which still influence the child, such as school work one day. 5. Through education obtained 29.7 23.3 46.3 problems and general social issues. In consider- at school, I will be able to ing the nature and prevalence of truancy among live a comfortable life one learners who enter high schools in the communi- day. ties concerned, this study has found that learners 6. I always feel happy with my 34.0 5.0 60.3 test and examination results. may perceive the world around them as unstable, 7. Generally, I feel that I’m 33.7 5.3 60.3 threatening and extremely confusing. Further- coping very well with my more, evidence both from the literature and the schoolwork. empirical study suggest that questionable absence 8. I’m sure one day when I have 31.3 16.3 51.7 finished with school, I’ll among grade 8 learners may invariably be asso- certainly miss it. ciated with unstable families, poor parental in- 9. Regular school attendance 32.7 16.3 50.0 volvement, inconsistent monitoring of learner will help me to achieve my goals and dreams in life attendance by schools, lack of supportive school 10. Even if I had a choice, I 35.3 5.3 58.7 environments and low self-esteem exhibited would choose to go to school. among learners. Persistent absence and truant behaviour may A thematic analysis of the relevant research have serious negative repercussions, both for tru- findings emerging from the focus group discus- ants themselves and for society, which may in- sion which fed into the questions of the ques- clude criminality and the tendency for truants to tionnaire included the following: discriminatory endure significant problems in later adult lives. behaviour, unfairness and a lack of interest dem- This highlights the extent to which truants are onstrated by certain educators towards learners influenced by their environment and to what de- mainly from low socio-economic background; gree their current and future challenging be- learner anxiousness, embarrassment and fear of haviour could impact on their environment. How- exposure as a result of scholastic underachieve- ever, more worryingly, seems to be the apparent ment; lack of parental support and interest in their lack of attention to the underlying reasons for schooling; bullying by older learners in the se- learners’ truancy in the research site. This could nior grades, administering of corporal punish- be the most telling indication that educational ment by certain educators and feelings of hope- authorities, welfare societies and parents are not lessness about the future which seems very bleak. effortful enough in addressing this phenomenon The most common themes which emerged through a multimodal approach with emotional, from the interviews with school principals in- behavioural, cognitive and social components cluded the following: unfavourable adjustment across home, community and school settings. of grade 8 learners to the general demands which their new learning environment offer, a serious CONCLUSION lack of support and parental involvement regard- ing their children’s education and their future and This study sought to promote an understand- the domestic backgrounds of truant learners ing of the multifaceted nature of truancy in the characterised by poverty, parent unemployment, research site. It also brought to the fore that
84 M. J. VAN BREDA school truancy is a universal phenomenon and which were reported earlier, the following pre- that learners play truant due to predisposing in- ventative measures are proposed for teachers to trinsic and extrinsic factors. On the one hand it combat truant behaviour. seems as if problems in the school system, such Truancy intervention strategies with learners as difficult working conditions and a lack of sup- who are chronically truant must focus on help- port for teachers from the Department of Educa- ing them become reengaged through the provi- tion, contribute to the pressure teachers feel in sion of educational experiences that youngsters class. On the other hand, socio-economic prob- themselves feel are safe, caring, academically lems and problematic families create a reality supportive interesting and relevant. Schools have where educators are expected to handle be- to become institutions where learners wish to havioural and emotional problems in learners attend and feel invited to acquire fresh knowl- often without support from parents. edge and acquire new skills. Addressing learn- Truant behaviour seems likely to result in ing difficulties ought to be included in all inter- multiple negative consequences, not only in terms ventions aimed at reducing truancy. In this re- of learning outcomes, but also with regard to risky spect, teachers can be equipped to identify and behaviour such as drug abuse, theft, vandalism, assist learners who are academically challenged violent gang activities and school dropout. In through in-service and pre-service training. In view of the fact that truancy may play a salient addition, teachers can embark on programmes role in undesirable outcomes for early adoles- where some learners are trained to become learn- cents, the prevention of this behaviour is an ex- ing mentors to assist peer who experience diffi- tremely important topic for on-going research. A culty mastering their learning material. commitment to develop and test truancy preven- Teachers should always endeavour to display tion efforts is therefore imperative. Finally, this a positive and empathetic attitude towards learn- article has examined a few causes of truancy but ers. Although learners may often act in a defiant has focused mostly on the part played by the and unruly way, they may want to change and teacher and the school in dealing with this improve. Therefore, teachers must keep in mind behaviour. Although guidelines for teachers may that every learner should be treated as a valu- take us a certain distance in addressing truancy, able, unique human being. This means that the a holistic and wider approach is still needed to teacher should strongly reject the unwanted address this serious issue in the Western Cape behaviour, but never the learner. Chronic truants Province of South Africa with its distinctive so- should be assessed to determine if a possible cial and educational challenges. cause of their absenteeism is frustration with school work, emotional problems, domestic dif- RECOMMENDATIONS ficulties or barriers to learning. Teachers should set an example by attending school every day, This study highlighted the multifaceted na- report to their classes punctually, create a pleas- ture of truant behaviour among grade 8 learners ant classroom environment, exhibit a friendly in the research site. Addressing pathological is- personality and maintain a positive working re- sues which feature in truants’ home and societal lationship with all learners in their classes. systems remains a challenging task for teachers On-going truancy prevention programs should in these communities, which are plagued by so- be established in schools and be ensured that cial ills like unemployment, drug abuse and vio- learners face firm sanctions for truancy by com- lent gangster activities. Aside from poor coop- municating to them that the school has a zero eration teachers receive from parents, they are tolerance for unauthorised absenteeism. Consider not empowered to change policies, nor are they learner capabilities by conducting special able improve the dire socio-economic conditions projects or particularly interesting assignments of families. However, what is in their power is to on Mondays and Fridays when truant behaviour keep all these circumstances in mind when ad- tends to be the highest. Keep accurate attendance dressing inappropriate learner behaviour, includ- records and revise class registers if needed in ing patterns of unexcused learner absenteeism. order to enable better recording of lesson atten- Based on the above findings derived from the dance. Good attendance should be noted or re- literature study and the empirical investigation warded by giving attendance certificates, pins,
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