Digital Spring School 2021 - Prospectus Monday 5th April 2021 - Friday 9th April 2021 - Ecrademy

Page created by Roy Grant
Digital Spring School 2021 - Prospectus Monday 5th April 2021 - Friday 9th April 2021 - Ecrademy
1     Digital Spring School 2021 | Prospectus

    Digital Spring
    School 2021
    Monday 5th April 2021
    – Friday 9th April 2021
Digital Spring School 2021 - Prospectus Monday 5th April 2021 - Friday 9th April 2021 - Ecrademy
2    Digital Spring School 2021 | Prospectus

Welcome                                         3   Workshops                    32

Ecrademy                                       4    Mentorship                   36

Digital Spring School                           5   Registration Process         37

Our Team                                       6    Fees                         38

Our Teachers                                   10   How to connect               39

Digital Learning                               12   Frequently asked questions   40

The 5 Strands                                  14   Our Story                    41

Curriculum                                     15   Contact                      43

Assemblies                                     29
Digital Spring School 2021 - Prospectus Monday 5th April 2021 - Friday 9th April 2021 - Ecrademy
3    Digital Spring School 2021 | Prospectus

Welcome to Ecrademy’s Digital Spring School 2021.        decade and established an Islamic educational          communication, calligraphy and art of etiquettes.
As the Co-Directors of the Spring School, we hope        institute focusing on female scholarship. We have      Bespoke workshops on time management,
this prospectus gives you a deeper insight into          experience in designing courses and teaching           artificial intelligence and big data also form part
what we have to offer. The Digital Spring School is      online. We have both travelled and lived abroad        of the curriculum. The combination of small class
a platform designed to teach children (ages 7-16)        in pursuit of learning and also have experience in     sizes, interactive lessons, individual mentoring and
from the comfort of their own homes.                     teaching in different countries.                       exclusive workshops will ensure this course is a
                                                                                                                unique experience for all learners.
Post COVID-19, the world has embraced digital            We are both mothers and our own children are our
education and it is here to stay. Blended learning       drive and motivation. They are growing up fast and     We hope to provide a stimulating, interactive and
is the education of the future. We harness the full      we aspire to empower them with a holistic vision       engaging digital learning environment enriched
creative potential and innovation of technology          of knowledge and nurture their skills and talent       by Islamic values.
and online learning and teaching. Our passion lies       for the future. Although many of our children are
in leveraging these new technological platforms          progressing in academic terms in mainstream            We have recruited some of the best teachers
to ignite the spark in every child who seeks to          education, we strongly feel the need to integrate      who have studied and taught at many world
learn and to make that process highly educational        ethical values stemming from our faith tradition       class educational institutions and are deeply
and enjoyable.                                           with 21st Century life skills in order to prepare      passionate about teaching. We want each student
                                                         themselves to navigate the complexities and            to leave with a memorable experience that they
As qualified school teachers ourselves, we both          challenges of the world ahead of them.                 cherish and helps in developing high aspirations
have extensive experience spanning nearly two                                                                   for their future.
decades in teaching children and adults. We took         Our Digital Spring School curriculum is intensive
different paths to develop our passion for teaching      and has been diligently and holistically designed      Our ethos which we hope each student leaves with
and professional careers and broaden our horizons.       to nurture the intellectual potential and personal     is to Learn through knowledge, Empower through
We have set up and have been managing our own            development of our students. We teach Islamic          skills and Inspire through action.
supplementary educational school, supporting             Studies including tafsir and sirah in addition to
students with the national curriculum for over a         teaching creative writing, english poetry, art of

                                Raadia Fatima                                                      Muhsina Thaherah
                                BA (Hons) Arabic & English                                         BA (Hons) Education QTS,
                                Language and Linguistics, MA in                                    CELTA, MA in Education,
                                Education, PGCE QTS and CELTA                                      Leadership and Management
                                Co-Director of the Ecrademy                                        Co-Director of the Ecrademy
                                Digital Spring School                                              Digital Spring School
Digital Spring School 2021 - Prospectus Monday 5th April 2021 - Friday 9th April 2021 - Ecrademy
4   Digital Spring School 2021 | Prospectus

                                              Ecrademy is a dynamic digital educational academy which
                                              seeks to provide holistic, relevant and transformative learning
                                              experiences. We synthesise the best of the traditional and the
                                              modern and strive for ethical excellence.

                                              Ecrademy is an Intelligo Ventures brand.
Digital Spring School 2021 - Prospectus Monday 5th April 2021 - Friday 9th April 2021 - Ecrademy
5   Digital Spring School 2021 | Prospectus

Digital                                                                    knowledge
Spring                                                                     Empower
School 2021                                                                through
Ecrademy presents a pioneering live, digital and interactive one week
spring school designed to teach children (ages 7-16) from the comfort
of their own homes. The spring school curriculum has been diligently
and holistically designed to nurture intellectual potential and personal

development of our students. The combination of small class sizes,
interactive lessons, individual mentoring and exclusive workshops will
ensure this course is a unique experience for all learners.

Monday 5th April 2021
- Friday 9th April 2021
Digital Spring School 2021 - Prospectus Monday 5th April 2021 - Friday 9th April 2021 - Ecrademy
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Our Team
Digital Spring School
2021 Management

Raadia Fatima                                  Muhsina Thaherah                      Susan Arabi                            Haseena Humayra
Co-Director                                    Co-Director                           Course Co-ordinator                    Creative Executive

Raadia is a mother of three who                As a qualified teacher with a BA      Susan has extensive teaching           Haseena graduated as a pharmacist
graduated with a BA (Hons) in                  (Hons) and MA in Education,           experience at primary, secondary,      (MPharm in Pharmacy) from UCL
Arabic, English and Linguistics                Muhsina has experience teaching       college & adult learning levels She    and is currently undergoing post-
and an MA in Education. She is                 primary school children and           has taught Psychology, Sociology,      graduate research in Genomic
also a qualified teacher since 2003            teaching adults ESOL for over 16      Childcare, Health and Social Care      Medicine at Imperial College. She
who has taught both children                   years. She is a former Deputy Head    She has a BSc in Psychology and        has travelled to many countries to
and adults. She has successfully               Teacher of an Independent school in   is a qualified teacher (PGCE). She     study Arabic and Islamic studies.
managed her own supplementary                  London. Muhsina has taught Arabic     has worked for 5 years at the Youth    Haseena has experience in
educational school for over a decade           Language in Summer Programmes         Offending Service, improving           organising educational events and
and is now teaching both adults                at London Metropolitan University.    outcomes for young people and          classes for over 5 years and has been
and children online. Raadia has                Currently she is teaching English     families. Susan is a parenting         teaching Quran on digital platforms.
also studied Arabic and Islamic                Language for a Chinese Ed-tech        specialist and has delivered various   She has also worked first hand on
Studies in Egypt. She successfully             company in addition to teaching       successful evidence based parenting    charity projects abroad and provides
organised and managed monthly                  Arabic and Islamic Studies to both    programmes. She is experienced in      executive support for a global
residential summer schools for three           adults and children.                  mentoring students across all ages     leadership foundation.
consecutive years.                                                                   and abilities.
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Our Team
Digital Spring School
2021 Management continued...

Dr Hamed Bourenane                             Sumayrah Husna                          Amina Clayton
Academic Affairs Executive                     Operations Executive                    Strategy Executive

Hamed is a cardiologist and has                Sumayrah has 5 years of experience      Amina obtained a degree in
a MSc in Bioengineering from                   teaching students to prepare for 11+    Philosophy and Theology from the
UCLA (USA). He has memorised                   and Independent school exams. She       University of Oxford. Since then
the Quran and has undertaken                   has helped organise educational         she has worked across project
leadership training courses in Turkey          courses for both adults and children.   management and strategy within
with notable scholars. He is also a            Currently Sumayrah is training to       the technology start-up space. She
member of a French Association                 be a pharmacist at Kings College,       is currently working at a venture-
called L’Association Médicale                  London. She is an active volunteer      backed cybersecurity firm in London.
Avicenne de France (AMAF) and                  for a charity working to alleviate      Her passions include animal welfare
organises programmes across                    poverty and empower young people        and rights, as well as intersectional
France in the field of medical ethics.         through education.                      philosophy and theology.
He has spent many years mentoring
children of different ages in both
academic and Islamic education.
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Our Team
Digital Spring School
2021 Advisors

Shaykh Sharif H. Banna                         Mrs Nusrat Bashir Dar                 Shaykh Ahmad Faruq Siddiqi               Dr Tamir Rashid

Shaykh Sharif is a scholar, author             Nusrat is the Education Advisor       Shaykh Ahmad is an Azhar trained         Tamir Rashid obtained his PhD
and entrepreneur. He is a Founding             (Elective Home Education) for         scholar and works as a Muslim            from the University of Cambridge,
Advisory Board Member of the                   Southwark Council for 5-16 year       Chaplain at Barts Health NHS Trust       did a postdoctoral fellowship at
Research Centre for Islamic                    olds. She has formerly worked         in London. He has over 15 years of       Stanford University, USA and trained
Legislation and Ethics (CILE) based            as Quality Assurance Officer for      experience in teaching including at      in medicine at Imperial College,
at the Qatar Foundation and has                Southwark Virtual School, Head        a secondary school. Shaykh Ahmad         London. After several years as a
taught Islamic Law and Ethics                  Teacher of two Independent schools    graduated in Islamic jurisprudence       Clinical Lecturer in Cambridge,
at Oxford University. He is the                and a university lecturer. Mrs        from Al-Azhar University in Egypt        he was awarded an MRC Clinician
Chairman of the Islamic Institute for          Bashir’s educational qualifications   and also completed a six-year Islamic    Scientist Fellowship and moved to
Development and Research (IIDR)                include MEd in Leadership and         theology program in Damascus. He         King’s College to set up a research
and has authored and translated                Management, CELTA, Post-Graduate      is currently undertaking professional    group aiming to translate the very
fifteen books. He is the CEO of an             Diploma in International Relations    training in counseling and has           latest developments in stem cell
award winning global media and                 and Security Studies and BA (Hons)    research interests in spirituality and   technologies into clinical practice.
publishing company and is listed               in Politics and Economics.            mental health. He was faith advisor
in IsFin’s 500 most influential                                                      to The London 2012 Olympics.
people who are pioneering the
Islamic economy.
Digital Spring School 2021 - Prospectus Monday 5th April 2021 - Friday 9th April 2021 - Ecrademy
9    Digital Spring School 2021 | Prospectus

Our Team
Digital Spring School
2021 Advisors continued...

Dr Ghalia Bourenane                            Nadim Hussain                          Shaykha Manal El-Zayat

Dr Ghalia is a Board Member of                 Nadim is Course Coordinator            Shaykha Manal studied Psychology
the European Institute of Science              for BA Primary Education QTS           and Education in Germany before
and Humanities. She has organised              Placements at Birmingham City          attaining her BA in Islamic Studies
education and training courses for             University. He has over 20 years of    from IESH in France. She completed
over 30 years in Bordeaux, France.             experience in planning, organizing     her M.A. in Islamic Studies from
She delivers parenting classes                 and delivering educational programs    SOAS, University of London as well as
and workshops for young parents                as the Director of Operations at the   a postgraduate diploma in teaching
and teaches Arabic and Islamic                 Islamic Institute for Development      Arabic as a foreign language at the
Studies to both young children and             and Research (IIDR). He has formerly   SOAS Language Centre. She has
adults. Dr Ghalia is also a practicing         worked for the NHS, a high street      15 years of experience in teaching
cardiologist and a mother of five.             Islamic retail bank and a publishing   Arabic and Islamic Studies with
                                               company. Nadim has studied             expertise in Quranic recitation
                                               Arabic and Islamic Studies in the      and prophetic traditions. Currently
                                               UK and abroad.                         she teaches her own four children
                                                                                      whom she homeschools along with
                                                                                      their peers.
10   Digital Spring School 2021 | Prospectus

Our Teachers
Our team of world class teachers are experienced, professional
and highly qualified. They have studied and graduated from
some of the world’s leading universities, including Oxford,
Cambridge, Stanford, UCLA, SOAS, Imperial College, UCL and
Al-Azhar University.

They plan, design and deliver interactive digital lessons using
a wide range of resources such as videos, competitions, story
telling, challenges and polls to keep every student engaged.

Many of our teachers also have online teaching experience.

High calibre,
qualified teachers
11   Digital Spring School 2021 | Prospectus

“Four traits elevate a
person to the highest
ranks, even if their
actions and knowledge
are little: forbearance,
humility, generosity
and good character”
12   Digital Spring School 2021 | Prospectus

Digital Learning
We are in the midst of a digital generation; the online learning platform has
been progressing swiftly. Digital learning connects students with knowledge
from the comfort of their own home. This platform has the ability to
enhance teaching through not only personalising resources to each student,
asking questions and communicating with the teacher and fellow peers
but delivering via new and interactive components. Research shows that
on average, students retain 25-60% more material when learning online
compared to only 8-10% in a classroom. As the dynamic world of digital
learning continues to progress and develop, we want to make sure our
students are at the forefront of this journey too.

There will be a maximum of 10 students per class ensuring efficient delivery
of lessons and focused attention to each individual.

A new way
of learning
13   Digital Spring School 2021 | Prospectus

                                               “The past resembles
                                               the future, more than
                                               one drop of water
                                               resembles the other”
                                               Ibn Khaldun
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The 5 Strands

Knowledge                                       Skills                                     Personal Development
Our Digital Spring School has its roots         Taught by experts, the curriculum          This integral strand of the curriculum
in a dynamic and holistic vision of             integrates essential learning skills       identifies and helps nurture the inner
knowledge. The curriculum covers                required by students to be empowered       potential of each student and includes
essential Islamic knowledge subjects            and thrive in the 21st Century. Sessions   sessions on spiritual growth, mental
including Tafsir and Sirah, in addition to      on art and design, calligraphy and         health, physical fitness and nutrition.
enhancing the students’ understanding           cryptography will be designed and
of Creative writing and English Poetry.         delivered by experts.

     Academic                Islamic                 Cryptography                              Spiritual Growth
     English Poetry          Sirah                   Art and Design                            Anger Management
     Creative                Tafsir                  Calligraphy                               Health and Fitness
     Writing                                                                                   Art of Etiquettes
15   Digital Spring School 2021 | Prospectus

                                                                                            Holistic +
                                                                                            A unique custom designed
                                                                                            curriculum, which integrates
                                                                                            five learning strands and
                                                                                            focuses not just on conventional
                                                                                            learning but also on developing
                                                                                            creative and leadership skills.
Leadership                                     Social Impact
The leadership strand is a unique strand       Students have the opportunity to discuss
which will encourage our students to           social issues and explore how they can all
explore and harness their leadership           leave a meaningful legacy and contribute
potential through communication                to the greater good of humanity. They
skills and the practice of expressing          will explore various inspiring characters
themselves by enhancing their public           and also discuss different strategies in
speaking and acting skills.                    caring for the environment.

                                                   Muslim superheroes
     Art of Communication
                                                   Faith Inspired Activism
     Public Speaking + Drama
                                                   Living Green
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7-9 Year Olds Programme
Subject Descriptions

Knowledge                       Skills             Personal                    Leadership           Social Impact
Islamic                         - Art and Design                               - Art of            - Muslim
- Tafsir                        - Calligraphy     - Spiritual Growth             Communication        Superheroes
- Sirah                                            - Health + Fitness
                                                                               - Public speaking
                                                      (Physical + Nutrition)
                                                                                  + Drama
Academic                                           - Art of etiquettes
- English Poetry                                   - Anger management
17   Digital Spring School 2021 | Prospectus

Knowledge - Islamic                                                                        Knowledge - Academic
Tafsir                                         Sirah                                       English Poetry
Students will look at some surahs in           This module will take a detailed            Students will be given some poems to explore and talk about mood, rhymes etc.
detail, namely Surah Fatiha, Surah             look at significant events from             They will plan and write their own piece of poetry about something that they are
Ikhlas, Surah Falaq and Surah Nas.             the life of Prophet Muhammad                passionate about and present it to the class.
They will go into depth with the               during the Makkan period of his
meanings and the backgrounds of                life. For example, the story of the
the surahs.                                    first revelation.

Personal Development                                                                                                                    Skills
Spiritual Growth                               Students will have practical sessions       Art of etiquettes                            Art and Design
Students will be given detailed                on physical exercise with a live trainer.   Children will be taught how to build         Students will look at different art
sessions about the inner dimensions            They will also learn the importance of      a good character and develop and             techniques and create art pieces
of the spiritual benefits gained from          stretching, keeping hydrated and also       maintain good manners in everyday            around the theme of Ramadan. This
different acts of worship, specifically        learn different exercise techniques in      life. They will look into detail at traits   includes a Ramadan calendar and a
focusing on spiritual aspects of               order to keep fit and active.               of good manners, such as honesty,            prayer mat. They will draw and paint
Ramadan such as patience.                                                                  kindness, politeness, respecting             their favourite food for suhoor or iftar.
                                               Students will also address vital
                                                                                           parents and elders and so forth.
Health + Fitness                               aspects of health and nutrition                                                          Calligraphy
(Physical + Nutrition)                         and how to live a healthy balanced          Anger management
                                               lifestyle. Students will learn why and                                                   Students will be introduced to
This module will be divided into                                                           Students will be given tips and ideas        techniques used to produce letters
                                               what food is essential for life, the
two sessions:                                                                              on how to manage anger and stress            using the naskh script. They will
                                               importance of providing the fuel
                                                                                           positively in daily situations. They         explore the characteristics of letters
• Physical activity                            the body needs to function and the
                                                                                           will identify the signs of when one is       in the naskh style. They will have the
                                               building blocks that make up cells,
• Nutrition                                                                                becoming angry and discover anger            opportunity to write some of their
                                               tissues, and organs.
                                                                                           management techniques.                       own letters and get feedback from
                                                                                                                                        an experienced calligraphy teacher.
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Leadership                                                                                                                     Social Impact
Art of Communication                           Public Speaking + Drama                 perform their acting piece for two      Muslim Superheroes
Students will be introduced to                 These hands-on practical sessions       minutes. They will be encouraged        Students will research and discover
eloquent speech and skills on                  will provide the students with          to articulate themselves with           inspiring characters who have
how to communicate efficiently                 necessary skills to select and act      confidence and clarity. This includes   made a change in society. They will
and effectively. They will look at             on a play or a script.                  improving their voice projection,       look further into the characteristics
some of the different methods of                                                       body language, clarity of diction,      and components that need to be
communication such as verbal and               The focus will be on how the students   adequate facial expressions and         acquired in order to become a
non-verbal.                                    can put the techniques learnt to        some hand actions.                      ‘superhero’.
19   Digital Spring School 2021 | Prospectus                                                                                   Knowledge Islamic                 Leadership

                                                                                                                               Knowledge Academic                Social Impact

                                                                                                                               Skills                            Workshops

Timetable - 7-9 Year Olds Programme                                                                                            Personal Development

         Time                     Day 1 (Mon 5th)       Day 2 (Tues 6th)           Day 3 (Wed 7th)              Day 4 (Thurs 8th)                   Day 5 (Fri 9th)

                                                                                                                                                   Health + Fitness
      9:00 - 9:30                    Icebreaker         Spiritual Growth                Sirah                         Tafsir

     9:30 - 10:00                        Poetry              Poetry                     Poetry                       Poetry                           Calligraphy

     10:00 - 10:15                                                                      Break

     10:15 - 10:45             Muslim Superheroes            Tafsir                     Tafsir                  Spiritual Growth                         Sirah

                                                                                  Public Speaking +                                                Public Speaking +
      10:45 - 11:15            Anger Management       Art of Communication                                   Public speaking + Drama
                                                                                       Drama                                                            Drama

      11:15 - 11:30                                                                     Break

                                                        Health + Fitness
     11:30 - 12:00                Art of Etiquettes                                     Sirah                     Art + Design                        Art + Design

     12:00 - 12:30                                                           Assembly with a guest for all

     *Timetables are subject to change
20    Digital Spring School 2021 | Prospectus

10-13 Year Olds Programme
Subject Descriptions

Knowledge                       Skills             Personal                    Leadership           Social Impact       Workshops
Islamic                         - Cryptography                                 - Art of            - Faith Inspired   - Time management
- Tafsir                        - Art and Design   - Spiritual Growth             Communication        Activism         - Invention + Pitch
- Sirah                         - Calligraphy      - Health + Fitness         - Public speaking   - Living Green         Challenge
                                                      (Physical + Nutrition)      + Drama
Academic                                           - Art of etiquettes
- Creative Writing                                 - Anger management
21   Digital Spring School 2021 | Prospectus

Knowledge - Islamic                                                               Skills
Tafsir                                         Sirah                              Cryptography                            Calligraphy
Students will look at some surahs in           This module will take a detailed   Students will build on their            Students will be introduced to
detail, namely Surah Fatiha, Surah             look at significant events from    encryption and decryption skills.       techniques used to produce letters
Ikhlas, Surah Falaq and Surah Nas.             the life of Prophet Muhammad.      They will apply these techniques in     using the naskh script. They will
They will go into depth with the               Students will specifically study   order to solve complex problems.        explore the rules of the letters and
meanings, background and reasons               the Makkan period in detail.                                               the characteristics of the naskh style.
for the revelations of these surahs.           For example, the story of the      Art and Design                          They will have the opportunity to
                                               first revelation and how this      Students will look at different art     write some of their own letters and
                                               message was received and           techniques and create a still life      get feedback from an experienced
                                               delivered to society.              art piece around the theme of           calligraphy teacher.
                                                                                  Ramadan. This includes drawing
                                                                                  and painting their favourite food for
                                                                                  suhoor or iftar, as well as different
                                                                                  traditions of eid.
Knowledge - Academic
Creative Writing
Lessons will be taught on how to plan, stage and develop a creative piece
of writing. Students will be encouraged to use their imagination to convey
meaning through the use of imagery, narrative, and share their creative ideas.
They will learn how to express these ideas with clarity in their writing.
22   Digital Spring School 2021 | Prospectus

Personal Development                                                                        Leadership                                Social Impact

Spiritual Growth                               lifestyle. Students will learn why and       Art of Communication                      Faith Inspired Activism
A detailed study of the inner                  what food is essential for life, the         Students will be introduced to            Students will research and discover
dimensions of the spiritual benefits           importance of providing the fuel             eloquent speech and skills on how         inspiring characters who have
gained from different acts of                  the body needs to function and the           to communicate efficiently and            made a change in society. They will
worship, specifically focusing on              building blocks that make up cells,          effectively. They will look at the four   look further into the characteristics
spiritual aspects of Ramadan such              tissues, and organs. They will look          main categories of communication          and components that need to be
as patience. They will relate these to         at the impact of good nutrition and          styles, namely verbal, nonverbal,         acquired to make a change and
their personal lives and set goals for         how it is essential for one’s health         written and visual.                       impact in society.
ramadan.                                       and wellbeing.
                                                                                            Public speaking + Drama                   Living Green
Health + Fitness                               Art of etiquettes
                                                                                            These hands-on practical sessions         Students will explore strategies on
(Physical + Nutrition)                         Students will reflect on how to build        will provide the students with            how to make lifestyle decisions,
This module will be divided into               a good character and develop and             necessary skills to select and act on a   which reduce negative impact and
two sessions:                                  maintain good manners in everyday            play or a script.                         promote the health of the planet
                                               life. They will look into detail at traits
                                                                                                                                      and its inhabitants.
• Physical activity                            of good manners, such as honesty,            The focus will be on how the
• Nutrition                                    kindness, politeness, respecting             students can put the techniques           They will be encouraged to reflect
                                               parents and elders and so forth.             learnt to perform their acting            on the environmental benefits
Students will have practical sessions                                                       piece for two minutes. They will be       that come with living a green.
on physical exercise with a live               Anger management                             encouraged to articulate themselves       They will study actions such as
trainer. They will also learn the              Students will be given tips and              with confidence and clarity.              recycling, pollution reduction, nature
importance of stretching, keeping              ideas on how to manage anger and                                                       conservation and plant and tree
hydrated and also learn different              stress positively in daily situations.       They will be encouraged to reflect        cultivation that create a much more
exercise techniques in order to keep           They will identify the signs of              on their voice projection, body           sustainable world for us and for our
fit and active.                                when one is becoming angry and               language, clarity of diction, adequate    future generations.
                                               discover or write an action plan for         facial expressions and some hand
Students will also address vital               themselves about the actions to              actions.
aspects of health and nutrition                take to deal with the situation in a
and how to live a healthy balanced             productive manner.
23   Digital Spring School 2021 | Prospectus                                                                            Knowledge Islamic                 Leadership

                                                                                                                        Knowledge Academic                Social Impact

                                                                                                                        Skills                            Workshops

Timetable - 10-13 Year Olds Programme                                                                                   Personal Development

         Time                     Day 1 (Mon 5th)         Day 2 (Tues 6th)        Day 3 (Wed 7th)        Day 4 (Thurs 8th)                   Day 5 (Fri 9th)

      11:00 - 11:30                  Icebreaker           Creative Writing         Creative Writing            Tafsir                             Tafsir

                                                                                                                                            Health + Fitness
     11:30 - 12:00                Creative Writing             Sirah                    Tafsir           Creative Writing

     12:00 - 12:45                                                               Assembly and Break

     12:45 - 13:25                Art of Etiquettes       Spiritual Growth       Anger Management        Spiritual Growth                         Sirah

                                                                                                         Public Speaking +                  Public Speaking +
     13:25 - 14:05            Faith Inspired Activism   Art of Communication   Public Speaking + Drama
                                                                                                              Drama                              Drama

     14:05 - 14:45             Anger Management             Calligraphy          Time Management           Art + Design                        Art + Design

     14:45 - 15:00                                                                      Break

                                                          Health + Fitness                                                                  Invention + Pitch
     15:00 - 15:40                 Cryptography                                         Sirah              Living Green
                                                            (Nutrition)                                                                        Challenge

     *Timetables are subject to change
24    Digital Spring School 2021 | Prospectus

14-16 Year Olds Programme
Subject Descriptions

Knowledge                       Skills             Personal                    Leadership           Social Impact       Workshops
Islamic                         - Cryptography                                 - Art of            - Faith Inspired   - Time management
- Tafsir                        - Art and Design   - Spiritual Growth             Communication        Activism         - Online Privacy + Security
- Sirah                         - Calligraphy      - Health + Fitness         - Public speaking   - Living Green      - Invention +
                                                      (Physical + Nutrition)      + Drama                                  Pitch Challenge
Academic                                           - Art of etiquettes                                                  - Artificial Intelligence
- Creative Writing                                 - Anger management                                                      + Big Data
25   Digital Spring School 2021 | Prospectus

Knowledge - Islamic                                                                     Skills
Tafsir                                         Sirah                                    Cryptography                              Calligraphy
For these sessions, students will              This module will take a detailed look    Students will build on their encryption   Students will be introduced to
study some surahs and their                    at significant events from the life of   and decryption skills. They will apply    techniques used to produce letters
backgrounds in depth, namely Surah             Prophet Muhammad. Students will          these techniques in order to solve        using the naskh script. They will
Fatiha, Surah Ikhlas, Surah Falaq and          specifically study the Makkan period     complex problems.                         explore the rules of the letters and
Surah Nas.                                     in detail.For example, the story of                                                the characteristics of the naskh style.
                                                                                        Art and Design                            They will have the opportunity to
They will reflect on their meanings,           the first revelation and how this
                                                                                        Students will look at different           write some of their own names and
background and reasons behind its              message was received and delivered
                                                                                        techniques and create an art piece        get feedback from an experienced
revelation. They will learn about the          to society. They will relate this back
                                                                                        around the theme of Ramadan and           calligraphy teacher.
recitation of these surahs being a             to situations in their own lives.
                                                                                        more specifically the night of power.
form of protection and the contexts                                                     This includes creating a piece of art
in which they were revealed.                                                            and using their mind to visualise the
                                                                                        peace on the night of power.

Knowledge - Academic
Creative Writing
Lessons will be taught on how to plan, stage and develop a creative piece
of writing. Students will be encouraged to use their imagination to convey
meaning through the use of imagery, narrative, and share their creative ideas.

They will learn how to express these ideas with clarity in their writing. They will
also form their own piece of writing applying all the skills they have learnt.
26      Digital Spring School 2021 | Prospectus

Personal Development                                                                            Leadership                                Social Impact

Spiritual Growth                                  for life, the importance of providing the     Art of Communication                      Faith Inspired Activism
Students will be given detailed sessions          fuel the body needs to function and           Students will be introduced to
                                                  the building blocks that make up cells,                                                 Students will research and discover
about the inner dimensions of the                                                               eloquent speech and skills on how         inspiring characters who have
spiritual benefits gained from different          tissues, and organs.
                                                                                                to communicate efficiently and            made a change in society. They will
acts of worship, specifically focusing on                                                       effectively.
                                                  They will discuss the impact of good                                                    look further into the characteristics
spiritual aspects of Ramadan such as
                                                  nutrition and how it is essential for one’s                                             and components that need to be
patience. They will create an action plan                                                       They will look at and discuss the four
                                                  health and wellbeing.                                                                   acquired to make a change and
for ramadan and how they can benefit                                                            main categories of communication
from it spiritually.                                                                                                                      impact in society. They will be given
                                                  Art of etiquettes                             styles, namely verbal, nonverbal,         the opportunity to write a list of
                                                  Students will be taught how to build          written and visual.                       how they personally can make a
Health + Fitness
(Physical + Nutrition)                            a good character and develop and                                                        difference in society, regardless of
                                                  maintain good manners in everyday
                                                                                                Public speaking + Drama
This module will be divided into two                                                                                                      how big or small it is.
                                                  life. They will look into detail at traits    These hands-on practical sessions will
                                                  of good manners, such as honesty,             provide the students with necessary       Living Green
•    Physical activity                            kindness, politeness, respecting              skills to select and act on a play or a   Students will explore strategies on
                                                  parents and elders. They will also look       script.
•    Nutrition                                                                                                                            how to make lifestyle decisions,
                                                  at the opposite traits such as lying and
                                                  backbiting and how this has an impact         The focus will be on how the students     which reduce negative impact and
Students will have practical sessions                                                                                                     promote the health of the planet
on physical exercise with a live trainer.         on their relationships with Allah and         can put the techniques learnt to
                                                  humans.                                       perform their acting piece for two        and its inhabitants.
They will also learn the importance of
stretching, keeping hydrated and also                                                           minutes. They will be encouraged          They will be encouraged to reflect
                                                  Anger management                              to articulate themselves with
learn different exercise techniques in                                                                                                    on the environmental benefits
order to keep fit and active. They will           Students will be given tips and ideas         confidence and clarity.
                                                  on how to manage anger and stress                                                       that come with living a green.
have one minute challenges to increase                                                                                                    They will study actions such as
their motivation for exercise.                    positively in daily situations. They will     They will reflect on their voice
                                                  identify the signs of when they become        projection, body language, clarity of     recycling, pollution reduction, nature
Students will also address vital aspects          angry, and write an action plan for           diction, adequate facial expressions      conservation and plant and tree
of health and nutrition and how to live           themselves about the different types          and some hand actions.                    cultivation that create a much more
a healthy balanced lifestyle. Students            of responses they can have to deal with                                                 sustainable world for us and for our
will learn why and what food is essential         the situation in a productive manner.                                                   future generations.
27   Digital Spring School 2021 | Prospectus                                                                                 Knowledge Islamic               Leadership

                                                                                                                             Knowledge Academic              Social Impact

                                                                                                                             Skills                          Workshops

Timetable - 14-16 Year Olds Programme                                                                                        Personal Development

         Time                     Day 1 (Mon 5th)         Day 2 (Tues 6th)         Day 3 (Wed 7th)            Day 4 (Thurs 8th)                   Day 5 (Fri 9th)

     12:00 - 12:30                                                                    Assembly

                                                                                                                                                 Health + Fitness
     12:30 - 13:00                   Icebreaker                Sirah                    Tafsir                      Tafsir

     13:00 - 13:40                Creative Writing             Tafsir              Creative Writing            Creative Writing                     Calligraphy

     13:40 - 13:55                                                                      Break

     13:55 - 14:35                Art of Etiquettes       Spiritual Growth              Sirah                       Sirah                           AI + Big Data

                                                                                                                                                 Public Speaking +
      14:35 - 15:15           Faith Inspired Activism   Anger Management       Public speaking + Drama     Public speaking + Drama

      15:15 - 15:30                                                                     Break

     15:30 - 16:10              Time Management         Art of Comminication   Online Privacy + Security      Spiritual Growth                      Living Green

                                                          Health + Fitness                                                                       Invention + Pitch
     16:10 - 16:50                 Cryptography                                      Art + Design            Anger Management
                                                            (Nutrition)                                                                             Challenge

     *Timetables are subject to change
28   Digital Spring School 2021 | Prospectus

“We are what
we repeatedly do.
Excellence then
is not an act,
but a habit”
29   Digital Spring School 2021 | Prospectus

Each day of the course all age groups will have an
assembly for 30 minutes, where inspirational and
notable, external guests from diverse sectors will
share their wisdom, experience and reflections.

     International, National
         + Local Guests
30   Digital Spring School 2021 | Prospectus

“Do not be satisfied
with the stories
which came before
you, unfold your
own myth”
31   Digital Spring School 2021 | Prospectus
32   Digital Spring School 2021 | Prospectus

Our workshops are distinctive opportunities
for students to explore topics such as:
•       Online Privacy + Security
•       Time Management
•       Invention + Pitch Challenge
•       Artificial Intelligence + Big Data
33   Digital Spring School 2021 | Prospectus


Our workshops are distinctive opportunities for students to explore different fields. Many of the workshops will also be open for parents to join in order to gain
maximum benefit from the sessions.

Online Privacy + Security                      Time Management                         Invention + Pitch Challenge                Artificial Intelligence + Big Data
This workshop will explore the                 Key aspects on how to manage            Students will develop a pitch for          Discovering the benefits and
benefits and dangers of the cyber              time effectively and productively.      an innovative product that they            potential applications of AI and
world. Students will learn how to              Students will be given advice on        themselves have invented during            Big data. This will prepare students
keep their profiles safe from online           prioritising, goal setting, multi       the week. This will be presented           on how the development of this
security challenges such as: identity          tasking, problem solving, strategic     to a panel of teachers. They will be       technology will contribute in
theft, stalkers, hacking,’catfishing’,         thinking and many more factors          given marks for their product design,      shaping and transforming the
conversations with strangers as well           which are key to developing time        creativity and presentation skills.        future.
as the long term impact it could               management skills.
have on children’s lives.

Orientation workshops

Our orientation workshops are optional interactive discussion sessions for parents and students to seek guidance and advice on various topics.

Understanding Children’s Mental Health
Bringing awareness to the risk factors which could affect the mental well-being of children, the impact of developmental changes on the mental health of young
people. Exploring the effects of bullying, stress and anxiety and discussing ways to manage and tackle the challenges it may bring.
34   Digital Spring School 2021 | Prospectus

“Service to
others is the rent
you pay for your
room on earth”
Muhammad Ali
35   Digital Spring School 2021 | Prospectus

Growth Orientated
The course focuses on personal
development and spiritual growth
for every student. A mentorship
scheme also forms a key feature
of student growth engagement.
36   Digital Spring School 2021 | Prospectus

Alongside the scheduled lessons, each student will
be assigned a mentor from our team of experienced
teachers. They will receive one to one session during
the course to create an action plan that extends beyond
their time at the spring school. The mentor will be there
to provide guidance, motivation and support whilst
reviewing class progress in order to get the most out
of their spring school experience.

We feel this is a vital part of our programme to
encourage our students to reflect in order to nurture
them into confident and well-grounded individuals.

Our mentors will provide a safe space for the students
to be able to ask for help and discuss any issues they
are worried about.

We hope that by incorporating this personalised
element, our students will be empowered to fulfil
their potential.

             Child-centred Support
37   Digital Spring School 2021 | Prospectus

Registration process
Admissions are open until 02/04/2021

Online application                    Payment        Enrolment email   Induction   Zoom links   Live classes
  to be filled by                    processed        confirmation        day       emailed        begin
   parents and                     securely online
38   Digital Spring School 2021 | Prospectus


      7-9 year olds                                         10-13 years olds                                        14-16 year olds

      Price                            £175                 Price                      £225                         Price     £250

Payment can be made directly through our website, by paypal or bank transfer. Please contact us for more details.

Discounts available for siblings and Ecrademy alumni. Please contact us for more details.
39   Digital Spring School 2021 | Prospectus

How will classes
run each day?

     Students                   Each day students   Classes go live   Teachers will     Students will    All years will join for
 receive their own              click on the same                     enter and exit   be given breaks   Assembly using the
 zoom link prior to                  zoom link                          zoom class       throughout      Assembly link then
  the programme                                                        according to                       complete the rest
      starting                                                           timetable                        of their schedule
40   Digital Spring School 2021 | Prospectus

asked questions
How is this Digital Spring                     What are the computer and             Will there be breaks between           Are all teachers DBS checked?
School unique?                                 software requirements?                the sessions?                          Yes all our teachers and our support
We are offering a holistic,                    You will need a computer, laptop      Yes, there will be 10-15 minutes       team are DBS checked.
comprehensive curriculum, tailored             or a tablet that can run the Zoom     breaks spread throughout the day.
to each year group. It includes                app, with good clear audio and        However, students must ensure          Are your teachers experienced?
insights into subjects that are not            camera settings as the classes        that they return to their classes in   Yes, we have selected the best
commonly taught at schools.                    will be very interactive. We do not   a timely manner after their breaks.    teachers in each field, ensuring that
                                               recommend using a mobile phone                                               your child obtains the highest level
How will the Spring School                     to attend the classes.                What will the group size be            of education.
be different from Ecrademy                                                           of each class?
Summer School?                                 Can I see a sample class?             There will be a maximum of             Can students register without
There are many new engaging                    Once you have enrolled, we will be    10 students in each class.             attending the faith based lessons?
topics and subjects that have been             holding an induction day and this                                            Yes, please email us for further
added to the Spring School Course.             will give a general overview of the   Will there be homework?                information.
As well as this, some of the subjects          classes and how they will run.        Yes children will be given
that have been introduced in the                                                     assignments and small projects
previous course will be developed              Are there any discounts available?    to work on throughout the two
further in more detail and depth, so           Yes, please contact us for            weeks. This will also be supplied
previous students and new students             more details.                         with feedback and marks.
can receive the utmost benefit from
the course.                                    Are international students            How will the classes be
                                               eligible to apply?                    interactive?
What platform will be used to                  Yes! We welcome all students          Teachers will be using tools such as
deliver the classes?                           from across the world. You may        Kahoot, online quizzes, polls. Zoom
We will be using Zoom to create                need to ensure that you can           breakout rooms will also be created
personalized links for each class.             attend according to the UK time       to encourage group work.
                                               zone (GMT+1).
41   Digital Spring School 2021 | Prospectus

Our story
We were fortunate to have been                 All six of us (we are four sisters      University trained scholar who         deprived corners of the world and
raised in a household with a strong            and two brothers) are products          is an NHS Muslim chaplain and          provides educational scholarships.
background in both modern and                  of our parents’ vision, sacrifice,      is a counselor, (5) a pharmacist       We care about social change and
Islamic education. United Kingdom              guidance and love. Indeed we have       who has an academic interest           impact.
is our home but we have travelled              a lot more to learn, experience and     in genomics and teaches Arabic
widely in pursuit of learning. Our             share. However, we have traversed       language and (6) our youngest          Most of us now are married and
parents diligently instilled in us             the different worlds of education       sibling who is graduating soon as      have children of our own who are
the love of reading, learning and              graduating from some of the best        a pharmacist from Kings College        growing up fast. Some of us are
contemplating. We come from a                  universities in the world - UCL,        London alongside pursuing Arabic       homeschooling our children and
family of knowledge and scholarship            Imperial College, SOAS, Institute       and Islamic studies, has a passion     others have sent our children to
with our maternal grandfather                  of Education and other world class      for photography and is aspiring to     independent and state schools
hailing from Aligarh Muslim                    institutions. Amongst us, we have (1)   become an entrepreneur.                whilst providing a holistic faith
University (India) and our own father          a visiting lecturer at the University                                          based curriculum at home. With the
an Islamic scholar, read Economics             of Oxford with research interests in    We have learnt Arabic and classical    rapid pace of change in the world
and went on to establish and lead              jurisprudence and ethics, author        Islamic sciences and have travelled    primarily driven by technological
several educational institutions in            and translator of fifteen books, and    abroad to Cairo, Damascus, Amman       innovation, the ever growing socio-
the United Kingdom. Our mother                 a co-founder and CEO of an award        and Istanbul to study with masters     ethical challenges, we began to ask
has been teaching for over three               winning global media company, (2)       of our faith tradition and we have     ourselves - how do we impart to
decades. Knowledge is that which               a qualified primary school teacher      been teaching these classical          our children, and to adults, the best
is beneficial to oneself and others,           who successfully ran her own            sciences for the past two decades.     education, in a way that is reflective
we were taught. We were reminded               supplementary educational school        We have balanced and integrated        of our values, that is holistic,
that education is for personal                 for a decade, (3) a qualified primary   both worlds of education as well as    transformative and empowers
enlightenment and an exploration of            school teacher who went on to           having established our own careers     them to navigate the complexities
the mysteries of creation and human            become a deputy headteacher at an       and financial independency. We         of the 21st Century? And we found
potential and not merely for the               independent school in the United        have established a family charitable   ourselves embarking on a new
pursuance of a career.                         Kingdom and also established an         foundation, led by our father. The     journey - integrating education
                                               Islamic education brand focusing        foundation works to help alleviate     with technology and spirituality.
                                               on female scholarship, (4) an Azhar     poverty in some of the most
42   Digital Spring School 2021 | Prospectus

Ecrademy is
our ambition
to share that
journey with
you all.
0203 488 6187
                                                 Register now at
07984 850 180
Lines are open Monday – Sunday 8:30am – 8:30pm

                                                 Limited spaces available

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