On-Campus Learning Transition Plan Spring 2020 - International ...

Page created by Maria Pena
On-Campus Learning Transition Plan Spring 2020 - International ...
On-Campus Learning Transition Plan
          Spring 2020
On-Campus Learning Transition Plan Spring 2020 - International ...
I. Timeline for Resumption of On-Campus Instruction ................................................................ 3
A. Situation Overview ............................................................................................................................. 3
B. Emergency Care/Notbetreuung Students .......................................................................................... 4
II. Hygiene and Infection Prevention Plan .................................................................................... 4
A. Preliminary remark ............................................................................................................................ 4
B. Violation of Protocols ......................................................................................................................... 4
C. Personal hygiene measures................................................................................................................ 4
C. Conditions for Entering the Building .................................................................................................. 6
D. Requirements for Persons on Campus............................................................................................... 6
E. Infection prevention and hygiene measures in premises .................................................................. 7
F. Risk groups ......................................................................................................................................... 8
G. Infection prevention and hygiene measures in sanitary facilities ..................................................... 8
H. Hygiene Measures in Student Spaces ................................................................................................ 8
I. Hygiene Measures During Lunch and for Drink Water ........................................................................ 9
J. Hygiene Measures at School Events ................................................................................................... 9
K. Traffic Flow ......................................................................................................................................... 9
L. Obligation to report ............................................................................................................................ 9
III. Suspected & Confirmed Infection Protocol .......................................................................... 10
A. Symptoms Monitored ...................................................................................................................... 10
B. Return to School............................................................................................................................... 10
C. Parent Communication .................................................................................................................... 10
D. Confirmed Infection ......................................................................................................................... 11
E. Data Protection ................................................................................................................................ 11
IV. Communication Trees ........................................................................................................... 11
A. Confirmed COVID-19 Infection: ....................................................................................................... 11
B. General Issues .................................................................................................................................. 12
V. Schedules: Phase 2 ................................................................................................................. 12
A. New Daily Schedules ........................................................................................................................ 12
B. Grade 4 Weekly Schedule: Phase 2 .................................................................................................. 14
C. Grade 10 Weekly Schedule: (April 20 – May 15, 2020) .................................................................... 15
D. On-Campus Breaks: Phase 2 ............................................................................................................ 16
E. On Campus Lunch: Phase 2 .............................................................................................................. 16
F. Room Allocations: Phase 2 ............................................................................................................... 16
F. Cafeteria ........................................................................................................................................... 17
G. Traffic Flow: Entry and Exit .............................................................................................................. 17
VI. Academic Policies & Adjustments ......................................................................................... 18
A. Curricular Goals ................................................................................................................................ 18
B. Learning Content ............................................................................................................................. 18
C. Support ............................................................................................................................................. 19
D. Learning structures .......................................................................................................................... 19
E. Collaboration .................................................................................................................................... 20
F. Equal opportunity to learn and support ........................................................................................... 20
G. Assessment ..................................................................................................................................... 21
H. Year-End Reports ............................................................................................................................. 22
VII. School Calendar & Important Dates .................................................................................... 22
A. School Calendar ............................................................................................................................... 22
B. Tentative Virtual Events ................................................................................................................... 22
C. Cancelled Events .............................................................................................................................. 22

On-Campus Learning Transition Plan                                          2                                                           05.05.2020
On-Campus Learning Transition Plan Spring 2020 - International ...
I. Timeline for Resumption of On-Campus Instruction

        A. Situation Overview
        Per the ministry’s mandate, the school aims to gradually bring our students back to school
        building in a phased approach.

        This is an emergency learning situation. The schedule for the phased return of students is
        designed to limit the movement and contact of staff and students throughout the building
        and thereby lower the risk of infection. The ISC Remote Learning Program will continue to run
        parallel to the on-campus instruction, resulting in a blended model where students will spend
        part of the week on campus and part of the week learning remotely. Students are obligated
        to participate in the Remote Learning Program as part of their instruction.

        One significant decision made by the Ministry is that all Afternoon Program courses will not
        be permitted to take place on campus. As such, they must continue to operate through the
        Remote Learning Program.

        Please note: Mandatory School Attendance (Schulpflicht) will return to effect as of the first
        day on which students are expected to be in the building. Students must arrive to campus on
        the days for which they have been schedule to receive on-campus instruction. The Ministry
        guidelines clearly state that fear of contracting COVID-19 at school is not sufficient grounds to
        remain at home.

        The following table details the approximate timeline for transition back to school for all

   Phases               Date                 Remote learning                 Blended Learning
                                                                          (Remote + On-Campus)
   Phase 0     17 March – 20 March      All grades                  --
   Phase 1     20 April 2020 – 5        All grades                  Notbetreuung students return to
               May 2020                                             school and follow remote learning
   Phase 2     6 May – 22 May           Grades                      Grades 4 + 10
               2020                     1,2,3,5,6,7,8,9,10,11

   Phase 3     25 May 2020*             5,6,7                       1,2,3,4,8,9,10,11

   Phase 4     To be determined by      --                          Grades 1 - 11
               the ministry

On-Campus Learning Transition Plan                   3                                      05.05.2020
B. Emergency Care/Notbetreuung Students
      Students who have participated in the Emergency Care/Notbetreuung program at any point
      in time must remain under the supervision of this program. They will not be permitted to
      reintegrate with their class groups on days when they are in the building. This is to ensure
      that there is not the potential for infection across the various student subgroups in the
      school. They will continue to participate in their online learning while being supervised at

II. Hygiene and Infection Prevention Plan

      A. Preliminary remark
      With the help of the arrangements made here for the resumption of classroom teaching, we
      would like to create a learning and working environment that minimises the risk of infection
      with the novel corona virus. These regulations are based on the "Handbook of infection
      prevention and hygiene measures" of the MBWK and were adapted to local conditions.

      The novel corona virus is transmissible from person to person. The main transmission route is
      droplet infection. This occurs mainly directly via the mucous membranes of the respiratory
      tract. In addition, transmission is also possible indirectly via contaminated hands if they are
      brought into contact with the mucous membranes of the mouth or nose and the conjunctiva
      of the eyes.

      B. Violation of Protocols
      Important! Infection prevention and hygiene measures are of utmost importance and it is
      essential that students follow all protocols and procedures. Violation of these guidelines will
      result in the following consequences / actions:
               1. 1st and 2nd violation - verbal warning by the supervising teacher
               2. 3rd and 4th violation - talk to Student Life coordinators & email the parents
               through the Student Life office.
               3. 5th violation - the parents must immediately pick up the student from the school
               and join a video conference with the headmaster.
               4. Next offence: Student is prohibited from entering the school building for one
               week. Student must participate in all learning remotely.
      Staff who violate these protocols will receive disciplinary measures internally.

C. Personal hygiene measures
      All those involved in school operations are responsible for the implementation of personal
      hygiene measures. The pupils receive instruction on the hygiene measures from the teachers.
      In addition, we provide the relevant information on the hygiene measures in advance. In
      order to protect yourself and others from infection with the coronavirus, good hand hygiene,
      adherence to the coughing and sneezing etiquette (coughing and sneezing in the crook of
      your arm, keeping the greatest possible distance and turning away in case of doubt) and
      keeping a distance of at least 1.5 metres are the most important and effective measures.

              1. Distance
              Contacts must be limited to the absolutely necessary extent. There shall be no
              physical contact. Excluded from this can be e.g. medical emergencies, school escort

On-Campus Learning Transition Plan               4                                        05.05.2020
or similar. All persons must maintain the recommended distance of 1.5 m from each
             other at all times.

             2. Hygiene
             Regular hand hygiene takes place by washing or, if necessary, disinfecting hands
                     i. Immediately after entering the school
                     ii. Before and after the meal
                     iii. After the use of the sanitary facilities
                     iv. After frequent contact with public objects e.g. door handles, stair railings,
                     v. After nose blowing, coughing or sneezing
             Washing hands is preferable as a measure: with soap for 20 - 30 seconds (see also
             https://www.infektionsschutz.de/haendewaschen/ ). Proper hand disinfection is
             useful when thorough hand washing is not possible. For this purpose, disinfectant
             must be added in sufficient quantity to the dry hand and massaged into the hands for
             approx. 30 seconds until completely dry. It is important to ensure that the hands are
             completely wetted. If disinfectant is used, students should be supervised as
             necessary according to age and maturity.

             3. Monitoring and Documentation
             Upon arrival at the school, a daily survey is made of the students' health status and
             cold symptoms. For contact person tracking, illness-related presence and absence of
             staff and students are recorded and it is documented which learning groups they
             were in.

             4. Persons with Symptoms
             Persons with respiratory symptoms may only take part in school attendance lessons
             after a medical examination or a credible self-declaration of the cause of the
             symptoms. In case of signs of illness (e.g. fever, dry cough, breathing problems, loss
             of sense of taste/odour, sore throat, aching limbs), stay at home in any case and
             contact the hotline 116117, the public health department or your family doctor.
             Please inform the school office of the ISC as soon as possible.

             5. Mouth and Nose Cover (Facemasks)
             The use of a facemask by students is not required upon their return to ISC. The school
             does, however, give its strongest recommendation for students to use a mask while
             on campus. The school has ordered a textile facemask for every student and staff
             member in the school. They can be picked up at the front desk upon a student’s
             return to campus. Students using our shuttle service, however, are required to wear
             a facemask.

             By wearing a textile barrier (mouth and nose cover (MNB), community mask or
             makeshift mask), droplets that are emitted when you speak, cough or sneeze can be
             intercepted. The risk of infecting another person by coughing, sneezing or speaking
             can be reduced in this way (protection of others).

On-Campus Learning Transition Plan              5                                         05.05.2020
However, wearing a mask must not cause the distance to be unnecessarily reduced.
              In spite of the mask, the current hygiene regulations, in particular the current
              recommendations of the Robert Koch Institute and the Federal Centre for Health
              Education, must continue to be observed.

              After taking off the mask, the hands should be washed thoroughly in compliance with
              the general hygiene rules.

              Masks should be washed when soaked or dirty and otherwise daily at a minimum of
              60°C and then dried.

              Ultimately, the procurement, care, and the proper handling of masks is the
              responsibility of students, their parents and the school's staff.

      C. Conditions for Entering the Building
      Only those persons who are exempt from the prohibition to enter the school in accordance
      with the "General Decree on the Prohibition and Restriction of Contact in Special Public
      Areas" may stay in the school. These groups of persons must leave the premises after the end
      of their activities. In other words, there are only two groups of individuals allowed to enter
      the building:
               1. Students who have been informed by the school that they may return to campus
               or who participate in the Emergency Care/Notbetreuung program.
               2. Individuals directly involved in their care or education.

      For all other persons not directly involved in the running of the school, the ban on entering
      the school remains in force. This means that parents, siblings and other people collecting
      children are not allowed to enter the school grounds. Excepted from this are parents who
      have prior, written approval from the school for an appointment or to collect teaching

      Infection protection has priority over school operations for all those involved, so that the
      procedures are adapted to their requirements.

      If acute (even mild) symptoms of a coronavirus infection occur during the day (e.g. fever, dry
      cough, loss of sense of smell/taste, scratching/pain in the throat, muscle or limb pain), school
      attendance must be terminated immediately. In this case, the student must wait in a
      quarantine room for immediate collection by the guardian. A return to attendance classes is
      then only possible after medical clarification.

      D. Requirements for Persons on Campus
              1. School management
              The school management is responsible for working towards the implementation of
              these hygiene recommendations. If there are any uncertainties, the school consults
              with the local school authorities and, if necessary, with the local health authorities.

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The school management ensures that supervisors (§17 Schulgesetz) are present on
              the school premises at all times. They ensure that students do not form groups, keep
              minimum distances and leave the school premises after the school attendance
              events. In addition, the school management is responsible for regulating the
              procedure in the event of violations of safety measures and hygiene rules. This
              responsibility also extends to emergency care.

              2. Teachers and other employees
              Teachers and other staff work towards the implementation of hygiene measures by
              the pupils.

              The presence of the students is documented by the respective teachers. Group
              building and disregard of the distance regulations, especially during breaks, are
              prevented by additional supervision.

              All teachers are involved in ensuring the school's operation. Employees with a proven
              risk assessment should remain in the home office. This also applies to employees who
              live in the household with a relative with a relevant previous illness.

              3. Students
              Pupils who are at risk of a serious illness due to a risk assessment and who belong to
              the group of persons with a higher risk of a serious course of illness can be given
              leave from attending the classroom lessons at school after consultation with the
              school management (§15 School Act). Individual solutions are developed together
              with the school management, class and subject teachers. This also applies to pupils
              who live in a domestic community with persons who are preloaded due to a risk

      E. Infection prevention and hygiene measures in premises
      Compliance with the infection protection and hygiene measures applies to all rooms in the
      school building: classrooms and specialist rooms, lounges, administration rooms, teachers'
      rooms and corridors.

      In order to comply with the distance rule, the tables in the rooms must be set far enough
      apart so that a distance of at least 1.5 m between people can be maintained at all times.

      Each learning group should be taught in only one room. In this room, students should only be
      assigned their own, unchanged workstation. The unused rooms of the school will be
      permanently locked.

      It is important to ventilate the rooms regularly and correctly, as this will allow the indoor air
      to be exchanged. Several times a day, at least during each break, the rooms should be
      ventilated for several minutes by means of fully opened windows. Rooms in which
      appropriate ventilation is not possible must not be used.

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The rooms are to be cleaned professionally and thoroughly every day with appropriate
      cleaning agents. This applies in particular to tables, door handles and handrails. Routine
      surface disinfection in schools is not recommended even in the current COVID19 pandemic
      by the RKI.

      In classrooms, BzgA information signs are posted to prevent infection, informing students
      about general protective measures such as hand hygiene, distance rules, and the cough and
      sneeze label.

      F. Risk groups
      For the purposes of risk assessment, the following advice from the Robert Koch Institute can
      generally be used to determine whether an individual belongs to the “Risk Group.”
              1. Persons over the age of 50
              2. People with (chronic) diseases of the liver, kidney or lung
              3. People with cardiovascular diseases
              4. People with diabetes
              5. People with cancer
              6. People with immunodeficiency or immunosuppression

      ISC will adhere to the above qualifications for all official decisions regarding membership in
      the “Risk Group.” All students and staff who feel that they qualify as a member of the Risk
      Group must provide a statement from their doctor that they have legitimate medical reasons
      not to participate in required, on-campus activities.

      G. Infection prevention and hygiene measures in sanitary facilities
      The sanitary facilities are professionally cleaned daily. The availability and regular refilling of
      soap dispensers and disposable towels is ensured. The appropriate collection containers for
      disposable towels and toilet paper must be kept available. Reusable drying / hand towels are
      not permitted for hygienic reasons. When entering the sanitary facilities, it is particularly
      important to maintain the minimum distance. Hygiene instructions for proper hand washing
      are hung up in a clearly visible position in all sanitary rooms.

      The school staff makes sure that not too many pupils are in the sanitary rooms at the same
      time. At the entrance to the toilets, a clearly visible notice will be posted stating that only
      individual pupils may be in the toilets at any one time, and that individual cabins may have to
      be closed permanently.

      H. Hygiene Measures in Student Spaces
      The organisation of school attendance events and break activities are also subject to the
      general regulations of infection control. Deviating from the previous, uniform rule on the
      length of a regular lesson, creative concepts must be found in the current phase.

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The following points must be observed when school operations are resumed for the
      attendance units and the breaks:
               1. In classrooms as well as in the breaks, the distance rules of at least 1.5 m must be
               2. Also during the breaks, care must be taken to ensure that there is no physical
               3. Efforts will be taken to avoid congestion in areas of frequent occupation, such as
               teachers’ rooms, lounges, etc. This should be ensured by the increased use of
               supervisory staff.

      Partner and group work is only possible with special attention to the distance rules.

      If it is not possible to adhere to the distance rules within the framework of the teaching
      impulses, these contents are not to be made the subject of the school attendance event, but
      are to be replaced by suitable alternative formats. (e.g. team sports can be replaced by
      adequate movement offers or also by training of individual movement sequences).

      I. Hygiene Measures During Lunch and for Drink Water
      The generally accessible drinking water dispenser must be taken out of operation until
      further notice. A sufficient supply of drinking water for the pupils is to be ensured by self-
      supply in coordination with the parents.

      Cafeteria operation will be indefinitely suspended until explicit permission to operate is
      granted by the health ministry. Students are allowed to bring their own food for snack breaks,
      but the sharing of food is not permitted.

      J. Hygiene Measures at School Events
      For school events, the regulations of the State Ordinance on Measures to Combat the Spread
      of the Novel Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 in Schleswig-Hosltein (SARS-CoV-2 Combat Ordinance)
      on meetings in the currently valid version apply accordingly.

      Conferences, class and parent meetings are only held with digital aids (e.g. video or
      telephone conferences).

      K. Traffic Flow
      Routes and waiting areas are clearly indicated. The routing should make it easier to minimise
      contacts and maintain distance rules. Doors must be kept open. This does not apply to toilet
      cabins and fire protection doors.

      L. Obligation to report
      The obligation to report by name to the public health department in accordance with § 6
      para. 1 sentence 1 no. 1 IfSG exists in the case of suspected illness, sickness and death caused
      by an infection with the coronavirus. Schools are community institutions (§ 33 IfSG). The
      school management is obliged to report (§ 8 IfSG).

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III. Suspected & Confirmed Infection Protocol
Naturally, ISC will work as hard as possible to prevent the spread of COVID-19 to the ISC community.
Nevertheless, the resumption of school activities, even in a limited capacity, increases the possibility
of infection within the school. We are already in discussion with the local health and school
authorities and have requested clearer guidance on how to handle this possible situation. At this
time, there is little actionable information provided by the authorities on this matter. The following
represents the initial protocol we will have in place until further clarification is provided. This protocol
is subject to change according to any new official guidance.

        A. Symptoms Monitored
        Possible symptoms of the virus are:
                 1. Continuous Coughing
                 2. Fever
                 3. Tiredness
                 4. Loss of smell or taste
                 5. Breathing difficulties (in severe cases)
        A daily query is carried out of each students and school employee to find out about their
        state of health. A tacking system by grade/name/employee is implemented. Documentation
        and reporting is handled by the front desk.

        If a student or employee displays any of the above symptoms or responds negatively to the
        daily health query, they will be sent home from school immediately.

        Furthermore, ISC reserves the right to ask individual families about the presence of COVID-19
        in their household.

        B. Return to School
        In order to return to campus after being sent home for displaying symptoms, students and
        staff must present a medical clearance from their doctor.

        Both staff and students are obligated to visit a medical professional for evaluation as soon as
        possible after they have been sent home. Due to the requirements of Mandatory School
        Attendance, students who do not provide a medical note from a doctor within 48 hours of
        their dismissal will be consider absent without approval.

        Without a certificate of health from a doctor, any individual who has displayed the above
        symptoms is prohibited from entering campus for 14 days from the end of their symptoms.

        C. Parent Communication
        Parents of students who have been on campus at any point since the resumption of on-
        campus instruction are obligated to inform the school when their child develops any of the
        symptoms mentioned above in III.A.

On-Campus Learning Transition Plan                  10                                         05.05.2020
D. Confirmed Infection
        In the event that a confirmed case was detected at ISC, the entire school will be automatically
        closed for 3 days in order to determine the potential spread within the building. Rigorous
        cleaning and disinfection of the school will take place in accordance with the guidelines
        bestowed by the department of health.

        Any individual determined to have had contact with the person infected will be contacted by
        the school. These individuals will be required to undergo a 14-day quarantine. If these
        individuals are symptom free after 14 days, they will be allowed to return to the school. They
        may also return to the school after having taken a COVID-19 test 3 days after closure with
        negative results. Individuals and classes that were determined not to have had contact with
        the infected individual can return to the school after the 3-day closure.

        ISC reserves the right to extend the closure beyond 3 days as deemed necessary.

        E. Data Protection
        Naturally, all information related to student, family, and staff health must be treated with the
        utmost of privacy. To every degree possible, ISC will work to maintain anonymity or privacy in
        the handling of suspected or confirmed COVID-19 cases. We may be required to share certain
        information with authorities or affected individuals, but the information shared will only be
        the minimum necessary information to protect the health of the rest of the ISC community.
        Never, at any point, will the school make the identity of any individual with a suspected or
        confirmed case of the virus available to the general community.

IV. Communication Trees
Please Note: The school needs the latest address and contact details of all students! If address or
telephone number have changed recently, parents must provide this information immediately!

        A. Confirmed COVID-19 Infection:
     Student                               Couch
     Faculty &                              Brian
       Staff                                Couch

On-Campus Learning Transition Plan                 11                                      05.05.2020
B. General Issues

 V. Schedules: Phase 2
         Please note that the daily schedule has changed slightly. Adjustments were made to account
         for parent and student survey responses as well as to accommodate the newly required
         travel time between the end of the Morning Program and the start of the Afternoon Program.
         Students will follow the same daily schedule regardless of whether they are learning remotely
         or on campus. Single-subject daily lessons will continue with the same assigned teachers

         A. New Daily Schedules
                         1. Grades 1-10:
Arrival Time                                            -
Daily Subject                                   Varies by Grade
8:40 – 9:15                                             PE
9:15 – 9:25 am                                         Break

9:25 – 10:10am                                      Period 1

10:10 – 10:30                                          Break
10:30 – 11:15                                       Period 2
11:15 – 12:00                                       Period 3
12:00 – 12:15                                          Break
12:15 – 13:00                                       Period 4
13:00 – 14:15                                 Break / Travel Time

14:15 – 15:15                                 Afternoon Courses

 On-Campus Learning Transition Plan               12                                     05.05.2020
2. Grade 11 (IB):
                                      Lesson Period
8:25 – 9:25
                                           Period 1

9:25 – 10:10
                                           Period 2

10:25 – 11:25
                                           Period 3

11:25 – 12:15
12:15 – 13:15
                                           Period 4

13:15 – 14:15
                                           Period 5

14:15 – 14:30
14:30 – 15:30
                                           Period 6

 On-Campus Learning Transition Plan   13              05.05.2020
The following Schedules that relate to on-campus activities will apply to Phase 2 only. Further revisions
 will be made closer to the start of Phase 3.

         B. Grade 4 Weekly Schedule: Phase 2

         Sections highlighted in Red – Remote learning

         Sections highlighted in Green – On campus

                    Monday              Tuesday            Wednesday          Thursday           Friday
Location             Remote            In School            In School         In School         Remote
Arrival Time            -               8:20 am              8:20 am           8:20 am              -
Daily Subject       German /        Social Studies /          Math           English / EAL      Creative
                      GAL               Science
PE                     PE                  PE                   PE                PE                PE
8:40 – 9:15
9:15 – 9:25 am
Period 1            German /        Social Studies /          Math           English / EAL         Art
9:25 – 10:10am        GAL              Science
10:10 – 10:30
Period 2            German /        Social Studies /          Math           English / EAL      Advisory
10:30 – 11:15         GAL              Science
Period 3            German /        Social Studies /          Math           English / EAL      Music
11:15 – 12:00         GAL              Science                                                 Challenge
12:00 – 12:15
Period 4            German /        Social Studies /          Math           English / EAL     Story time
12:15 – 13:00         GAL              Science
Break / Travel       Break                  -                    -                 -              Break
13:00 – 14:15
Afternoon            Guilds           Movement                Guilds        Language Lab         Guilds
Programme                                                                      / Math
14:15 – 15:15                                                                  Booster

 On-Campus Learning Transition Plan                 14                                       05.05.2020
C. Grade 10 Weekly Schedule: (April 20 – May 15, 2020)

                    Monday         Tuesday            Wednesday        Thursday            Friday
Location            In School      In School            In School      In School         In School
Arrival Time         9:05 am        9:05 am              9:05 am        9:05 am           9:05 am
Daily Subject     German / GAL      Science          Social Studies   English / EAL        Math
                                                      / Economics

PE                German / GAL        Science        Social Studies   English / EAL        Math
8:40 – 9:15                                           / Economics

Break              First Floor    First Floor          First Floor     First Floor       First Floor
9:15 – 9:25 am       Patio /        Patio /              Patio /         Patio /           Patio /
                   Classroom      Classroom            Classroom       Classroom         Classroom
Period 1          German / GAL     Science           Social Studies   English / EAL         Math
9:25 – 10:10am                                        / Economics

Break              First Floor    First Floor          First Floor     First Floor       First Floor
10:10 – 10:30        Patio /        Patio /              Patio /         Patio /           Patio /
                   Classroom      Classroom            Classroom       Classroom         Classroom
Period 2          German / GAL     Science           Social Studies   English / EAL         Math
10:30 – 11:15                                         / Economics

Period 3          German / GAL        Science        Social Studies   English / EAL        Math
11:15 – 12:00                                         / Economics

Break              First Floor    First Floor          First Floor     First Floor       First Floor
12:00 – 12:15        Patio /        Patio /              Patio /         Patio /           Patio /
                   Classroom      Classroom            Classroom       Classroom         Classroom
Period 4          German / GAL     Science           Social Studies   English / EAL         Math
12:15 – 13:00                                         / Economics

Break / Travel
13:00 – 14:15
Afternoon           MSA Prep       Advisory           MSA Prep         MSA Prep          MSA Prep
14:15 – 15:15

 On-Campus Learning Transition Plan             15                                    05.05.2020
D. On-Campus Breaks: Phase 2

         Break Time               Class                              Location
       8:25 – 8:40 am             Emergency Care                     Playground
                                  Emergency Care                     Gym
                                  Grade 4 – Group 1                  Playground (basketball
      10:10 – 10:30 am                                               court)
                                  Grade 4 – Group 2                  Playground (swings)
                                  Grade 10 – Group 1                 1st Floor Patio
                                  Grade 10 – Group 2                 Classroom
                                  Emergency Care                     Gym
                                  Grade 4 – Group 1                  Playground (basketball
      12:00 -12:15 pm                                                court)
                                  Grade 4 – Group 2                  Playground (swings)
                                  Grade 10 – Group 1                 Classroom
                                  Grade 10 – Group 2                 1st Floor Patio
      13:00 -14:15 pm             Emergency Care                     Cafeteria / Playground and
    Lunch and Downtime                                               Library

      E. On Campus Lunch: Phase 2

 Class Group                      Lunch in the cafeteria             Playtime in the playground
 Notbetreuung                     11:45 am – 12:05 pm                12:05 pm – 12:30 pm
 Grade 4                          12:05 – 12:30 pm                   11:45 am – 12:05 pm
 Grade 10                         12:30 – 12:50 pm                   12:50 pm - 13:15

      F. Room Allocations: Phase 2
      Per the directives from the ministry, a maximum of 15 students will be accommodated in one
      classroom. Desks and chairs will be arranged in a ‘U’ shape facing the front of the room, with
      an empty desk left between 2 students on either side.

      The general rule is to split the classroom into 2 groups, with the following kept in mind:
             1. Students requiring language support will be clustered in the same group
             2. ‘Safety over friendship’ is the priority when creating groups
             3. Twins will be placed together in the same group
             4. Students will be split based on maximum capacity of the rooms assigned.

On-Campus Learning Transition Plan              16                                        05.05.2020
Room Assignment Table

      Grade       Total number         Group 1           Room             Group 2   Room assignments
                   of students                        assignments
 Notbetreuung ~5                   ~5            Library              -             -
 1            14 (-2)              12            Art Studio           -             -
 2            17                   10            Grade 2              7             EAL-GAL Room
 3                16 (-3)          13            Grade 3              -             -
 4                20 (-3)          9             Grade 4              8             Math Room
 5                15               15            Music Room           -             -
 6                13               13            Fashion Studio       -             -
 7                19               13            Science Lab          6             German Room
 8                18 (-1)          10            Mac Lab              7             Spanish Room
 9                16               8             English Room         8             Humanities Room
 10               17               9             English Room         8              Humanities Room
 11               14               14            IB Room              -             IB Room

*In the Gym, students will be assigned an individual spot as marked with a ‘dot’ spaced 2m
from all other students. Students must remain in their learning groups while entering, using,
and exiting the Gym.

       F. Cafeteria
       The school cafeteria can seat 24 students at one time, keeping in mind the necessary 1.5 m
       distance between tables. Students have assigned, designated seats set-up in the cafeteria.

       G. Traffic Flow: Entry and Exit
       In order to better observe the required spacing between individuals in the building, hallways
       have been designated as one-direction only. Staff and students must follow all signage and
       procedures at all times regarding traffic flow. Furthermore, at all places in the building,
       including the stairwells, hallways and the playground, students will observe ‘Abstand’ /
       maintain the required distance.

 Class Groups                     Arrival                           Departure
 Notbetreuung                     8:00 am                           15:00
 Grade 4                          8:20 am                           13:00 (Cafeteria door)
 Grade 10                         9:05 am                           13:00 (Main Door)

On-Campus Learning Transition Plan               17                                      05.05.2020
1. Upon Arrival
                      i. Students will be allowed in the building at the assigned staggered start
                      ii. Students enter the building without parents at their assigned entrance
              2. Using the toilets.
                      i. Only one student will be allowed to use the toilet at a time. Even when
                      washing hands.
                      ii. Students must use the toilets on their floor, closest to their classroom. If
                      the toilet is occupied, students must wait their turn. They must not cross over
                      to the other wing to access the toilets on the other side.

VI. Academic Policies & Adjustments
      A. Curricular Goals
      The on-campus transition students during phase 2, namely Grades 4 and 10 are of priority in
      order that the next stage of their education is successful given their respective graduation to
      Grade 5 and MSA examination support needs.

      During the transitional phases, all ISC students will be learning within a blended model,
      engaging in lessons both in physical classroom environments and through the Remote
      Learning program. The overall goal of the ISC curriculum is to maintain learning that
      constructively shapes the student’s everyday life, to stabilise and, where possible, expand
      their competencies for their future learning path. This must be balanced with student health
      and well-being, in particular social distancing and hygiene regulations when on campus and a
      balanced workload during distance learning.

      Overall the primary objective is to make school content relevant and interesting to students,
      including periods where on campus learning is not yet possible or is limited, in order to ease a
      smooth transition into the learning beginning in August of the academic year 2020/21. The
      priority, reflecting current Ministry guidance, is given to the core subjects to ensure key
      knowledge, skills and understandings are secured.

      As advised by the Ministry for Education teachers are required to carefully design units of
      learning and lessons from Grades 1 – 11 and that acknowledge and respond to the challenges
      presented to students both in and out of the classroom during the current Pandemic
      situation. ISC remains firmly committed to supporting students during this transition.

      In general, the curriculum for the rest of the year remains in line with the information
      published in the Remote Learning Plan document from April. Please see this document for
      details on each individual program.

      B. Learning Content
              1. Whether learning takes place on campus or remotely teachers will be responsible
              for ensuring that programs of study are, where feasible, in accordance with the
              binding content of the Schleswig Holstein curricular guidelines (Fachanforderungen).

On-Campus Learning Transition Plan              18                                       05.05.2020
2. Sometimes less really is more - the acquisition of core competencies will take
              priority. Given the blend of on and off campus learning, content will be discussed and
              agreed between the Curriculum Designer and the departmental teachers. Current
              learning units will be reviewed and condensed into essential key knowledge,
              understanding and skill areas in order that students have a clear learning path to
              successfully graduate to the next grade. Content may be subject to adjustment based
              on Ministry directives as they occur.

              3. The integration of 21st Century skills and SEL goals will continue in line with the ISC
              mission and vision.

              4. Pacing will be adjusted as appropriate as students settle into the blended model,
              teachers will continually review content in order to ensure that students are able to
              secure their learning at a pace appropriate to their learning stage.

      C. Support
      Students who are learning and work under challenging conditions, such as with learning
      disabilities, and/or students who are risk of progressing to the next grade level in the
      upcoming academic year require special attention. Teachers will work to quickly identify
      these students and develop and strategies to support them. We would kindly ask parents to
      contact subject teachers at the earliest possible opportunity if their child(ren) experience
      difficulties in engaging in the remote learning program. ISC greatly appreciates the support
      that parents are providing to students at home during this time.

      D. Learning structures
              1. Remote learning
              The Remote Learning Program will continue to run in parallel to all incremental on-
              campus learning. All procedures, practices, and expectations previously published in
              the April plan remain in effect.

              2. On-Campus Learning
              Lesson content and learning activities will be adapted to ensure that the physical
              health and hygiene of the students is paramount.

              Students in Grade 4 and 10 unable to physically return to the building with their
              peers (high risk groups, abroad or through other personal circumstances) will be
              continued to be supported via distance learning. Live classroom sessions will be
              streamed to students as well as access to resources remaining online within the
              appropriate Google classroom. Please be aware that the teacher will be dividing their
              time between 2 physical classrooms on campus and be attending to those students
              who may need to continue remote learning and we ask for your patience when
              responding online real-time student and parental queries.

              The handling of shared learning resources such as counting blocks or other physical
              resources capable of transmitting infection will not be permitted.

On-Campus Learning Transition Plan               19                                         05.05.2020
E. Collaboration
              1. Remote Collaboration
              Student collaboration strengthens and consolidates the learning experience. ISC
              prides itself on creating strong, social, shared learning experiences which we hope to
              develop online, especially in times of personal isolation. Whilst physical collaboration
              is limited at present teachers will intentionally design channels through which
              students can work together remotely. It is important to us that students feel
              connected to their peers. At primary level this may involve using Seesaw to post
              responses to a topic to develop a web of discussion. Older students can collaborate
              on shared assignments using Google Docs, Slides and Google Drive, sharing their
              screen to deliver presentations and host class discussions.

              2. On-Campus Collaboration
                      i. Students in each respective group will not physically collaborate with
                      another in any learning experience or enter each other’s classrooms.

                      ii. Students will not learn in any shared physical spaces across grade groups
                      on the same day.

                      iii. Care must be taken to keep students at 1.5 meters apart within the
                      learning environment when collaborating.

                      iv. Students should bring their learning equipment to school and not share
                      items such as pens, pencils, erasers or books.

      F. Equal opportunity to learn and support
      Students’ ability to learn is directly related to their physical and emotional wellbeing.
      Teachers will take time to assess the physical, mental and emotional state of students before
      diving into curriculum tasks and challenges. On campus, this can be the start to the day in the
      form of a socially distanced ‘morning circle’ or through discussion in advisory sessions. Online
      it can be harder to judge how a student is feeling, regular 1.1 check ins will be planned and
      held. Where necessary teachers will contact parents swiftly with any concerns.
      Care must be taken to ensure that the young people do not experience any disadvantages
      with regard to the following school year from differing personal circumstances. Teachers will
      ensure that students have adequate resources to learn both on and off campus. Parents are
      required to inform the school of any student needs in order to facilitate learning.

      Students learn at different paces and require a variety of supports. Teachers will aim to
      provide differentiated work for students where appropriate.

      It can be tempting for some students to dominate classrooms, both physical and virtual,
      teachers must ensure that all students are provided with a safe learning environment for
      their voice to be heard and valued.

      Students belonging to high risk health groups or in a household with a member at high risk do
      not have to appear on campus but will receive remote learning comparable to that of their

On-Campus Learning Transition Plan              20                                        05.05.2020
Teachers are responsible to communicate concerns with the Leadership team at the earliest
      possible opportunity for guidance.

      G. Assessment
      Assessment and feedback on student achievement is key to the ongoing motivation to
      progress, the development and measurement of understanding and skill mastery in the
      student learning journey.

      As the primary objective is that key competencies are secured engagement in learning takes
      priority over formal assessment at this time.

             1. MSA Exams
             Grade 10 students are quickly approaching the MSA testing period. Since the 20th of
             April they have transitioned back to school in order to prepare for the MSA
             examinations. All students will take the examinations under the health and hygiene
             directives and procedures of the Ministry for Education.

             Students will be allowed to leave campus following a written or oral exam.
             Special compensations (Nachteilsausgleich) remain in place for the relevant students.

             2. Ongoing assessment
             The work submitted by students should be authentic and respect the freedom of
             students to learn in the process of making mistakes and responding to feedback. It
             can be tempting to support students excessively in order to ensure good results. It
             remains the responsibility of teachers to provide feedback to steer students towards
             success. We therefore remind parents that the manner in which they support
             students and all work submitted should adhere to the ISC Academic Policy.

             Informal, formative assessment will continue to support students in understanding
             how to improve their achievement level where appropriate.

             Work completed from the 13th of March 2020 can only add value to the overall
             achievement of a student any may not detract from their accomplishments.

             Any formal, summative in class examinations and tests, both on campus and online
             are suspended for the remainder of the Semester. Given the more limited instruction
             students cannot be disadvantaged, tests cannot be coordinated between subjects
             and examination conditions cannot be validated from an off-campus environment.

             Work submitted for assessment must be uploaded to Google class room or the
             learning platform assigned by teachers - work sent by email will be excluded from
             assessment and feedback.

On-Campus Learning Transition Plan            21                                      05.05.2020
H. Year-End Reports
      The guidelines for assigning final grades are clearly outlined by the Ministry of Education.
      When regular teaching has not restarted by the end of the 2019/20 school year, the end of
      year grades will be based on student’s work completed up to the 13th of March 2020.

      The status of the student’s work must be clearly communicated to the students and parents
      during Parent-Teacher Conferences.

      Final grades for the school year must take into consideration the performance of the student
      for the entire year.

      Examinations/class tests are not allowed for the remainder of the school year.

      There are no allowances or extra compensation for special challenges posed by the Corona
      Virus Pandemic. However, teachers are expected to take this special situation into account by
      considering the situation of each individual student when assessing work and determining if
      the student should be promoted to the next grade level.

VII. School Calendar & Important Dates
      Given the current circumstances, the school’s official calendar needs to be adjusted. A few
      events have been cancelled, a few have tentative dates, and a few new important dates
      should be noted. Please find a summary list below as well as an updated calendar for the
      months of May and June. Please see the Appendix for a monthly calendar view of the
      following information.

      A. School Calendar
              1. MSA Exams (Grade 10):                 May 11 -15
              2. Parent-Teacher Conferences:           May 18-20 & 25-29
              3. MSA Oral Exams:                       June 8 - 12
              4. Year-End Reports Mailed:              June 19
              5. Last Day of Classes:                  June 26

      B. Tentative Virtual Events
              1. Grade 10 Graduation                   June 19
              2. Virtual Summer Party                  June 26

      C. Cancelled Events
              1. Bundesjugendspiele
              2. Class Trips
              3. Summer Party

On-Campus Learning Transition Plan              22                                      05.05.2020
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