Page created by Bobby Saunders

           ADNOC Distribution Annual Report 2018   23
Business Review

ADNOC Distribution participates primarily in the sale and distribution of
transportation fuels to retail and wholesale customers and the operation
of forecourt convenience stores in the UAE. The Company also opened
its first two retail fuel service stations in Saudi Arabia in 2018.

We enjoy the leading position in the               The United Arab Emirates is the            Further, the growth of the non-oil
retail and wholesale transportation                second-largest economy in the Gulf         sector in the UAE – particularly
fuel markets in the UAE, with a                    Cooperation Council (GCC) after            trading, finance, real estate and
particularly dominant position in                  Saudi Arabia, based on nominal gross       tourism – supports the view that the
Abu Dhabi and the Northern Emirates.               domestic product (GDP). As the UAE         country is generally less vulnerable
We also are a leading operator of                  diversifies its economy to reduce its      to energy price fluctuations than
convenience stores in the UAE, and                 reliance on oil, the country has           some of its GCC neighbors. Abu
operate in the UAE and international               become regarded as one of the best         Dhabi, the capital of the UAE, is a
lubricants markets, and in the UAE                 foreign investment destinations in         key center of the UAE’s political,
markets for liquefied petroleum gas                the GCC. High rates of economic            industrial and cultural activity, and
(LPG) and compressed natural gas                   growth, rising levels of disposable        has played an important role in
(CNG) for natural gas vehicles.                    income, moderate rates of inflation        developing the country and its
                                                   and a growing population are               economy. Abu Dhabi contains
                                                   important contributors.                    over 90 percent of the UAE’s oil
                                                                                              and gas reserves.


     Fuel                               Non-fuel                         Rental properties                 Vehicle inspection
     ADNOC Distribution is the          The Company’s non-fuel           The Company leases more           The Company’s 24 vehicle
     UAE’s leading operator of retail   activities comprise              than 900 rental properties at     inspection centers are the only
     fuel service stations, operating   convenience stores located       its service stations to tenants   authorized providers of
     in 376 locations in the country    at its service stations,         that include restaurant           government-mandated annual
     as of 31 December 2018. The        as well as ancillary services    operators and companies           vehicle inspections in the
     Company also has begun to          such as car washes and           offering banking, automobile      Emirate of Abu Dhabi.
     expand internationally with the    lube changes.                    insurance and other services.
     opening of two locations in
     Saudi Arabia in 2018.

     The Company is also active
     in the retail sale of liquefied

                                           1                                                                 2
     petroleum gas (LPG),
     compressed natural gas (CNG)                      Retail
     and automotive lubricants.                                                                                         Services

                                       Abu Dhabi contains                                                Northern Emirates

                                       over 90 percent
                                       of the UAE’s oil and
                                       gas reserves.                                             Dubai

                                                                                         Abu Dhabi city

                                                                   Abu Dhabi


Fuel                            Lubricants                       Aviation
The UAE wholesale fuels         Lubricants (engine oils and      Although the Company’s civil     The Company also sells
market consists primarily of    greases) are used by             aviation sales and supply        aviation fuel, and provides
sales of diesel and gasoline    commercial, industrial, marine   business was transferred to      refueling and related
to commercial, industrial and   and government customers         ADNOC in 2017, the Company       services, to certain strategic
government customers.           for motor vehicles as well as    continues to provide fuel        aviation customers.
                                for other engines, machinery     distribution services and
                                and equipment.                   aircraft refueling operations
                                                                 to ADNOC’s civil aviation

3       Corporate
                                                                   4         Aviation

                                                                                          ADNOC Distribution Annual Report 2018    25
Business Review

ADNOC Distribution’s Retail business comprises the sale of fuel
(gasoline, diesel, CNG and LPG) at retail fuel service stations, and the
operation of convenience stores and car care services, such as car
wash and lube changes, at its service stations.

Service stations                   Convenience stores

2018               +4.7%    376   2018                   +6.4%       250
2017                       359    2017                              235

Saudi Arabia
2018    2

                                           ADNOC Distribution Annual Report 2018   27
Business Review

BUSINESS OVERVIEW                          Our main fuel products include three      Our partnership with Géant capitalizes
ADNOC Distribution’s Retail business       grades of gasoline (91, 95 and 98         on the strong market for food-on-the-
is segregated into fuel (gasoline,         octane) and diesel. We also sell CNG,     move as well as for top-up shopping.
diesel, CNG and LPG) and non-fuel          LPG and engine lubricants at our          Fuel customers can combine a
(convenience stores and car care           service stations.                         refueling stop at one of our service
services, including car wash and lube                                                stations with supplementing the larger
                                           There are approximately 7,500 natural
change services). The core business                                                  weekly grocery shopping.
                                           gas vehicles (NGVs) in the UAE,
is highly cash-generative with stable,     including taxis, government vehicles,     Other non-fuel services we offer at
regulated unit fuel margins and iconic     commercial and privately owned            many of our service station locations
branding at strategically located sites.   vehicles and buses. The number of         include car wash and lube change
                                           NGVs is forecast to more than double      services. In addition, various services
Retail                                     by 2022, resulting in increased           are provided by our partners and
Fuel                                       demand for CNG.                           tenants, such as vehicle servicing,
With 376 owned and operated retail                                                   repairs and tire changes.
                                           LPG is the primary cooking fuel in
fuel service stations as of 31             the UAE and is also used for other
December 2018, we are the number                                                     Allied Services
                                           commercial and industrial applications.
one retail fuel brand in the UAE. We       We sell LPG in 25 and 50 lb cylinders,    Property management
are the sole operator of retail fuel       primarily to residential customers        Our Allied Services segment manages
service stations in Abu Dhabi and          for home cooking, and in bulk to          and leases retail space at our service
Sharjah, and we operate the majority       residential and corporate customers.      stations. Our tenants occupy over
of the service stations in the Northern                                              900 properties, offering quick service
Emirates. We opened our first three        We market various lubricant
                                                                                     restaurants and ancillary products
stations in Dubai during 2018,             products under our proprietary
                                                                                     and services, such as banking and
becoming the only fuel retailer with a     Voyager brand. The quality of our
                                                                                     automobile insurance, to our fuel and
presence in all seven emirates of the      Voyager lubricants is recognized
                                                                                     convenience store customers.
UAE. In 2018, we also expanded our         by the American Petroleum Institute
operations internationally, opening        and the European Automobile               Major tenants include well-known
two service stations in Saudi Arabia.      Manufacturers’ Association.               global brands such as McDonald’s,
                                                                                     Starbucks, KFC and Burger King.
Since the elimination of retail fuel       Non-fuel
subsidies in the UAE in August 2015        We operate 250 ADNOC Oasis                Vehicle inspection
and the introduction of a stable and       convenience stores, including 13          Our vehicle inspection centers
predictable fuel pricing policy, we        Géant Express branded convenience         are the only authorized providers
have enjoyed steady and consistent         stores, as of 31 December 2018,           of government-mandated vehicle
profitability. Since October 2017, we      offering groceries, refreshments and      inspections in the Emirate of
have also benefited from a five-year       snacks, confectionery, tobacco and        Abu Dhabi.
fuel supply agreement with ADNOC,          various services.
                                                                                     We operate 24 light vehicle inspection
our parent company. This guarantees
                                           To capitalize on our market-leading       and testing centers in Abu Dhabi
supply on terms which we believe
                                           position, we have implemented a           which provide a wide range of
give us a competitive advantage.
                                           number of initiatives to improve          inspection services. In total, more
We benefit from high barriers to entry     service, choice and convenience for       than 900,000 services are provided
into our markets due to the relationship   our customers, and to grow revenue        every year.
with ADNOC and our extensive fuel          and profitability.
distribution infrastructure.

Retail segment
                                           Key financials (AED million)                2018               2017                  YoY %

                                           Revenue                                   15,704            13,746              14.2%
                                           Gross profit – fuel                        3,016             2,603              15.9%
                                           Gross profit – non-fuel                     291                266                   9.4%
                                           EBITDA                                     1,639             1,254              30.8%
                                           Operating profit                           1,215               901              34.8%
                                           Capital expenditure                         423                438               -3.4%

OPERATIONAL REVIEW                         Our partnership with Géant has             We also have launched a new premium
Although ADNOC Distribution enjoys         significantly enhanced our retail          vehicle inspection service which
a reputation for the high quality of       experience and has quickly proved          allows customers to benefit from a
our products and services, we are          popular with our customers, who            fast-tracking option during their
committed to setting the bar for           enjoy the new product offerings            vehicle testing process. An additional
quality and service even higher.           in a more vibrant environment.             door-to-door service offering is also
                                                                                      available where customers can
                                           We have also rolled out Oasis Café,
Retail                                                                                arrange for pick up and drop off. If
                                           our proprietary coffee and bakery
                                                                                      these services prove popular with our
ADNOC Flex                                 offering, to 12 sites to better target
                                                                                      customers, we will consider rolling
The launch of ADNOC Flex, offering         the customer-on-the-go market –
                                                                                      them out to additional locations.
our customers the choice of premium        many of them commuters – who
or self-service refueling, represents      want a quick convenience stop for
                                                                                      FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE
a major cultural change in the UAE,        a quality coffee or light snack.
where self-service is a relatively new                                                Retail
concept. Initial penetration rates of      Allied Services
our premium refueling option vary          Property management                        Retail fuel volume sold decreased by
by location and have averaged              Our property management services,          3.4 percent in 2018 compared to 2017,
approximately 15 to 20 percent. We         whereby we lease space at our              while sales of CNG, LPG, kerosene and
intend to launch a proprietary loyalty     service stations to quick service          lubricants grew by 15.5 percent year
program in 2019, which we believe          restaurants and providers of other         on year.
will further drive the success of our      goods and services to our customers,
ADNOC Flex offerings.                      experienced solid growth in 2018.          Results
As part of the launch of ADNOC Flex        Much of this growth can be attributed      Retail revenue, which covers fuel and
and in a major step towards cashless       to major brands such as McDonald's,        non-fuel sales, reached AED 15,704
refueling, we have distributed             KFC and Burger King, which strongly        million in 2018, an increase of 14.2
300,000 Smart Tag RFID chips to our        complement our convenience store           percent over 2017. This revenue
customers for use with our ADNOC           business profile. Our aim is to            growth was primarily due to higher
Wallet application which allows            leverage these relationships and to        fuel prices, partially offset by the
customers to refuel without the use        build for the longer term. In doing so,    decrease in total fuel sales volume.
of cash or bank card.                      we are shifting from a purely rental
                                                                                      Retail gross profit was AED 3,307
                                           model to revenue sharing, which has
                                                                                      million in 2018, an increase of 15.3
Convenience store revitalization           contributed to our growth in 2018.
                                                                                      percent compared to 2017. Retail
The improvement in profitability
                                           Vehicle inspection                         EBITDA was AED 1,639 million in
at our convenience stores in 2018
                                           In 2018 we opened three new vehicle        2018, an increase of 30.8 percent
demonstrates the positive results of
                                           inspection centers and now operate         over 2017. The increase in gross
our convenience store revitalization
                                           24 vehicle inspection centers in           profit and EBITDA was mainly due
program and our Géant partnership.
                                           Abu Dhabi. We performed over               to higher fuel margins resulting
Our back-to-basics program was a
                                           900,000 vehicle inspections at our         from our Refined Products Supply
major driver, involving the complete
                                           vehicle inspections centers in 2018,       Agreement with ADNOC. Operating
reformatting of many of our sites, a
                                           benefiting from the full-year impact       cost efficiencies and improvement
stronger customer value proposition
                                           of price increases that went into          in gross profit also contributed to the
with new promotions, and the
                                           effect in June 2017.                       increase in EBITDA.
rationalization of our product offering,
including the removal of 3,500 lower
performing and lower margin
products to realize higher margins,
provide greater convenience and
increase customer satisfaction.

                                                                                        ADNOC Distribution Annual Report 2018      29
Business Review

                                             Other operating metrics                  Other operating metrics
Retail fuel transactions (million)           Fuel transactions increased by 1.8       We have actively driven tenant

                                             percent in 2018 compared to 2017.        occupancy across our network despite
                                                                                      a challenging rental market. We are
                                             Our non-fuel segment (mainly
                                                                                      also transitioning our tenancy business
                                             convenience stores) generated
                                                                                      to a revenue-sharing model in order to
2018                   +1.8%        167.8   higher revenues, notwithstanding a
                                                                                      maximize revenue and profitability.
2017                                 164.8   decrease in non-fuel transactions in
                                             2018 compared to 2017, driven by         The number of vehicles inspected
                                             higher average basket sizes and          during 2018 increased by 8.7 percent
Retail non-fuel transactions (million)       conversion rates. This improvement       compared to 2017.

                                             was driven by management initiatives
                                             to improve the customer experience,      OUTLOOK
                                             including a more focused stores          We expect to see low, single digit
                                             revitalization program and the           growth in our fuel volumes in 2019
2018                –10.7%      42.7        introduction of Premium Rewards,         as a result of management initiatives
2017                               47.8      which offers our Premium refueling       and our expansion into Dubai, which
                                             customers rewards that can be            remains an attractive market.
                                             redeemed in our convenience stores.
                                                                                      Our first three retail fuel service
Convenience store basket size (AED)

                                             Allied Services                          stations opened in Dubai in the fourth
                                                                                      quarter of 2018, and measured
                                             Results                                  expansion is a priority for 2019. We
                                             Allied Services revenue increased        also expect to see increasing fuel
                                             in 2018 due to a higher number of        sales volumes as a result of expansion
2018                   +16.8%     18.1
2017                            15.5
                                             vehicle inspections and a greater        into other new geographies. We have
                                             number of tenants versus 2017.           recently signed a memorandum of
                                             The results were also positively         understanding to support network
                                             affected by the full-year impact of an   expansion in Saudi Arabia, and a
Convenience store
                                             increase in vehicle inspection fees      memorandum of understanding for
sales revenue (AED million)

                                             which came into effect in June 2017.     the marketing and distribution of our
                                                                                      lubricant products in India.

2018                   +2.8%        679
2017                                 661

Allied Services segment                      Allied Services segment
gross profit (AED million)

                                             Key financials (AED million)              2018            2017            YoY %

                                             Revenue                                   221             184           20.4%
                                             Gross profit                              221             184           20.4%
                                             EBITDA                                    105               85          24.0%
2018                   +20.4%       221
                                             Operating profit                           83               63          31.9%
2017                           184
                                             Capital expenditure                        3.0              22         -86.2%

In 2019, we expect to invest                Finally, the UAE government’s recent
approximately AED 1,100 million             announcement of several long-term         Retail segment gross profit (AED million)

(USD 300 million) in capital                visa initiatives to attract human
expenditures to boost our network           capital and to create an encouraging
expansion in UAE, particularly in           environment for long-term business
Dubai and internationally, as well as       growth will serve to make the
                                                                                      2018                    +15.3%     3,307
to invest in our digital initiatives.       country an even more attractive
                                                                                      2017                             2,869
                                            investment proposition to regional
The International Monetary Fund (IMF)
                                            and international investors.
forecasts the UAE’s real GDP growth
to strengthen to 3.7 percent in 2019        The roll-out of ADNOC Flex, which         Retail segment fuel
(against 2.8 percent in 2018), largely      gives our retail customers the choice     gross profit (AED million)

driven by increased government              of premium or self-service refueling
spending and stronger private sector        across our service station network,
growth. The announcement of a               fundamentally changes the UAE fuel
number of significant investments           retail market. It also highlights our
in the Abu Dhabi economy supports           objective of moving to smarter,           2018                    +15.9%    3,016
this view.                                  technology-driven customer service,       2017                            2,603
                                            with greater choice, convenience and
We believe that a combined total
                                            better-quality goods and services
of USD 18.6 billion of investments
                                            at its heart.                             Retail segment non-fuel
in the Abu Dhabi economy will
                                                                                      gross profit (AED million)

positively impact our businesses.           We have also been successful in
The investments comprise a spending         reducing operating and capital costs
stimulus, amounting to USD 13.6             without sacrificing safety, quality and
billion, and the USD 5 billion Ghadan       our overall customer experience, and
21 plan, to sustain competitiveness         will continue this approach.              2018                    +9.4%      291
and entrepreneurship over a three-                                                    2017                              266
year period.

Dubai has also announced plans
                                                                                      Retail segment gross profit breakdown
to liberalize regulations in various
sectors, including free zones, to
bolster its appeal to foreign investors
and visitors. Dubai also continues
to invest heavily, with approximately
USD 7 billion allocated to infrastructure
development around Expo 2020. This
flagship event is forecast to attract
large numbers of visitors to the
country and to boost private
consumption and services exports.
                                                                                         Gross profit – fuel       91.2%
                                                                                         Gross profit – non-fuel       8.8%

Our non-fuel segment (mainly
convenience stores) generated
higher revenues, notwithstanding
a decrease in non-fuel
transactions in 2018 compared
to 2017, driven by higher
average basket sizes and
conversion rates.

                                                                                        ADNOC Distribution Annual Report 2018     31
Business Review


ADNOC Distribution’s Commercial segment is the UAE’s leading
marketer, supplier and distributor of bulk refined petroleum
products, including diesel, gasoline, LPG and lubricants, to
commercial, industrial and government customers.

Commercial fuel volumes (million liters)    Lubricant volumes (million liters)

2018                   -4.3%      2,157
                                            2018                     +80%       82
2017                               2,255   2017                    46

                                                                                      ADNOC Distribution Annual Report 2018   33
Business Review

BUSINESS OVERVIEW                             Corporate                                  Aviation
We are the leading marketer, supplier         Fuel – gasoline, diesel and LPG            We sell aviation fuels to strategic
and distributor of bulk refined               Demand for wholesale fuels in the UAE      customers in the UAE and utilize highly
petroleum products, including diesel,         is closely aligned with the country’s      advanced facilities to provide refueling,
gasoline, LPG, lubricants and other           economic performance.                      defueling and other related services
products, to commercial, industrial                                                      to ADNOC’s civil aviation customers
and government customers in the               Lubricants and base oil                    (comprising international and regional
UAE’s highly competitive business-            Our range of proprietary Voyager           commercial and private aviation
to-business commercial market. We             lubricants covers most requirements        customers) at seven commercial
also export our proprietary Voyager           for commercial fleet operators and the     airports in the UAE.
lubricants to distributors in 14              construction, manufacturing, marine
countries, including the GCC region,          and power generation sectors. Our          OPERATIONAL REVIEW
and in Africa and Asia.                       offering comprises automotive and
                                              marine engine lubricants, automotive       Corporate
Our aviation division comprises two
                                              gear and transmission fluids, and          Fuel – diesel, gasoline and LPG
elements: the sale of aviation fuel and
                                              industrial lubricants and greases.         Fluctuating demand across all
services to strategic customers; and
the provision of aviation services to the     We operate a lubricant blending plant      products, including diesel and lubes,
civil aviation sector, where we provide       in Abu Dhabi with an annual capacity       was a notable feature of 2018. Sales
maintenance of fuel systems and               of 55 million liters, and which produces   of LPG were less affected. We noted
fueling services.                             more than 125 types and grades of          increased competition in diesel, a
                                              lubricants and greases.                    trend that seems set to continue as
                                                                                         the market matures and attracts more
                                                                                         competitors with aggressive pricing.

Diesel volumes (million liters)               Corporate segment

                                              Key financials (AED million)                2018             2017             YoY %

                                              Revenue                                    4,733           4,050            16.9%
                                              Gross profit                                785               772             1.7%
2018                  –6.9%        1,709     EBITDA                                      648              599              8.2%
2017                                  1,836   Operating profit                             618             581             6.4%
                                              Capital expenditure                         16.2              0.9        1,700.0%

Aviation volumes (million liters)             Aviation segment

                                              Key financials (AED million)                2018             2017             YoY %

                                              Revenue                                    2,194            1,697           29.3%
                                              Gross profit                                724              539            34.4%
2018                  –7.7%        748       EBITDA                                      340              350             -2.7%
2017                                  811     Operating profit                            305              335             -9.0%
                                              Capital expenditure                          3.9              16            -75.9%

The grey market – off-spec products        In connection with the Civil Aviation      Aviation
from unauthorized sources –                Supply carve-out, we entered into
continues to impact our home market,       an Aviation Services Agreement with
                                                                                      Aviation volumes decreased by 7.7
particularly corporate sales. In 2019,     ADNOC to continue to provide fuel
                                                                                      percent in 2018 compared to 2017
we expect to continue to work with         distribution services and aircraft
                                                                                      due to a decrease in fuel sales to our
government authorities to reduce           refueling operations to ADNOC’s civil
                                                                                      strategic customers.
this impact.                               aviation customers.

                                           During 2018, our fleet of more than 75     Results
                                           aircraft-refueling vehicles performed      Aviation revenue increased by 29.3
The LPG market is somewhat
                                           more than 100,000 refueling service        percent in 2018 compared to 2017
fragmented and falls into two
                                           operations for civil aviation customers    due to the inclusion of revenue
categories: bulk sales in an
                                           at seven airports across the UAE, of       derived under our Aviation Services
unregulated market, and sales of
                                           which the majority were at Abu Dhabi       Agreement with ADNOC, as well as
subsidized and unsubsidized
                                           International Airport.                     higher average selling prices due to
cylinders, of which the subsidized
                                                                                      increased oil prices.
segment accounts for the largest           In addition to our civil aviation
share, mainly in the residential sector.   refueling business, we sell aviation       Aviation gross profit increased by
                                           fuel and provide refueling services to     34.4 percent in 2018 mainly as a
Greater focus on our business
                                           certain strategic aviation customers.      result of the impact of the Aviation
processes, including the introduction
                                                                                      Services Agreement, offset in part
of faster sales intelligence and a more
                                           FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE                      by lower fuel volumes.
customer-centric approach, resulted
in a 25 percent year-on-year increase                                                 Aviation EBITDA decreased by
in sales of bulk LPG.                                                                 2.7 percent in 2018 mainly due to
                                           Volumes                                    lower volumes and the inclusion of
Lubricants                                 Corporate segment volumes decreased        recoverable operating costs related
In 2018, we launched new lubricant         2.7 percent in 2018 compared to 2017,      to civil aviation fueling services.
products to tap into the significant       mainly as a result of higher competition
potential of the retail lubricants         in diesel and lower demand for diesel      OUTLOOK
business. In 2019, our target is           from power generation customers,           In 2019, we intend to implement an
to increase sales and to optimize          which use diesel fuel as a back-up fuel    enhanced lubricants strategy designed
our already strong retail and brand        for power plants.                          to increase profitability and to expand
position in lubricants in the UAE,
                                                                                      our international footprint. We have
as well as to expand into new              Results
                                                                                      recently signed a memorandum of
international markets.                     Corporate segment revenue
                                                                                      understanding to market and distribute
                                           increased by 16.9 percent in 2018
                                                                                      lubricants in India, the world’s third-
Aviation                                   compared to 2017 due to higher oil
                                                                                      largest lubricants market.
In September 2017, we completed the        prices, while gross profit increased
Civil Aviation Supply carve-out, under     by 1.7 percent year-on-year, mainly
which all contracts for the sale and       as a result of more proactive pricing,
supply of jet fuel to the civil aviation   partially offset by lower volumes and
sector were transferred to ADNOC.          competitive pressures.

                                           Corporate segment EBITDA increased
                                           by 8.2 percent in 2018, partially driven
                                           by a one-off receivables impairment
                                           recovery in 2018.

   Aviation gross profit
   increased by 34.4 percent
   in 2018 mainly as a result of
   the impact of the Aviation
   Services Agreement, offset
   in part by lower fuel volumes.

                                                                                        ADNOC Distribution Annual Report 2018   35
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