BUSINESS & INDUSTRY ACTIVITIES - Inspiring ideas for National Science Week

Page created by Jimmy Freeman
BUSINESS & INDUSTRY ACTIVITIES - Inspiring ideas for National Science Week
Photo: National Science Week

                               Inspiring ideas   BUSINESS
                               for National      & INDUSTRY
                               Science Week
BUSINESS & INDUSTRY ACTIVITIES - Inspiring ideas for National Science Week
A NATIONAL WEEK                          CORNUCOPIA                                          INSPIRING
OF SCIENCE                               OF EVENTS                                           IDEAS
National Science Week is                 Over one million people participate        • Profile staff members or sections of
Australia’s annual celebration           in more than 1000 events across              the industry that work in science, via
of science and technology,               the country. Each year these                 social media. This raises awareness
running each year in August.             events attract a wide audience               of the scientific credibility and
We’ve put together this brochure         from children to adults, and science         fascination of your work.
of science-inspired ideas to             amateurs to professionals.
help companies, industries and
                                         Events are held by universities,
businesses plan an exciting
                                         schools, research institutions,
week – or day – of activities.
                                         museums, science centres,
This celebration of science is an        libraries – and various industries
opportunity to acknowledge the           and businesses. Industry plays an
contributions of Australian scientists   important role in the community, with
to the world of knowledge. It            the potential to inspire young people
also aims to encourage a wider           about science careers, demonstrate
interest in science pursuits, and        the practical application of science
to encourage young people to             and technology in our everyday
be fascinated by the world.              lives, and provide resources and
                                         venues for science activities. Many
National Science Week is
                                         Australian industries can play a role as
supported by the Australian
                                         community leaders and spokespeople
Government in a variety of
                                         to not only increase community
ways, including through the
                                         scientific literacy but also encourage     • Run a workshop or interactive display
$500 000 National Science
                                         greater involvement with science.            explaining some of the science used
Week Grants Program. Other
partners include CSIRO, the              This pack aims to encourage                  in your industry, or illustrating a
ABC and the Australian Science           industries, organisations and                fun scientific concept (e.g. https://
Teachers Association (ASTA).             local businesses to become                   westernsydneysciencehub.
                                         involved in National Science       
                                         Week 2021 – including those that             the-inner-worlds-of-fruit-and-
                                         haven’t participated previously,             veggies-red-blue-and-green/).
                                         as well as those who are                   • Show the younger generation that
                                         repeating their involvement.                 you are the employer of tomorrow,
                                         The following pages include stories          by running activities that allow them
                                         of how a variety of industries have          to see the science impact that your
                                         supported and engaged with science-          industry can have now and in future.
                                         related endeavours in previous             • If you’re running any kind of
                                         National Science Weeks, a list of            event in August, give it a bit of
                                         event ideas, helpful tips and more           flair with a science theme.
                                         information. We hope this gives further
                                         inspiration and encouragement to
                                         either stay involved or get involved.

BUSINESS & INDUSTRY ACTIVITIES - Inspiring ideas for National Science Week
• Promote your products (e.g. books,         • Host a staff Brain Break using our          There are resources available
  tools, science kits) that are science-       kit, incorporate a morning tea,             on the National Science
  based and can inspire younger minds.         run quizzes or try out the hands-           Week website (https://www.
                                               on activity ideas (https://www.   , including:
• Contact your local tertiary institution,
  CSIRO, or museum to ask for a                                                            • instructions on how to run an event.
  scientist, engineer or other expert        • Organise an educational program
                                                                                           • logos and characters to add to
  to give a presentation linked to             at your business using free
                                                                                             fliers, posters and advertisements.
  your business, suggest ideas,                videos, articles, resources and
  or help develop partnerships.                tools from The Royal Institution            • a free workplace science quiz and
                                               of Australia (https://education.              activity instructions (Brain Break).
• If you are a local business or an
  industry leader arrange a public                                                         • events and other activities planned
  talk about how important science           • If your organisation includes                 for National Science Week.
  is to your field. This engages the           childcare or programs for young
                                                                                           • information on grants that are
  public with your work, illustrates the       people, book a Museum in a Box,
                                                                                             available annually; national large
  real-world application of science,           with real museum specimens, casts,
                                                                                             grants (up to $20 000, open around
  and encourages more connected                artefacts, dioramas, images, DVDs,
                                                                                             October for the following year)
  relationships with clients.                  CDs, books and resources from
                                                                                             and smaller rounds of grants from
                                               the Australian Museum (https://
• Host a science talk, panel discussion,                                                     states and territories (various,
  or debate. Focus on a subject of                                                           open around February to May
  most interest to your business                                                             depending on jurisdiction).
  and the community, discuss how             • Highlight breaking news linked to
                                                                                           Contact your local Inspiring Australia
  science can address the problems             your industry’s area of science by
                                                                                           manager or National Science Week
  facing your region, or highlight             using the Australian Science Media
                                                                                           coordinating committee – they can
  how science helps your Board or              Centre’s resources to get the facts
                                                                                           provide assistance such as advice
  leadership team make decisions               and promote informed discussion
                                                                                           on becoming involved in science
  about influencing the business.              (
                                                                                           activities, find speakers and connect
                                             • Hold a speed-meet of STEM                   you with science experts, let you know
                                               professionals from local                    about funding to seed local activities,
                                               organisations, businesses,                  and alert you about local opportunities
                                               universities and professional               and activities you can join.
                                             Some of these ideas have been                 funding-and-incentives/inspiring-
                                             successfully run in the past, and             australia-science-engagement-
                                             are described in more detail in the           in-australia and https://www.
                                             case studies on the following pages. for a
                                             We hope they will foster curiosity            list of contacts in your state or territory.
                                             and inspire your own ideas.

                                                                                             Register your events on the
                                                                                             National Science Week website
                                                                                             at https://www.scienceweek.

                                                           Photos: National Science Week                                              3
BUSINESS & INDUSTRY ACTIVITIES - Inspiring ideas for National Science Week
SIGN ON TO SCIENCE                        ‘Karl was just great; he signed the        SOUNDS A LOT
                                          books with funny pens, asked the
In 2019 Dymocks Adelaide had a            children what they were interested         LIKE SCIENCE
booth at the Adelaide Convention          in and wrote them funny messages,’         Usually we just enjoy music with our
Centre, dedicated to selling signed       Mandy said. ‘We sold a couple of           ears. But in Sounds like science, the
copies of Dr Karl Kruszelnicki’s          hundred books that night – wish            Victorian Youth Symphony Orchestra
children’s science books.                 we sold that many every day!’              (VYSO) – with Prof Rob Morrison
‘Having a presence at National            Books tend to sell better around           and Dr Deane Hutton from the
Science Week at the Centre made           times such as Christmas. However,          Curiosity Show – helped audiences
sense from a business perspective,        having an event such as National           to enjoy it with their brains, too.
but we did it also because science        Science Week in August highlights the      ‘We are an orchestra that does
is an integral part of education          importance of science to children.         un-orchestra things,’ said VYSO
that we feel very strongly about
                                          Mandy said her store carries               President Susan Eldridge. ‘We’re
encouraging,’ said Mandy Macky,
                                          science books that make information        all about creating a new, immersive
owner of Adelaide’s flagship Dymocks
                                          accessible for all ages, but in the        experience that connects our
store. ‘It was a really great family
                                          children’s selection especially, science   audience with music and something
event. You could tell that the children
                                          books sell very well. ‘Kids are always     else, in this case science.’
were abuzz after coming out of Dr
Karl’s evening talk at the Convention     excited about dinosaurs, space,            The idea came about through Artistic
Centre and we continued the buzz by       engines and chemical interactions,’        Director and Conductor of VYSO,
having the science books for sale.’       she said. ‘And if children read            Ingrid Martin’s childhood love of the
                                          science books they grow up familiar        Curiosity Show. Ingrid, Rob and
Dr Karl signed copies of his              with the names of scientists – like        Deane then planned a show together
books for families at the Dymocks         Ada Lovelace, who contributed to           focussed on audience interaction.
booth for nearly two hours.               the first computer programming.
                                          Where would we be without her?’            Susan said the show would not
                                                                                     have been possible without their
                                                                                     2019 National Science Week grant.
                                                                                     ‘We’re a voluntary community
                                                                                     orchestra, we just didn’t have the
                                                                                     funds.’ She also said having one of
                                                                                     these grants also meant they could
                                                                                     keep ticket prices low, enabling
                                                                                     access for the wider community.
                                                                                     At the show, audience members were
                                                                                     given party blowers that they were
                                                                                     encouraged to blow throughout the
                                                                                     performance in time with the orchestra.
                                                                                     Audience stamping contributed rhythm
                                                                                     to Queen’s We Will Rock You, and
                                                                                     a Mexican wave demonstrated the
                                                                                     movement of sound through a medium.

Photo: National Science Week

BUSINESS & INDUSTRY ACTIVITIES - Inspiring ideas for National Science Week
Sounds like science also explained            A NATIONAL SCIENCE                        energy,’ Jane said. ‘In more recent
the scientific concepts behind each                                                     years, we’ve also had subject matter
of the instrument’s family groups. For        WEEK POWERHOUSE                           experts present during the event
example, the percussion family was            FOR OVER 10 YEARS                         and be part of panel discussions.’
explained in relation to rhythm, the
                                              Since the desertSMART EcoFair’s           Jane also said the value in company
brass in relation to vibration, and the
                                              launch over 10 years ago, Power           participation was directly linked
strings in relation to sound waves.
                                              and Water in the Northern Territory       to community engagement.
Through this National Science                 has continually supported the             ‘It’s the questions we receive, the
Week show, VYSO was given media               Alice Springs event held during           information we can provide and the
exposure in a second-page article in          National Science Week.                    great feedback from our audiences
The Age, live radio interviews with
                                              Power and Water’s community               that drives us to participate,’ she said.
Rob, interviews via podcasts, and
                                              partnership coordinator, Jane Dellow,     ‘Engagement at the EcoFair helps us
increased interest on social media.
                                              said the company recognised               to identify key issues, and address
Since the show, VYSO has received             the importance of developing a            any myths or information gaps. We
great community feedback via email            relationship with the public. ‘We         can then apply this knowledge to
and there are plans to sell the show          invest in these partnerships because      better inform our communication
recordings to broadcast. The show’s           they are one of the most effective        and engagement, improving how
three presenters, Ingrid, Rob and             and authentic ways of enriching the       the company moves forward.’
Deane are also considering selling the        future of the Northern Territory, our
show on, for other orchestras to use.         customers and our people,’ she said.
Susan said the most special part of           The projects and initiatives that
the show was seeing the audience              Power and Water promote are
appreciate learning about science,            particularly aligned with science
and the joy that they (and the                and creating a sustainable future.
orchestra members, many of whom
                                              ‘The EcoFair provides an opportunity
have careers in the science and
                                              to talk about key issues, which include
tech field) gained from seeing their
                                              water sustainability and renewable
childhood science heroes live.

               Photo: National Science Week   Photo: Jane Dellow, Power and Water

BUSINESS & INDUSTRY ACTIVITIES - Inspiring ideas for National Science Week
TAKING SCIENCE TO NEW HEIGHTS                                                                 MAD SCIENTISTS AND
The Royal Australian Air Force                      ‘A big part of what we do is teaching     CRAZY COCKTAILS
(RAAF) has merged physics and                       them the how, what and why of the
                                                                                              During August 2017, 2018 and 2019
fun. With a pilot and crew, they                    balloon’s workings,’ he said. ‘The kids
                                                                                              the Hervey Bay Hog’s Breath Café has
have been taking their official RAAF                love learning the basic physics behind
                                                                                              celebrated National Science Week, with
balloon all across the country to                   how it flies and how we steer it.’
                                                                                              staff dressing up as mad scientists and
celebrate a range of events, one of
                                                    Sam said he and his crew                  making experiment-themed cocktails.
which is National Science Week.
                                                    have activities planned for all
                                                                                              Owner Hayley Campbell said creating
Squadron Leader Sam Wright is                       weather conditions, too.
                                                                                              a fun and quirky in-store experience
one of the balloon’s pilots and
                                                    ‘Weather permitting, we take people       was part of the Hog’s Breath culture.
said his team usually went to rural
                                                    up in the balloon, but otherwise          Her store includes one or two themes
areas of Australia that otherwise
                                                    we show them the basket and               a month, which involve staff dressing
couldn’t experience the Air Force.
                                                    burner and can get into the nitty         up on a Saturday, and in August, these
‘We bring the Air Force to them,’                   gritty of how it operates.’               relate to science.
he said. ‘We turn it into a tour,
                                                    Sam also said the balloon was one         ‘We like to choose a theme that is both
sometimes going away for a month.’
                                                    of the most cost-effective public         a national celebration and is trying to
These balloon tours involve                         relations activities run by the RAAF,     raise awareness for a cause,’ she said.
visiting schools where Sam and                      and that it was well supported
                                                                                              Having these themes sparks
his crew talk to students.                          by the senior military staff.
                                                                                              conversations among staff and
                                                    ‘It’s cheap and it has a high impact      customers around a particular topic
                                                    because it’s so interactive. The          that influences the community.
                                                    whole experience feels more
                                                                                              ‘I’d never even heard of National
                                                    personal because my crew and I
                                                                                              Science Week until we started
                                                    are teaching people face-to-face
                                                                                              doing the theme a few years ago!’
                                                    and sharing in their excitement
                                                                                              Hayley said.
                                                    as they enjoy the balloon.’
                                                                                              Before each event, the store posts a
                                                    The RAAF also promotes National
                                                                                              Facebook update promoting the theme
                                                    Science Week on social media,
                                                                                              and encouraging customers to also
                                                    and is especially focussed on
                                                                                              come dressed up.
                                                    promoting women in science
                                                    and technology careers.                   ‘We have a prize for the best dressed,
                                                                                              and by making customers’ experience
                                                                                              fun and interactive we encourage them
                                                                                              to come back,’ Hayley said.
                                                                                              Raising awareness doesn’t have to
                                                                                              break the bank, either. Hayley said her
                                                                                              store doesn’t have an allocated budget
                                                                                              for any of their themes and that they
                                                                                              re-use decorations and costumes to be
                                                                                              sustainable and efficient with funds.

Photo: Department of Defence. Royal Australian Air Force

BUSINESS & INDUSTRY ACTIVITIES - Inspiring ideas for National Science Week
In 2018 and 2019, TasNetworks           ‘The FOBI provides a great platform    Allison said TasNetworks has a
participated in National Science Week   to engage with what is most            well-established and successful
via the Tasmanian-based event, the      important to our customers,’ she       Science, Technology, Engineering,
Festival of Bright Ideas (FOBI).        said. ‘It is also an opportunity for   Arts and Mathematics (STEAM)
                                        us to personally share with them       program in schools already. ‘For
TasNetworks owns, operates and
                                        our future plans and challenges.’      us, it’s all about educating kids. The
maintains Tasmania’s electricity
                                                                               FOBI enables us to directly engage
transmission and distribution           TasNetworks’ employees also
                                                                               with our target audience about
network, delivering power to homes      benefit from the company’s
                                                                               STEAM learning and careers.’
and businesses across the state.        involvement in these customer-
                                        facing events. The experience          The FOBI attracts between 8000
Leader of community and stakeholder
                                        provides job variety and develops a    and 10 000 visitors annually, with
engagement, Allison Winter, said
                                        greater connection to their work.      86 per cent of visitors reporting
their continual involvement was a ‘no
                                                                               an increased interest in science
brainer’ after previous successes.      Allison said the company values
                                                                               afterwards, and 97 per cent reporting
                                        being part of the FOBI as the
                                                                               an increased awareness in the
                                        events empower the communities
                                                                               size, diversity and importance of
                                        within which they operate. ‘We do
                                                                               Tasmanian science, technology,
                                        a number of events like National
                                                                               engineering, and mathematics.
                                        Science Week every year and we
                                        always have a huge demand for staff
                                        wanting to participate,’ she said.
                                        The FOBI also provides TasNetworks
                                        with an opportunity to engage with
                                        potential future employees.

Photo: TasNetworks

BUSINESS & INDUSTRY ACTIVITIES - Inspiring ideas for National Science Week
                  Give yourself plenty of time            Use the resources of the Children’s
                  for planning and advertising:           Discovery Centre, such as their Little
                  August comes around quickly.            Bang Book of Discovery’s simple
                                                          experiments to do at home (or at
FOR BUSINESSES,   Check other local industry websites
                                                          work) using everyday items: https://
ORGANISATIONS     to see what they’re up to.

AND INDUSTRIES                                            Explore a galaxy of possibilities
                  Contact Inspiring Australia in          for mobile STEM programs or
                  your state or territory, find a         online learning on the STARportal,
                  local regional science hub and          the Office of the Chief Scientist’s
                  tap into some local science:            directory of STEM activities:
                  engagement-in-australia                 Visit the CSIRO Education
                  Check the National Science Week site:
                                                          Use CSIRO’s Double Helix
                  Check out Questacon’s list of hands-    en/Education/Double-Helix.
                  on STEM activities: https://www.
                  programmes/questacon-smart-             Be inspired by San Francisco’s
                  skills-initiative/workshops/            Exploratorium: https://
                  hands-stem-activities.                  explore/activities.

                  The National STEM School Education      Check out the Powerhouse
                  Resources Toolkit aims to help          Museum’s lesson plans and
                  teachers, school leaders, industry      worksheets:
                  partners and others deliver high        ecologic-learning-resources.
                  quality STEM initiatives in schools:

                  Contact us
                  Follow National Science Week on Facebook (https://www.facebook.
                  com/nationalscienceweek) and Twitter (@Aus_ScienceWeek)
                  and tell us what your business is doing by tagging #scienceweek.
                     For general information about National Science Week,
                     contact the National Science Week Team at:
                     Phone 02 6270 2880
                     Post     Questacon, PO Box 5322, Kingston ACT 2604
                  Register your events on the National Science Week website at

BUSINESS & INDUSTRY ACTIVITIES - Inspiring ideas for National Science Week
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