Page created by Betty Osborne
B u s i n e s s e xc e l l e n c e Awa r d s 2 0 2 2

             est Coast businesses             Cotterill Large Enterprise Award is for     2018 Leading Light Awards
             large and small are in           progressive and innovative businesses
             the limelight with the           with more than 25 full time staff,
announcement of the finalists for the         the Crombie Lockwood Medium
7th Development West Coast Leading            Enterprise Award will focus on those
Light Business Excellence Awards.             with between 10 and 24 full time staff,
  The first round of judging has been         and the NZME Small Enterprise award
completed, and Development West               will be given to an organisation with
Coast Chief Executive Heath Milne said        less than 10 full timers.
that the difficult decision had been            There is also a Workplace Wellbeing
made to postpone the gala dinner              Award sponsored by Issac, and a
when Omicron entered the country.             Sustainability Award from Department
  “There have been some positives             of Conservation.
though - each of our finalists have             The Greymouth Star Rising Star
been able to enjoy the limelight for a        Award is chosen from those who
little longer.                                have been in business for less than
  “We are still determined to celebrate       five years, and the Great Journeys of
the success of West Coast businesses,         New Zealand COVID Hero Award will
but we want to do it in person when           recognise an inspiring business whose
the time is right. All going well             efforts have supported the regional         2018 Leading Light Awards
this will be Friday the 20th of May           business community during the
at the West Coast Events Centre in            COVID-19 pandemic.
Shantytown.”                                    DWC’s Supreme Award is the
  “This has been an extremely                 ultimate accolade for all the entrants
challenging time for local businesses         with the winner chosen from the
and the Awards are an excellent               category winners.
opportunity to celebrate the hard               Mr Milne thanked and congratulated
work, innovation and commitment it            all those who had entered the
has taken to run a successful business        Awards and said DWC was grateful
through the pandemic.”                        to sponsors, entrants, judges and
  The Leading Light Awards are made           organisers, who were making the
up of seven main categories, which            event possible.
business owners from across the West            “There is so much to celebrate
Coast have been able to enter.                across our diverse region, and we look
  There are three awards tailored to          forward to being able to celebrate in
the size of a business. The Duncan            person at the gala dinner.”

    Duncan Cotterill is
    proud to support the
    Development West Coast
    Leading Light Business
    Excellence Awards

    Auckland | Wellington | Nelson | Christchurch | Queenstown
D u n can C otterill Large E nter p rise                                                                                                      f inalists
                                                                      ElectroNet Group                           ElectroNet Group
     Duncan Cotterill is a       likeminded people. They                Locally owned Electricity Network
   full service law firm with    look to us for the same              Company, Westpower, is parent
   offices in Christchurch,      thinking, resourcefulness            to the ElectroNet Group, which
   Nelson, Wellington,           and relationship building            consists of four electro-technology
   Queenstown and Auckland       skills that they themselves          companies, including an electrical
   and is among the largest      have relied on to achieve            engineering consultancy and
   providers of legal services   business success. We are             contracting businesses. Earlier this
   in the South Island.          a firm that celebrates               year, new technology developed
   We pride ourselves on         enterprise so it is with             by the ElectroNet Group, via the           Issac Construction Limited
   being enterprising and        pride we sponsor the Large           ElectroNet Technology company
   this is evident in the        Enterprise Award. This               (ETech), won the Safeguard Award for
   relationships we have         award recognises large               Best Use of Innovation in a NZ Design
   with West Coasters. We        West Coast enterprises               or Technology to eliminate/manage
   have strong relationships     that are innovative and              risk, and was finalist in the NZ Energy
   with individuals, small       dynamic in their business            Excellence Awards for the same
   businesses and large          practices, demonstrate               innovation. These achievements
   organisations. Our            leadership both within               align with our vision to be leaders
   clients understand the        their organisation and               in electrical energy and technology,
   distinct advantages of        externally, and have a clear         and our purpose to provide                Issac Construction Limited - Liddell
   aligning themselves with      vision for their business.           sustainable electrical solutions which    Contracting Division
                                                                      enhance communities.
                                                                                                                  Isaac Construction is an independent company wholly
                                                                                                                owned by the Isaac Conservation Trust established in
WestReef                                                        WestReef                                        Canterbury. From 2018, Simcox Construction has become a
  WestReef Services Ltd is the largest civil construction                                                       division of Isaac Construction, based in Blenheim, and as of
company in the Buller District. Established in 1996,                                                            December 2020, proudly, Liddell Contracting is also a division
WestReef is now a Council Controlled Trading Organisation                                                       of Isaac Construction, based in Greymouth.
(CCTO). Our key purpose is to make a profit for the                                                               This has given Isaac Construction a significant boost in
benefit of ratepayers and the wider community. WestReef                                                         civil structures capability. Liddell Contracting specialises
is a key employer in the district, providing stable,                                                            in bridge builds and maintenance, wharf maintenance and
responsible employment, with a focus on the wellbeing                                                           repairs, structural repairs of buildings, upgrading, earthquake
and development of staff. Over the past six years, we have                                                      strengthening, and repairing and maintaining structures in
shown consistent growth in revenue, profitability and                                                           remote places.
staff numbers, while supporting the community across                                                              Together we are a Canterbury, West Coast, Tasman, Nelson,
five key department - roading/civil works, parks and                                                            Marlborough, and Otago focused contracting company, driven
reserves maintenance, services/utilities management,                                                            to provide outstanding customer service, so we can ‘give back’
environmental projects, mechanical workshop.                                                                    to the community and the environment.

                                                                                                Proud to be finalist in the 2022 Leading
   Supporting the community for                                                                    Light Business Excellence Awards
           over 25 years                                                                       Finalists in 2013, 2015, 2016, 2018, 2022
           Roading & civil construction - Drainage & reticulation - Parks & reserves maintenance
     - Environmental projects - Skip hire - Mechanical services - Track construction and maintenance

    80 Russell Street, Westport

    Westport – Karamea – Reefton – Springs Junction

    by our

    From Karamea to Haast, we’ve been
    operating on the Coast for over 30 years,
    and we’re proud of what we’ve achieved
    together in that time.
    Liddell Contracting has always had firm roots in the region; from being
    founded by Graham Liddell, to now having daughter Anna as branch
    manager, with three generations of family having worked here at one
    time or another.

    Our commitment to the Coast extends to supporting local schools and
    nurturing local talent. We work with local Gateway programmes at Grey High
    and Trades Academy to introduce students into the civil construction industry.

    In 2021 an opportunity arose to align our business with the Isaac Group.
    This move has solidified our connection to the region by being able to
    draw on specialist skills and resources from the other group partners –
    Simcox Construction and Isaac Construction.

    Another important benefit is that we support the Isaac Conservation and
    Wildlife Trust with every infrastructure project we work on. Their programmes
    work to breed and rear a number of species including kakī (black stilt),
    pāteke (brown teal), kākāriki karaka (orange fronted parakeet), tūturuatu
    (shore plover), and whio (blue duck), all which are released into the wild.
    Some whio (blue duck) are even released right here on the West Coast.

    It means we’re building a legacy our kids’ kids will be proud of. We want to
    ensure future generations of New Zealanders will be able to enjoy our native
    birds and plant species for years to come.

    For your next civil construction project, talk to us – your one-stop shop
    for engineering, civil construction, crane hire, blasting and coating.
Cro m bie Loc kwoo d Medi u m E nter p rise                                                                                                      Finalists
    We are delighted to sponsor   contemplated opening an
                                                                       Coastal Health Limited                               Jeff Evans Limited
  this award for West Coast       office on the Coast which we           Coastal Health is a well-established, privately
  businesses with 10-24 FTEs      did in 2014.                         owned, Nurse led medical practice who
  who are focused on providing                                         pride themselves on offering highly skilled
                                   Paul Fauth, who leads our
  innovative growth solutions                                          community focused team. It provides services
                                  West Coast operation ensures
  that target improved                                                 to the West Coast public from a new purpose
  customer satisfaction,          on the ground local resource
                                                                       built facility designed by the owners to
  enhanced productivity           and is complemented by our
                                                                       ensure staff and patients have easy access
  and excellence in people        100+ strong Canterbury team          and flow within the practice. The practice has
  management.                     of insurance professionals.          4300 patients enrolled and employs General
                                    Crombie Lockwood is the            Practitioners, Nurse Practitioner, Nurse
   Crombie Lockwood has
                                  largest insurance broking            Prescriber, Practice Nurses and highly focused
  a long and proud history
                                                                       customer service and admin team. The practice
                                                                                                                           Jeff Evans Limited
  of providing insurance          company in New Zealand.
                                  We operate a network of 23           is spacious, well equipped and provides many         With over 33 years’ experience in providing
  broking and risk advisory
                                  offices with a combined staff        health services aligned with General Practice.      services on the West Coast to residential,
  services to West Coasters
                                  of over 750. Our nationwide                                                              commercial, and rural customers, we have
  and we are proud to act for
                                  branch network allows us               Coastal Health Limited                            the knowledge and skills to get the job done
  over 300 West Coast clients.
                                  to maintain client focus and                                                             to the highest standards. Our experienced
  Without the support of these
                                                                                                                           team are here to help and offer friendly advice
  clients, many of whom have      the strong longstanding
                                                                                                                           on all types of products and services from
  been with us for over 30        relationships our business is
                                                                                                                           new bathroom fixtures, home heating, hot
  years, we could never have      built on.
                                                                                                                           water systems and spa pools right through
                                                                                                                           to offering design advice for new effluent
                                                                                                                           systems, repairing, or replacing a dairy shed
The Helicopter Line
                                                                                                                           and designing and building your new home or
                                                                                                                           commercial premises and so much more.

                                                                       The Helicopter Line                                 CAA certification comes from our SMS systems
                                                                                                                           which drive ongoing compliance and safety with
                                                                         The Helicopter Line (THL) is New Zealand’s
                                                                                                                           all aspects of our operations. Our team of pilots
                                                                       leading helicopter company operating a fleet
                                                                       of modern helicopters perfectly suited to           are highly skilled and disciplined individuals,
                                                                       accessing New Zealand’s most significant alpine     specifically trained to fly in the Southern Alps,
                                                                       areas. Our pilots have specialist mountain flying   and their passion ensures the best experience
                                                                       experience and crews are qualified to ensure        for our clients whether on scheduled scenic
                                                                       safety, both in the air and on the ground. Our      flights and Heli hikes.

                                                        Proud to be
                                                      a finalist in the
                                                  Leading Light Business
                                                    Excellence Awards
                                                                                                       to all the winners

                                                                                                       Proud sponsor of the
                                                                                                       DWC Leading Light
                                                                                                       Awards   Excellence
                                                                                                       Awards 2022

                                                   Discover more...

N Z M E S mall E nter p rise                                                                       Finalists
                                                                          Awatuna Sunset Lodge                              Awatuna Sunset Lodge
     NZME is proud to again be       consume, whether it is news,
    part of the 2022 Development     sport or entertainment. Every          Awatuna Sunset Lodge is a stunning
    West Coast Leading Light         week, our much-loved brands          seaside B&B, just a 10-minute drive north
    Business Excellence Awards.      reach over 3.5 million Kiwis         of Hokitika. The Lodge is a smoke-free,
    The Small Enterprise Award       (source: Nielson CMI Fused           adult retreat with uninterrupted views
    recognises those businesses      Q4 20 – Q3 21 Nov 21 AP15+).         of the Tasman Sea and breath-taking
    who provide a true customer      Whether reading, listening,          sunsets. With 3 beautifully appointed
    experience and who strive for    watching or engaging with            ensuite rooms, 2 of which are sea-facing,
    customer satisfaction through    our brands, they can get the         Awatuna Sunset Lodge is a luxury boutique
    their range and quality of       content they want, from us -         getaway offering personalised service at
    products, product knowledge,     where and when they want it.         an affordable price. With many years of
    customer service and after                                            experience in both the accommodation
                                      NZME then develop                   industry and sustainability, Elizabeth &
                                     effective, integrated solutions      Selwyn ensure a fantastic light-foot holiday.
     NZME keeps kiwis in the         to help advertisers target           We welcome you to rest, relax, rejuvenate,
    know on the content they         these audiences.                     and be nurtured by the Wild West Coast.

Breakers Boutique Accommodation                                         Skydive Franz and Fox Glacier                                  Skydive Franz and Fox
                                                                                                                                         Skydive Franz and Fox Glacier is the
                                                                                                                                       pioneer of high altitude skydiving in
                                                                                                                                       New Zealand and was the first operator
                                                                                                                                       to be certified by CAA to conduct
                                                                                                                                       skydives from 20,000ft. Nobody jumps
                                                                                                                                       higher. Rated by Red Bull as one of
                                                                                                                                       the top destinations to visit, Skydive
                                                                                                                                       Franz and Fox Glacier has contributed
                                                                                                                                       significantly to making New Zealand a
                                                                                                                                       skydive destination of choice for world
                                                                                                                                       travellers. At Skydive Franz and Fox
                                                                                                                                       Glacier we are dedicated to reducing
                                                                                                                                       our impact on the environment, making
                                                                                                                                       our business more sustainable and are
                                                                                                                                       committed to making a difference to the
                                                                                                                                       communities within which we operate.

Breakers Boutique                             hosts when it comes to offering                   2018 Leading Light Awards
                                              suggestions on things to see and do.
                                              Jan and Stephen enjoy spending every
  "For Jan and Stephen, Breakers              spare minute out exploring and love
Boutique Accommodation is a classic           nothing more than sharing their wealth
love affair. Discovered while driving         of knowledge with their guests. They
past in early 2000, after already falling     have strong Manaakitanga aiming to
in love with the West Coast, heart            provide an intimate, warm and friendly
strings were pulled, a move was made          atmosphere with many of their guests
and it has been home ever since. A
                                              becoming long time friends.
beachfront location sitting in a little bay
                                                For them, the love affair with Breakers
with views to die for, there is an energy
                                              and the West Coast continues. Every
that relaxes the mind and soothes the
                                              day brings a new discovery, whether it is
                                              uncovering more of the Coast’s history
  Located in the heart of the West Coast
on the Coast Road north of Greymouth          or checking out a fabulous beach or
rated one of the top ten coastal drives       bush walk. Jan and Stephen have a
in the world, with beaches, river valleys,    passion for the environment and do
native bush, short walks, hiking and          their utmost to ensure sustainability on
biking trails in close proximity and          every level – they feel very fortunate to
oozing with West Coast history, Breakers      have this big backyard they are lucky
is a great place for guests to base           enough to call home and they would
themselves for exploring the region           love to share their wee slice of paradise
and you couldn’t ask for more informed        with you."

      Wishing everyone
      involved with
      Leading Lights
      all the very best
G reym o u th Star R ising Star Award                                                                                                f inalists
                                                         Waiho Hot Tubs, Franz Josef Glacier
    The Greymouth Star is proud to sponsor the
   Rising Star Award at the 2018 Development West
   Coast Leading Light Business Excellence Awards.
     This award celebrates those who have been in
   business for less than five years and are already
   making a valuable contribution to the West Coast.
   The finalists in this category are all exciting new
   innovative businesses already making their mark
   on the Coast.
    We, along with Development West Coast,
   acknowledge the valuable contribution West
   Coast businesses make to our local economy,
   we congratulate and wish all the best to this
   year’s entrants.

                                      Paradise Vets
Paradise Vets                                                                                                                         Waiho Hot Tubs, Franz Josef
  Paradise Vets is an independent                                                                                                     Glacier
farm veterinary practice located
in the heart of the West Coast at                                                                                                       Soak in the luxury of your private
Kumara Junction. Our team of                                                                                                          Waiho Hot Tub, nestled amongst a
four staff are passionate about                                                                                                       lush rainforest setting in the Franz
working with our farmer clients                                                                                                       Josef Glacier village. Your tubs
to maximise their livestock’s                                                                                                         submerged wood burner keeps you
health and production. We are                                                                                                         in control of the temperature of the
proud to support the successful                                                                                                       fresh, mountain stream water during
West Coast dairy industry                                                                                                             your Waiho experience. The relaxation
servicing farms from Whataroa                                                                                                         factor of this all-weather experience
to Reefton. The business has                                                                                                          can be further enhanced by adding
achieved rapid growth in its                                                                                                          epsom salts and beautiful NZ
initial 2 years of operation and                                                                                                      hydrosols to your water. Locally
recent recruitment of a second                                                                                                        developed and operated, Waiho Hot
veterinarian will allow further                                                                                                       Tubs offers another fantastic reason
growth of our client base.                                                                                                            to rejuvenate at Franz Josef Glacier.

                                                                                        Paparoa Guided Walks

         Dairy Sheep + Beef Deer

                                                    For all your
                                                   Farm Animal                         Paparoa Guided Walks                           Our goal is that the experience that
                                                                                                                                    Paparoa Guided Walks creates will stick

                                                                                         Paparoa Guided Walks strive to be a        with clients for years to come, and
                                                                                       leader in the adventure travel industry      every time you think back on it you feel
                                                                                       by providing exceptional hiking

                                                                                                                                    a sense of fulfilment, inspiration, and
                                                                                       adventures in a responsibly sustainable      accomplishment.
                                                                                       way, promoting the conservation of             And even more importantly, we hope
                                                                                       both natural and human communities.          the trip sparks a desire to keep getting
                                                                                         We offer an all inclusive 3 night, 4 day   out into nature, whether it is on more of
                                                                                       guided hiking adventure tour along the       our trips or on their own.
                                                                                       Paparoa Track, New Zealand's newest            Societal values toward the land are
                                                                                       Great Walk.                                  diverse, but for many people, there is no
            Proud to be part of the thriving
                                                                                         Enrichment of our guests' lives comes      identity with nature, no intimate, direct
                                                                                       from the services we provide - from the      experience with place.
              West Coast Dairy Industry                                                form, rhythm, and renewing qualities of
                                                                                       the beautiful and wild places in which
                                                                                                                                      For these people, there is generally
                                                                                                                                    no realisation that a connection with
                                                                                       we work.
   If you value efficiency, expertise and quality results                                Simply being out in nature awakens
                                                                                                                                    nature can help them to better realise
                                                                                                                                    their potential as humans, or that
           Contact us today on 027 634 7596                                            a part of many of us that has gone           modern civilization is mounting an
            2035 Kumara Junction Highway
                                                                                       dormant from living around artificial        unprecedented assault on the natural
                                                                                       lights, the noise of civilization, the       world.
                                                                                       demands of daily life, and a lack of wide-     In these cases, exposure to the natural
                                                                                       open spaces.                                 world can help to create an emotional
                                                                                         Our commitment is to run                   identification with the land that can
                                                                                       unforgettable hiking trips, and those are    motivate day-to-day action on behalf of
                                                                                       important words to us.                       the places we love.

        Proud to work alongside local
        businesses and bring local news
        to your door for over 155 years
        CONGRATULATIONS to all the Finalists on
        your outstanding achievements . . .
        There has never been a better time to
        celebrate business excellence, as our
        community along with the rest of the world has
        been faced with challenging times.

        You have all done exceptionally well and
        we wish you all the very best for the awards

        Greymouth Star
        Ph 03 769 7900
        Advertising enquiries:

                                                                                        Specialists in;
    Coastal Health, your
    private primary health                                                              Civil Construction
    provider also offers . . .                                                          Road Maintenance
    Our Occupational Health Services are
    advertised only via word of mouth.                                                  Surfacing Solutions
    Our ability to deliver quality health services, either at
    the clinic or worksite is reflected in the growing number
    of companies requesting our services to ensure their
    staff and wellbeing is priority. Services include, clinical
    exam and history, audiology and education, spirometry,
    immunisation status, musculoskeletal, visual acuity, drug
    screening, ergonomics, PPE checks and board reports.
                                                                                        Proud to Support our workplace health
                                                                                        provider, providing us great service in health
                                                                                        monitoring, precautionary treatments and
                                                 CHi Appearance is a new and            acute services when required.
                                                 exciting addition to Coastal Health.
                                                 It offers cosmetic injectables and     Keep up the Good Work Coastal Health and
                                                 services by a Nurse Practitioner
                                                 along with being stockists of          Good Luck for the upcoming Awards Evening!
                                                 Skincare Rx products.

                                                                                        For information on our civil capabilities
               We’re Proud to be a Finalist in the Leading Lights                       - Driveway construction and surfacing       - Commercial and residential subdivisions
                                                                                        - Civil roading and maintenance             - Rural construction
     We believe in building partnerships and trust,                                     - Quality aggregate and landscape product
     in a safe and professional environment.

     03 768 5942                                                                        Fulton Hogan West Coast
                                                                                        208 Main South Road.
                                                                                        Greymouth •
                                                                                        Phone 03 768 7880
I saac Wo r kp lac e Well b eing Award                                                                     Finalists
      Isaac Construction, Liddell    restoration wildlife habitat,
    Contracting and Simcox           covering 1100 hectares of
    Construction are all part        land on the outskirts of
    of the Isaac Group of            Christchurch. The facility
    companies, offering a wide
                                     is home to a number of
    array of civil construction
                                     species including; Kakī (Black
    and infrastructure services.
    We do it for the right reasons   Stilt), Pāteke (Brown Teal),
    and exist to sustain one         Kākāriki Karaka (Orange
    of New Zealand’s longest         Fronted Parakeet), Tūturuatu
    established conservation         (Shore Plover), and Whio
    trusts. We have over 70          (Blue Duck). Our vision at
    years’ experience in civil       Liddell Contracting is to
    construction, operating
                                     continually upskill our staff
    throughout the South
                                     and demonstrate our civil
    Island. Conservation and the
    protection of endangered         structures capability across
    species has seen the creation    the wider South Island; whilst
    of Peacock Springs, a unique     maintaining our homebase
    and world leading quarry         on the West Coast.

  WestReef Services Ltd is the largest civil construction company
in the Buller District. Established in 1996, WestReef is now a
Council Controlled Trading Organisation (CCTO). Our key purpose
is to make a profit for the benefit of ratepayers and the wider
community. WestReef is a key employer in the district, providing
stable, responsible employment, with a focus on the wellbeing
and development of staff. Over the past six years, we have shown
consistent growth in revenue, profitability and staff numbers, while
supporting the community across five key department - roading/
civil works, parks and reserves maintenance, services/utilities
management, environmental projects, mechanical workshop.

 Jeff Evans Limited
                                                                                                           Jeff Evans Limited
                                                                                                             With over 33 years’ experience
                                                                                                           in providing services on the West
                                                                                                           Coast to residential, commercial,
                                                                                                           and rural customers, we have the
                                                                                                           knowledge and skills to get the
                                                                                                           job done to the highest standards.
                                                                                                           Our experienced team are here to
                                                                                                           help and offer friendly advice on
                                                                                                           all types of products and services
                                                                                                           from new bathroom fixtures, home
                                                                                                           heating, hot water systems and
                                                                                                           spa pools right through to offering
                                                                                                           design advice for new effluent
                                                                                                           systems, repairing, or replacing
                                                                                                           a dairy shed and designing and
                                                                                                           building your new home or
                                                                                                           commercial premises and so much

Coastal Health Limited               amongst the team have grown.
                                                                                Coastal Health Directors
                                     The different personalities are
  The Coastal Health team prides
                                     enjoyed and often extend outside
itself on offering a supportive,
                                     the work place.”
flexible and community focused
                                       Coastal Health’s success is not
work environment that results in
                                     just the Directors’ successes but
a very low turnover in staff.
                                     all staff.
  Coastal Health is a women
                                       No-one likes being sick and
owned and operated business
                                     putting pressure on others.
and, with the occasional
exception, it has an all-female      However, flexibility within staff to
staff.                                 cover others and their workload
  “Our greatest strength as          during periods of illness, either
women is our camaraderie. It         of themselves or family members,
means sharing knowledge and          is something the business pride
opportunities, being empathetic      ourselves on.
and supporting each other. We          Directors ensure staff know
recognize our staff ’s strengths     and are aware they are valued.
and offer flexibility within the     “We often reinforce this with
business for them to build on        gestures of acknowledgment of
those. Productivity is enhanced      birthdays, anniversaries, personal
by the opportunities and             achievements work and non-work
support provided by our peers        related and just when they have
and the company. Friendships         had a busy week.”
T he G reat J o u rneys o f N ew Z ealand COVI D
H er o Award     Finalists
                                                                                                  Waiho Hot Tubs, Franz Josef Glacier                          spinoff of providing something positive for
       Great Journeys of New                    have audio commentary with                                                                                     the community to feel ownership of at a time
     Zealand proudly operates                   local stories and fun facts, and                   The creation of Waiho Hot Tubs was a                        when things were feeling a bit negative.”
                                                an onboard licensed café for                      response to COVID-19. With two other
     iconic scenic trains throughout
                                                those feeling peckish.                            businesses in Franz Josef, having to batten
     both the North and the South                                                                                                                               Waiho Hot Tubs, Franz Josef Glacier
                                                                                                  down the hatches during the first lockdown
     Islands. From journeys with the              The TranzAlpine is a great                      was tough and could have been a very
     views of active volcanoes and              way to experience both West                       negative journey for Adam Haugh.
     breath-taking Pacific Coast to             Coast and Christchurch. For                        “Franz Josef ’s isolation creates a special
     the world-famous TranzAlpine,              those that want a little more,                    community spirit and strong interdependence
     we have something for                      check out our package options,                    between businesses. We need each other to be
     everyone.                                  that include accommodation                        successful in order to succeed ourselves.” Adam
      A memorable journey is                    and activities to complete your                   took the brave decision to start something
     guaranteed on all our services,            trip away. Also, we’ve been                       new and something that would support other
     thanks to comfortable seats,               working on new travel options,                    struggling businesses, not just his own.
                                                keep an eye out for our new                        “One of the satisfactions of Waiho has been
     panoramic windows, and an
                                                experiences coming soon!                          able to create work for other people who
     open-air viewing carriage,
     offering the best views! We                             call Franz home. The project has also had the

                                                                                                             Franz Josef Wilderness Tours                      Franz Josef Wilderness Tours
Rainforest Retreat                                  Rainforest Retreat
                                                                                                                                                                 Kayak, cruise or fish with Franz Josef
                                                      Nestled amongst the Southern Alps,                                                                       Wilderness Tours on Lake Mapourika. A family
                                                    close to Franz Josef Glacier and countless                                                                 owned and operated business offering guided
                                                    other scenic spots, the Rainforest Retreat                                                                 kayak tours, scenic boat cruises and fishing
                                                    is the perfect base to explore New                                                                         charters on the stunning mirror lake in Franz
                                                    Zealand’s Glacier Country and the wild                                                                     Josef. Kayak, cruise or fish with Franz Josef
                                                    West Coast. With our accommodation                                                                         Wilderness Tours on Lake Mapourika. Dale &
                                                    ranging from flashpackers, to motels, all                                                                  his team of knowledgeable guides will show
                                                    the way up to 5* Deluxe units, there is                                                                    you the glacier region from new perspectives
                                                    truly something for every preference and                                                                   on an engaging tour experience you won’t
                                                    budget. Following a day of adventuring,                                                                    forget – especially as you receive our signature
                                                    our onsite Monsoon restaurant and bar is                                                                   free photographs after each tour. Fish for
                                                    the perfect space to wind down and relax.                                                                  Salmon or Brown trout, or enjoy a guided walk
                                                    Guests can cosy up next to open log fires,                                                                 on our exclusive rainforest trail through the
                                                    whilst enjoying some tasty homecooked                                                                      Okarito Kiwi Sanctuary. There is a tour option
                                                    meals and delicious cold beverages.                                                                        for everyone!

                                                      KAYAK, CRUISE OR FISH
                                                       ON LAKE MAPOURIKA
                                                                                                                                                 Just the
                                                                                                                                                two of us      Perfect for a romantic break or mini get away to
                                                                                                                                                               Franz Josef Glacier
                                                                                                                                             SOAk STAy         Soak – Treat yourself to a rejuvenating hour long soak
                                                                                                                                             And dInE          in the new fresh water, wood fired Waiho Hot Tubs
                                                                                                                                                               Dine – Enjoy the flavours of SnakeBite Brewery with a
                                                                                                                                                               $50 food & beverage voucher to share
                                                                                                                                                               Slumber – Stay at the central village Bella Vista Motel
                                                                                                                                                               From just $229 for two

                                                                                                                                              GIFT              Soak in the luxury of your private Waiho Hot Tub,
                                                                                                                                                                nestled amongst a lush rainforest setting in the Franz
                                                                                                                                            VOUCHER’S           Josef Glacier village.
                                                                                                                                            AVAILABLE           Your tubs submerged wood burner keeps you in
                                                                                                                                                                control of the temperature of the fresh, mountain
                                                                                                                                                                stream water during your experience.
                                                                                                                                                                The relaxation factor of this all-weather experience
                                                                                                                                                                can be further enhanced by adding epsom salts and
                                                                                                                                                                beautiful NZ hydrosols to your water.

                       KAYAK, CRUISE OR FISH WITH US ON THE BEAUTIFUL LAKE MAPOURIKA.                                                       the whoLe fAMILY     A family escape designed for two adults and two
       Franz Josef Wilderness Tours is a family owned and operated business, offering guided kayak tours,                                                        children
      paddle boards, boat cruises and Fishing Charters. Mirror-like morning reflections and guided walking                                  FAmILy SOAk,         Soak – Treat your family to a refreshing
      through a kiwi sanctuary are at your finger tips with our team of friendly and knowledgeable guides.                                   STAy & dInE         1 hour soak in the new fresh water, wood fired
                                                                                                                                                                 Waiho Hot Tubs
                                                                                                                                                                 Dine – Enjoy the flavours of SnakeBite Brewery

                                                                                                                                                                 with a $100 voucher to share

                                                                                                 o be
                                                                                                                                                                 Slumber – Stay at the central village Bella Vista Motel
                                                                                         Proud t !                                                               From just $425 for a family of four

                        Contact 0800 423 262

                                                                          | 03 752 0009 | Open daily from 2.30pm till sunset.
                                                                                                                                          Our tubs fill fast book today!
D e part m ent o f C o nservati o n S u stainab ility
Award     Finalists
                                                                         Okarito Kayaks                                  Okarito Kayaks
    The Department of                   recognise the contribution
  Conservation (DOC) is                 businesses and organisations       Okarito Kayaks is a small, family-run kayak
  delighted to once again               make to the Coast while          service, deeply invested throughout the
  sponsor the Leading Light                                              last thirty years in supporting our backyard
                                        demonstrating respect for the
  Business Excellence Awards.                                            – our local community, and the stunning
                                        environment in which they
  In 2022 DOC is sponsoring                                              natural environment that sustains us.
  the Sustainability Award.                                                Last year, Okarito Kayaks started the
  This recognises businesses             “It’s great to see so many      GorseBusters project, as a positive
  or organisations that                 businesses thinking about        response to Covid, and to look after the
  demonstrate how their                 their environmental footprint    place that looks after us.
  products, services, strategies        and the difference they            We initally hoped to muster a few
  or initiatives are helping            can make”, DOC West Coast        mates to clear gorse around the edge of
  to reduce impacts on the                                               Okarito Lagoon. With great support from
                                        Director Operations Mark
  environment and improve                                                across the West Coast, and all of NZ, the
                                        Davies says. “This is an ideal
  long-term sustainability.                                              project took on broader aims; to energise
                                        opportunity to reward that
                                                                         the local community to do something
   The award provides DOC               effort and initiative. Well      positive out of adversity; enhance our
  with an opportunity to                done to all finalists.”          regions reputation for looking after for it’s
                                                                         backyard; and to do some real, tangible
                                                                         environmental good for the stunning place
 Ribbonwood Retreat Bed and Breakfast                                    we call home.
                                                                           We’re hugely grateful for all the support
                                                                         we got from across the Coast to make that
                                                                         happen - so we’ll keep at it.
                                                                           Our aim is leave our backyard –
                                                                         community and environment – better than
                                                                         we found it; GorseBusters and the work it
                                                                         contributes will be part of that legacy and
                                                                         at the core of our business in the future.

Ribbonwood Retreat Bed and Breakfast                                         Okarito Kayaks
  Ribbonwood Retreat is a boutique accommodation provider set
near Franz Josef. We have a strong environmental ethos at our Bed
and Breakfast and have been involved with a range of sustainability
initiatives including planting five hundred trees on the property,
carbon reduction initiatives, and (environmental) volunteer
community projects. During Covid, we have obtained the Qualmark
Silver sustainability award and are aiming for Gold in the coming
year. Despite the downturn in visitor numbers, we have made the
most of this time to improve our systems, strategic planning and
learning new skills.

 Ribbonwood Retreat Bed and Breakfast

                                                                                                               Paparoa Guided Walks
                                                                                                                 Emotional identification with the land is often the first step
                                                                                                               toward conservation, but it's not enough to simply love a
                                                                                                               place; effective environmental reform also requires scientific,
                                                                                                               legal, and political know-how.
                                                                                                                 Because of this, it is imperative that citizen activists and non-
                                                                                                               governmental organisations hold government and businesses
                                                                                                               accountable for their actions.
                                                                                                                 We must, as stewards of our children's and grandchildren's
                                                                                                               planet, be willing to protect what is left of the Earth's natural
                                                                                                               resources and wild places.
                                                                                                                 It is our dream at Paparoa Guided Walks that these special
                                                                                                               places will be preserved and cherished by many generations
                                                                                                               to come.
                                                                                                                 We must, as stewards of our children's and grandchildren's
                                                                                                               planet, be willing to protect what is left of the Earth's natural
                                                                                                               resources and wild places.
                                                                                                                 It is our dream at Paparoa Guided Walks that these special
                                                                                                               places will be preserved and cherished by many generations
                                                                                                               to come.
MC & G u est s p eaker                                                       Feat u re
                                                                             MC                                               Stephen’s career with the ANZ Bank spans
                                                                                                                              over 40 years and a variety of roles. The
                                                                             S te p h e n C au nt e r                         majority of his career has been dedicated
                                                                                                                              to working with business customers and
                                                                             Stephen’s motto is enthusiasm,                   helping them with the issues they face.
                                                                             entertainment and knowledge. Ask him what        Since 2006, he has travelled the South
                                                                             his job is and he will tell you “storyteller”.   Island presenting over 1000 workshops and
                                                                             These attributes make Stephen a highly           seminars to over 9000 participants. He is also
                                                                             successful facilitator of the ANZ Business       well regarded as a conference speaker. More
                                                                             Training workshops. These workshops cover        recently now the champion of the webinar!!
                                                                             a range of business topics and are designed
                                                                             to help the attendees run more successful        Outside of work Stephen is interested
                                                                             businesses.                                      in all kinds of sports, a rugby referee, fly
                                                                                                                              fisherman, whitebaiter and when time
                                                                             Stephen is particularly passionate about         permits turns his hand to restoring vintage
                                                                             the topics of Networking, Marketing and          machinery.
                                                                             Customer Service.

G UE ST SPEA KER                      the coast of Antarctica to the South
                                      Pole. You may also recognise Kevin as
Ke vin Biggar                         the co-host of the TVNZ series ‘First
                                      Crossings’ and ‘Intrepid NZ’ recreating
Ever thought that you can’t do it?    the adventures of pioneering NZ
Kevin Biggar will have you thinking   explorers. A little like Bear Grylls but
again!                                wearing a waistcoat!

Kevin was a couch potato when he      Now a full-time speaker, Kevin talks
decided to take part in the 5,000km   about techniques to take on, and
trans-Atlantic rowing race. He then   persevere through, big, audacious
went on to achieve a much tougher     challenges. You’ll be riveted by his
challenge - the first ever kiwi to    rollicking, outrageous story and leave
complete an unsupported trek from     with a fresh perspective on your own

                                                                           Fi nal ist
                                                                           Vi deos
                                                                             The major prize for category finalists of the
                                                                           Leading Light Business Excellence Awards is
                                                                           the opportunity to have a promotional video
                                                                           made of their business by Dave Kwant of Vision
                                                                             Dave has been involved in the awards since its
                                                                           beginnings in 2011 and really enjoys visiting all
                                                                           the finalist businesses throughout the region.
                                                                           “Its just great filming a whole variety of West
                                                                           Coast businesses and meeting people who are
                                                                           very proud of their enterprise. I love it. ”
                                                                             Dave’s own reputation as a videographer has
                                                                           also grown during the last 10 years and we feel
                                                                           lucky to still be able topin him down for the
                                                                           five to six weeks it takes for him to film and edit
                                                                           the videos.
                                                                             Helen Wilson, of DWC, says “Dave is a bit of
                                                                           a one man band on site; producer, director,
                                                                           videographer all in one, and he brings out the
                                                                           best in people in front of a camera and there is
                                                                           a real art in that. Feedback from finalists this
                                                                           year confirms that for me. In the glacier region
                                                                           finalists have been models in each other’s
                                                                           video’s which all adds to the fun.”
                                                                             The videos will be screened at the Awards
                                                                           Celebration and are gifted to the businesses
                                                                           after the ceremony.

2016 Leading Light Awards

                            T h e E n t ry an d
                            J u dg i n g Process
                              This was the first time the Leading Light         Here are some brief notes and straight from
                            Business Excellence Awards have used an            the heart:
                            online entry form and we acknowledge the           • Please use spell checker!
                            assistance and guidance we received by our         • Have someone else read it for “readability”.
                            counterparts over the hill at Enterprise North     • There was a mixed bag in terms of the
                            Canterbury who introduced us to Jotform. It          insight that the two photos gave to the
                            certainly made the judging process easier –          business from nil to great.
                            and more environmentally friendly!                 • The use of the word “strive” was consistent
                              Our Round One judges were from all over            across many entries, this is a substitute for
                            NZ and were sourced from our Sponsor                 “try” as opposed to we “will” or “we do”.
                            organisations (apart from those with               • Give more examples of your great work
                            conflicts) and two of DWC’s retired Advisory         in action. Sometimes I was left with the
                            Body members, both of whom could be                  feeling of being amazed but wondering if
                            described as highly respected business               it really happened, and
                            leaders.                                           • Stick to the word limits!
                              Some of our judges gave up time over the
                            best of our summer weather to read and               The financial section I placed less weight
2016 Leading Light Awards
                            assess the entries. We are very thankful for       on due to the impact of Covid. So there was
                            their efforts.                                     a relatively level playing field for being a
                              After Round One the process this year            financially successful business as opposed
                            rested with our Chief Judge, Stephen Caunter       to having turnover decimated by the impact
                            from ANZ. Stephen started from scratch with        of covid and still being in business. Both are
                            all the Finalists entries and over a two - three   very credible outcomes.
                            week period started choosing our winners.            It was a pleasure to see all the amazing
                            Finally, this year, Stephen will be able to        things you are doing, thank you for taking
                            make it to our Awards Ceremony, and as a           the time to enter the
                            special bonus we are really honoured to have       awards, well done
                            him demonstrate one of his other talents, as       on becoming a
                            our MC.                                            finalist.
                                                                                 To the award
                            Som e n ot es from ou r                            winners my
                            Ch i e f J u dg e, St e ph e n                     congratulations.
                            Cau n t e r

                             The standard of entries was in the main
                            high and the task of rating one above
                            another was more challenging this year than
                            ever before.

                        T han k yo u to all o f
                            o u r s p o ns o rs

Platinum Sponsor

Gold Sponsors

Guest Speaker Sponsor              Guest Speaker Travel Sponsor

Chief Judge Sponsor

Product Sponsors

B u s i n e s s e xc e l l e n c e Awa r d s 2 0 2 2

  2022 Awards
   Ce re mony

      May 20                                                2022
  at the West Coast Events Centre at Shantytown
              Put it i n your diari es now!

                                                                   2018 Leading Light Awards
                                                                  to grow
                                                                 the coast

              to all the finalists - we wish you all
                the best for the Awards evening.

Phone:       03 769 7000       1st Floor, Brunner House
freephone:   0800 768 0140     54 Tainui St, Greymouth - Mawhera 7805
email:   PO Box 451, Greymouth - Mawhera 7840

      Development West Coast is your first point of
            contact for business assistance
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