BUSINESS BELONG TO WIN! - Greater Charlottetown Area | Chamber of Commerce

Page created by Evelyn Mills
BUSINESS BELONG TO WIN! - Greater Charlottetown Area | Chamber of Commerce
Voice of

                         RENEW YOUR MEMBERSHIP
                            BY MARCH 15TH FOR
                           YOUR CHANCE TO WIN!
BUSINESS BELONG TO WIN! - Greater Charlottetown Area | Chamber of Commerce
BUSINESS BELONG TO WIN! - Greater Charlottetown Area | Chamber of Commerce
2016-17 BOARD OF DIRECTORS                                                                                 FEATURES IN THIS ISSUE
                                                                                                PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE                                                                 4

                                                                                                EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR’S UPDATE                                                         4

                                                                                                2017 EVENT LISTING                                                                   5
    Pam Williams                 Rory Francis                  Jennifer Evans
          President               1st Vice President             2nd Vice President
       COX & PALMER            PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND         OCEAN 100 / HOT 105.5               CHAMBER NEWS                                                                         8
                                   BIO ALLIANCE

                                                                                                NEW MEMBERS                                                                       10

                                                                                                MEMBERSHIP ISSUE                                                            12
                                                                                                It Pays to Belong!
     Blair Corkum                Wendy Drake                     Penny Walsh
   Vice President Finance           Past President                 McGuire
                                  MRSB CONSULTING                Executive Director             BELONG TO WIN!                                                                   24
                                      GROUP                           GCACC

B OAR D o f DI R ECTO R S                                                                       ISLAND ADVANCE UPDATE                                                            25

                                                                                                EXCELLENCE AWARDS WINNERS                                                        26

                                                                                                PEI CONNECTORS UPDATE                                                             27
 Nazmi Lawen             Adam Runge              Steven Loggie           Darcy MacNeill
      LTD.                 SERVICES              COMPANY LTD.
                                                                                                B2B EXPO RECAP                                                                   28

                                                                                                NOVEMBER MIXER                                                                    31

                                                                                                MEMBER NEWS                                                                      32
 Aaron Stavert            Dawn Binns              Jeff Murphy           Matthew McMillan
                       MARKETING STUDIO           PHARMACIES           SMITH & ASSOCIATES
                                                                                                JA NEWS / BENEFIT FACTS                                                          34

                                          Greater Charlottetown Area Chamber of Commerce
                                          P.O. Box 67, 134 Kent St. Charlottetown, PE C1A 7K2               Communications Committee Magazine Contributors:
                                          Ph: (902) 628-2000 Fax: (902) 368-3570
                                          E-mail:                          Chair:      Wendy Drake, MRSB
                                                                                                                        Carol Horne, Confederation Centre of the Arts
                                                                                                                        Rose Fitzpatrick, PEI BioAlliance               @GCACCbuzz            CharlottetownChamber                                   Michael Wasnidge, Upstreet Craft Brewery
                                                                                                                        Brett Poirier, Island Storm Basketball
Publisher: Greater Charlottetown Area Chamber of Commerce                                                               Megan McMillan, Hotel on Pownal
Design:    Results Marketing & Advertising                                                                  Staff:      Penny Walsh McGuire, GCACC, Sheryl MacAulay, GCACC
Printing: KKP Design & Print Centre                                                                                     Madelyn Deveau, GCACC, Lori Mayne, Guest Contributor

Chamber Voice of Business magazine makes no warranties of any kind, written or implied, regarding the contents of this magazine and expressly disclaims any warranty regarding
the accuracy or reliability of information contained herein. The views contained in this magazine are those of the writers and advertisers; they do not necessarily reflect the views of
the Greater Charlottetown Area Chamber of Commerce.

            W W W. C H AR LOT T ET O W N C H A M B E R . C O M                              @GCACCBUZZ                          C H AR LOT T ETOW N C H A M B E R                   3
BUSINESS BELONG TO WIN! - Greater Charlottetown Area | Chamber of Commerce
President’s Message

                     As we kick off 2017, the Chamber will be          • Did you know all members can access cost savings
                     launching its annual membership cam-                through the Save with Esso Gas Card Program, UPS,
                     paign. We recognize that our member-                Grand & Toy, and others and can also access the Canadian
                     ship base is crucial to allow us to fulfill         Chamber Group Health Plan?
                     our mandate of fostering a vibrant busi-
                     ness community. We also recognize that            • Did you know that you can contact the Chamber with con-
                     although our members have different rea-            cerns about the business community or share some excit-
sons for joining the Chamber, in the end, we all come together           ing news about your business for our web, print and social
to create and belong to an organization that is a collective voice       media platforms?
for the business community, offers network-building events,
provides cost-saving benefits and services, and celebrates the         • Did you know the Chamber offers valuable education ses-
success of our membership.                                               sions for free or at a reduced cost?

During this year’s campaign, we recognize all members —                • Did you know you can offer promotions to other chamber
whether they are new to the Chamber or have been loyal sup-              members through our “Member to Member” program?
porters of many years. We want to encourage new members to
join so they can experience the sense of belonging and commu-         If you want more details around membership, I invite you to
nity that membership creates. In particular, we hope to build on      contact me or any of the staff at the Chamber.
our future by growing our student membership with UPEI and
Holland College. We also encourage our loyal members to do a          Spoiler Alert — Soon our list of membership benefits will expand
refresh on why they belong and consider how they can get more         to include Business After Hour socials! Stay tuned for details.
out of their membership.

 • Did you know as a new member you get significant name
   recognition with print, radio and the Chamber’s social
   media?                                                             Pam Williams, President

                             Executive Director’s Update

                    Happy New Year! We’re pleased to pres-            The year 2017 promises to be an exciting one, as we reflect on
                    ent the membership issue and a new                and move into the final year of the Greater Charlottetown Area
                    look for the Chamber magazine now titled          Chamber of Commerce’s 2014-2017 Strategic Plan focused on
                    “The Voice of Business”. The first issue          Fostering a Vibrant Business Community. We encourage our
                    of 2017, and unsurprisingly, one of our           members to complete our annual survey (issued in December)
                    favourite issues to put together features         which helps form these strategic priorities, but know that we
                    ten member businesses that have made              welcome feedback from our members year round.
the Chamber part of their business plan for ten years or more.
                                                                      Thank you for your continued support of the Chamber as mem-
With the launch of the 2017 membership campaign, we’re                bers, volunteers, sponsors and partners. As Canada marks its
excited to launch our “Belong to Win!” program. Members who           150th anniversary, we look forward to working with you to make
renew their membership by March 15th will be entered for their        2017 a great year for business in PEI.
chance to win ten weeks of prizes valued at over $10,000.
A huge thank you to our prize partners featured on page 24.
Prize draws start the week of January 16th so don't forget to
renew early for more chances to win!
                                                                      Penny Walsh McGuire, Executive Director

 4     T h e    V o i c e   o f   B u s i n e s s       WINTER 2017
BUSINESS BELONG TO WIN! - Greater Charlottetown Area | Chamber of Commerce
        EVENT Listing
                                                           LUNCH AND LEARN
                                                               Best practices for collections
                                                               of accounts receivables
                                                               Presented by Krista Walsh
                                                               Thursday, January 26, 2017
                                                               Noon – 1:00 PM
                                                               Location: GCACC Boardroom

JANUARY                                                    CORPORATE CURLING BONSPIEL
BUSINESS AFTER HOURS                                           Friday, February 17, 2017
  Thursday, January 19, 2017                                   10:00 AM – 5:00 PM
  4:30 PM – 6:30 PM                                            Location: Charlottetown Curling Complex
  Host & Location: Hop Yard                                    Sponsored by Olde Dublin Pub
  Sponsored by MRSB Group

FEBRUARY                                                   ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING &
BUSINESS AFTER HOURS                                       PRESIDENT’S ANNUAL LUNCHEON
                                                               Date TBC
  Thursday, February 23, 2017
                                                               10:30 AM – 1:30 PM
  4:30 PM – 6:30 PM
                                                               Location: Delta Prince Edward Hotel
  Host & Location: Rodd Charlottetown
  Sponsored by MRSB Group
                                                           12TH ANNUAL BIZ 2 BIZ EXPO
MARCH                                                          Thursday, October 19, 2017
BUSINESS AFTER HOURS                                           12:00 PM – 6:00 PM
  Thursday, March 16, 2017                                     Location: Eastlink Centre
  4:30 PM – 6:30 PM
  Host & Location: The Pourhouse
  Sponsored by MRSB Group                                  2017 PRESIDENT’S
                                                           EXCELLENCE AWARDS
APRIL                                                          Wednesday, November 15, 2017
                                                               6:00 PM – 9:30 PM
BUSINESS AFTER HOURS                                           Location: Delta Prince Edward Hotel
  Thursday, April 20, 2017
  4:30 PM – 6:30 PM
  Host: The Confederation Centre of the Arts
  Location: The Mack
                                                           2017 PRESIDENT’S
  Sponsored by MRSB Group                                  HOLIDAY RECEPTION
                                                               Wednesday, December 6, 2017
                                                               5:00 PM – 7:00 PM
                                                               Location: Confederation Centre of the Arts

    W W W. C H AR LOT T ET O W N C H A M B E R . C O M   @GCACCBUZZ          C H AR LOT T ETOW N C H A M B E R   5
BUSINESS BELONG TO WIN! - Greater Charlottetown Area | Chamber of Commerce
     G E T T O K N O W T H E G R E AT E R C H A R LO T T E T O W N A R E A C H A M B E R
               OF COMMERCE 2016-17 BOARD OF DIRECTORS

               Matt McMillan                                             Darcy MacNeill
                Matt McMillan is a senior manager with                   Darcy MacNeill founded Earthform out
                the firm of MacPherson Roche Smith.                      of his backyard a few years after grad-
                He graduated from St. Francis Xavier                     uating from UPEI Business. What start-
                University with a Bachelor of Business                   ed out as a lawn-leveling and seeding
                Degree and a major in Accounting in                      business has quickly evolved into a
2008 and received his Chartered Accountant desig-        backyard transformation business. His clients have
nation in 2011. He began his career at MacPherson        been able to experience such things as basic walkways
Roche Smith in 2008 and has provided accounting,         and gardens to fire features, outdoor kitchens and
auditing, taxation, advisory and managerial services     spas. Recently, the business has added pool-building
to both owner-managed and non-profit organizations.      to complete the “outdoor experience.”

Matt is actively involved in the community, having       Earthform and its garden centre are located in Stratford,
coached local sports teams. He is also a volunteer       where the company’s dedicated team is based and
committee member of the CBDC Urban Seed Capital          constantly innovating, training and finding better meth-
Program. Matt is an avid fly fisherman and golfer.       ods to serve clients. Darcy lives in Charlottetown with
He resides in Charlottetown with his wife, Stephanie     his wife, Jill, and three boys.

                  Holiday Reception

BUSINESS BELONG TO WIN! - Greater Charlottetown Area | Chamber of Commerce
New name. Refreshed look.
Renowned local spirit!
Canada’s Birthplace has a new place for groups to call home                                                   
when you’re in town. Welcome to the Charlottetown Inn &
Conference Centre. Now more than ever, enjoy the authentic
local experience that makes our city so special.

•   FREE Hot Breakfast               •   Baggage Service
•   FREE Parking, incl’g Coaches     •   6,000 sq ft of Conference Space
•   FREE Wi-Fi                       •   Fitness Centre
•   FREE local calls                 •   Heated Indoor Pool
•   37-inch HDTV’s                   * Book between December 1, 2016 and January 31, 2017 for
                                       stays from December 1, 2016 to April 30, 2017. Minimum
                                       10 guestrooms. Blackouts and restrictions may apply.

    Introductory Room Rate                                                                             for more information, call:

                                    that’s up to
            from           /night   20% Off !

9 ANNUAL CORPORATE                                                                              FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 2017
                                                                                                CHARLOTTETOWN CURLING COMPLEX
CURLING                                                                                         10:00 AM TO 5:00 PM

BONSPIEL                                                                                           TITLE SPONSOR

                                                             902-628-2000 EXT 226
BUSINESS BELONG TO WIN! - Greater Charlottetown Area | Chamber of Commerce
CHAMBER AMBASSADOR PROGRAM                                                       CHAMBER ANNOUNCES STUDENT
RE-LAUNCHED!                                                                     ENTREPRENEURSHIP AWARD
                                                                                 SPONSORED BY AIR CANADA
The popular Chamber Ambassador Program has been
re-launched! The Ambassador Program, sponsored by                                The Greater Charlottetown Area Chamber of Commerce
Blair Corkum Financial Planning, is designed to assist new                       has launched a new Student Entrepreneurship Award
Chamber members by encouraging their active participa-                           as part of its efforts to celebrate and support entrepre-
tion in Chamber activities. Our ambassadors initiate intro-                      neurship in the province. This one-time $1,000 award is
ductions and facilitate networking for new and potential                         sponsored by Air Canada and will be presented to a post-
members to enhance their business opportunities.                                 secondary student who both resides on the Island during
                                                                                 the academic year and operates a business here.

                                                                                 The award reflects the Chamber’s commitment to spark
                                                                                 economic growth in P.E.I. by promoting and supporting
                                                                                 entrepreneurship through the Island Advance initiative. In
                                                                                 line with this commitment, the Student Entrepreneurship
                                                                                 Award winner will also receive mentorship support from
Back Row, from left, Kerry Anne MacDougall, Mike Thomas, Matthew Crockett
and Ashlee London. Front Row, from left, Kay Doherty, Wendy MacIntyre, Peter     the business community and a one-year complimentary
Mullins, Julia Cui, Jodi Nutbrown and Li Yuan Ma.
                                                                                 membership from the Chamber.

                 WELCOME, MADELYN!
              Madelyn joined our team in October as the
              marketing and communications coordina-
              tor with Island Advance. Madelyn recently
graduated from Mount Saint Vincent University with a
Bachelor’s in Public Relations, accompanied by three co-
operative work terms. She is excited to contribute to the
Chamber and Island Advance by implementing communi-
cations and social media strategies, assisting in content
development, and coordinating events. Get in touch with
Madelyn at to dis-
cuss upcoming projects or events — she is always looking
                                                                                 Kim Reddin, Centum Mortgage Partners Inc, was the winner of two economy
for the next good news story to share!                                           class, round-trip tickets from Air Canada at the President’s Excellence Awards
                                                                                 on November 2, 2016. All proceeds from the draw of the Air Canada tickets go
                 WELCOME, SHERYL!                                                to the Chamber’s new Student Entrepreneur Award. Presenting tickets are Susan
                                                                                 Grant with Air Canada and Chamber President, Pam Williams.

              Sheryl joins the Chamber team with a unique
              background in policy, communications and                           CHAMBER SUBMITS LETTER ON NEW
              public outreach. Her love of working with                          MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT ACT
others is what drives her “members-first” approach in
her role as policy and communications manager. She                               In late October, the Greater Charlottetown Area Chamber
recently completed her Masters in Leadership from Acadia                         submitted a letter to PEI’s Department of Communities,
University and enjoys staying active in the community                            Land and Environment as part of that department’s
through various volunteer roles. If you want to share your                       Municipal Government Act consultation. In the letter, the
thoughts on policy issues related to your business, please                       Chamber acknowledged the new Municipal Government
don’t hesitate to reach out to Sheryl — she loves discussing                     Act contains many elements which will positively impact
current events and how they impact Chamber members.                              interactions between the Provincial Government and

  8      T h e     V o i c e      o f    B u s i n e s s           WINTER 2017
BUSINESS BELONG TO WIN! - Greater Charlottetown Area | Chamber of Commerce
The Chamber also recognized changes which will increase          VOICE OF BUSINESS IN ACTION -
responsibility and accountability on the part of municipali-     RECENT MEETINGS & ACTIVITIES
ties as a positive development. It acknowledged that due
to these changes, PEI municipalities will be faced with          OCTOBER
financial implications. As a result, it was re-iterated that
issues associated with the current Provincial-Municipal          • Executive Director, Penny Walsh McGuire spoke as a wit-
funding agreement must be resolved. The Chamber                    ness to the House of Commons Standing Committee on
offered three guiding principles to which municipal fund-          Finance as part of the federal government’s 2017 pre-
ing should be based on:                                            budget consultations. Recommendations were raised
                                                                   around: entrepreneur development; immigration and
1. Funding should realistically reflect expenditure needs          skills development; federal support for the Charlottetown
   and service demand;                                             Airport; and financial and physical infrastructure for proj-
                                                                   ects that support innovation and commercialization.
2. Funding should be formula-driven to provide the degree
   of certainty required for multi-year planning; and            • Executive Director, Penny Walsh McGuire spoke as a
                                                                   witness to the Standing Committee on Government
3. Larger municipalities should be required to adopt pro-          Operations & Estimates
   vincial standards of performance measurement.                   on the future of Canada
CLIMATE CHANGE MITIGATION                                        NOVEMBER
                                                                 • GCACC submitted a let-
In November, the Greater Charlottetown Area Chamber                ter to the Province of
submitted a response to the provincial government’s pro-           PEI’s Department of
posed Climate Change Mitigation Strategy. In its response,         Communities, Land and
the Chamber recommended that the provincial govern-                Environment in response
ment:                                                              to Recommendations
                                                                   for the Development of
- Conduct a comprehensive cost-benefit analysis                    a 2016 Climate Change
  of proposed actions;                                             Mitigation Strategy.

- Focus first on energy efficiency as the least expensive        DECEMBER                       Penny Walsh McGuire, GCACC Executive
  way to reduce emissions;                                                                      Director, MP Wayne Easter, Chair of the
                                                                                                Standing Committee on Finance, and Ron
                                                                 • The Chamber released         Keefe, Duffy BioScience Fund/ Island
- Practice caution by not developing an abundance of               a statement welcoming
                                                                                                Advance Advisory Board Chair.
  small programs which have the potential to create an             the latest PISA results
  increased administrative burden, with limited gains in           that show improved educational outcomes for Island
  emissions reductions;                                            students in the areas of math, reading and science. In
                                                                   the statement, the Chamber reaffirmed its position that
- Not endorse the creation of an independent efficiency
                                                                   excellence in education is a key pillar in building a strong
  utility, given that many of the technologies and adminis-
                                                                   Island economy, robust workforce, and fostering the
  trative capacities may already exist within government.
                                                                   development of youth entrepreneurship.
The response also addressed the inevitability of carbon
                                                                 • Chamber Board Members met with the Provincial
pricing. It suggested that a carbon tax would be best for
                                                                   Education Minister, Doug Currie to discuss the lat-
Prince Edward Island and its overall economic prosperity,
                                                                   est PISA results and educational priorities for the PEI
provided funds collected through such a tax offset busi-
                                                                   Department of Education and Early Learning.
ness and personal taxes. Such recommendations would
result in a hybrid system that offsets some personal and
business tax and also introduces a select few proven,
cost-effective government mitigation programs.

        W W W. C H AR LOT T ET O W N C H A M B E R . C O M     @GCACCBUZZ              C H AR LOT T ETOW N C H A M B E R           9
BUSINESS BELONG TO WIN! - Greater Charlottetown Area | Chamber of Commerce

DR. EDMOND GHIABI, PERIODONTIST                                  ITANG TRADING INC.                                              TOTAL GREEN EAST
Contact: Dr. Edmond Ghiabi                                       Contact: Hui Tang                                               Contact: Venessa Backman
Tel: (902) 894-5100                                              Tel: (902) 388-8306                                             Tel: (902) 326-9059
Email:                                    Email:                                        Email:
Website:                                  Facebook: ITANG Chinese Doll                                    Website:

Dr. Edmond Ghiabi Periodontist is a specialty dental prac-       iTang Trading Inc., as the only authorized general agent        Total Green East – Eastern Canada’s leading distributor
tice in Charlottetown, specializing in treating diseases of      of Beijing Tang Ren Fang Culture Development Co., Ltd.          of all-natural, effective and safe cleaning and disinfecting
the gums and the supporting structures of the teeth. A fun-      in Canada, mainly focuses on propagating and selling the        formulas. Our revolutionary Naturama products are 100
damental component of a healthy dentition, healthy gums          Chinese doll “Tangwawa” and related cultural products,          percent plant-based, fully biodegradable, safe for people,
will help increase the longevity of natural teeth. Using state   which is a kind of traditional silk handicraft designed by a    pets and the planet. We offer household cleaners, indus-
of the art technology, we offer our patients long term and       China intangible cultural heritage technique called “Beijing    trial degreasers, specialty marine/RV cleaning products
clinically proven dental care in a compassionate and caring      Juanren”. We will also use this Chinese dolls as a medium       and more! Naturama’s formulas are safe for direct release
manner. We take our patients’ dental health seriously.           to introduce the Chinese culture, promote more cultural         into waterways, non-flammable, non-caustic and hypo-
                                                                 convergence and advance the communication between               allergenic. Naturama is approved by the Environmental
                                                                 cultures.                                                       Protection Agency (EPA) and recognized worldwide for its
                                                                                                                                 purity, quality and exceptional cleaning power.

Contact: Stephen He
Tel: (902) 330-0510                                              GREAT ORIENT CANADA LTD/DENISE’S
http:                                    JEWELLERY                                                       WELLVOO TECHNOLOGIES LTD
                                                                 Contact: Chenchen Xu                                            Contact: Hawkins Wang
                                                                 Tel: (902) 388-7275                                             Tel: (902) 330-6886
Kirin Holidays Inc. was established in June 2016. We under-                                                                      Email:
stand that each customer has unique inquiries, objectives        Website:                                 Website:
and expectations for travel plans. What we do is provide the
most suitable customized tour route to satisfy their needs.      We focus on jewellery made of freshwater cultured pearls        We import innovative new designs manufactured in
We specialize in customized tours in PEI and other eastern       which are farmed and created using freshwater mussels.          Shenzhen China, making these high quality products avail-
Canadian provinces. Our areas of expertise include pro-          China is the largest exporter of freshwater cultured pearls     able in North America. Because we have direct contact with
grams to suit individual needs, small group tours, cruises,      worldwide. We have reliable and excellent suppliers in          manufacturers we are able to offer unique products that
photographic travel, road trips, packages and business           China to supply high quality, unique designed but affordable    might otherwise be unavailable, and are able to offer great
receptions.                                                      freshwater pearls. Our products can be worn by ladies in all    pricing. We offer reasonably priced consumer electronics
                                                                 ages and in their everyday life, and can witness the precious   such as, computer and smart phone accessories, Bluetooth
                                                                 moments in life as well.                                        speakers, headsets, and power banks. Enjoy life, Enjoy

Contact: Laird Ferguson, President
Tel: (902) 218-5973
                                                                 AVEC MAMAN STUDIOS
                                                                 Contact: Melanie Morin                                          STONE BRIDGE GROUP INTERNATIONAL INC.
                                                                 Tel: (902) 314-3679                                             Contact: Jianhoug Yoo
                                                                 Email:                                Tel: (902) 367-5210
Remote Vision provides an aerial inspection and mapping          Website:                                Email:
service to infrastructure owners. We collect aerial images                                                                       Website:
with a drone and through our partnership with the University     Avec maman Studio is a unique and creative photography
of New Brunswick those images are delivered on a user-           studio where YOU can be the photographer. Each room             Stone Bridge is located in Charlottetown, specializing in
friendly, web-based delivery platform so users can easily        offers a variety of sets and backdrops suitable for children,   working/safety gloves. With cooperation of manufacturing
complete their visual inspection. We can also generate 2D        families, and professionals. You can also enjoy the profes-     partners in China, we are able to offer large variety of work-
and 3D models from the aerial images to provide quick            sional services of our talented photographer Hayeon Baek.       ing/ safety gloves from general daily usage to cut-resistant,
spatial data. Our goal is help infrastructure owners manage      Inquire about our headshot sessions for corporate groups,       water-proof and chemical-resistant. We also provide cus-
their assets efficiently.                                        or bring your family in for memorable family photos.            tom orders, with special needs, upon request.

      New Members' Program Media Partners

 10        T h e        V o i c e         o f     B u s i n e s s            WINTER 2017

GLOBAL SHOW LOGISTICS INC.                                       THE HOPYARD                                                      NORTON ARTS
Contact: Michael Ling                                            Contact: Brett Hogan                                             Contact: Robert Norton
Tel: 902 676-2421                                                Tel: (902) 367-2599                                              Tel: (902) 978-1738
Email:                                     Email:                                      Email:
Website:                                                                                                      Website:
                                                                 HopYard Beer Bar, Beer Food Vinyl. Try a different type
Global Show Logistics Inc. provides shipping and cus-            of dining experience on Prince Edward Island. HopYard            From prevention to escalation and resolution, Norton Arts
toms logistic services to event and exhibition organizers,       features 10 craft beer taps that are constantly rotating. An     provides a practical and comprehensive approach to man-
associations, stand builders and exhibitors for tradeshows       amazing food menu that changes every two weeks focusing          aging conflict. We cover all aspects of conflict from verbal
and conference around the world. Organizes shipments via         on shareable dishes. And the best part... our music system       to physical and are P.E.I's #1 source for self-defence educa-
ocean, air and truck to and from any point on the planet to      is an old school record player. Be your own DJ and pick from     tion. We provide tailored programs to suit your needs. So,
tradeshows and events including all documentation and            our 600+ record collection.                                      from individuals to families, schools to workplace environ-
customs clearance procedures no matter where your mate-                                                                           ments, we have we covered. Norton Arts is a mobile-based
rial needs to be.                                                                                                                 company that serves all of P.E.I.

                                                                 BERNARD MACPHEE HEALTH
                                                                 AND SAFETY SERVICES
PEI JIAWAN TECHNOLOGY INC.                                       Bernard MacPhee Health And Safety Services                       EVERYA LTD.
Contact: Qi Yao                                                  Contact: Bernard MacPhee                                         Contact: Gary Liu
Tel: 1-902-316-0872                                              Tel: (902) 314-9339                                              Tel: (902) 388-6629
Email:                                          Email:                                  Email:
Website:                                           Website:                                          Website:

PEI Jiawan Technology Inc. is a professional technology          With over 28 years of experience in Occupational Health and      Everya Ltd. is a company providing products, services and
supporter for your business. We specialize in services such      Safety, our goal is to educate employers and employees in        integrated solutions for customers and clients in marine
as website design, commercial email establish and mobile         all industries on the duties that each are responsible for,      and offshore engineering projects as well as in oil, gas,
apps development. With experienced technical personnel;          to keep a compliant, safe and productive work place. This        electricity, construction and other related industries. The
we promise reasonable prices, short production time and          includes practical and classroom training for the equipment      company has been in successful and sustainable coop-
satisfactory after-sales service to customers. If you run        and safety protective gear, as well as a written test. We will   eration with many professional shipyards and well-known
your business at a higher level and have your own website,       help you in the development of your Occupational Health          companies in mainland China and seeking more coopera-
don’t hesitate to contact us at any time. It’s our pleasure to   and Safety (OHS) programs, Hazard Identification and Risk        tion with enterprises in Northern American countries.
take your business online!.                                      Assessment in the work place. We are a mobile business
                                                                 that delivers consulting in OHS, training and safety products
                                                                 right to your door across Prince Edward Island.

GIGIGU EZFAMILY TECHNOLOGY & TRADE LTD.                                                                                           Contact: Geoffrey Xie
Contact: Ally Guo                                                                                                                 Tel: (902) 213-2498
Tel: (902) 394 3852                                                                                                               Email:
                                                                 STRATFORD SELF STORAGE LTD                                       Website:
                                                                 Contact: M. Ghandar
                                                                 Tel: (902) 629-1551
                                                                                                                                  Lipax focuses on lithium-ion battery systems, development,
                                                                 Email: is an e-commerce platform, with goals to help         Website:
                                                                                                                                  design, manufacture and service. We offer excellent safety,
newcomers to settle in PEI with professional experience                                                                           reliability, high performance, long life battery systems and
sharing. With 1650+ followers already gained, and a part-        Island owned and operated Stratford Self Storage is one of       related products and services – from electric vehicles,
nership with PEI Chinese Association & PEI Newcomers             the most respected and recommended storage companies             large-scale energy storage systems, marine back up power
Association, with large office space for hosting events,         with over a decade of experience in residential and business     systems, portable appliances, gardening tools and more.
GIGIGU is aiming to serve as not only an online platform         storage. We have been helping families and companies like
but also a community center to serve and give back to the        yours move from one residence to another. Stratford Self
local community.                                                 Storage has the experience, knowledge and resources in
                                                                 storage that will exceed your expectation.

     New Members' Program Media Partners

              W W W. C H AR LOT T ET O W N C H A M B E R . C O M                               @GCACCBUZZ                         C H AR LOT T ETOW N C H A M B E R                       11
                     ince 1887, the Greater Charlottetown Area Chamber of
                     Commerce has been promoting a positive business cli-
                     mate and playing an instrumental role in the econom-
                     ic success and growth of the greater Charlottetown
      area. Today, the Chamber still serves as the voice of business for
      close to 1,000 businesses that belong to this supportive network.

It Pays to Belong!
      In this issue, we’re pleased to feature 10 members who’ve made
      the Greater Charlottetown Area Chamber of Commerce part of
      their business plan for 10 years or more! From small businesses
      to large-scale manufacturing, from franchises to non-profits,
      our members share their stories of growth, challenges and suc-
      cess and how they make the most of belonging to the Chamber.

      A special thanks to these long-standing members and the many
      others who support the Chamber and the business community
      year round!

12   T h e   V o i c e   o f   B u s i n e s s   WINTER 2017
Written by Carol Horne,
GCACC Communications Committee

Some things never change. When Charlottetown Metal
Products (CMP) opened its doors in the 1950s, their basic
business philosophy was to provide the food-processing
industry with innovative stainless steel equipment and unsur-
passed quality and service. That same business model con-
tinues to propel growth at CMP.

Since then, however, the business has undergone a huge
expansion in terms of scale and scope. In the last eight
years alone, CMP has tripled in size, and its 90 employees
now provide custom food-processing equipment to a vast
international market, including far-flung countries like China,
India, Australia, Chile and Argentina. The company still serves
regional food-processing giants such as Cavendish Farms
and McCain Foods, and fully 95 percent of the output is
exported to clients outside of Atlantic Canada.

"Being a Chamber member allows
      us to play a role in the community."
Company president Steve Kelley points out that sometimes
success is predicated on a challenge: “With the collapse of
the ground fishery in the 1990s, CMP was forced to diversify,
moving into the manufacture of shellfish-processing equip-
ment and then potato processing, and later fruit, pork, beef
and poultry. That successful transition depended on a clear
vision and direction, but the key was — and continues to be
— our talented team of design engineers and a workforce
committed to high quality.”

CMP has been a member of the Greater Charlottetown Area
Chamber of Commerce since 2002. “Being a Chamber mem-
ber allows us to play a role in the community,” says Kelley.
“Plus we can take advantage of member benefits such as the
provision of international trade documentation services and
networking opportunities.”

“To be successful an entrepreneur must take the long-term
view,” says Kelley. “A commitment to developing and main-
taining a talented workforce has allowed us to continue the
innovation, quality and level of service that keeps CMP at the
forefront of our industry.”


Written by Lori Mayne
GCACC Guest Contributor

After Tammy Roach became general manager of Brown’s
Volkswagen, she added snow pants and mukluks to her

That’s because clearing snow from 200 vehicles poses one
of the biggest challenges for a car dealership in winter.

“I wouldn’t ask my staff to do what I wouldn’t do,” Roach

With the whole team involved, snow-clearing can become
teambuilding. Staff sometimes enjoys coffee or muffins — or
even a quick snowball fight — during the process.

“You have to make fun where you can,” Roach says.                 As the dealership continues to grow, Roach says Chamber
                                                                  membership provides a number of benefits. She appreciates
Jamie Brown purchased the dealership 12 years ago; it now         having an organization that seeks input on policies and lob-
has 29 staff and a satellite location in Kensington.              bies for changes that help small business. “The Chamber is
                                                                  that group of people backing you.”

“The Chamber is the group                                         She says the Chamber also keeps the community well

      of people backing you.”
                                                                  informed about new businesses. “To grow the P.E.I. economy
                                                                  we need to increase small business to employ more people
                                                                  and give us the opportunity to buy on P.E.I.”

“We’re doing something right if we’re growing,” Roach says.       What is her best business advice? When making decisions,
She suggests one of the company’s biggest highlights is           she tries to consider the perspectives of her staff and cus-
yet to come: opening a new facility on Sherwood Road in           tomers.
February. The impressive glass structure will more than
double the space to 24,000 square feet.                           “I always put myself in their shoes.”

 14    T h e   V o i c e   o f   B u s i n e s s    WINTER 2017
      JOE DOW                                                          Written by Brett Poirier,
                                                                       GCACC Communications Committee

Longevity is something Joseph Dow prides his business on. Dow’s
Fashions has been a staple in PEI’s clothing industry for over 50
years. Known for its medium to high-end clothing and accessories,
the Dow`s Fashions has been around for decades with no signs of

“We try to be unique and cutting edge with our inventory. I think
our customers expect that," said Dow. Joe credits many factors
to his business’ success, but one in particular is what the Greater
Charlottetown Area Chamber of Commence did for his industry
many years ago.

Over a decade ago the chamber lobbied the provincial government
to eliminate all provincial sales tax on clothing.

“They offer good resources to their
members, in my case, great resources.
            I’m really happy to be a member.”
“It actually works," Dow stated, “The move even attracts off-Island
business. I have customers coming from all over the Maritimes
just to buy clothing.”

The PST, which at the time was 10 percent, made quite a difference
on a big purchase.

“People would buy big ticket items and automatically save 10 per
cent just by buying it on the Island versus another province. It was

He credits that initiative to a major sales boost he sustained for
many years until the Island adopted the HST.

As a member with 10-years plus experience, Dow recommends
the Chamber for any new business trying to make it on the Island.

“They offer good resources to their members, in my case, great
resources. I’m really happy to be a member.”

                  KEVIN GALLANT
                     Written by Madelyn Deveau,
                     GCACC Communications Committee

                     The Hennessey Cutcliffe Charlottetown Funeral Home has been
                     known for its exceptional reputation in the funeral profession in
                     Prince Edward Island for over a century. The original Hennessey
                     Funeral Home was founded in the 1880s by a humble cabinet-
                     maker turned casket-maker. Eventually, the casket-making
                     business became so successful that he was able to expand into
                     an undertaking business, with the very first horse-drawn hearse
                     on the Island. Today, the funeral home, located in the beautiful
                     Owen-Aitken heritage building on Longworth Avenue, gets its
                     name from three previously independent funeral homes now
                     combined into one.

                     Today’s owner, Kevin Gallant, from Rustico, purchased the
                     Hennessey Cutcliffe Charlottetown Funeral Home five years
                     ago. Gallant has 20 years of experience in the funeral services
                     business — experience that began at Moase Funeral Home in
                     Summerside in 1987. Over the years, Gallant has learned the
                     importance of being compassionate and understanding as a
                     businessperson, especially in his line of work.

               “We take care of our families first,
               and the business follows.”
                     “It’s a different type of business,” says Gallant. “We not only
                     provide our funeral services and facilities, but we also accom-
                     modate families and offer support for them during these dif-
                     ficult times.”

                     In addition to standard facilities services, the Hennessey
                     Cutcliffe Charlottetown Funeral Home delivers a post-funeral
                     support program for those who have lost loved ones. The
                     program is designed to help families cope with grief and move
                     forward in their lives. As a business owner who specializes in
                     providing support for others, Gallant appreciates the support he
                     receives from the Chamber and its members in the community.

                     Gallant upholds Hennessey Cutcliffe Charlottetown’s “Tradition
                     of Caring” with a simple philosophy: “We take care of our fami-
                     lies first, and the business follows.”

   MICHELLE VAIL                                                                    Written by Mikey Wasnidge,
                                                                                    GCACC Communications Committee

Michelle Vail is perhaps a perfect example of a quiet success        Years of experience and dedication to her customers has
story. Her business, The Cocoon Spa in Charlottetown has been        earned Michelle a strong reputation in the industry and she has
operating for nearly 20 years and the best part: she still wakes     no plans to slow down anytime soon. This past summer she
up every day excited to do what she loves!                           opened a seasonal location in Cavendish and has big plans for
                                                                     the future.
Michelle broke into the world of esthetics early in her career and
quickly realized that the impact her work had on clients was         "I love my profession and after 25 years I feel so blessed that
more than skin deep.                                                 I have my experiences to share with those around me. I am just
                                                                     getting warmed up."
“Most people see esthetics as a superficial type of profession,
but for me it has always been about the change that happens
within,” says Michelle.

She works alongside her husband David, who is a registered
massage therapist and laser technician. The two of them have
been long-time Chamber members and have always appreci-
ated the networking opportunities that it creates.

“Back around the year 2000, Harvey MacKinnon walked through
my doors and taught my front desk girl how to sell him a prod-
uct and invited me to my first Chamber mixer. So I guess in
the beginning I joined because Harvey suggested it would be a
good idea, and he was right! I am still a Chamber member now
because of the people I have met and the opportunities it has
given me.”

       “I am still a Chamber member
       now because of the people
       I have met and the opportunities
       it has given me.”

Written by Lori Mayne,
GCACC Guest Contributor

When Don Leary heads to work, he wants to spend the day in
the middle of a grocery aisle.

“I love being out on the floor and face-to-face with custom-
ers,” says the owner and operator of Leary’s Your Independent
Grocer. “In a small community, you get to know everybody.”

The grocery store has been located in the Cornwall Plaza since
1991. Leary began operating the store in 2003, buying it in 2005.
The business employs 35 staff and operates independently as a
franchise in the Loblaw’s chain.

Leary underlines the community focus of his business –
whether he’s serving his neighbours in the store or supporting          “People notice the sticker on
local programs, such as the school breakfast program or town
events, outside his doors.
                                                                        the door, and it gives them
                                                                        a good feeling about who’s
“I see it as a responsibility for a business operator to give back
to the community when they can, and I think customers appre-
                                                                        operating the business.”
ciate that.”
                                                                        “It means a lot when a customer sees that you are committed
According to Leary, a successful entrepreneur needs dedication          enough to your community to join the Chamber of Commerce,”
to both the business and its employees.                                 he explains. “People notice that sticker on the door, and it gives
                                                                        them a good feeling about who’s operating the business.”
“If I look after my staff, they’ll look after my customer.”
                                                                        Leary says he also benefits from the Chamber’s advocacy work
He also says that Chamber membership adds to the commu-                 and its efforts to provide key business information.
nity focus of his business.
                                                                        “You can tap into the collective wisdom of the membership.”

 18    T h e    V o i c e    o f   B u s i n e s s        WINTER 2017
Written by Lori Mayne,
GCACC Guest Contributor

Imagine climbing high in the trees with just a few ropes lin-
ing your path.

That might sound like an exciting or terrifying prospect. But
Roxanne Carter-Thompson knows it can change a life.

“Think about the times you have increased confidence in
yourself,” she explains. “It’s probably been because you have
taken a risk.”

Carter-Thompson is executive director of the Adventure
Group, a non-profit that uses adventure-based programs to
help people break negative cycles in their lives.

“Our learning is very much about taking people through
experiences that allow them an opportunity for self-discov-

Take the ropes course. Climbing through the trees, a young
woman overcomes her fears and the challenges of the
climb, while learning to problem-solve and accept help
from others. In the process, she experiences the euphoria
of accomplishment and the confidence boost to tackle
obstacles in her own life.

                                                                “One Chamber member
In this way, The Adventure Group helps people address
the root causes of addiction, abuse, broken relationships,
reliance on financial assistance, or other issues. Carter-           will help another
Thompson says the programming works because partici-
pants are encouraged to reflect on their lives and take posi-
                                                                        Chamber member.”
tive steps for themselves.

“We challenge them — why can’t they reach their dreams?”

The Adventure Group will mark its 25th anniversary in 2017.
The non-profit operates with Carter-Thompson plus two
full-time and one part-time contract staff. The Chamber has
helped the organization boost its profile and gain valuable
support from the business community.

“If we said that we were a Chamber member, we felt
that established credibility in the community,” explains
Carter-Thompson. “One Chamber member will help another
Chamber member.”

Written by Lori Mayne,
GCACC Guest Contributor

Bert Weir enjoys life in the moment — and he wants to help
customers do the same.

“Life is something that we take for granted,” says the entrepre-
neur. “Why wait for tomorrow, when you can live for today?”

That philosophy helps explain the genesis of Live for Today
Pools, Spas and Saunas.

“By far, the best investment
                I ever made.”
Weir co-owns the Stratford company with his wife, Virginia. The
business started in their home garage in 2003. Now, it operates
from a storefront on Myrtle Street and employs three to 11
people, depending on the season.

Weir takes pride that the business helps people find a pool, hot
tub or sauna within their budget. “People work so hard that
they’re making their backyards their castle, their playground,”
he says.

He credits customer service for the success of his company,
which serves clients throughout the Maritimes. He emphasizes
that customers have a short season to use a pool, so he makes
it top priority to handle service calls quickly.

“If somebody is very happy with you, they will refer you,” he

In Weir’s opinion, a successful entrepreneur needs to prepare
for some long days and learning. “What you put into it is what
you’re going to get out of it,” he says. “Work hard. Take risks.
And don’t be shy in asking for ideas.”

Joining the Chamber represented an important step in that
regard. Membership gave Weir the chance to network, gain
valuable information and bounce ideas off other entrepreneurs.
“By far, the best investment I ever made.”

20     T h e   V o i c e   o f   B u s i n e s s      WINTER 2017
             Written by Megan McMillan,
             GCACC Communications Committee

             From working with at-risk youth to managing the family busi-
             ness to real estate, Mary Jane Webster’s career hasn’t exactly
             followed a straight path. One consistency along the way,
             though, has been her desire to help others succeed, which is
             what Webster most enjoys about her current role as owner/
             broker at RE/MAX Charlottetown.

             “Seeing a member of my team achieve their goal and knowing
             it happened under this umbrella is incredibly rewarding. No one
             here works for me. They are all entrepreneurs — I’m here to help
             them grow their business.”

             “It’s just so important to
                  engage with your peers.”
             For the past 20 years, the RE/MAX office has been a part of
             the Miracle Home Program, where a percentage of every sale
             is donated to the Children’s Miracle Network. This is something
             that has continued since Webster assumed ownership. Another
             way Webster stays connected with the community is through
             her Chamber membership.

             “It’s just so important to engage with your peers,” Webster says.
             “I think after more than 10 years with the Chamber, what I value
             most about my membership is the opportunity it provides to
             work on your business without being in your business.”

             A self-proclaimed serial entrepreneur, Webster has incredible
             insight into what it takes to own and operate a business.

             “You have to be the sort of person who’s always looking for the
             next mountain to climb.”

             Persistence also comes in handy, as Webster describes the
             two-year journey of asking the previous owner to buy until they
             were ready to sell her the business.

             Looking back on this, Webster can’t help but laugh: “I guess
             when it comes to entrepreneurship; a hint of crazy doesn’t hurt

Written by Rose Fitzpatrick,
GCACC Communications Committee

With the Christmas season just past, Hearts and Flowers Inc.,
owners and operators, Alan and Janet Preston, were busy keep-
ing pace with orders — not only for this special season, but for
the happy and sad occasions of everyday life.

“There are a lot of things about this business I’ve really enjoyed
over the years, but it’s our customers mostly. They are the nic-
est people in the world — kind and thoughtful, buying gifts for
others,” says Alan Preston.

“We benefit greatly from
the reasonable health-care
rates and insurance under
our Chamber plan.”
While the number of stores and employees has fluctuated
over the past 30 years for the veteran Chamber of Commerce
member, Hearts and Flowers now operates one store on Great
George Street in downtown Charlottetown. Preston says quality
product and personable staff providing great customer service
make the difference in business.

“In a small business, you need to be directly involved. You need
to be accessible and conscientious, and you can express your-
self through your business.”

Preston says the market has changed since he began operat-
ing the company’s three original stores (one at the then-Char-
lottetown Mall, CP Hotel, and the current location in downtown
Charlottetown), with online marketing being one of the most
significant changes.

“It’s terrific. Customers can see pictures of what they want
online. We are more in control and independent with our web-
site and direct marketing,” says Preston.

Hearts and Flowers orders product from all over the world, but        As a member for many years, Preston says the Chamber is
buys as much local and Canadian product as possible. Preston          the voice of his company and many other small family-run
says the Chamber has been valuable in guiding them through            businesses just like his. “We also benefit greatly from the rea-
border issues and rules related to HST, and providing important       sonable health-care rates and insurance under our Chamber
contacts required for doing cross-border trade.                       plan,” he says.

 22    T h e    V o i c e   o f   B u s i n e s s       WINTER 2017
  T H E         V O I C E            O F          B U S I N E S S             S I N C E             1 8 8 7

                                           We work to inform,
                                         educate, and advocate
                                       on your behalf. Gain a say
                                        in what happens through
                                             our chambers
   Member                                   advocacy efforts!
     Only                                                                    Build and strengthen your
  Discounts                                                                   business network with
                                                                                over 950 members and
  Take advantage                                                                  50 events each year
                                                                                   designed to help build
  of real cost savings
 for your business                                                                  your business and
                                                                                     attract new clients.

 Growth                               BENEFITS                                      Learning
Through Chamber
 programs such as Island                                                            Enjoy free workshops
  Advance and PEI                                                                       and learning
  Connectors we are                                                                     opportunities.
   working to build a vibrant
    business community
     now and in the future.
                                    Stand out and get noticed as an
                                   active member of your community.
                                       Increase exposure through
                                        Chamber on-line business
                                        directory, member news,
                                          E-News, social media
                                        platforms and magazine.

  Kay Doherty                            National Bank Tower
  Membership Services Manager            134 Kent St, Suite 230, PO Box 67
                                         Charlottetown, PE C1A 7K2
  902-628-2000 ext. 229 / Cell 902-629-9783 
     W W W. C H AR LOT T ET O W N C H A M B E R . C O M      @GCACCBUZZ
                                                                                    @GCACCBUZZ        CHARLOTTETOWNCHAMBER
                                                                                C H AR LOT T ETOW N C H A M B E R      23
Belong to Win!
        by March 15th for your chance to win one of 10 prize packages
        with a total value of
                                                                      MORE THAN $10,000.
        Draws take place each week starting January 16th so join or renew early for more chances to WIN!

                                                                                                             STRIKE IT BIG WITH

                                                                                                   WEEK 2
                                     ROAD WARRIOR PACKAGE
                                     Esso Gas Cards and Hotel Gift Cards
                                                                                                             THE STAFF PACKAGE
                                     Presented by Esso and DP Murphy Inc                                     Staff Party with Munchies & Bowling
                                                                                                             Presented by The Alley

                                     DESIGN & PRINT PACKAGE                                                  SHOP AND RELAX PACKAGE

                                                                                                   WEEK 4
                                     Take Your Marketing to the                                              Confederation Court Mall Gift Certificates,
                                     Next Level with the Experts                                             Couples Massage at Grand Senses Spa, and
                                     Presented by Results Marketing and KKP                                  one night at the Holman Grand Hotel along
                                                                                                             with dinner at the Red Water Rustic Grill.

                                     FLEX YOUR MARKETING                                                     Presented by Confederation Court Mall, Holman Grand,
                                                                                                             Redwater Rustic Grille and Grand Senses
                                     MUSCLE PACKAGE
                                     Get Noticed with a Full Color                                           WAKE UP & GET ACTIVE PACKAGE
                                                                                                   WEEK 6

                                     Premium Flex Ad in The Guardian
                                                                                                             Keurig Coffee Maker and Coffee will wake
                                     Presented by The Guardian                                               you up and the pros at Atlantic Fitness
                                                                                                             Centre will help you get active with two
                                                                                                             Corporate Memberships!
                                     BE A RADIO STAR PACKAGE
                                                                                                             Presented by Grand & Toy & Atlantic Fitness Centre
                                     Voice your own radio commercial
                                     and let your message be heard!
                                     Presented by Ocean 100/Hot 105.5                                        STRIKE A POSE AND
                                                                                                   WEEK 8

                                                                                                             FRAME IT UP PACKAGE
                                     SHOW BIZ PACKAGE                                                        Let Louise Vessey work her magic in a
                                                                                                             one hour photo shoot and frame up your
                                     Pre-theatre dining at John Brown’s Grill                                very own video with Confound Films.
                                     followed by the Confederation’s Centre’s
                                     hot summer show- Million Dollar Quartet!                                Presented by Vessey Studio & Confound Films
                                     Presented by Confederation Centre of the Arts
                                     & John Brown’s Grill                                                    CHAMBER BUSINESS
                                                                                                   WEEK 10

                                                                                                             BUILDER PACKAGE
                                                                                                             Build your business with a complimentary
                                                                                                             Chamber magazine ad, and an E-news ad.
                                                                                                             Presented by the Greater Charlottetown Area
                                                                                                             Chamber of Commerce

             24                      T h e   V o i c e   o f   B u s i n e s s       WINTER 2017
                                                                                                    @IslandAdvancePE / #MyBizPEI

Eager to build connections and grow P.E.I.’s economy,                    We are happy to host this event, alongside the Greater
more than 550 business-minded Islanders converged at                     Charlottetown Area Chamber of Commerce and PEI
Advancing Island Connections this November. This pre-                    Connectors. Thanks to all who attended Advancing Is-
miere networking forum and trade show highlights the                     land Connections 2016!
three pillars of Island Advance – immigration, entrepre-
neurship and access to private capital – by providing                                         Stay tuned to
a space to connect the newcomer and local business                                            for upcoming events and information.
communities, present business and investment opportu-
nities, and discuss best practices in business.                                               Ron Keefe,
                                                                                              Chair, Island Advance
We would like to thank everyone who helped make the                                           Advisory Board
day a great success. Thank you to the attendees, pan-
elists, presenters who pitched their businesses for sale,
and entrepreneurs who pitched for investment.
                                                                                                          “Creating meaningful
                                                                                                      connections between Island
                                                           “It was a great event! I made               entreprise and our newest
     “We had a "Pitch" table to showcase our              a lot of great new connections,               Islanders is essential for
  flagship Retail Management Software called              both potential clients, potential                a productive future.
  RetailMagic. Our goal was to meet potential              clients, potential investors as                This event catalyzes
      partners and new clients and we were                 well as people who in general              these linkages by facilitating
    delighted with the results. The venue and             really want to see my business                 exploration, interaction,
    layout were excellent. What a great event.            succeed. The atmosphere was                       and transactions."
            Keep up the good work."                        very supportive and the staff
                                                            and volunteers of the event             Blake Doyle,
              Barry Scheik, Scheik Financial                                                        President, Confederation Capital,
                                                          were super helpful. It was very
                                                                                                    Grafton Group and Confederation Partners
                                                                worthwile attending!"
                                                                       Phil MacNevin, LiftMedia

      Title Sponsor              Sponsor          Venue Sponsor            Media Sponsors                   Funding Partners
                                                                                                                     Atlantic Canada   Agence de
                                                                                                                     Opportunities     promotion économique
                                                                                                                     Agency            du Canada atlantique

     W W W. C H AR LOT T ET O W N C H A M B E R . C O M             @GCACCBUZZ                     C H AR LOT T ETOW N C H A M B E R                          25
           2016 FINALISTS                                                                                       TITLE SPONSOR

                                                                                         CONGRATULATIONS TO THE 2016
                                                                                         PRESIDENT’S EXCELLENCE AWARDS
                                                                                         NOMINEES AND FINALISTS!

            Excellence in Business Award                                                                              Excellence in Export Award
                     Cows Inc.                                                                                               DME Group
         Entrepreneur of the Year Award                                                                           Workplace Excellence Award
                  Ray Murphy                                                                                       Murphy Hospitality Group
                 Volunteer of the Year Award                                                                          Excellence in Retail Award
                        Sandy Gillis                                                                                        Moonsnail Ltd.
     Not-for-Profit Excellence Award                                                                      Emerging Business Excellence Award
    Hospice Palliative Care Association                                                                         Upstreet Craft Brewing
         of Prince Edward Island

                           AWARDS OPEN IN FEBRUARY.
   T H A N K                          Y O U                T O             O U R             G E N E R O U S                                   S P O N S O R S !
 Title Sponsor      Not-for-profit Excellence   Export Excellence                     Retail Excellence                      Workplace Excellence        Volunteer Excellence        Emerging Business
                        Award Sponsor           Award Champion                       Award Co-Sponsors                         Award Sponsor                Award Sponsor             Award Sponsor

                                                                                                Entrepreneur of the    Venue / Reception
Silver Sponsor      Newspaper Media Sponsor         Radio Media Sponsors     Print Sponsor      Year Award Sponsor         Sponsor            Excellence in Business Award Sponsor      Wine Sponsor
                        An update from                                 ticipants the opportunity to ask questions to local subject
                                                                       matter experts, and expand their professional networks.
                        PEI Connectors Advisory
                                                                       Clients who participated in three business development
                        Board Chair,                                   bus tours of Prince and Kings counties visited more than
                        Shawn Murphy                                   40 businesses that were for sale or seeking investment.
                                                                       Although each stop was brief, clients enjoyed meeting
                      In addition to one-on-one advisory               with operators, learning about their businesses, and get-
                      services, PEI Connectors offers immi-            ting behind-the-scenes access to their premises. They also
                      grant entrepreneurs and investors a              enjoyed meeting the municipal government officials and
                      wide range of programming to help                business community representatives who welcomed them
them learn about doing business on P.E.I., and integrate               at lunchtime receptions in each region.
into the business community. In 2016, clients participated
in a diverse range of workshops and information sessions
designed to increase their familiarity with the local busi-
ness environment. These half-day sessions covered a va-
riety of topics, from marketing to
human resources, and introduced
them to the various business devel-
opment support services that are

Clients also took part in six-on-six
meetings hosted by our program
sponsors. These sessions gave par-

                     WELCOME, ALI!
                     PEI Connectors announces the appointment of Ali Siadat as interim program officer
                     Ali is from Shiraz, Iran. Prior to immigrating to Canada, he organized inbound tours for international
                     visitors to Iran, opened and managed an educational institute specializing in various academic disci-
                     plines, and served as a business consultant. He also worked for the Iran Broadcasting Organization,
                     where he produced, wrote and hosted several regional and national TV series.

Since moving to P.E.I. five years ago, Ali has become an entrepreneur and an active community member. He was the co-
owner of Lady Saffron Persian Cuisine, which operated out of the Charlottetown Farmers’ Market, and since 2012, he has
worked as the event manager for the P.E.I. Persian Community. He is also a City of Charlottetown Newcomer Ambassador
and a volunteer with the P.E.I. Association for Newcomers to Canada. Ali holds a Bachelor of Electrical Engineering from
Yazd University in Yazd, Iran.

                 Visit to learn more about PEI Connectors.

    F U N D I N G PA R T N E R S                          THANK YOU TO OUR 2016-17 SPONSORS
                                                              Silver Level                                    Bronze Level

                                                                                                Cox   & Palmer
You can also read