Bullitt County Visitor Information Bullitt County Attractions

Page created by Glen Goodwin
Bullitt County Visitor Information

                    Bullitt County Attractions
Located south of Louisville on I-65
Cities: Shep he r ds v i l l e, Brooks, Hil l v i ew, Cle r mo n t, Mt.
Was h i ng to n, Leb a no n J u nc t io n

Exit 121
Hawks View Gallery & Café
Hand-blown Kentuck y crafted glass art, specializing in affordable gifts.
Galler y , gift shop, and free tours of process. Continue watching the process
on the large flat screen, li ve feed monitor while dining in the new Hawk’s
View Café. 1 70 Carter A ve. Louisville KY 402 2 9 Open Tuesda y – Satu rda y ,
10 a.m. to 6p.m. northbernie@alltel.net 502-955-10 10.

Brooks Hill Winery
Mike & Karen Hatzell in vite you to Brooks Hill Winer y located atop Brooks
Hill. From I-65 exit 12 1, take highwa y 152 6 west 2 miles. Brooks Hill
Winer y is on the right and easily identifiable by its distincti ve blue roof.
502-95 7- 78 10

Exit 117
Kart Kountry Go-Cart & Miniature Golf
www.gokartkountr y.com
Family entertain ment at the largest & Longest go-cart track in the countr y .
There is something for ever yone from go-cart riding, to baseball & softball
batting cages, bumper boats, arcade games and mini-golf. Located off I-65 at
Paroquet Springs Dr. Shepherdsville KY 40 165 502-543-9588.
Open 7 da ys a week 10am to 10pm.

Paroquet Springs Conference Centre
A great location for your next conference, meeting, trade show, or social
functions. The Conference Centre is less than 15 minutes South of Louisville
International Airport off I-65. On-site event specialists will assist you to
coordinate ever y detail ensuring a successful function. 395 Paroquet
Springs Dr. Shepherds ville, KY 40 165, Info Number: 1-800-526-2068, 502-
955- 7009.

Sycamore Ridge Farm
e-mail address: sycamoreridgefarm@windstream.net
Sycamore Ridge Farm offers a unique farming experience for young and old
alike. There are man y different facets to the operation of the farm. Rent the
farm for a birthda y part y , wedding, famil y reunion, church acti vit y or
compan y picnic. Alpacas are a major component of Sycamore Ridge Far m
as well. Farm visits and field trips are welcomed, to learn more about these
wonderful animals. Purchase raw or processed fleece and alpaca products at
the farm store. Or shop online on our website. You'll find fantastic alpaca
products for him, her and the home. Contact us to learn more about far m
life at Sycamore Ridge Farm.
Jeff & June Daughert y 725 Wade Road Mt. Washington, KY 4004 7
502-955-2440 www.s ycamoreridgefarm.net

The Bullit t Count y History Museum
Museum@BullittCountyHistory.org. David.Strange@BullittCountyHistory.org.
The Bullitt County History Museum was opened in 2004 as part of a
reju venation of the old count y courthouse. Besides two displa y rooms, the
museum boasts a salt kettle displa y,unique genealogical and historical
research material with a room for your research. We are located in the
front portion of the centur y old courthouse at 300 South Buckman Street in
Shepherdsville, operating hours are 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. weekda ys, except
holidays. Phone 502-92 1-0 16 1. Free.

Knob Creek Gun Range
e-mail address: kennysumner@bellsouth.net
Home of the world famous Knob Creek Militar y Gun Show and Shoot, held
each April and October. Ky. Hw y. 44W, 8 miles west of Shepherdsville.
502-92 2-445 7.

The Old Stone Jail
bullit tcount yhistory@alltel.net
Used from 18 9 1 to 194 7 and still at its original location behind the count y
courthouse, the newly restored Old Stone Jail represents the harshness and
the hu mor of jail life in those da ys. Step inside and look around. Listen to
stories of escape. Tr y out the “sweat box”. Open daily . 502-92 1-0 16 1

Exit 116
Slow Poke Farm
Slow Poke Farm offers a variet y of programs that can interest all ages, from
an open car cruise, scrapbooking, candle light dinners on the patio and to
the artist within offering v arious classes weekly . Reser v ations are required.
89 10 Cedar Gro ve Rd. Shepherdsville, KY 40 165 502-92 1-963 2 .

The Worlds Most Awesome Flea Market
Located right on I-65 about 15 miles south of Louisville, KY. Take exit 1 1 6,
follow signs. Open Saturda y & Sunda y 9 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. 70,000 sq. feet
inside, indoor & outdoor booths, meat market fresh cuts of steaks,
therapeutic back massage booths, exotic birds, solid oak furniture, dinette
sets, tools and much, much more. Call 1-87 7-4A-SPOTT. Steve Gasser

House of Quilts
www.houseofquilts.com info@houseofquilts.com
1 4 2 Buffallo Run Dr. Shepherds ville. 10:00am to 6:00pm Monday thru
Friday , 10:00am to 5:00pm Saturda y , 12 :30pm to 5:00pm Sunda y , 502-
92 1-03 7 9 or toll free 800-836-3 944.

Wight-Meyer Winery
The Wight- Meyer Winer y has it all. From viney ard to tasting room and
covered patio, you can enjoy a relaxing day in beaut y and ambiance; all
while sampling award winning wines.
Con venient to I-65, open April 15 thru October. 502- 92 1-02 6 7

Exit 112
Bernheim Arboretum and Research Forest
(Official State Arboretu m) “Where the forest tells the history of the flora
and fauna of this region of Kentuck y ”. 14,000 acres of wildlife sanctuar y ,
landscaped arboretu m and a new visitor center. It features an open, air y
design combining the latest “green” construction techniques, making it
unlike an y building in the region. Inside are new exhibits for learning
about Bernheim, a gift shop, and a seasonal food ser vice (March through
October). Man y new outdoor exhibits, including a canopy tree walk, scent
and sound mazes, hand-held computer field guides, and new trails and
walkwa ys, provide visitors with man y opportunities to enjoy and learn
about natu re. Picnic Facilities and interpreti ve programs, open dail y 7 a.m.
until one hour before sunset. Saturda y , Sunda y and Holidays, $5 per
vehicle, free during the week. Take I-65 to exit 1 1 2, then one mile east on
KY. Hw y . 245. Call 502-955-851 2.

Jim Beam Distillery – American Outpost/Museum
Free admission. Open Monda y – Satu rda y 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Sunday 1 to
4 p.m. Closed Sunda ys Nov. thru March. Tourist Facilities on grounds.
Museum, Outpost, and video on Beam distilling. Tour the Beam Homestead
and participate in a free tasting. Location in Clermont. Take I-65 to Exit
1 1 2 , then 1 ! miles east on Ky. Hw y . 245 to Happy Hollow Road. Call 502-
543-98 7 7.

Knob State Forest

Operated by the KY Di vision of Forestr y , This 1500 acre forest is open to foot
traffic only. There are hiking trails and small game gun hunting. Deer
hunting is open to bow and cross bow only . All hunting follows KY Fish &
Wildlife seasons. For more information, contact Eric Gracey, KY Di vision of
Forestr y , 502-564-4496 or eric.grace y @mail.state.k y .us

Exit 105
Heartland of Kentucky Decanters and Steins
email address: heartland@decantersandsteins.com
Featured are America’s largest selection of collector decanters and unusual
steins from around the world. Among the memorabilia is a collection of Jim
Beam bottles. Free self-guided tours. Monda y - Satu rda y . 10-5, I-65, Exit
105, Lebanon Junction 40 150. Contact Roy Willis, 502-833-28 2 7.
Coming Soon- New location 14 1 3 Pine Ta v ern Rd. Lebanon Junction. Call
for directions.

Exit 117

Best Western Motel Lounge
Happy Hour 4 to 7 p.m., Open Monday thru Saturda y till midnight with
Karaoke on Tuesday & Thursday . Li ve music Friday and Satu rda y .

Shepherdsville Country Music Show
Web: www.geocities.com/shepherds villecountr y musicshow
Family atmosphere, no smoking, no alcohol
Country Music on Saturdays at 7:30 Open Year Around
Contact, Mar y Reid 502-23 1-554 7, reserv ations, 502-92 1-2 7 3 6, 502-955-
7 4 2 7, 502-543-655 1
Bluegrass Music on Fridays at 8pm; Open October thru Last Frida y in
Contact, C.R. Wilson, 502-23 9-8004
Location: I-65 Exit 1 1 7, Shepherdsville, West on Hw y 44.

Exit 105
Junction Jamboree
Web: thejunctionjamboree.com
Family atmosphere, no smoking, no alcohol
Live Country Music on Saturdays at 7:30 Open Year Around, $8.00 for
adults, $4.00 for children 7- 12, 6 & under free

Contact, Bobby Renfro, - 502-833-0800- reserv ations 502-664- 70 3 1

Points of Interest
Exit 117

Alma Lesch
Historical market on KY Hw y . 44 west of Shepherdsville. A pioneering,
internationally known fiber artist, Lesch (1 9 1 7- 199 9) of Shepherds ville,
Ky., alwa ys had a creati ve surprise up her sleeve. An influential teacher at
the Louisville School of Art and U of L, she recei ved the Kentuck y Governor's
Award for Lifetime Contribution to the Visual Arts in 198 7.

Brashear’s Station
Historical marker on Ky Hw y . 44, east of Shepherdsville. Earl y( 1 7 70’s) fort
to protect the salt works and workers from Indian attack.

Bullitt’s Lick
Located 3 miles northwest of Shepherdsville on Ky. Hw y 44 W. Site of the
oldest industr y west of the Alleghenies – salt production. Discovered in
1 7 7 3 b y Captain Thomas Bullitt. Salt licks were left here from the Ice Age.
Earl y pioneers and explorers followed buffalo trails across the Blue Ridge
Mountains and found man y trails con verged here in Bullitt Count y at these
salt licks.

Lloyd House
Located in Mt. Washington on U.S. Hw y . 3 1E. A 1992 Bicentennial Project,
the home is an 1880 restoration depicting life in Mt. Washington at the
turn of the centur y . For tours call 502-543-4458.

L&N Bridge in Civil War
Destroyed three times by the CSA. Located in Shepherdsville at the Salt
River and Ky. Hw y . 6 1. Believed to ha ve been destroyed b y General John
Hunt Morgan’s men.

Old Stone Bank
Downtown Shepherdsville. Built in 18 30, one of the oldest buildings
remaining in downtown Shepherdsville.

Old Stone Jail
Located behind the Bullitt Count y Courthouse in Shpherdsville. Built in
18 9 1 and used until 194 7. Audio presentation a v ailable.

Pre-Historic Indian Rock Shelters

Located off the Shepherds ville exit on Ky. Hw y. 44E at the KOA
Campground. The natu re trail describes flora. Circa 16,000 B.C.

Woodsdale One-Room Schoolhouse
Free admission. Built in 1808 and originally located in S.E. Bullitt Count y ,
the schoolhouse represents 145 years of continuous teaching. It was restored
and moved in 1985 to its present location beside the Bullitt Count y Board of
Education just east of Shepherdsville. For tours, 502-543-2 2 7 1 .

Exit 112

Belmont Iron Furnace
Located east of I-65 off Ky. Hw y 6 1 at Belmont on Shuffletown Road.
This iron furnace was built in 1884.

Salt River Furnace
The site was located at Bardstown Junction KY Hw y 6 1 and Beech Grove Rd.
Built in 18 3 2, the stone stack was 33 feet high. With charcoal fueling the
process, it produced 700 to 800 tons of castings annuall y .

Mystery Cemetery
On south side of Ky. Hw y . 2 45, just west of Lotus Road. Historical marker is
at top of the shale hill. Fourteen marked gra ves of believe to be Chinese or
itinerant railroad workers who died from the cholera epidemic.

Exit 105

U.S. General William T. Sherman
General Sherman was at Lebanon Junction, Ky. Hw y . 43 4, at the railroad
crossing with 4,000 men in September 18 6 1. Headquarters were made to
secure Muldraugh Hill against an anticipated on-rush of Confederates
heading for Louisville.

For mo re i nfo r m a tio n re g a r di n g Poi nts of In te rest, Co nt a c t Doris O we n a t
t he Bullit t Co u n t y Ge ne a logic al Societ y , P.O. Box 9 6 0 , S hep he rds v ille, KY. ,
4 0 1 6 5 . 5 0 2- 5 3 8- 6 4 2 8 , fa x 5 0 2- 5 3 8- 8 7 4 3 .

             Shopping / Collectibles & Antiques
Exit 121

Hawks View Gallery & Cafe

Original glass Art at it finest. Tour Hawks View and watch as artists create
exquisite glass blown art from start to finish, a fun and educational
experience for all ages. 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday-Saturda y , 502-
955-10 10.

Quill Pen
4 150 Blue Lick Rd. Shepherds ville, open, 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. Monday –
Saturda y , Closed Sunday .
502-95 7-44 7 9.

South Louisville Antique and Toy Mall
4 150-8 East Blue Lick Rd. Louisville, KY.4022 9. Open 6 days, 10am to 6pm
Mon Tue. Closed Wed. 10am to 6pm Thu, Fri, and Sat. Sun 12pm to 6pm.
Winter hours. Close at 5pm Mon, Tue & Thu. 350 dealers, 10,000 square
feet. 502-955-5303

Country Cabin Treasures
1 2 0-D W. Hebron Ln. Shepherdsville, KY. 40 165 2000 square feet of
Antiques and Collectables
502-95 7- 1640

Exit 117

The Salt Box
Local Artisans display and sell their wares in the gift shop located inside the
Paroquet Springs Conference Centre. Open weekdays 8:30am till 5:00pm or
by appointment.
502-543-868 7 for the Conference Centre.
Or the Bullitt Count y Arts Council, Randy Matlow 502-543- 76 75

Bullitt County Stockyards
Ky, Hw y . 6 1, one mile south of Shepherdsv ille. Flea Market, horse tack and
li vestock auction. Hours Friday 6 p.m., Saturda y 7 a.m. 502-543-3852.

Cherokee Flea Market & Antiques
8 10 N. Bardstown Rd., Mt. Washington KY 4004 7, 8:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Monda y-Friday
Closed Saturda y & Sunda y. 502-538-2456.

Covered Wagon Antiques and Collectibles
10 miles East on Bardstown Rd. at 6 1 1 Bardstown Rd. Mt. Washington, 8:00
a.m. 9:00 p.m. Sunda y - Thursda y. 8:00 a.m. 9:30 p.m. Frida y &
Saturda y . 502-538- 7 1 96.

Idle-A-While Studio
80 7 Hw y . 44W, Shepherdsville Open by Appointment. Nati ve American
inspired hand made gifts. 502-543-9 1 3 4.

Mom’s Antiques & Collectibles
Located at 33 3 1 Flat lick Rd. Shepherdsville. Open Wednesday 9:00 a.m. to
4:00 p.m. All other da ys b y appointment. 502-538-6428.

Roundtree’s Antique & Collectibles
2 385 N. Preston, Shepherdsville. Open 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily , 502-92 1-
1 95 7.

Shepherdsville Florist & Collectibles
2 49 South Buckman St. Shepherdsville. Talents featured in F.T.D. Florist
Magazine. 502-543- 7096 or 502-955-832 3.

The Flower Pot Florist & Gifts
495 N. Bardstown Rd. Mt. Washington. Open Monda y 9am -2pm. Tuesda y
thru Friday 9am -5pm. Satu rda y 9am -2pm. 502-538-8 1 1 1 .

Miller’s Antiques
4 7 6C Bardstown Rd. Mt. Washington 502-538-8099

Main Street Market
108 48 Hw y. 44 East Mt. Washington- Open Monda y thru Satu rda y 10am
to 5pm
Outdoor Living & Home Décor.

Exit 116

Lure de Flea
Ky. Hw y . 480. Shepherdsville. Antique Mall hours 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Saturda y and Sunday . 502-543- 765 7.

Sparrow Drive Antique Mall
2 30 Sparrow Dr. Shepherdsville. 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday thru
Saturda y and Sunday 1pm to 5pm 502-543-3 382.
thelmastreasures2003@ y ahoo.com

Quilt Outlet
7 7 2 Cedar Grove Rd. Shepherdsville. 1 1:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Monday to
Friday , 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Satu rda y and Sunday , 502-92 1-03 7 9, 1-
800-83 6-3944.


3 7 6 Zappo’s .com Blvd. Shepherdsville, Cedar Gro ve Business Park.
Tuesday – Saturda y 10am to 6pm. Sunday 1 2pm to 5pm. Zappos 10,000
square foot outlet shoe store carries most name brand shoes and more. All
shoes 50% to 75% off or more. If your st yle or size is not found at the store
you can be sure to find it on their website. Free shipping on all online orders.
502-92 1-4949 for more info. Contact- Tam m y Logsdon.

World's Most Awesome Flea Market
Phone: 502-543- 78 99 ( see attractions )

Exit 105

Heartland of Kentucky Decanters and Steins
Plaza Park Blvd. Lebanon Junction, America’s largest selection of decanter
and steins. 502-833-282 7. Coming Soon New Location 14 1 3 Pine Tavern
Rd. Lebanon Junction. Call for directions.


Hw y 44E, Shepherds ville. Play ground, canoeing, mini-golf, horseshoes,
volleyball, nature walk, Outdoor pool. Adjacent to the Salt River. 502-543-
204 1.

Central KY Canoe & Kayak
www.horizonhoppers.com or www.kycanoe.com phone 502-507-
9364 / 502-345-9220 / horizonhoppers@yahoo.com
Open year-round b y appointment. Memorial Day thru Labor Day open all
weekends. Call for drop locations along the Salt Ri ver or Floyds Fork.

Skating Rinks / Bowling Lanes / Mini Racing

Bullitt East Bowling Center
10880 Ky. Hw y . 44E, Mt. Washington. 502-538-73 7 1 or 502-955-6589.

Frederick’s Bullit t Bowl
4 1 4 1 N. Preston Hw y. Shepherdsville. 502-95 7-2 125.

Suburban Skate-O-Rama
4650 N. Preston Hw y. (Ky. Hw y . 6 1) 502-95 7-589 7.

Bullitt Speedway

1 1554-B Blue Lick Rd. Slot car racing and much more, 5:00 p.m. to 9:00
p.m. Tuesday – Saturda y and Sunda y 2:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. 502-955-

Ball Parks

Bullitt County Parks & Recreation
Soccer, baseball, basketball, four swimming pools. Fi ve field complex. 502-

Shepherdsville Cit y Park
Hw y 44 West, picnic tables and shelter. Basketball, soccer and Baseball
field. 502-543-292 3.

Mt. Washington Cit y Park
Picnic tables and shelters. Lighted tennis and basketball courts, and
baseball/softball fields. 502-538- 792 2. aldky@insightbb.com

Baseball Academy of Kentucky
Indoor baseball training facilit y. Open year-round. 1 1 7 8 2 Hw y 44E Mt.
Washington 4004 7
502-538-8000 www.baseballacadem yofky .com

                   Bullitt County Lakes

Exit 121

Bennett Lake
1 60 9 Knob Creek Road in Brooks. Stocked with catfish and v ariety . Stocked
regularl y . April 1 thru October 1. 502-92 2-903 6.

Childress Lake
Brooks, Exit 12 1
Phone: 502-968-9458

Gilbert’s Lake
Located in Brooks. Trout, bass, catfish, perch, north pike, and channel
catfish. Stocked twice weekly . 502-957- 18 7 3 .

Exit 117

KOA Louisville South Campground

Located at 243 3 K y. Hw y. 44E, Shepherdsville. $3 per person. Salt Ri ver
fishing, daylight hours only . 502-543-204 1 Bob & Helen Simpson,
louis villesouth@koa.net

Boondock’s Grill Pay Lake & Camping 3850 Beech Grove Rd. 502-92 1-
093 7

Exit 112

Lake Nevin
Located at Bernheim Forest on Ky. Hw y . 2 45, Clermont. 502-955-851 2.

For general information about fishing and lakes, call: 502-543-

                 Livery & Sportsman’s Clubs
Exit 121

Jefferson Gun Club
Located on Waterford Road off KY, Hw y . 1 020, Brooks. 502-95 7-466 1.

Exit 117

Jefferson County Sportsman's Club
Location: Exit 1 1 7 , Mt. Washington
Phone: 502-82 1-4440

Bullitt County Coon Hunters Club
Hoagland Hill Rd, Mt. Washington. 502-538-6885.

Chickasaw Archery Club
Pitts Point Rd. Shepherdsville. 502-543-4928.

Knob Creek Gun Club
e-mail address: kennysumner@bellsouth.net
Home of Knob Creek Militar y Gun Show and Shoot, held each April and
October. Ky. Hw y . 44W, 8 miles west of Shepherdsville. 502-92 2-445 7.

Shepherdsville Archery & More
1 2 5 East 2 nd Street, Shepherds ville. 502-957- 1208.

Exit 105

Bullitt County Rod & Gun Club
18 49 Old Boston Rd. Lebanon Junction, 502-833-93 3 3.

                Fishing & Hunting Supplies

Exit 117

Fischer’s Sporting Goods
Hunting and Fishing Supplies – Live bait, Fishing supplies, Guns, Ammo
7 3 5 N. Buckman Street… 502-543-6588

       Golf / Go-Kart Track & Miniature Golf
Exit 121

Maplehurst Golf Course
18–hole golf course, pro shop, cart rental. Group rates on golf outings. Open
year round. Take Bells Mill Road off Ky. Hw y . 6 1. North of Shepherds ville.
502-95 7-3 3 70.

Penn Run Golf Course
18-hole golf course, cart rental, and pro shop. Near intersection of Ky.
Hw ys. 6 1 & 2053. Open year-round. 502-95 7-5940.

The Crossing Golf Course
18-hole, Par 72, championship course. Full service snack bar, cart rental,
covered pa vilion, Meeting rooms, and demo/rental clubs. Open year round.
Take I-65 to Exit 12 1; continue onto Brooks Rd. then to Hw y . 10 20. 502-
95 7-652 3.

L & N Golf Club
18-hole public golf course.
Location: Exit 12 1, Brooks
Phone: 502-95 7-652 3
Hours: Open year round

Exit 116
Heritage Hill Golf Club

New 18 hole championship course designed by former Jack Nicklaus
associate Doug Beach. 7 100 + y ards to test golfers of all abilities. Bent grass
greens, zoysia tees and fairwa ys, locally owned and operated. 502-53 1-
0606 Da ve Kaesheimer

Exit 117

Kart Kountry
www.gokartkountr y.com
Complete game room facilities at the largest go-cart track in the countr y ,
putt putt and batting cages. Open Seven days a week. Shepherdsville, take
I-65 to Exit 1 1 7 west to Paroquet Springs. 502-543-9588.

Exit 105

Knobview Golf Course
9-hole golf course, cart rental, and pro shop. Take I-65 exit 105, north on
Ky. Hw y 6 1. 502-833-2253.

Exit 121

Ramada Inn
1 9 1 Brenton Way , Shepherdsville, KY 40 1 65. 6 whirlpool suites. 8 1 units.
Direct TV. coffee makers, iron/board. Free continental breakfast. high speed
wireless internet: Business first rooms. Pirates Bay Indoor Water Park 502-
955-5566. Fax#: 502-955-5588

Baymont Inn
1 4 9 Willowbrook Dr. Brooks KY 40 10 9. 66 units. AAA, AARP, Corporate
and Militar y Discounts. Coffee makers, hairdr yers, safe, microwa ve,
refrigerator and safe in rooms a v ailable upon request. Free cable, VCR, and
mo vie rentals. Indoor pool, sauna, Jacuzzis. high speed wireless internet. 1-
800-228-5150. 502-95 7-6900. Fax#: 502 -957-6 7 93 .
brooksk yci@supertelinc.com

Fairfield Inn
3 62 Brenton Way , Shepherds ville KY 40 1 65. 66 units. free cable, pay- per-
v iew movies/video games. Free deluxe continental breakfast, coffee makers,
hairdr yers, iron/board, seasonal pool and whirlpool, Jacuzzi Suites
A v ailable. Guest laundr y , Small meeting room (25) high speed wireless
internet. 1-800-228-2800. 502-955-553 3 . Fax #: 502-955-554 7.

Hampton Inn
180 Willabrook Dri ve, Brooks KY 40 109. 64 units. AAA, AARP, corporate
and Militar y discounts. Seasonal pool, whirlpool rooms, exercise facilit y ,
coffee maker, iron/board continental breakfast, hair dr yers, microwa ves,
refrigerators. Direct T.V. High speed internet access av ailable. high speed
wireless internet. Meeting room ( 10) 1-800-42 6- 78 66. 502-957-5050.
Fax#: 502-95 7-3 3 15. sdfbr_hampton@hilton.com

Holiday Inn Express
3 65 Brenton Wa y, Shepherdsville KY. 40 165. 6 7 rooms, 3 star propert y
Free Cable TV with HBO, Indoor pool, Coffee makers, Micro fridge in all
rooms, Iron & Iron board, Hair dr yer, 32 inch plasma TV’s, Jacuzzi’s
a v ailable, Continental Breakfast, Fitness Center, Guest laundr y , Wired &
wireless internet,
502-955-4985 / 800-465-43 2 9 / Fax 502-955-4984 / hie365@ y ahoo.com

P.O.Box 599, Brooks KY 40 109. 52 units. three star, AAA rated, free cable
and HBO, free continental breakfast, seasonal pool. Iron/board, coffee
makers, hair dr yers in all rooms. Small meeting room ( 15) high speed
wireless internet. 1-800-465-43 2 9. 502-955-150 1. Fax #: 502-955-15 7 4.

Quality Inn & Suites
7 1 6 Brooks Hill Road, Brooks KY 40 10 9. 7 5 units. whirlpool, Jacuzzi suites,
free HBO in all rooms, indoor swimming pool, king-size rooms include coffee
maker, refrigerator and microwa ve. Free Continental breakfast. Small
meeting room (25) high speed wireless internet. 1-800-228-515 1. 502-955-
62 7 2 . Fax#: 502-955-59 1 1.

Exit 117

Best Western
2 1 1 S. Lakeview Dr, Shepherdsville KY 401 65. 85 units. Three-Diamond,
AAA Rated. Lounge and bar, li ve entertainment., seasonal pool, spas and
suites. Coffee maker, iron/board, hair d yer, microwa ve, refrigerator,
a v ailable upon request. Free HBO and cable TV. Full breakfast free at
Denn y’s Classic Diner. Deluxe fitness Meeting room ( 100) high speed
wireless internet. 1-800-528-12 3 4. 502-543- 709 7. Fax#: 502-543-240 7.
bargen 1@alltel.net

Country Inn & Suites
400 Paroquet Springs Dri ve, Shepherdsville, KY 40 165 . 68 units. Free
continental breakfast, indoor pool, whirlpool, exercise room, free YMCA use
to guests, meeting room, game room, guest laundr y , coffee maker, hair
dryer, studio, one & two bedroom suites. high speed wireless internet. 1-
800-456-4000. 502-543-8400. Fax #: 502-543-8469. cishep@ y ahoo.com

Days Inn
1 3 0 Lakeview Dr. Shepherdsville, KY 40 1 65. 120 units. AAA, AARP and
Militar y discounts, Two on-site restaurants, non-smoking a v ailable,
Satellite TV. Seasonal pool, hair dr yers, iron/board, microwa ve and
refrigerator upon request. 1-800-325-2525. 502-543-30 1 1. Fax #: 502-
543-6 16 1. master.dann y 1@gmail.com

Motel 6
1 4 4 Paroquet Springs, Shepherdsville, KY 40 165. 98 units. Three star,
AARP discount, seasonal pool, guest laundr y , microwa ve and refrigerator
a v ailable upon request. King-size rooms av ailable, free cable TV, HBO and
ESPN. Free coffee served between 7:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. wireless
internet. 1-800-466-8356. 502-543-4400. Fax#: 502-543-89 7 2.
egreen 1030@aol.com

Super 8
2 75 Keystone Crossroad Dr., Shepherdsville, KY 40 165. 59 units. Indoor
pool and use of YMCA facilit y. Free continental breakfast, free local calls, in-
room microwa ves, refrigerators and ironing board. Executi ve Suites, high
speed wireless internet. 1-800-800-8000. 502-543-88 70. Fax#: 502-92 1-
2 1 2 3 . kg48 42@ y ahoo.com

Sleep Inn
1 95 Spring Pointe Dr. Shepherds ville, KY. 40 165. 8 1 units. Indoor Pool and
use of YMCA facilit y . Free deluxe continental breakfast, free local calls, in-
room microwa ves, coffee makers, refrigerators and ironing board, free cable
TV, high speed wireless internet. 502-92 1 -100 1, 800-228-5150.

Exit 117

Hw y 44E, Shepherds ville. 75 full hookup sites, 80 water and electric, 90
primiti ve campsites, and 8 cabins. Hot tub/spa, pla y ground, canoeing,
mini-golf, horseshoes, volleyball, natu re walk, laundr y mat and game
room. Propane and wood. Gift shop and grocery store. Outdoor pool.
Adjacent to the Salt Ri ver. 502-543-204 1.

Boondock’s Grill Pay Lake & Camping 3850 Beech Grove Rd. 502-92 1-
093 7

Exit 116

Grandmas RV Camping
Shepherdsville KY 40 165, eas y access to I-65 and area attractions. Clean
con venient sites are offered for overnight, weekend, weekly or monthl y
camping. Grandma’s RV Camping is a famil y owned and operated facilit y.
Full hook-ups 20-30-50 amps 30 Pull – thru sites av ailable. Hours 7am –
1 2 midnight 7 days a week. 502-543- 702 3 Fax#: 502-543- 70 2 3.

                      Conference Facility
Paroquet Springs Conference Centre
3 7,000 square feet of flexible meeting space accommodates groups up to
1500. 12,000 sq. ft. of exhibition space for larger events. Break-out rooms
provide the atmosphere for small meetings. State of the art audio-visual
and internet capabilities throughout the Centre. Exceptional food and
beverage services. Banquet room comfortably seats 200-300. Professional
setup and service staff. Please call for more information 502-955- 7009.

Exit 121

Arb y’s 15 1 Brenton Wa y. 502-955-4004
Burger King 3 1 1 Brenton Way . 502-955-6653
Cracker Barrel 2 75 Brenton Way . 502-955-4008
Domino’s Pizza 643 4 N. Preston Hw y Ste. 4 502-955-4444
Subwa y/Taco Bell 2050 E. Bluelick Rd. 502-95 7- 12 15
Timbleweed 380 Brenton Way . 502-955-57 4 7
Waffle House 202 1 E. Bluelick Rd. 502-957-5650
McDonalds 135 Centre A ve. 502-957- 163 0

#1 Chinese Restaurant 135 E. Market Place. 502-957-698 1
Bearno’s 135 Market Place Dr. 502-95 7-51 00
KFC 1 1520 S. Preston Hw y. 502-95 7-2 15 1
Mcdonald’s 1 1 4 90 Preston Hw y .502-955-8088
Myster Sub 1 1 968 Preston Hw y. 502-955-9600
Pizza Hut 1 1500 Preston Hw y . 502-955- 72 1 1
Dominos 643 4 Preston Hw y . 502-955-4444
Papa Johns 5000 Mud Lane 502-964 1 66 4
Arb y’s 15 1 Brenton Wa y 502-955-4004
Grubb 154 Overdale Dr. 502-955-59 1 7
Donut Express 2- 64 70 N Preston Hw y 502-955-1288
Grubs Southern Fixin 154 Overdale Dr. 502-955-59 1 7
Hawk’s View Café 1 70 Carter A ve. 502-955-10 10
Little Ceasar’s 254-5 Market Place Dri ve 502-95 7- 19 15

Exit 117

Mt. Washington
Arb y’s 360 Village Ln. 502-538-444 1
The Covered Wagon 6 1 1 Bardstown Rd. 502-538- 7 1 9 6
Dair y Queen Bardstown Rd. 502-538-6 12 3
Domino’s Pizza 10 7 3 1 Hw y 44 E. Ste. C. 502-538-3888
KFC 608 N. Bardstown Rd., 502-538-792 5
McDonald’s 12 1 Oak Brook Circle. 502-538-2300
Papa John’s Pizza 409 N. Bardstown Rd. 502-538-74 7 4
Pizza Hut N. Bardstown Rd. 502-538-73 1 2
Subwa y 10 7 3 1 Hw y 44 E. 502-538-8808
Taco Bell 149 Oakbrooke Dr. 502-538-2 70 8
Rosa’a Mexican Rest. 4 1 1 N. Bardstown Rd. 502-538-33 1 6
Hometown Pizza 1 1 155 E. Hw y 44 502-538-663 3
Countr y Diner 1 1 2 3 N. Bardstown Rd. 502-538-9996
Sonic 1 10 Oakbrooke Circle 502-538-343 1
Charger’s Italian Diner & Games 1 1 2 2 N. Bardstown Rd. 502-538-6459
Fish Inn Again 58 7 N. Bardstown Rd. 502-955-2044
Kettle Creek 1 150 N. Bardstown Rd. 502-538-4900
Boot Leg Barbecue 9 70 4 Bardstown Rd. Mt. Washington, KY. 502-23 9-
Donut King 10 7 3 1 Hw y 44 east Mt Washington KY. 502-538-86 18
Hometown Coffee House 1050 1 Hw y 44 east Mt. Washington KY 502-538-
Slow Rides Café 573 N Bardstown Rd. Mt. Washington, KY 502-664-309 7
Dinner to Go 982 N. Bardstown Rd. Mt Washington KY. 502-538-9848


China Buffet. 445 Hw y 44 E. 502-92 1-289 1
Arb y’s 12 3 Hw y. 44 E. 502-543-5990
Countr y Cupboard 345 Buckman St. 502-543-2 780
Cabo Cantina Hw y 480, 502-2 15-5064
Dair y Queen 18 4 Paroquet Springs Dr. 502-543-6 140
Denn y’s Classic Diner 200 Lakeview Dr. 502-92 1-23 3 2
Domino’s Pizza 15 78 Hw y 44 E. 502-543-7 1 7 1
Donut Express- 263 Hw y 44 east. 502-543-8000
El Tarasco 445 Hw y 44 Ste. 20 502-543-4024
El Nopal Hw y 44 East 502-92 1-0405
Fazoli’s 2 10 Paroquet Springs Dr. 502-543 -4058
KFC 429 Hw y 44 East. 502-543-46 1 7
Long John Silver’s 10 12 Paroquet Springs Dr. 502-543-68 68
Boondock’s grill 3850 Beech Grove Rd. 502-92 1-093 7
McDonald’s 542 Hw y 44 East. 502-543-4804
Mody Dick 1659 Hw y. 44 East. 502-543-34 1 2
Mr. Gatti’s 162 Paroquet Springs Dr. 502-543-8888
Papa John’s II 189 Adam Shepherd Pkw y 502-543-8988
Subwa y 445 Hw y . 44 East. 502-543-9666
Taco Bell 120 Paroquet Springs Dr. 502-955-69 1 2
The Kitchen 120 S. Lakeview Dr. 502-543 -42 1 9
Waffle House 2 1 3 Paroquet Springs Dr. 502-543-42 92
Wend y’s 158 Keystone Crossroads. 502-543- 7 159
White Castle 1 75 Keystone Crossing Rd.
City Limits Bar & Grill 2858 Hw y 44 E 502-92 1- 1 1 1 2
Love’s Deli/Subwa y/Chester Chicken 1090 Cedar Gro ve Rd
Barn Yard Countr y 66 7 Cedar Grove Rd.
Ole Hickory Pit 165 Dawson Dr.
Sonic Dri ve In 408 Hw y 44 East
Quizno’s 18 7 Adam Shep Pkw y. 502-955-7 400
Kroger Deli 185 Adam Shep Pkw y . 502-543- 72 42
RK Barbecue & More Hw y 44 east 502-93 1-3642

Exit 105

Lebanon Junction
Daddios pizza 135 N. Poplar St. 502-833-2869
Pilot Tra vel Center 150 Plaza Park Blvd. 502-833-46 78
McDonalds 150 Plaza Park Blvd. 502-83 3-46 78
Subwa y 150 Plaza Park Blvd. 502-833-467 8
Market Basket 262 Main St. 502-833-32 2 5

Exit 121

Brooks Baptist Church
       38 3 7 Coral Ridge Road. 502-955-6 792
Calv ar y Holiness Church
       505 Rodgers Rd. 502-95 7-3446
Deli verance Tabernale
       1 1 4 9 Brooks Hill Road. 502-955-16 15
Mt. Elmira Baptist Church
       3 644 Mt. Elmira Rd. 502-95 7-5838
McDowell Chapel United Methodist
        1 1 49 Brooks Hill 502-955-89 1

Church of Our Sa vior
      1 15 1 9 Blue Lick Road. 502-955-9058
Hillview Assembly of God
      1 408 Hill view Blvd. 502-955-943 9
Overdale United Methodist Church
      515 Overdale Dri ve. 502-95 7-456 7
St. Mar y’s Catholic Church
      2 99 Crestwood Lane. 502-957-3 385
Summit Hills Baptist Church
      450 7 Su mmers Dri ve. 502-957-51 6 1
Har vest Church
       1 7 1 Hill view Blvd. 502-428-606 7
Hillview Communit y Christian Church
       14 1 Brookley Dri ve 502-95 7-380 1
Mar y v ille Church of God
      460 1 Su mmitt Dri ve 502-955-983 6
Exit 117

Mt. Washington
Apostolic Bible Church
         12 7 Snapp Street 502-538-79 78
Bethan y Baptist Church
       Flatlick Road, 502-538-414 1
Bethel United Methodist Church
       7 3 5 7 KY. Hw y . 44 East. 502-538-8 1 1 6
Calv ar y Christian Center
       850 Fisher Lane. 502-538-7 7 68
Church of the Li ving Waters, Inc.
        530 Delania Dri ve 502-538-43 60
First Assembly of God of Mt. Washington
       1 2 056 Ky. Hw y . 44 E. 502-538-42 1 7

First Baptist Church of Mt. Washington
       3 20 N. Bardstown Road. 502-538-73 6 1
First Christian Church of Mt. Washington
       3 1 7 Fairlane Dri ve. 502-538-425 7
GracePointe Communit y Church
       299 Bogard Lane 502-543-282 2
Freedom Baptist Church
       28 7 Greenbriar Rd. 502-538- 7 7 7 7
General Baptist Lighthouse Church
       2 2 1 4 S. Bardstown Rd. 502-538-8 10 4
Holy Chapel of God
       8 10 N. Bardstown Rd. 502-538-2820
Kings Baptist Church
       Kings Church Road. 502-538-6902
Mt. Washington Church of Christ
       Sunn yside Dri ve. 502-538-46 1 2
Mt. Washington United Methodist Church
       2 1 4 N. Bardstown Road. 502-538-6756
St. Francis Xa vier Catholic Church
       155 Stringer Lane. 502-538-493 3

Bardstown Junction Baptist Church
       4855 S. Preston Hw y . 502-543-3 74 7
Beech Grove Baptist Church
       300 W. Beech Gro ve Rd. 502-543-4 70 2
Bullitt Lick Baptist Church
       2 9 75 Ky. Hw y . 44 W. 502-543-248 3
Calv ar y Hill Separate Baptist Church
       645 Coral Ridge Road. 502-543-3590
Cedar Grove Baptist Church
       4900 Cedar Gro ve Road. 502-543-4 10 1
Cedar Grove Methodist Church
       Cedar Grove Road. 502-543-3 72 3
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
        Highwa y 44
Copper’s Run Baptist Church
       Copper’s Run Road. 502-543-8352
Crossroads Communit y Church
        26 1 N. Buckman St 502-95 7-4 14 1
Davidson Memorial Methodist Church
       300 Buckman Street. 502-543-442 2
Divine Sa vior Lutheran Church
       10 25 N. Buckman Street. 502-543-2 905
Eagle Heights Baptist Church
       2 944 Ky. Hw y . 44 East. 502-543-3 7 15
Eastern Gate Baptist Church
       3 699 N. Preston Hw y . 502-543-90 16

Eastside Baptist Church
       3 10 Lees Valley Road. 502-543- 758 9
Family Worship Center
       10 40 S. Preston Hw y .
First Baptist Church of Shepherds ville
       254 S. Buckman Street. 502-543- 7 7 2 1
Full Gospel Assembly
       566 Cedar Grove Road 502-543-3 7 2 2
Grace Memorial Baptist Church
       Hw y. 6 1 502-543-435 7
Hebron Lane Church of Christ
       3 2 2 1 E. Hebron Lane. 502-95 7-51 15
Hebron Presbyterian Church
       4 7 65 N. Preston Hw y. 502-95 7-3880
Immanuel Baptist Church
       Blue Lick Road. 502-543-3 756
Jeho vah’s Witnesses Kingdom Hall
       Ky. Hw y . 44 East. 502-543- 73 68
Little Flock Baptist Church
       1 60 Zoneton Road. 502-955-8 760
Little Flock Ministr y Center
        5500 N. Preston Hw y . 502-955-55 7 7
Mar y ville Baptist Church
       1 3 0 Smith Lane. 502-95 7-2856
Mt. Zion Baptist Church
       Blue Lick Road. 502-543-2 1 35
New Life Church of God
       515 Ra y mond Road. 502-543-9402
North Bullitt Christian Church
       42 65 N. Preston Hw y. 502-95 7-554 1
Pleasant Grove Baptist Church
       5285 Ky. Hw y . 44 East. 502-543- 73 3 6
Rolling Hills Baptist Church
       4405 Preston Hw y . 502-957-5388
Salem Church of Christ
       Zoneton Road. 502-955-6856
Shepherdsville Christian Church
       3 3 7 Lees Valley Road. 502-543-263 3
Shepherdsville Church of Christ
       Ky. Hw y . 44 East. 502-543-4446
Shepherdsville First Church of the Nazarene
       2 44 N. Maple. 502-543-2083
St. Alo ysius Catholic Church
       2 25 West 3rd Street. 502-543-6094
Sunn yside Baptist Church
       2 72 2 Knob Creek Road 502-92 2-4848
Trinit y Assembly of God
       2 1 20 Ray mond Road. 502-543-32 65

Victory Baptist Church
      2 1 2 Hicks Lane 502-543-9 146/543 -4032
Vine Hill Baptist Church
      Ky. Hw y . 245. 502-543-942 9

Exit 105

Lebanon Junction
Church of Christ
       Preston Hw y . 502-833-3065
Church of God of Prophec y
       2 70 S. Poplar. 502-83 3-225 1
Dennie Memorial Methodist
        13 2 N. Brook St. 502-83 3-992 6
Faith Assembly of God
       68 1 1 S. Preston Hw y . 502-543-145 7
First Apostolic
        Preston & Pope Lane 502-833-2455
Faith Baptist Bible Church
       2 70 S. Sanders Lane. 502-833-460 7
First Baptist Church of Lebanon Junction
       495 Main Street. 502-833-4954
First Christian Church
       1 90 W. Oak Street. 502-833-35 7 6
Pentecostal Church of Lebanon Junction
        440 Main Street 502-83 3-2425
St. Benedict Catholic Church
       2 1 1 W. Oak Street. 502-833-4886

                              West Point
Knob Creek Union Church
Hw y 44W
Nichols Spiritual Temple
Hw y 44W
Stites Station Baptist Church
2 3 7 Cupio Lodge Road

                     Bullitt County Profile
Population: 6 1,2 3 6
Location: South of Louisville on Interstate 65, a major North South route.
Five exits gi ve Bullitt Count y nu merous East-West access to I-65. We are
con venientl y positioned to I-7 1, I-64, Western and Bluegrass Parkwa ys, and
I-265 and I-264.

Hillview – North end
Shepherdsville – Count y seat, central
Mt. Washington – East end
Clermont – Major attractions, South – Central
Lebanon Junction – Railroad town, Southern

Airport – Louisville International Airport is just 10 miles north. 502-36 7-
463 6.
Blue Lick Airport is located in northern Bullitt Count y . 502-95 7-5159.

Ground Transportation: Yellow Checker Cab of Bullitt Count y. 502-543-
7 4 7 4 or 502-955-76 1 1 .
Airport Shut tle Service: For participating hotels in Bullitt Count y , 502-
3 7 6-6 7 42 .

Exit 121
Pilot, 502-955-5049.
Exit 116
Loves Tra vel Stop, 502-543- 7000.
Exit 105
Pilot Tra vel Center, 502-833-46 78.

Time Zone: Eastern
Area Code: 502
Tax Sales – 6%; Transient Room Tax – 4%; Restaurant Tax – 2%

                Important Phone Numbers
Emergency                                          91 1
Sheriff’s Department                               502-543-25 1 4
EMS                                                91 1
State Police                                       800-22 2-5555
Time & Temperature                                 502-543- 700 1
AAA Road Service                                   502-955-5955

Visitor Information:
2 4 hour 7 da y week visitor information located at exit 1 1 7 in Paroquet
Springs Conference Centre. 502-543-8687 . Write to: Shepherds ville /
Bullitt County Tourist Commission, 395 Paroquet Springs Dr,
Shepherdsville, Kentucky 40165.

I-65 State Visitor Center between exits 1 1 6 and 1 1 2 , 502-543-5900
Kentuck y Road Report: 1-800-459- 762 3.

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