Page created by Marc Fitzgerald
The Southwest Agricultural Conference,
                                            Golden Horseshoe & Heartland SCIA’s and
                                            Eastern Ontario Crop Conference presents….

Virtual Conference
                         BUILDING RESILIENCE
                             Wednesday, January 5th and Thursday, January 6th, 2022
                                          Registration Opens: November 1st, 2021

LIVE STAGE Agenda                                                         Don’t Miss These!
                                                                #1 Kernel Krazy!
    ONE              Agenda            JANUARY 5th, 2022           [LIVE STAGE]
                                                                   From planting decisions through
 9:22 – 9:27         Welcome                                       tissue samples to fertilizer
                                                                   applications and timing, today’s
 9:27 – 10:27        #1 Kernel Krazy!                              record corn yields are driven by
                                                                                                                         Dr. Tony Vyn, Purdue University;
                                                                   kernel weight more than ever before.
 10:27 – 11:27       Take Time! Choose:                            Learn what it takes to make BIG
                                                                                                                              Dr. Dave Hooker, UGRC

                     • Sponsorship Clip • ON DEMAND Session        kernels and even BIGGER yields!
                     • Visit the Exhibition Hall

 11:27 – 12:27       #2 Marketing Madness
 12:27 – 1:27        Take Time! Choose:                         #3 Defeating Diseases
                     • Sponsorship Clip • ON DEMAND Session        [LIVE STAGE]
                     • Visit the Exhibition Hall • Have Lunch      From terrible tar spot to wipeout white
                                                                   mould. Darcy and Damon join Albert
 1:27 – 2:27         #3 Defeating Diseases                         with the latest on how
                                                                   to defeat yield robbing diseases.
 2:27 – 3:27         Take Time! Choose:                                                                                Dr. Darcy Telenko, Purdue University;
                                                                                                                Dr. Damon Smith, University of Wisconsin-Madison;
                     • Sponsorship Clip • ON DEMAND Session                                                                   Albert Tenuta, OMAFRA
                     • Visit the Exhibition Hall

 3:27 – 4:27         Building Resilience Social
                                                                #4 Supreme Soybeans
    TWO              Agenda            JANUARY 6th, 2022           [LIVE STAGE]
                                                                   Armed with years of intensive
 9:22 – 9:27         Welcome                                       research data, Dr. Fred Below gives
                                                                   the management strategies to take
 9:27 – 10:27        #4 Supreme Soybeans                           your soybean yields from mediocre
                                                                                                                       Dr. Fred Below, University of Illinois
                                                                   to MARVELOUS!
 10:27 – 11:27       Take Time! Choose:
                     • Sponsorship Clip • ON DEMAND Session
                     • Visit the Exhibition Hall
                                                                #6 Production Pundits
 11:27 – 12:27       #5 Coverage, Coverage,                       [LIVE STAGE]
                        Coverage                                   Have your questions ready! These
                                                                   three-crop gurus accept any crop
 12:27 – 1:27        Take Time! Choose:                            challenges on what went wrong and
                     • Sponsorship Clip • ON DEMAND Session        how to fix it.
                                                                                                                      Bryan Cook, Cropland Consulting Inc;
                     • Visit the Exhibition Hall • Have Lunch                                                       Johanna Lindeboom, Clark Agri Service;
                                                                                                                 Ryan Benjamins, Benjamins Agronomy Services
 1:27 – 2:27         #6 Production Pundits

                 Join Us At
                 Located in the LIVE STAGE Area
                                                                #7 Growing Quality Forage
                                                                   [ON DEMAND]
                                                                   From triticale and alfalfa to corn silage,
                                                                   high quality forage is the backbone of
 Building Resilience Social                                        successful dairy, beef, goat & sheep
                                                                   farms. John and Ashley cover the “how
                                                                                                                             John Winchell, Alltech;
 January 5th, 2022 at 3:27 p.m. to 4:27 p.m.                       to” of maximum quality!                            Ashley Knapton, Corteva AgriScience
 Located in the LIVE STAGE Area
 Exhibition Hall                                                #8 High Management
 Make sure to visit all our sponsors                               Wheat! [ON DEMAND]
 Located in the Exhibition Hall                                    Wheat rules in the UK! Pete brings
 TEC Talk Tuesdays                                                 the latest in UK wheat management
                                                                   strategies for world record yields,
 Starting January 11th, 2022 – February 22nd, 2022                 with Joanna adding how they apply in                       Dr. Pete Berry, ADAS;
 Via Zoom 7:27 p.m. – 8:57 p.m.                                    #Ontag and the latest from the Ontario                   Joanna Follings, OMAFRA
                                                                   YEN project.
Program Details
  #1 Kernel Krazy! [LIVE STAGE]                                  #11 Up in the Air!                                               #21 Nutrient Dynamics
		 Dr. Tony Vyn, Purdue University; Dr. Dave Hooker, UGRC        		 Russ Barker, Barker Consulting; Dale Cowan, AGRIS Co-op;      		 Dr. Shalamar Armstrong, Purdue University
		 Kernel weight is everything when it comes                        Dr. John Sulik, U of G                                        		 Cover crop nutrient cycling can be good or bad.
   to today’s record corn yields. A look at the                  		 Exploring if and where drones have a place                       From keeping nitrogen out of tile to hiding it from
   decisions that make not only big kernels,                        in crop management.                                              the crop, a deep dive into nutrient dynamics and
   but plenty of them.                                                                                                               the soil ecosystem.
                                                                 #12 Regenerative Agriculture
  #2 Marketing Madness [LIVE STAGE]                              		 Christoph Wand, OMAFRA
                                                                 		 Is regenerative agriculture real, or just the latest
                                                                                                                                  #22 Lodging Lessons!
		 Steve Kell, Kell Grain Elevators                                                                                               		 Marijke Vanderlaan, Syngenta; Dr. Joshua Nasielski, U of G;
		 High prices bring HIGH STRESS! Steve’s                           buzzword? Join Christoph as he looks at what                     Dr. Dave Hooker, UGRC
   incredible knowledge of market dynamics                          regenerative agriculture is, and why it is the                		 Flat cereal crops are no fun! Marijke, Josh
   will help you lower your stress level and                        focus of so much discussion among consumers                      and Dave cover the management packages
   decide when the price is “good enough”.                          and in agriculture today.                                        to keep crops standing, grow big yields, and
                                                                                                                                     maintain quality.
  #3 Defeating Diseases [LIVE STAGE]                             #13 Follow the Money!
		 Dr. Darcy Telenko, Purdue University; Dr. Damon Smith,        		 Dr. Brady Deaton, U of G; Steve Duff and John Molenhuis,
                                                                                                                                  #23 Compaction Complexities
   University of Wisconsin-Madison; Albert Tenuta, OMAFRA                                                                         		 Dr. Loraine ten Damme, Swedish University of Agricultural
		 Join Albert, Darcy and Damon as they share the                		 A look at the profit potential of hay, woodlots and              Sciences; Dr. Markus Berli, DRI, Nevada; Alex Barrie, OMAFRA
   latest on today’s toughest diseases including                    other cropping options to diversify and capitalize            		 Adding the complexities of traction and slip into
   tar spot, white mould, and the apps to make                      on opportunities for grain crop farmers.                         the compaction conundrum! The latest research
   decisions easier.                                                                                                                 findings and mitigation strategies from Europe
                                                                 #14 Going Beyond Markets                                            and Ontario.
  #4 Supreme Soybeans [LIVE STAGE]                               		 Philip Shaw, Philip Shaw Farms
		 Dr. Fred Below, University of Illinois                        		 A look at the new realities of estimating marginal            #24 Soil Water 101
		 Looking to push your soybean yields to the                       costs and market opportunities. Ontario’s most                		 Dr. Aaron Daigh, North Dakota State University;
   next level? Dr. Below, a leading soybean expert,                 well-known farmer economist shows how                            Dr. Merrin Macrae, University of Waterloo
   shares his secrets for getting there.                            growers can weave through the maze that the                   		 Too wet or too dry? Getting water into and
                                                                    future is likely to bring.                                       through the soil for crop availability, nutrient
#5 Coverage, Coverage,                                                                                                               management, and weather proofing your soils.
		Coverage [LIVE STAGE]                                          #15 Building Resilience
          Dr. Tom Wolf, Agrimetrix Research & Training;          		 Kristen Kelderman, King’s College, London UK; Brett Israel,   #25 Intercropping Fundamentals
          Dr. Jason Deveau, OMAFRA                                  3Gen Organics; Andrew Barrie, OMAFRA                          		 Lana Shaw, South East Research Farm, AgriARM;
                                                                 		 From the field to the barn to the farmer, today’s                Dr. Christian Schöb, Institute of Agriculture, ETH Zurich
		 A lot happens between the spray nozzle and
   the target. This Dynamic Duo debates the latest                  farms need to be resilient to survive. Kristen and            		 Does cropping diversity really increase yield?
   information on droplets, adjuvants, sprayers and                 Brett discuss how strategies that bring resilience               Explore the trade-offs and principles behind
   weather to achieve “perfect coverage”.                           to your farm can also bring resilience to your                   a successful intercropping system.
                                                                    daily life.
 #6 Production Pundits [LIVE STAGE]                                                                                               #26 Soil Health Indicators
		 Bryan Cook, Cropland Consulting Inc; Johanna Lindeboom,       #16 Wild Weather!                                                		 Dr. Jordon Wade, University of Missouri
                                                                                                                                  		 Measuring soil health is an elusive target.
   Clark Agri Service; Ryan Benjamins, Benjamins Agronomy        		 Jerry Shields, NDMNRF
   Services; Peter Johnson, [Moderator]                                                                                   Discover what options are available, and
                                                                 		 From heat dome to polar vortex, our weather is
		 These three awesome agronomists are ready                                                                                         which factors matter the most.
                                                                    bringing new terminology and new challenges
   to take on your crop challenges. Bring your
                                                                    for farmers. Jerry shares what to expect in
   questions, be part of the discussion!
                                                                    weather looking forward, and what it might
                                                                                                                                  #27 Tillage Rumble
                                                                                                                                  		 Ken Schaus, Schaus Land and Cattle Co;
  #7 Growing Quality Forage                                         mean for crops in the field.                                     Mark Foster, Jockbrae Farms; Dan Veldman,
                                                                                                                                     Veldman Grain Farm Ltd; Greg Stewart, Maizex [Moderator]
		 John Winchell, Alltech; Ashley Knapton, Corteva AgriScience
		 Making top quality forage makes animal                        #17 Intricate Interactions                                       		 The art of tillage always trumps the science.
   agriculture work. From crop selection to
                                                                 		 Dr. Ebony Murrell, The Land Institute                            From deep ripper to European style disc, these
                                                                 		 Soil organisms are the bridge between cover                      three producers have experienced it all and
   toxins, John and Ashley know how to put
                                                                    crops and reducing pest damage. How to                           found ways that adjust to almost every condition.
   quality feed in the bunk.
                                                                    manage mycorrhizae for maximum benefit.
 #8 High Management Wheat!                                                                                                        #28 Understanding Ontario’s Topsoil
		 Dr. Pete Berry, ADAS; Joanna Follings, OMAFRA
                                                                 #18 Strip Till Success                                           		 Dan Saurette and Sebastian Belliard, OMAFRA;
                                                                 		 Matt Beischlag, Beischlag Farms Inc.;                            Dr. Kari Dunfield, U of G; Dr. Inderjot Chahal, UGRC
		 Hear what world record wheat growers in the                      Dan Petker, Petker Farms; Ben Rosser, OMAFRA                  		 The Ontario Topsoil Survey is the largest soil
   UK are doing to maximize yields and how Ontario               		 Dan and Matt have developed strip till systems                   sampling effort across the province in decades.
   growers are chasing those yield levels!                          to help successfully manage corn on tough soils.                 Find out what we have learned about our soil
                                                                    Spring or fall, the what and how of making this                  variability, soil characteristics, and soil health.
#9 Farmers Making                                                   system work.
		 Cover Crops WORK!                                                                                                              #29 Organic Weed
		 Anne Verhallen, OMAFRA                                        #19 The Fourth Crop                                              		 Control Innovation
		 Cover crop advocate Anne Verhallen                            		 Emily Helmuth, Momentum Grain Farms Inc.; Quentin Martin,     		 Dean Martin, Harrow Organic Farms Ltd; Josh Lade,
   interviews growers on what works and what                        Cribit Seeds; Ian Matheson, RM Matheson Farms Ltd.;              JET Farms; Fiete Suhr, Riverbend Farms; Jake Munroe,
                                                                    Meghan Moran, OMAFRA [Moderator]                                 OMAFRA [Moderator]
   doesn’t in the quest to use cover crops to their              		 Does the elusive fourth crop to add to the rotation
   maximum potential.                                                                                                             		 Weed zappers, optical guidance and seed
                                                                    exist? Winter barley, winter canola, oats, malt                  terminators - the list of innovations for weed
#10 Lessons from History                                            barley - how to grow them and what makes
                                                                                                                                     control is evolving rapidly. Learn about the latest
		 Larry Cornelis, Lambton Wildlife                                                                                                  tools for tackling weeds in both organic and
		 Larry takes you on an amazing journey through                                                                                     conventional production.
   the past history of the rural landscape, and the
                                                                 #20 Precision Wheat
   many things we should understand about how
                                                                 		 Dennis Pennington, Michigan State University
                                                                 		 Michigan State has taken the lead on precision
                                                                                                                                  #30 Pay It Forward
   we got here and where we might go in the future.                                                                               		 Farmers are the backbone of many rural
                                                                    seeding of wheat! Uniformity, row width, seed                    communities, which survive on volunteers. See
                                                                    spacing, seed depth and even broadcast                           the incredible things that people in Ag do, and
                                                                    seeding. Learn what matters and what doesn’t.                    the rewards they receive from volunteering!
Don’t Miss TEC Talk Tuesdays
         7:27 p.m. to 8:57 p.m. every Tuesday evening - January 11th to February 22nd
                          Discuss topics, ask questions, learn more!

#31 STAYING SAFE                            #35 Level 2 Soil                             #39 The Making of a King                     #43 Your Future
		 Matt Harken, GROWMARK Inc.               		Interactions                               		 Shaun Haney and Peter Johnson,
                                                                                                                                      		 with Robots
		 Farming is a dangerous                   		 Dr. Luke Gatiboni, North Carolina                                                      		 Chuck Baresich, Haggerty Creek;
        occupation, and we all                 State University                          		 From the very beginning to the               Andrew Sunderman, AGCO;
        take shortcuts. In a fun and        		 Luke simplifies the complex                  incredible yields and impact corn            Eddie Pedersen, FarmDroid;
                                                                                                                                         Dr. Ian McDonald, OMAFRA
        entertaining way, Matt brings               relationships between                   has in today’s world is an amazing
                                                                                            journey. Join Peter and Shaun as          		 Agriculture is on the cusp
        the farm safety message home                fertilizer nutrients and the soil.                                                        of a huge shift in farm
        to help you, your children, and             Understanding the reactions and         they discover the key components
                                                                                            that have turned corn into the                    equipment as robotics
        all your farm workers stay safe.            relationships that occur will help                                                        change the landscape.
                                                    you manage your fertilizer dollars      “King of Crops”.
                                                                                                                                              From scale to function to
#32 Using On-Farm Data!                             more wisely!
		 Megan Bourns, Manitoba Pulse                                                          #40 In Pursuit of the                                operational capacity, how
   and Soybean Growers;
   Laura Thompson,
                                            #36 Nitrogen Knowledge!                      		  Perfect Planter                                  will it impact your farm?
   University of Nebraska-Lincoln           		 Dr. Craig Drury, AAFC;
                                               Dale Cowan, AGRIS Co-op
                                                                                         		 Wayne Metzger, Highland Custom Farming;
                                                                                            Mark Brock, Shepherd Creek Farms Ltd.;    #44 Precision:
		 The trial data your farm
   generates is POWERFUL.
                                            		 Craig and Dale will unwind the               Adam Pfeffer, Pfeffer Family Farms        		 Dollars or Ditch It?
                                                    complexity of nitrogen, where        		 Searching for a new planter?              		 Dan Breckon, Woodrill Ltd.;
   Laura and Megan talk on-farm                                                             Wondering what to change or                  Chuck Baresich, Haggerty Creek;
                                                    stabilized nitrogen makes sense,                                                     Ben Claussen, Claussen Grain
   trials - what they have learned,                                                         upgrade first? These farmers
                                                    and how best to keep it in your                                                   		 Three farmers that have
   and how to put it all together.                                                          discuss what to look for and
                                                    soil and not going back into the                                                     learned the opportunities,
                                                                                            how to arrive at the right decision.
#33 Weed Whacking                                   atmosphere as a greenhouse gas.                                                      obstacles and options of
		 Dr. Peter Sikkema, UGRC
                                            #37 Soybean Success                          #41 Grain Drying                                Precision Ag. From variable
		 The latest updates on the                                                                                                             rate to zone management,
   toughest weeds, along with
                                            		 Aaron Stevanus, The Mosaic Company;       		Efficiencies                                  what pays, what doesn’t,
                                               Horst Bohner, OMAFRA                      		 James Dyck and John Van de Vegte,
   strategies to utilize when               		 The driving factor for high                  OMAFRA                                       and how to jump on board.
   applications get delayed,                   yield soybeans is getting more            		 The latest improvements in
   and the crop has emerged.                   nutrients in the plant. Horst and            grain drying efficiencies, off            #45 Getting Into Ag
                                                                                            the wall ideas, and noise                 		 Emily Charbonneau, Charbonneau
                                               Aaron cover the do’s and don’ts
#34 Pest Problems!                             of raising the bar with fertility            management strategies to
                                                                                                                                         Farms Inc.; Janelle and Eamon
                                                                                                                                         Johnston, Rodney, ON;
		 Deb Campbell, Agronomy Advantage;                                                        keep your operation running                  Tom Aikens, Stayner, ON;
                                               management.                                                                               Jason McKague, Thornbury, ON;
		 Tracey Baute, OMAFRA
                                                                                            profitably and your neighbours               Margaret May, OSCIA [Moderator]
		 The year of the insect. Thrips,
        aphids, corn rootworm, mites
                                            #38 Back to                                     happy.                                    		 Starting up in farming is
                                            		 Fertility Basics                                                                          nearly impossible without
        and more. What we learned,
                                            		 Jack Legg, SGS Canada;                    #42 Lessons From 2021                           a family farm to take over.
        the challenges ahead, and              Jake Munroe, OMAFRA                       		 Patrick O’Neill, TCO Agromart Ltd.;
        the direction we need to take                                                       Carrie Davenport, Pioneer Seeds Canada;      Learn options to get started
                                            		 Soil testing is the only way to              Hanna Petrovsky, County Ag Services          in agriculture without the
        with pest management.                  know how to use your fertilizer           		 A year of extremes! From frost to            traditional “family farm”.
                                               dollar wisely. The “J” team cover            extreme heat, drought to deluge,
                                               the ground rules for reading soil            these 3 top agronomists give the          #46 Top Management
                                               tests and making the best fertilizer
                                               decisions on each individual farm.
                                                                                            best management tips learned              		Strategies
                                                                                            from 2021.                                		 Stéphan Paillé, FCC;
                                                                                                                                         Amanda Hammell, RBC;

                                                                                                                                         Dave Vanos, Libro
                                                                                                                                      		 Top farms today need to

                                                                                                                                         understand and apply critical
                                                                                                                                         business management
                                                                                                                                         strategies. Our panel of farm

               Social!                                                                                                                   management experts relate
                                                                                                                                         what the best farms do to
                                                                                                                                         stay on top.
        Interact, catch up and discuss.
         Wednesday, January 5th, 2021
                   at 3:27 p.m.

                  See you there!                                                   Check the Resource Section!
                                                                     Presentation Summaries, Conference Workbook, Speaker Bios,
                                                                             Contact Information, CEU Credits, and more.

Brochure Sponsors

Media Sponsors        Brochure printing sponsored by:


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       Wednesday & Thursday
                                                                                                        *Access to the virtual conference requires a valid email address.
           January 5th & 6th, 2022                                                                       A unique email for each registrant must be provided with registration.

                     REGISTER ONLINE
           To be eligible to win
                                                                                                        REGISTRATION FEE
                                                                                                        $125.00 plus HST
                                                                                                                                                                                           No Refunds. All conference sessions
            a $100 Tim Card®                                                                                                                                                               are available until March 31st, 2022.
                           sponsored by                                                                 December 13th, 2021 – January 3rd, 2022
                                                                                                                                                                                           REGISTRATION OPENS:
                                                                                                                                                                                           November 1st, 2021
                                                                                                                                                                                           REGISTRATION CLOSES:
                                                                                                                         Early Bird                                                        January 3rd, 2022
                                                                                                                                                                                           POST-CONFERENCE REGISTRATION OPENS:
             Certified Crop Advisors!
                                                                                                                                                                                           January 8th, 2022
          Collect up to 16 CEU credits on over                                                                                                                                             Be an early bird and WIN!
                 40 available sessions                                                                           until Dec 12th, 2021
            (LIVE STAGE and ON DEMAND).
                 Credits available until
                                                                                                                                                                                                    1st                      2nd                        3rd
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Traeger                Chilly Moose               Peavey Mart
                    March 31st, 2022.                                                                                                                                                            Smoker                    Cooler                   Gift Card

REGISTRATION OPTIONS                                                                                                                                                                    BONUS OFFER
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GO ONLINE                                                                               BY MAIL
                                                                                        With Payment
                                                                                        Brien House, U of Guelph Ridgetown Campus
BY PHONE                                                                                120 Main Street East, Ridgetown, ON N0P 2C0
Phone: 1-866-222-9682

Your registration to the Ontario Agricultural Conference includes access to the LIVE STAGE, ON DEMAND conference sessions and TEC Talk Tuesdays. The personal information provided with your registration will be used solely by the
OAgC to administer the registration, process payment, and provide access to the LIVE STAGE & ON DEMAND sessions through Galbraith Communications. If you have any questions about this collection, please contact the BDC at 1-866-222-9682
or email

METHOD OF PAYMENT                                                                                                                             AMOUNT PAYABLE
                                                                                                                                             HST will be applied to all fees. HST# 136774445
       Cheque Enclosed - payable to Southwest Ag Conference or SWAC.
        Registrations paid by cheque are not complete until payment is received.
        Post-dated cheques will not be accepted. Cheques must be received prior to December 31st, 2021.

       VISA             MasterCard CARD NO:					                                                                                                            EXPIRY:		                                       CVV:
A receipt and confirmation will be issued electronically via the email provided with the registration. Registration will be processed upon receipt of payment. Refunds for the conference will not be provided. All sessions will be recorded and will be available
to registered attendees for viewing until March 31st, 2022.
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