Building Blocks Pre-Primary & Nursery School - Curro

Page created by Vincent Moody
Building Blocks
Pre-Primary & Nursery

              “forming foundations for healthy Adults”
                                Founded 2000

               Application for

  48 Harry Galaun Road, Halfway House, Midrand. P.O. Box 12811, Vorna Valley, 1686.
     Tel: 087 232 1383. Fax: 086 637 4597. E-mail:

        San Ridge Pre-Primary       Vorna Valley Pre-Primary   Noordwyk Pre-Primary
          (011) 318-0996               (011) 312-1397              (011) 318-5256
Building Blocks Pre-Primary
                                  & Nursery School                                               LEARNER
                                 “forming foundations for healthy Adults”                         PHOTO
                                          Founded 2000

                          Application for Admission
PLEASE NOTE: The following documents must accompany the Application Form.

       2 Passport size photos of the Learner
      A copy of the Learner’s birth certificate
      A copy of the Learner’s clinic card
      A copy of the Learner’s latest school report
      A copy of both parent’s ID documents / Passports
      A copy of Study Permit if not SA Resident
      Proof of residence (Municipal rates account)
      Copy of Medical Aid Card
      Completed Application Form signed by both parents
      Completed Debit Order Form signed by both parents
      Completed My School Application
      Completed Makro Application
      Payment of Non Refundable Application Fee of R1100-00
       (This is inclusive of the R550-00 Registration Fee & the R550-00 Annual Stationery Fee)

NB: No application will be processed without proof of payment of the Non Refundable
Application Fee and all above required documents attached.

             FOR OFFICE USE                                    VV                  SR            NW
NON-REFUNDABLE        DATE:                                      RECEIPT
APPLICATION FEE PAID                                             NO:
ACCEPTED                                                 CREDIT CHECK
                    YES     NO                                                            YES      NO
ENROLLMENT                                               FEE STRUCTURE                   FULL     HALF
DATE                                                                                     DAY      DAY
CLASS                                                    TEACHER

PASTEL ACC. NO.                                          SIBLINGS AT                      YES      NO
FEES DEBIT                                               TSP DEBIT
ORDER NO.                                                ORDER NO.

 COMMUNICATOR               CHEVRON ISSUED                  BAG & BOTTLE               UNIFORM ISSUED
PART 1: Section A: Particulars of Learner


Full Names

Preferred Name
                                                                  Male                      Female
Position in family                                     Date of Birth
(eg: first born)                                       (dd/mm/yy)
Identity Number or Passport Number

Nationality                     South African          Other:

Home Language                                          Religion

PART 1: Section B: Current School Information of Learner

Current School                                         Current Grade

Headmaster/mistress                                    School Telephone No.

Current Teacher                                        Reason for Leaving

PART 1: Section C: Siblings attending Building Blocks Schools

Name & Surname

Date of Birth                                          Currently attending
                                                       which Building Blocks
Name & Surname

Date of Birth                                          Currently attending
                                                       which Building Blocks

PART 1: Section D: Social & Emotional Development of Learner

In a few words describe your Learner’s general
disposition, their fears, their dislikes and general
ability to mix with other Learner’s. Please also
describe their strengths.

PART 1: Section E: Learner Support

Has your Learner received learning support
                                                                  YES                        NO
(Speech or Occupational Therapy)
All relevant reports to be attached.
                                                                  YES                        NO
Are these reports attached?

                                                                            Initial: __________    __________

                                                                                   Mother         Father
PART 2: Section A: Learner’s Medical History
Please note this is a very important part of your application. We cannot be held responsible for any incidents that may occur
due to incorrect information given. A doctor’s certificate is to accompany any life threatening allergies or medical condition.

Delivery                  Normal                                             Ceasar
Is this your first baby?                                        No                               Yes
Any miscarriages?                                               No                               Yes

If Yes, Reason why?

Any problems while pregnant?                                    No                               Yes
If Yes, What?

Full Term Pregnancy?            Yes             No              Was baby Premature?              Yes             No
If premature, Why?

Baby’s birth weight?                             Discharge weight?
Apgar Test                               /10     2nd Apgar Test                                                  /10
SIDS in family             Father’s side     Yes    No       Mothers’ side                               Yes           No
SMOKERS in family          Father’s side     Yes    No       Mothers’ side                               Yes           No
EPILEPSY in family         Father’s side     Yes    No       Mothers’ side                               Yes           No
DIABETES in family         Father’s side     Yes    No       Mothers’ side                               Yes           No
History of Convulsions Father’s side         Yes    No       Mothers’ side                               Yes           No
Are Inoculations up to date?                     No                      Yes
Has the Learner ever suffered a HEAD INJURY                No                                                  Yes
If Yes, Date & Details of event?

Has the Learner had:
Chicken Pox           No          Yes                           Mumps                        No                      Yes
Measles               No          Yes                           Meningitis                   No                      Yes
Has the Learner ever been HOSPITALIZED                                    No                                   Yes
If Yes, Date & for what?

Learner suffered from RESPIRATORY                                             No                               Yes
If Yes, Details?
Has the Learner had:
Asthma                No              Yes                       Croup                        No                      Yes
Bronchitis            No              Yes                       Pneumonia                    No                      Yes
Does the Learner use an INHALER                                         No                                     Yes
If Yes, Name & Dose?
Does the Learner take CHRONIC                                                 No                               Yes
If Yes, Name & Dose?
Has the Learner suffered a FEBRILE                                            No                               Yes
If Yes, When, reason for convulsion & was an
EEG conducted.
Does the Learner suffered from NOSE BLEEDS                                    No                               Yes
If Yes, Details?
Does the Learner suffered from HEADACHES                                      No                               Yes
If Yes, Details?

                                                                                         Initial: __________         __________

                                                                                                  Mother        Father
PART 2: Section B: Learner’s Allergy History

Has your Learner suffer from any ALLERGIES                                     No                              Yes
If Yes, Allergic to what,
& explain reaction & Medication to be taken.
  Dairy        No         Yes      Nuts      No                              Yes          Fish            No            Yes
   Soya        No         Yes      Eggs      No                              Yes         Wheat            No            Yes
  Grass        No         Yes     Pollen     No                              Yes         Bee’s            No            Yes

PART 2: Section C: Medical Aid Details

Medical Aid Name                                                 Medical Aid Number

Name of Primary Member

Doctors Name                                                     Doctors Telephone No.

PART 2: Section C: Policy Regarding Sick Learners
Parents are required to assist us in preventing cross infection of the Learner’s and therefore we have implemented these rules.

    1.   Learner’s with eye infections are not permitted at school and require a doctor’s clearance certificate upon return to
    2.   Learner’s with runny tummies or vomiting are not permitted at school and require a doctor’s clearance certificate
         upon return to school.
    3.   Should a Learner have Lice or Ring Worm they will not be permitted back at school until they have a doctor’s
         clearance certificate.
    4.   Should a Learner be prescribed Anti-Biotic, your Learner will not be permitted back at the school for the first 48hrs
         and we will require a doctor’s clearance certificate upon return to school.
    5.   Should a Learner be sent home due to illness we will require a doctor’s clearance certificate upon return to school.
    6.   Once we have phoned the parent to collect a Learner, the Learner is to be collected within 30 minutes by either the
         parent or an authorized family member.
    7.   In case of emergency and we need to administer medication, we will call for authorization and the parent will need to
         sign the Medicine Incident Report Book on collection.

Any medication that has to be administered must be removed from the Learner’s bag and handed to the Principal on duty.
The parents are to fill in the medication and dosage at the back of their Learner's Diary - If this is not done NO
medication will be administered. When collecting your Learner the medication will be in the office NOT in the bag. It is
your responsibility to collect your Learner's medication from the office.

                                                                                           Initial: __________       __________

                                                                                                    Mother        Father

PART 2: Section D: Policy Regarding an Alternative Person collection a Learner
If someone else is going to collect a Learner the following procedure has to be followed.
     1. The parent needs to phone the school in time with the person’s name and ID Number that will be collecting the
     2. On arrival the person needs to present their ID Document or Drivers Licence for verification. Without an ID
        Document or Drivers Licence the Learner will not be released.
     3. The school will not phone the parents to verify the alternative pick up.
     4. Please make sure that the following rules are adhered to so that we can keep our Learner’s safe.
     5. Please also note that no Domestic Workers or Outside Transport Company will be loaded on the Access Gate System.
     6. Parents are to furnish the school with a copy of the Domestic Workers / Outside Transport Company’s ID Document
        to go onto the Learner’s file as authorised pick-up.
     7. Management will open for the Domestic Worker or Outside Transport Company daily.

                                                                                           Initial: __________       __________

                                                                                                    Mother        Father
PART 3: Particulars of Parent(s)
                          MOTHER                         FATHER
Responsible for Fees      YES             NO             YES                   NO

First Name(s)

Preferred Name

Marital Status

Identification No.

Residential address.

Postal address.

Telephone No. Home

Cell phone No.

E-mail address

Employer Name &
Position / Occupation

Telephone No. & Ext

Learner lives with
                         Both Parents           Mother                   Father
Reports to:
                         Both Parents           Mother                   Father
Accounts to:
                         Both Parents           Mother                   Father

PART 4: Alternative Contact Particulars (Relative)

Name & Surname

Relationship to

Contact Number
Cellphone & Work

                                                         Initial: __________    __________

                                                                Mother         Father
PART 5: Debit Order Instruction
I / We authorize De Jager Kids cc utilizing the services of ABSA Business Integrator, to draw against
My / our account as detailed below:

Account Holder

Bank Name

Branch Name                                                Branch Code

Account Type                         Cheque                      Savings                     Transmission
                                     Account                     Account                       Account
Account Number

Amount Due
per month                     R                                                  School Fees
Annual Fees to                      10 months                    11 months                     12 months
be paid Monthly
                                    Jan - Oct                    Jan – Nov                     Jan – Dec
Date of First Run
Date of Run                   15th of Month          20th of Month         25th of Month         1st of Month
(fees in ADVANCE)

Or any other bank or branch to which I may transfer my / our account, an amount as determined and agreed in my /
our Agreement with De Jager Kids cc on the dates so stated above each and every month commencing on the date
of first order above, until termination of the contract by either party in writing at least 30 (thirty) calendar days
notice, with the understanding that no refund or setoff shall be authorized which was authorized whiles the
amount(s) were legally owed.

I / We agree to pay any Bank Charges relating to this debit order instruction and also understand that each
withdrawal will be reflected on my / our bank statement and identified by a code ABSA / De Jager Kids CC.

Assignment: I / We acknowledge that the party hereby authorized to effect the drawing(s) against my/our account
may not cede or assign any of its rights to any third party without my/our prior consent and that I/We may not
delegate any of my/our obligations in terms of this contract/authority to any third party without prior written
consent of the authorized party.

Dated at ______________________ on this __________ day of ________________, 20______.

        Authorized Signature                                       Authorized Signature
PLEASE NOTE: Any changes to the above debit order is to be done in writing by the 10th of the Month in
order to make changes before the next debit order is due to commence. Failure to do this will result in you paying
any bank charges if the debit order is returned. If your debit order gets returned for ANY reason we will
automatically charge you a debit order return fee of R150-00 which needs to be settled by the 7th of that month.

                                                                                  Initial: __________    __________

                                                                                          Mother      Father
PART 6: Terms and Conditions of Enrolment
I/We the undersigned _____________________________________________________________________ hereby declare
that the information given in the aforementioned Application Form is both true and correct.
     1.       Learner’s enrolment will be subject to the conditions stated hereunder or such other conditions which may have
              been determined by the Board of Governors or their duly authorised representatives (the Board) from time to
     2.       Applications for enrolment shall be in the form specified and shall be accompanied by a non-refundable
              application fee in an amount to be determined from time to time and reflected on the application form.
     3.       The REGISTRATION fee, STATIONERY fee and TOILETRIES are not refundable under ANY
     4.       Building Blocks Pre-Primary & Nursery School / The Board, reserve the right to refuse admission based on the
              credit scoring received from Trans Credit Bureau.
     5.       Building Blocks Pre-Primary & Nursery School / The Board, reserve the right to not divulge the full details as
              received from Trans Credit Bureau to any applicant.
     6.       The parents agree to be bound by the RULES, REGULATIONS, POLICIES & PROCEDURES of the school,
              as determined from time to times, and enunciated by the Board and/or the Principal.
     7.       Serious breach of the rules, regulations, policies and procedures may result in a Disciplinary Hearing, Suspension
              or even expulsion of the Learner from Building Blocks Pre-Primary & Nursery School.
     8.       The Principal will act in “loco parentis” whilst the Learner attends Building Blocks Pre-Primary & Nursery
     9.       Fees are payable in advance, before or on the first day of the month. Fees are payable, either annually or
              monthly, in advance, free of exchange, deduction or set off. Non-payment shall entitle the Board to withdraw
              educational services and cancel the Enrolment of the learner forthwith.
     10.      To give ONE CALENDAR MONTHS WRITTEN NOTICE if the Learner is going to leave the school before
              or at the end of September. Notice to be handed in, in writing by the 1 st of September and last day of attendance
              is the 30th of September. One month’s notice accepted for the following months; January, February, March,
              April, May, June, July, August and September. No exceptions will be allowed.
     11.      Thereafter a THREE MONTHS WRITTEN NOTICE period is required until the end of December if the
              Learner will not be returning to the school in the following Academic Year. Notice to be handed in, in writing by
              the 1st of October for the last 3 months of the year. No exceptions will be allowed.
     12.      The school contract is an OPEN ENDED CONTRACT and you need not apply at the school every year, the
              Learner will automatically move to the next grade if no WRITTEN NOTICE is received.
     13.      We the parents further agree that in the event of an emergency arising in terms of which the pupil will require
              urgent medication, the pupil may be taken to the nearest hospital, clinic or doctor at the discretion of the Principal
              or authorised senior staff member. The parents undertake to accept full responsibility for any medical costs
              incurred in the event of such an emergency.
     14.      The parents hereby indemnify and agree to hold harmless Building Blocks Pre-Primary & Nursery School, the
              Board of Governors, the Principal and Staff, or the authorised agents or representatives of the aforementioned,
              against any and all claims, howsoever arising, including negligence, arising out of any injury, death, loss,
              damage, cost or expense, including legal costs, suffered by the learner or a third party as a result of or during the
              enrolment of the learner at the school.
     15.      To take full responsibility in the case of lost clothing due to the fact that it was not marked properly.
     16.      We understand that De Jager Kids cc, T/A Building Blocks Pre-Primary & Nursery School are registered with
              Trans Union Credit Bureau, (ITC)., and agree that Building Blocks Pre-Primary & Nursery School will perform a
              credit search based on our application.
     17.      Should we fail to honour our commitment to pay all fees to Building Blocks Pre-Primary & Nursery School,
              Building Blocks Pre-Primary & Nursery School reserves the right to submit details of our non-performance with
              Trans Credit Bureau and Trans Credit Bureau may share such information with other credit providers and Trans
              Union Credit Bureaus customers for prescribed purposes.
     18.      Building Blocks Pre-Primary & Nursery School will provide you with 20 days written notice before your details
              are submitted for listing in order for your account standing to be rectified.
     19.      We understand that this is a legal and binding contract between us and Building Blocks Pre-Primary and Nursery
              school. The school shall be entitled to instruct its attorneys to attend to the collection of outstanding accounts and
              the parents will be liable for the payment of all costs incurred.
     20.      We the parents accept the terms of “Policy regarding payment of School Fees, Late Payments and Late Collection
              Fines” and “Policy for Sick Learner’s” and “Policy on Compulsory School Uniform.” And “Policy for
              Alternative Authorised Pick Up”
As parents we hereby sign below as indication that we have read, understood and accept the content of the Conditions of
Enrolment as described above. We agree that our Learner’s admission is subject to the above terms and conditions.

DATED AT _______________ in this ________ day of ___________________, 20_______.

         Signature of Father                                                       Signature of Mother
PART 7: Policy regarding payment of School Fees, Late Payment and Late Collection Fines
   1.   Applications for enrolment shall be accompanied by a non-refundable application fee in an amount to be determined
        from time to time and reflected on the application form.
   2.   The purpose of this policy is to ensure that fees due to the school are paid when they are due and to create a procedure
        to deal with instances where fees are not paid.
   3.   CASH IS NOT A PAYMENT OPTION. Parents wanting to pay CASH will need to make a full payment of One
        Month’s Fees as a Cash Deposit which will increase annually.
   4.   Non-South African Residents will need to make a full payment of One Month’s Fees as a Foreigner Deposit
        which will increase annually.
   5.   Failure to pay fees on time places considerable and unnecessary burden on the school. We are placed under financial
        pressure as our ability to meet our own financial obligations is compromised.
   6.   Fees include Tuition, Breakfast, Lunch and all Snacks & Drinks.
   7.   There are two fee structure: Full Day and Half Day, please indicate which one you require.
        School Fee Structure                                   FULL DAY                                HALF DAY

   8.  Fees are payable in advance, either annually or monthly.
   9.  Annual payments will receive a 10% discount on fees if received by the 15th of December or 5% if received by the 1st
       day of January in the new Academic Year.
   10. Monthly payments MUST be made via debit order either over 10months, Jan to Oct or 11months, Jan to Nov or
       12months, Jan to Dec. Indicate which option you choose to conduct the payment of your School Fees

                ANNUAL                 10 MNTHS JAN-OCT                11 MNTHS JAN-NOV                12 MNTHS JAN-DEC

   11. If your debit order gets returned for ANY reason we will automatically charge you a DEBIT ORDER RETURN
       FEE of R150-00 which needs to be settled immediately or by the 7th of that month.
   12. After the 1st of the month and fees are still outstanding an additional LATE PAYMENT FEE of R150-00 will be
       added to your account.
   13. Failure to make full payment of the outstanding fees and penalties will result in the pupil concerned being suspended
       and will not be permitted to return to school until the full outstanding amount is settled.
   14. Any school fees and penalties outstanding as at the 1st of December will result in the report and transfer documents
       being withheld until the total outstanding has been settled, the school may also terminate the learners enrolment for
       the following year.
   15. On late collection of your Learner, a PENALTY FEE of R50.00 for the first 15 minutes and then R100.00 for every
       15 minutes thereafter will be charged per Learner. This fine will need to be paid directly to the Manager on Duty
       when the Learner is collected. Please note that this is a Penalty fee and does not form part of the School Fees.
   16. This is a legal and binding contract between us, the parents, and Building Blocks Pre-Primary & Nursery School. The
       school shall be entitled to instruct its attorneys to attend to the collection of outstanding accounts and the parents will
       be liable for the payment of all costs incurred, on the scale as between attorney and own client, including collection
       fees. In the event of action instituted the parent’s consent to the Magistrate’s Court jurisdiction.
   17. We choose as our domicilium citandi et executandi for all purposes, including the giving of any notice required or
       permitted hereunder and any proceedings which may be instituted by virtue hereof, at our Residential Address, E-mail
       Address, and Postal Address as stated on Page 6 of the Application for Admission.

                                                                                           Initial: __________       __________

                                                                                                    Mother       Father
PART 8: Policy regarding Compulsory School Uniform
   1.   Building Blocks is a Private School and Uniform is Compulsory. Learners are to wear school uniform every day.
   2.   Uniform is to be in good order, neat and clean every day.
   3.   By enrolling our Learner at Building Blocks Pre-Primary & Nursery School we agree that this Policy will form part of
        the agreement between us, the parents & the school.
   4.   Summer uniform is to be worn in the Summer months and Winter uniform in the Winter months.
   5.   If your Learner is not in the correct uniform he/she will be sent home.
   6.   Stock is always available from the School Uniform Shop.
                                                                                       Initial: __________ __________
                                                                                                  Mother      Father
PART 9: Policy regarding PEANUT FREE School
   1.   Building Blocks is a PEANUT FREE School.
   2.   No snack or food item will be allowed onto the school grounds.
   3.   In the event of a Birthday Party NO PARTY PACKS will be allowed.
   4.   For a party, parents are advised to bring in plain iced cup cakes and a few packets of Flings.
   5.   A Birthday cake will be permitted on condition that there is no cream or nuts.
                                                                                          Initial: _________ __________
                                                                                                     Mother  Father
School                             V.V.                N.W.                       S.R.

YEAR OF ADMISSION                                DATE OF

ANNUAL PAYER                YES           NO     DEBIT ORDER DATE        15th 20th 25th 1st

Non-South African           YES           NO     MONTHS DEPOSIT            YES           NO
Resident                                         PAID

GRADE                                            TEACHER

Special Fees        Full day one     Full day family   Half day one         Half day family fee:
(as per Lesley)     Learner:         fee:              Learner:
R                   R                R                 R
                           R                                Initial                Annual
DETAILS OF FIRST                                        Administration            Stationery
                                                             Fee                     Fee
How did they pay?                                        (Per family)           (Per Learner)
Date?                                                     R 550-00                R 550-00
Admin Fee

Stationery Fee                                               Receipt #            Receipt #

Non-South African
Months Deposit
School Fees

Transport Fees                                             Date Paid              Date Paid

Total Uniform Purchase

Payment method of
Uniform Purchased
Pastel                             Fees Debit                   Transport
Acc #                              Order #                      Debit
                                                                Order #
Details of First


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