Bucks County Playhouse Student Theater Festival Handbook

Page created by Tony Larson
Bucks County Playhouse Student Theater Festival Handbook
Bucks County Playhouse
Student Theater Festival Handbook
Bucks County Playhouse
   Student Theater Festival Handbook
   Table of Contents

   Welcome................................................................ 3

   About the Day........................................................ 4

        Sample Schedule..............................................................4
        COVID-19 Safety Protocols..............................................4

   About the Performances........................................ 5

        Time Limit.......................................................................5
        Set, Props and Projections..............................................5
        Weapon Policy.................................................................6
        Stage Dimensions............................................................6

   FAQs...................................................................... 6


2			                                                                                            Bucks County Playhouse Student Theater Festival
                    The Student Theater Festival at Bucks County Playhouse is in its 54th year!
                    Originally known as Dramafest for one act plays, the Student Theater Festival
                    has evolved into a multi–week celebration showcasing talented student
                    performers from all over the region. Students perform on the historic stage,
                    take workshops to develop their knowledge and skills in the arts and receive
                    feedback from theater professionals.

                    When the Playhouse closed in 2010, Newtown Arts Company, located in
                    Newtown, PA, hosted the Festival for the next two years. After a lavish $6
                    million renovation, the Playhouse reopened its doors in 2012 and welcomed
                    the Student Theater Festival back to its stage along with a partnership with
                    Newtown Arts Company, a relationship that remains a strong component of
                    the Festival to this day.

                    The network of Bucks County Playhouse Student Theater Festival alumni is
                    ever expanding and we are excited to welcome you and your show to the stage!

Bucks County Playhouse Student Theater Festival			                                                  3
Excelsior or Docket), as well as
About the Day                                • Each student may take two one-
                                                                                         other international vaccine records.
Payment                                                                                • Children under 12 and people with
                                               hour-long workshops in the
Payment is required to reserve a slot                                                    a medical condition or closely
                                               morning. There are three to four
for STF, on a first-come, first-served                                                   held religious belief that prevents
                                               workshops offered which may
basis. Final payment is due two weeks                                                    vaccination may show proof of a
                                               include, but are not limited to:
before your designated day, which                                                        negative COVID-19 PCR test taken
                                               movement, dance, tap/jazz, improv,
includes student fees.                                                                   within 72 hours of the date. Rapid
                                               theater games, Shakespearean
                                                                                         antigen tests will NOT be accepted
Sample Daily Schedule                          acting, audition technique and a
                                                                                       • The Playhouse’s full COVID policy
8:30 am-9:00 am-Arrival/Registration           variety of other subjects.
                                                                                         can be found here on our website:
9:15 am-9:30 am-Welcome                      • Teachers/Directors receive tickets
9:45 am-12:00 pm-Workshops                     to distribute to students upon check
12:00 pm-12:45 pm-Lunch                        in. Each student should receive two
                                                                                       • Students performing on stage
1:00 pm-4:30 pm-Performances/                  tickets from their teacher. Tickets
                                                                                         may remove their masks for the
                Feedback                       are labeled clearly with session 1
                                                                                         duration of their performance.
4:30 pm-5:30 pm-Load-Out/Awards                and session 2 along with the name
                                                                                         Masks must be worn as soon as
                                               of the workshop.
Arrival/Registration                                                                     students are finished performing
Schools and groups arrive at the             Lunch                                     • Plastic clear face shields are not
Playhouse, unload props at the loading       • Participants are welcome to bring         required for performers. Schools
dock and check in at our theater lobby.        their own lunches and sit in our          are welcome to have their students
Upon check in teachers/directors               spacious courtyard. There are             wear clear face shields while
will receive a welcome packet which            ample tables, chairs and benches.         performing.
includes playbills of the Festival with        There are also many quaint              • Schools are welcome to have
the day’s schedule, wristbands and             restaurants in New Hope for               students wear their masks during
tickets to the workshops. Welcome              participants to explore during the        the performance if that is their
remarks begin at 9:15 am and then              lunch break.                              safety preference. Masks must
students are dismissed for the                                                           be worn as soon as students are
morning’s workshops.                         COVID-19 Safety Protocols                   finished performing

Our Parking Lot
                                             • Everyone in the theatre and
                                               workshop spaces must wear
                                                                                      About the
Parking in our lot is $3 per hour or           acceptable face coverings at all
$20 for the entire day (CARS & VANS                                                   Schools perform segments of plays and
                                               times, regardless of vaccination
ONLY, LIMITED AVAILABILITY).                                                          musicals with casts of varying sizes.
                                               status, except while eating or
It is a public lot, so it is open to other                                            Guest Artists provide feedback on each
                                               drinking in designated locations.
visitors to New Hope. Please note                                                     performance.
                                             • All face coverings must cover the
buses CANNOT park in our parking               nose and mouth and comply with
lot. However, we welcome buses to                                                     To limit the number of people
                                               the CDC guidelines for acceptable
pull into our lot to drop off group                                                   backstage at one time, only one
                                               face coverings.
members before finding additional                                                     school will be permitted onstage and
                                             • Vaccines are required for students,
parking.                                                                              backstage at a time. The changeover
                                               teachers, and chaperones will be
                                                                                      time between each performance will
Parking for Motor Coaches                      asked for proof of vaccination upon
                                                                                      therefore be extended to 15 minutes,
and Mini Buses                                 arrival for check in.
                                                                                      allowing the onstage school to clear
f you are bringing a bus, you must park      • We will accept a paper vaccination
                                                                                      and return to the theater and the next
off-site following drop off. Further           card, a photocopy of your card, a
                                                                                      school to go backstage to prepare for
information about bus parking will be          photo of your card on your phone,
                                                                                      their performance. Schools will be
provided closer to the Festival dates.         a digital vaccine app (such as
                                                                                      adjudicated one at a time during the
4			                                                                                   Bucks County Playhouse Student Theater Festival
changeover.                                  performances in advance and are            language, nudity, sex, violence or
                                             integral to making the day run             other content that, in the view of
This year there will be three to five        smoothly.                                  the Festival, could be considered
schools per day with a maximum of 6                                                     offensive.
                                           Time Limit
                                           • Performance slots are 20 minutes.        Set, Props and Projections
Teching                                       Performances must be 20 minutes         • Storage, wing and dressing
 • During the morning while                   in length or shorter. Performances        room space is extremely limited
   students attend their workshops,           will be timed by Bucks County             backstage at the Playhouse. Set
   a designated person (teachers,             Playhouse staff.                          pieces, backdrops, flats and large
   advisers, directors and/or student      • There will be a 15-minute                  furniture pieces cannot be used.
   directors) will work with Bucks            changeover between each                   Only handheld props and
   County Playhouse production                performance. The onstage school           smaller furniture pieces can be
   staff to prepare the technical             will clear the stage and return to        brought to the Playhouse.
   elements of their performances.            the theater and the next school will    • Participating schools will be
   Each school will program their             go backstage to prepare for their         provided with a list of furniture
   lighting and sound with Bucks              performance. Once the first school         that will be available at the
   County Playhouse production staff          has returned to the house, the            Playhouse for their use. The
   including reviewing any needs such         adjudicators will give them notes         purpose of this is to limit the
   as: keyboard, chairs, tables, etc.         during the remaining time left in         quantity of set pieces, furniture
 • Shows will be teched in the                the changeover.                           and props being stored backstage.
   order of performances in the            • If a performance goes over the           • Each participating school will have
   afternoon. Each school will receive        allotted time, there will be a            access to a small table to store
   approximately 15 minutes per               2-minute warning from the Stage           props, costumes and supplies
   segment to work with Bucks County          Manager, followed by a dimming            backstage.
   Playhouse production staff to tech         of the lights and fade out. This is     • No liquids are allowed on stage.
   their performance(s).                      to ensure that all performances         • Use of the projector may be
 • Teachers, advisers and directors           receive the same amount of time           available to schools during the
   must tech during their allotted time       on stage and to keep the festival on      Festival. For more information
   in the morning. All shows must be          schedule.                                 about availability of the projector
   teched before the lunch break and       • Schools may sign up for a maximum          and for specifications, please
   before performances begin in the           of two time slots per day. Schools        contact Emily Anacker to discuss
   afternoon.                                 can perform two 20-minute                  your school’s needs.
 • Prior to the Festival, teachers/           segments of their show, for example
                                                                                      Weapon Policy
   directors will receive a tech rider        an Act 1 and Act 2, but they will not
                                                                                      • Safety for all students, teachers,
   from BCP staff. This tech rider            be performed consecutively.
                                                                                        staff and guests participating in the
   is a form that teachers/directors
                                           Content                                      Student Theater Festival is of the
   will fill out that includes basic
                                           • Selected material can be from              utmost importance. Please read our
   information about your production,
                                             published sources and/or student-          weapon policy carefully:*
   such as title, run time, size of cast
                                             written/directed.                        • BCP defines a weapon as: “Any
   and crew, a list of lighting and
                                           • To make the Student Theater                object used in a staged fight for
   sound cues, and list of props and
                                             Festival enjoyable for all                 attack or defense” and “Any
   set pieces you plan to bring to the
                                             participants, material should be           implements fashioned or used in
   Festival. Schools must return
                                             suitable for a public performance          a threatening manner, whether
   this completed tech rider one
                                             before a general audience at               capable of inflicting actual bodily
   week before their date at the
                                             your own school. We ask that               harm or not.”
   Festival. These tech riders allow
                                             selections contain no extreme adult      • BCP staff must be notified by the
   BCP technical staff to prepare for

Bucks County Playhouse Student Theater Festival			                                                                            5
teacher, advisor or director of use       • Feedback is positive in nature,
                                                                                     How many performances
  of any and all weapons used in a            designed to enhance the
                                                                                     can I bring?
  performance upon registering for            performance and provide insight
                                                                                     We limit schools to two performances
  the Festival.                               on how students and teachers may
                                                                                     per day.
• All weapons must be presented               improve future productions.
  upon load-in to Playhouse staff on                                                 How do I pay?
  the day of the Festival.                                                           Schools may pay for their initial
                                            • Each day of STF culminates with
• Bucks County Playhouse reserves                                                    registration over the phone with
                                              a short awards ceremony. Daily
  the right to deny the use of any and                                               credit card, or mail a check or money
                                              awards are given out to schools and
  all weapons used on our stage and                                                  order. Upon arrival to the Festival any
                                              individuals that show excellence in
  in our facilities at any time.                                                     additional payments may be made at
                                              their performances.
• The following are never allowed                                                    the Box Office with cash, check, credit
                                            • Guest Artists deliberate following
  at the Festival: real blades or guns                                               card or money order. Please do not
                                              the final performance of the
  of any kind, guns with blanks,                                                     send cash in the mail. Bucks County
                                              day and award the schools and
  retractable knives or swords,                                                      Playhouse is not responsible for the
                                              individuals that stood out to
  blunted blades of any kind.                                                        loss of cash sent in the mail. Please
                                              highlight their performances.
*In accordance with the Actors’                                                      refer to the Festival registration form
                                            • Daily awards are subject to change
  Equity Association Agreement and                                                   for details.
                                              and categories vary year to year and
  Rules Governing Employment in
                                              day to day during the Festival.        Can I buy tickets?
  Small Professional Theaters Stage
                                                                                     Is it open to the public?
  Fighting Policy and the Yale School      Please Note: The Festival does not
                                                                                      • The Student Theater Festival
  of Drama Prop Weapon and Stage           focus on competition, but rather
                                           on a supportive environment to               afternoon performances (generally
  Combat Policy.
                                           share talent, collaborate with               beginning at 1pm) are free and
Sound                                      theater students that they would             open to the public! Parents and
                                           not normally meet and to encourage
• Schools need to provide a CD, flash                                                   members of the community are
                                           their fellow performers.
  drive or file of their musical tracks.                                                welcome to come watch their
• Schools may have no more than                                                         students perform on the historic
  three musicians if using live music.                                                  Playhouse stage free of charge!
• A piano or keyboard will be                                                         • Performances take place at Bucks
  available. Please notify Emily                                                        County Playhouse in the afternoon.
  Anacker if you require a keyboard,       FAQs                                       • A schedule of performances will
  piano                                    What is the cost of the                      be listed in the Student Theater
  or projector.                            festival?                                    Festival program which will be
                                           • $60 per 20-minute segment                  distributed to participants when
Stage Dimensions
                                           • $25 per student                            they arrive.
• The stage depth is 30’ with about 15’
                                           • Free for teachers and advisors           • Parents please note: While we
  of wing space on either side.
                                                                                        do our best to stay on schedule,
• The proscenium height is 19’3” and       Do I bring costumes?                         your child’s performance may not
  width 29’9”.                             Schools may bring costumes, but              happen at the exact time it is listed
Feedback                                   they are not judged on them. Please          in the program. We recommend
• Typically, the teaching artists who      remember that storage is very limited        that you arrive before your child’s
  lead the morning workshops will          backstage.                                   schedule time and prepare for the
  give feedback at the afternoon           Can I bring two segments of                  possibility that we may be slightly
  performances. This is done so the        the same show?                               ahead or behind schedule.
  guest artists have a chance to meet      Yes, schools can perform 20 minutes
  the students in the morning and to                                                 How do I sign up?
                                           of Act 1 and Act 2 – but they will not
  provide continuity for the students                                                The registration form is available to
                                           be performed consecutively.
  throughout the day.                                                                download on our website. Registration
6			                                                                                  Bucks County Playhouse Student Theater Festival
is on a first-come, first-served basis
and we try to accommodate each
school and their schedules. We ask
that schools give us several choices of

What if my students don’t
want to take a dance class?
There are several options for
workshops, and they change each
year—improv, theater games,
movement, dance, tap/jazz,
Shakespeare, acting for the camera,
audition prep, and more. In recent
years we have also offered workshops
in technical theater like costume
design and rigging.

Bucks County Playhouse                               Emily Anacker, Management Associate
Box Office: 70 S. Main St., New Hope, PA 18938       (215) 387-1983 • Emily@buckscountyplayhouse.org
(215) 862-2121 • www.buckscountyplayhouse.org
                                                     Ellen Gallos, Assistant Director of Education
                                                     (267) 743-2199 • Ellen@busckcountyplayhouse.org
Bucks County Playhouse Student Theater Festival			                                                     7
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