Buckingham Friends School - INSPIRE locally. FOSTER globally.

Page created by Audrey Garcia
Buckingham Friends School - INSPIRE locally. FOSTER globally.
2012-2013 annual report

  Friends School
        founded 1794

INSPIRE locally. FOSTER globally.
Buckingham Friends School - INSPIRE locally. FOSTER globally.
             my first year, the collective school community welcomed me
            to the school and opened up their hearts, minds and the campus
            to share what BFS means to them. Now, in my second year
of service to Buckingham Friends School, I have further understood our
school and our community though I am by no means an expert. Theodore
Roosevelt once said, “Far and away the best prize that life has to offer is
the chance to work hard at work worth doing.” I certainly won that prize!
And, I appreciate the partnership with so many of you to help me to settle
in to my work at BFS.

Over the course of the 2012-13 school year,     flexibility to move through the curriculum
our school community continued to explore       in a dynamic and engaging way.
avenues to realize our aspirations as out-
lined in our Strategic Plan 2017 focusing       We developed a three-year technology
on: Spirituality Culture and Community;         plan, and a generous donor has partnered
Curriculum and Innovation; Diversity;           with us to help acquire new tools and fund
Campus; and Financial Sustainability.           professional development. We are excited
                                                to undertake this work that will enhance
The introduction of a new Assistant Head        our teaching and learning in many wonder-
of School, a new Science specialist and         ful ways. We were able to install three new
a new music teacher brought new ideas           interactive white boards in our fourth, fifth
and innovation to our community and our         and sixth grade classrooms to complement
work, and we are grateful for their presence.   last year’s installation of a new board in the
Throughout the year, the faculty divided        third grade classroom. The teachers have
into teams to review the math, language         engaged in extensive professional development
arts, and health and wellness curriculums       and collegiality in learning best practices
against the new Common Core and                 around teaching and learning with this
National Standards and assessed where           innovative technology. We will purchase
we saw gaps and redundancies in our own         three new interactive white boards, ten new
curriculum. In many areas we matched the        Chrome books and ten iPads this year.
state standards while in several others we      This new fleet of technology has the faculty
went above expectations. As a result of         excited and eager to embark on learning
the size of the school and how well the         how to seamlessly incorporate these tools
teachers know the students, we do have the      into the classroom.
Buckingham Friends School - INSPIRE locally. FOSTER globally.
From the
                                                                                                 head of school
Our Joint Environmental Mission ran a            We were successful in reaching beyond our
number of successful programs over this          anticipated goal for the Annual Fund. In
last year. On two separate occasions, we         total, this community of Board members,
welcomed delegates from Russia, Australia,       faculty, staff, parents, grandparents, alumni
Kenya and India to work with our teachers        and friends contributed over $500,000 in
and plan for our two-week Earth Summit           restricted and unrestricted funds. We were
coming up this school year in April 2014.        able to break ground on our new athletic
                                                 field, “Grandparents Field,” continue our
Like many independent schools, we are still      research and plans for refurbishing the
grappling with changing demographics and         lower school, and begin implementing
the impact of a difficult economy. From          protected outdoor spaces for reforestation
the fall to the spring, we put a great deal of   over time.
effort into our admissions process, under-
standing our market positions and adjusting      The students are the greatest beneficiaries
the School’s operational budget to align         of the partnerships with those who share
with lower enrollment trends. Although           our philosophy in teaching and learning in
this was a challenging year, we continue         a collaborative way. The students at

             Far and away the best prize that life has to offer

             is the chance to work hard at work worth doing.
                                                         Theodore Roosevelt

to focus on how to attract more students,        Buckingham Friends are compassionate,
monitor our expenses, and not undermine          thoughtful and poised lifelong learners.
our academic programs. Our admissions            We respect the Light in each of the
process continues to uphold our standards        students as they make their way through
for strong community members and young           the complexities of life and support them         Community
children who are eager to learn within the       to make healthy choices inside and outside
context of a Quaker community.                   of the classroom. We are so proud of who
                                                 they are as individuals, who they become
We continue to offer generous financial          as community members, and I am deeply
aid, allocating 14.2% of our operating           grateful to every one of you for your role
budget in support of 30% of our students.        in this work.
The challenge going forward continues to
be affordability and accessibility to a wide     In Friendship,
socio-economic population. Both anticipated
and unanticipated financial challenges are
more common in this economic climate and
the School will do its best to work with         Lucretia M. Wells
families under duress.                           Head of School

The many pages in this report speak to the
generosity of our community that makes
everything we do possible. Our endowment
has increased to over $3.7 million.
Buckingham Friends School - INSPIRE locally. FOSTER globally.
Congratulations to buckingham friends school Class of 2013

            enty 8th grade students were graduated from
           Buckingham Friends School at a ceremony
           held the evening of June 6th at the historic
Buckingham Friends Meetinghouse. The graduates will go
on to attend a variety of independent and public schools
including Choate Rosemary Hall, George School,
Germantown Academy, The Hill School, The Hun School
of Princeton, The Lawrenceville School, Lenape Middle
School, Notre Dame High School, Pennington School,
and Princeton Day School.

                                                           Serena Bentley   Sophia Ball

  Jonah Helmer	Abby Kolbman	Claire Kinnel                                   Dzian Kolack	E


  Will Perkins	Abby Rizor	Tanya Robinson		K
Buckingham Friends School - INSPIRE locally. FOSTER globally.
“   Trust in what you love, continue to do it,
                                                   and it will take you where you need to go.
                                                                                      Natalie Goldberg, Author

                                                                                       Class of 2013

                  Jack Datin   Gabe Gomez	Anna Honer

          	Emily Katsiff       Belle McMahon             Grace Nicholas	Archer O’neal-Odom

		Karl Tota	Michael Troup	Chase Williams	Nathan Zelesko
Buckingham Friends School - INSPIRE locally. FOSTER globally.
fiscal year
      July 1, 2012 - June 30, 2013

      UNRESTRICTED REVENUES                                OPERATING EXPENSES



                     80.5%                                               65.5%

      Tuitions and Fees                                    $ 2,539,938           80.5%
      Contributions and Fundraising                        $   258,911            8.2%
      Investment and Other Income                          $   357,603           11.3%
      TOTAL OPERATING REVENUE	                             $ 3,156,452

      Academic Programs                                    $ 1,957,326           65.5%
      General and Administrative                           $ 1,029,153           34.5%
      TOTAL EXPENSES	                                      $ 2,986,479

      Annual Giving                        $   156,025
      Grandparents Field                   $   114,465
      EITC                                 $   104,300
      Fundraising Events                   $    38,382
      Auction Special Appeal               $    27,400
      Endowment Funds                      $    26,223
      Curriculum and Technology            $    21,750
      JEM                                  $    13,994
      Class of 2013 Gift                   $     2,000
      Other                                $     1,860
      TOTAL CONTRIBUTIONS	                 $   506,399­

      Endowment Market Value was $3,754,378 as of June 30, 2013­­







         ‘04   ‘05     ‘06   ‘07   ‘08   ‘09   ‘10   ‘11    ‘12   ‘13
Buckingham Friends School - INSPIRE locally. FOSTER globally.
BOARD OF TRUSTEES              ADVANCEMENT COMMITTEE           COMMITTEE ON TRUSTEES                2012-2013
David Barry ’55                David Barry ’55                 David Barry ’55                      Volunteers
Lisa Parry Becker              Valerie Eastburn                Diane Davies
Diane Davies                   Diane Eilbacher                 Robert Holt
Gloria Denoon                  Anita Jensen                    Alice Maxfield
Valerie Eastburn, Asst. Sec.   Alan Keim, Co-Clerk             Adam Schmucker
Robert Holt, Clerk             Alice Maxfield, Co-Clerk        Falecia Wasicko, Clerk
Anita Jensen, Asst. Clerk      David Redenbaugh ’94                                                 The success of our school
Alan Keim, Asst. Treasurer        Ad-hoc members:                                                   depends in large part on
Alice Maxfield                   Dana Swanson                                                       the volunteer efforts of our
David Redenbaugh ’94, Sec.       Millie Bond ’97                                                    board, parents, alumni,
Robert Roop                                                                                         faculty and friends.
Adam Schmucker                                                                                      Thank you to all who are
Neal Sigety, Treasurer                                                                              mentioned here, and to all
Wendy Steginsky                                                                                     the others whose names are
Edna-Anne Valdepeñas                                                                                too numerous to list but
Falecia Wasicko                                                                                     whose heart and
Sara Webster                                                                                        commitment are no less

STRATEGIC PLANNING             FINANCE COMMITTEE               PARENT LEADERSHIP                    There are six committees of
COMMITTEE                      Lisa Parry Becker               PTAC Clerk: Cinda Ball               the Board including the
Diane Davies                   Pam Caprio                      Vice Clerk: Tia Cavallaro            Executive Committee,
Gloria Denoon, Clerk           Robert Cavallaro                Class Parents:                       which is comprised of the
Valerie Eastburn               Robert Holt                     K – Dave Mottershead                 clerks of each of the
David Redenbaugh ’94           Alan Keim                       1 – Tracey Williams ’89              standing committees and
Adam Schmucker                 Amy Popkin                      2 – Maryanne and Dan Garber          the Head of School.
Wendy Steginsky                Robert Roop                     3–H   eidi Feigles and Lisa Parry   The Head of School is a
Falecia Wasicko                Neal Sigety, Clerk                   Becker                          member of all committees.
Edna-Anne Valdepeñas           Kirby Smith                     4 – Liz Sigety and Olivia Brangan
                                                               5 – S usan Smith and Jeffrey
Joe Dovidio                    Robert Cavallaro                6 – Jane and Ralph Oswald
Rob Dusek ’78                  Alan Keim                       7 – John and Renee Lutz
Jeffrey Greenwood              Neal Sigety, Clerk
Robert Holt                    Kirby Smith                     GARDENING PARENTS
Ralph Oswald                   George Yarnall                  Chair: Ralph Oswald
Robert Roop, Clerk                                             1 – Tracey Williams ’89 and Erica
Kirby Smith                    COMMITTEE CHAIRS                     Chick
Wendy Steginsky                5k Trail Run: Renee Rodgers     2 – Julie Garner
Sara Webster                   Auction: Melissa Clayton        3 – Neal and Heidi Feigles
                               Martin Luther King Day:         4 – Melissa Clayton
                                Cari Nelson                    5 – Rob ’78 and Kathy Dusek
                               Annual Giving: Jill and Peter   6 – Dave and Lucy Connery
                                Reardon                        7 – Nancy Comley
                                                               8 – Don and Lorri Perkins
Buckingham Friends School - INSPIRE locally. FOSTER globally.
       of giving
all funds combined

   This report reflects gifts
      and pledges received
         from July 1, 2012
   through June 30, 2013.
   Gifts received after that
date will be acknowledged
         in our 2013-2014
            Annual Report.
               Thank you!

      S                               “    Thank you for all that BFS has done, and continues to do,
                                           for education, love of learning and the future for all of us.
    Service                                This donation is in our mother’s name: Alice Scoville Barry.
                                                                             The Barry Family
                                $75,000                                     $5,000 - 9,999
                                Charles and Katharine Sigety                Kenneth A. Andersen
                                                                            Curtis and Briar Faure Mewbourne ‘81
                                $25,000                                     Mimsey Potts
                                First National Bank of Newtown              Peter and Jill Reardon
                                Stokes Material Handling Systems, Inc.      Marshall Rorer ‘86
                                                                            Scott Wallace ‘65
                                $20,000 - 24,999                            Jeffrey M. Williams
                                110 Commerce Way, Inc.
                                The Denoon Family                           $2,500 - 4,999
                                Alan and Gail Keim                          Jeff and Linda Davis
                                                                            Rod and Valerie Eastburn
                                $15,000 - 19,999                            Rachel Finkle and Sven Helmer
                                Ashley Garrett ‘72 and Alan Jones           Alard and Susan Hanover
                                                                            Andy Kantra and Malaine Reed
                                $10,000 - 14,999                            Milestone Bank
                                The Barry Family                            Brad and Kristine Quinby
                                Ingrid B. Hibben                            Brian and Liz Rizor
                                Mainstream Swimsuits, Inc.                  The Waldman Family
                                Millenium Medical                           Matthew and Jennifer Zelesko
                                Jonathan and Grace Scott
                                Neal and Virginia Sigety                    $1,000 - 2,499
                                Robert and Elizabeth Sigety                 Anonymous (3)
                                TB Philly, Inc.                             Dr. and Mrs. M. H. Antar
                                                                            David Barry ‘55
                                                                            Boris and Lisa Becker
Buckingham Friends School - INSPIRE locally. FOSTER globally.
Andrew and Ena Bright                Robert and Jane Dusek                David and Nancy Keim Comley ‘83
Buckingham Monthly Meeting           Joe and Sherri Falsetti              Concate Technologies Inc.
Jon and Erica Chick                  Vickie Hodge and James Farrell       David and Lucy Connery
Class of 2013                        John and Jaqui Hover                 Bouzha Cookman ‘71
Patsy and David Clayton              Marcus Keep ‘73                      Cornerstone Clubs
Lou and Carol Della Penna            David B. Koth                        Norm and Eileen Coryell
Sally Drayer and Jeff Nicholas       Dana and Rob Lansing                 Randy Cox ‘61
John and Susan Eichert               Lincoln and Julie Merwin             Richard Cox
Neal and Heidi Feigles               Jennifer Whitbeck and Ed Mestetsky   Nancy and Terry Culleton
Fox Rothschild LLP                   Toby and Juanelle Mochel             Stephen ‘96 and Loren Cunning
Friends Council on Education         David Mottershead and                Ellie and Jim Cusick
Bill and Nancy Galardi                Andrea Houghton                     Veronica A. Cusick
James and Deborah Gallagher          UBS Financial Services-Princeton     Joseph and Diane Davies
Daniel and Maryanne Garber            Fund of the Princeton Area          Robert and Tara Davis
Bonnie and Andrew Garrett ‘80         Community Foundation                Karl and Jackie Dieterichs
Diane Gogel-Boerner                  Alison and Daniel Quill ‘85          Thomas and Marne Dietterich
Douglas Haigh and Sandra Moreno      Jason Ralph and Raegan McClain       William Dockhorn and
Jacqueline Haute                     Ross and Lindsay Reinhold             Carol Wengert
Jerry and Amy Hoffman                Joyce Rivas                          Mrs. Roland W. Donnem
Bob and Anne Irwin Holt              Dan and Laura Rodstrom               Frank Dougherty and
Sung and Dawn Hong                   Tom and Kathy Rogers                  Pamela Broadway
Yue and Juan Quing Huang             Robert N. Roop                       Vie Ebenbach
Zheng Huang and Chunmei Liu          Cari Nelson and Karen Roycroft       Ken and JoAnne Egger
Beverley Jones                       Alan and Karen Sheriff               Diane Eilbacher
Candace Jones and Stephen Phillips   Richard and Brooke Silva             Erik and Kim Eisen
Michael and Widgette Kelly           Wendy Steginsky                      Abdallah and Jennifer El-Habr
Charles Kerr Foundation              Robert and Jane Toll                 Gordon Walker Ellis ‘62
Ryuichi and Tomomi Munekata          Michael-John Van Rhyn ‘78            Lloyd Evans
Mira Nakashima-Yarnall and           Dale and Gail Whittenberger          Exxon Mobil Foundation
 Jonathon Yarnall                    Williams and Hand, P.C.              Todd and Kelley Fairbairn
Novartis                             Jon and Karen Yerkes                 Michel and Barbara Faure
John Ordway and Jan Jalenak                                               Erik Fleischer
Ozzie and Jane Oswald                $100 - 499                           Kathy and Joe Fluehr
Don and Lorri Perkins                Anonymous (2)                        Alison Goodyear Freehling ‘55
Tom and Lisa Phillips                Nick Abrams                          Paul and Tammy Friendshuh
The Pillmore Family                  Tim and Patti Alloway                Paul Funk ‘68
Susan and David Rattner              Frances Benson Altman ‘72            Erik and Abigail Galardi
Kevin Roche                          Jane W. AuWerter                     Robert Goldsborough ‘62
Shawn and Renee Rodgers              Robert and Cheryl Baldi              Raouf Grissa and Karen Slattery
Michael and Karen Rohovsky           Marie Baudy                          Charles H. Haines ‘45
Susan Smith                          The Baytosh Family                   Sandie Hakos
Susan Stevenson                      Ann Shellenberger Bell ‘68           Andrew and Allison Hamilton
James and Dana Swanson               Steve and Nancy Bernardini           Sean and Debbie Hartman
Verizon                              Judy and Arnold Bernstein            Bill and Maureen Harvey
Sara Webster                         Linda Bidlo                          Judith Heggestad
Lucretia and Jonathon Wells          Karin Inches Blake ‘55               Sara and Kathryn Hibbs
Dorothy and Mike Zelesko             Melissa and Millie Bond ‘97          Mark and Darla Holkey
Raymond C. Williams, Jr.             Harriette Brainard ‘75               Daniel Holton-Roth ‘91
                                     Brian and Olivia Brangan             Timothy and Christine Houghton
$500 - 999                           Neil and Amanda Buschi               Mary Ingraham
Satoru and Soomi Amagasu             Charles and Melissa Calvert          Anne Irwin ‘63
Chris and Stacey Antar               Nelson Camp and Alice Maxfield       Olwen Jarvis
Drew and Nadene Augenblick           Bonnie’s Wish                        Linda Kamel
Mrs. Carrolle Barlow                 Melissa and Thomas Carroll           Tim and Gloria Katsiff
Citizens Bank                        Al and Debby Cepparulo               Edith Kawano
Mark and Lisa Cook                   Christopher and Whitney Chandor      Russ Keep ‘69
Laurie Rendall Coursin ‘63           Daniel Chang                         Chris Keep ‘71 and
Dan and Betsy Crofts                 Melissa Clayton                       Alison Mitchell ‘81
Michael and Alberta Duncan           Georgie Coles                        David H. Keller Jr.
Buckingham Friends School - INSPIRE locally. FOSTER globally.
Nicholas Kerr ‘96                  Amy Whitney and Gary Robinson         Katherine Camp ‘97
Margarita and Peter Kind           James A. Rose V ‘67                   Christopher Camp ‘99
Geoff and Laura Kinnel             Nancy and Keith Sandberg              Chip Capelli
Robin and Anne Kinnel              Adam and Jessica Schmucker            M. Casdorff
David and Diane Kish               Ariel Scott ‘96                       Anna Resek Chung ‘95
Ron and Rita Kulczynski            Larry Shane ‘48                       Dee Ciccarelli
Henry and Lynn Kush                Minda Shein                           Joseph Ciccarelli
Joseph and Rose LaRosa             Betts Slim                            Fanny Custer Clark ‘49
Faith Roeser Larsen ‘68            Gurney and Faith Sloan                Lucy Clayton ‘17
John Leydon ‘55                    Colby Smith and Glenn Cummings        Laura Constance
Jody Lee Lipes ‘96                 Sheri and Kirby Smith                 Lauren Cortright
George and Maureen Long            Bernice Farlee Snyder ‘40             Gabriella ‘07 and Francesca ‘12 Crimi
Rob Lunny                          Solebury Friends Meeting              Sarah Crofts ‘87
Deborah Morgan Luquer ‘54          Cheryl Sommer                         Anita Verna Crofts ‘84
John and Rene Lutz                 Hillary Spitzer                       Will Mead and Amy Cronise-Mead
Jack Macauley ‘66                  Eric and Jaime Steinberger            Eric and Patti Dalessio
Peter and Camille Mancuso          Dick Stephenson ‘44                   Jack Datin ‘13
John Mason and Kim Kiendl          Ian Stevens ‘86                       Jim and Sue Datin
Will and Denie Mathias             Alan Stifelman and                    S. Daugherty
Ernie and Laurie Mayer              Rosemary McQuate                     Robert Davis ‘68
Bob and Stephanie McBride          Lynn and Shelley Taylor               Joan and James Davis
Merck Partnership for Giving       Susan Taylor and Michael Murphree     Edward Dempsey and
Herman Mihalich and Val Fusco      Div Telwala and Ami Shah               Geraldine Dougherty
Annette White Miller ‘73           Sue Dolph Tinsman ‘36                 Deborah Diemand ‘58
Charles and Nanci Mistovich        Todd and Melissa Trice                Timothy Donnelly and
Vanessa Mitchell ‘80               Betsy Todd Uhl ‘56                     Kathy Krueger
The Mook Family                    Edna-Anne Valdepeñas and              Gregory and Susan Dwornikowski
Melissa Moreno                      Cheri Mellor                         Sarah Eastburn ‘99
Bethann Morgan ‘77                 Melinda Vallone                       Sam Datin F’17
Masahiro Munekata                  Randall Wallace ‘68                   Nils and Katherine Falk
Kevin Nakashima                    John and Falecia Wasicko              Joyce Falsetti
Laurance Narbut ‘85                Susan Crosman Waterhouse ‘88          Catherine Brooks Faure ‘85
Dave and Marge Nemec               Paul Weinstein and Debbie Bernstein   Rhodes Faure ‘12
Patty and Bill Nicoson             Robert and Frances Whitelaw           Emily Fernberger
Kathleen O’Neal and Chris Odom     Susan Keim Wiggins ‘77                Julie McIntosh Forte ‘92
Holly and Thomas Olson             Brooke and Tracey Hanover             Sydney Fox
Ralph and Cecilia Bay Otto ‘50      Williams ‘89                         Doug Friend ‘63
The Passport Foundation            Jane Williams                         Mark Funk ‘66
Ethan and Virginia Perry           Donald L. Woods                       Daniel Garber ‘16
Alan H. Plough ‘69                 The Wright Family                     Dylan Garber ‘19
Lawrence Plummer and               Richard Yarnall                       The GE Foundation
 Prudence Churchill                None Such Farm                        Jack Glancey ‘11
Dan and Trudy Polka                Leslie Yerkes                         Martha Greenwood
Vivian and David Port              David and Rebecca Zemach-Lawler       Bill Gribbell ‘74
Quaker Hill Foundation                                                   Cecilia Grissa ‘00
Lydia P. Quill                     $1 - 99                               R.B. Grissa ‘06
David Hagler Redenbaugh ‘94        Anonymous (7)                         Jon and Debbie Gruelle
Linda Hagler Redenbaugh            Mammen Abraham and Pinki Mehta        Anna Guthrie
Laura Swanstrom Reece ‘87          Jane E. Amon                          George and Ann Hackl
Mary Ellen Reed                    Mary Lee Allen Anderson ‘67           Janet S. Hano
Rosemary and Charlie Reed          Barlow Antar ‘14                      Richard and Jennifer Harbert
Carole and Charlie Reinhold        R. Ashby                              Meg Weller Harkins ‘49
Daryl and Rhoda Renschler          Scott and Alix Bacon                  Dennis Haupert
Jim and Diana Resek                Heather L. Barnes ‘90                 Elissa Heinrichs
George and Frances Rhoads          Morton and Janet Barnett              Hugh and Margaret Heinrichs
Paul Rizzo and Marcia Durgin       C. Rodger Biles ‘61                   Bruce Henderson and
Roxana Barry Robinson ‘60          Thomas and Lony-Ann Blizzard           Cynthia Wallace
Claude ‘50 and Margaret Robinson   Millie Bond ‘97                       John and Christine Hoenstine
“    I am pleased to see my grandson, Trey Dusek,
        grow as he progresses through your fine institution.

        Looking forward to Grandparents Day.
                                        Erik Fleischer

Caroline Smith Hoffman ‘37         Elizabeth Leith-Ross Mow ‘40       Harriett Pierie Segessenman ‘57
Joseph Holbert                     Jessica Moyer                      Jack Seitner
Linda J. Holton                    Maxwell Murphy                     Zoe Silva ‘19
Amy and John W. Iden ‘96           Susan and Timothy Murphy           Gertrude Fetzer Skelly ‘42
Grace Kantra ’19                   Jason Napierski ‘99                Janice T. Spurr
Sue and Bob Keel                   John and Silvia Napierski          Pru Stasikewich ‘64
David and Carie Keller             Janet Roeser Nordberg              S. Steward
Cassandra Abbe Kimble ‘50          Sam Oswald ‘12                     Stephanie Thliveris
Michael and Andrea Kind            Blake and Jan Parry                Patricia Walsh-Collins
Brennan Kinnel ‘10                 Jean Partridge                     James and Nancy Weisel Way ‘61
Claire Kinnel ‘13                  Joyce Paul                         Peggy Richie Weymouth ‘56
Ginny Work Kosoff ‘52              Lidie Peace ‘63                    Anne Hunt White ‘67
William C. Kuehn ‘57               Carol M. Plough ‘69                Diane Wiley
Reid Kush ‘11                      George and Louann Plough           Madeline L. Wiley ‘09
Valda and Ewart Lawrence           Jessica Polka ‘99                  Wrightstown Monthly Meeting
Katelyn Long ‘11                   Andrew and Amy Taylor Popkin ‘78   Joseph and Maureen Zielke
Olivia Lutz ‘14                    Chip Poston
Joann Maclatchie                   Patrick Reardon ‘15                Undisclosed Amount
Rusty and Carol MacMullan          Will Reardon ‘18                   Curtis and Cinda Ball
V. MagnaSalon                      Thomas L. Richie ‘66               Robert and Tia Cavallaro
Christopher McCandless ‘60         Brianna Robinson ‘00               David Graham ‘82
Mary Kay and Les McDowell          Sarah Robinson ‘94                 Anita Jensen
Kay Mengers                        Tom and Vera Roche                 Edward and Elizabeth MacNamee
Ken Miller ‘64                     K. Roth                            Mike and Mandy Salerno
Elizabeth Moore-Moriarty ‘56       Alexander T. Ryan ‘96              Isabella Tamburrino-Schreiber
Jean Moreno                        Susan L. Sandberg                  Brian and Kim Troup
Marguerite Moreno and              Kelli J. Scarlett
 David Leinweber                   Merle and Jill Schmucker
Jeff Morgan ‘58                    Erika E. Scott ‘93

   S              “
                       Thank you for Grandparents Field. I’m looking
                       forward to ‘cheering on’ Sarah, Alexandra and
                       their teammates in 2014.
                                                              Veronica Cusick

                  EITC Partners We are grateful to our EITC partners who contributed a total of $104,000
                  this past year for financial aid to qualified families. EITC is the Educational Improvement
                  Tax Credit Program available through the State of Pennsylvania for PA based businesses.
                  If you are a business owner and would like more information, please contact
                  Diane Eilbacher at 215-794-7491 ext. 112.

                  110 Commerce Way, Inc.                      Millenium Medical
                  First National Bank of Newtown              Philip Rosenau Company, Inc.
                  Mainstream Swimsuits, Inc.                  Stokes Material Handling Systems, Inc.
                  Milestone Bank                              TB Philly, Inc.

                  Grandparents Field
                  We broke ground on our new athletic field       Alan and Gail Keim
                  thanks to a generous property lease with        David H. Keller Jr.
                  Peddler’s Village and contributions from        Robin and Anne Kinnel
                  individuals that have taken us halfway to       Joseph and Rose LaRosa
                  our goal of $300,000. The new field is          Valda and Ewart Lawrence
                  located behind the Jane Jackson House           Vivian and David Port
                  and is scheduled to open Fall 2014.             Mimsey Potts
                                                                  Lydia P. Quill
                  Sham and Diane Antar                            Rosemary and Charlie Reed
                  Judy and Arnold Bernstein                       Carole and Charlie Reinhold
                  Veronica A. Cusick                              Charles and Katharine Sigety
                  Karl and Jackie Dieterichs                      Susan Stevenson
                  Bill and Nancy Galardi                          Robert and Jane Toll
                  Alard and Susan Hanover                         Raymond C. Williams, Jr.
                  Ingrid B. Hibben                                Wrightstown Monthly Meeting
RESTRICTED GIFTS and GRANTS               Robert N. Roop                       Jacqueline Haute
Anonymous 3-year grant for                Michael and Amanda Salerno           Elissa Heinrichs
 technology and curriculum                Neal and Virginia Sigety             Ingrid Hibben
 development                              Robert and Elizabeth Sigety          Vickie Hodge and James Farrell
Class of 2013 for new athletic            Elizabeth Slim                       Jerry and Amy Hoffman
 uniforms                                 Susan Smith                          Sung and Dawn Hong
Shawn and Renee Rodgers                   Jeffrey Williams                     Anita Jensen
 for technology in the classrooms         Jon and Karen Yerkes                 Andy Kantra and Malaine Reed
Jon and Erica Chick for the Library       Matthew and Jennifer Zelesko         Tim and Gloria Katsiff
Dale and Gail Whittenberger to                                                 Chris Keep ‘71 and Alison
 promote Quaker and Spiritual Life        JEM Fund                              Mitchell ‘81
Friends Council on Education              (Joint Environmental Mission)        David and Carie Keller
 f or a school-wide project to express   Thanks to our student Read-a-thon    Michael and Widgette Kelly
  Quaker Testimonies                      participants, who read a total of    Geoff and Laura Kinnel
                                          159,772 pages, and to their          George and Maureen Long
Auction Special Appeal                    Read-a-thon sponsors who             V. MagnaSalon
Our acres of woodlands and trails are     contributed over $9,100 in support   Ernie and Laurie Mayer
a treasured feature of our campus.        of our signature JEM program.        Melissa Moreno
We embarked on a ten-year plan to         Anonymous                            Jessica Moyer
regenerate our trees and woodlands        Mammen Abraham and Pinki Mehta       Kathleen O’Neal and Chris Odom
that suffered greatly over the past       Tim and Patti Alloway                Ozzie and Jane Oswald
several years. Generous donors            Chris and Stacey Antar               Blake and Jan Parry
contributed $25,000 in support of         R. Ashby                             Don and Lorri Perkins
a ten-year regeneration plan that         Scott and Alix Bacon                 Andrew and Amy Taylor Popkin ‘78
includes the installation of deer         Curtis and Cinda Ball                Alison and Daniel Quill ‘85
fencing enclosures, tree tubes, and       Boris and Lisa Becker                Lydia P. Quill
incorporates scientific principles and    Linda Bidlo                          Bradford and Kristine Quinby
observation into our curriculum.          Brian and Olivia Brangan             Jason Ralph and Raegan McClain
Chris and Stacey Antar                    Andrew and Ena Bright                Peter and Jill Reardon
Boris and Lisa Becker                     Neil and Amanda Buschi               Ross and Lindsay Reinhold
Andrew and Ena Bright                     M. Casdorff                          Paul Rizzo and Marcia Durgin
Patsy and David Clayton                   Robert and Tia Cavallaro             Shawn and Renee Rodgers
Mark and Lisa Cook                        Jon and Erica Chick                  Dan and Laura Rodstrom
Jeff and Linda Davis                      Melissa Clayton                      K. Roth
Michael and Alberta Duncan                Patsy and David Clayton              Cari Nelson and Karen Roycroft
Sally Drayer and Jeff Nicholas            David and Nancy Keim Comley ‘83      Michael and Amanda Salerno
Rod and Valerie Eastburn                  David and Lucy Connery               Kelli J. Scarlett
Diane Eilbacher                           Norm and Eileen Coryell              Adam and Jessica Schmucker
Rachel Finkle and Sven Helmer             Will Mead and Amy Cronise-Mead       Merle and Jill Schmucker
James and Deborah Gallagher               Jim and Sue Datin                    Minda Shein
Daniel and Maryanne Garber                S. Daugherty                         Charles and Katharine Sigety
Bonnie and Andrew Garrett ‘80             Jeff and Linda Davis                 Neal and Virginia Sigety
Douglas Haigh and Sandra Moreno           Joan and James Davis                 Robert and Elizabeth Sigety
Vickie Hodge and James Farrell            Robert and Tara Davis                Richard and Brooke Silva
Robert Holt                               Gloria and David Denoon ‘58          Eric and Jaime Steinberger
Andy Kantra and Malaine Reed              Timothy Donnelly and                 S. Steward
Alan and Gail Keim                         Kathy Krueger                       James and Dana Swanson
Michael and Widgette Kelly                Erik and Kim Eisen                   Lynn and Shelley Taylor
Jennifer Whitbeck and Ed Mestetsky        Abdallah and Jennifer El-Habr        Edna Anne Valdepeñas and
Toby and Juanelle Mochel                  Lloyd Evans                           Cheri Mellor
Melissa Moreno                            Neal and Heidi Feigles               Waldman Family
Kevin Nakashima                           Emily Fernberger                     John and Falecia Wasicko
Mira Nakashima-Yarnall and                Rachel Finkle and Sven Helmer        James and Nancy Weisel Way ‘61
 Jonathon Yarnall                         Paul and Tammy Friendshuh            Brooke and Tracey Hanover
Dave and Marge Nemec                      James and Deborah Gallagher           Williams ‘89
John Ordway and Jan Jalenak               Daniel and Maryanne Garber           Jeffrey Williams
Ralph and Jane Oswald                     Bonnie and Andrew Garrett ‘80        Matthew and Jennifer Zelesko
Alison and Daniel Quill ‘85               Jon and Debbie Gruelle               David and Rebecca Zemach-Lawler
Bradford and Kristine Quinby              Douglas Haigh and Sandra Moreno
Peter and Jill Reardon                    Richard and Jennifer Harbert
Shawn and Renee Rodgers                   Sean and Debbie Hartman

                       Buckingham Friends School invests its endowment funds in a manner in keeping with
                       Quaker values, in a portfolio that excludes companies that have a substantial involvement
                       in the production or sale of alcohol, tobacco, nuclear power or gambling products or
                       services, and would exclude companies with any involvement in the production or sale
                       of military products or services.

                       Endowment Funds provide long-lasting financial security and stability for the school.
                       Contributions are permanently invested and the principal of these funds remains intact.
                       We gratefully acknowledge the following contributions that will create a perpetual source
                       of income and an enduring gift to Buckingham Friends School.

                       General Endowment                                James Iden Smith Fund
                       Joyce Rivas                                      Established in 1998, this fund provides finan-
                       Brian and Liz Rizor                              cial aid to a Quaker student each year based
                       Jonathan and Grace Scott                         upon merit, and secondarily, financial need.
                       Susan Smith                                      Applicants are considered based upon recom-
                       Jeffrey Williams                                 mendations from the Clerk of their Monthly
                                                                        Meeting and other Friends who know the

    For BFS Annual     Elizabeth Todd Haines Fund                       student.
    Fund and Betty     Betty Haines was a beloved teacher at BFS        Bethann Morgan ‘77
                       from 1937 to 1966 who touched many young
    Todd Haines        lives. To honor her teaching excellence, a BFS   Sarah Mook Fund
    who gave me        alumnus established this fund in her honor in    Sarah was a BFS 3rd grader when she died of

    a center.          2004. Proceeds are used for financial aid        a heart condition that had gone undetected
                       scholarships.                                    from birth. A scholarship fund was named in
                       Charles H. Haines ‘45                            her honor to help make BFS affordable to a
    Deborah            Deborah Morgan Luquer ‘54                        broad spectrum of students and to
    Morgan             Holly and Thomas Olson                           memorialize her brief life.
    Luquer ‘54
                                                                        Nils and Katherine Falk
                       faculty enrichment
                       Endowment                                        Olwen Jarvis
                       Charles and Melissa Calvert                      Linda Hagler Redenbaugh

                                                                        Gordon G. and
                       Financial Aid Endowment                          Allaire Wallace Fund
                       for Quaker Children                              The Wallace Family established this fund
                       Drew and Nadene Augenblick                       in 2001 in memory of Gordon and Allaire,
                       Gail B. Keim                                     mother and sister of the Wallace brothers, all
                       Jody Lee Lipes ‘96                               BFS ‘60s graduates. The fund augments the
                                                                        school’s existing scholarship fund.
                       Principals’ Fund
                                                                        Scott Wallace ‘65
                       Established in honor of all Principals and
                       Heads of Buckingham Friends School.
                       Alice Scoville Barry
                                                                              annual fund
                                                                              by group
                                                                               +  = individual’s gift was
                                                                               * =d   onor has contributed
                                                                                    10 or more years
                                                                               ** = d onor has contributed
                                                                                    20 or more years

    Our grandsons, Patrick and William Reardon, are
    receiving the greatest education and extra-curricular
    opportunities/development. The entire educational
    system is one of positive, enthusiastic support – while                          Equality

    helping all achieve their potential. Thanks so much.
                                         Chuck Mistovich

    School Board                            Richard Cox
    Participation: 100%                     Frank Dougherty
    David Barry ‘55 *                       Joe Dovidio
    Lisa Parry Becker +                     Alberta Duncan *
    Diane Davies *                          Diane Eilbacher
    Gloria Denoon                           Kathy Fluehr
    Valerie Eastburn *                      Sydney Fox *
    Robert Holt *                           Anna Guthrie
    Anita Jensen                            Sandra Hakos
    Alan Keim                               Dennis Haupert
    Alice Maxfield *                        Judith Heggestad **
    David Redenbaugh ‘94                    Mary Ingraham *
    Robert N. Roop *                        Linda Kamel *
    Adam Schmucker                          Elizabeth MacNamee *
    Neal Sigety *                           Lincoln Merwin **
    Wendy Steginsky                         Toby Mochel
    Edna-Anne Valdepeñas                    Jean Partridge *
    Falecia Wasicko                         Nancy Sandberg **
    Sara Webster *                          Kirby O. Smith
                                            Hillary Spitzer
    faculty and staff                       Isabella Tamburrino-Schreiber *
    Participation: 100%                     Stephanie Thliveris
    Marie Baudy *                           Melissa Trice
    Steve Bernardini **                     Kim Troup
    Melissa Carroll                         Patricia Walsh-Collins *
    Melissa Clayton                         Lucretia Wells
    Lauren Cortright                        Diane Wiley *
current parents                     Peter and Jill Reardon            Lawrence Plummer and Prudence
Participation: 72%                  Ross and Lindsay Reinhold          Churchill
Satoru and Soomi Amagasu            Brian and Elizabeth Rizor         Mimsey Potts *
Chris and Stacey Antar              Paul Rizzo and Marcia Durgin *    Lydia P. Quill *
Curtis and Cinda Ball               Kevin Roche                       Rosemary and Charlie Reed
Boris and Lisa Becker +             Shawn and Renee Rodgers +         Carole and Charlie Reinhold
Brian and Olivia Brangan            Dan and Laura Rodstrom            Tom and Vera Roche
Andrew and Ena Bright               Cari Nelson and Karen Roycroft    Susan Stevenson
Neil and Amanda Buschi              Michael and Amanda Salerno        Lynn and Shelley Taylor *
Robert and Tia Cavallaro            Adam and Jessica Schmucker        Susan Taylor and Michael Murphree
Jon and Erica Chick                 Neal and Virginia Sigety *        Robert and Frances Whitelaw
Melissa Clayton                     Robert and Elizabeth Sigety *     Leslie Yerkes
David and Nancy Keim Comley ‘83 *   Richard and Brooke Silva          Dotty and Mike Zelesko
Mark and Lisa Cook                  Colby Smith and Glenn
Norm and Eileen Coryell              Cummings
Eric and Patti Dalessio             Susan Smith
Jim and Sue Datin                   Cheryl Sommer
Jeff and Linda Davis *              Eric and Jaime Steinberger
Gloria and David Denoon ‘58 *       James and Dana Swanson
Sally Drayer and Jeff Nicholas      Todd and Melissa Trice
Gregory and Susan Dwornikowski      Brian and Kim Troup
Erik and Kim Eisen                  Edna-Anne Valdepeñas and
Todd and Kelley Fairbairn            Cheri Mellor
Joe and Sherri Falsetti             Melinda Vallone
Rachel Finkle and Sven Helmer       John and Falecia Wasicko           During 2nd grade
Paul and Tammy Friendshuh           Brooke and Tracey Hanover          Class of 2019
James and Deborah Gallagher +        Williams ‘89
Daniel and Maryanne Garber          Jeffrey Williams *                current students
Bonnie and Andrew Garrett ‘80       Jon and Karen Yerkes              Barlow Antar ‘14
Douglas Haigh and Sandra Moreno     Matthew and Jennifer Zelesko      Lucy Clayton ‘17
Sean and Debbie Hartman             David and Rebecca Zemach-Lawler   Sam Datin ‘17
Jacqueline Haute                    Joseph and Maureen Zielke         Jack Datin ‘13
Jerry and Amy Hoffman                                                 Daniel Garber ‘16
Sung and Dawn Hong                  current grandparents              Dylan Garber ‘19
Yue and Juan Quing Huang            Participation: 20%                Grace Kantra ‘19
Zheng Huang and Chunmei Liu         Carrolle Barlow                   Claire Kinnel ‘13
Anita Jensen                        Patsy and David Clayton           Olivia Lutz ‘14
Andy Kantra and Malaine Reed        Georgie Coles                     Patrick Reardon ‘15
Chris Keep ‘71 and Alison           Laura Constance                   Will Reardon ‘18
 Mitchell ‘81                       Ellie and Jim Cusick              Zoe Silva ‘19
David and Carie Keller              Veronica A. Cusick
Michael and Widgette Kelly          Lou and Carol Della Penna         alumni
Michael and Andrea Kind             Mrs. Roland W. Donnem             Participation: 16%
Geoff and Laura Kinnel *            Robert and Jane Dusek             1930-39
Joe and Nadine Lee                  Ken and JoAnne Egger              Sue Dolph Tinsman ‘36 + **
George and Maureen Long             Erik Fleischer +                  Caroline Smith Hoffman ‘37 *
Rob Lunny                           Alard and Susan Hanover **        1940-49
John and Rene Lutz                  Hugh and Margaret Heinrichs       Elizabeth Leith-Ross Mow ‘40 *
Ernie and Laurie Mayer              Ingrid B. Hibben                  Bernice Farlee Snyder ‘40 *
Melissa Moreno                      Vickie Hodge and James Farrell    Gertrude Fetzer Skelly ‘42
David Mottershead and               Sue and Bob Keel                  Dick Stephenson ‘44 *
 Andrea Houghton                    Alan and Gail Keim **             Charles H. Haines ‘45 *
Ryuichi and Tomomi Munekata         Margarita and Peter Kind          Larry Shane ‘48 *
John Ordway and Jan Jalenak         Robin and Anne Kinnel *           Fanny Custer Clark ‘49 *
Ralph and Jane Oswald *             Ron and Rita Kulczynski           Meg Weller Harkins ‘49 **
Don and Lorri Perkins               Mary Kay and Les McDowell *       1950-59
Tom and Lisa Phillips               Charles and Nanci Mistovich       Anonymous
Alison and Daniel Quill ‘85         Jean Moreno                       Cassandra Abbe Kimble ‘50 *
Bradford and Kristine Quinby        Susan and Timothy Murphy          Ralph and Cecilia Bay Otto ‘50
Jason Ralph and Raegan McClain      Patty and Bill Nicoson            Claude ‘50 and Margaret Robinson
         It’s been fun keeping in touch via the Seedlings

         newsletter. Thanks. Aloha.
                                                  Gordon Ellis ‘62

Ginny Work Kosoff ‘52 *                Marcus Keep ‘73                   Madeline L. Wiley ‘09
Deborah Morgan Luquer ‘54 **           Annette White Miller ‘73 *        Brennan Kinnel ‘10
David Barry ‘55 *                      Bill Gribbell ‘74 *               Jack Glancey ‘11
Karin Inches Blake ‘55 *               Harriette Brainard ‘75            Reid Kush ‘11
Alison Goodyear Freehling ‘55          Bethann Morgan ‘77 *              Katelyn Long ‘11
John Leydon ‘55 **                     Susan Keim Wiggins ‘77 *          Rhodes Faure ‘12
Elizabeth Moore-Moriarty ‘56           Michael-John Van Rhyn ‘78         Sam Oswald ‘12
Betsy Todd Uhl ‘56 *                   1980-89
Peggy Richie Weymouth ‘56 *            Bonnie and Andrew Garrett ‘80     1794 Club
William C. Kuehn ‘57 *                 Vanessa Mitchell ‘80 *            R.B. Grissa ‘06
Harriett Pierie Segessenman ‘57        Alison Mitchell ‘81               Madeline L. Wiley ‘09
Gloria and David Denoon ‘58 *          Curtis and Briar Faure            Reid Kush ‘11
Deborah Diemand ‘58 *                   Mewbourne ‘81 *                  Sam Oswald ‘12
Jeff Morgan ‘58                        David Graham ‘82                  (The 1794 Club is reserved for our young
1960-69                                David and Nancy Keim Comley ‘83   alumni who have graduated within the past
Anonymous                              Anita Verna Crofts ‘84 *          10 years and have donated $17.94 or more
Christopher McCandless ‘60             Catherine Brooks Faure ‘85        to this year’s annual giving campaign.)
Roxana Barry Robinson ‘60 *            Laurance Narbut ‘85 +
C. Rodger Biles ‘61 *                  Alison and Daniel Quill ‘85
Randy Cox ‘61 *                        Marshall Rorer ‘86 *              parents of alumni
Gordon Walker Ellis ‘62 *              Ian Stevens ‘86 +                 Participation: 22%
Robert Goldsborough ‘62 *              Sarah Crofts ‘87 **               Anonymous (3)
Laurie Rendall Coursin ‘63 *           Laura Swanstrom Reece ‘87 **      Kenneth A. Andersen **
Doug Friend ‘63 *                      Susan Crosman Waterhouse ‘88 *    Drew and Nadene Augenblick *
Anne Irwin ‘63                         Williams Family ’89               Jane W. AuWerter *
Lidie Peace ‘63                        1990-99                           Robert and Cheryl Baldi *
John and Jaqui Hover ‘64 *             Heather L. Barnes ‘90 *           Morton and Janet Barnett *
Ken Miller ‘64 *                       Daniel Holton-Roth ‘91            Steve and Nancy Bernardini **
Pru Stasikewich ‘64                    Julie McIntosh Forte ‘92          Melissa Bond
Mark Funk ‘66 *                        Erika E. Scott ‘93                Nelson Camp and Alice Maxfield *
Jack Macauley ‘66                      David Hagler Redenbaugh ‘94       Al and Debby Cepparulo *
Thomas L. Richie ‘66 **                Sarah Robinson ‘94 *              Christopher and Whitney Chandor
Mary Lee Allen Anderson ‘67 **         Anna Resek Chung ‘95              Daniel Chang *
James A. Rose V ‘67 *                  Stephen ‘96 and Loren Cunning     Laurie Rendall Coursin ‘63 *
Anne Hunt White ‘67 *                  Amy and John W. Iden ‘96          Dan and Betsy Crofts **
Ann Shellenberger Bell ‘68 *           Nicholas Kerr ‘96 *               Nancy and Terry Culleton *
Robert Davis ‘68                       Alexander T. Ryan ‘96 *           Joseph and Diane Davies *
Paul Funk ‘68 *                        Ariel Scott ‘96                   Jeff and Linda Davis *
Faith Roeser Larsen ‘68                Millie Bond ‘97                   Edward Dempsey and Geraldine
Randall Wallace ‘68 **                 Katherine Camp ‘97 *               Dougherty *
Russ Keep ‘69 *                        Christopher Camp ‘99 *            Thomas and Marne Dietterich *
Alan H. Plough ‘69 **                  Sarah Eastburn ‘99                William Dockhorn and Carol
Carol M. Plough ‘69                    Jason Napierski ‘99                Wengert *
1970-79                                Jessica Polka ‘99                 Michael and Alberta Duncan *
Anonymous (2)                          2000-12                           Robert and Jane Dusek
Bouzha Cookman ‘71 *                   Anonymous                         Rod and Valerie Eastburn *
Chris Keep ‘71                         Cecilia Grissa ‘00                John and Susan Eichert *
Frances Benson Altman ‘72 **           Brianna Robinson ‘00              Joe and Sherri Falsetti
Ashley Garrett ‘72 and Alan Jones **   R.B. Grissa ‘06                   Joyce Falsetti *
Catherine Brooks Faure ‘85             Gurney and Faith Sloan **               Tribute gifts
Michel and Barbara Faure *             Janice T. Spurr *                       Nick Abrams in memory of Sarra R. Yole
Sydney Fox *                           Alan Stifelman and Rosemary              and Isabel K. Donaldson
Raouf Grissa and Karen Slattery *       McQuate *                              The Barry Family in memory of
George and Ann Hackl *                 Lynn and Shelley Taylor *                Alice Scoville Barry
Andrew and Allison Hamilton *          Todd and Melissa Trice                  Chip Capelli in memory of Bonnie Milne
Janet S. Hano *                        Brian and Kim Troup                     Alan and Gail Keim
The Hanover Family **                  Edna Anne Valdepeñas and Cheri          Wrightstown Monthly Meeting
Bill and Maureen Harvey *               Mellor                                  in memory of Ming-Fang Cheng
Bruce Henderson and Cynthia            Sara Webster *                          Ozzie and Jane Oswald
 Wallace *                             Paul Weinstein and Debbie Bernstein *    in memory of Mark Wiley
John and Christine Hoenstine *         Diane Wiley *                           Thomas and Marne Dietterich
Bob and Anne Irwin Holt                Jane Williams                            in honor of Sydney Fox
Linda J. Holton                        Jeffrey M. Williams *                   Charles Kerr Foundation
John and Jaqui Hover                   The Wright Family *                      in honor of Christopher Kerr
Beverley Jones *                       Dave and Becca Zemach-Lawler            Brian and Liz Rizor
Candace Jones and Stephen Phillips *   Joseph and Maureen Zielke                in honor of Abby Rizor ‘13
Edith Kawano **                                                                Michael and Karen Rohovsky
Alan and Gail Keim                     grandparents of alumni                   in honor of Stephanie Rohovsky Akbari and
David and Carie Keller                 Jane E. Amon                              Paul Rohovsky
Michael and Andrea Kind                Morton and Janet Barnett *              Dale and Gail Whittenberger
Geoff and Laura Kinnel *               Michel and Barbara Faure *               in honor of Peter Pearson and Joe Ciccarelli
David and Diane Kish                   Martha Greenwood *
Henry and Lynn Kush                    Janet S. Hano *                         MATCHING GIFT ORGANIZATIONS
George and Maureen Long                Beverley Jones *                        Citizens Bank
Peter and Camille Mancuso *            Mimsey Potts *                          Exxon Mobil Foundation
John Mason and Kim Kiendl              Susan L. Sandberg **                    The GE Foundation
Will and Denie Mathias *               Betts Slim **                           Merck Partnership for Giving
Bob and Stephanie McBride *            Sue Dolph Tinsman ‘36 + **              Novartis
Kay Mengers *                          Patricia Walsh-Collins *                The Passport Foundation
Lincoln and Julie Merwin **            Richard Yarnall *                       Quaker Hill Foundation
Herman Mihalich and Val Fusco *                                                Solebury Friends Meeting **
Ken Miller ‘64 *                       former staff and faculty                United Technologies
John and Silvia Napierski *            Nick Abrams                             Verizon
Janet Roeser Nordberg                  The Baytosh Family
John Ordway and Jan Jalenak            Vie Ebenbach **                         5k Run
Ozzie and Jane Oswald *                Joseph Holbert                          Sponsors, Supporters and Advertisers
Jean Partridge *                       Olwen Jarvis *                          Central Bucks Ambulance and
Joyce Paul *                           David B. Koth **                         Rescue Unit
Ethan and Virginia Perry *             Rusty and Carol MacMullan               Concate Technologies Inc.
The Pillmore Family *                  Herman Mihalich and Val Fusco *         The Cornerstone Clubs
George and Louann Plough *             Ethan and Virginia Perry *              Fox Rothschild, LLP
Dan and Trudy Polka *                  George and Louann Plough                The Hardware Store
Chip Poston                            Betts Slim **                           Healthcare Acumen – Medical
Lydia P. Quill                         Alan Stifelman and                       Device Marketing
Susan and David Rattner *               Rosemary McQuate *                     None Such Farm
Daryl and Rhoda Renschler *                                                    Ooka - Japanese Cuisine
Jim and Diana Resek **                 friends of bfs                          Pasqualina’s Italian Market and Deli
Amy Whitney and Gary Robinson *        Thomas and Lony-Ann Blizzard            PortaBowl Inc.
Tom and Kathy Rogers *                 Charles and Melissa Calvert             Shawn and Renee Rodgers
Michael and Karen Rohovsky **          Chip Capelli                            RVOIII Photography
Robert N. Roop                         Mark and Darla Holkey +                 Solebury Orchards
Nancy and Keith Sandberg **            Joann Maclatchie                        TB Philly, Inc.
Susan L. Sandberg **                   Marguerite Moreno and                   Williams and Hand Law, pc
Jonathan and Grace Scott *              David Leinweber
Jack Seitner +                         Masahiro Munekata
Alan and Karen Sheriff *               Donald L. Woods
Neal and Virginia Sigety *
Robert and Elizabeth Sigety *
     This year I started a charitable fund in the memory of my dear friend Bonnie Milne
     who died in 2009 at age 41. While her life was cut short with much yet undone,
     she left a generosity of spirit that I will carry on for her throughout the rest of my
     life. I created Bonnie’s Wish to remind myself, and others, that it is possible to
     leave a lasting legacy of love, hope and spirit.
        Please accept this gift in her memory and for her wish for a better world.
                                                                                       Chip Capelli

auction                                                  2012-2013
Sponsors, Supporters and Advertisers
Aldie Mansion
                                                         students and families
Lisa and Boris Becker                                    Buckingham Friends School welcomed
Linda Bidlo                                              these new students and families to our
Brian and Olivia Brangan                                 community bringing total enrollment for
Bucks County Folk Music Shop                             the year to 163.
Budget Printing
CAbi, Virginia Sigety                                    Joe & Sherri Falsetti - Matthew (K)
The Cornerstone Clubs                                    Stefan Doleschel & Helen Azanov - Nicholas (K)
Bob Egan Entertainment                                   Joe & Nadine Lee - Fionna (K)
Executive Wealth and Retirement                          Ross & Lindsay Reinhold - Catrina (K)
 Strategies                                              Colby Smith & Glenn Cummings - Rex (K)
Finkle’s Hardware                                        Michael & Widgette Kelly - Liam (K)
First Choice Loan Services, Inc.                         Erik & Abby Galardi - William (K)
Fox Rothschild llp                                       Todd & Kelley Fairbairn - Alex (K), Matthew (2)
Gallagher’s Custom Wine Cellars                          Norm & Eileen Coryell - Will (K)
Doug Haigh and Sandra Moreno                             Robert & Tara Davis - Garner (1)
The Hardware Store                                       Ru & Soomi Amagasu - Toshi (3)
Bob Holt and Anne Irwin                                  Scott & Dawn Hong - Joseph (5)
Holt Woodworking                                         Cheryl Sommer & Mike Sommer - Maddie (6)
Hunterdon Radiological Associates                        Dan & Laura Rodstrom - Michael (6)
JE Portraits and Design                                  Dan & Jen Fest - Nick (6), Matt (8)
Jules Thin Crust                                         Abdallah & Jennifer El-Habr - Mason (7)
Madison Belle llc                                        Tim & Gloria Katsiff - Emily (8)
Mellon and Webster, pc
Toby Mochel                                              and new students of current BFS families:
George Nakashima Woodworker SA                           Freya Mottershead (K)
None Such Farm                                           Sydney Ralph (K)
Nursing Care Services, Inc.                              Wyn Evans (K)
Ralph and Jane Oswald                                    Trist Evans (K)
Parry and Son Insurance                                  Abby Salerno (3)
Peter and Jill Reardon
Kevin Roche                                              total enrollment                       163
Shawn and Renee Rodgers                                  Boys                                   85
RVOIII Photography and Design                            Girls                                  78
Shop Sixty-Five                                          Quakers                                17 (10%)
Neal and Virginia Sigety                                 PA Resident                            148
Soba Totto                                               NJ Residents                           18
Triumph Physical Therapy
Mark and Janice Waldman                                  Students of Ethnic Diversity           28 (17%)
Williams and Hand, P.C.                                  Students Receiving Financial Aid       49 (30%)
Yakitori Totto
5684 York Road | P.O. Box 159 | Lahaska, PA 18931                                                         Non-Profit Org.
215.794.7491   www.bfs.org                                                                                  U.S. Postage
                                                                                                          Doylestown, PA
                                                                                                           Permit No. 55

ESTABLISHED IN 1794 BY THE BUCKINGHAM MONTHLY MEETING, Buckingham Friends School has served
students in its current location for 219 years. The School’s mission is to “Inspire a lifelong love of learning, nurture a
respect for the Light in every person, and foster a sense of spiritual community.” The Board of Buckingham Friends
School is composed of members from Buckingham, Solebury, Wrightstown. and Doylestown Monthly Meetings,
members of the Bucks Quarter, parents of current students, and members at large. The school is accredited through the
Pennsylvania Association of Independent Schools (PAIS) and is a member of the National Association of Independent
Schools (NAIS) and the Association of Delaware Independent Schools (ADVIS). In the 2012-2013 school year,
Buckingham Friends School served 163 students in grades Kindergarten through eight.

Published October, 2013. All rights reserved. No duplication without permission.
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