Browsing of DPL - Deerfield Public Library

Page created by Daryl Beck
Browsing of DPL - Deerfield Public Library
 Deerfield Public Library

               Spring 2022 |

                              of DPL

                                            Details on Page 2
Browsing of DPL - Deerfield Public Library
From the Director
                         This edition of Browsing is all about the         Library’s mission in the most fiscally prudent manner possible.
                         hidden gems of DPL. One hidden gem that           This past year, the Board actively examined the Library’s finances
                         many people might not be familiar with is         and funding levels. In 2022, the Library levy will be $46,881
                         the fiscally-minded Board of Trustees, who        less than 2021 due to refunding and reissuing our debt service
                         are elected to rotating open positions every      bonds. The bond refinance savings of $458,338 over the next
                         two years in local elections. The Board of        10 years will start in 2022. We worked with the Village of
                         Trustees serves a very important purpose.         Deerfield to refinance the general obligation bonds from our
                         They’re responsible for setting policies for      building renovation project in 2013.
                         the Library to execute. In addition, they are
                                                                           I’m grateful for the good stewardship of both the Library Board
    the fiscal stewards of property taxes collected for the Library.
                                                                           and the Village of Deerfield. This is how libraries thrive.
    The Library is over 97% supported by property taxes. The Library
                                                                           Amy Falasz-Peterson, Library Director
    Board takes their responsibility very seriously, carrying out the

                                                                 The Library is full of treasures, some “hidden,” some right out in the
                                                                 open. Some are things you can hold, and some live only in the digital
                                                                      realm. A few treasures are new resources, and others have been
                                                                           around for years. Library staff regularly surprise patrons
                                                                           with info about DPL treasures. Here are some staff favorites!
                                          of DPL
        Your Phone = Your Library Card
     If you have the DPL App on your phone, then you always have
     your library card in hand. Open the app, click on “My Card” and
     you’re set for checkout! – Claudette, Patron Services

                                                    Youth Art Gallery
                                                 No need to travel to visit
                                                 one of the most exciting art
                                                 galleries in the Chicago area –            Sun Rays for Check Out
                                                 just come to the Library! The           Do the short, dark days of winter get your down?
                                                 Youth Services Art Gallery              If you’ve been considering light therapy, before
                                                 features new artwork monthly            whipping out your credit card, take out your
                                                 from different Deerfield pre-K          library card. We have light therapy lamps in
                                                 through Grade 8 art classes.            our Library of Things collection.
                                                 Come curious, leave inspired.             – Pam, Support Services
                                                  – Judy, Outreach Services

                                                                                                          Babies Love Books!
                                                                                                       Are you looking for baby books but
                                                                                                       don’t know where to start? Let the
            Early Literacy Tips via Text                                                               library surprise your baby (and you)
         Sign up for one of our new services, Text4Literacy,                                           with a wonderful selection of books
         to get early literacy tips straight to your phone.                                            from Baby Book Bunch. Once a
         You’ll get three text messages per week for nine                                              month we will have a bag for you to
         weeks that are focused on helping your child                                                  check out with five selected board
         (birth - age 8) develop age appropriate skills.                                               books, as well as an activity or craft
         Text REGISTER to 847-861-7727, and follow the                                                 to keep. Visit or call Youth Services
         prompts to customize your experience.                                                         (847-580-3962) for more info.
2         – Megan, Youth Services                                                                        – Noreen, Youth Services
                                                                                                                           (continued on page 7)
Browsing of DPL - Deerfield Public Library
Adult Programs
For full program descriptions, visit the DPL events calendar at,              Adult D&D
click on “Programs”.                                                                               Mondays, 6:30-8:30pm
 R  = Please register in advance. Registration opens Wednesday, February 16, 9:00am                March 14, April 11, May 9
at, click on “Programs”, or call 847-945-3311.                                Join us on an adventure through the
 I   = In-person program                                                                           roleplaying game Dungeons & Dragons.
                                                                                                   Bring your own 6th level character or
H    = Hybrid program (in-person & online)
                                                                                                   play with one of ours as you explore
 V   = Virtual program (online only)                                                               the magical Feywild through the Wild
                                                                                                   Beyond Witchlight module. No experience
Author Events                                                                                      required! R I

Madeline Miller                                    Jenny Lawson                                    The Migration of the Monarchs
Thursday, March 3,                                 Wednesday, March 30,                            Wednesday, March 23, 6:30-8:00pm
7:00-8:00pm                                        7:00-8:00pm                                     Each year the Monarch butterflies of the
Bestselling author                                 Award-winning humorist                          northeast and Canada start an amazing
                                                                                                   migration that will take four generations
Madeline Miller, one                               and bestselling author
                                                                                                   to complete! How is this possible? R H
of the leaders in Greek                            Jenny Lawson discusses
retellings, will discuss                           her works, including                            PLACE Programs
her works, Song of                                 Broken (in the best                             Saturdays, 6:30-7:30pm
Achilles and Circe. R V                            possible way). R V                              March 26, April 23, May 21
                                                                                                   PLACE (Public Library Access and
These author events are made possible through partnerships with multiple Illinois libraries.
                                                                                                   Community for Everyone) welcomes
                                                                                                   adults with intellectual and
                                                     Memory Cafe
Make It!                                             Wednesdays, 10:00-11:30am
                                                                                                   developmental disabilities as well as
                                                                                                   their parents and caregivers. Join us for
Embroidered Bookmarks                                March 2, April 6, May 4                       an evening of reading, conversation,
Friday, March 18, 2:00-4:00pm                        The Memory Cafe is offered to support         friendship, and fun. For more information
                                                     and connect those experiencing memory         or to register contact Vicki Karlovsky,
An introduction to hand embroidery
                                                     loss and their care partners. For more
in a fun hands-on session. Materials
                                                     information or to register contact Judy
provided. R I
                                                     Hoffman, jhoffman@deerfieldlibrary.           Guess The Oscars 2022!
Chigiri-e: Japanese                                  org, 847-580-8954.                            Entries accepted online until Sunday
Torn Paper Art                                                                                     March 27, 5:00pm
                                                     The World’s First Female                      Guess who you think will win the Oscar
Saturday, March 26, 2:00-4:00pm
                                                     Paleontologist: Mary Anning                   in 10 categories. We’ll
Chigiri-e is a
                                                     Tuesday, March 8, 1:00-2:00pm                 pick a winner from
Japanese art
                                                     Join Anglophile and former UK resident        the entries with
form that uses                                       Claire Evans                                  the most correct
torn washi paper                                     for a lively                                  answers. The prize
to create images                                     talk on “the                                  is a deluxe Roku
resembling a                                         greatest fossil                               streaming device.
watercolor painting. Materials will be               hunter the
available for pick-up prior to class. R     V        world has
                                                     ever known”                                   Trivia Night!
                                                     and England’s
                                                     Jurassic                                      Only register for one program.
                                                     Coast, the                                    Details on website.
                                                     UNESCO                                        Virtual Trivia Night
                                                     World Heritage site she was lucky enough      Wednesday, April 6, 7:30-9:00pm
                                                     to call home. R H                             Held via Zoom and Kahoot. R V
                                                     Stephen Sondheim: An                          Thinks & Drinks Trivia
Zentangle Workshop                                   Appreciation & Discussion                     Wednesday, April 13, 7:30-9:00pm
Thursday, May 5, 6:30-8:30pm                         Thursday, March 10, 7:00-8:15pm                                Adults Only
Zentangle is an artistic and intuitive               We’ll discuss Sondheim’s work for                              In-person at the
way of drawing beautiful nature and                  the American Musical as literature,                            Deerfield Golf Club.
geometric patterns. Create your                      using several key songs for the group                          Will use Kahoot,
own patterns and designs! Materials                  discussion. Register to get a list of songs                    so bring your phone.
provided. R I                                        we’ll discuss. R I                                                R   I
Browsing of DPL - Deerfield Public Library
Adult Programs
    Book Discussions
    Copies will be available one month in advance. Please provide email during registration.
    What’s Mine and Yours                                            Romance Book Discussion
    by Naima Coster                                                  The Lady’s Guide to Celestial
    Thursday, March 10, 10:30-11:30am                R           I   Mechanics by Olivia Waite
    Kim Jiyoung, Born 1982                                           Monday, April 25, 7:00-8:00pm    R       V

    by Cho Nam-Joo                                                   Teen/Adult Book Discussion
    Monday, March 21, 7:30pm-8:30pm                  R           V
                                                                     The House in the Cerulean Sea
    Of Women and Salt                                                by T.J. Klune
    by Gabriela Garcia                                               Tuesday, March 29, 6:30-7:30pm       R       I

    Thursday, April 14, 10:30-11:30am        R               I
                                                                     True Crime Book Discussion
    Olympus, Texas by Stacey Swann                                   The Five: The Untold Lives of the                Along the Western Trails in
    Thursday, May 12, 10:30-11:30am          R           I           Women Killed by Jack the Ripper                  our National Parks
    Classics Book Discussion                                         by Hallie Rubenhold                              Tuesday, May 10, 6:30-7:30pm
    Classics Book Discussion                                         Monday, May 16, 7:00-8:00pm      R   I           We follow the Santa Fe, California,
    Passing by Nella Larsen                                                                                           Oregon, Mormon Pioneer, Pony Express,
    Thursday, April 28, 7:00-8:15pm      R       I                                                                    and Lewis and Clark National Historic
                                                                                                                      Trails through major landmarks and the
                                                                                                                      parks that tell their stories. R H
    How’d They Do That? Hollywood’s                                  The Immigrant Experience
    Most Iconic Movie Scenes                                         on Film                                          Growing and Using Mushrooms
    Thursday, March 31, 6:30-7:30pm                                  Wednesday, April 27, 6:30-7:30pm                 Wednesday, May 11, 6:30-7:30pm
    Movie characters have parted the Red Sea,                        Enjoy the film clips that highlight the          Love mushrooms? Learn how to grow
    dodged crop dusters, scaled skyscrapers,                         extraordinary courage that our ancestors         your very own mushroom harvest! R H
    and more, leaving audiences wondering,                           showed in coming to this country! R V            Waking Up Your Bike
    “How’d they do that?!” Presenter will be                                                                          For Summer!
                                                                     U.S. - Dakota War of 1862
    virtual, with program broadcast on the                                                                            Thursday, May 19, 6:30-7:30pm
                                                                     Thursday, April 28, 1:00-2:00pm
    meeting room screens. R H                                                                                         Learn how to prepare your bike for a safe
                                                                     This forgotten struggle ended with the
                                                                     largest mass execution in U.S. history,          riding season, then take the road less
                                                                     leaving behind a bitter legacy. R H              traveled! We will also cover basic bicycle
                                                                                                                      maintenance and repairs. R V
                                                                     Great British Baking Tour
                                                                     Tuesday, May 3, 6:00-7:00pm                      All-Ages BINGO
                                                                     Join UK travel/relocation consultant and         Tuesday, May 24, 6:30- 7:30pm*
                                                                     former UK resident Claire Evans for a            Bring a blanket or lawn chair and be
                                                                     delightful culinary tour of the UK inspired      ready to call out BINGO at the Jewett Park
                                                                     by “The Great British Baking Show”               Pavilion. All ages welcome and prizes will
    Chicago’s Mysterious Lakefront                                   television series, aired on PBS. Presenter       be awarded! *Weather permitting. R I
    Rock Carvings                                                    will be virtual, with program broadcast
    Thursday, April 7, 6:30-7:30pm
                                                                                                                      Professor Moptop Presents
                                                                     on the meeting room screens. R H
    Some of the world’s most remarkable out-                                                                          John Lennon
    door art treasures lie hidden in plain sight
                                                                     Mindfulness and Meditation                       Thursday, May 26, 7:00-8:30pm
                                                                     Saturday, May 7, 2:00-3:00pm                     The Professor returns to share more
    along Chicago’s Lake Michigan waterfront:
                                                                     Learn tips and resources available to help       videos, songs, and stories about the
    carvings in the old limestone revetments
                                                                     you bring mindfulness into your daily life       Fab Four. In this second installment, he
    that line much of the lakeshore. R H
                                                                     with facilitator Chris George. R I               spotlights John Lennon and his life and
    Making Change:                                                                                                    times. R H
    A History of LGBTQ Activism
    Thursday, April 14, 7:00-8:00pm
    John D’Emilio, retired Professor of                                                              Read Around the World Challenge
    Gender & Women’s Studies and History
    at the University of Illinois at Chicago,                                                        The year-long reading challenge for Adults and Teens
    will trace the history of LGBTQ activism                                                         continues. If you haven’t already started your “travels,”
    from its start in the 1950s, to the early                                                        it’s not too late! Visit the website or Adult Reference
    21st century. R V                                                                                Desk for details.
Browsing of DPL - Deerfield Public Library
Children & Teens Programs
 R = Please register in advance. Registration opens Wednesday, February 16, 9:00am
at, click on “Programs”, or call 847-580-8962.
 I   = In-person program
V    = Virtual program (online only)
We offer adaptive programs for children with disabilities, and will make reasonable accom-
modations for every program for all abilities. For more information about programs and
services for Youth and Teens please contact Cristina Bueno at      The 9th annual Tournament of Books is
                                                                                                here! Vote for your favorite picture books,
                                                                                                early readers, graphic novels, chapter
STORYTIMES                             Storytimes are either in-person   I   or virtual   V     books, non-fiction, and teen titles. You can
                                                                                                vote online ( to make
Baby Lapsit                                      Movin’ & Groovin’ Storytime                    sure your favorites become champions!
Fridays, 10:00-10:30am                           Thursdays, 10:00-10:30am                       The Tournament runs from February 2 -
March 4, 11, 18; April 1, 8, 15                  March 3, 10, 17, 31                            March 15. V
Ages 0-18 months                                 All Ages
It’s never too early to start reading to         Get up and dance in this fun, movement-        Crafternoons with Cristina
your baby! Join us for stories, rhymes,          based storytime. R I                           Fridays, 4:00-5:00pm
and songs for you and your baby. R I                                                            March 18, April 15, May 20
                                                 Free to Be You, Me, and
Time for Twos                                    They Storytime                                 Grades 2-5
Wednesdays, 10:00-10:30am                                                                       Join Miss Cristina each month for a new
                                                 Friday, March 11, 4:00-4:30pm
March 9, 16, 30; April 6, 13, 20                                                                featured craft or make something entirely
                                                 All Ages
Age 2                                                                                           different with the materials provided. R I
                                                 Children learn about gender equity from
Two-year-olds will have fun with books,          birth. Hear stories about gender               Minecraft Mania
songs, and activities in this storytime          expansive kids and make a rainbow craft!       Wednesday, March 30, 7:00-8:30pm
designed just for them and their                  R   I                                         Grades 1-5
caregivers! R I                                                                                 New to Minecraft or want to brush up
                                                 Character Storytimes with
Preschool Storytime                                                                             on your skills? Learn to play by tackling
                                                 Meet & Greet
Tuesdays, 10:30-11:00am                                                                         challenges and building creations in a
                                                 Princess Anna, Thursday, May 5,
March 1, 8, 15, 29; April 5, 12                                                                 special multiplayer setting. R I
Ages 3-5                                         Cinderella, Tuesday, May 10,                   Poetry and Protests
Three- to five-year-olds have a program            10:00-11:00am                                Tuesday, April 5, 4:00-5:00pm
just for them! We’ll listen to stories, sing     Bat Girl, Thursday, May 19, 4:00-5:00pm        Grades 3-5
songs, and have fun while building early         Sleeping Beauty, Tuesday, May 24,              Celebrate National Poetry Month by
literacy skills! R I                               10:00-11:00am                                discussing poems that address important
All Ages Storytime                               All Ages                                       topics and write your own poem on
Mondays, 10:00-10:30am                                  Join a very special guest each          something you care about. R I
March 7, 14, 28; April 4, 11, 18                          week for stories, songs, and
                                                              game, and take a photo
                                                                                                Tots on the Loose
All Ages                                                                                        Thursdays, 10:30-11:00am
Join us on Zoom each                                          together at the end. R V
                                                                                                April 7, 21; May 5 • Ages 0-5
week for an All Ages                                                                            Get messy, explore art and science, and
storytime! R V                                                                                  make new friends in this toddlerific
                                                                                                playtime! DRESS FOR MESS. R
Baby Book Bunch                                  or a book you’d like to share? Join YAB        Parent Cafe: Gentle Parenting
Pickup available for one week beginning          to make your voice heard at the Library.       Pre-Recorded; Available beginning
Mondays: March 7, April 4, May 2                 We’ll play games, do a project, and share      Friday, April 8 • Adults
Birth - 2 years                                  ideas! R I                                     How do you teach your children about
Once a month for three months, we will                                                          kindness and respect? Through gentle
                                                 Snacks & Stories: Ugly Cat &                   parenting! Learn helpful techniques and
have a bag for you to check out with five
selected board books, as well as an activity
                                                 Pablo by Isabel Quintero                       explore books that feature gentle solutions
                                                 Wednesday, March 9, 4:00-5:00pm                to challenging behavior. V
or craft to keep. See feature on page 2. R
                                                 Grades 1-3
Youth Advisory Board                             A not-so-attractive cat and his well-dressed   Earth Day Recycle Art
Wednesdays, 4:00-5:00pm                          mouse friend are an unlikely duo sure to       Wednesday, April 13, 7:00-7:45pm
March 2, April 6, May 4                          make you laugh with their silly antics and     Grades K-2
Grades 1-5                                       their search for tasty treats. Books and       Celebrate Earth Day while we make beauti-
Do you have a great idea for a program           snacks provided. R I                           ful art using recyclable materials. R I        5
Browsing of DPL - Deerfield Public Library
Children & Teens Programs
                                                    STEAM Night!                                 TEEN PROGRAMS
                                                    Tuesday, May 10, 6:30-7:30pm or 7:30-
                                                    8:30pm                                       NOTE: For Teen programs, Grades 6-12
                                                    All Ages                                     are welcome.
                                                    Join us for a fun night of experimenting     Teen Advisory Board
                                                    with STEAM-based technology, like bee-       Tuesdays, 5:00-6:00pm
                                                    bots, a wind tunnel, and more! Sign up for   March 8; April 12; May 10
                                                    a time slot to drop in anytime during that   TAB members help plan programs, create
    Wendy & DB Concert                              hour. R I                                    content for our website, and keep the Teen
    Saturday, April 16, 11:00am-12:00pm             Chapters & Chips: Fly on the Wall            Space awesome! Any hours you contribute
    All Ages                                                                                     count as volunteer service. R I
                                                    by Remy Lai
    Dance and sing along to the catchy original     Wednesday, May 11, 4:00-5:00pm               Tabletop RPG &
    songs of dynamic duo Wendy & DB! R I            Grades 3-5                                   Board Game Night
    Reptiles and Amphibians                         Twelve-year-old Henry Khoo goes on a         Friday, March 11, 4:30-5:30pm
    Tuesday, April 19, 4:00-4:45pm                  (forbidden) solo adventure to prove his      Try your hand at tabletop RPGs or play
    Grades K-4                                      independence to his overprotective family.   some old (or new) classics. R I
    Eeekk! It’s                                     Books and snacks provided. R I
                                                                                                 Teen / Adult Book Discussion:
    slimy and                                       All Ages BINGO                               The House In the Cerulean Sea
    slithery—or                                     Tuesday, May 24, 6:30-7:30pm*                by T.J. Klune
    is it? Join the                                 Bring a blanket or lawn chair and be ready   Tuesday, March 29, 6:30-7:30pm
    Lake County                                     to call out BINGO! Join us at the Jewett     Read this Alex Award-winning fantasy
    Forest Preserve and compare and contrast        Park Pavilion for an evening of fun. All     novel and discuss across generations.
    reptiles and amphibians through hands-on        ages welcome and prizes will be awarded.     R   I
    activities. R I                                 *Weather permitting. R I
                                                                                                 Make Your Own: 3D Wooden
    Jackbox Games                                   Write a Book; Draw a Book;                   Mythical Creature
    Thursday, April 22, 4:00-5:00pm
                                                    Make a Book!                                 Thursday, April 7, 5:00-6:00pm
    Ages 7+
                                                    Wednesday, May 25, 7:00-8:00pm               Dragons, unicorns, griffons, and
    Try out your drawing skills as you compete
                                                    Ages 7-10                                    phoenixes, oh my! Come build and paint
    against others in Tee K.O from JackBox                                                       your own mythical creature and watch it
                                                    Dream of being an author? Learn the
    Games. R V                                                                                   transform from 2D to 3D as you assemble
                                                    different steps to create a book and make
    Family KiDLS: Things That Go!                   your own! R I                                the pieces! R I
    Saturday, April 23, 11:00am-12:00pm                                                          Popcorn & Paperbacks:
                                                    Among Us Game Play
    Ages 5-10 with 1 adult                                                                       Six of Crows
                                                    Friday, May 27, 4:00-5:00pm
    Explore the science of movement through                                                      Tuesday, April 19, 5:00-6:00pm
                                                    Ages 7+
    activities, experiments, and books! R I                                                      This month we’ll read Six of Crows, a heist
                                                    Can you uncover the imposter and
    Comics & Cookies                                complete the mission before it’s too         story of magical proportions. R V
    Tuesdays, 5:00-6:00pm                           late? Or are you the imposter sabotaging
                                                                                                 Creative Writing Club
    April 26: Mythical Creatures                    the crew? Join us for a few rounds of
                                                                                                 Tuesday, May 3, 4:00-5:00pm
    May 24: Memoirs                                 the popular digital game. No experience
                                                                                                 Do you love to write? Come and play
    Ages 8-12                                       necessary! R V
                                                                                                 writing games, share with your peers, and
    Calling all graphic novel readers! Instead of                                                learn some new skills. R V
    everyone reading the same book there is a
                                                                                                 The Things We Don’t Say
    chosen theme with suggested titles. Books
    and cookies provided. R I                         Homeschool Programs                        Wednesday, May 4, 7:00-8:15pm
                                                                                                 Teens and Adults
                                                      Thursdays, March 3, 10, 17;                Join Hope For The Day as they present a
                                                      April 7, 14, 21, 28; May 5, 19, 26
      GRAB & GO KITS:                                 Ages 7-10: 2:00-3:00pm
                                                                                                 Peer-to-Peer proactive approach to suicide
                                                                                                 prevention and addressing mental health
      Youth & Teens                                   Ages 11+: 3:15-4:15pm
                                                      Homeschool students will enjoy fun
                                                                                                 challenges. R I
      Available starting Mondays, March 14,           activities, a special book club, and       Coding for Game Design
      April 11, May 9.                                learn cool stuff in our homeschool         Wednesday, May 18, 4:00-5:00pm
      Stop by the outdoor Creation Station            programming. Contact Kary Henry            Learn how to code for simple game
      or the Youth department for a kit to take       ( for          design using Unity. No coding experience
      home. While supplies last.                      more information or to register.           required! R I
Browsing of DPL - Deerfield Public Library
of DPL

   DIY Book Recommendations
Our staff LOVE to answer this question: “What should I read
next?” But did you know you can dive into this fun search
yourself? Check out Novelist Plus, where you can find
fiction and nonfiction book recommendations, read-alikes,
award lists, and more. Visit
resources/#literature. – Stevie, Adult Services                                     Check Out a Museum Pass
                                                                               With a DPL library card you have access to free or discounted
                                                                               passes to a variety of museums and cultural institutions. The
                                                                               destinations, available through two pass programs, are great
                                                                               places to visit year-round. For details, visit
                                                                               museum-passes. – Sam, Adult Services

                                                                                           Exercise Your Brain
                                                                                      Our new online resource BrainHQ offers games that are
                                                                                      specifically designed to improve attention, speed, memory
                                                                                      and navigation. It can be accessed on any computer with
                                                                                      internet access or via the app. Each exercise is broken up
                                                                                      into two minute bites, so it’s easy to fit in anytime. Find
                                                                                      BrainHQ at
       Relax With a Vacation Loan                                                      – Melissa, Adult Services
   Prefer to travel with a print book, and physical
   audiobooks and CDs? You can truly chillax
   during your time away with a DPL Vacation                                  Deerfield’s Best Used Book Store
   Loan. Available upon request, the vacation loan                       The Friends of the Deerfield Public Library sponsor a cozy
   runs six weeks before coming up for renewal.                          used book store right by the front entrance. Browse the
   Stop by the front desk to make arrangements.                          diverse offerings, and you might just find that gem you didn’t
    – Sayaka, Patron Services                                            know you needed! Your monetary donations support new
                                                                         library resources and services. – Stephanie, Patron Services

                 Friends of the Deerfield Public Library
Panera fundraiser: Thank you Panera Deerfield and to everyone that participated in
our tasty December fundraiser!
Become a Friend and a Board Member: Do you love the Library? One of the best
ways to show your love is to become a member of the Friends of the Deerfield Public
Library Board. Attend a Board meeting to see what it’s all about.
Meetings: Our upcoming Board meeting dates are March 28, June 27, August 22 and
November 14. Meetings are held in the Library and begin at 7:00 p.m. Community
members are always welcome to attend.

                        Visit our website for more information:
                        The Friends can be contacted at 847-580-8895 or at
                          The Friends are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit group. Contributions may be deductible under IRS regulations.                         7
Browsing of DPL - Deerfield Public Library
Deerfield Public Library
                                                                                                                                     Non Profit Org.
                     920 Waukegan Road                                                                                                U.S. Postage
                     Deerfield, Illinois 60015                                                                                            PAID
                                                                                                                                      Deerfield, IL
                                                                                                                                     Permit No. 196

    Important Library Numbers
    • Telephone: 847-945-3311
    • Library home page and catalog:
                                                                               Carrier Route Presort
    • To ask a reference question:
                                                                               Deerfield Postal Patron

                                          Upcoming Holiday Closings and Late Openings
                     The Library Will Be Closed All Day                                    The Library Will Open at 10am
                     Sunday, April 17                                                      Tuesday, March 15
                     Monday, May 30                                                        Tuesday, April 19
                                                                                           Wednesday, May 25

       Deerfield Public Library                    HOUSEHOLD GOODS DRIVE
       Amy Falasz-Peterson, Library Director
       847-580-8901                                Benefiting the West Deerfield Township Food Pantry
       Library Board Members
                                                   February 1-28
       value your opinions!
                                                   The West Deerfield Township Food Pantry serves
       Ken Abosch, President
       847-948-5390                                approximately 375 township residents each                month who find themselves in need, either on
       Luisa Ellenbogen, Secretary                 a long-term or temporary basis. One of the great
       312-543-7258            challenges for the Pantry is supplying clients
       Seth Schriftman, Treasurer                  with essential paper goods, personal hygiene
       847-770-2530                                products, and cleaning supplies.
       Mike Goldberg                               The DPL Teen Service Club invites you to drop off donations in the Library lobby
       312-735-1023              through February. Following are the requested items:
       Howard Handler
       312-925-2597                                       •   Facial tissues           •   Body wash                 • Cleaning supplies                      •   Paper towels             •   Deodorant                 • Dish soap
       Kyle Stone
       248-762-1309                                       •   Paper plates             •   Liquid hand soap          • Laundry detergent                        •   Toilet paper             •   Lotion                      (small size or pods)
       Emily Wallace
       847-204-5573                                                                    •   Sanitary pads                                                       and tampons
                                                                                       • Shampoo
       Library Hours                               For more information about the Food Pantry and how you can provide support,
       Mon–Thurs:    9:00am–9:00pm
       Friday:       9:00am–6:00pm
8      Saturday:     9:00am–5:00pm
       Sunday:       1:00pm–5:00pm
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