Brisbane Boys' College Application for Bursary 2022-2024 Entry

Page created by Allan Lucas
for Bursary
2022-2024 Entry
The Brisbane Boys’ College Foundation provides a limited number of needs-based bursaries that are open to
boys seeking to enrol at Brisbane Boys’ College as well as current students whose families are experiencing
financial hardship due to a fundamental change in circumstances.

All bursaries are means-tested and, unlike scholarships which are solely merit-based, are specifically set aside for
candidates in financial need who would otherwise be unable to access a BBC education.
Bursaries may support full or partial remission of tuition and/or boarding fees for the duration of the bursary, with parents/
guardians required to cover the balance of the account and all other expenses.

Who should apply?
Brisbane Boys’ College welcomes applications from deserving candidates with a demonstrated financial-need who have
the potential to gain the most from a Brisbane Boys’ College education and who will add to the fabric and history of the
College by immersing themselves in the opportunities presented.
All recipients are expected to display academic progress commensurate with their ability and to take full and constructive
part in all facets of College life.

Bursary Selection Criteria:
Brisbane Boys’ College is currently accepting bursary applications from boys seeking new or continued enrolment in 2022,
2023 and 2024, whose family has a demonstrated and authentic need for financial assistance.
The following criteria are considered when assessing all candidates for bursary assistance:
• Shows a desire to achieve to their individual academic potential, as evidenced by academic reports demonstrating a
  conscientious and engaged approach to studies
• Displays a willingness and desire to participate in all facets of College life, including academic, sporting, cultural and
  service activities
• Currently enjoys active participation and achievement in a variety of co-curricular activities
• Is of good character and willing to uphold the Christian values of the College

The following means-tested bursaries are available to support boys from diverse backgrounds to attend Brisbane Boys’
College, and are open to both new and existing families:

BBC Foundation Bursary
All boys who meet the above bursary selection criteria and wish to attend Brisbane Boys’ College as a day or boarding
student are eligible to apply.
Bush Kids Bursary
Boys from a rural or regional area (currently defined as 100km or more beyond the Brisbane metropolitan region) who meet
the bursary selection criteria, and who wish to attend Brisbane Boys’ College as boarding student are eligible to apply.
Indigenous Bursary
Boys from Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander backgrounds who meet the bursary selection criteria, and who wish to attend
Brisbane Boys’ College as either a day or boarding student, are eligible to apply.
Guy Roberts Memorial Bursary
Boys entering Year 9 2022 who meet the bursary selection criteria, and who wish to attend Brisbane Boys’ College as either
a day or boarding students, are eligible to apply.
BBC Old Collegians’ Association Bursary
Funded by donations from the BBC Old Collegians’ Association, the OCA Bursary provides financial assistance to Old
Collegians so they may have the opportunity to assist their children or grandchildren continue their BBC educational
tradition. The sons and grandsons of BBC Old Collegians who meet the bursary selection criteria and who wish to attend
Brisbane Boys’ College as a day or boarding student are eligible to apply.
Arrowsmith Bursary
Brisbane Boys’ College is one of only 90 organisations worldwide to offer the Arrowsmith Program, a worldwide cognitive
program that offers students who have high intelligence but unrealised potential a different pathway to try and overcome
difficulties in academic learning such as spelling, reading, maths or executive functioning. The families of boys who are
accepted or enrolled for the Arrowsmith Program are eligible to apply for this bursary. Visit
for more information on the Arrowsmith Program.

The Presbyterian and Methodist Schools Association T/A Brisbane Boys’ College | CRICOS Provider Number 00491J
The Application Process
All bursary candidates are required to complete this Application for Bursary form and provide the appropriate
supporting documentation as outlined in the table below, no later than the closing date of 30 June, 2021.

Shortlisted candidates will be invited to attend an interview in Term 3, 2021 and advised of the outcome of their application
no later than October, 2021.

Application for Bursary - Documentation Checklist

 Required Documentation                                                      New students yet to enrol          Current or enrolled students
 Application for Bursary form

 Application for Enrolment

 Birth certificate

 Income Assessment statements from the Australian
 Tax Office (last two years)
 School reports (last two years)

 Relevant Awards / Certificates

 NAPLAN results

 Medical / specialist reports (if applicable)

 Citizenship / visa details (if applicable)

 Court Orders relating to guardianship arrangements
 (if applicable)

Process for bursary candidates not yet enrolled at the College
For boys not yet enrolled Brisbane Boys’ College, as an offer of a bursary would also constitute an offer of enrolment, an
online Application for Enrolment must also be submitted. If your application for enrolment in dependent on the outcome of
your bursary application, you may choose to postpone payment of the enrolment application fee by using until the outcome
is known by using the code “BBCbursary22” at the payment section.

1. Complete this Application for Bursary form
2. Complete the BBC online Application for Enrolment at and upload your Application for
   Bursary form along with all supporting documentation (in pdf format) in the Documentation step, under the heading
   ‘Additional Supportive Documents’
3. Should you wish to postpone payment of the Enrolment Application Fee, apply payment code “BBCbursary22” in the
    Review and Payment step, where it invites you to submit a unique code.

Process for bursary candidates who are currently attending or are enrolled to attend the College
While the application requirements are the same for both new and existing families, the application process for current and
enrolled families is slightly different due to the College being able to access supporting documentation via existing records
for enrolled and current students.

1. Complete this Application for Bursary form
2. Email your completed Application for Bursary form to along with any supporting
   documentation, including your ATO income assessment statements for the last two years.

The Presbyterian and Methodist Schools Association T/A Brisbane Boys’ College | CRICOS Provider Number 00491J
Application for Bursary

 First Name:                                                                               Application Status
                                                                                               Current student
                                                                                               On the waitlist or enrolled
 Current Year Level:
                                                                                               Not enrolled
 Current School:
 How did you hear about the BBC Bursary Program?
 (eg. Courier Mail/Sunday Mail advertisement)

 Parent/Guardian 1                                                              Parent/Guardian 2
 Name:                                                                          Name:
 Phone:                                                                         Phone:
 Residential Address:                                                           Residential Address:

 Email:                                                                         Email:


Please select the bursary you are applying for. You may select more than one bursary for which you wish to be considered,
providing you meet the criteria; however, student will only be permitted to hold one bursary at any one time.

    The BBC Foundation Bursary
    The Bush Kids Bursary
    The Indigenous Bursary
    Guy Roberts Memorial Bursary
    The BBC Old Collegians’ Association Bursary
    The Arrowsmith Bursary


How will you benefit by attending Brisbane Boys’ College?

The Presbyterian and Methodist Schools Association T/A Brisbane Boys’ College | CRICOS Provider Number 00491J
What are your academic goals and how will you try to achieve them?

Tell us about the achievements you are most proud of and why?

How do you demonstrate leadership? Give an example of when you were a good leader.

The Presbyterian and Methodist Schools Association T/A Brisbane Boys’ College | CRICOS Provider Number 00491J
What co-curricular activities are you involved in? Please share details of your participation and achievement across
academic, sports, cultural and/or service activities.

If you are applying for the Bush Kids Bursary, tell us about your connection to the land?

If you are applying for the Indigenous Bursary, tell us about your connection to community?

The Presbyterian and Methodist Schools Association T/A Brisbane Boys’ College | CRICOS Provider Number 00491J
All information will remain confidential and will not be disclosed without appropriate approval

 LIABILITIES                                                                   ASSETS
 Loans                                   Amounts Owing                         Cash Assets                               Present Value
 Overdrafts                              $                                     Cheque Account                            $
 Mortgages                               $                                     Savings                                   $
 Investment Loans                        $                                     Other - Term Deposits                     $
 Other Loans                             $                                     Property Assets                           $
 Credit Cards                            $                                     House at                                  $
 Credit/Store Cards                      $                                     Other Property                            $
 Hire Purchase                           $                                     Deposit on Property                       $
 Other Liabilities                                                             Other Assets
 Taxation                                $                                     Motor vehicles
 Other                                   $                                     Make/model _______________                $
                                                                               Make/model _______________                $
                                                                               Caravan/Boat                              $
                                                                               Furniture/Household effects               $
                                                                               (insured value)

                                                                               Life Policies (surrender value)           $
                                                                               Shares/Bonds/Investment Trusts            $
                                                                               Other Assets (Please specify)
                                                                               _________________________                 $
                                                                               _________________________                 $
 Total Liabilities                       $                                     Total Assets                              $

 EXPENDITURE                                                                   INCOME
 Credit Commitments                      Average Monthly                       Base Salary                               Average Monthly
 Bank loans (inc personal)               $                                     Parent 1 $                        gross   $ net
 Mortgage on residence                   $                                     Parent 2 $                        gross   $ net
 Investment Mortgage/Loans               $                                     Other Income                              $
 Credit/Store cards                      $
 Hire purchase/lease
 payments                                $                                     Regular Overtime                          $
                                                                               Commissions/allowances                    $
 Other Commitments                                                             Additional casual work                    $
 Rent/board                              $                                     Interest/Dividends                        $
 Rates - Council and water               $                                     Government benefits/Pensions              $
 Fuel/power etc                          $                                     Rent received* (gross $            75%)   $
 Car (rego and running exp)              $                                     Other (Please specify)
 Education expenses                      $                                     _________________________                 $
 Living expenses                         $                                     _________________________                 $
 Insurance (life, disability etc)        $
 Health/medical insurance                $
 Other (Please specify)
 _________________________               $
 _________________________               $
 Total Monthly Expenses                  $                                     Total net monthly income (1)              $
                                                                               Less total monthly
                                                                               expenditure (2)                           $
                                                                               Uncommitted monthly income
                                                                               (1-2)                                     $

*Do not show investment property outgoings as an expenditure item as rental income has been discounted
The Presbyterian and Methodist Schools Association T/A Brisbane Boys’ College | CRICOS Provider Number 00491J

• I/We hereby apply for a bursary for the student named in Section 1 at Brisbane Boys’ College
• I/We understand and acknowledge this application does not guarantee a place or bursary at Brisbane Boys’ College
• I/We confirm the information provided in this document is a true and correct statement of our financial affairs
• I/We agree to advise the College in writing of any material changes in our circumstances, including financial, in a timely
• I/We understand the College reserves the right to request additional information, including financial information, as part of
   the bursary application process

                       Signature of Parent/Guardian 1                                         Signature of Parent/Guardian 2

                              Please PRINT name                                                      Please PRINT name

                                   Date signed                                                            Date signed

The Presbyterian and Methodist Schools Association T/A Brisbane Boys’ College | CRICOS Provider Number 00491J
P r e p t o Ye a r 12 • B o a r d i n g Ye a r s 7 t o 12
     K e n s i n g t o n Te r r a c e • To o w o n g • Q L D • 4 0 6 6 • C R I CO S 0 0 4 91 J
+ 61 7 3 3 0 9 3 5 0 0 • a d m i s s i o n s @ b b c . q l d . e d u . a u • w w w. b b c . q l d . e d u . a u
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