BRIGHT IDEAS - Azuri Technologies

Page created by Raymond Murray
BRIGHT IDEAS - Azuri Technologies
JULY 2020

                             BRIGHT IDEAS
                 Azuri is leading next-generation energy in Africa. Our pay-as-you-go solar technology
                  works to generate energy access, improve lives and economic opportunities, build
                                   sustainable markets, and combat climate change.

 Kipchoge goes the distance to
 support Nandi families
The world's fastest marathon runner         Kipchoge is keen to use his fame and
Eluid Kipchoge goes the extra mile,         platform to spread benefits far and wide,
donating blankets, food and Azuri           taking care of those who need help and
solar home systems to support local         giving back at every opportunity. He
families worst affected by COVID-19         often visits the surrounding villages and
crisis.                                     provides opportunities to young runners
                                            to experience professional training.
Azuri is delighted to help world            Kipchoge is helping households receive
marathon record holder Eliud Kipchoge       basic goods such as blankets, food, and
support families in Nandi, Kenya with       solar energy to be able to live well during
Azuri solar home systems. With their        the current pandemic conditions.
new solar power, these households can
now access electricity within their
                                                                                          IN THIS ISSUE
                                            “I am doing a lot of campaigns on social
homes and watch their favourite stars
                                            media as we seek to sensitise athletes         Eliud Kipchoge donates Azuri
such as Kipchoge on their solar TVs
                                            and locals on ways to keep themselves
rather than crowding together in bars.
                                            safe from Covid-19. We need to get the
                                                                                           products to Nandi families
Kipchoge lives and trains in Kaptagat,      things right,” Kipchoge said.                  Azuri features as key teaching
30km from his family home in Eldoret                                                       in Cambridge Judge Business
where his wife, Grace, and children live.   Azuri is proud to donate to Eliud and his
Eliud has always celebrated his home        foundation to assist in its inspiring work     School MBA courses
country in competition and attributes       enabling households to stay safe and           COVID-19: How technology is
his success to the long hours of training   avoid gathering in groups during the
along Kenyan roads and mountain
                                                                                           changing behaviour
tracks with his village teams and local                                                    Case study: Smart energy for
                                               > Azuri connecting rural Africa             smart farming
BRIGHT IDEAS - Azuri Technologies
COVID-19: Azuri's Action
Springtime 2020 brought a new              Azuri has been involved in industry-wide
challenge to our customers in the          conferences to determine the response
form of the COVID-19 pandemic. Our         of the solar sector to ensure the
priorities continue to be providing a      continuation of essential solar business.
safe working environment for all our       Azuri is continuing to provide expertise
colleagues both throughout Africa          and advice to assist policy makers in
and in the, as well as ensuring our        navigating this pandemic.
customers receive excellent energy
services.                                  Now more than ever it is important for
                                           families to have access to renewable,
While there have been restrictions in      affordable and clean power in their
some of our key territories, none of       homes. Across Africa, many schools have
them has seen a prolonged period of        closed which means families have a
total lockdown in the way that has         greater demand for entertainment and
happened in many European countries.       education within the household, and
In addition, Azuri enjoys “essential       social restrictions mean more time
provider” status in our main markets
                                           within the home for now.
which means travel limitations are not
as of yet a major concern.
                                           Customers with children have especially
Our field teams have postponed all         benefitted from their AzuriTV systems, as
marketplace-based sales to avoid large     their brightly lit solar homes and solar
gatherings, wear masks and follow local    TVs have helped with home study
social distancing guidelines. We have      during the school shutdowns. Children
been sharing educational materials for     view     educational    programmes       to
all our Agents and customers on how        supplement their book work, learn new
to wear masks properly, best practices     facts from e-learning shows and develop
for hand washing in rural areas and        their interests by watching a range of
working     with     social  distancing    school      appropriate     programmes.
interactions. In the UK, the majority of   Furthermore, fully charged radios and
our office-based jobs are working from
                                           phones keep customers in contact with
home or on a COVID-safe office
                                           friends and family until it is safe to see
                                           them again. As always, Azuri is striving to
                                           keep everyone connected.

        1000+                                                                                   100%
                                                   Azuri donation to the                  UK office staff working from
Agents with PPE in the field                       Kipchoge Foundation                   home or COVID-safe rotations

 Solar-fintech is the necessary backbone to support
 Africa's digital boom says Kleos Advisory
Kleos   Advisory’s   latest  report        Similarly in banking, remote access is
examines     how     ‘COVID-19    is       essential during the COVID-19 crisis. In
accelerating     Africa’s    digital       Kenya, 73% of the population have a
transformation beyond the point of         mobile money account and 96% own a
                                           mobile       phone.       Consequently,
no return’.
                                           consumers require accessible and
                                           affordable energy solutions to keep
Kleos Advisory states: ‘the jolting
                                           their devices charged at all times.
impact of COVID-19 is forcing African
governments and their citizens adapt       As more and more businesses and
to a new way of living and transacting     individuals rely on digital technology
business remotely. In uncertain times      for work and personal matters, the
people innovate and the crisis is          demand to be able to support their
accelerating the digital shift’.           technology from home increases.

As school shutdowns require children       'Led by smartphone technology and
to learn from home, the off-grid solar     solar power, tech will help lead Africa         > Read the full report here
industry has seen a marked demand          out of the COVID-19 crisis, and as it
for TV and lighting systems.               does it will embed itself in the way
                                           Africans live, work and transact'
BRIGHT IDEAS - Azuri Technologies
Going off-grid leads Cambridge Judge
  Business School graduate to success
Neil Davey, who holds an MPhil in
Technology Policy from Cambridge
Judge Business School (CJBS) has
won the Worshipful Company of
Marketers’    2019     Award     for
Outstanding      Performance      in
Marketing for an Azuri case study he
co-authored with Jaideep Prabhu,
Professor of Marketing at CJBS.

The award aims to improve the quality
of marketing teaching in British
business schools. Providing current
case studies of businesses handling
strategic decisions enables students to
engage with real life scenarios and to
weigh different solutions.

The Azuri case study is being used to
                                            "Azuri is an exemplar of a mission-          Congratulations to Neil Davey and
teach MBA and MPhil in Technology
Policy courses at CJBS. Case study          driven company that understands its          Cambridge Judge Business School on
analysis helps students to gain new         social responsibility as a for-profit. I     winning this prestigious award! Azuri is
perspective on the main challenges          hope both other corporations and             humbled and honoured that the case
facing key sectors.                         students alike can learn from the Azuri      study will be used to challenge and
                                            business model" states Davey.                inspire future generations of MBA
Azuri's CEO Simon Bransfield-Garth                                                       students as part of their studies.
believes     "success    depends       on   Azuri was chosen for the case study
innovation beyond the product line".        which examines how Azuri's Senior
Students assessing the case study will      Management        team      strategically
evaluate novel distribution approaches,                                                      > Read the case study here
                                            develops local distribution channels to
for-profit business model flexibility and   keep growing the successful pay-as-
adaptation to sub-Saharan African
                                            you-go solar home system model.

 COVID vs Kerosene: How the solar industry is fighting
 to keep indoors safe for low-income households
As people stay indoors to avoid             Kerosene is an expensive but often           In Zambia, Azuri has introduced a
COVID-19, the solar industry fights         necessary form of fuel. Families require     novel payment plan which offers
to keep households safe from air            someone to trek to towns for mobile          customers the option to pay a
pollution, burns, and other health          phone charging, which is time                significant proportion of their overall
                                            consuming and costly. Kerosene is also       system cost during the more profitable
hazards which may increase.
                                            notorious for causing detrimental            harvest seasons where they have more
                                            health effects from breathing in toxic       readily available income. Then during
Off- grid solar is more important than
                                            fumes, which effects the lungs and           the less profitable months, they pay a
ever to enable rural communities’
                                            skin. In the World Health Organisation       much smaller contributory fee. This
connection to energy, whilst not being      (WHO) report "Burning Opportunity",          reduces pressure on customers to save
connected to the grid. In March, the        ‘This household air pollution (HAP) is       money throughout the year for future
Global Off-Grid Lighting Association        the single largest environmental risk        payments. Azuri’s customer-centric
(GOGLA) wrote an open letter to             factor for health worldwide: it caused       model is making clean, renewable solar
governments in response to the Covid-       4.3 million premature deaths in 2012’.       energy even more affordable to
19 crisis to establish that the off-grid                                                 continue connecting the unconnected
energy sector in rural Africa is an         The current Covid-19 pandemic has            despite the pandemic.
essential service and therefore vital for   brought an increased demand, beyond
companies      continue    to   provide     health concerns, for solar power for         ‘Given a choice, those who depend on
services throughout the pandemic.           rural families in Africa. Solar TV enables   polluting energy sources would make
                                            students     to    access      educational   the switch to clean fuels and
Access to solar energy, provides a          programmes and information whilst            technologies, much as residents of
multitude of benefits to the consumers      schools are in shutdown. Reliable, at-       today’s developed countries traded
and in turn creates new consumer            home device charging enables families        coal stoves for gas burners, and oil
markets     globally.    Kleos   Advisory   to stay connected despite distance,          lamps and candles for electricity and
estimates     that     the    commercial    and affordable payment plans assist          light bulbs, almost a century ago’
opportunity for off-grid solar power in     those whose work has been affected.                                           - WHO.
Africa is $24 billion per year.
BRIGHT IDEAS - Azuri Technologies
Smart farming requires smart energy
The agricultural sector in Kenya          “Joseph is one of just a few              Advice on better farming techniques
continues to be the main source of        smallholder farmers to have a             has helped Joseph improve crop
livelihood for over 70% of the            smartphone. He managed to save up         yields and make savings. Buying seeds
country’s population.                     loyalty points and redeem the points      via the Homabay Agricultural Board
                                          with his mobile provider. Joseph’s aim    WhatsApp group, combined with
Azuri customer Joseph Otieno, 48, is      was to accessing farming information      better planting techniques, Joseph
a farmer from Rangwe in Homabay           online and download apps to help          has cut his seed costs by 40% and is
County, Kenya, who grows maize and        connect him to co-operatives and          using less seed for greater yields.
kale on his 1 hectare smallholding to     buyers. But without access to mains
help support his wife and four            electricity, he was limited by the cost   Joseph still relies on casual work at
children.                                 of having to find ways to keep his        building sites to supplement his
                                          phone constantly charged.                 farming income, but solar has also
Despite agriculture being the main                                                  helped him stay a step ahead.The
economic activity in the county,          I knew that with a smartphone I           ability to keep his smartphone
Homabay is still a net importer of        would be able to learn more about         continually charged and connected to
food crops and livestock products.        the right ways of farming and that I      WhatsApp groups has helped him
Outdated farming methods and              could sell my produce to customers        increase income by more than 50%.
techniques are among the key              online. I thought I would also be able    Joseph can see where and when
reasons farm output remains low.          to sell my maize and kale much            workers are needed and put his name
                                          quicker than walking to market and        forward, rather than chasing jobs or
Until recently, the local market has      looking for buyers”                       waiting for calls or texts from friends
been the only avenue for Joseph to                                                  or family.
sell his maize and kale. His average      Since having Azuri solar power
income from farming per quarter was       installed in his home, Joseph has         Thanks to pay-as-you-go solar, Joseph
about KSh4,000, which was largely         been able to charge his phone in the      can run a proactive household rather
taken by school fees and essential        evenings ready for the next day, saving   than reactive, taking control of his
household needs. Of course, like          time and money. Joseph has also           finances and using the resources
many in the informal economy,             joined a WhatsApp group set up by         available    to  him   to    increase
Joseph has a second income,               the Homabay Agricultural Board that       productivity and plan ahead. In fact,
spending a portion of his day working     shares farming tips including where to    Joseph is now saving to build a new
off-farm on building sites.               buy certified seeds, the best time to     home and possibly buying more
                                          plant, the placement of seed,             farmland to keep expanding his
Off-farm employment provides an           fertilising and ways to reduce post-      businesses. Social media and PayGo
important risk-management tool. In        harvest wastage. The group shares         solar are revolutionising farming
times of negative shocks that affect      weather updates and warnings, and         practices in Kenya.
agriculture, such as droughts, families   event updates on when the County or
can rely on a second income to            the National Government Cereals and
maintain their households.                Produce Board requires stock.
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