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VOL. 7   NO. 9   OC TO B E R 2 0 2 1


                                                THE GAP

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       COMPACTING                                  Void Free Concrete Walls.

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VOL. 7   NO. 9   OCTOBER 2021

30                                                                                                                          ENGINEERS AUSTRALIA
                                                                                                                              NATIONAL OFFICE

                                                                                                                      11 National Circuit, Barton, ACT 2600
                                                                                                                              Phone 02 6270 6555
                                                                                                                                   1300 653 113

                                                                                                                      National President and Board Chair:
                                                                                                                   Nick Fleming FIEAust CPEng EngExec NER
                                                                                                                        APEC Engineer IntPE(Aus) GAICD
                                                                                                                   Chief Executive Officer: Bronwyn Evans AM
                                                                                                                     HonFIEAust CPEng EngExec FTSE NER
                                                                                                                           APEC Engineer IntPE(Aus)
                                                                                                                  Board Director: Trish White AM FIEAust CPEng
                                                                                                                    EngExec APEC Engineer IntPE(Aus) FAICD
                                                                                                                    Board Director: Kourosh Kayvani FIEAust
                                                                                                                                  CPEng MAICD
                                                                                                                    Board Director: Lucia Cade FIEAust FAICD
                                                                                                                    Board Director: Raj Aseervatham FIEAust
                                                                                                                        CPEng APEC Engineer IntPE(Aus)
                                                                                                                      Board Director: Marcus Thompson
                                                                                                                          AM FIEAust CPEng EngExec
                                                                                                                           APEC Engineer IntPE(Aus)
                                                                                                                      General Manager, Brand, Marketing
                                                                                                                       and Communications: Nada Jolic

                                                                                                                                Publisher: Mahlab
                                                                                                                        Managing Director: Bobbi Mahlab
                                                                                                                               Editor: Kevin Gomez
                                                                                                                             Writer: Jonathan Bradley
                                                                                                                           Digital Editor: Ruth Cooper
                                                                                                                     Group Managing Editor: James Chalmers
                                                                                                                              Group Sales Manager:
                                                                                                                            Stuart Neish 02 9556 9122

                  REMOVING BARRIERS
                                                                                                                        Creative Director: Gareth Allsopp
                                                                                                                           Art Director: Caryn Iseman
                                                                                                                        Production Manager: Kathy Little
                                Migrant engineers are
                             over-represented among the                                                                 369a Darling Street, Balmain, NSW 2041
                         unemployed. An Engineers Australia                                                               
                                                                                                                                    Printed by: IVE
                         study hopes to help the nation make
                                                                                                                              Mailed by: D&D Mailing
                                better use of its talent.
                                                                                                                                   ISSN 2205-5983

                                         ENGINEERS AUSTRALIA IS COMMITTED TO SUSTAINABILITY
                                         This publication has been printed using paper sourced from                Opinions expressed by contributors are their own except
                                         sustainable forests as certified by PEFC, an international non-profit,       where they are specifically stated to be the views of
                                         non-governmental organisation promoting sustainable forest               Engineers Australia. Engineers Australia retains copyright
                                         management globally. With more than 300 million ha of certified          for this publication. Written permission is required for the
                                         forests, PEFC is the world’s largest forest certification system.         reproduction of any of its content. All articles are general
                                         Engineers Australia’s distributor (D&D Mail) is a member of the            in nature and readers should seek expert advice before
                                         Redcycle™ group: create magazine is wrapped and distributed                      acting on any information contained herein.
                                         using recyclable wrap sourced from 50 per cent virgin and 50 per
                                         cent recycled resin. This plastic is 100 per cent recyclable via soft
                                         plastic recycling methods, and collection points are at most
                                         major supermarkets. Other recycling points can be found on
                                         their website

                                                                                                                    ENGINEERS AUSTRALIA | OCTOBER 2021
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                                         ENVIRONMENT                            EVERY
                                         Previewing the                         ISSUE
                                         highlights of
                                         Climate Smart
                                         Engineering 2021.

                                                                               PRESIDENT’S AND
                                                                                 CEO’S MESSAGE

                                                                           07 	YOUR SAY

20                                                                         53 ENGINEERING
     A collaboration between
     doctors and engineers could
     help people with spinal                                                     TRENDS
     damage regain limb function.
                                                                           55    EVENTS

     Using virtual reality
                                                                           56    TECH WATCH
     to ease congestion
     in a notoriously
                                                                           58    KEYSTONE
     traffic-heavy tunnel.


                                                                           08     A TASTE OF SUCCESS
                                                                           When two engineers started their
                                                                           own olive grove, their professional
                                                                           expertise proved invaluable.

                                                   Renee Wootton
                                                   is flying high in the
                                                   aerospace industry.

                                                             CREATE DIGITAL
                                                             Check out the create
                                                             website — your best
                                                             resource for the latest
                                                             engineering news
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                                                                             ENGINEERS AUSTRALIA | OCTOBER 2021
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                       FROM THE NATIONAL PRESIDENT & THE CEO

  Engineering a world of potential

  AS AN INTERNATIONAL PROFESSION FACING GLOBAL                                                             which — despite variable track
  CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES, ENGINEERING MUST DRAW                                                      records — will remain. Supply chains,
  ON SKILLS AND SOLUTIONS FROM AROUND THE WORLD.                                                           commodity pricing, cloud computing
                                                                                                           and space-enabled technology are
  “Why would a qualified engineer              Engineers Australia helps Australian                        also international. Expertise
  choose to drive a taxi?”                  engineers work overseas, and vice versa,                       is transferred globally through
     This was among the questions           through international accords and                              research, international standards
  Engineers Australia’s representatives     agreements that recognise equivalent                           and industry practice.
  were asked during a Commonwealth          benchmarked qualifications. Our                                    In November, we will (virtually)
  parliamentary inquiry into skilled        Chartered credentials are also                                 gather experts from Australia and
  migration earlier this year.              globally recognised.                                           around the world at our Climate Smart
     Australia demonstrably relies on,         As highlighted at the inquiry, we                           Engineering conference. Headlined
  and benefits from, migrant engineers.     believe the Federal Government needs                           by keynote speaker, former US Vice
  More than half of the people working      to overhaul its skilled migration system                       President and Nobel Laureate Al Gore,
  in Australia as engineers were born       to better match talent supply with                             speakers will share unique perspectives,
  overseas — and migrants constitute an     employment demand.                                             insights and practical experiences
  even greater proportion of those with        Engineers Australia is also working                         on the challenges posed by climate
  engineering qualifications.               to more effectively support the                                change, and the opportunities for
     At the same time, it’s also            migrants who collectively contribute                           adaptation and mitigation.
  true that migrant engineers face          so much of our nation’s engineering                                We look forward to this flagship
  significant barriers to professional      capability, and to help organisations                          event, and hope you can join us — from
  employment, and are more likely to        access talent. Our first step — research                       wherever you are in the world (even
  be underemployed in roles like taxi       involving migrants, recruiters                                 your lounge room).
  driving — even in periods of relatively   and employers — will underpin
  high skills demand.                       new initiatives.
     In response to the Joint Standing         Migration is only one part of the
  Committee on Migration’s “taxi”           equation when it comes to the future

  “Engineers Australia is working to more effectively
  support migrants who collectively contribute so
  much of our nation’s engineering capability.”
  question, Engineers Australia Senior      of the pipeline for the engineering
  Manager Assessments Robin Liu             team, which must expand to meet
  provided a firsthand example. His visa    growing demand while evolving
  conditions had tied him to Canberra,      to address changes in the way
  where many jobs require citizenship       engineering is practised and
  or security clearance: “On one hand,      delivers — itself a subject deserving
  I need to stay in a city for two years,   further conversation and consideration.
  but on the other hand I cannot find           While COVID-19 has temporarily
  any Federal Government jobs. In that      slowed migration, engineering is                   Dr Nick Fleming                 Dr Bronwyn Evans AM
  sense I’m going to drive an Uber if I     increasingly international.                  FIEAust CPEng EngExec NER        HonFIEAust CPEng EngExec FTSE
                                                                                       APEC Engineer IntPE(Aus) GAICD,     NER APEC Engineer IntPE(Aus),
  can’t find work.”                             Just as engineers can move, so
                                                                                              National President              Chief Executive Officer
                                            can engineering work, for example                nationalpresident@                      bevans@
                                            through offshore design centres      

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                                                                                or are currently rolling out schemes
                                                                                like this among their citizens.
                                                                                    However, this solution has sparked
                                                                                a debate around ID cards and the
                                   Flying high again                            reluctance of democratic governments
                                                                                to be seen as effectively mandating
                                   International airlines have been             that their populations get vaccinated.
                                   largely grounded in Australia since          It could also be seen as discriminating
                                   March 2020 and flights, except for a         against those who cannot or will not
                                   small number of repatriation flights,        get vaccinated.
                                   indefinitely suspended.                          However, individuals keeping a
                                       Nineteen months on from the              record of their vaccine and test status
                                   COVID-19 pandemic outbreak,                  with them when they fly or want to
                                   approximately 38,000 Australians             access services — such as music venues,
                                   are stranded overseas, many of               pubs and restaurants — could get our
                                   whom are engineers. They have                economies moving again and help to
                                   lost jobs, accommodation, and the            reduce the mounting debt burden.
                                   ability to see friends and family due            Surveys have shown that the
                                   to the pandemic and have faced               majority of people in free democratic
                                   serious hardship. More than half of          societies currently suffering from the
                                   all Australians attempting to leave          restrictions imposed by lockdowns all
                                   Australia are rejected every month.          over the world are willing to sacrifice
                                       Yet it doesn’t have to be this way!      some of their freedoms and carry
                                   As professional engineers who are very       an electronic health or vaccination
    welcomes                                                                    passport with them when they need
  feedback from                                                                 to fly or to access social venues on a
  the community            “We devised an electronic                            short-term basis.
                                                                                    However, some politicians and
  Do you know of          health passport — including                           human rights organisations are still
 an exciting project                                                            reluctant to follow the will of the
  we should write             virus test results, virus                         majority; they believe once these
   about? Is there                                                              measures are introduced, it will be very
  an outstanding        recovery results and vaccine                            difficult to withdraw them when the
     engineer in                                                                pandemic is under control, as there
     your midst?             inoculation — to help get                          will always be a future virus threat.
  Are you working                                                                   If we continue as we have been
  on an innovative              airlines flying again.”                         doing, with lockdown following
  technology that                                                               lockdown, the cost in terms of jobs lost,
 you’d like to share               good at problem-solving can attest,          social isolation and debts incurred by
  with your fellow                 once track-and-trace virus testing,          governments will fall most heavily on
   members? Are                    vaccines and quarantine facilities are       the younger generation.
  there engineers                  available, along with a system to keep           They will experience high
  out there doing                  track of this information in real time,      levels of unemployment and
their bit to help the              flights and a relatively normal life         underemployment in an increasingly
community? Do you                  should be able to resume.                    insecure and competitive job market.
 want to comment                       With a grant from the UK                 More socially isolated people will
on an article you’ve               Government via the South East                chase fewer and fewer jobs with very
   read in create?                 Local Enterprise Partnership and             limited and more expensive options for
                                   the European Union Regional                  vacations, inflicting incalculable effects
  Email letters@                   Development Fund (which has now              on mental and physical health.
engineersaustralia.                ceased), we at Raptohna devised an and we’ll be                electronic health passport — including       Dr MARCO CIANNI FIEAust
pleased to consider                virus test results, virus recovery results   CTO, Raptohna Ltd
 your suggestions.                 and vaccine inoculation — in October
                                   2020 for one of our clients.
                                       Israel and the European Union
                                   have either already implemented

                                                                                  ENGINEERS AUSTRALIA | OCTOBER 2021
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                    FU TUR E TH IN K IN G | NEW TEC HNO LO GY

 Striking oil

  WHEN TANUJA Sanders and                      is in project-managing               all that water leaches essential
  her husband Keith relocated to               power plants, the company            minerals from the soil.”
  rural Western Australia in the late          produces extra virgin olive              She realised that the long-term
  1990s, making olive oil was not              oil that has won awards from         success of her olive grove would
  part of the plan.                            Perth to the US.                     depend on how effectively it was
     The pair had been                             Some of the couple’s success     irrigated and fertilised.
  sub-contracted by Transfield                 can be attributed to the location        First, she installed bore pumps
  to work on the expansion of the              of their property, atop sandy soil   that could pump large volumes of
  Worsley Alumina bauxite mine                 in a sun-drenched corner of WA.      water at speed. Then she turned
  and decided to put down roots in                 “We’re blessed with beautiful    her mind to fertilisation.
  the area.                                    weather and land that is very            Sanders knew that small-scale
     They purchased a picturesque              conducive to growing olives,”        fertigation — injecting fertilisers
  40 ha property near Bunbury and              says Sanders.                        into an irrigation system — was
  set about building a house.                      Because sandy soil drains        established agricultural practice.
     At the house-warming party,               more freely than clay-based              But she needed to
  a neighbour suggested to                     earth, the couple’s trees are less   replicate that technique on
  Sanders that she plant some                  susceptible to common diseases       a larger scale.
  olive trees on a 12 ha parcel                caused by water logging.                 “It was difficult to dose
  of empty land at the front of                    But sandy soil poses             precisely because bore pumps
  the property.                                challenges, too.                     are very powerful and the
     “I ended up buying 2500                       “Because the soil drains so      flow rate varies,” she says. “We
  trees,” she says, laughing. “I               easily, the trees require frequent   couldn’t just pump X amount of
  thought it could be a fun hobby.”            watering,” says Sanders. “And        fertiliser into the water.”
     That hobby would eventually
  become the Sathya Olive
  Company, a thriving enterprise
  that now cultivates about 30 t        “BORE PUMPS ARE VERY POWERFUL AND THE FLOW
  of olives per year.
     Overseen by Tanuja
                                        RATE VARIES. WE COULDN’T JUST PUMP X AMOUNT
  Sanders, whose background             OF FERTILISER INTO THE WATER.”

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                                                                                                Worth bottling
                                                                                                Sathya Olive Company founders
                                                                                                Tanuja and Keith Sanders now have
                                                                                                their sights set on export markets.
                                                                                                    To compete with the big players,
                                                                                                Sathya will need to transition from
                                                                                                manual bottling to automation.
                                                                                                    “The challenge now is to come
                                                                                                up with a bottling methodology
                                                                                                that prevents cross contamination,”
                                                                                                Tanuja Sanders says.
                                                                                                    “Automated bottling is nothing
                                                                                                new, but there is no bottling system
                                                                                                that is designed to be used for
                                                                                                multiple varieties of infused oils
                                                                                                without wasting too much oil in
                                                                                                flushing lines.”
                                                                                                    One option is simply to purchase
                                                                                                a bottling machine for each variety of
                                                                                                oil the company produces.
                                                                                                    “But we can’t justify that cost right
                                                                                                now,” says Sanders.
  “TO CREATE A SUSTAINABLE OPERATIONAL MODEL, YOU                                                   Instead, she hopes engineering
                                                                                                ingenuity will once again help the
  HAVE TO GIVE BEFORE YOU GET. SO WE GIVE A LOT OF                                              Sathya Olive Company gain a

  LOVE AND ATTENTION TO THE TREES.”                                                             competitive advantage.
                                                                                                    “If anyone out there in the
                                                                                                engineering community can design
     However, Sanders was familiar    high-density configuration with                           a method that works, we would love
  with the chemical-dosing pumps      a plan of replacing the existing                          to hear from them,” she says.
  used in modern power plants.        plantation progressively over
     “Those pumps are designed        five years.
  to measure the flow rate of            But another problem loomed.
  the water in real time and             “Because we were on a farm
  to pump the exact amount of         that only had single-phase power
  chemicals required to achieve       supply, we were restricted to                             without compromising her
  consistent concentrations,”         using pumps that can run on                               precise fertigation process.
  she says.                           single-phase power,” Sanders                                 “I’ve learned as a project
     She purchased several            says. “To grow, we needed even                            manager that to create a
  dosing pumps, and with              bigger pumps.”                                            sustainable operational
  help from her husband Keith            They approached Western                                model, you have to give
  Sanders — a commissioning           Power to see if the property’s                            before you get,” she says.
  engineer — configured them to       power supply could be upgraded       TOP: The trees
                                                                                                “So we give a lot of love and
  interact with the bore pumps.       to three phase and were              are planted in       attention to the trees.”
     The fertigation problem          shocked when they received           a high-density          The production of the oil
  was solved.                         a $500,000 quote.                    ABOVE: Sathya
                                                                                                is undertaken just as carefully:
     Sathya Olive Company grew           So they began to brainstorm       Olive Company        the olives are stored in shallow
  steadily, and by 2019 it was        alternatives with their              founders Tanuja      bins to prevent bruising, then
                                                                           and Keith Sanders.
  producing 5000 L of oil per year.   electrical engineering colleagues.                        cold pressed within six hours
  Although Sanders continued             “We came up with a method by                           of being picked.
  to project-manage for energy        which we applied variable speed                              Among the awards won by
  and resources companies in          drives to convert the single-phase                        Sathya’s olive oil are a gold
  WA, she spent much of her           power supply to three phase,”                             medal in the 2019 Los Angeles
  time developing the business.       says Sanders. “That enabled us to                         International Extra Virgin Olive
     Encouraged by their early        run a three-phase motor from a                            Oil competition and a trophy at
  success, the couple decided to      single-phase input.”                                      the 2019 Australian International
  ramp up production by adding           As a result, Sanders has been                          Olive Awards.
  6000 new trees in a super           able to scale up production                                                    DAN F. STAPLETON

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                                           WORDS BY CHRIS SHEEDY
                                                               AND JONATHAN BRADLEY
                                                                                                    Brett Mitsch

                                                                                                    Managing Director,
                                         A GREENER
          UR WORLD is at a                                                                          Steam Plains Capital
           turning point. More aware
           than ever of the effects of                                                        THE PLENARY session I’m
  climate change, more receptive                                                              chairing at the Climate Smart
  than ever to guidance from                                                                  Engineering conference is all
  subject-matter experts, and more                                                            about bringing together the
  concerned than ever about the                                                               money side of the business
  future of our planet, people are                                                            with engineering.
  looking for leadership.                                                                        Through the lens of the United
     Engineers have to be a                                                                   Nations Sustainable Development
  major part of the solution,                                                                 Goals (SDGs), there is clearly a
  being involved in processes                                                                 role to play for the engineering
  from planning and design to                                                                 community in understanding
  construction and maintenance.                                                               what the investor universe is
     At this year’s Climate Smart                                                             looking for and how it thinks
  Engineering conference, global                                                              about monitoring and measuring
  experts and specialists, including                                                          sustainable investment.
  former US Vice President Al                                                                    There are two major parts
  Gore, will outline the fascinating                                                          of the investment arena: equity
  challenges and enormous                                                                     and debt. In the session, we’ll
  opportunities for engineers                                                                 have representatives from major
  as businesses, investors and                                                                Australian superannuation
  policymakers pivot to face                                                                  funds, as well as ANZ’s Head of
  the future.                                                                                 Sustainable Financing and an
     In these pages, we meet four                                                             engineer from GHD.
  speakers from Climate Smart                                                                     The idea is to give an
  Engineering 2021 and get a taste                                                            understanding of the importance
  of the breadth of the event’s                                                               of the SDGs to the investor
  information, value and content.

                                                                                      “INVESTORS THEMSELVES ARE
                                                                                      NOW BEGINNING TO SAY, ‘I’M A
                                                                                      RESPONSIBLE INVESTOR, SO
                                                                                      I’M USING THE SDGs TO FRAME
                                                                                      HOW I THINK ABOUT WHERE TO
                                                                                      PUT CAPITAL.’”


community, and to then relate why              Elise Brown
it’s important to understand that              Sustainability Design
those SDGs must have clear targets             Consultant, WSP
and indicators supporting them.
    A lot of those targets that are      ENGINEERS HAVE such an
built around the SDGs are deeply         influential role in shaping and
connected to engineering. The            ensuring our sustainable future.
engineering community has a vital           In A Sustainable City:
role to play in finding solutions        How Engineers Will Ensure
and in measuring, reporting and          Long-term Sustainable Prosperity,
monitoring against clearly defined       a paper I co-authored with
SDG targets.                             James Gleeson from Marvel
    In many cases, this is about         Engineers, we examined how
breaking down the silos that             innovative infrastructure has
exist between the investment             begun to influence our ability             For example, there’s an
community and the technical              to meet the United Nations              opportunity, which we’re seeing in
professions. It’s about being able       Sustainable Development                 action in some places, to integrate
to understand the language of            Goals. These goals are aimed            things like artificial intelligence
the investor from the engineering        at creating enduring value for          and big data to create a more
perspective. This assists in             an ever-evolving society.               sustainable agricultural system.
understanding the whys, the                 We explored advances in              Smart technology allows farmers
hows, and the tools required             digital technology and green            and policymakers to create
to ensure that the SDGs are a            infrastructure, solutions that cater    strategies based on real-time
well-understood standard.                for our shifting society and that       feedback about climate conditions,
    Investors are increasingly           potentially offer infinite capability   weather patterns, soil quality,
moving away from what has                and potential, thanks to the            moisture, fertilisers and more.
become relatively ambiguous              scalability of technology.                 Smart tech can optimise the
environmental, social and                   Our stance is that smart             use of fertilisers and pesticides
governance (ESG) language.               innovations and smart technology        and identify accurate irrigation
Because of the ambiguity in              provide good alternatives to our        levels for crops in a specific field
ESG language, they are moving            current behaviours.                     and a specific geography. This
towards SDGs because these more
clearly indicate how and whether
targets are being met.
    Investors are now beginning to
say, “I’m a responsible investor, so        “ENGINEERS ARE INNOVATORS
I’m using the SDGs to frame how I
think about where to put capital.”          AND THEY EDUCATE POLICYMAKERS
    It’s a framework that allows all
stakeholders to measure success.
                                            ON OPPORTUNITIES. THEY ARE
    A classic example is SDG 6,             INFLUENTIAL IN PLANNING, DESIGN
which concerns access to clean
water and sanitation. That’s a              AND CONSTRUCTION — IN EVERY FACET
classic engineering challenge.
    What is the baseline of who
                                            OF THE BUILDING OF OUR CITIES.”
has access to clean water today?
What is the capital required to
improve that, to meet a new goal?
What is the best technology to put
to work to reach the target? Who
is going to fund it?
    If you understand these
conversations you can begin to
have a powerful discussion around
investments — and a discussion
that is tied to a clear target and the
precise language of engineering.

                                                                                   ENGINEERS AUSTRALIA | OCTOBER 2021


  replaces the current, typically                                                         There hasn’t been a lot of
  unsustainable methods of                                                            research conducted on the idea
  irrigation and fertilisation.                                                       of combining multiple different
      By integrating data, processes                                                  small-scale, renewable systems
  are optimised and new                                                               into a single system to improve
  opportunities are presented.                                                        efficiency. I framed my research
  Vertical farming is a good                                                          as a case study on Winton in
  example. It brings agriculture into                                                 Central West Queensland.
  the areas that consume most of                                                          The local area has quite a few
  its produce.                                                                        low-grade geothermal sources.
      Engineers implement these                                                       On their own, these are not good
  designs. They’re innovators and                                                     enough to run a geothermal power
  they educate policymakers and                                                       plant. There are a few bores in
  others on opportunities. They are                                                   Winton supplying geothermal fluid
  influential in planning, design and                                                 to the town at about 80°C. It is
  construction — in every facet of                                                    allowed to cool and then used to
  the building of our cities.                       Theresa Tian Qin                  supply the town mains.
      And we’ll require engineers                   Mechanical Engineer,                  I suggest not wasting that
  to come up with new solutions                     Aurecon                           geothermal energy and using it
  in every facet of our cities.                                                       instead to make a solar thermal
      This is what we’ll be                    INLAND REGIONAL communities            system more efficient. This is a
  discussing at the Climate Smart              tend to miss out on a lot of major     new concept and a lot more work
  Engineering conference.                      renewables initiatives, such as        needs to be done before we see a
      Perhaps the best way                     big wind, hydro and solar plants.      market-ready design.
  to illustrate the breadth of                 These plants are typically on-grid,        This is niche in the sense that
  opportunity is to quote from the             coastal and built to benefit cities.   it’s only suitable for regional
  abstract of our paper, which I                  What can the smaller towns          towns that are not connected to
  think sums it up quite nicely.               that miss out on these major           the grid, which usually have their
      “Picture a sustainable city:             initiatives do?                        own diesel generator. But that
  net-zero carbon emissions,                      I looked into this during my        is the case for a lot of regional
  interconnectivity, digital                   recent honours thesis research.        towns — not just in Queensland but
  networks, and existing                       My thesis, which I’ll be presenting    throughout Australia. It’s niche,
  infrastructure proactively                   at the Climate Smart Engineering       but there is potentially a very
  maintained for optimal                       conference, is about integrating       large market for it in Australia.
  performance. Energy is centred               a solar thermal generator with a           I ran simulations to figure out
  around clean and renewable                   geothermal generator, and at the       an optimised arrangement. Solar
  sources such as wind and solar,              same time desalinating water.          thermal is the main generation
  and waste is valuable capital                                                       technology, with a boiler being
  for circular and regenerative                                                       powered by solar thermal energy.
  systems. As a service, transport      “I SUGGEST NOT WASTING                        When we combine a geothermal
  prioritises inclusivity and                                                         source to the mix, the efficiency is
  accessibility, with well-connected    THAT GEOTHERMAL ENERGY                        dramatically improved.
  high-capacity mass transit
  corridors. As society grows,
                                        AND USING IT INSTEAD TO                           Adding thermal-powered water
                                                                                      desalination means the system
  new infrastructure is adaptable,      MAKE A SOLAR THERMAL                          wastes as little heat as possible
  flexible and regenerative.                                                          while providing enough water for
      “For our current society,         SYSTEM MORE EFFICIENT.”                       the entire town to drink.
  changing climates and outdated                                                          That’s just one option of
  infrastructure, unable to keep                                                      combining technologies; I’ll
  up with demand, have forced a                                                       go through more at the
  rethink of how our cities operate.                                                  conference. Energy storage, for
  With the risks of climate change                                                    times when the sun is not shining,
  intertwined with our societal                                                       also needs discussing.
  desire for continual growth, is                                                         Making the systems fit together
  our infrastructure capable of                                                       is a fascinating challenge and
  meeting the challenges that                                                         the solution will be all about
  lie ahead?”                                                                         brilliant engineering.
      Only engineers can provide
  the answer.


                              16–17 November


                              WHY YOU NEED TO BE AT CSE
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                              that explores the       ideas and practical        presentations that         companies such as ARUP
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                              climate change and      growing threats.           collective purpose         Los Angeles County
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                              engineers.                                         industry.                  Authority, Minter Ellison,
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                              Register now:
                                                                                   ENGINEERS AUSTRALIA | SEPTEMBER 2021


                                                               In the past, people have been      success. They are the designers
                                                            stuck on the argument that we         and the builders.
                                                            need to choose between fossil fuels       Engineers will be required to
                                                            and green energy, or between the      design and build new industries
                                                            economy and the environment.          and to re-tool existing facilities.
                                                               We’re arguing that it’s            Engineers will be needed to
                                                            simply a smart economic               convert steel smelters and
                                                            approach to diversify local           other plants from running on
                                                            and regional economies.               metallurgical coal and gas to
                                                               Global demand is clearly and       green hydrogen. It’s a fascinating
                                                            rapidly shifting towards net-zero     challenge, and one that only
                                                            emissions. Australia’s top five       engineers can solve.
                                                            trading partners, who take                Finally, we’ll need more smelters
                                                            80 per cent of our fossil fuel        across the country to bring us up
                                                            exports, have all committed to        the value chain. Rather than simply
                                                            net-zero emissions. Right now         exporting very large quantities
                                                            they are implementing policies        of iron ore, we can create value
       Tom Quinn                                            that will result in net-zero          and jobs onshore as we tap into
       Head of Policy and Research,                         emissions earlier. There is no        our abundant and competitive
       Beyond Zero Emissions                                long-term future in fossil fuels.     renewable energy resources.
                                                               Why should engineers be                All of this will require a lot of
                                                            interested in this? Because           very smart engineers to make it
  AT BEYOND Zero Emissions                                  engineers will be critical to its     a reality.
  we’ve focused a lot of energy
  on creating a model for the
  reindustrialisation of Australia                          ”THESE AREAS CAN BECOME
  through doubling down on green
  industry and green export.                                POWERHOUSES OF THE FUTURE GREEN
     Much of this effort will centre
  on renewable energy industrial
                                                            EXPORT SPACE, PARTICULARLY IN
  precincts (REIP).                    BELOW:               GREEN STEEL, GREEN ALUMINIUM
     We have identified 14 ideal       Port of Gladstone,
  REIP locations, almost every one
                                       Queensland.          AND GREEN HYDROGEN.”
  in current industrial heartlands.
  And we’ve taken a much deeper
  dive into two of these: Gladstone
  in Queensland and the Hunter
  Valley in New South Wales, both
  known for their intensive fossil
  fuel economies.
     These areas could become
  powerhouses of the future green
  export space, particularly in
  green steel, green aluminium and
  green hydrogen.
     From a jobs perspective, we’ve
  shown that, in those two locations
  alone, REIPs could create 45,000
  jobs by 2032. These precincts
  would bring billions of dollars of
  revenue into regional areas and
  significant capital investment.
     All of this will rely on
  engineering skill sets.
     These REIPs are a good
  news story from every angle.
  Our proposals have garnered
  support from industry, from local
  communities and from both sides
  of politics.

Anywhere, anytime, any device
Webinars | Conferences | Training courses
Across all disciplines for your professional development


        Dr Massoud Sofi                                                                            BUILDING A
        Research Fellow, The University                                                            SUSTAINABLE FUTURE
        of Melbourne                                                                               Attend Engineers Australia’s
                                                                                                   Climate Smart Engineering 2021
  AS AUSTRALIA’S uptake of                                                                         Conference on November 16-17
  photovoltaic (PV) solar panel                                                                    to find out how you could be
  technology has grown over the                                                                    involved in a greener future.
  past few decades, a new problem
  has come along with it: what to do                                                               For more information, visit:
  with the panels when they reach                                                        
  the end of their life.
      Australia will have to deal
  with 1.5 million tonnes of
  decommissioned photovoltaic
  waste by 2050. Globally, that figure                                                          meet Environmental Protection
  is roughly 80 million tonnes. But       “AUSTRALIA WILL HAVE                                  Authority requirements, to make
  the current approach to PV panels
  as they reach their end of life is to
                                          TO DEAL WITH 1.5 MILLION                              sure there are pathways for those
                                                                                                materials to actually be used.
  dispose of them as general waste.       TONNES OF DECOMMISSIONED                                 It’s not just a matter of putting
  There are no other alternatives.                                                              solar panels into a machine and
      Those disposal costs are around     PHOTOVOLTAIC WASTE BY 2050.                           producing phones or polymer
  $2000 per tonne, and although
  there’s technology to recycle the
                                          THE CURRENT APPROACH TO                               materials at the other end. How
                                                                                                do we separate materials that
  materials in panels to a very high      PV PANELS IS TO DISPOSE OF                            are classified as non-hazardous
  purity that could possibly be used                                                            from those that are classified as
  to remake solar panels or similar       THEM AS GENERAL WASTE.”                               hazardous? Are the extracted
  electronics, these new materials                                                              materials efficient in terms of
  cost approximately the same. So                                                               meeting industry partners’
  electronics manufacturers would                                                               investment requirements? Are
  prefer to use virgin materials                                                                those products useful enough for
  rather than recycled ones.                                                                    them to have a market down the
      But rather than recycle                                                                   track? Otherwise, it would be quite
  the materials, my research is                                                                 easy to process these materials
  looking at upcycling them. The                                                                and use them as a filler material in
  problem is complex; a lot of                                                   Photovoltaic   concrete or construction.
  hazardous materials are involved                                               waste.            Once the technique is
  in the make-up of a solar panel,                                                              established, we could look at ways
  including lead, copper, zinc and        to use that to produce oil and                        to upcycle similar types of waste.
  other heavy metals. And because         fuels that could be also used for                     For example, TV screens have
  the panels are made to be very          other applications.                                   similar features to PV cells — they
  compact so they can function the           This involves some challenges.                     are made up of glass and polymers
  way they do, it becomes quite           We are setting up an innovative                       and metals. Future research could
  challenging to process them.            high-capacity separation process                      consider what other outputs
      We are trying to look at how        that ensures the volume of                            the process could create with
  we can create value out of these        upcycled materials is high.                           properties that fit the market.
  materials — in our case, we are         Conducting experiments in                                One example is grinding glass
  looking at processing the materials     laboratories is one thing, but                        to a level fine enough that it could
  to turn them into construction          when it comes to scaling the                          be automatically taken up by
  materials. And because the panels       process, it must be transferred                       cement production industries and
  are made up of a composite where        so that it is suitable for industry.                  combined with fly ash. You could
  the front is glass and the backing         Lastly, the output materials                       actually combine different types of
  is a polymer material, we’re trying     produced by the process must                          materials to give them value.

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                   NEW                  WORDS BY JONATHAN BRADLEY

                                        A CAR ACCIDENT DURING MEDICAL
                                        SCHOOL LEFT DINESH PALIPANA
                                        PARALYSED FROM THE CHEST DOWN.
                                        NOW HE’S WORKING WITH A TEAM OF
                                        ENGINEERS TO HELP PEOPLE LIKE HIM
                                        ONE DAY WALK AGAIN.

  S E N S AT I O N
      T BEGAN in an elevator.           giving people return of function
         That’s where Claudio           after being paralysed for many
     Pizzolato ran into his             years, and it’s really the first time
  neighbour, Dinesh Palipana,           we’ve seen that in human history.”
  a fellow student who was living          At the same time, Pizzolato
  a couple of doors down. The           was researching musculoskeletal
  two found they had a lot in           models — computational models
  common: Pizzolato was an              that help explore the interaction
  engineer and Palipana was in          between muscles and the
  medical school, but each was          nervous system during movement
  studying at Griffith University,      and rehabilitation.
  and both had an interest in spinal       “We started talking about
  cord research.                        spinal cord injury research,
      But for Palipana, the interest    and his work and my work,”
  was also personal. When he met        Palipana recalls. “And we started
  Pizzolato in 2016, he had been        fiddling around with the idea
  paralysed from the chest down for     of putting some of these studies        OPPOSITE: Dinesh
                                                                                Palipana (seated)
  five years. A car accident in 2010    together, building on it, and           with BioSpine team
  had put him in hospital for nearly    building a research project             members Professor
  a year, disrupted his studies and     and building therapies here             David Lloyd (left),
                                                                                Dr Laura Diamond
  left him with quadriplegia.           in Queensland.”                         (second from right);
      “I came back to medical              “We found this great synergy         and Dr Claudio
  school, but through this whole        where we could apply our                Pizzolato (far right).

  period, I was looking at what the     excellent research and years
  new developments were with            of research — not in spinal cord
  spinal cord injury research and       injury, but in computational
  paralysis, and looking at what
  was happening around the world
  to treat and restore function in
  people that had been paralysed
                                        “IT WAS ACTUALLY GIVING
  from it,” he tells create.            PEOPLE RETURN OF FUNCTION
      “I saw some really
  interesting research coming           AFTER BEING PARALYSED FOR
  out with robotics and
  robot-assisted rehabilitation
                                        MANY YEARS, AND IT’S REALLY
  [and] thought-control                 THE FIRST TIME WE’VE SEEN
  rehabilitation, which was
  really interesting. It was actually   THAT IN HUMAN HISTORY.”


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                                                                themselves, as would happen
                                                                organically in the case of someone
                                                                with an undamaged spinal cord.            think of the cycling action and
                                                                   “That is basically three               allow the specific signals required
modelling — to the problem of          BELOW (from              components: the brain, the                to make it happen to fire from
                                       top): Dr Laura
spinal cord injury,” says Pizzolato.   Diamond; Palipana
                                                                computer model to transform the           the spinal cord, and then adjust
   The two graduated on                uses the BioSpine        thought into controlled signals for       their movement according to the
the same day in 2016. Today,           ergometer.               the devices, and then the devices         sensations they feel in their legs.
they’re running the BioSpine                                    themselves,” Pizzolato says.                 “Part of the technology involves
Research Group, based at                                           But to make this work requires         stimulating the muscles so that
Griffith’s Centre of Biomedical                                 the technology to mimic a lot of          there’s a thought-provoking
and Rehabilitation Engineering.                                 bodily functions we do not usually        process, of course, as well as
   The goal: for Palipana — and                                 notice. A cyclist does not think          actual [functional electrical
for other people with spinal cord                               about every contraction of their          stimulation] of the muscles,” says
injuries — is to walk again.                                    muscles required to move; they            Dr Laura Diamond, a biomedical
                                                                                                          engineer on the team. “We want
                                                                                                          to understand that feedback
“THAT IS BASICALLY THREE COMPONENTS: THE BRAIN,                                                           loop: how much stimulation is
                                                                                                          required, how much is safe.”
INTO CONTROLLED SIGNALS FOR THE DEVICES AND                                                               A CUSTOMISED TWIN
                                                                                                          This is a complex system, and to
THEN THE DEVICES THEMSELVES.”                                                                             make it all work, a digital twin is
                                                                                                          integrated into the technology.
                                                                                                             “It’s a computational model of
MIND AND BODY                                                                                             the nervous system, the muscular
BioSpine is billed as a “novel                                                                            system and the skeletal system
neural restoration technology”. It                                                                        of the person,” explains Pizzolato.
combines technological solutions                                                                          “That allows us to translate these
designed to help people with                                                                              signals into something appropriate
spinal cord injury to regain                                                                              for the rehabilitation devices that
control of their limbs, such as                                                                           is consistent with how the person
a brain–computer interface                                                                                would actually move.”
and machine learning, with a                                                                                 “It’s actually a clinical problem
therapeutic approach designed                                                                             as much as it is an engineering
to one day restore damaged                                                                                problem,” says Diamond. “People
nerve connections.                                                                                        with spinal cord injury, because
   The technology involves
a motorised ergometer — an
exercise bike, essentially — on
which the patient sits. A
brain–computer interface in the
                                       CONNECTING MIND AND MUSCLE WITH THE BIOSPINE SYSTEM
form of a head-fitting picks up
the patient’s thought patterns
using electroencephalography,            Control system                             XR system                               Biosensor system
                                                                                        Virtual reality   Haptic feedback      Heart rate
and a machine-learning algorithm                                                                                                monitor
classifies the intention of                    Digital
those thoughts.
   “You put the headset on and
                                                    Human–        Drive system      User
then you think about cycling or                                                                                                   EEG
walking or just relaxing and the                    interface
AI basically distinguishes what the
person is trying to think and that
generates an appropriate signal,”
says Pizzolato.                                                                                                                  EMG
   That signal is then transmitted
to the ergometer to enable the             computer
desired movement — in this case,           interface

cycling — to be performed. The
system also stimulates the muscles

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  they don’t have that sensory
  feedback loop, that can often
  result in injuries, over-training.”
     That’s because they cannot rely
  on feedback from their nervous
  system to tell them if something
  has gone wrong.
     “Without that feedback, we
  need to rely heavily on the
  computation, and the digital twin
  is what we’re actually able to do
  that with,” Diamond says.
     The ultimate goal of this is
  rehabilitation: the hope is that
  the patient will be able to regain
  at least some control over the
  paralysed portion of their body.
     “By combining the downward
  signals from the brain down and
  upward from muscles and tendons
  back up, there is evidence that it
  promotes neuroplasticity,” Pizzolato
  says. “That enables reconnection
  of neurons within the spinal
  cord, as well as neuroplasticity,
  meaning that these signals can
  be redirected through still intact
  pathways back to the brain.”
     That’s based on pre-existing
  research showing that such
  connections are possible to form,                                             “EVERY INJURY IS VERY
  and the digital twin is designed
  to adapt once the patient has
                                                                                UNIQUE AND HOW THAT
  regained some control.                                                        PRESENTS ACROSS PEOPLE
     “At the moment, Dinesh
  doesn’t have any voluntary                                                    IS VERY UNIQUE. WE WILL
  control of muscles in his lower
  limb; he’s relying fully on
                                                                                HAVE THE CHALLENGE OF
  stimulation,” Diamond says. “But                                              NEEDING TO PERSONALISE
  the assumption is that when that
  changes, we would then want the                                               THESE TREATMENTS.”
  stimulation to adapt depending
  on how much he was actually
  contributing to the cycling.”               “Dinesh gives us an opinion and                            the engineering aspect of it, but
                                           brings in lots of expertise from a                            he knows the overall purpose,
  EXPERT INSIGHT                           medical perspective and also from                             and overall goal … his feedback is
  BioSpine is now undergoing its first     the perspective of an individual                              a little more on point. He knows
  round of clinical trials and, as well    with spinal cord injury so we also                            more where he wants to get.”
  as leading the team, Palipana is         understand what are some of the                                   Palipana’s unique place in the
  currently its sole test subject. Using   additional constraints we need to                             research means the team can
  his experiences and expertise,           undertake,” Pizzolato says.                                   ensure the patient’s experience is
  they plan to report their results           That enables his feedback to                               centred in what they do — which
                                                                                TOP: A virtual
  and make refinements to their            be more precise, says Dr Ana                                  matters, because rehabilitation is
                                                                                reality set-up (inset)
  processes, and then proceed to           de Sousa, an expert in using         helps the patient        most successful when the patient
  phase two, which will be a               robotics for rehabilitation.         direct the right         is engaged, comfortable and has
                                                                                signals to the
  year-long trial with six subjects.          “It’s funny to see our                                     their needs addressed.
     Having Palipana as a test subject     conversations, like we’re trying     interface. ABOVE:            “With spinal cord injury,
  gives the team unique insight.           to find out when he’s the patient,   Dr Ana de Sousa.         obviously every injury is very
                                           when he’s the boss of the thing,”                             unique and how that presents
                                           she tells create. “He doesn’t know                            across people is very unique,”

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                                                                                       ENGINEERS AUSTRALIA | OCTOBER 2021


                                         them based on the head shape of
                                         the participants.
                                            “So we used structural scanning                           TAKING STEPS
  explains Diamond. “We will             to do a 3D-reconstruction of each                            The BioSpine project uses existing
  have the challenge of needing to       person’s head and virtually                                  technologies but combines them in
  personalise these treatments.”         we’ve selected the optimal location                          unprecedented ways in hopes of
      The team engaged industrial        for the electrodes where they need                           making a breakthrough that is not
  design students to customise the       to be placed.”                                               yet possible. That, Pizzolato says, is
  equipment so it would be more             The technology is also                                    what distinguishes it from similar
  comfortable. Pizzolato describes       constructed so that it can be                                work being conducted overseas.
  the brain–computer interface, for      easily changed or repaired.                                      “Our foundation is solid,” he
  instance as a “rigid hat”.                “One of our ideas is having a                             says. “What we’re doing is putting
      “We went through a couple of       system that’s modular, in a way                              everything together, plus adding
  very expensive research-grade          that you can add new features,                               a computational model of the
  systems which were uncomfortable       you can remove features, and you                             person to really coordinate the
  to wear after a while — after 10, 15   can just replace features quite                              rehabilitation devices.”
                                                                               BELOW: Palipana
  minutes,” he says.                     easily,” says De Sousa. “So I use     is the sole test
                                                                                                          The BioSpine team comprises
      “And if it’s not comfortable       what’s called a robot operation       subject in the first   engineers, doctors, physiologists,
  to wear, you can’t use it to do        system, ROS. With the system,         round of trials.       pharmacologists and more
  rehabilitation. So, through our        I can create this environment                                in pursuit of a genuinely
  students, we redesigned some           where we add everything, and we                              multidisciplinary goal.
  of these headsets, and what we         can remove parts of the system,                                  “The thing with medicine
  have done is basically redesigned      and it still works.”                                         is that it’s so slow to adapt to
                                                                                                      change,” Palipana says. “Engineers

  “WE DON’T WANT IT TO REMAIN A NICE                                                                  are so solution-focused and
                                                                                                      they’re practical as well, which
  EXERCISE THAT WE DO AT THE UNIVERSITY                                                               I have found to be really good
                                                                                                      because we are able to identify all
  AND NEVER GOES OUT TO THE PUBLIC.”                                                                  these different problems and the
                                                                                                      guys in our team drive solutions.”
                                                                                                          And though the team is yet to
                                                                                                      report results, everyone create
                                                                                                      spoke to was optimistic about
                                                                                                      the technology’s future prospects.
                                                                                                      If the round two trials go well,
                                                                                                      Pizzolato expects the therapy
                                                                                                      to be used outside a university
                                                                                                      setting by the end of 2023.
                                                                                                          “We don’t want it to remain a
                                                                                                      nice exercise that we do at the
                                                                                                      university and never goes out to
                                                                                                      the public,” he says. “Eventually, if
                                                                                                      the technology goes in clinics, you
                                                                                                      need to get the clinicians on board.”
                                                                                                          Diamond concurs.
                                                                                                          “We can’t service large
                                                                                                      numbers of people in the
                                                                                                      community within the university
                                                                                                      long-term. It’s not sustainable,” she
                                                                                                      says. “The idea is that you want
                                                                                                      accessibility; you want effective
                                                                                                      therapy to be accessible to all.”
                                                                                                          When asked about his next
                                                                                                      steps, Palipana’s response is
                                                                                                      direct — and literal.
                                                                                                          “To take steps,” he says.
                                                                                                          “That would be the dream
                                                                                                      actually. It’s an audacious
                                                                                                      dream, but that’s what we’re
                                                                                                      working towards. To give people
                                                                                                      that opportunity.”



                                      WORDS BY CHRIS SHEEDY

  H E L P WA N T E D



         S A YOUNG graduate,                              only a few possessions and
         engineer Sam Matti                               leaving behind his job, his
         had a seemingly                                  home, his friends and his
promising role at a Baghdad                               country, most likely forever.
power station – until a personally                           He spent four long
targeted death threat from the                            years working outside the
Islamic State terror group (ISIS)                         profession — in construction
tucked under the windscreen                               in Turkey and, in Australia, as a
wiper of his car forced him to flee.                      catering assistant, an interpreter   an economic recovery hinging
   Today, Matti is a Senior Project                       and community volunteer.             on major infrastructure projects,
Manager at GHD and Site Access                               Matti had lost all faith he       the effective use of all available
Lead on Melbourne’s North East         RIGHT:             would ever find appropriate          engineers could be considered a
Link Project.                          Sam Matti, GHD.    professional work again before       national strategic imperative.
   However, like many migrant                             landing a 12-week internship with       “Most of the engineers working
engineers, he has had to                                  GHD in 2017 via a CareerSeekers      in the profession in Australia
overcome significant barriers                             program that supports refugees       today were born overseas — 51.1
along the way to employment in                            and asylum seekers.                  per cent. And 58.5 per cent of
his chosen profession.                                       The internship led to a           qualified engineers in Australia
   In October 2012, Matti                                 contract role and then ongoing       are migrants, going on Census
was a site engineer at Baghdad’s                          work, all with GHD, where he still   data,” says Justine Romanis,
Al-Dora Power Plant. The role                             works today.                         Engineers Australia’s National
drew on his freshly minted                                   “Being displaced is a terrible    Manager, Professional Diversity
degree from Russia’s Don                                  thing,” Matti says. “If we give      and STEM.
State Technical University,                               people opportunities to prove           “Overseas-born engineers
his cross-cultural skills and his                         themselves then they absolutely      have a higher unemployment
fluency in five languages. He was                         will. That’s very good for them,     and significantly higher
the perfect middleman between                             and very good for the business       underemployment rate compared
Russian power plant managers                              that had faith in them.”             to locally born engineers. And
and his fellow Iraqi engineers.
   But the job only lasted
13 months.
                                         51 %
                                         of engineers
                                                          VITAL AND UNDERUSED
                                                          With an emerging engineering
                                                                                               overseas-born female engineers
                                                                                               have almost three times
                                                                                               the unemployment rate of
   “I received a personally             working in the
                                                          skills shortage exacerbated by       Australian-born female engineers.”
targeted death threat. My car            profession in    COVID-19, an engineering job            Engineers Australia has
was vandalised. An envelope              Australia are    vacancy rate that has gone up        publicly called for an overhaul
                                        born overseas.
on the windscreen contained a                             97 per cent in just 12 months, and   of the skilled migration system,
letter that said I could pay
US$40,000 and leave my job,
and live, or I would be killed,”                          “OVERSEAS-BORN ENGINEERS
                                        59 %
Matti recalls.
   “I’m an Assyrian Christian                             HAVE A HIGHER UNEMPLOYMENT
and I worked with people ISIS
referred to as ‘infidel Russians’,        of qualified
                                                          AND SIGNIFICANTLY HIGHER
so it was a double strike.”
   With his parents, he fled to
                                          engineers in
                                          Australia are
                                                          UNDER-EMPLOYMENT RATE COMPARED
Turkey the next morning, taking
                                                          TO LOCALLY BORN ENGINEERS.”

                                                                                                 ENGINEERS AUSTRALIA | OCTOBER 2021
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