BREXIT BRIEF BREXIT - The Institute of International and European Affairs

BREXIT BRIEF BREXIT - The Institute of International and European Affairs

 Brexit Brief Issue 78: 8 January 2020

The Brief seeks to provide up-to-date information on the progress and content of the UK-EU negotiations, and
bring together relevant statements and policy positions from key players in Ireland, the UK and EU.
The Brief is part of a wider communications programme covering the work of the IIEA’s UK Project Group –
including commentaries, speeches, texts and event reports – which are highlighted on the Institute’s website.

Section One: State of Play                                     vast, that there is no environmentally friendly way
                                                               of printing it off.
Queen’s Speech                                                 For my own part, I feel a colossal sense of obligation
                                                               to the electorate that I and we are humbled to
The Queen’s Speech to the Houses of Parliament, on 19          serve. I say to those people who lent us their votes,
December 2019, laid out the Government’s proposals for the     however hesitantly, that this Government will
                                                               now engage flat out on a programme of change for
new parliamentary session.
                                                               the better. Tomorrow is the day when we finally
                                                               peel back the plastic wrapping, about which you
The Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, addressed the House of      have heard so much, Mr Speaker, and present our
Commons:                                                       oven-ready deal. It will go into the microwave
                                                               as the withdrawal agreement Bill—it works in
  This Queen’s Speech, from this people’s Government,          both devices, this deal—taking back control of
  sets in motion a vast interlocking programme to unite        our money, our borders, our laws and our trade,
  and level up across the whole United Kingdom, and            clearing the way for an overarching programme of
  unleash the potential of all our people.                     national renewal.
  This one nation Government will enshrine in law
                                                             Conservative Party Manifesto
  record funding for our NHS, take back control of
  our borders with a wholly new immigration system,
                                                             The Queen’s Speech reflected the content of the Conservative
  toughen our criminal justice system with longer
  sentences for the most dangerous offenders, double         Party Manifesto and included the commitment to
  investment in basic science research, and protect          establishment of a Constitution, Democracy and Rights
  our environment with a Bill so ambitious and so

                                                                                 BREXIT BRIEF 078 | JAN 2020
BRIEF                                                                                 BREXIT BRIEF 078 | JAN 2020

Commission. The relevant Manifesto articles are:                   proud to call our closest friends. Because this Bill,
                                                                   and this juncture in our national story, must not
  After Brexit we also need to look at the broader                 be seen as a victory for one party over another or
  aspects of our constitution: the relationship between            one faction over another; this is the time when we
  the Government, Parliament and the courts; the                   move on and discard the old labels of “leave” and
  functioning of the Royal Prerogative; the role of the            “remain”. In fact, the very words seem tired to me
  House of Lords; and access to justice for ordinary               as I speak them—as defunct as “big-enders” and
  people.                                                          “little-enders” or as “Montagues” and “Capulets” at
  […]                                                              the end of the play.
  The ability of our security services to defend us                Now is the time to act together as one reinvigorated
  against terrorism and organised crime is critical.               nation, one United Kingdom, filled with renewed
  We will update the Human Rights Act and                          confidence in our national destiny and determined,
  administrative law to ensure that there is a proper              at last, to take advantage of the opportunities
  balance between the rights of individuals, our vital             that now lie before us. The whole purpose of our
  national security and effective government. We will              Withdrawal Agreement is to set this in motion and
  ensure that judicial review is available to protect              avoid any further delay.
  the rights of the individuals against an overbearing             We should be fortified by a renewed sense of
  state, while ensuring that it is not abused to conduct           confidence that while our democratic institutions
  politics by another means or to create needless delays.          have been tested as never before, if this House comes
  In our first year we will set up a Constitution,                 together now to support the Bill, as I hope it will,
  Democracy and Rights Commission that will                        history will record that the first act of this new
  examine these issues in depth, and come up with                  Parliament, in its earliest days, was to break the ice
  proposals to restore trust in our institutions and in            floes and find a new passage through to unsuspected
  how our democracy operates.                                      oceans of opportunity. So now is the moment to come
                                                                   together and write a new and exciting chapter in
European Union (Withdrawal Agreement) Bill 2019                    our national story, to forge a new partnership with
                                                                   our European friends, to stand tall in the world
On 20 December 2019 the Government introduced the                  and to begin the healing for which the people of this
                                                                   country yearn. And it is in that spirit of unity that
revised European Union (Withdrawal Agreement) Bill which
                                                                   I commend this Bill to the House.
includes a provision to legally prohibit any agreement to
an extension of the 11-month transition period which will        The Labour Party opposition to the Bill was made clear by Sir
come into force after the UK formally departs the Union on       Keir Starmer:
31January.                                                         The Bill started life as a bad Bill. It is now even
                                                                   worse. The changes the Government have made—
The Bill was introduced by Prime Minister Boris Johnson:           weakened protections for workplace rights, a side-
                                                                   lined Parliament and weakened protections for
  I beg to move, that the Bill be now read a Second                child refugees—tell us everything we need to know
  time.                                                            about the Prime Minister and this Government,
  I also beg that we come together, as a new                       their priorities and their values. They are not
  Parliament, to break the deadlock and, finally, to               Labour values. This is not a deal we can support.
  get Brexit done. Now is the moment, as we leave                  We will be voting against it tonight.
  the European Union, to reunite our country, and
                                                                 After a day’s debate the Second Reading of the Bill was
  allow the warmth and natural affection we all
  share for our European neighbours to find renewed              carried by 358 votes to 234. The Bill has now been referred
  expression in one great new national project                   to a Committee of the Whole House starting on Tuesday
  of building a deep, special and democratically                 7 January 2020. Proceedings will continue on the Bill on
  accountable partnership with those nations we are
                                                                 Wednesday 8 January, concluding with remaining stages on

As an independent forum, the Institute does not express any opinions of its own. The views expressed in the article are the sole
responsibility of the author.
BRIEF                                                                                   BREXIT BRIEF 078 | JAN 2020

Thursday 9 January 2020. It will then proceed to the House         a decision will be taken by a simple majority and insists on
of Lords and the Government has made it clear that steady          the need for cross-community support for key policies. The
progress through Lords and Commons will be ensured so              Alliance Party argues that membership of the governance
that the scheduled departure date of 31 December 2020 will         bodies for the Withdrawal Agreement must always contain
be achieved.                                                       representation from Northern Ireland.

                                                                   EU Responses

Scotland’s First Minister, Nicola Sturgeon, has formally           The European Commission President, Ursula von der Leyen,
written to the Prime Minister calling for an order to be           has warned that the stated policy of the UK Government
granted permitting the Holyrood parliament to hold a second        means that failure to conclude a trade agreement by the end
vote on independence. She argued that, having won 47 of the        of 2020 will produce another ‘cliff edge’ scenario. She told the
59 Scottish seats in the General Election, “The mandate we         European Parliament that the timetable ahead is extremely
have to offer the Scottish people a choice over their future is,   challenging and that a no-deal outcome would harm the
by any normal standard of democracy, unarguable. We are            interests of the EU but “it will impact more the UK.”
therefore today calling for the UK Government to negotiate
and agree the transfer of power that would put beyond doubt        EU Trade Commissioner, Phil Hogan, has predicted that
the Scottish Parliament’s right to legislate for a referendum on   Prime Minister Johnson is likely to agree to an extension
independence”                                                      of the transition period beyond the end of 2020. “I don’t
                                                                   believe he will die in the ditch over the timeline for the
On 19 December 2019 the Scottish Government published              future relationship.” He pointed out that a mandate from the
a document – ‘Scotland’s Right to Choose’ – laying out             European Council would be required by the end of February
the detailed case for ‘how and why’ the country should be          to allow the Commission to open negotiations with the
able to have the choice of independence in a referendum. It        UK for the next phase of the process. Michel Barnier will
argues that “Scotland is not a region questioning its place in     be the overall interlocutor with the UK authorities while
a larger unitary state; we are a country in a voluntary union      Commissioner Hogan will be directly responsible for the
of nations.”                                                       trade agreement.

Northern Ireland                                                   Michel Barnier has written that in negotiating a trade
                                                                   agreement “like the UK, we will keep our strategic interests in
Northern Ireland parties have tabled amendments to the
                                                                   mind. We know that competing on social and environmental
Government’s Withdrawal Bill. The DUP, which opposes
                                                                   standards – rather than on skills, innovation, and quality
the consent role for the Northern Ireland Assembly in the
                                                                   – leads only to a race to the bottom that puts workers,
agreement, has put forward 14 amendments and the Alliance
                                                                   consumers, and the planet on the losing side.” Any Free Trade
Party, through its new MP, Stephen Farry, has submitted
                                                                   Agreement with Britain would have to ensure a level playing
five proposals and the new SDLP MPs have also tabled
                                                                   field on standards, state aid and tax matters. He also argued
                                                                   that any new economic deal might have to be expanded in
The DUP proposals focus on the future role of the Stormont         the years ahead.
Assembly in deciding whether or not Northern Ireland would
                                                                   A Politico commentary makes the important point that:
retain the customs provisions of the agreement in future. The
                                                                   “The EU’s Brexit unity is about to come under severe strain.
DUP argues against the agreement which states that such
                                                                   Speaking from one script was Brussels’s greatest asset in the

As an independent forum, the Institute does not express any opinions of its own. The views expressed in the article are the sole
responsibility of the author.
BRIEF                                                                                    BREXIT BRIEF 078 | JAN 2020

first phase of Brexit. It prevented London playing divide-          Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s New Year’s Message
and-rule and ultimately forced concessions from the UK in
                                                                      Of course, the first item on my agenda is to fulfil the
the talks. But while it was relatively easy to forge a common         will of the electorate and take us out of the European
position on the Brexit bill, citizens’ rights and Northern            Union. This should have happened already, but we
Ireland, agreement on trade priorities will be much harder.           were thwarted by a Parliament determined to use
                                                                      every trick in the book to stop us leaving the EU.
On the EU side, the fight over what to prioritize in the talks is
set to begin in early January. The Commission will use input          […]
from each of the 27 national capitals to frame a draft mandate        So we’ll get Brexit done before the end of this month.
by 1st February, the UK’s first day outside the EU.”                  That oven-ready deal I talked about so much during
                                                                      the election campaign has already had its plastic
                                                                      covering pierced and been placed in the microwave.
Irish Responses
                                                                      We got down to work immediately after the election.
Irish Government circles are quoted as arguing that the focus         The necessary legislation has already begun its
                                                                      passage through Parliament and, once MPs return
should be on the content, not the timing, of a future EU-
                                                                      to Westminster, we’ll waste no time in finishing the
UK trade arrangement. “The EU has been clear that it will             job. At long last we will take back control of our
work hard to progress the negotiations as quickly as possible.        laws, borders, money and trade.
But we should be clear that the over-arching priority is to           Then we can finally spend 2020 getting on with
achieve an agreement that works as well as possible and that          delivering on the people’s priorities: boosting the
gives us the strong possible foundations for a positive EU-UK         NHS with the biggest cash injection in its history,
                                                                      renewing schools, backing scientists, building better
relationship for years to come.”
                                                                      infrastructure, controlling immigration, making
                                                                      our streets safer, cleaning up our environment, and
The Tánaiste, Simon Coveney, said that Prime Minister                 making our Union stronger.
Johnson might come to regret tying himself to a strict
                                                                      I want to reassure you that I will be a Prime
timetable for agreeing the future trade deal. He described the        Minister for everyone, not just those who voted for
UK position as “a strange decision […] to tie itself in terms of      me. I know that you love this country no less, simply
options. Nobody is forcing the UK to apply for an extended            because you voted for another party or wanted to
                                                                      Remain. More than that, I want to work with you,
transition period, but they have the option to do so if they
                                                                      as friends and equals, as we build the future this
want to up to the middle of next summer.”                             United Kingdom deserves.

He insisted that the EU will approach the next phase of talks       Post-Brexit Negotiations
on the future relationship to “try to move as quickly as we can.
                                                                    London and Brussels are expected to co-host the post-Brexit
We all know that the negotiations post a British exit from the
                                                                    negotiations on the future relationships between the EU and
EU is going to be a very complicated, it’s going to deal with
                                                                    UK. Since the UK will no longer be a Member State of the
multiple areas, not just a free trade agreement, it has also got
                                                                    EU – becoming a ‘third country’ – Brussels will no longer
to deal with security, data, fishing. There are sectors which
                                                                    take centre stage. The Political Declaration states that the UK
will require detailed negotiations. The EU hasn’t missed a
                                                                    and EU will jointly agree the arrangements and scheduling of
deadline yet, it has been the UK that has missed deadlines in
                                                                    talks. Negotiations are expected to commence in early March
the past. I just think if we’ve learned anything from the first
                                                                    with the EU negotiating position adopted by the European
round of Brexit negotiations […] it is that we shouldn’t be
                                                                    Council at a session on 25 February.
closing off options.”

As an independent forum, the Institute does not express any opinions of its own. The views expressed in the article are the sole
responsibility of the author.
BRIEF                                                                                 BREXIT BRIEF 078 | JAN 2020

Section Two: The Evolving Debate                                   Ireland in particular, Brexit has sharpened all the
                                                                   lines that the Good Friday agreement was designed
Northern Ireland Voices in Westminster                             to soften—around identity, borders and sovereignty.
                                                                   We should have been spending the last few years
Following the General Election, changes in the representation      talking about reconciliation, regeneration, social
                                                                   justice and equality; that is what all political
of Northern Ireland saw the arrival of MPs from the Social
                                                                   action should really be about. Instead, we have
Democratic and Labour Party (SDLP) and the Alliance Party.         spent morning, noon and night talking about
The House of Commons debates on the Queen’s Speech                 Brexit—a problem that did not need to exist and
and the Withdrawal Agreement featured significant speeches         which, particularly in Northern Ireland, reopens
                                                                   old wounds and limits our horizons.
from the three new members and from the new Westminster
Leader of the DUP.                                                 I am glad that, due to the solidarity of the EU 27
                                                                   —and, indeed, Members from across the House—
                                                                   this Withdrawal Agreement means that there will
The SDLP Leader, Colum Eastwood, spoke in the Queen’s
                                                                   not be a border on the island of Ireland, but I
Speech debate:                                                     deeply regret that it creates an economic border in
                                                                   the Irish sea.
  This Prime Minister wants to drag us out of the
  European Union against our will. I know that he                  Beyond the economy, Brexit up-ends the delicate
  has a huge majority, but the only majority that I                balance that in Northern Ireland has allowed us
  am concerned about is the pro-remain majority in                 to imagine our shared and equal future together.
  Northern Ireland that has thankfully now got its                 We in Northern Ireland know the value of the EU.
  voice back in this place. We may be few in number,               I am afraid that our concerns have been dismissed
  but we intend to be very, very loud in voice.                    by those of you who will never have to live with the
                                                                   consequences of these actions.
  The Prime Minister’s approach to Brexit is totally
  reckless. It drives a coach and horses through the               We will vote against the narrow and restrictive
  Good Friday Agreement and the relationships that                 view of the future articulated in this Bill. We
  we have built up over many years, right across our               will work with fair-minded people of all parties
  community and right across our islands. I am glad                to limit, by amendment, the damage as best we
  to see now that the Democratic Unionists are very                can. We will seek to minimise the damage to the
  concerned about the checks between this island and               Good Friday Agreement, which, for those of us in
  our island. It is a pity that they did not think about           Northern Ireland, is the only viable pathway to
  that when they drove the Brexit agenda, and when                 a better future, under whichever constitutional
  they rejected Theresa May’s deal. Now we are in a                arrangement people desire that future.
  situation that none of us is happy with. We are in
                                                                 Stephen Farry speaking of the dominant remain majority in
  a situation that every one of us should be trying to
  reverse and to reject.                                         Northern Ireland, indicated that he would

The Second Reading debate on the Withdrawal Agreement              “[…] therefore, be voting against Second Reading
included speeches by Claire Hanna MP for the SDLP,                 of the Bill in order to honour the wishes of the
                                                                   people who sent me here and the people of Northern
Stephen Farry MP for Alliance and Sir Jeffrey Donaldson in
his first speech as DUP Leader in the Commons.
                                                                   There is no such thing as a good or sensible Brexit,
                                                                   whether we are talking about the UK or Northern
Claire Hanna said:
                                                                   Ireland in particular. We are being presented with
                                                                   a false choice between working in the context of the
  South Belfast, like Northern Ireland as a whole, is a
                                                                   European Union and pursuing a global Britain.
  place that overwhelmingly voted against Brexit. The
                                                                   We can best expand our trade and economy by
  pro-European majority of Members in Northern
                                                                   working through the EU, where we have the
  Ireland, I must tell the House, is a more diverse and
                                                                   strength in numbers to stand up and get better
  united political movement than I believe we have
                                                                   deals with the likes of the United States, Australia
  ever seen in our troubled history. For Northern

As an independent forum, the Institute does not express any opinions of its own. The views expressed in the article are the sole
responsibility of the author.
BRIEF                                                                                 BREXIT BRIEF 078 | JAN 2020

  and China. That is in our self-interest. It is also              We would like to be able to support what is
  important to bear it in mind that the EU is more                 happening, but we have grave concerns about the
  than an economic body. It is more than the sum                   potential impact on the Northern Ireland, where
  of its parts and it allows effective and collective              economic prosperity goes hand in hand with
  responses to global challenges, including migration,             political stability. The peace process cannot just be
  global poverty and, most critically in terms of the              about the politics of Northern Ireland; it has to be
  current agenda, tackling climate change.                         about prosperity for Northern Ireland as well. The
                                                                   Prime Minister has said that he wants all of the
  The deal negotiated by the right hon. Member
                                                                   United Kingdom to prosper. That has to include
  for Maidenhead (Mrs May) was a better attempt
                                                                   Northern Ireland. We need to ensure that these
  at a soft landing than the deal negotiated by the
                                                                   arrangements work for Northern Ireland and do
  current Prime Minister. Indeed, the previous deal
                                                                   not become a barrier to trade between Northern
  had the pragmatic support of the Northern Ireland
                                                                   Ireland and Great Britain.
  business community and an unprecedented level of
  commitment from them, given that this is a rather
                                                                 Business Concerns Continue
  contentious political issue. They understood that it
  was a genuine attempt to address the issues. The               A Bank of England survey has concluded that growing
  current proposal from the Prime Minister presents
  Northern Ireland with a much more challenging                  numbers of business leaders in the UK believe that Brexit
  situation. While it certainly maintains an open                uncertainty will take longer to resolve than Prime Minister
  border on the island itself, it creates a much more            Johnson pledged in the election campaign. It has been argued
  problematic situation down the Irish Sea than                  that “Though the result of the general election will bring
  people had a right to expect and was originally
                                                                 some clarity to businesses, it still feels like a long road ahead
                                                                 for manufacturing to recover its losses this year and there
Jeffrey Donaldson clearly summarised the concerns of the         will still be some obstacles to overcome in 2020” and that
DUP, arguing that:                                               “Manufacturers will hope that the next 12 months will see
  We supported Brexit. We want Brexit to happen,                 greater bandwith within government to focus on long-term
  and we acknowledge and recognise that the                      vision for the economy as there remains much work to do
  Government have won a mandate to take forward                  before industry will turn on the taps of investment.”
  their Withdrawal Agreement. But there is a major
  contradiction at the heart of that agreement that              The Northern Ireland Chamber of Commerce has argued
  causes us great concern.
                                                                 that it is more important for businesses in NI to get “the
  At one level, the agreement does say that Northern             detail of Brexit right” than simply “getting it done”. Although
  Ireland should continue to have unfettered access
                                                                 the government has a strong mandate for the Brexit deal
  to the rest of the UK for trade. But then there are
  customs arrangements that inhibit our ability                  the Chamber insists that this does not represent the “end of
  to have that unfettered access. That is our major              the matter”, rather it was “only the beginning of a process.
  concern—one that we hope the Government can                    We need an end to vague pronouncements, and a renewed
  address.                                                       focus on the details that matter.” The Chamber’s view was
  Of course, we hope that what is agreed in the                  supported by the Ulster Farmers’ Union, whose leader, Ivor
  future relationship will negate the need for many              Ferguson, said that regardless of how people voted on Brexit
  of the special arrangements for Northern Ireland.
  We have a land border with the European Union                  in 2016 the key issue in 2020 was to “make sure Brexit is a
  and an agri-food sector that trades across it, and             success for agriculture. That will not be achieved by simply
  we recognise that arrangements have to be made to              leaving the EU. Success will be measured for agriculture by
  facilitate that ongoing trade, but we do not want              what is agreed in two key areas […] support structures put in
  barriers against trade with the rest of our own
                                                                 place as an alternative to the CAP and the trade relationships
  country. That is absolutely essential.
                                                                 we have with the EU27 and the rest of the world.”

As an independent forum, the Institute does not express any opinions of its own. The views expressed in the article are the sole
responsibility of the author.
BRIEF                                                                                 BREXIT BRIEF 078 | JAN 2020

Section Three: Background Material and 		                        Financial Times Boris Johnson pledges to be ‘PM for
Further Reading                                                  everyone’ in New Year message. FT, 1 January 2020.
Background Material                                              99756bd8f45e

GOV.UK Queen’s Speech December 2019. https://www.
                                                                 Scottish Government        Scotland’s Right to Choose.
                                                                 Putting Scotland’s Future in Scotland’s Hands. https://
UK Parliament MPs debate the Queen’s Speech, 20
December 2019.
news/2019/december/queens-speech-debate                          The Guardian Top lawyers warn Johnson over role
                                                                 of judges as constitution fears grow. Guardian, 21
UK Parliament        European Union (Withdrawal
                                                                 December       2019.
Agreement) Bill 2019. https://publications.parliament.
BBC Brexit: NI parties table amendments to bill. BBC, 3
                                                                 The Guardian The Tories have the BBC in their line of fire.
January 2020.
                                                                 Don’t let them destroy it. Guardian, 17 December 2019.
Financial Times     Brexit timeline: key dates in the
UK’s divorce from the EU. FT, 19 December 2019.
                                                                 Frans Timmermans My love letter to Britain: family ties
                                                                 can never really be severed. Guardian, 26 December 2019.
The Telegraph Boris Johnson takes lead on EU talks as
Brexit unit gets rebranded. Telegraph, 29 December 2019.         Bloomberg This Man Holds Europe Together as Brexit           Tears It Apart. Bloomberg, 30 December 2019. https://
The Guardian London expected to co-host next stage
of post-Brexit negotiations. Guardian, 24 December
2019.          Financial Times UK at end of queue for data deal with
london-expected-co-host-next-stage-post-brexit-negotiations      Brussels. FT, 26 December 2019.
GOV.UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s Christmas
message: 24 December 2019.                   Politico EU countries gear up for post-Brexit trade battle.
government/speeches/prime-minister-boris-johnsons-               Politico, 19 December 2019.
christmas-message-24-december-2019                               article/eu-countries-gear-up-for-post-brexit-trade-battle

GOV.UK       Prime Minister’s New Year’s message: 31             RTE EU-UK trade deal cannot allow ‘race to the bottom’,
December 2019.               says Barnier. RTE, 21 December 2019. https://www.rte.
prime-ministers-new-years-message-31-december-2019               ie/news/brexit/2019/1221/1102566-brexit

As an independent forum, the Institute does not express any opinions of its own. The views expressed in the article are the sole
responsibility of the author.
BRIEF                                                                                 BREXIT BRIEF 078 | JAN 2020

RTE Von der Leyen warns of another Brexit cliff edge.            The Guardian Business hope fading for Brexit clarity
RTE, 18 December 2019.                  in 2020, Bank says. Guardian, 2 January 2020. https://
Irish Times      Boris Johnson’s post-Brexit-timetable
questioned by EU Commission President. IT, 29                    Financial Times Brexit predictions for 2020. FT, 18
December 2019.            December 2019.
world/europe/boris-johnson-s-post-brexit-timetable-              20cb-11ea-b8a1-584213ee7b2b
                                                                 The Observer The Observer view on where Britain
Mail Online ‘Boris won’t die in a ditch for this either’         goes after the general election result. Observer, 15
Mail Online, 2 January 2020. https://www.dailymal.               December 2019.                 commentisfree/2019/dec/15/the-observer-view-on-
Johnsons-Brexit-plan.html                                        where-britain-goes-after-the-general-election-result

Financial Times Boris Johnson faces a battle to save             The Telegraph It sounds ambitious, but a friendly
the union. FT, 24 December 2019.             Brexit divorce is now on the cards. Telegraph, 2 January
content/3245b5b8-2563-11ea-9f81-051dbffa088d                     2020.
Scottish Government         Independence Referendum
transfer of power demanded, 19 December 2019. https://           Elysee. Emmanuel Macron: 2020 Wishes to the French,              31 December 2019.
of-power-demanded                                                macron/2019/12/31/voeux-2020-aux-francais

RTE Sturgeon in formal request over Scottish independence    Taoiseach speaks to the UK Prime Minister,
vote. RTE, 19 December 2019.            Boris Johnson, 13 December 2019.
uk/2019/1219/1102125-scotland-politics                           ie/en/news/c4a1fa-taoiseach-speaks-to-the-uk-prime-
Irish Times Johnson to legislate to block any further
delay to Brexit. IT, 17 December 2019. https://www.              Brigid Laffan Brexit’s not the only show in Brussels:            Where the EU goes next. IT, 4 January 2020. https://
The Guardian Why does Boris Johnson want to prevent
a transition period extension? Guardian, 17 December             Irish Times      Brexit detail is key to NI commerce,
2019.          business leader warns. IT, 2 January 2020. https://www.
transition-period-extension                                      ni-commerce-business-leader-warns-1.4128256

Irish Times Johnson tells MPs He will end Brexit                 RTE Varadkar: Bridge to Scotland worth examining but
‘deadlock’.    IT, 18 December 2019. https://www.                UK must pay for it. RTE, 26 December 2019. https://www.     

As an independent forum, the Institute does not express any opinions of its own. The views expressed in the article are the sole
responsibility of the author.
BRIEF                                                                                 BREXIT BRIEF 078 | JAN 2020

Irish Times       Proposed UK law to prevent Brexit
extension ‘strange’ says Coveney. IT, 17 December 2019.

Irish Times Phil Hogan: ‘A no-deal Brexit would pour
salt into the wounds’. IT, 1 January 2020. https://www.

Brigid Laffan London must finally decide just what kind
of Brexit it wants. IT, 17 December 2019. https://www.

Irish Times Boris Johnson has good reason to keep
Varadkar close. IT, 3 January 2020. https://www.

Irish Times Government to combat Brexit with €28m
for Border region. IT, 3 January 2020. https://www.

Further Reading

Nicolaidis Kalypso Exodus Reckoning Sacrifice, Three
Meanings of Brexit. Unbound.

As an independent forum, the Institute does not express any opinions of its own. The views expressed in the article are the sole
responsibility of the author.
The Institute of International and European Affairs (IIEA) is Ireland’s leading international affairs think tank. Founded in 1991, its mission is to
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to more informed strategic decisions by political, business and civil society leaders.

The IIEA is independent of government and all political parties and is a not-for profit organisation with charitable status. In January 2017, the Global
Go To Think Tank Index ranked the IIEA as Ireland’s top think tank.

© Institute of International and European Affairs, September 2019

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NonCommercial — You may not use the material for commercial purposes.

ShareAlike — If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you must distribute your contributions under the same license as the original.

No additional restrictions — You may not apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others from doing anything the license

               The IIEA acknowledges the support of the Europe for Citizens Programme of the European Union

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