Breit-Wigner Enhancement in the Interactions of a Light Scalar Dark Matter - Rencontres ...

Page created by Dean Burns
Breit-Wigner Enhancement in the Interactions of a Light Scalar Dark Matter - Rencontres ...
Breit-Wigner Enhancement in the Interactions of a Light Scalar Dark Matter

In collaboration with
  T. Binder, S. Matsumoto and Y. Watanabe
Kavli IPMU, University of Tokyo

Sreemanti Chakraborti

LAPTh, Annecy
January 26
Breit-Wigner Enhancement in the Interactions of a Light Scalar Dark Matter - Rencontres ...
Scalar dark matter

  • Singlet scalar is the simplest Beyond Standard                                                 =
    Model extension                                                    0.0               /Ω D
  • For lifetime ą age of the Universe, a singlet scalar                                        M
                                                                       −0.5               /Ω D

                                                           log10 λhs
                                                                                    Ω   S
    can be a dark matter candidate                                                                       1
                                                                       −1.0                     DM
  • Scalar singlet dark matter only has Higgs portal in                              Ω   S

    order to interact with Standard Model                              −1.5
                      1 2 2 1
                L “    µ S ` λhs S 2 |H|2                              −2.0
                      2 S   2
  • In scalar singlet dark matter model, all other mass
                                                                              2.0      2.5       3.0            3.5
    region is excluded by direct detection except for                               log10 (mS /GeV)
    the Higgs resonance at mS „ mH {2

                                                             Cline et. al Phys. Rev. D 88, 055025 (2013)
Breit-Wigner Enhancement in the Interactions of a Light Scalar Dark Matter - Rencontres ...
BW Enhancement in Dark Matter phenomenology

   • An ”exception” to Boltzmann eqn
   • When the mediator mass approaches twice the DM mass, DM

     annihilation cross section becomes sensitive to DM velocity
   • Most general expression
                                                                                                 small v0
                             16π             γ2
                     σ“     M 2 β̄i βi pδ`~ 2 {4q2 `γ 2 Bi Bf

                               32π          γ2                                                                  large v0
               xσvrel y »                              BB
                               M 2 β̄i pδ`ξ v02 q2 `γ 2 i f
                                                                       −4   −2              0      2        4        6     8   10
   • A boost factor is obtained in DM annihilation near the reso-
     nance region
   • Temperature dependence of thermal averaged DM annihila-          Ibe et. al, Phys.Rev.D79:095009,2009
     tion cross-section in BW resonance region is widely studied in
     DM phenomenology
What do we have here?
     • scalar 1 : χ, Z2 odd Ñ dark matter                         10-4        γγ          4π,ηη,ρρ
     • scalar 2 : φ1 , charge neutral                                           ee          ss
                                                                    10          μμ          gg
                                                                                ττ          cc
           ˜ ¸ ˜                      ¸˜ ¸

                                                          Γ (GeV)
             h         cos θ ´ sin θ                                            ππ
         •        “                                                 10-8                    bb
             φ         sin θ   cos θ    φ1                                      KK
                     χ ÝÝÑ SM
                                                                         10-2        10-1              100    101
                     φ         Cφχχ
                                                                                               mϕ (GeV)

                                                                    Γ pφ Ñ SMsq “ sin2 θ ΓphSM Ñ SMsq|m2             2

                               We focus on BW resonance facilitated by light mediator

                                                                                ë 10 MeV-10 GeV
Dark matter relic density
                     Effect of BW resonance
                                                                                      Early kinetic decoupling

      • Dark matter annihi-
                                           DM                  SM
                                                                          • Small DM-mediator coupling reduces scatter-
        lates into SM particles                      med                    ing rate between DM and SM particles in the
        through s-channel reso-                                             thermal bath
        nance from φ mediation.            DM                  SM         • Suppressed scattering rate causes DM to ki-
                                                                            netically decouple much earlier than the stan-
      • Enhanced cross-section keeps the dark sector coupling               dard freeze-out case
        down in order to match with the observed relic density
                                                                          • Need to solve full BE ñ drastic drop in relic
                           32Cφχχ        rΓ pφ Ñ fSM qsm2 Ñs                density around resonance than standard case
        σv pχχ Ñ fSM q »      5
                                                                                       MDM =1 TeV, δ=10-5 , α=10-4
                             mφ                              2
                                  pv 2 ´ vR2 q2 ` 16Γ2φ psq{mφ                                                       YEQ
                                          ÿ                                                                          Y
                  Γφ psq ”rΓ pφ Ñ χχq `        Γ pφ Ñ fSM qsm2 Ñs                                                    YxKD =90
                                                                φ          10-7
                                                                                                                     YxKD =∞
                                                                                                                                  Duch et. al,

         xσv pχχ Ñ fSM qyv0 »          dv σv pχχ Ñ fSM qf pv , v0 q                                                               JHEP09(2017)159
                                  0                                       10-13
                            s »mφ p1 ` v 2 {4q{p1 ` vR2 {8q2
                                                                                  1     1000               106              109

                           vR2 ”4pmφ {mχ ´ 2q, γ ” Γ2φ psq{mφ
                                                            2                                      x
Dark matter self-interaction
              Why self-interaction?
    A solution to small-scale structure problem

                                                     DM                DM


                                                     DM                DM

          Direct detection of SIDM, S. Tulin                                        Chu et. al, PRL 122, 071103 (2019)

                                               BW resonance and self-interaction

    • BW introduces a natural velocity de-                    xσv pχχ Ñ χχqyv0
      pendence in self-scattering cross-section                                                          4
                                                                     2v0      1
                                                                                    ż8                v Cφχχ f pv , v0 q
    • Resonance enhancement can match the                          » ? σ0 `     6
                                                                       π    2πmφ     0        pv 2   ´ vR2 q2 ` 16Γ2φ psq{mφ
      simulated xσv y{m even with very low
                                                                         2     2     2
      DM-mediator coupling.                                  σ0 “pλχ ´ 2Cφχχ {mφ ´ 3Chχχ {mh2 q2 {p32πmφ
Combining constraints

                                                            /m (cm2 /g × km /s)
                                                                                                          2   /g

                               mφ À 50 GeV.                                                                   m
                                                                                                                   2   /g

                             For mφ À 10 GeV,
   For our model
                              vR „ 100 km/s                                             10                                                          m = 5 GeV
      at 95 % C.L   ñ                                                                               0.1
                                                                                                              2    /g                               γ = 10-5
                                                                                                                                                    vR = 200 km/s
                             narrow resonance!                                                                                                       σ0 = 0.05 cm2 /g
                                                                                              10                  50        100          500 1000          5000     104
                                                                                                                                   (km /s)
               in order to match the simulations from dwarf galaxies, LSB spiral galaxies and clusters.
Combining constraints

                                                            /m (cm2 /g × km /s)
                                                                                                          2   /g

                               mφ À 50 GeV.                                                                   m
                                                                                                                   2   /g

                             For mφ À 10 GeV,
   For our model
                              vR „ 100 km/s                                             10                                                          m = 5 GeV
      at 95 % C.L   ñ                                                                               0.1
                                                                                                              2    /g                               γ = 10-5
                                                                                                                                                    vR = 200 km/s
                             narrow resonance!                                                                                                       σ0 = 0.05 cm2 /g
                                                                                              10                  50        100          500 1000          5000     104
                                                                                                                                   (km /s)
               in order to match the simulations from dwarf galaxies, LSB spiral galaxies and clusters.
                                                    Relic density
      • Since the freeze-out occurs around T„ O(GeV) in the allowed mediator mass region, QCD phase transition
        has a significant impact on the scattering rate
      • In early kinetic decoupling calculation, zero DM-SM scattering assumption produces up to 10 % difference
        in the relic abundance calculation compared to the largest scattering scenario
      • For χ2 calculation, setting 20 % of Ωh2 as the standard deviation excludes the region below the muon
Astrophysical constraints
      • DM annihilation could inject electromagnetic particles into the primordial plasma at the recombination era
                                                        ´      ¯´        ¯ ´ ´4 ¯1{2
      • DM velocity at recombination, vDM “ 2 ˆ 10´4 1 eV          1 MeV
                                                                    χ        kd

      • we have vR Á 10´3 " vDM , DM annihilation is s-wave
      • Since we have BW enhanced annihilation, the velocity dependence in the s-wave annihilation cross-section
        at recombination allow some parameter space
      • PLANCK data excludes the region above the b quark threshold. The resonance is restricted in the tiny
        region vR „ 10´3
Astrophysical constraints
      • DM annihilation could inject electromagnetic particles into the primordial plasma at the recombination era
                                                        ´      ¯´        ¯ ´ ´4 ¯1{2
      • DM velocity at recombination, vDM “ 2 ˆ 10´4 1 eV          1 MeV
                                                                      χ      kd

      • we have vR Á 10´3 " vDM , DM annihilation is s-wave
      • Since we have BW enhanced annihilation, the velocity dependence in the s-wave annihilation cross-section
        at recombination allow some parameter space
      • PLANCK data excludes the region above the b quark threshold. The resonance is restricted in the tiny
        region vR „ 10´3

                                                  Indirect searches

      • For DM annihilation in the present time, the higher moments add significantly in xσv y, because vR „ 10´3
        is close to DM velocity in the Milky Way
      • Photon spectra originating from DM annihilation into charged particles significantly constrains the model
      • Tightest constraints from e ˘ flux observations by Voyager I and AMS-02
      • Large uncertainties in the injection spectra for hadron channel around 2 GeV mediator
      • Large uncertainty in local DM density
      • Injection spectra for lepton channel favours 1 À mφ À 2 GeV, vR „ 10´3
Viable parameter space   8
Further on..

                                                 Weaker constraints
      • Direct search is possible through DM-nucleon scattering, although sensitivity is not promising for light DM
                                            ˆ                        ˙2
                                 fN2 mN
                                      4            Cφχχ         Chχχ
      • σSI pχN Ñ χNq “ 4πv 2 pm      `m q2  sin θ  m 2 ` cos θ  m 2    ñ suppressed by small mixing
                              H   χ   N            φ            h

      • Detectable through searches for invisible decay of the mediator. Present NA64 bound is very weak for low
        DM-mediator coupling
Further on..

                                                  Weaker constraints
      • Direct search is possible through DM-nucleon scattering, although sensitivity is not promising for light DM
                                            ˆ                        ˙2
                                 fN2 mN
                                      4            Cφχχ         Chχχ
      • σSI pχN Ñ χNq “ 4πv 2 pm      `m q2  sin θ  m 2 ` cos θ  m 2    ñ suppressed by small mixing
                              H   χ   N            φ            h

      • Detectable through searches for invisible decay of the mediator. Present NA64 bound is very weak for low
        DM-mediator coupling

                                                Room for improvement
      • Future γ-ray telescopes such as AMEGO, GECCO as well as X-ray telescopes propose promising probe for
        MeV-a few GeV DM
      • Belle-II proposes better sensitivity for B ` Ñ K ` +invisible decay channel, which can be a nice tool for
        constraining our model. At present the BaBar sensitivity for this channel is not promising.
Take home

     • We consider a scalar dark matter interacting with the SM through a light scalar mediator
Take home

     • We consider a scalar dark matter interacting with the SM through a light scalar mediator
     • We focus on the Breit-Wigner enhancement facilitated by s-channel resonance of the light scalar mediator
Take home

     • We consider a scalar dark matter interacting with the SM through a light scalar mediator
     • We focus on the Breit-Wigner enhancement facilitated by s-channel resonance of the light scalar mediator
     • Early kinetic decoupling significantly affects DM relic density
Take home

     • We consider a scalar dark matter interacting with the SM through a light scalar mediator
     • We focus on the Breit-Wigner enhancement facilitated by s-channel resonance of the light scalar mediator
     • Early kinetic decoupling significantly affects DM relic density
     • Velocity dependence in s-channel self-scattering cross section provides a solution to the core-cusp problem
Take home

     • We consider a scalar dark matter interacting with the SM through a light scalar mediator
     • We focus on the Breit-Wigner enhancement facilitated by s-channel resonance of the light scalar mediator
     • Early kinetic decoupling significantly affects DM relic density
     • Velocity dependence in s-channel self-scattering cross section provides a solution to the core-cusp problem
     • A χ2 analysis is implemented and the best fit favours mediator mass „ 1-2 GeV, mixing angle „ 10´5 and
       vR „ 10´3 surviving relic density, self-interaction, CMB and indirect detection bounds
Take home

     • We consider a scalar dark matter interacting with the SM through a light scalar mediator
     • We focus on the Breit-Wigner enhancement facilitated by s-channel resonance of the light scalar mediator
     • Early kinetic decoupling significantly affects DM relic density
     • Velocity dependence in s-channel self-scattering cross section provides a solution to the core-cusp problem
     • A χ2 analysis is implemented and the best fit favours mediator mass „ 1-2 GeV, mixing angle „ 10´5 and
       vR „ 10´3 surviving relic density, self-interaction, CMB and indirect detection bounds
     • The model can be further constrained in near future probes at B-factory and other beam-dump experi-
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