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                                           Saturday, May 29, 2021     Vol. 26 No. 32   Covering Montréal & Surrounding Areas

                                                                    “Be what you want to be. Break
                                                                    those stereotypes.” - Kalika Hastings

                                                                                       Photo: Georges Sayegh
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Get your vaccine!
     Don't Delay!

                       CALL FOR A PRIVATE SHOWING!
                       D.D.O. 227 Blue Haven asking $468,227
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                                  Lauren Marks Vesely
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2                                                         May 29, 2021 •
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Shop local and earn $10
The Pointe-Claire Village and Valois Village   Shares.                                         paign, the general public is invited to sup-
Commercial Associations are proud to an-          The general public can participate in the    port participating local businesses. A list of
nounce the second edition of the ‘’I shop      campaign by purchasing gift cards at            participating companies can be found by
in the Village’’ campaign to support local            visiting the webpage: www.communi-
businesses as well as community organiza-      claire or
tions affected by COVID. After the success     ois once the site goes live on Monday, May        Montréal helps boost local economy for
of last year’s edition, this campaign hopes    24th at 10 am. For each purchase of a $20                       small businesses
to foster solidarity and support for both      voucher, buyers will get $30 to spend in           The City of Montréal is very happy to
the local economy and the community.           one of their favourite local shops.             contribute to this crowdfunding campaign
With a goal of $100,000, the ‘’I shop in the      "This campaign was very successful last      overseen by the Pointe-Claire Village and
Village’’ campaign will run on La Ruche’s      year, and the merchants are excited to offer    Valois Village Commercial Associations.This
website from May 24 to June 6 or until gift    it a second time. This is a winning combi-      initiative will help boost activities for local
certificates are sold out. This campaign ob-   nation for our merchants, customers and         businesses. This financial contribution falls
jective includes a contribution from Des-      the community’’, explains Ute St-Jean, Pres-    within City of Montréal’s Economic recov-
jardins, which will donate up to $10,000 to    ident of the Pointe-Claire Village Commer-      ery plan, A Boost for the City: Acting Now,
West Island Community Shares.                  cial Association. "The support has great        which puts businesses at the heart of the
  A huge thank you to all partners, without    meaning for our local shops and the mer-        recovery.The crisis has brought on an out-
whom this great campaign would not be          chants of Valois are thrilled to be a part of   pouring wave of solidarity from the popu-
possible: The City of Montreal, the City of    the 2021 “I shop in the Village” campaign,”     lation towards local businesses. Montréal
Pointe-Claire, the Pointe-Claire Village and   shared Valerie Meades, President of the Val-    encourages this movement of generosity by
Valois Village Commercial Associations,        ois Village Merchants Association.              supporting crowdfunding campaigns that
Desjardins, La Ruche, PME MTL West-Is-                  Supporting local businesses            highlight shopping local and help merchants
land, CN and West Island Community                Through the ‘’I shop in the Village’’ cam-   have rapid access to liquidity.

                          Get with the Times!

     • May 29, 2021                                                                                               3
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4   May 29, 2021 •
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What’s happening in Montreal
Throughout most of this summer, Mon-             season, which also marks the company’s       environmental impacts through informa-
trealers will be seeing some familiar faces      50th anniversary.                            tion that is easy to learn.
on billboards, BIXI stations, buses, as well     The show presents contemporary ballet          On June 2, an international jury will de-
as local television stations Radio-Canada        with its roots at the heart of the music     cide which of the 24 teams will be se-
and CTV Montreal, in promotion and               of Patrick Watson, who is also a cele-       lected as semi-finalists for the
support of one of Montreal’s most                brated musician and performer, in which      Technovation World Summit, which is
prominent charitable organizations that          20 of his musical pieces will be featured.   scheduled to take place on August 12 and
helps the city’s most vulnerable citizens.       The premise focusses on a woman who          13.
   The Welcome Hall Mission has just re-         sits alone motionless on a bench located

cently launched its awareness campaign           in a bus shelter. While she waits for the
for this spring and summer. And like the         bus, the night lights become reflected on
first phase of the campaign, which ran this      the wet ground. And then in the twilight,
past fall and winter, it will utilize a number
of prominent Montreal personalities,
who will spread the message that Mon-
                                                 bodies come to life and a strange dance
                                                 begins between the lone woman and the
                                                 ghosts that are part of her past.
trealers are there to help their fellow          Tickets for “Vanishing Melodies – Music          Montreal bookworms now have the
Montrealers who are in need, especially          by Patrick Watson” are now on sale. For      opportunity to experience the many
during the COVID-19 pandemic, as well            more information, or to purchase tickets,    worlds of literary Montreal, as the Blue
as give a face to those who go the extra         go to:                                       Metropolis International Literary Festival
length by donating their time and re-                              has just launched a series of literary
sources to a number of charitable organ-                                                      walking tours podcasts that are now
izations, as well as those clients and                                                        available to those who want to go be-
individuals who directly benefit from                                                         yond the bookshelf and discover what
their efforts.                                                                                makes Montreal such a literary city.
   Some of the local personalities who are                                                       Four of the six podcasts (which also
part of the new phase of the Welcome                                                          can be used as self-guided tours that one
Hall Mission’s campaign include CTV                                                           can visit these areas in the spotlight) en-
Montreal weather specialist Lori Graham,                                                      compass Montreal, while the other two
broadcasters Leslie Roberts and Anne-                                                         focus on two regions of Quebec. Each
Marie Wittenshaw, Canadian Olympic                                                            one is filled with original texts about the
track & field gold medalist Bruny Surin,                                                      chosen stops written expressly for each
journalist Jamie Orchard, and TVA Sports                                                      respective tour/podcast, which are read
host and former CF Montreal captain                                                           aloud by the authors or professional ac-
Patrice Bernier.                                                                              tors.
   The campaign is being done with the                     By Stuart Nulman                     The four literary walking tours of Mon-
collaboration of OUTFRONT, the spon-                                                          treal are: “Montreal Shopping & Books”
sorship of the Home Depot, and support                                   with Monique Polak; “Yiddish Montreal”
from a number of Montreal media out-                                                          with Shelley Pomerance; “Tensions and
lets.                                                              ***                        Intersections”, which deals with Mon-
    Founded in 1892, the Welcome Hall                Congratulation go out to the four        treal’s Gay Village, with Nicholas Dawson;
Mission is an organization that gives            teams of enterprising girls from elemen-     and “Montreal en todo sentido”, which
much-needed help to people who are               tary and high schools in Montreal and        focuses on Montreal’s many Spanish-
dealing with such serious personal crises        Ottawa, who won awards for their proj-       speaking communities, with Ingrid Bejer-
as poverty, homelessness, job and food           ects in the Technovation Montreal Demo       man.
insecurity and mental health issues. This        Day, which took place on May 15 and 16.        To tune into the literary walking tour
is accomplished through a number of                 The 24 teams who competed in the          of your choice, go to:
programs like a free dental clinic, two          Demo developed over the past five      
free “Marche Bon Accueuil” grocery               months a startup project and an accom-
stores, the “Coeur a soeur” program that         panying mobile app that addressed an                           ***
aids over 100 pregnant and new mothers           certain issue or community need that         And congratulations go out to the four
every year, and the newly-launched “Pro-         were outlined by the United Nations’         Anglophone Montreal writers who have
gramme Bienvenue”, which deals with the          Sustainable Development Goals. Their         been nominated for this year’s Governor-
issue of chronic homelessness by helping         entries were judged by a panel made up       General (GG) Literary Awards, the most
people move into permanent housing,              of four entrepreneurs and IT experts.        prestigious literary prize in Canada for
thereby eliminating or reducing the need           The first prize winners were the Kawaii    over 80 years.This year, over 70 books in
for emergency shelters.                          Chan Girls (Junior Category) for their       14 categories have been nominated, in
For more information, go to:                     “Planet Pets” project, which educates        which the winners will be officially be an-               kids about endangered species; and the       nounced on June 1.
                                                 Quintessence Quintet (Senior Category)         The Montreal GG nominees are: Oana

  The Ballets Jazz                               for “Womensture”, which helps to both        Avasilichioaei, who was nominated in two
                                                 spread awareness of – and break the stig-    categories, Poetry (for her book Eight
                                                                                              Track) and Translation for her work on
    of Montreal
                                                 mas and taboos – of menstrual health in
                                                 Nigeria.                                     the novel The Neptune Room; Lazer
                                                 Winners of the competition’s Jury            Lederhendler, a two-time GG Award
                                                 Awards were SparKl (Senior Category)         winner who was nominated in the Trans-
  The Ballets Jazz of Montreal (BJM) re-         for UBored?, which aims to decrease de-      lation category for his work on If You
cently unveiled its brand new dance pres-        pressive symptoms through a number of        Hear Me;Alexis Diamond, who was nom-
entation called “Vanishing Melodies –            hobbies such as fitness and art; and in      inated twice in the Translation category
Music by Patrick Watson”, which will be          technology (Senior Category), the award      for two plays, Amaryllis and Little Witch;
staged at the Theatre Maisonneuve of             went to Mobius for their Spectrum proj-      and Pablos Strauss, who is also nomi-
Place des Arts from November 2-6 as              ect, which is an educational adventure       nated in the Translation category for his
part of its 2021-2022 “Danse Danse”              mobile game that increases awareness of      work on The Country Will Bring Us No
      • May 29, 2021                                                                                          5
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3551 boul. St. Charles,
 Suite #547, Kirkland,
  Quebec, H9H 3C4

Hudson, St. Lazare, Sennevil e, Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue, Baie d’Urfe, Bea-
consfield, Kirkland, Pte. Claire, D.D.O., Pier efonds, Roxboro, Dorval, La-
   chine, NDG, Vil e St-Laurent, Châteauguay, Cote St-Luc, Snowdon,
 Hampstead, Mtl-West, Westmount, Laval, Verdun, Lasalle, Montreal, St.
            Leonard, Anjou, Ahuntsic, Lit le Italy, Nuns’ Island
                                                       PM delivers apology for
    (Wednesday at 5 p.m.)
                                                                                the internment of Italian
    Managing Editor:
                        Tom West
                                                                               Canadians during the WWII
                                                                              The Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau,       reaffirmed the government's com-         ernment the legal authority to de-
                                                                              today delivered a formal apology in       mitment to a strong, diverse, and        tain without charge, seize property
                                                                              the House of Commons for the in-          more inclusive Canada.                   from, and limit activities of Cana-
                                                                              ternment of Italian Canadians dur-          "Canadians of Italian heritage have    dian residents born in countries
                                                                              ing the Second World War.                 helped shape Canada, and they con-       that were at war with Canada.
                                                                                  Following Italy's declaration of      tinue to be an invaluable part of the    • In 1990, at a gathering of Italian
                                                                              war against Canada on June 10,            diversity that makes us strong.          Canadian organizations, the Right
          Contributors:                                                       1940, the Government of Canada            Today, as we acknowledge and ad-         Honourable Brian Mulroney of-
                                                                              interned more than 600 people of          dress historical wrongs against the      fered an apology for the treatment
          • Alyssa De Rosa                                                    Italian heritage. Around 31,000 Ital-     Italian Canadian community, we also
                                                                              ian Canadians across the country          show our respect for their great         of the Italian Canadian community
         • Marco Giovanetti                                                   were declared "enemy aliens", and         contributions to our country." —         during the Second World War.
          • Sergio Martinez                                                   many experienced discrimination,          The Rt. Hon. Justin Trudeau, Prime       • In September 2018, RCMP Com-
           • Bonnie Wurst                                                     lost their jobs, or saw their busi-       Minister of Canada                       missioner Brenda Lucki delivered
           • Stuart Nulman                                                    nesses boycotted or vandalized.The                     Quick Facts                 an official expression of regret in a
         • Deborah Rankin                                                     government's actions violated the         • In 1940, after Italy joined the Sec-   ceremony attended by family mem-
                                                                              values that our country was fighting      ond World War as an ally to Ger-         bers of Italian internees, members
       • Martha Shannon                                                       to secure during the Second World         many, over 600 Italians were             of the Italian community, and RCMP
                                                                              War, including freedom, equality,         interned in camps under the au-          employees.
                                                                              and justice, and had serious impacts      thority of the War Measures Act          • Through the Community Histori-
                                                                              on families and the Italian Canadian      and the Defence of Canada Regula-        cal Recognition Program, the Gov-
            SUBSCRIPTION                                                      community.                                tions. Approximately 31,000 Italian
General subscriptions in Canada: 1                                                                                                                               ernment of Canada made $5
                                                                                The Prime Minister apologized to        Canadians were declared "enemy           million available in grants and con-
year $150, 2 years $275 Subscrip-                                             those who were interned, their            aliens", and had to report to local
tion to the U.S. and outside North                                                                                                                               tributions from 2008 to 2013 for
     America:1 year $250 US                                                   families, and the Italian Canadian        registrars once per month. Regis-        eligible projects to commemorate
All contents of this publication
                                                                              community for the pain and hard-          trars were appointed by the Minis-       and recognize the experiences of
are sole property of The Mon-                                                 ship they endured because of this         ter of Justice, and were provincial
treal Times Newspaper. Opin-
ions expressed in this                                                        historical injustice. He recognized       or municipal police officers, includ-    the Italian Canadian community in
publication are not necessarily
intended to reflect those of the                                              Italian Canadians' many contribu-         ing Royal Canadian Mounted Police        relation to the Second World War
publisher. Any reproduction in                                                tions, including in business, arts and    (RCMP) officers, or postal clerks.       internment in Canada.
whole or in part and in print or
in electronic form without ex-                                                culture, science and technology, pol-     • The War Measures Act, as well as       • Today, Canada is home to approx-
press permission is strictly for-
bidden.      Permission        to                                             itics, and skilled professions, that      the Defence of Canada Regulations        imately 1.6 million Italian Canadians
reproduce selected editorial
may be granted by contacting                                                  have helped build our country, from       that were brought into effect on         – one of the largest Italian diaspo-
the publisher in writing.
                                                                              coast to coast to coast. He also          September 3, 1939, gave the gov-         ras in the world.
6                                                                                                                                                         May 29, 2021 •
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New Ostrya Tremblant
            real estate project
A new Tremblant real estate project pro-
posing 122 luxury residential condomini-
ums showcasing a contemporary alpine
design will see the day at the base of Ver-
sant Soleil. Perched on the mountainside
with Mont-Tremblant National Park on the
horizon, Ostrya Tremblant offers fast and
easy access to ski lift Le Soleil as well as
alpine ski, hiking and walking trails, along
with road and mountain bike trails.
 “There is a very keen interest in our Re-
sort destination and real estate in our re-
gion. A growing number of our guests are
now considering spending more time here
by acquiring a pied à terre,” says Station
Mont Tremblant president and CEO Patrice
Malo. “Versant Soleil is a choice location for
its quality of life and year-round deep na-
ture environment, while being close to the          “Ostrya Tremblant is simply outstanding           Project promoter Developpement MI-
pedestrian village activities, services and      �the finesse of its architecture and design,      Capital is surrounded by a seasoned team
amenities.”                                      its abundant fenestration and scenic privacy      of professionals. Included are Sid Lee Archi-
   Built in two phases, this innovative proj-    balconies, and the efficacy of its floorplans,”   tecture, URBA+Consultants, K.P. Création
ect features two types of four-storey build-     explains Jean Parisien Real Estate broker,        Architecture Paysagiste, forest engineer
ings with skis-on trailside access. While        adding that each unit offers exceptional          Dominic Roy, Équipe Laurence Ingénieurs
Phase I features 53 two- to four-bedroom         natural luminosity with uninterrupted, ever-      Conseils, and biologist Audrey Foisy-Moris-
units, the Ostrya Tremblant ecosystem also       changing views of Mont-Tremblant Na-              sette.
proposes a number of common areas: gym,          tional Park. “Among select amenities and             Units are poised to go on sale June 26-
pool, yoga room, family activity room,           appointments are a stunning kitchen with          27.While work is scheduled to start in Sep-
Jacuzzi, sauna, lounge and fireplace as well     central island, a spacious foyer big on stor-     tember 2021, delivery will begin in Summer
as outdoor spaces for unwinding and a            age, a fireplace, cathedral ceilings and un-      2022.
leisure area with a dazzling view.               derground parking.”

      • May 29, 2021                                                                                                 7
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Photo: Georges Sayegh
8        May 29, 2021 •
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Kalika Hastings:
  Taking multi-tasking
  to a whole new level
To say the least, Montrealer Kalika Hastings    decided to enroll in a graduate diploma           demic, but that didn’t stop Ms. Hastings’
is a multi-tasker par excellence.               course in public relations and communica-         passion. She became a freelance publicist
  Since she graduated from Concordia Uni-       tions management at McGill University (“I         and is now affiliated with Playmaker, a
versity’s Communications Studies program,       wanted to prove that I didn’t deserve that        Miami-based sports media management
she has worked as an entrepreneur, model,       C+,” she added). It was while she was             company that is dedicated to redefining the
journalist, editor and a communications and     studying at McGill that she was offered a         careers of a number of pro athletes from
public relations specialist. And to top that    job at a boutique public relations agency         the NBA, NFL and NHL. This is accom-
all off, she was also a contestant at last      whose clientele were mainly executives            plished through helping these athletes
year’s Miss Universe Canada pageant             from tech firms.                                  share their respective stories to a Gen Z
(where she was a finalist) and will repre-         “I did practically every mundane task          audience via such avenues as shows, brand
sent Canada at the Miss Interamericana          there, from compiling media lists, to reach-      partnerships and merchandise.
Pageant, which will take place in Paraguay                                                          These days, Ms. Hastings develops strate-
this October.                                                                                     gic communications and PR campaigns, in
   This impressive career path is basically                                                       order to get her clients that deserved pub-
the living embodiment of her personal phi-                                                        lic visibility and recognition. Her impressive
losophy, which is to take the risk or lose                                                        client list includes athletes Nate Robinson,
the opportunity.                                                                                  Tyreek Hill, Xavien Howard and Mon-
  “I was always naturally reserved. I was the                                                     trealer Ben St. Juste, who played for the
type of person who would not go out of                                                            University of Minnesota’s NCAA football
my comfort zone; however, there were                                                              team, and has recently been drafted by the
times that I decided to jump right in and go                                                      Washington Football Team of the NFL;
for it,” said Ms. Hastings during a recent                                                        model, influencer and former reality TV star
phone interview. “For example, take the
time I went for the Miss Universe Canada                                                          Shantel Jackson, who is currently the CEO
Pageant. I never participated in a pageant                                                        and inventor of “Shoe Gummi”, a product
before; I always watched it on TV since I                  By Stuart Nulman                       that is known as the world’s first outer-sole
                                                                                                  pad, in order to prevent foot discomfort
was a child, and I was interested in compet-
ing in one, but I never had the confidence.                                  while wearing high heels; two-time boxing
So, I decided to apply and I got accepted. It                                                     champion Jean Pascal; and Harlem-based
                                                ing out to journalists, to doing support          rap star A$AP Twelvyy from the group
was a big challenge for me. I was so im-        work for PR campaigns,” she said. And if
pressed with the other pageant delegates                                                          A$AP Mob.
                                                that wasn’t enough, Ms. Hastings and one              For Ms. Hastings, all this professional
because there was so much excellence            of her friends established B Scene Media, a
there; there were contestants who were                                                            multi-tasking has given her the golden op-
                                                video production and communications               portunity to pursue a career in a field that
attending law school, or were going to be       agency, after she graduated from Concor-
either doctors or entrepreneurs.”               dia. “I knew I had the passion for it, but I      is not only her main interest, but her pas-
   That “go for it” attitude extended when      didn’t yet have the experience and confi-         sion as well, which these days is quite a rare
she studied communications at Concordia,        dence to embark upon such a venture, but          thing. And for those women and young girls
especially a certain public relations course    I decided to go ahead with it anyways; go         who would like to follow a similar path? Ms.
she enrolled for. “I got the worst grade        for it and see what happens,” she said. “I fig-   Hastings offers these pieces of advice.
throughout my time at Concordia from            ured out on my own how to cover events               “Be what you want to be. Break those
that class (a C+). I was quite disappointed     and give a creative twist to them.”               stereotypes. Be challenged and jump into
by that, because I was doing well in my            Unfortunately, the boutique PR agency          different fields. That way, you can find the
other classes,” she said.                       closed down as a result of the COVID pan-         thing where you are meant to be.And learn
   So, in order to remedy that, Ms. Hastings                                                      as you go.”

     • May 29, 2021                                                                                                 9
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10   May 29, 2021 •
Belize - Beauty warmth and peace!
     Checkout these amazing resorts!
With the world getting ready to put this         memorable Belizean getaways since the           even more exclusive is the private island,
past year and a half behind there is no bet-     80’s, and in 2021 and beyond the experi-        Coral Caye, located just 25 minutes from
ter time to plan your much needed vaca-          ences are only getting more meaningful.         the hotel in Placencia.
tion. Have a look and get some                   Not only does 10 per cent of all room rev-         Coral Caye is a completely privatized is-
much-needed space in Belize.                     enue get reinvested into the community          land experience that appeals to both cou-
    Cayo Espanto Private Island: Seclusion       through the Chaa Creek Cares Initiative,        ples seeking an intimate and completely
and extra space are a given at one of Be-        but it is also a 100% vaccinated and Tourism    exclusive retreat and families or friends
lize’s best-kept secrets. Cayo Espanto is a      Gold Standard Certified property, making        who may seek a Robinson Crusoe style es-
private island luxe resort located three         guest experiences meaningful, memorable,        cape. The island experience is complete
miles off the coast of San Pedro, Belize.The     and safe. While the property boasts a vari-     with a dedicated staff (i.e. butlers, caretak-
island is home to seven secluded villas, each    ety of accommodations, the Treetop Villas       ers, chefs) and the island is enjoyed by one
villa includes a private dock, pool, a butler,   stands out as the most spacious and luxu-       group at a time, making it a truly exclusive
beach area, and concierge services.              rious way to rejuvenate in Belize’s un-         experience.Visitors of the island can do as
    Island activities such as SUP boarding,      spoiled nature.                                 much or as little as desired and enjoy com-
kayaking, fishing, snorkeling, movie night on       The villas include personal plunge pools,    plete privacy and solitude with loved ones.
the beach and more are all included in           al fresco showers, sprawling sundecks, and                Is it safe to go to Belize?
every guests’ stay. The lavishness is never-     an array of onsite activities. Spend your
ending, with beachside massages provided         days exploring the property’s 400 acres of        While no country can ever guarantee you
by the island spa services and three daily       land by hiking and canoeing and then take       that nothing will go wrong, Belize is gener-
five-star meals served in each suite’s dining    a dip in your private pool to cool off, and     ally a very safe country for visitors. The
room. Casa Ventanas is the island’s one          finish the day off right with the most re-      country is very rural in aspect, and even the
overwater bungalow, and surprisingly also        markable stargazing views you can really        largest municipality (Belize City) has only
the most affordable! And despite feeling         only experience nestled in the trees – a        70,000 inhabitants.
worlds away, amenities like Wi-Fi, TV and        genuine “wildly civilized” adventure.                        Is Belize expensive?
Bluetooth help keep you connected (if you          The Family Coppola Hideaways: Director          Belize is a small country that imports the
want). Guests can rest comfortably and           of The Godfather and Apocalypse now,            vast majority of its goods, which obviously
soundly with the property’s Tourism Gold         Francis and wife Eleanor Coppola have           results in higher prices.This is then coupled
Standard Certification, as well.                 been offering an idyllic hideaway retreat in    with basic infrastructure, which makes it
    Chaa Creek Lodge: This eco-lodge has         Belize since 2001, called Turtle Inn. While     hard to get excited about what you're
been providing the most comfortable and          Turtle Inn is exceptional in its own respect,   spending your money on.

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      • May 29, 2021                                                                                              11
12   May 29, 2021 •
Fat bikes and information
      worth knowing
Fat bikes have been gaining popularity in       of regular bikes, which is another factor    cally diverse places like Canada aren’t
recent years, and not for no reason.This        that contributes to their success in         just limited to just snowy areas, which
new type of bike allows riders to travel        going over difficult terrain.                means fat bike owners have plenty of
across trails they never would have                            Fat bike uses                 opportunities to put their purchase to
dared to before thanks to the fat tires            Despite the fact their claim to fame is   good use at all times of year.
that give the bike its name. Fat bikes are      their ability to travel over snow, sand,                   Buying a fat bike
especially great for regions like Canada        and the like, fat bikes are actually quite      As the demand for them increases, fat
with diverse terrain that boast trails too      the versatile form of transportation.        bikes are becoming more readily avail-
difficult for normal bikes to handle.           Their tires are advertised with loftier      able and easy to purchase.They are avail-
These bikes have the exceptional ability        achievements in mind, but really fat bikes   able       in     both      online    and
to traverse snow, sand, rocky paths, and        have no problem acting as a road bike.       brick-and-mortar shops. There are, as
just about every rough surface in be-           The two principle differences between        should be expected, different models
tween.They can also be used for day-to-         a road bike and fat bike, when the fat       produced by different companies and
day biking, for instance biking from home       bike is being used as a road bike, are the   different versions have their own set of
to work, thanks to their versatile nature.      bike’s weight and the smoothness of the      benefits. Some produce bikes with
        What exactly are fat bikes?             ride. Fat bikes are significantly heavier    lighter frames made of carbon rather
   Though they have become more pop-            than road bikes, meaning they travel         than aluminum and some have suspen-
ular, the term fat bike still isn’t one often   slower. This means fat bikes can provide     sion forks while others do not. What’s
brought up in everyday conversation.            a better work out over less distance         the best one to purchase depends on
They’re essentially mountain bikes, but         compared to a road bike, and when rid-       what the user has planned for the bike.
fat bikes separate themselves from the          ing a fat bike users will have more time     For instance, someone who is able to af-
pack with their thick tires—usually             to appreciate the scenery around them.
around 4-5 inches wide—that are in-             They provide a smoother ride than road       ford it and plans to use their fat bike as
flated in a way that allows them to de-         bikes thanks to their special tires that     more of a general-purpose bike and will
form and cover the most surface area            mould around imperfections in paved          likely be taking their bike across paved
possible while biking. This feature is          roads, eliminating bumps to a degree. Fat    roads would benefit from one with a
sometimes referred to as a bike’s “floata-      bikes are also preferable to road bikes      carbon frame and suspension fork.There
tion.” They also have a lower tire pres-        for bikers whose daily paths are often       are far more factors besides these two
sure than other bikes, which is how their       covered with ice or other materials that     to look into before purchasing a fat bike,
tires are able to adjust to different sur-      might make biking a challenge as they        examples being rim widths and brakes.
faces so that riders can float over them        can ride over those with no problem.         Considering their prices, buying a fat
with ease. Floatation is what enables fat       Of course, just as they’re promised to       bike is an investment, which means
bikes to cross snow and sand, for where         be able to, fat bikes are great to take on   proper research is necessary before set-
road or dirt bikes would sink in the sur-       trails and adventures all over every type    tling for one. For many it is a worthy in-
face; fat bikes are able to float over them.    of terrain imaginable. Fat bikes are now     vestment because not only can it be
In the case of bumpy trails, a fat bike’s       allowed on some popular snow trails          used as an all-in-one bike (no need to
low-pressure tires enable it to roll over       previously exclusive to snowmobiles,         own both a road bike and a mountain
small rocks and other such debris. The          meaning that bikers can begin expanding      bike) but it also opens up a new world
wide tires and low pressure mean fat            their horizons and adding snowy land-        of fun in the form of previously inacces-
bike tires have greater traction than that      scapes to their list of trails. Geographi-   sible trails.
     • May 29, 2021                                                                                        13
Montrealer Teneisha Collins
joins Kevin Hart and cast in the
heartwarming film Fatherhood
Montrealer Teneisha Collins' role as Ms.           unintentionally creates conflict that ulti-     hosted the Air Canada Aeroplan frequent
Burns in the upcoming feature film Father-         mately threatens their father/daughter dy-      flyer program Ask Away in English and
hood starring Kevin Hart is set for release        namic in this uplifting, touching, and          French.
on Netflix on June 18th, 2021 in time for          humorous film.                                     Teneisha had an affinity for performing
Fathers Day. Fatherhood is a film adapta-            Teneisha says, “This story of Fatherhood      from a very young age and was truly
tion based on the novel “Two Kisses for            pierced right through my heart from the         hooked after performing in her first school
Maddy: A Memoir of Loss & Love” by                 moment I first read the script in the Miami     play at 8 years old. At 10, she handed her
Matthew Logelin. Hart plays the father, fo-        airport – I burst out crying within the first   parents the yellow pages and asked them
cused on fulfilling all of his daughter’s needs;   10 pages. Getting to know the real Matt         to find her an agent. Dedicated to her craft
despite the obstacles, life throws his way.        Logelin who the movie is based on, and          Teneisha trained with the late and great
Melody Hurd (Them) stars alongside Hart            seeing how far he and Maddy have come –
as his daughter Maddy.Teneisha joins a star-       this experience will stay with me forever.      Jacqueline McClintock in the Meisner Tech-
studded cast featuring Alfre Woodard               To have the opportunity to contribute to        nique for close to a decade in addition to a
(Clemency, 12 Years A Slave), Lil Rel How-         this story and to leave my influence on this    number of various workshops and master
ery (Bad Trip, Get Out), DeWanda Wise              project is so meaningful.”                      classes.
(She’s Gotta Have It, Someone Great), An-            In other memorable roles, Teneisha plays         She is a graduate of the renowned Black
thony Carrigan (Barry), and Paul Reiser            thefemale lead Monique Huffman in an            Theatre Workshop’s Artist Mentorship
(Mad About You, The Kominsky Method).              episode of the anthology docuseries Real        Program, and as a young adult attended the
   Kevin Hart stars in this heart-warming,         Detective, based on a true story along with     Dynamic Theatre Factory.Teneisha has per-
funny, and emotional true story about a            Louis Ferreira and Sergio di Zio.“It was an     formed in several theatrical productions,
widower taking on one of the toughest              exceptional experience to play the com-         playing Bess in The Last Wife (Imago The-
jobs in the world: fatherhood. The film fol-       plex Monique Huffman in this intense            atre,) Claire in The Breakfast Club (d2pro-
lows Hart’s character Matt navigates the           drama.This individual had so many layers to     ductions,) and the Interviewer in The
highs and lows of parenthood. From putting         her amidst the tragedy of the episode, and      Shadow Box (d2productions,) among oth-
an infant child to sleep or dealing with fam-      there was the added personal responsibility     ers.
ily pressures, Matt is determined to beat          of doing justice to portraying this real per-     Teneisha Collins is bilingual in English and
the odds to become the best father he can          son. It was an honor and a privilege to be      French as a screen, television, voice, and
be. Directed by Paul Weitz, Hart is co-pro-        able to give a performance that I hope ac-      stage actress, and host. She is also a screen-
ducing alongside David Beaubaire and Peter         curately portrayed her.” Adds Teneisha.         writer whose dramatic comedy series was
Kiernan with Dana Stevens, Marty Bowen,               She also has a recurring role on Future
and Paul Weitz, developing the screenplay.         Man (as Kenneth) with Seth Rogen (as            recently shortlisted as one of the top proj-
Presented by Barak and Michelle Obama’s            Susan) on the Sony/Hulu TV series on Sea-       ects submitted to Netflix through their
Higher Ground Productions, Fatherhoodis            son 3. Other roles include the large sup-       Canada Virtual Pitch Day. She continues to
available to stream on Netflix from Friday,        porting role in the short film Red Wine         work on developing a TV series.Very active
June 18th 2021.                                    (Telefilm Canada selection for Cannes           on social media, she is using her voice and
   Teneisha plays Ms. Burns, Kevin Hart’s          2019,) Street Legal (Yulica Pardi in the CBC    platform to encourage others to live un-
character Matt’s daughter’s private school         reboot.) She is also one of the stars of a      apologetically and pursue their purpose.
teacher, while constantly attempting to get        Dungeons and Dragons-themed series              Teneisha was born and raised in Montreal
him and his daughter to follow school rules,       called Dungeons and Distancing. She             where she still calls home.
14                                                                                                   May 29, 2021 •
• May 29, 2021   15
Movie Reviews -

     In "Dead Pigs" the Chinese are caught between the push for modernity and the traditions of family loyalty

        DEAD PIGS: An ironic look
          at the Chinese dream
"Dead Pigs" is the debut film for director                                                 mall and large buildings in a "European
Cathy Yan. In a statement, Yan refers to                                                   style". To give that Old-World atmos-
present-day China as a "fascinating, ex-                                                   phere, they plan to make a copy of
aggerated, complicated, ridiculous and                                                     Barcelona's Sagrada Familia.
wonderful setting for my first film." A                                                       The conflict will unleash as Candy has
contradictory place indeed—governed
by the Communist Party, and on paper,                                                      to face more pressure and some dirty
a society that is supposed to be moving                                                    tricks from the developers. An American
toward socialism—the Chinese have to                                                       executive with the developer company,
navigate a difficult path in which they are                                                Sean Landry (David Rysdahl), tries some
pushed to embrace modernity. However,                                                      gentle approach to convince Candy to
that crashes with old traditions where                    By Sergio Martinez               sell. Instead, she will give him a pigeon.
family connections were still important.                                                   However, eventually, more drastic types
"Dead Pigs" takes its title from the sud-          
                                                                                           of pressure would be put on her. The
den and disastrous massive deaths of          an exception, though: Candy Wang (Vi-        new China needs to eliminate houses
thousands of pigs thrown into a local         vian Wu), Old Wang's sister and who
river. The peasants, in turn, are now fac-                                                 like hers and build new giant towers, fol-
                                              lives in a big old house, which is now the   lowing the American urban model.
ing economic ruin. One of them is Old         only one standing in a place where a
Wang (Haoyu Yang), who we first see at                                                        "Dead Pigs", with doses of humour and
                                              major real estate development is under-      drama, provides an engaging look into
the beginning of the movie enjoying the       way. Candy is an eccentric woman who
novelty of virtual reality. He has also       shares her home with a dog and a few         how the Chinese face the changes hap-
fallen for an investing scam. His son         dozen pigeons. She was born in that          pening in their midst, changes that on
Wang Zhen (Mason Lee) lives in the city       house and is now resisting the develop-      most occasions don't seem to have been
and has told his father that there he has     ers who want to buy and tear down her        consulted with them. A well-structured
a good life—in fact, he works as a waiter.    property.                                    narrative will keep the audience inter-
The new China of unbridled con-                   The developers' project is also an
sumerism is reflected in the lives of Xia                                                  ested.
                                              ironic look at the emergence in China           In Chinese with English subtitles, some
Xia (Li Meng) and his father, a wealthy       of that class of people characterized as
man. In contrast, most of the other char-                                                  dialogues in English too.Available on var-
                                              nouveau rich: crude, unsophisticated, and    ious VOD platforms.
acters just live ordinary existences with     tasteless. The developers plan to build a
no many reasons for happiness. There is                                                                             Duration: 122 min
16                                                                                         May 29, 2021 •
Father, Son and Crow
                            After a little while, the    aged three was sitting
        By Martha Shannon   old Father again asked       with me on the sofa,
       his Son the 3rd time,        when a crow was sit-
                            What is this?”               ting on the window. My
Happy Father’s Day,         At this time some ex-        Son asked me 23
Dad. It has been over       pression of irritation       times what it was, and
30 years since I have       was felt in the Son’s        I replied to him all 23
been able to hug you        tone when he said to         times that it was a
in person, but I do so      his Father with a re-        Crow. I hugged him lov-
spiritually. I remem-       buff. “It’s a crow, a        ingly each time he
ber your wise pres-         crow, a crow”.               asked me the same
ence, your subtle           A little after, the Father   question again and
sense of humor, your        again asked his Son          again for 23 times.
lessons, your guid-         the 4th time, “What is           Lesson learned, fa-
ance and your re-           this?”                       ther.
spect. I came across        This time the Son                   Earth to Body
this wonderful story        shouted at his Father,       wishes all fathers,
and I thought of you.       “Why do you keep             grandfathers, broth-
Always the teacher.         asking me the same           ers, sons, uncles, fa-
An 80 year old man          question again and           ther figures who
was sitting on the sofa     again, although I have       have taught us, loved
in his house along with     told you so many times       us and been there                 tials                 PLUS           ice. Visit us at natu-
his 45 year’s old highly    ‘IT IS A CROW’.              for us, an amazing Fa-    ESP Shampoo Bar          A Gift from us: Subscribe to
educated son.               Are you not able to un-      ther’s Day              Shampoo Bar Regular     Irish Oatmeal Soap     our newsletter. ‘La
Suddenly a crow             derstand this?”               For the men in your     Shampoo Bar Basic      with every purchase
perched on their win-       A little later the Father     life on Father’s Day X cream (both sizes)                             Boutique Earth to
                                                                                                         over $75.00 (Before
dow.                        went to his room and             Father’s Favs and       Neem Body Bar        taxes & shipping)     Body’, 89 Lucerne,
The Father asked his        came back with an old              Summer Picks       Zinc Oxide (Tub and      extra bonus gift:    Pointe Claire, QC
Son, “What is this?”        tattered diary, which             4 days only June            tube)          the Irish Stout Oat-   H9R 2V1) Email
The Son replied “It is a    he had maintained                7,8,9,10 Monday                             meal Soap AND the
crow”.                      since his Son was born.       through Thursday On-      A natural cleanse,   Charcoal Clay soap     We are open: Store:
After a few minutes,        On opening a page, he                    line         moisturizer plus, bug  with every purchase
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                            asked his Son to read              8,9,10 Tuesday      shoo, and outdoor    over $100.00 (Before
Son the 2nd time,                                                                 weather protectant                            4 For curbside…Call
                            that page. When the            through Thursday at                            taxes & shipping)
“What is this?”             son read it, the follow-              the shop         Simple needs for all                         store during store
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“It’s a crow”.              “Today my little son           and summer essen-                            great customer serv-    514-694-0705

       • May 29, 2021                                                                                                     17
18   May 29, 2021 •
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