Breaking New Ground Business expansions, new residential developments, and an unconventional blending of past, present, and future help set ...

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Breaking New Ground Business expansions, new residential developments, and an unconventional blending of past, present, and future help set ...
Breaking New Ground
Business expansions, new residential developments, and an
unconventional blending of past, present, and future help set
Waunakee apart from other Dane County communities.
Breaking New Ground Business expansions, new residential developments, and an unconventional blending of past, present, and future help set ...
         ver the past 15 years, the Village of
         Waunakee has refused to stand still.
         From attracting diverse new busi-
nesses (and retaining long-standing ones)
to maintaining one of the highest-regard-
ed school districts in the state, to publicly
promoting community creativity, the village’s
progressive approach to growth is gaining
widespread attention.                               Randy Guenther, COO and CFO of Hovde Properties, stands atop Hovde’s newest
                                                    Waunakee development, Lamphouse, overlooking Waunakee’s Main Street.
     “Waunakee has been very gracious and
open in listening to ideas, and that’s not
always the case in other communities,” says         ing the village’s history as a railroad commu-     ago. Village Crossing’s early-1900s motif
Randy Guenther, chief operating officer and         nity — a factor just as vital to local commerce    pays tribute to the original Koltes structure,
chief financial officer for Hovde Properties, a     today as it was 150 years ago. That’s why the      and one of its original walls is incorporated
Madison-based property management firm              Waunakee Area Chamber of Commerce’s                into the contemporary design.
that has spearheaded two high-profile down-         offices are housed in the charming Wauna-               That blending of past and present illus-
town mixed-use developments in the village.         kee Railroad Depot, which is listed on the         trates the undeniable pride that runs deep in
“Waunakee has its standards. To its credit,         National Register of Historic Places.              this community of almost 14,000 residents,
it sticks to those standards, and so do we.             What’s more, Hovde’s Village Crossing          which was founded in 1870 and is located
That’s what makes us such a good fit here.”         — anchored by The Lone Girl Brewing Co.            just a short drive north of Madison. The
     Those standards are part of a vision that      — is located on the former site of the Koltes      village is home to a thriving downtown, busy
includes continued yet sustainable commer-          Lumber Co., a century-old family business          parks, and popular community events at-
cial and residential growth while still respect-    that fell victim to the recession a decade         tended by both residents and non-residents.
                                                                                                       It also is the kind of place where drivers still
                                                                                                       randomly stop on a busy street, smile, and
Waunakee Community School District Superintendent Randy Guttenberg
takes a seat at the impressive Waunakee Intermediate School, which opened in 2016.
                                                                                                       wave a pedestrian through the crosswalk.
                                                                                                            No wonder the money lifestyle website
                                                                                              named Waunakee
                                                                                                       one of the two best suburbs in Wisconsin.
                                                                                                       (Hartford, near Milwaukee, was the other
                                                                                                       one.) The ranking, released in August, was
                                                                                                       based on housing affordability, the annual
                                                                                                       cost of living, school district scores, and crime
                                                                                                       rates. In 2018, the National Council for Home
                                                                                                       Safety and Security designated Waunakee as
                                                                                                       the second-safest municipality in Wisconsin
                                                                                                       (behind Hobart-Lawrence in Brown County).
                                                                                                            “If you want to enjoy small-town America
                                                                                                       within a growing community with people
                                                                                                       who take pride in where they live and work,
                                                                                                       Waunakee is it,” says Chris Zellner, a lifelong
                                                                                                       resident who was elected village president
                                                                                                       in 2015. “And right now, we’re going through
                                                                                                       a renaissance.”

                                                                                                       ‘Fab’ Schools
                                                                                                       One of the first questions prospective
                                                                                                       residents and business owners ask before
                                                                                                       locating to any community is this: “What
                                                                                                       are the schools like?”
                                                                                                           In Waunakee, the answer is an easy one.
                                                                                                           “Our schools are based on the high
                                                                                                       expectations the community holds for us,”
                                                                                                       says Randy Guttenberg, superintendent for

A Special Supplement to In Business Magazine                                                                                     
Breaking New Ground Business expansions, new residential developments, and an unconventional blending of past, present, and future help set ...
Breaking New Ground Business expansions, new residential developments, and an unconventional blending of past, present, and future help set ...
the Waunakee Community School District.                grade 4), one intermediate school, one mid-              even a community aquatics facility as early
“We have the support of village leaders,               dle school (grades 7 and 8), and one high                as 2022. “When I came to Waunakee, one of
the chamber of commerce and the local                  school (grades 9 through 12). Heritage Ele-              the first things I noticed is how much people
business community, and residents young                mentary has been named a Wisconsin Title                 value this community,” Guttenberg states.
and old. I think that degree of cooperation            I School of Recognition for its success in
sets us apart.”                                        educating students from low-income fami-                 Business Support
    Over the past 12 years, the district’s             lies, and the Wisconsin Character Education              The 2014 renovation of Main Street (also
enrollment has jumped from 3,400 to 4,300              Partnership recognizes Prairie Elementary                known as State Highways 19 and 113) — a
students, and schools remain fiscally healthy.         as a State School of Character.                          project that leveled the pavement, added a
“We’ve never cut programs or staff based on                In 2016, the high school opened the                  roundabout at its busiest intersection, and
funding since I’ve been here,” Guttenberg              Waunakee Innovation Center Fab Lab, fund-                unified from end to end the appearance of
says.                                                  ed with a combination of state grants, school            the village’s main thoroughfare — sparked
    Village residents have shown their sup-            district dollars, and local business support.            a resurgence in development and redevel-
port for the continuing evolution of superior          The center offers students free access to 3D             opment and served as a catalyst to bring
schools by supporting new construction.                printers, CNC machines, and other equip-                 in new visitors.
In 2014, voters approved a $44.8 million               ment, and spurred new enthusiasm in sci-                     “Waunakee has gone from a place peo-
referendum for a new Waunakee Interme-                 ence, technology, engineering, art, and math             ple drive through to a place where people
diate School for grades five and six, as well          (also known as “STEAM”) programming.                     drive to,” says Brent Bickel, pastor of North
as an addition to and renovation of Prairie                “Kids who never would have stepped                   Ridge Church, who also happens to be
Elementary School and the renovation of                into their high school tech lab before are               president of the Waunakee Area Chamber
the old Waunakee Intermediate School                   now finding new ways to grow and learn,”                 of Commerce.
into an expansion of the adjacent Heritage             Guttenberg says. He adds that the village                    All but one local business survived the
Elementary School.                                     offers children a variety of fresh opportunities         road construction, which closed off direct
    All told, the village is home to three             such as parks and recreation services, club              traffic and rerouted drivers heading east and
elementary schools (kindergarten through               sports, library programming, and maybe                   west. In fact, approximately a dozen new

       • 1,200 to 4,393 sq ft. available                                                                                  DOWNTOWN
       • Estimated average traffic of 15,100 vehicles per day                                                             WAUNAKEE

                                                                                                                                                   N. Madison St. - 2,700 AADT
       • Great frontage and signage opportunities                                                         AADT = Annual Average Daily Traffic

                                                                                                                                  Cross St.
       • Flexible space for a variety of sizes and uses
       • 24/7 building maintenance
       • Ample parking available on-site and nearby                                                                    E. Main St. - 15,100 AADT
       • Outdoor patio space for restaurant users
                                                                                                           South St.

       • Estimated population of over 27k people within 5 miles

                                               114 E. MAIN
                                                                                                   203 E. MAIN

     Hovde Properties | 608.255.5175 | |

A Special Supplement to In Business Magazine                                                                                                                           
Breaking New Ground Business expansions, new residential developments, and an unconventional blending of past, present, and future help set ...
Chamber President Brent Bickel (right) and Executive Director Ellen Schaaf     Village President Chris Zellner (left) and Administrator Todd Schmidt (right)
(left) outside of the historic Waunakee Train Depot Station on Main Street —   are thrilled that the community is now able to enjoy its new 40,000-square-
home to the Waunakee Area Chamber of Commerce office.                          foot public library, which opened in August 2019.

niche retailers and service providers — in-                “There’s a lot of excitement in the air              “We’ve been very committed to partner-
cluding Wisconsin Candle Co., the Red Barn             right now,” says Ellen Schaaf, the chamber’s         ing with the village, and if it’s good for busi-
Company Store, Gather Creative Studio &                executive director. “People outside of the           ness, we’re on board,” Bickel says. “It’s better
Guest House, and several clothing boutiques,           community are talking about what’s hap-              to work together than separately. Now, we
health and wellness centers, and specialty             pening in Waunakee.”                                 don’t always agree, but the level at which
stores — dot Main Street and the downtown                  The chamber is celebrating 40 years in           leaders of this community strive to create a
area. They are tucked neatly in between leg-           2019, and its membership has burgeoned               place where new businesses are welcome
acy businesses like Waunakee Furniture ETC,            from about 165 members in the early 2000s            is one that I have not seen elsewhere.”
Mill House Quilts, and Rex’s Innkeeper.                to more than 320 today.                                  “We look at the whole picture,” adds

    • Fully improved sites of 3-21 acres
    • Outstanding access and visibility
    to state highway 19
    • Convenient access to I-39/90/94
    • Quality covenants to ensure asset
    •   Shovel ready
    •   Regional stormwater ponds
    •   Municipal sewer & water
    •   Access to a quality workforce
    Chuck Redjinski
    608.663.6006                                                                                                                           VILLAGE OF WAUNAKEE
Breaking New Ground Business expansions, new residential developments, and an unconventional blending of past, present, and future help set ...
Todd Schmidt, village administrator and         service center. Additionally, Hellenbrand
economic development director, explaining       Water Center is a longtime family-owned
Waunakee’s strategy in working with busi-       company in the business park.
nesses looking to establish a local presence.       NORD Drive Systems, a global leader in
“What is the business? What types of jobs       mechanical and electronic drive technology
will it bring? How will it engage with the      systems, relocated its drive systems’ U.S.
community? It’s about those businesses          headquarters to Waunakee 35 years ago
wanting to be here.”                            from Middleton and now is in the midst of
    And many companies want to be in            adding 86,500 square feet of new office
Waunakee.                                       and manufacturing space. The project will
    RenewAire, provider of energy-recov-        allow the company to increase production
ery ventilators, moved to Waunakee from         capacity and ensure continued short lead-
Madison in 2017 and doubled the size of its     time deliveries.
facility. Meanwhile, long-established compa-        “We had a challenge with temporary
nies, many in the Waunakee Business Park,       parking and brought up this concern with
opted to remain in Waunakee and expand          our neighboring businesses,” says Shawn
rather than relocate to another community.      Liverseed, NORD’s chief financial officer.
                                                                                               Developer Don Tierney proudly shows off a
    They include Octopi Brewing Co., which      “Two companies offered to let us build a       beautiful waterwheel landmark outside the
moved to the village four years ago and         parking lot on a nearby stretch of open land   recently opened Boston’s Restaurant & Sports
recently concluded a $10 million expansion      that we could use until our expansion was      Bar, which is located in his Kilkenny Commons
project that tripled the size of its brewery    completed. The village administrator helped    development.
and significantly increased brewing capaci-     facilitate that conversation. This is one of
ty, as well as RG Heating and Air Condition-    many examples of Waunakee officials being      new subdivision on Waunakee’s southeast
ing, which is building a new 15,000-square-     attentive to the needs of local businesses     side that will feature more than 100 single-
foot facility that will house the company’s     and acting with our best interests in mind.”   family residential lots, plus condominium
                                                                                               and multifamily residential lots.
Shawn Liverseed, CFO of NORD Drive Systems,     Neighborhood Success                               Residential development is happening in
at their factory in Waunakee’s Business Park.   When Waunakee native Don Tierney built         downtown Waunakee, too. The three-story,
                                                the first of his many residential develop-     78-unit Madison & Main apartment complex
                                                ments (billed as “Livable Communities”) in     opened in 2014 and has been pivotal to the
                                                the village in the mid-1990s, he leveraged     downtown’s evolution. More recently, given
                                                Waunakee’s natural beauty and helped           the success of Village Crossing, Hovde
                                                establish it as a place people want to live    oversaw Lamphouse Apartments, a 103-unit
                                                and raise families.                            building on Main Street built above 12,000
                                                    The self-made developer entered the        square feet of retail space.
                                                business unintentionally after the city of         “We are a long-term owner and manager
                                                Madison threatened to annex some of the        of properties, and we see long-term poten-
                                                land Tierney owned. With input from others,    tial in Waunakee. We believe in the con-
                                                he built neighborhood parks, swimming          trolled-growth direction in which it is going,”
                                                pools and trails, and then constructed         Guenther says. “We have a lot of choices
                                                homes around them. That strategy became        for where we go to develop, and we look for
                                                the cornerstone of Tierney’s developments,     communities that share our vision and are
                                                which in Waunakee include Southbridge,         going to make the process a predictable
                                                Savannah Village, Kilkenny Farms, and          one, with no surprises. If we hadn’t had a
                                                Westbridge — which soon will be home to        good experience with our first development
                                                a new neighborhood park Tierney affection-     in Waunakee, we certainly wouldn’t have
                                                ately refers to as “the beer garden.”          done a second one.”
                                                    “I had the advantage of not knowing
                                                anything, and that gave me an edge,” he        Creativity Inc.
                                                says, adding that Waunakee has been part       In order for Waunakee to stay a vibrant
                                                of the Madison Area Builders Association’s     community, village leaders recognize the
                                                Parade of Homes every year since 1995.         importance of remaining creative — not only
                                                    Tierney will begin working on two new      in how they approach commercial and res-
                                                developments in 2020. One is an addition       idential development, but also in how they
                                                to Kilkenny Farms, dubbed Kilkenny Farms       identify existing sources of creativity and
                                                West, and the other is Arboretum Village, a    innovation and foster them into a formidable

A Special Supplement to In Business Magazine                                                                             
Breaking New Ground Business expansions, new residential developments, and an unconventional blending of past, present, and future help set ...
                 C R E S T
                                                                                                                                 in Waunakee

                                                                                                                                                                                                             LAND U
                                                                                           WOODLAND DRIVE
                                                                                                                                                                                                              PUD - GDP
                                                                                                                                                                                                       1      LOT AREA • 453,1
                                                                                                                                                                                                              GFA • 57,250 SF
                                                                                                               INFILTRATION                                                                                   TOTAL PARKING

                                                                        STORMWATER                                                                                                                            PARKING STALLS/
                                                                                                                                                                                                              FAR • 0.13
                                                                                                                                                                                                              OPEN SPACE • 1

                                                                                                                                                                                     ENDRES RD
                                                                                                                                                                                                              PUD - GDP

Master Planned
                                                                                                                                                OL3                                                           LOT AREA • 126,9

                                                                                                                                                                                                       OL1    A-1 AGRIC

                                                                                                                                                                                                              LOT AREA • 112,4

                                                                                                    1                                                                                                         A-1 AGRIC


                                                                                                                                                                                                              LOT AREA • 395,6

                                                                                                                                                                                                              PUD - GDP
                                                                                                                                                                                                              LOT AREA • 53,07

- Hy-Vee Grocery Store                                           FUEL PUMP CANOPY

                                                                                                                                                                                                              GDP BOUN

  with Market Grille
                                          COUNTY HWY Q




                                                                          SARAH LANE

                                                                                                                                        PHASE II

- Fast & Fresh

                                                                    2                                                                     OL2

                                                                                                                                                                  DOLAN AVE
  Convenience Store

                                                                               PHASE II
- Commercial/Retail                                                                  OL1


                                                                                      PEACEFUL VALLEY PARKWAY

                                                                                                                                                              0               80   160           320
                         WOODLAND CREST                                             MASTER PLAN
                         WAUNAKEE, WI                    DATE 02.15.2019

                                                                                                                                                Developed by

                                                                                                                                                MO VI NG BUSINE SS
                                                                                                                                                FO RW A RD

                                                                                                                                                6 08. 8 4 8. 90 50

                                                                    Renderings by Hy-Vee Inc.
Breaking New Ground Business expansions, new residential developments, and an unconventional blending of past, present, and future help set ...
sector of the local economy.                         interactive gathering area outside of Wauna-        This brochure was made possible by funding
    “This community strikes an incredible            kee High School using large stacked books              from The Village of Waunakee and the
balance between being open to change                 with inspirational words on their spines. It          Waunakee Area Chamber of Commerce.
while also staying committed to creative ex-         was Kalish’s first work in the Midwest and
cellence,” Bickel says. “I know that’s a weird       included two collaboration sessions with a
combination, but it’s true.”                         broad range of Waunakee High students.
    Enter Create Waunakee, an initiative that            “That’s really unique — and a reflection
brings together village leaders and citizens         of this community,” Guttenberg says.
to enhance the community’s cultural resourc-             Waunakee also hosts a series of free
es and activities. The recent Mutts on Main          annual community events that include Light
public art project — one of many public art          the Night with Santa (during which Santa
projects in the village — is a prime example         Claus parades through the village streets by
of Waunakee’s longtime commitment to the             a horse-drawn carriage as businesses stay
creative economy.                                    open later) and large and widely attended
    The chamber partnered with longtime              festivals such as WaunaFest, WaunaBOOM,
Waunakee business Endres Manufacturing               and Wauktoberfest.                                             RESOURCES
Co. to provide local artists with large steel sil-       “What makes us strong is the fact that
                                                                                                          The Village of Waunakee:
houette cutouts of three dog breeds (German          we are open to new things, creative ideas,
pointer, dachshund, and German shepherd),            and the entrepreneurial spirit,” the chamber’s
each perched on a steel base. Artists then           Schaaf says. “People will recognize that once        The Waunakee Chamber of Commerce:
created the “mutts,” similar to what artists did     they take a closer look at Waunakee.”      
for the Madison Area Sports Commission’s                 NORD’s Liverseed agrees. “Waunakee is
“Bucky on Parade” project in 2018.                   a small community that strives to maintain a         Cover Photo: Joe Zitzelsberger
    Additionally, the recently formed Wauna-         local lifestyle but is also close to the heart of
                                                                                                          Interior Photos:
kee Area Public Arts Committee commis-               Madison,” he says. “It’s truly the best of both
                                                                                                          Julie Fix, Owner/Photographer
sioned renowned Los Angeles-based artist             worlds.”
                                                                                                          J Fix Fotoworx, Waunakee, WI
Mike Kalish earlier in 2019 to create an                                           — Michael Popke

A Special Supplement to In Business Magazine                                                                                    
Breaking New Ground Business expansions, new residential developments, and an unconventional blending of past, present, and future help set ... Breaking New Ground Business expansions, new residential developments, and an unconventional blending of past, present, and future help set ...
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