Break the Waste Cycle - Producer Responsibility Policies to Move the U.S. Toward Zero Waste - Frontier Group

Page created by Ted Dawson
Break the Waste Cycle - Producer Responsibility Policies to Move the U.S. Toward Zero Waste - Frontier Group
Break the Waste Cycle
  Producer Responsibility Policies to Move
              the U.S. Toward Zero Waste
Break the Waste Cycle - Producer Responsibility Policies to Move the U.S. Toward Zero Waste - Frontier Group
Break the Waste Cycle
Producer Responsibility Policies to Move the U.S.
             Toward Zero Waste

                     WRITTEN BY:


                 Revised November 2020
Break the Waste Cycle - Producer Responsibility Policies to Move the U.S. Toward Zero Waste - Frontier Group

U.S. PIRG Education Fund and Environment America Research & Policy Center wish to thank
Sydney Harris and Scott Cassel of the Product Stewardship Institute and Heather Trim of
Zero Waste Washington for providing review and insights for this report. Thanks also to Tony
Dutzik, Jamie Friedman, Gideon Weissman and Susan Rakov of Frontier Group for editorial
support, and James Horrox of Frontier Group and Abi Bradford, formerly of Frontier Group,
for work on early drafts of this report.
The authors bear responsibility for any factual errors. Policy recommendations are those of
U.S. PIRG Education Fund and Environment America Research & Policy Center. The views
expressed in this report are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of our
funders or those who provided review.
  2020 U.S. PIRG Education Fund. Some rights reserved. This work is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives 3.0 Unported License. To
view the terms of this license, visit

                With public debate around important issues often dominated by special
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Layout: To the Point Collaborative,
Cover photo: Scharfsinn via Shutterstock

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .......................................................................................................................4

INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................................................7

THE PROBLEM WITH AMERICA’S CONSUMPTION SYSTEM...........................................................9
       A GROWING RECYCLING CRISIS............................................................................................... 10

TO A CIRCULAR ECONOMY...............................................................................................................13
       CALIFORNIA’S USED MATTRESS RECOVERY AND RECYCLING ACT....................................14
       FRANCE’S TEXTILE AND CLOTHING RECOVERY PROGRAM................................................. 15
       U.S. PAINT RECOVERY AND RECYCLING PROGRAMS............................................................ 16
       BRITISH COLUMBIA’S PROGRAM FOR PACKAGING AND PAPER..........................................17

PROPOSED U.S. PROGRAMS FOR PACKAGING WASTE................................................................19

POLICY RECOMMENDATIONS...........................................................................................................22

Executive summary

         THE U.S. THROWS OUT enough plastic            have successfully increased collection
         every 16 hours to fill the Cowboys football   and recycling rates for the products they
         stadium, and that amount is increasing.1      cover. With the growing urgency of the
         Our society continually produces goods        climate crisis, the rising impact of plastic
         designed to be used once or temporarily       pollution, and the continuing impacts of
         and then thrown away. Most discarded          China’s waste import ban on America’s
         materials are then landfilled or inciner-     recycling system, U.S. cities and states, as
         ated, creating pollution and requiring pro-   well as the federal government, should
         ducers to extract more natural resources to   adopt thoughtfully designed producer
         make new materials.2                          responsibility programs – especially for
                                                       packaging and printed products.
         This waste is by design. Producers have
         the ability to make products that are         Producer responsibility is a proven
         more durable and more easily fixed when       approach to reducing waste and improv-
         they break, as well as packaging that is      ing recycling.
         less wasteful and more readily reused or
         recycled. They simply choose not to. The      Under producer responsibility programs,
         reason is clear: As long as individuals,      manufacturers – not individuals or taxpay-
         governments, our environment and future       ers – are responsible for the waste their
         generations – not producers – bear the        products create, and bear responsibility
         costs of our throwaway society, those who     for the collection and proper recycling of
         design and make the products we buy           those products at the end of their useful
         have no incentive to change.                  lives. This incentivizes producers to design
                                                       their products to be more environmentally
         Holding producers responsible for the         friendly throughout their lifecycle.3
         waste they create can incentivize a shift
         to a circular economy – one in which less     Programs that make producers responsible
         waste is produced, products are built to      for waste typically cover products that are
         last and easy to repair, and remaining        hazardous, hard to recycle or compost, or
         materials are recycled or composted. Such     that generate a lot of waste. These include
         a system would create zero waste, elimi-      batteries, paint, mercury thermostats, car-
         nating the need for landfills and trash       pet, pesticides, tires, and pharmaceuticals.
         incinerators, conserving natural resources    Many states have programs in place for
         and reducing pollution.                       these items.

         Producer responsibility programs around       Responsibility for disposal may take the
         the world have existed for decades and        form of producers physically collecting

their products at the end of their lives, or     • Producer responsibility has been a
supporting the collection and disposal pro-        success in boosting recycling rates for
cess financially through payments to a pro-        containers and packaging. In British
ducer responsibility organization (PRO) that       Columbia, for example, where producer
funds and sometimes operates the collection        responsibility legislation for packaging
and processing of material on producers’           and printed paper (PPP) came into effect
behalf. It can also be a combination of both.      in 2011, the stewardship organization
                                                   Recycle British Columbia collected 78
Producer responsibility programs in the            percent of the PPP material producers
United States have made a difference in            sold in 2018, and recycled 90 percent of
encouraging recycling and reducing waste.          the amount collected.8 In contrast, an
• California’s Used Mattress Recovery              estimated 50 to 57 percent of material was
  and Recycling Act requires mattress              recovered before the law went into effect.9
  manufacturers that sell their products in      Several U.S. jurisdictions are consider-
  California to create an effective system       ing producer responsibility programs
  to collect and refurbish or recycle used       for packaging. These proposals are often
  mattresses. Manufacturers and retail-          augmented by other policies – such as
  ers are required to register with the          minimum recycled content standards for
  Mattress Recycling Council (MRC), the          packaging – that support and enhance the
  nonprofit stewardship organization             value of producer responsibility. Some
  that implements the program.4 Retailers        examples include:
  must also offer to pick up consumers’
  old mattresses when they purchase new          • Washington: In May 2019, Washing-
  ones and transport the old mattresses to a       ton adopted legislation directing the
  recycling facility. Since it came into being     drafting of a study on how to reduce the
  in 2016, the MRC’s “Bye Bye Mattress”            volume of plastic packaging sold in the
  program in California has recycled more          state; make it all recyclable, reusable or
  than 5 million mattresses.5                      compostable; and make it with at least 20
                                                   percent recycled content by 2025.10 A plan
Producer responsibility is particularly            with recommendations for a producer
important when it comes to addressing              responsibility policy framework was
waste from packaging, paper and single-            submitted to the State Department of
use plastics.                                      Ecology in September 2020.11
• Containers and packaging account for           • Maine: A bill introduced in January 2020
  roughly 30 percent of municipal solid            requires the establishment of a steward-
  waste (MSW), with 80.1 million tons of           ship organization that will collect fees
  these materials thrown away in 2017.6            from producers of packaging material,
  These materials clog landfills and incin-        calculated according to the toxic-
  erators, especially following the recent         ity and percentage of recycled content
  decision by several foreign countries –          in the material. The fees will be used
  most notably China – to stop accepting           to reimburse municipalities for costs
  most U.S. waste exports, dramatically            incurred in recycling and waste manage-
  increasing the cost of recycling for many        ment.12 The bill did not pass this year, but
  U.S. communities.7                               is expected to be reintroduced in 2021.

                                                                                                  PAGE 5
• California: In December 2018, the Califor-      • Require producers to bear all of the
           nia Circular Economy and Plastic Pollution        end-of-life costs of their products, includ-
           Reduction Act was introduced, requir-             ing waste collection, hauling, recycling,
           ing manufacturers of single-use plastic           composting, landfilling, incineration and
           packaging and food-ware to reduce or              litter cleanup costs.
           recycle these materials by 75 percent, and
           to make them all recyclable or compostable      • Adjust any fees to incentivize producers
           by 2030.13 The act narrowly failed to pass        to use recycled content in their products
           during California’s latest two-year legisla-      and design products that last and are
           tive session. A ballot initiative requiring       easy and economical to repair, recycle or
           producers to pay a fee on single-use plastic      compost.
           packaging has collected enough signatures       • Incentivize the repair or reuse of
           for the 2022 ballot.14                            products where possible, and the
         • Federal: February 2020 saw the introduc-          recycling or composting of products that
           tion of federal legislation to hold produc-       have reached the end of their useful lives.
           ers accountable for wasteful products,          • Set high standards for oversight and
           reduce packaging, and phase out single-           transparency at every stage of the process
           use plastic products. The Break Free From         to ensure that producers are complying
           Plastic Pollution Act would place the             with requirements.
           financial burden of waste management
           and the clean-up of plastic pollution on
           the companies that manufacture and sell
           those products, and require producers to
           design their products in such a way as to
           minimize their environmental impacts,
           among other requirements.15
         Effective producer responsibility programs
         can play an important role in moving the
         United States toward a circular, zero-waste
         economy. In adopting those programs, states
         and the federal government should:
         • Integrate producer responsibility programs
           into an overall approach to waste reduction
           º First and foremost, reduces the amount
             of waste generated;
           º Encourages the reuse, repair and refur-
             bishment of products whenever possible;
           º Recycles or composts all remaining
             materials, and;
           º Landfills or incinerates as little material
             as possible.


WATER SOLD in disposable plastic bottles is       lution. If the bottle is landfilled or littered, it
cheap. Should it be?                              will break down into microplastic particles
                                                  over tens to hundreds of years. Those micro-
To produce a disposable water bottle, oil         plastics will persist and accumulate in the
and gas are drilled or fracked. Fracking can      environment, some finding their way into
cause earthquakes, oil drilling can cause         the food we eat and the water we drink.19
spills, and both can contaminate water.16 The
oil or gas is then transported to a refinery      Even the small amount of plastic that is
– perhaps through a pipeline or on an oil         recycled will likely be recycled into a less-
tanker that may leak or spill along the way.      durable product like insulation or fabric, so
Oil and gas refineries are highly polluting       the process will need to start again to cre-
facilities and a major source of air pollution,   ate new bottles that will eventually become
releasing particulate pollution, nitrogen         waste.
oxides and volatile organic compounds that
are major contributors to smog.17 Byproducts
from the refinery are then shipped to a plas-
tic manufacturing plant, which also releases      The growing challenges of
toxic air pollution.18
                                                  plastic pollution, climate
The plastic is then likely transported to
another factory to be manufactured into           change and rising recycling
a plastic bottle, and then to another to be       costs demand new solutions to
filled with water. The bottle of water is then
packaged up with others (often in more            America’s waste problems.
plastic) and shipped – often over long dis-
tances – to a distributor and finally to a con-
venience store. Someone will buy the bottle       Producers can change this model. They
of water and after drinking it, will toss the     can make products out of more durable or
bottle. The environmental and public health       recyclable materials and provide consumers
costs resulting from the production of the        with better options for returning and recy-
bottle will not be factored into its price.       cling those products before they become
Nor will the cost of disposing of the waste
the bottle has become. A local municipal-         Why don’t they do it? Because currently,
ity will likely have to pay to collect and        producers can offload the costs of poor
transport the bottle to a waste management        product design decisions onto taxpayers, the
facility. Unless the bottle is made of a high-    environment and future generations, leav-
value plastic, it will likely be landfilled or    ing them with no incentive to make more
incinerated, creating toxic air and water pol-    sustainable decisions.

                                                                                                        PAGE 7
Thankfully, there is a solution: a concept
         called “extended producer responsibility,”
         or simply “producer responsibility.” Numer-
         ous successful programs in the United
         States and around the world hold produc-
         ers fully or partially responsible for the
         waste their products become – and, in many
         cases, hold producers to higher standards
         for the sustainability of the things they
         make and sell. These producer responsibil-
         ity programs, if well-designed, can play an
         important role in shifting from a one-way to
         a circular materials economy – one charac-
         terized by zero waste.
         This paper reviews the experience with pro-
         ducer responsibility programs in the United
         States and around the world, highlighting
         programs that work as well as the ways in
         which those programs can be more effective
         in reducing waste.
         The growing challenges of plastic pollution,
         climate change and rising recycling costs
         demand new solutions to America’s waste
         problems. Producer responsibility programs
         can be part of the solution.

The problem with America’s
consumption system

THE U.S. THROWS OUT immense amounts                 way street that converts natural resources
of stuff – nearly 1.5 million pounds every          into waste and pollution.
day. Most material is landfilled or inciner-
ated.20 To fill the continuous demand for           The linear materials economy is at the root
new throwaway products, industries extract          of environmental challenges
more and more natural resources. Extract,           The linear consumption and throwaway
produce, consume, landfill or incinerate,           system contributes to many of the world’s
and repeat. This system is called a “linear         most important environmental problems.
materials economy” and is essentially a one-        The activities it perpetuates – extracting

             Figure 1. In a linear materials economy, resources are extracted and
             ultimately landfilled or incinerated

                                                                                                  PAGE 9
resources, producing goods, disposing of          These countries became increasingly con-
          waste, and transporting materials at every        cerned about the environmental impacts of
          stage of the process – collectively produce       this practice. Facing widespread pollution
          42 percent of U.S. greenhouse gas emissions,      and a backlog of 60-70 billion tons of waste,
          contributing significantly to the climate         China announced that it would no longer
          crisis.21 Our linear economy also creates air,    accept most imported scrap and recy-
          water and ocean pollution, contributes to         clable materials starting in 2018.27 China’s
          the loss of natural areas and habitats, and       announcement was followed by similar pol-
          depletes natural resources.22                     icies in Malaysia, Vietnam and Thailand.28
          Many products and materials are hard or           Since these countries began enforcing their
          impossible – or even hazardous – to recycle       waste import restrictions, U.S. recyclers
          or compost, making them difficult and             have been left to deal with huge quantities
          costly for municipalities to manage safely.23     of materials that are lacking domestic end-
          Plastics have especially high environmental       markets or for which commodity values
          costs, due to the pollution from producing        have plummeted. As a result, many recy-
          oil and gas and processing petrochemical          clers have significantly increased how much
          feedstocks.                                       they charge municipalities to take their
                                                            recycling. This has caused many munici-
          Since this system is so harmful to our            palities across the country to start to limit
          health, environment and future – why does         their recycling programs or to stop them all
          the U.S. produce, consume and throw out           together.29 The COVID-19 pandemic exacer-
          more and more materials in this manner            bated this trend, shifting patterns of waste
          every year?24 The core reason is that the         generation from the commercial to residen-
          producers and consumers that drive this           tial sector while further straining municipal
          system do not bear the full cost or respon-       budgets. From March to April of 2020, trash
          sibility for the impacts of the products they     and recycling collected in U.S. cities was up
          make or buy, so they have no direct, finan-       an average of 20 percent even as nearly 90
          cial incentives to conserve or to shift to less   curbside recycling programs were cut.30
          harmful practices.
                                                            China shutting its doors to waste and scrap
          A growing recycling crisis                        was a major disruption that heightened
          In a linear economy, after a product’s value      awareness of the core problems with the
          has been extracted, the costs of its dis-         nation’s recycling system. First, the U.S.
          posal are usually offloaded. Until a few          generates far too much waste. Second, too
          years ago, U.S. recyclers would sort out the      much of that waste is impossible or uneco-
          most valuable materials from the recycling        nomic to recycle. This is partly due to the
          stream and ship the remaining mixed,              U.S. having limited recycling infrastruc-
          lower-value bales of recyclables to other         ture and partly due to the lack of markets
          countries. About one third of collected U.S.      for recycled material.31 Too much of our
          recyclables were exported, with half of that      waste is low-quality plastic that cannot be
          material going to China – 700,000 tons of         recycled or can only be recycled once or a
          plastic in 2016 alone.25 The U.S. counted this    few times before it becomes too degraded.32
          exported material as recycled, but in reality,    Lastly, in single-stream recycling, where
          China and other countries were extracting         paper, plastic, glass and metal are com-
          the materials that they could economically        ingled, much of the material that might
          recycle and landfilling and incinerating the      be economically recycled is contaminated
          rest.26                                           with non-recyclable material.33


Producer responsibility must be a core prin-        dealers have the necessary materials to do
ciple guiding the design of all products. But       many repairs.39 This can be expensive and
producer responsibility may look different          inconvenient, and is helping create an alarming
for different types of products. Electronics,       trend where consumers choose the path of least
durable goods, and single-use packaging             resistance and simply replace their devices.
may require different programs and policy
approaches to best achieve zero waste.              Defending consumers’ right to right to repair
                                                    the devices they own, including by third-party
Electronics are highly complex objects. Each        fixers not authorized by the manufacturer,
iPhone contains 75 elements, harvested at sub-      would go a long way towards extending the
stantial environmental cost from all over the       lives of many devices. Another sustainable
world.34 Recycling these back into recoverable      option is encouraging and empowering the
materials is a highly energy intensive and pol-     refurbishing of electronics for resale in sec-
luting process.35 The most sustainable option is    ondary markets.
therefore to focus on repairing and retaining
electronic devices to extend their useful life as   Without requirements for reuse, mandatory
long as possible. This benefits consumers and       take-back programs for electronics – an effec-
has a doubly beneficial effect on the environ-      tive tool for addressing waste from single-use
ment, avoiding waste in both manufacturing          and limited-use products, as well as hazard-
and the disposal process. If Americans held         ous materials – can have the perverse effect of
onto our phones one year longer on average,         helping manufacturers to accelerate the cycle
the emissions reductions would be equivalent        of planned obsolescence by removing usable
to taking 636,000 cars off the road each year.36    electronics from the market.

Producers contribute to this waste through          The best producer responsibility programs for
planned obsolescence that encourages replace-       electronics will prioritize repair and reuse,
ment of electronic devices every year or two.       while also encouraging the recycling of elec-
Planned obsolescence is often baked into prod-      tronics that have reached the end of their
uct design – for example, where screws or snap      useful lives.40 This is particularly important
covers used to be, now there is glue. Many          because e-waste makes up 70 percent of all
products are impossible to fix without destroy-     hazardous material in landfills despite being
ing them.37 Throwaway tech culture has led to       just 2 percent of the solid waste stream.41 23
electronics waste becoming the world’s fastest-     states have producer responsibility laws for
growing solid-waste stream.38                       electronic products, facilitating their diver-
                                                    sion to specialized recycling facilities.42 Pair-
To reduce their impact on the environment           ing these requirements with explicit policies
and the public, producers should be held            guaranteeing the right to repair electronics
responsible for ending the cycle of planned         and encouraging refurbishment and reuse can
obsolescence by designing products that can         provide the most effective strategy to reduce
be used as long as possible and fixed when          pollution from the production and use of
they break. Unfortunately, many electronics         electronics. Producer responsibility programs
manufacturers do the opposite, restricting          should be designed with the specific risks,
access to parts, diagnostic software or repair      characteristics and needs of every type of
documentation, so that only their authorized        product in mind.

                                                                                                  PAGE 11
Rebuilding the old recycling system is not
          the solution to the nation’s waste problems.
          More fundamental system solutions are
          needed that encourage waste reduction,
          reuse, repair and genuine recycling.

Producer responsibility programs
incentivize a shift to a circular economy

PROGRAMS HAVE EXISTED for decades in                cally collect their products at the end of
the U.S. and elsewhere that seek to make            their life, requiring them to pay for the
producers responsible for waste. These              collection and disposal process through
producer responsibility programs shift              fees paid to a producer responsibility
responsibility for disposal of waste prod-          organization that collects and processes
ucts from municipalities to producers,              materials on the producers’ behalf, or a
either by requiring producers to physi-             combination of both.

              Figure 2. In a circular economy all materials are reduced, reused,
              repaired, recycled or composted – replacing the need for extraction,
              landfilling and incineration

                                                                                                 PAGE 13
Making producers responsible for the full       been put in place across the European
          costs and impacts of their products – from      Union, Japan, Korea, Chile, Canada and
          extraction to disposal – can incentivize        elsewhere.46
          them to shift to less harmful and costly
          practices. Doing so can help create a “circu-   Programs that make producers responsible
          lar” or “closed-loop” economy. In a circular    for waste have successfully diverted waste
          economy, zero waste is landfilled or incin-     from landfills and have shifted certain
          erated – all materials are reused, replacing    waste costs from municipalities to produc-
          the need for extraction activities.             ers.47 Some programs have been even more
                                                          impactful – incentivizing producers to
          The decisions producers make in design-         make their products longer-lasting and easy
          ing products determine the degree to            to reuse, and their packaging lightweight
          which those products are able to be reused      and recyclable.48 These successes demon-
          or recycled, and help shape the impact on       strate that expanding such policies to more
          the environment when those products are         regions and products can help instigate the
          disposed of.                                    shift to a circular economy.
          Currently, municipalities – using tax dol-      The following examples show how producer
          lars – bear most of the costs of waste col-     responsibility programs work in practice
          lection and disposal.43 Making producers        and illustrate the benefits they can deliver
          responsible for the full environmental          for the environment, public health, consum-
          and public health costs of their products –     ers and communities.
          from extraction to production to disposal
          – can incentivize them to redesign their        California’s Used Mattress Recovery and
          products. They will be more likely to use       Recycling Act
          recycled instead of virgin materials and
          to create less wasteful and less hazardous      Bulky furniture and appliances can be dif-
          products. This shift would move America         ficult for consumers to recycle and ideal
          toward a circular economy that conserves        for producer responsibility programs.
          natural resources and natural areas; mini-      Legislation in California requiring mat-
          mizes air, water and global warming pollu-      tress manufacturers to take responsibility
          tion; and produces zero waste.                  for refurbishing or recycling their products
                                                          has successfully increased recycling of used
          Producer responsibility programs have a         mattresses.49
          track record of success                         Every year, almost 4.5 million mattresses
          Producer responsibility programs have           and 4.5 million box springs are landfilled or
          typically covered products that are haz-        incinerated in the U.S., equating to around
          ardous, hard to recycle or compost, or          250 million pounds of mattress material.50
          that generate a lot of waste. These include     This creates pollution and necessitates
          batteries, mattresses, mercury thermo-          further extraction activities to produce new
          stats, carpet, pesticides, tires, pharmaceu-    mattresses. Mattresses are also heavy and
          ticals, paint, electronics, packaging and       bulky, making them difficult and expen-
          textiles.44 Across the U.S., 119 producer       sive to collect, transport, and pay to drop at
          responsibility laws have been adopted in        landfills and incinerators. Because of this,
          33 states, addressing 14 types of consumer      people often illegally dump their mat-
          products.45 Internationally, a wide range       tresses, creating an additional cleanup cost
          of producer responsibility programs have        for municipalities.51 But more than 80 per-

cent of a mattress can be recycled into new        into waste or biofuel – an increase of 6
consumer products and industrial parts.52          percentage points over the 2017 recycling
                                                   rate.60 The program also expanded its infra-
To address this problem, in 2014, Califor-         structure across California, increasing the
nia passed its Used Mattress Recovery and          number of no-cost collection sites from 163
Recycling Act. Under this act, mattress            to 190.61 There are now permanent collection
manufacturers were required to “develop,           sites or collection events in all of California’s
finance, and implement a convenient and            58 counties.62
cost-effective program to recover and recy-
cle used mattresses.”53 This requirement has       Other states and the U.S. as a whole can
resulted in increased recycling rates.54           adopt programs similar to California’s and
                                                   divert mattresses from landfills and inciner-
To comply with this requirement, mattress          ators to refurbishment and recycling facili-
manufacturers established a program oper-          ties. Such programs could also be adopted
ated by the nonprofit Mattress Recycling           for other bulky items such as furniture,
Council (MRC), which also operates pro-            carpets and major appliances. Future poli-
grams in Connecticut and Rhode Island.55           cies should continue to require retailers
MRC establishes sites where consumers can          to collect used products when consumers
return their old mattresses and works to           are buying new ones, and should consider
increase public awareness of the service.56        ways to incentivize producers to incorporate
Manufacturers and retailers are required to        waste reduction into the design process.
register with MRC and collect a recycling fee
from consumers when they purchase a new
mattress or box spring. Retailers must offer       France’s textile and clothing recovery
to pick up consumers’ old mattresses when          program
they purchase new ones and transport them          France’s producer responsibility program
to a recycling facility. If a retailer has accu-   for clothing and textile waste has led to an
mulated at least 100 units, MRC will provide       increase in the collection and recycling of
the additional service of transporting them        used clothing and could be a model for the
to a recycling facility. MRC then contracts        U.S.
with facilities to refurbish and recycle the
mattresses. The organization also cooperates       Textile waste is increasing due to the grow-
with CalRecycle, a branch of the California        ing “fast fashion” model, which encourages
Environmental Protection Agency that helps         consumers to buy cheap, trendy clothing
enforce the program’s requirements and hold        that does not last very long.63 Textile pro-
producers accountable.57                           duction is highly toxic due in part to the
                                                   pesticides used to grow cotton and the
California requires MRC to submit an               plastic microfibers that wash out of syn-
annual report on the program’s effective-          thetic fabrics and into the water system.64
ness. The most recent report shows that the        The industry is responsible for an estimated
program has successfully increased mat-            10 percent of global carbon emissions and
tress recycling.58 In 2018, MRC collected          is one of the world’s worst industrial pol-
1.4 million mattresses in California – a 10        luters.65 Furthermore, most textile waste is
percent increase from the previous year.59         landfilled and incinerated – necessitating
MRC also diverted 47 million pounds of             further extraction and production activities
mattress material from landfills, 65 percent       when clothing could be reused or recycled
of which was recycled, rather than turned          instead.66

                                                                                                       PAGE 15
To tackle this problem, in 2007 France           resold or exported in 2015, but this may not
          instituted the first program that makes          continue because the quality of clothing is
          producers responsible for clothing and           decreasing and markets for used clothing
          textile waste.67 This program makes all          are shrinking.74 African and Asian countries
          manufacturers of new clothing and textiles       are demanding better quality clothing and
          responsible for recycling or proper dis-         want to build their own textile economies.
          posal.68 Textile and clothing producers can      Some have banned or are considering ban-
          meet France’s requirement either by paying       ning used clothing imports altogether.75
          fees to the nonprofit producer responsibility    This demonstrates the need to reduce the
          organization (PRO) that manages materials        amount of clothing being produced and
          for many producers, or by establishing their     wasted in the first place. Recycling textiles
          own take-back program, which must be             into new textiles is difficult and expen-
          approved by the French government.69             sive, and technology is limited.76 France’s
                                                           program seeks to address this by funding
          The PRO assesses producer fees every year        projects that innovate new textile recycling
          based on the amount of clothing each pro-        methods, reducing the costs of working
          ducer sells, with discounted rates for prod-     with recovered material.77
          ucts that use recycled content. The PRO has
          used the collected fees to increase collection   U.S. paint recovery and recycling programs
          points for used clothing and textiles, dou-
                                                           Most people buy more paint than they
          bling the number of on-street collection bins
                                                           need to ensure that they have enough for
          between 2011 and 2016.70 Part of its program
                                                           their project, and as a result, approximately
          is to increase consumer awareness – for
                                                           10 percent of house paint sold in the U.S.
          example by creating a website and app that
                                                           each year is not used.78 Most communities
          show consumers the nearest collection point.
                                                           do not have effective programs to collect
          The PRO also subsidizes charities and other
                                                           and recycle this paint, however, so many
          organizations that collect and sort used tex-
                                                           instruct residents to dry out the paint and
          tiles and funds innovative projects that seek
                                                           throw it in the trash. This can be hazard-
          to create a closed-loop textile industry.71
                                                           ous because if done improperly, paint can
          France’s program has increased the amount        be toxic to the environment and harmful to
          of material collected – three times as much      fish and wildlife.79 Reusing and recycling
          material was collected nationwide in 2016        paint instead can reduce potential pollution,
          as compared with 2006.72 In 2015, around 65      as well as the need to extract resources and
          percent of all textiles collected were reused    produce new paint.80
          (for example as second-hand clothing) – the
          majority of them exported to the second-         To address this problem, 10 states and the
          hand market in Africa and the remainder          District of Columbia have passed producer
          resold in France. The remainder of the           responsibility laws that make paint pro-
          materials were down-cycled (9 percent to         ducers responsible for paint waste.81 Under
          produce rags and 24 percent to produce           these programs, consumers pay a recycling
          insulation materials) and about 6 percent        fee when they buy new paint, which funds
          either incinerated or sent to landfill.73        the nonprofit PaintCare. Instead of return-
                                                           ing these fees to the consumer when they
          France’s program has successfully increased      recycle paint, PaintCare uses them as fund-
          the collection of used clothing, but it faces    ing to manage the recycling process and
          challenges. Most of France’s textiles were       promote leftover paint collection sites.82

In PaintCare locations, individuals, house-
holds and businesses can take unwanted left-
over paint to one of the nonprofit’s more than      Germany recycled 97 percent of
1,750 drop-off sites, where it is sorted and        all packaging waste in 2015.
processed for reuse, recycling or safe dis-
posal.83 In its first decade, PaintCare reports
that they have collected more than 38 million
                                                    to reducing waste and revamping recycling.
gallons of leftover paint (80 percent of it latex
                                                    Packaging waste has increased during the
paint and 20 percent oil-based) and provided
                                                    COVID-19 pandemic, underscoring the need
more than 3,500 direct large-volume pick-ups
                                                    for proven policy strategies. 87
from painting contractors and other busi-
nesses disposing of 200 gallons or more.84 In       Programs that make producers respon-
doing so, the program has saved millions of         sible for packaging waste have existed for
dollars in local government spending on col-        decades and have successfully increased
lection and processing of leftover paint and        collection and recycling rates. These pro-
provided a more convenient recycling experi-        grams have been around since the 1980s
ence for consumers.85                               and are now widespread in all European
                                                    Union member states, as well as South
PaintCare provides a glimpse of what a              Korea and several Canadian provinces.88
comprehensive household hazardous waste             These programs have helped achieve high
program could achieve. Critical to the suc-         collection and recycling rates, with “signifi-
cess of any such program would be to set            cant tonnages” of materials being recov-
increasing requirements for the percentage          ered for recycling instead of being sent to
of the collected waste that must be recycled.       landfill.89 In Germany, which has a separate
For example, less than 5 percent of collected       collection system for household packaging
oil-based paint is reused. Classified as a          waste, around 97 percent of all packaging
hazardous waste in the U.S., and extremely          waste was recycled in 2015.90
expensive to recycle, most is converted to
fuel or incinerated, which are both toxic           British Columbia’s program for packaging
processes.86 Such a requirement could incen-        and paper
tivize producers to switch to or develop
safer alternatives.                                 British Columbia has consistently been at the
                                                    forefront of Canada’s efforts to hold producers
Producer responsibility is particularly             responsible, with a current total of 22 prod-
urgent for packaging waste                          uct stewardship programs for the collection
                                                    and disposal of waste.91 In May 2011, British
Producers of all products should be respon-         Columbia added packaging and printed paper
sible for the waste that their products create,     (PPP) to the list, making businesses distribut-
but there is a particularly urgent need to          ing these materials responsible for their col-
shift responsibility for single-use packaging,      lection and recycling. This shifted the cost of
paper products and foodware waste to pro-           recycling from taxpayers to producers and has
ducers. Waste from packaging and dispos-            increased recycling rates.
able products is a growing environmental
problem. The recent challenges to the U.S.          Recycle BC (RBC), a non-profit organiza-
recycling system following China’s decision         tion representing many different producers,
to ban the importation of most waste mean           began operating in May 2014. This steward-
that the nation must take a new approach            ship agency now runs the only program in

                                                                                                      PAGE 17
Canada under which producers bear full
          financial and managerial responsibility for
          residential recycling of PPP products.92 RBC
          has a target program recycling rate of 75
          percent, which it has consistently reached.93
          RBC is funded by nearly 1,200 packaging
          and paper producers.94 Those producers are
          required to report the volume of PPP mate-
          rial they sell each year and pay a fee based
          on weight to cover the cost of collection and
          processing of PPP, which RBC coordinates.
          RBC currently manages residential recy-
          cling for 98 percent of British Columbia’s
          population, with collection programs in 176
          communities.95 Most packaging – includ-
          ing paper, cardboard, plastic containers and
          paper cups – is picked up through curbside
          service. Plastic bags and polystyrene foam
          (what most of us call Styrofoam) packag-
          ing are collected at recycling depots run
          by private companies contracted by RBC.
          Glass containers are either taken to depots
          or placed in a separate bin for collection
          to avoid broken glass contaminating other
          British Columbia’s producer responsibil-
          ity program for packaging and printed
          paper has expanded coverage and increased
          recycling collection. In 2019, RBC reported
          recovering 78 percent of the PPP material
          producers sold and recycling 90 percent of
          that collected material.97 That’s an improve-
          ment to the recycling system before pro-
          ducer responsibility for PPP went into effect,
          when an estimated 50 to 57 percent of pack-
          aging and paper materials were recovered.98

Proposed U.S. programs for
packaging waste

THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT and several                compostable; and make it with at least 20
states have begun to consider policies that       percent recycled content by 2025. The plan
make producers responsible for packaging,         and recommendations were submitted to
paper, and single-use product waste. In 2019,     the Department of Ecology in September
Washington and Maine passed the first laws        2020.102
on the issue, outlining frameworks, require-
                                                  The report lays out three primary recom-
ments and deadlines to develop or study
                                                  mendations, the first of which is estab-
state producer responsibility programs.99
                                                  lishing a producer responsibility policy
Legislators in California, other states, and
                                                  framework for all consumer packaging and
the U.S. Congress are also currently pursu-
                                                  paper.103 The framework should make “pro-
ing bills that aim to make producers respon-
                                                  ducers responsible for achieving specific
sible for packaging waste.
                                                  management and environmental outcomes
More than a dozen states have seen some           for the consumer packaging they supply
legislative activity around producer respon-      into Washington State.” The report also rec-
sibility for paper and packaging.100 This         ommends a deposit return system, or bottle
momentum has been stalled by the corona-          bill, for all beverage containers, as well as
virus pandemic, which has sent many state         recycled content requirements for all plas-
legislatures into extended recesses. Still,       tic packaging. Ideally, all of these policies
several states are in a strong position to pro-   would be implemented together, helping
pose and pass well-studied and practicable        create a supply and market for recycled
producer responsibility legislation in the        materials that would support the entire
near future.                                      recycling system.104
                                                  The report also calls for manufactur-
WASHINGTON                                        ers to have full financial and operational
On May 21, 2019, Governor Jay Inslee of           responsibility for meeting state standards
Washington signed a law aiming to reduce          for managing packaging waste, whether
plastic packaging in the state and to require     individually or through a collaborative
a study of ways to reduce plastic waste.101       producer responsibility organization.
The law directs Washington’s Department           Although the report was charged with the
of Ecology to commission a report on cur-         management of plastic packaging, it recom-
rent plastic packaging waste amounts,             mends applying producer responsibility to
types, and management practices in the            all types of packaging, to avoid unintended
state. The report must also lay out a plan        market distortions. Furthermore, the report
with recommendations for how to reduce            suggests a system that drives innovation
the quantity of plastic packaging sold in         by setting strong performance targets that
the state; make it all recyclable, reusable or    increase over time.105

                                                                                                  PAGE 19
MAINE                                            tives for producers to meet performance
                                                           goals for toxicity and recyclability, and
          In May 2019, Governor Janet Mills of             stipulates that the stewardship agency
          Maine signed a law that directed the state’s     would cover the costs of data collection and
          Department of Environmental Protection           reporting to determine whether they have
          (DEP) to draft a template bill that would        done so. The law excludes small producers
          make producers pay for all packaging             of packaging, as well as containers that are
          materials sold in the state.106 This draft was   already covered by the state’s bottle bill.
          submitted to a legislative committee and
                                                           This bill lays the foundation for the DEP to
          formed the basis of a bill introduced in
                                                           develop an effective stewardship program.
          January 2020.107
                                                           It is key that the program will charge
                                                           producers more for hard-to-recycle items
                                                           and less for valuable recyclables to encour-
          Producer responsibility                          age them to redesign their packaging. The
                                                           bill has not yet passed a delayed legislative
          systems can drive                                session.
          innovation by setting strong                     CALIFORNIA
          performance targets that                         In December 2018 and February 2019,
          increase over time.                              Senator Ben Allen and Assemblywoman
                                                           Lorena Gonzalez introduced the California
                                                           Circular Economy and Plastic Pollution
          The original bill included provisions to         Reduction Act. The bills aimed to establish
          establish a nonprofit stewardship organi-        a statewide framework and set goals to
          zation to collect fees from packaging pro-       reduce waste from single-use products and
          ducers based on the amount by weight of          packaging, and to ensure that products are
          packaging materials they sell or distribute      effectively recycled.109 In the final hours
          in Maine. In addition to weight, these fees      of the state’s 2020 legislative session on
          would be calculated to reflect the use of        August 31, the Senate version fell four votes
          recycled content in packaging material and       short of clearing the Assembly.110 In August
          toxicity of the material, with higher fees       2020, several organizations submitted sig-
          for materials that are toxic or otherwise not    natures for a ballot initiative similar to the
          easily recyclable. It’s important to note that   bills that would appear on the November
          fees based solely on weight don’t actually       2022 ballot.111
          discourage plastic packaging.108 Ideally, fee
          design will reward lightweight packaging         The bills would have required a 75 per-
          that is both easy to recycle and made from       cent reduction of the waste generated
          recycled materials.                              from single-use packaging and single-use
                                                           products sold or distributed in California
          The fees collected from producers would be       by 2030. From that year onward, all single-
          used to reimburse municipalities for costs       use packaging and products would have
          incurred in the process of recycling and         to be made from recyclable or composta-
          waste management, as well as to invest in        ble material. They would have required
          waste reduction and recycling education          the California Department of Resources
          and infrastructure. The bill includes incen-     Recycling and Recovery (CalRecycle) to

develop incentives and policies to encour-        commonly littered single-use plastics such
age in-state manufacturing of these prod-         as bags, cups, straws, utensils and polysty-
ucts using recycled material generated in         rene foam (what most of us call Styrofoam),
California. Manufacturers of single-use           and establish a national-level bottle bill.
plastic packaging or single-use plastic           Any non-refunded money from the latter,
foodware, such as plates, bowls and uten-         as well as proceeds from fees on paper and
sils, would have been required to demon-          non-reusable carry-out bags, would go into
strate a recycling rate of at least 30 percent    a federal fund for projects and research
by 2026, 40 percent by 2028 and 75 percent        to increase collection infrastructure and
by 2030.112                                       reduce pollution. This bill would also estab-
                                                  lish a standardized labeling system for
California’s proposed program would               plastic products that informs consumers on
have been another strong step for producer        how to dispose of them properly.
responsibility in the U.S. The bills priori-
tized reducing packaging and single-use           This proposal is the most comprehensive
plastics and set ambitious and swift targets      plan to tackle single-use plastic and packag-
to increase recycling rates. They would also      ing waste of any discussed here. In addition
have incentivized producers to use recycled       to making producers responsible for waste,
material in their products, helping to close      it seeks to directly reduce waste by ban-
the loop in the circular economy.                 ning the least-recyclable single-use plastics.
                                                  It also proposes a national bottle bill – the
FEDERAL                                           most recognizable recycling model for pack-
                                                  aging in the U.S. This proposal also sets
In February 2020, U.S. Senator Tom Udall (D
                                                  goals to make plastics recyclable and made
– N.M.) and U.S. Representative Alan Lowen-
                                                  from recycled content – helping to support
thal (D – Calif.) unveiled federal legislation
                                                  the overall recycling system.
that would hold corporations accountable
for wasteful products, reduce wasteful pack-
aging, phase out unnecessary single-use
plastic products altogether and reform the
waste and recycling collection system. The
Break Free From Plastic Pollution Act would,
among other things, place the financial bur-
den of waste management and the cleanup
of plastic pollution on the companies that
manufacture and sell those products, and
require producers to design their products in
such a way as to minimize the environmen-
tal impacts of extraction, manufacture, use
and end-of-life management.113
The bill would make producers responsible
for the full end-of-life costs of some types of
packaging and single-use products. It would
also establish minimum recycled content
requirements for drink containers, packag-
ing and food-service products, ban the most

                                                                                                   PAGE 21
Policy recommendations

          MAKING PRODUCERS RESPONSIBLE for                 1. Establish a waste hierarchy and make
          waste is an important step toward a circular        sure that policies prioritize the more-
          economy. Effective policies can incentivize         desired outcomes over the less-desired.
          producers to reduce their use of packaging
                                                              a. First and foremost, reduce the
          and build products that are less hazardous,
                                                                 amount of waste generated;
          built to last, and are easy to repair, recycle
          or compost.                                         b. Reuse, repair and refurbish prod-
                                                                 ucts whenever possible;
          To be successful, programs should make
          producers responsible for all waste costs           c.   Recycle or compost all remaining
          associated with their products – includ-                 materials;
          ing waste collection, transportation and
          management, and litter clean-up costs. Fees         d. Landfill and incinerate as little as
          charged to producers should be adjusted                possible.
          based on how long a product is designed             Following this waste hierarchy is impor-
          to last, how easy it is to repair, recycle or       tant to ensure that producer responsibil-
          compost, and how hazardous it is. Such eco-         ity programs avoid unintended conse-
          modulated fees, widespread in Europe and            quences. For example, California’s initial
          Canada, encourage producers to design less          policy to make producers responsible for
          harmful products.                                   carpet waste enabled too much incinera-
          The federal government and individual               tion and did not result in a meaningful
          states should implement policies that make          increase in recycling. Because of this,
          producers responsible for the waste cre-            California updated the policy in 2017 to
          ated by their products. Such policies are           discourage incineration and to set goals
          particularly important for products that are        for how much carpet is recycled, which
          hazardous, difficult to recycle or compost,         increases over time.114
          or that generate a lot of waste. These include   2. Pair programs that make producers
          batteries, mattresses, mercury thermostats,         responsible for waste with other waste-
          carpet, pesticides, tires, pharmaceuticals,         reduction strategies.
          paint, electronics, packaging and textiles.
                                                              a. Bottle bills and other deposit-based
          To establish effective policies that make pro-         programs are among the most widely
          ducers responsible for waste, policymakers             deployed forms of producer respon-
          should follow these best practices:                    sibility, and new laws should comple-
                                                                 ment rather than replace them.

b. Push forward with bans on the least           b. Charge producers less for products
      recyclable and compostable and most              that are proven to be reused or re-
      hazardous products.                              cycled.
3. Require producers to establish effective         c. Charge producers more if their prod-
   collection, recycling and composting                ucts enter the waste stream more
   systems for products that do not cur-               quickly than other manufacturers’
   rently have them.                                   products in that category.
   a. Set increasing requirements for the        7. Make it easy for consumers to properly
      percentage of distributed products            dispose of their products. Make collec-
      that must be collected.                       tion sites accessible and available year-
                                                    round. Educate consumers about how to
   b. Set increasing requirements for the           properly dispose of their products and
      percentage of collected materials             consider simplified labeling.
      that must be reused, repaired, refur-
      bished, recycled or composted. This        8. Avoid reinventing the wheel. If effec-
      can necessitate that producers rede-          tive systems or secondary markets do
      sign products that are not readily            exist to collect, repair, refurbish, recycle
      repairable, recyclable or compostable.        or compost materials, keep them in place
                                                    and simply require producers to start
4. Require producers to pay fees that               funding them.
   cover all of their products’ end-of-life
   costs, including waste collection, haul-      9. Incentivize consumers to return their
   ing, recycling, composting, landfilling,         products for recycling or composting
   incineration and litter cleanup costs.           instead of throwing them in the trash.
   The fees should also cover the operating         This can be achieved in a variety of
   costs of the entity that sets, collects and      ways, including the following:
   distributes these fees and the full costs
   of the oversight agencies.                       a. Ban products covered by producer
                                                       responsibility programs from land-
5. Require producers to use recycled con-              fills and trash incinerators, or attach
   tent in their products to make sure that            heavy penalties.
   recycled materials are reused. Increas-
   ing the collection and recycling of mate-        b. Charge consumers more for trash
   rials only reduces waste if the recycled            disposal than for alternatives
   materials are used. Utilizing recycled              through “save money and reduce
   materials reduces the need to extract               trash” (SMART) programs, which
   new materials and closes the loop in the            charge consumers less if they throw
   circular economy.                                   out less trash.

6. Adjust fees to encourage producers to            c. Charge consumers a deposit when
   design products that last and are easy              they buy a product that can be re-
   and economical to reuse, repair, recycle            turned for recycling, as bottle bills
   or compost.                                         do.

   a. Charge producers more for products            d. Offer a reward if consumers return a
      that are hazardous or hard to repair,            product for recycling, as some states
      recycle or compost, to avoid landfill-           currently do for mercury thermostats.
      ing and incineration.

                                                                                                   PAGE 23
10. Support the right to reuse, repair, and
              reprogram. Allowing third-party repair
              of products to extend their lifespan is
              good for consumers, and reduces waste
              from throwing away fixable devices and
              manufacturing new ones.
             a. Support transparency requirements
                about obsolescence timelines. Soft-
                ware support should be designed to
                last the likely lifespan of the hard-
                ware, and its duration should be
             b. Enable reuse of internet-connected
                devices. Third-party tools that add
                to or convert an old, unsupported
                device should be protected.
          11. Set high standards for oversight and
              transparency at every stage of the pro-
              cess to ensure that producers are com-
              plying with requirements and reporting
              accurately, and to ensure that fees are
              assessed correctly.
          Producer responsibility laws can be com-
          plex. State and national organizations such
          as the California Product Stewardship
          Council and the Product Stewardship Insti-
          tute have resources and services available
          that can help policymakers enact effective
          policies that make producers responsible
          for waste.

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