Bowlin' for Colons Join Us to Support Men's Health - The Richland Hospital, Inc.

Page created by Randall Carter
Bowlin' for Colons Join Us to Support Men's Health - The Richland Hospital, Inc.
Bowlin' for Colons
                                      Join Us to Support
                                         Men's Health
Possible Merger Update             More to your Exhaustion:
                                      New Sleep Study

The Richland Hospital Newsletter         Summer 2019 | Volume 206 1
Bowlin' for Colons Join Us to Support Men's Health - The Richland Hospital, Inc.
August                                    September
                                           AUGUST 9                                  SEPTEMBER 5-8
                                           WALK WITH G.R.A.C.E.                      RICHLAND COUNTY FAIR
                                           6:00pm | Krouskop Park                    23630 HWY AA, Richland Center
                                           Richland Center
                                                                                     SEPTEMBER 12
                                           AUGUST 14                                 LEARN PICKLE BALL
                                           NEWBORN EDUCATION CLASS                   6:00pm | Krouskop Park, Richland Center
                                           6:00-9:00pm | Richland Hospital
                                                                                     SEPTEMBER 18
                                           AUGUST 18                                 BREASTFEEDING CLASS
                                           4PETESAKE, DAY IN THE PARK                6:00-9:30pm | Richland Hospital
                                           5K Walk/Run | Spring Green
                                                                                     SEPTEMBER 20
                                           AUGUST 21                                 BOWLIN' FOR COLONS
                                           LABOR SUPPORT CLASS                       5:30pm | Phoenix Center, Richland Center
                                           6:00-9:00pm | Richland Hospital           RSVP by September 13
Monthly                                    AUGUST 22
                                           BLOOD CENTER OF WI BLOOD DRIVE
                                                                                     SEPTEMBER 23 - OCTOBER 21
                                                                                     SPOUSE/PARTNER LOSS GROUP
2ND/4TH MONDAYS                            10:00am-3:00pm | Richland Hospital        Mondays 5:00-7:00pm
FREE BLOOD PRESSURE CHECKS                 AUGUST 22                                 Clary Funeral Home
12:00-4:00pm | Richland Hospital           CANNING WORKSHOP
                                                                                     OCTOBER 5
ONLINE - Anytime                           5:00-8:00pm                               OCOOCH FALL BIKE RIDE
UNDERSTANDING BIRTH ECLASS                 Richland County Extension                 9:00am | Symons Recreation Center
1ST WEDNESDAY                              AUGUST 29 & 30
MOMMY CON                                  AUTUMN BLOOMS FLOWER SALE
9:00-11:00am | Christy's Sunny Side        7:00am-5:00pm (or until sold out)
1ST THURSDAY                               Richland Hospital
By appointment | Richland
                                           AUGUST 27 - SEPTEMBER 24
                                           WHEN MOURNING DAWNS - GRIEF
                                                                                     Classes for Moms
Hospital, call Rita Kidd                   CLASS
                                           Tuesdays 5:00-7:00pm                      We offer an array of classes to
(608) 475-1294
                                           Richland Hospital                         help, encourage, and support new
4TH THURSDAY                                                                         and expecting moms during this
MEMORY CAFE                                                                          special time in their lives.
5:30pm | Woodman Senior Center
                                                                                     Upcoming classes offered in
THURSDAYS                                                                            August:
                                                                                     •   Childbirth eClasses
8:00pm | Richland Hills
                                                                                     •   Newborn Education
                                                                                     •   Labor Support
                                                                                     To sign up, call our Birth Center at
                                                                                     (608) 647-6321.

  Attention: Language assistance and services are available to you free of charge.          Follow us for daily updates!
  Si usted habla español, servicios de asistencia linguística, de forma gratuita,
  están a su disposición.

Bowlin' for Colons Join Us to Support Men's Health - The Richland Hospital, Inc.
Search our website to find the
Richland Hospital Crossword                                                           answers to the crossword puzzle at:

 Sign up for our email list! In addition to free tips for staying healthy, you will      ACROSS
                                                                                         1. Department that helps financially
 be sent updates, reminders, and information on events hosted by the Richland
                                                                                         support the hospital
 Hospital. You will get a free copy of the DASH Diet just for signing up.                3. Acronym for the clinic residing in the
                                                                                         hospital building
                                                                                         5. Department delivering babies
                                                                                         8. Department that assists patients to
                                                                                         regain joint range of motion, balance,
                                                                                         coordination, and muscle strength
                                                                                         9. The 7 C's of _______ helps guide care
      1                              2                                                   at Richland Hospital
                                                                                         10. Program that "swings" patients from
                                                        3                                post-operative and acute care to skilled
                                                                                         nursing at the hospital, rather than a
                                                                                         nursing or rehab facility
  6                  5

                                                                                         1. Procedure that makes Colorectal
                                                                        9                Cancer one of the most preventable
                                                                                         2. What specialty focuses on the
                                                        8                                body's muscles, bones, ligaments, and
                                                                                         3. New service at Richland Hospital that
                                                                                         treats and diagnoses sleep problems
                                                                                         4. August is National ______ Month
                                                                                         6. Walk with ______ is an annual event
                                                                                         to honor those touched by cancer
                     10                                                                  7. Established in 1924, the first hospital
                                                                                         occupied ______ Mansion building
                                                                                         9. A disease in which your blood
                                                                                         glucose, or blood sugar, levels are too
                                                                                         10. Acronym for Special Care Unit

The Benefits of Volunteering
Volunteering can help you make friends, learn new skills, advance your
career, and even feel happier and healthier. It can reduce stress, combat
depression, and provide a sense of purpose. Volunteering doesn’t have to
involve a long-term commitment or take a huge amount of time out of your
busy day. Giving, even in simple ways, can help those in need and improve
your health and happiness. If you or someone you know is interested in
volunteering at Richland Hospital, we'd love to discuss the opportunities.

For more information or to volunteer, contact:
Deanna Gochenaur, Volunteer Coordinator or (608) 647-6321 ext. 2413

                                                                                                                   3 3
Bowlin' for Colons Join Us to Support Men's Health - The Richland Hospital, Inc.
For many years, Melissa suffered from painful and severe menstrual
cycles. She expressed her pain to her sister, who encouraged her to
see a doctor. Melissa’s sister spoke about Dr. Janice Alexander, OB-
GYN at Richland Hospital, and recommended Melissa see her too.
After Melissa learned that her ovaries were the culprit, she and
Dr. Alexander developed a plan to save one ovary to help with
Melissa’s overall hormonal balance.

    “I can never say enough good things about Dr.
    Alexander. You can tell she just cared; she really
    cared. She was very informative, very personable,
    related to you, and I felt like I wasn’t just another
    patient to her. She made me feel like her only
    patient. I feel like she did an exceptional job with
    – Melissa Boyd
Finding a provider you trust for personal health and medical
issues is an important process. Dr. Alexander provides specialized
women’s health care services and wellness to keep you healthy
and feeling your best. She provides an array of services for women
needing help with multiple health issues including: Gynecological
urology, pelvic floor and bladder support, diagnosing
               gynecological cancers, endometrial biopsies,
                     laparoscopic surgeries, hysterectomies,
                       infertility issues, menopause, and any
                         abnormal uterine bleeding.
                         After Melissa’s overnight stay in the
                          hospital, she had this to say about the
                          staff she met, “The whole experience
                           was wonderful. Everyone that I came in
                           contact with was absolutely amazing.
                            ALL of the nurses were wonderful. They
                             were women who had been through
                               this stuff and knew what it was like.”
                               Melissa said her 3-year-old
                               granddaughter, Bryleigh Mae,
                                was her personal nurse at
                                home, ensuring she was safe,
                                 comfortable, and not picking up        Melissa with her granddaughter,
                                  heavy items.                          Bryleigh Mae.

Bowlin' for Colons Join Us to Support Men's Health - The Richland Hospital, Inc.
                                                              ^ wan

                                                              A doctor who listens.

                             Richland Hospital is happy         Following his residency, he remained in the
                             to announce that Dr. Edward        state of Michigan to practice medicine, before
                             Zarczynski will be a new           a brief stint on the East Coast - in New Jersey.
                             Obstetrician and Gynecologist,     He will be coming to us from Ohio, where he
                             working beside Dr. Janice          has practiced for the past ten years.
                             Alexander.                         Dr. Zarczynski provides comprehensive care
                             Dr. Zarczynski has been            in women’s health and delivers babies. He is
                             married to his wife, Elaine,       looking forward to spending the rest of his
                             for over 40 years and has          career here, in Richland County, to be closer to
                             two daughters, Katrina and         family.
Kimberly, living in the Philadelphia and Milwaukee areas.       Please help us welcome Dr. Edward Zarczynski
He received his undergraduate and graduate degrees              and his wife, Elaine to our community.
from Wayne State University in Detroit, Michigan and
completed his residency at St. Joesph Mercy Hospital in
Ann Arbor, Michigan.

Bowlin' for Colons Join Us to Support Men's Health - The Richland Hospital, Inc.
 The Richland Hospital, Inc. and Richland      In May, a joint meeting including the
 Medical Center, Ltd. recently announced       Board of Directors of both TRH and RMC
 their intention to explore coming together    was held with an expert in healthcare
 as one business. This may have come as a      mergers. The boards discussed the
 surprise to some, because many people         many good reasons for merging and the
 do not realize that the two healthcare        process and steps involved in a merger.
 providers are separate organizations. This    From there, the hospital and the medical
 confusion may stem from the year 2000,        center each identified representatives to
 when Richland Medical Center moved            take part in a Joint Steering Committee.
 from its location at West Seminary Street     Hospital representatives are Bruce
 to the Richland Hospital building. While      Roesler (CEO), Jeff Longbrake (interim
 the move made it possible to provide          CFO), Paul Skoraczewski (VP of HR),
 more seamless care to patients, both          and Charles Burnley (VP of Nursing).
 organizations remained independent            Medical Center representatives include
 from one another. A new merger would          Dr. James Dickman, III; Dr. Christine
 be another step in enhancing the care we      Richards; Dr. David May; and Brian Puls
 could provide to patients and families.       (Administrator).
 John Poole is The Richland Hospital’s         The first meetings were held in June.
 Chairman of the Board. He said, “We           The committee reviewed the benefits
 truly believe this collaborative effort is    of merging, mutual goals, and vision for
 in the best interests of the health and       a newly merged entity, and potential
 well-being of our community. Both             obstacles. The process is being guided
 organizations have, for decades, provided     by the same expert who led the first
 state-of-the-art health care for a wide       discussion at the joint boards meeting.
 area. This potential merger will only serve
 to strengthen that resolve. We work           Look for more updates as the potential
 well together. And, together we thrive in     merger evolves.
 meeting the important health needs of our

Bowlin' for Colons Join Us to Support Men's Health - The Richland Hospital, Inc.
Don't Sleep on This
Having trouble getting a good night of rest?
There may be more underlying barriers between your lack of
focus and your lack of sleep.
If you feel excessively tired during the day or your sleep is
restless, you may need a sleep study. Common reasons for a

                                                                          STOP BANG
sleep study include: bed partner complains of your snoring,
moving, or even notices your breathing stops while asleep.
At Richland Hospital we provide: testing, diagnosis, and            SLEEP DISORDER QUESTIONNAIRE
treatment; an exceptional clinical staff trained to find
solutions to fit your lifestyle; and a comfortable, hotel quality    For every yes answer = 1 point
environment.                                                             Snoring, especially loud,
We follow a simple, three-step process to diagnose and treat             disruptive snoring
sleep problems.                                                          Tired (fatigue) during the day

     Talk with your primary doctor about your sleep issue(s). If
     needed, your doctor may recommend an overnight sleep
                                                                         Observed choking, gasping, or
                                                                         lack of breathing during sleep
                                                                         Pressure (high blood pressure)
     study.                                                              Body Mass Index (BMI) above

     OVERNIGHT SLEEP STUDY                                               Age (older than 50)
     Richland Hospital offers two kinds of sleep studies:
     traditional sleep study (at the hospital) and the Home
                                                                         Neck size (17+ inches for men;
                                                                         16+ inches for women)
     Sleep Apnea Test (HSAT.) The HSAT is used only to
     determine if you have sleep apnea. If another sleep                 Gender (male)
     disorder is suspected, then an in-house sleep study is          Scoring:
     required. Sleep apnea is the most common sleep disorder,
                                                                     •   1–2 points: Low risk of sleep
     so home sleep apnea tests are most appropriate for a
     majority of patients.

                                                                     •   3–4 points: Moderate risk of
     DIAGNOSIS + TREATMENT                                               sleep apnea
     After you've completed your sleep study, you'll schedule        •   5–8 points: High risk of sleep
     to meet with a sleep specialty doctor to review the results         apnea
     and start treatment. For more information on this process,      Patients need to visit with their providers
     visit:         and be referred to have a sleep study.

Bowlin' for Colons Join Us to Support Men's Health - The Richland Hospital, Inc.
                                                                      Be afraid of what you
                                                                      have to do now, or be
                                                                      scared of what you
                                                                        could find out later.

                                                                                               - Jeff Witzel        "


     J         eff Witzel waited until he was 50 to get a colonoscopy. Since he never knew his biological father,
               he didn’t know half of his medical history. His mom had passed away from cancer, so he knew
               he needed to get a colonoscopy. He had never undergone any major surgeries prior to this and
               says he was like most men – tough, thought nothing would happen to him, and “that” procedure
     was the last on his medical priorities, even though he had a family history of cancer. However, his driving
     inspiration for getting the surgery was his daughter, as Jeff is a single parent.
     Jeff ’s procedure results showed a large polyp that needed to be removed and sent in for biopsy. Richland
     Hospital’s General Surgeon, Dr. Nick Czosnyka delivered the good, but unexpected news a few days later.
     There were no signs of cancer in the blood tests or the removed polyp, however 18 inches of Jeff ’s colon
     would need to be removed.
     While the news of surgery was disappointing, it was a much better outcome than it could have been had he
     not been screened at all. Jeff wants to thank Dr. Czosnyka for all of his empathy and competence.
     Jeff said, “A big thank you to Dr. Dickman for encouraging me to (finally) get a colonoscopy.”
     Jeff wants to share his story to encourage men to be proactive about their health, not avoid a procedure
     that could save their lives, over fear of the FEW things they know about a colonoscopy – the inconvenient
     prep and what takes place during the procedure.
     His words of wisdom to others, “Be afraid of what you have to do now, or be scared of what you could find
     out later.”
     “I know there are a lot of rumors about Richland Hospital, since it’s a small community, but the care and
     treatment I received there was amazing!” – Jeff Witzel

Bowlin' for Colons Join Us to Support Men's Health - The Richland Hospital, Inc.
                                                  EARLY SIGNS & SYMPTOMS
Follow these steps and reduce your risk for       With summer in full swing, the staff at Muscoda
being bitten by a tick.                           Health Center and Spring Green Medical Center
                                                  remind you to protect yourself and the ones you love
         When planning to go outdoors into
                                                  from Lyme disease.
         areas that ticks are prevalent, wear
                                                  Lyme disease is spread by the bite of adult or young,
         a long-sleeved shirt, a hat with
                                                  nymph stage black-legged ticks. It typically takes a
         your hair tucked in, long pants, and
                                                  24 hour attachment
         socks long enough to tuck the cuff
                                                  by the tick to spread
         of your pants into. Wear a light-
                                                  Lyme disease to the
         colored shirt so that you can see
         any ticks crawling on you.
                                                  Early signs and

         Walk in the center of trails and try     symptoms include:
         not to get into the brush or tall        circular reddish rash
         grass.                                   (does not always
                                                  appear), stiff neck,
 3      Wear insect repellent.                    fever, muscle/joint
                                                  pain, and headache.

        Do tick checks immediately and
4       3 days after your outside activity.
        If you find a tick, remove it with
        tweezers. Pull it straight out as close                                         Circular red
        to the skin as possible and consider                                            rash could
                                                                                        be an early
        saving it for testing.                                                          sign of Lyme

                                                      CALL MUSCODA HEALTH
                                                      CENTER OR SPRING GREEN
                                                      MEDICAL CENTER!

                                                      Late symptoms of Lyme disease include:
                                                      Meningitis (brain swelling), arthritis, joint
                                                      pain / swelling, facial muscle weakness, and
                                                      heart abnormalities. If you have worrisome
                                                      symptoms or concerns, please contact
                                                      Muscoda Health Center (608-739-3113) or
                                                      Spring Green Medical Center (608-588-7413).

                                                                         9  9
Bowlin' for Colons Join Us to Support Men's Health - The Richland Hospital, Inc.
                                         New beginnings; they are exciting,
                                         hopeful, and sometimes a little scary.
                                         A new beginning we can all relate to is
                                         the start of the new school year. One of
                                         my favorite memories growing up was
                                         the day my sister and I got new school
                                         shoes. There was a wonderful shoe store
                                         downtown in the city we lived - it was
     Ginny Moore, Executive Director     called C & H. As you walked in, you could
     Richland Hospital Foundation        smell the leather and see all the shiny new
     (608) 647-6321 ext. 2285            shoes displayed with care. Saddle shoes
                                         were my favorite! Remember the joy of
                                         a new pair of school shoes? Those new
                                         saddle shoes were wonderful and full of
                                         promise for the school year ahead.
"                                        The shoes of Norbert Calnin, our retired
                                         Executive Director cannot be filled; his
                                         contributions and accomplishments are
       Together we will do               many ~ thank you Norbert! I am excited
                                         to bring new shoes to this role, and I am
       wonderful things. We              eager to work with the community to
                                         learn what matters most to you. I want to
       are on this journey               hear your stories. I want to learn from you
                                         how the Foundation can best serve the
       together and it has               Richland Hospital and the communities in
          just begun~
                                         which we live, love, learn, work, play, and
                                         receive care.
                                         Together we will do wonderful things. We
                                         are on this journey together and it has just

Eleanor J. Poole was a special     Eleanor never stopped learning;       We are grateful Eleanor was
lady. She lived, worked,           she would take classes to             thoughtful as she planned her
volunteered, and shared her        learn to paint and make wood          estate.
joyful spirit with the Richland    carvings.                             Her desire and action to further the
Center Community for 98 years!     When not riding her bicycle,          activities of organizations important
Eleanor passed on Sunday           she exhibited her writing skills,     to her is an inspiration to all. As you
April 14, 2019. Those that knew    sharing letters with relatives and    plan your legacy, we hope Eleanor’s
her, knew her giving spirit. Her   friends to keep in touch.             generosity will encourage you to
25 plus years working at the       Eleanor was the family historian,     consider the things you love about
Richland Medical Center, service   and genealogist. At the family        your community in your estate
as an EMT, and volunteering for    gatherings, she told many stories     planning.
the Blood Bank demonstrated        keeping the family heritage alive.
her deep care for the                                                    If you have already included the
                                   Eleanor’s generous gift to the        Richland Hospital Foundation in
community.                         Richland Hospital Foundation          your estate plans, please let us know.
                                   is a gift that will keep on giving,   We want to thank you and celebrate
                                   and it is our privilege to tell her   your generosity!

 333 East Second Street
 Richland Center WI 53581

                   BOWLIN' FOR COLONS
MEN'S NIGHT OUT - SEPTEMBER 20, 2019 | 5:30PM at The Phoenix Center
                                                           RSVP by September 13


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