HIV and COVID-19 Comorbidity: Current Evidence - International Journal of ...

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International Journal of Science and Healthcare Research
                                                                                      Vol.5; Issue: 2; April-June 2020
Review Article                                                                                       ISSN: 2455-7587

          HIV and COVID-19 Comorbidity: Current
                                          Adeniyi David Segun
      Technical Officer - Directorate of Laboratory Services - APIN Public Health Initiatives, Jos, Nigeria.

ABSTRACT                                                   Key Words: COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2, HIV,
                                                           Comorbidity, PLWH
The spread of the COVID-19 has now crossed
all known human borders with so much                       1. INTRODUCTION
virulence and defiance to the acclaimed                            When the first incidence cases of the
international efforts aimed at mitigating its              Coronavirus Diseases 2019 (COVID-19)
impacts. The emergence of this disease in                  emerged at Wuhan China in early December
December 2019 at Wuhan in China has left the
                                                           2019, the world was still in a state of
world in tatters; with collapsed national
economies, massive loss of jobs and sources of             slumber; not knowing the marauding impact
livelihoods, a redefining of social ethics and             of what was coming. As tale bits of news
concourse, and a restructuring of the ethos that           begins to filter into main stream media and
guide our national ways of life. The increased             the internet about a novel strain of
risk of severe disease with COVID-19 is closely            Coronavirus rampaging China from late
associated with advanced age (>50 years), male             January 2020, the world became alert and
gender, hypertension, diabetes, Chronic                    suddenly woke up into a nightmare of epic
Obstructive          Pulmonary         Diseases,           proportion. Social life and the ingrained
Cardiovascular diseases, and Cerebrovascular               idea of personal liberty and freedom has not
diseases. People Living With HIV are most                  being the same ever since, and this is
prone to increased morbidity, and the advent of
                                                           coupled with the crumbling of the world
the COVID-19 has now created an additional
comorbid burden on the over 37.9 million                   economies, loss of jobs, and a monumental
PLWH globally. There is no known cure or                   toll on the mental health of individuals.
effective treatment for COVID-19 as at yet, but            Medical Experts all over the world by
there are promising therapeutic alternatives.              merely observing the virulence nature and
People Living With HIV stands a better chance              the case fatality rate of this novel disease
of a positive disease outcome when infected                knew what was coming, however, the WHO
with COVID-19 provided their viral load is                 held that this was not a pandemic until
suppressed, if they are on an active HIV                   March 11, 2020. [1] The COVID-19 has
Antiretroviral Therapy, if they have a high CD4            however being transmitted to at least 213
T-helper cells counts (>200 cells/µL), and                 countries ever since, leading to the complete
provided they have no underlying chronic
                                                           shutdown of cities, human social activities
diseases conditions. Some studies have shown
that a dysregulated immune response might be               and entire nations. Bringing social and
responsible for conferring some level of                   economic activities to a standstill while still
protection against the SARS-CoV-2 virus                    marching on with the defiance of an all-
infection in HIV patients. Thus, the disease               conquering master. Nevertheless, the world
outcome of People Living with HIV who are co-              will overcome this common enemy with a
infected with the SARS-CoV-2 virus is no                   common resolve, cooperation and mutual
different from the prognostic outlook of any               efforts.COVID-19 is a viral respiratory
averagely healthy individual infected with the             disease that causes severe Pneumonia. As at
SARS-CoV-2 virus without any underlying                    June 12, 2020, over 7.5 million COVID-19
chronic health conditions.

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Adeniyi David Segun HIV and COVID-19 comorbidity: current evidence

cases have been reported globally with over           disease outcome and increased case fatality
422 thousand deaths and over 3.5 million              rate among COVID-19 patients with
recoveries. [2] Due to the rapid spread of this       underlying chronic disease conditions like
disease and the very high mortality rate              Hypertension, Diabetes, Cardiovascular
associated with it, it is imperative that the         diseases, Cerebrovascular diseases, and
comorbidities and the associated risk factors         Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Diseases
that may predicate the clinical outcome of            (COPDs). [3, 7-8, 10, 16] In the pooled analysis
this disease be clearly established as this           of 1558 COVID-19 patients from 6 studies,
may help guide the clinical and palliative            Wang, et al. [3] finds no correlation
management of this disease. Studies have              associated with comorbidity risk among
shown that comorbidities in COVID-19                  COVID-19 patients with malignancies, liver
patients may lead to poor prognosis. [3-4]            diseases or renal diseases; instead, they find
        Due to the novel nature of COVID-             major risk factors associated with
19, many facts about the nature of this               hypertension,      diabetes,      cardiovascular
disease are still emerging. Several studies to        diseases, and COPDs. Diabetes Mellitus
establishing its risk factors, comorbidities,         (DM) have been distinctively associated
possible choice of chemotherapy, and the              with more severe COVID-19 case fatality
development of an appropriate vaccine                 and increased mortality rate. [17] In addition,
against the COVID-19 strain is still                  as older adults (>50 years) have been
ongoing. Due to the case fatality rate of this        increasingly associated with poor prognosis
disease, it has been associated with several          of COVID-19, DM can be presumed more
comorbidities that forms a cluster of chronic         likely to be prevalent among the older
health conditions. [3, 5-10] HIV is a chronic         population than among the younger
disease      condition      associated     with       population; this may partly explain the
immunosuppression, thus the emergence of              underlying cause of the increased case
COVID-19 now create an additional burden              fatality among the adult population. [17]
of disease for the over 37.9 million People           Other studies have also shown a high
Living with HIV (PLWH) globally. [11] Case            prevalence of Cardiovascular Diseases
series of COVID-19 infection in HIV                   among COVID-19 patients. [5-6, 8] Yang, et
patients have been reported from China,               al. (2020) has also reported that the most
Europe, and the United States, [12-15] but thus       common COVID-19 comorbidity associated
far, the disease progression and outcome in           with increased mortality among COVID-19
this group of patients have not been                  non-surviving patients is cerebrovascular
different from those of HIV Negative                  diseases and Diabetes. [8]
individuals. [12-15] This review seeks to             3. HIV and COVID-19 Comorbidity:
establish the low risk associated with the            Current Evidence
comorbidity of HIV and COVID-19 in light                      Due to the compromised immunity
of available evidence.                                of PLWH, such patients are most prone to
2. COVID-19 and Chronic Health                        morbidities. Thus with the advent of the
Conditions                                            COVID-19 pandemic, the morbidity burden
        The advent of the COVID-19 has let            on PLWH has increased. Our current
loose a plethora of underlying chronic                knowledge indicates that older adults (>50
health conditions in affected individuals.            years), male gender, those with underlying
The comorbidity of this underlying chronic            chronic diseases conditions and with
health conditions and COVID-19 has                    compromised immunity stands a greater
significantly increased the Odd Ratio (OR)            chance of more severe COVID-19 infection
of affected patients having a poor COVID-             prognostic outcome with increased fatality
19infection outcome. [9] Several meta-                and mortality rates. Available data from
analytical      studies      on     COVID-19          different studies have however excluded
comorbidities have revealed the poor                  PLWH without any other underlying

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Adeniyi David Segun HIV and COVID-19 comorbidity: current evidence

chronic health conditions from this high-risk         efficacy at treating COVID-19. Such drugs
population, provided they are on ART with             include the famed Hydroxychloroquine with
a reasonably high CD4 T-helper cells count            or without Azithromycin, and Chloroquine,
(>200 cells/µL). [12] Studies have shown that         which has not been well proven as at yet to
in PLWH, a dysregulated immune response               be effective against the COVID-19 infection
to the SARS-CoV-2 infection leads to a                in the face of other complicated adverse
delayed plasma antibody production against            effects. [22] Other drugs undergoing trials
the COVID-19 virus and a lack of                      include the HIV drug Lopinavir/Ritonavir,
inflammatory changes with no clinical                 which has also been proven not to be
symptoms elicited after infection with the            effective in the treatment of COVID-19.
virus. [18-19] According to a report by Joob          Other promising drugs currently being
and Wiwanitkit (2020), PLWH who are not               tested include the failed Ebola drug,
on HIV Antiretroviral Therapy (ART) are at            Remdesivir and Famotidine which has so far
increased risk of developing a more severe            shown possible signs of efficacy based on
form of the COVID-19. [13] However,                   the COVID-19 survival rate of clients on
PLWH who are currently on the standard                these drugs as compared to those clients on
ART regimen and whose CD4 T-helper                    Placebo. [12,21] Several other efforts are
cells are >200 cells/µl without any                   being made at developing an active vaccine
underlying chronic diseases conditions will           against the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Efforts are
have better prognostic outcome as                     also under way at identifying the specific
comparable to other averagely healthy                 antibodies produced against the SARS-
SARS-CoV-2 infected individuals without               CoV-2 virus from the plasma of
any underlying chronic diseases conditions.           convalescing or recovered COVID-19
     Some researchers have presumed the               patients. It should also be noted that PreP
possibility of the standard anti-HIV drugs            treatments have not shown any effectiveness
being able to proffer a protective                    against COVID-19 recovery. [12]
mechanism against the SARS-CoV-2                      5. HIV Services during the COVID-19
infection in PLWH. [13, 18] However, a large          Pandemic
countrywide survey in China has shown that                     Due to the global shutdowns,
such standard anti-HIV drugs like                     lockdowns, social distancing, and the total
Lopinavir/Ritonavir        though       largely       restriction of movements occasioned by the
publicized, as a possible wonder drug                 COVID-19 Pandemic, many of the gains
against the COVID-19, may not really be of            made at mitigating the impacts of earlier
much benefit to COVID-19 patients. [20]               pandemic diseases         like HIV         and
Thus at a time like this, it is imperative that       Tuberculosis are now being eroded.         The
we encourage PLWH to religiously adhere               emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic now
to their ART regimens, ensuring their viral           threatens the achievement of the UNAIDS
Load is suppressed, while also dispensing to          90:90:90 targets on HIV. The restrictions on
them prophylactics against Opportunistic              movement have now hampered many
Infections (OIs). [12]                                HIV/AIDS clients from assessing ART and
4. COVID-19 Treatment                                 clinic visits. [24] Many PLWH are now
        As the race to finding a cure for the         unable to get their needed Antiretroviral
COVID-19 intensifies, the WHO is leading              (ARV) drugs refill as at when due as a result
the charge in a global effort aimed at                of the restrictions on movement which is
harnessing a solid treatment data that could          limited to only personnel on essential duties.
help proffer the way forward in the midst of          In some countries with the rumored efficacy
this current global conundrum. [21] Several           of Lopinavir/Ritonavir against the COVID-
possible drugs are currently undergoing               19 infection, there has been the steady
randomized control trials at different parts          shortage of this HIV drug because of
of the world in a bid to assessing their              hoarding by uninformed individuals. The

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Adeniyi David Segun HIV and COVID-19 comorbidity: current evidence

unavailability of the right ARV regimen and          now take HTS to the people at their
the inability to assessing ARV at the right          localities especially on “Lockdown-free
time could both contribute to a rapid                Days” when the people can have a bit of
increase in the HIV plasma viremia of                movement. Because of the economic
PLWH. This could also lead to the                    hardships now created by the COVID-19
development of HIV drug resistance by the            Pandemic, people now consider it a priority
HIV RNA because of inadequate,                       to looking after themselves and their family
intermittent, or suboptimal drug exposure.           sustenance first before considering any
In addition, the inability to assessing HIV          other thing. We must now endeavor to
Testing Services (HTS) at the right time             taking HTS to people at their business and
could spell a phase for the rapid spread of          work places, offering and rendering them
HIV. The COVID-19 Pandemic has grossly               our services once they are obliged. We need
hampered logistics for the shipment and              to now prioritize high-risk groups, and map
movements of Public Health Commodities.              out strategies to reaching them in clusters.
     HIV services and logistics has been             This continued effort will enable us to
generally slowed down with many                      keeping the pace with the first UNAIDS 90
deleterious effects already hovering if we do        target.
not redouble our efforts at reprogramming            6.2      Access to ART
and strategizing our approaches.                              Efforts should now be intensified at
6. Reprogramming HIV Services during                 differentiating PLWH into different Models
the COVID-19 Pandemic                                of Care. Dispensing of ARVs at Community
        Public Health efforts in HIV services        Pharmacy Stores should be intensified. In
needs to be re-doubled, and a re-strategizing        addition, the Multi-months Dispensing
in HIV Programming is now needed in                  (MMD) of ARVs should be rapidly
order to maintaining the gains already made          encouraged. All newly diagnosed HIV
in HIV care and services. As different               Positive clients should be encouraged to
countries begins to ease the COVID-19                commence treatment immediately. Efforts
Pandemic lockdowns, one obvious facts is             should be made at ensuring the ready
that things may not go back to the way they          availability of ARVs, as shortages or
were until a lasting cure or treatment is            unavailability may lead to undue rationing
found for the SARS-CoV-2 infection. With             which may not be convenient for the
the active spread of COVID-19 and the                patients. Regular Health Talks during Clinic
major collapse of world economies, we                visits should emphasise the importance of
must not lose our grip on the major gains            taking ARV regimens as prescribed and
made in the fight against the HIV Pandemic.          without fail. The danger associated with
Our strategies must be built around the              poor adherence should also be emphasized.
UNAIDS 90:90:90 targets; hence, in our bid           Ensuring a free flow of access to ARVs by
to maintaining the speed and momentum we             PLWH and strict adherence to ARV
have gained in HIV Programming, we must              regimens will help in keeping pace with the
urgently intensify our efforts on the                second UNAIDS 90 target.
following:                                           6.3      Community Phlebotomy
6.1     Community HTS Outreaches                              Provisions should now be made at
        In light of the restrictions on              bleeding PLWH who are eligible for viral
movement occasioned by the COVID-19                  load testing at the community level. Clusters
Pandemic, more Community Outreaches in               of PLWH living in proximate communities
smaller units now needs to be organized on           can be tracked and mapped into groups for
a regular basis. Large-scale outreaches              collective ARV refills and HIV viral load
should be avoided in order to maintaining            Phlebotomy. The use of Dried Blood Spot
Social Distancing. Since the people can no           (DBS) for HIV viral load can greatly help
longer move freely and at will, we must              simplify this effort. This effort will help

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reduce the challenge of transportation and           7. CONCLUSION
restrictions placed on movement by                   The emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic
governments because of the COVID-19                  in early December 2019 at Wuhan, China,
Pandemic. Moreover, for some PLWH who                has so far changed some fundamental tenets
are afraid of visiting the hospitals because         of the global order, as we know it. Massive
of the possible comorbidity risk associated          global economic down turns, loss of jobs
with HIV and COVID-19, and the                       and sources of livelihoods, changes in social
possibility of having hospital contact with          structures and a redefining of norms and
COVID-19 patients, having their viral load           social exchanges. [27,28] Several chronic
samples taken at the community will come             diseases conditions increase the risk, case
as a great relief. This effort when properly         fatality, and mortality rate of the COVID-19
harnessed could help in maintaining the              infection. In the midst of the hardships and
gains made at meeting the UNAIDS third 90            mental stress caused by this pandemic,
target.                                              chronic diseases such as hypertension,
6.4      Enhance Adherence Counselling               diabetes, COPDs, Cardiovascular diseases,
(EAC)                                                and Cerebrovascular diseases all increases
         The essence of carrying out HIV             the chances of a case fatality with SARS-
viral load testing for PLWH is to assessing          CoV-2 infection. [3,5,8] Studies have however
the efficacy of a given ARV regimen and to           shown that with a normal CD4 T-helper
monitoring HIV viral load suppression. The           cells count (>200 cells/µl), and with active
WHO has defined HIV viral load                       ARV regimen with no underlying chronic
suppression as an HIV patient having a               health conditions, PLWH have similar
circulating HIV RNA of 1000                SARS-CoV-2.Thus,              HIV       infection
copies/ml. [26] PLWH with unsuppressed               comorbidity with COVID-19 does not
HIV viral load are to be immediately                 predispose PLWH to additional risk,
tracked and enrolled into the EAC program.           provided the HIV viral load is suppressed
A mandatory HIV viral load re-testing is to          (200 cell/µl). [12] Several
program in order to assessing the un-                drugs are undergoing trials as treatment
suppression to know whether it is because            options against the COVID-19, however,
of non-adherence or because of ARVs                  Hydroxychloroquine with or without
failure. The outcome of the EAC should               Azithromycin,             Chloroquine,       and
determine the next course of action for such         Lopinavir/Ritonavir have all been proven
a client.                                            not to be effective against the SARS-CoV-2
6.5      Community Support Group                     infection. [12, 20, 22] Some of these drugs have
Member                                               also shown a deleterious adverse effect on
         The HIV Community Support Group             patients in randomized control trials. Two
Members (CSGMs) plays a pivotal role in              drugs, Remdesivir and Famotidine are
helping to mobilize PLWH in the                      currently been tested for their promising
communities for HIV care and services.               efficacy at increasing the survival chances
This experienced and specialized PLWH                of COVID-19 patients. [12,22] In addition, a
should be involved in Community Tracking,            dysregulated immune response to COVID-
ARV mobilization for PLWH in the                     19 infection seen in PLWH might possibly
communities, and mobilization for viral load         be conferring some level of protection
sampling. As informed members of PLWH                against the SARS-CoV-2 infection in
in the communities, the CSGMs should                 PLWH. [18-19]
serve as the voice and eye of the HIV                         A lot has changed in the HIV care
programs at the community level.                     services because of the COVID-19

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