PolysorbR (an absorbable lactomer) staples, a safe closure technique for distal pancreatic resection

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Submit a Manuscript: http://www.wjgnet.com/esps/                         World J Gastroenterol 2014 December 7; 20(45): 17185-17189
   Help Desk: http://www.wjgnet.com/esps/helpdesk.aspx                                 ISSN 1007-9327 (print) ISSN 2219-2840 (online)
   DOI: 10.3748/wjg.v20.i45.17185                                            © 2014 Baishideng Publishing Group Inc. All rights reserved.

                                                                                                            PROSPECTIVE STUDY

Polysorb (an absorbable lactomer) staples, a safe closure
technique for distal pancreatic resection

Gyula Farkas, László Leindler, János Márton, György Lázár, Gyula Farkas Jr

Gyula Farkas, László Leindler, János Márton, György Lázár,              then amputated with a scalpel on the TA-55 stapler and
Gyula Farkas Jr, Department of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine,            the two rows of staples were left in the proximal pan-
University of Szeged, H-6701 Szeged, Hungary                            creatic stump. After the distal resection, a drainage tube
Author contributions: Farkas G, Leindler L, Márton J, Lázár G           was inserted into the pancreatic bed.
and Farkas Jr G contributed equally to this work by performing
the surgical resection, literature search, writing the manuscript, as
well as carefully reviewing the submitted version.
                                                                        RESULTS: The average duration of the operation was
Correspondence to: Gyula Farkas, MD, PhD, DSc, Professor                150 min (range: 90-210 min) and no transfusion was indi-
of Surgery, Department of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Univer-         cated during the operation. After DP in one patient a type
sity of Szeged, PO Box 427, H-6701 Szeged,                              B fistula was diagnosed, which was treated successfully
Hungary. fg@surg.szote.u-szeged.hu                                      by conservative treatment comprising of 12-d octreotide
Telephone: +36-62-545444 Fax: +36-62-545462                             medication (3 × 0.1 mg/d) and jejunal feeding. The in-
Received: March 3, 2014 Revised: April 28, 2014                         cidence of postoperative pancreatic fistula was therefore
Accepted: June 21, 2014                                                 0.6%. Another 2 patients suffered postoperative pancre-
Published online: December 7, 2014                                      atitis, which was also conservatively treated. Reoperations
                                                                        were performed in 2 patients on the first or second post-
                                                                        operative day, necessitated by bleeding from the retroper-
                                                                        itoneal region. The morbidity was 3.3% (5 patients), but
Abstract                                                                no mortality occurred in the postoperative period. Overall,
AIM: To investigate twenty-year experience evalu-                       the postoperative period was uneventful without any com-
ated the use of the Polysorb (an absorbable lactomer)                   plications (pancreatic fistula, abscess, bleeding or wound
staples for distal pancreatic resection.                                infection) in 145 patients. The length of the postoperative
                                                                        stay ranged between 8 and 16 d. For the 145 patients
METHODS: The data on 150 patients [92 men, 58                           who had no any postoperative complications, the hospital
women, mean age 52 (24-72) years] who underwent                         stay was 8 or 9 d. No mortality occurred in the follow-up
distal pancreatectomy (DP) in the last 20 years were col-               period (6 or 12 mo postoperatively); but 6 mo after sur-
lected prospectively from an electronic database. The di-               gery one patient suffered a pseudocyst following recurrent
agnosis was confirmed by endoscopic retrograde cholan-                  pancreatitis and was treated with cystojejunostomy.
giopancreatography, sonography, computed tomography
and/or magnetic resonance imaging. The indications for                  CONCLUSION: Our clinical results demonstrated that
DP were focal pancreatic necrosis, spontaneous pancre-                  the application of absorbable lactomer staples for distal
atic fistulas, abscesses, pseudocysts, segmental chronic                pancreatic resection is a safe alternative to the stan-
obstructive pancreatitis in the tail, traumatic disruption,             dard closure technique.
and benign (cystadenomas, insulinomas, or glucagono-
mas) or malignant tumours. The distal resections were                   © 2014 Baishideng Publishing Group Inc. All rights reserved.
performed without splenectomy in 29 of the 150 patients
(19%). In the event of splenectomy, the splenic artery                  Key words: Distal pancreatic resection; PolysorbR sta-
and vein were individually ligated, the TA-55 Auto Suture               ples; Closure technique; Long-term experience; Pancre-
stapler, loaded with Premium Polysorb 55 staples (5.5                   atic fistula
mm), was placed across the gland, and the trigger was
pulled, the action of which produced two staggered ab-                  Core tip: The most common complication in distal
sorbable suture lines. The gland distal to the stapler was              pancreatectomy is the occurrence of a postoperative

             WJG|www.wjgnet.com                                     17185                      December 7, 2014|Volume 20|Issue 45|
Farkas G et al . Safe closure technique for distal pancreatic resection

pancreatic fistula (POPF). The fistula rate of 30% in the          technique for DP.
multicenter trial demonstrated that the currently ap-
plied techniques for closure of the pancreas remnant
do not always lead to perfect results. Staples made                MATERIALS AND METHODS
from Polysorb , an absorbable lactomer, have been ap-              The data on 150 patients [92 men, 58 women, mean age
plied in our practice to reduce these complications. The           52 (24-72) years] who underwent DP in the last 20 years
incidence of POPF was 0.6%. Our clinical results dem-              were collected prospectively from an electronic database.
onstrated that the application of absorbable lactomer              DP was followed by closure of the resection surfaces
staples is a safe alternative to the standard closure
                                                                   with absorbable lactomer clips. The diagnosis was con-
technique and can be applied in all cases when distal
                                                                   firmed by sonography, endoscopic retrograde cholan-
pancreatic resection is indicated.
                                                                   giopancreatography (ERCP), computed tomography
                                                                   (CT) and/or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The
Farkas G, Leindler L, Márton J, Lázár G, Farkas Jr G. Poly-        indications for DP (with or without splenectomy) were
sorbR (an absorbable lactomer) staples, a safe closure technique   spontaneous pancreatic fistulas, pseudocysts, abscesses,
for distal pancreatic resection. World J Gastroenterol 2014;       traumatic disruption, focal pancreatic necrosis, segmental
20(45): 17185-17189 Available from: URL: http://www.wjgnet.        chronic obstructive pancreatitis in the tail, and benign (in-
com/1007-9327/full/v20/i45/17185.htm DOI: http://dx.doi.           sulinomas, glucagonomas or cystadenomas,) or malignant
org/10.3748/wjg.v20.i45.17185                                      tumours (Table 1).
                                                                       The operating procedure was as follows: after division
                                                                   of the gastrocolic ligament with visualization of the pan-
                                                                   creas, the spleen was removed and the distal pancreas was
INTRODUCTION                                                       mobilized. If the spleen could be saved, it was left in place
                                                                   and the distal pancreas was prepared along the splenic
Left pancreatectomy is the standard operation for tu-
                                                                   artery and vein. The distal resections were performed
mours located in the body and the tail of the pancreas
                                                                   without splenectomy in 29 of the 150 patients (19%). In
and for selected patients with chronic pancreatitis. The
                                                                   the event of splenectomy, the splenic artery and vein were
indications for distal pancreatectomy (DP) include com-
plications of acute pancreatitis and a traumatic injured           individually ligated, the TA-55 Auto Suture stapler, loaded
pancreas. DP can be combined with a multivisceral ap-              with Premium PolysorbR 55 staples (5.5 mm), was placed
proach to achieve a radical tumour resection; most com-            across the gland, and the trigger was pulled, its action pro-
monly the stomach and the left-side colon are the adja-            ducing two staggered absorbable suture lines. The gland
cent organs removed during this procedure[1]. Pancreatic           distal to the stapler was then amputated with a scalpel on
surgery is technically challenging and requires a high level       the TA-55 stapler and the two rows of staples were left
of experience. Today, low mortality and morbidity rates            in the proximal pancreatic stump. There was generally no
below 5% can be achieved in high-volume institutions[2].           bleeding on the resection surface; if it is observed, a su-
The most common complication in DP is the occurrence               ture of no. 3/0 VicrylR (Ethicon) may be used to oversew
of a postoperative pancreatic fistula originating from the         these bleeding points and the suture lines. No patients
cut margin of the pancreatic remnant, which is reported            participated in the hand-sewn method in our clinical work,
with an incidence between 6% and 30%[3,4]. The defini-             but if the ERCP proved stenosis, obstruction of the pa-
tion of a postoperative pancreatic fistula (POPF) has              pilla Vateri or a dilated main duct of the pancreas, or in
been standardized by the International Study Group on              the event of a bulky tail of the pancreas with a dilated
Pancreatic Fistula (ISGPF)[5]. To avoid POPF develop-              pancreatic duct or stenotic papilla Vateri, a bypass opera-
ment, safe closure of the pancreas is the crucial step of          tion (pancreato-jejunostomy) was used. In patients with
the operation. Procedures that have been recommended               firm pancreatic tissue, the stapler was also applied success-
with a view to diminishing the risk of a pancreatic leak           fully without any complications. After the distal resection,
include direct duct ligation[6], enteric drainage[7,8], injec-     a drainage tube was inserted into the pancreatic bed. The
tion of prolamine or the use of fibrin glue[9,10]. Among           drain was removed after postoperative day 4 or 5, depend-
the techniques that have proved useful for management              ing on the amylase activity assessed in the drain fluid and
of the transected parenchyma is hand-sewn parenchymal              the quantity of the fluid discharge. In accordance with the
closure[11,12] with a coverage procedure applying the fal-         ISGPF definition, a pancreatic fistula was defined as an
ciform ligament[13] and the use of stainless steel staples         amylase content > 3 times the upper normal serum value
with or without mesh reinforcement following transec-              in the drain fluid on or after postoperative day 3 (normal
tion of the parenchyma[14,15]. Almost 10 years ago, our            serum value 100 U/L in our laboratory). The fistula type
initial clinical experience with the application of absorb-        was defined according to the ISGPF classification[5]. The
able copolymer lactomer staples made from Auto Suture              ISGPF criterion was also adopted for patients who were
Premium PolysorbR 55 (Tyco Healthcare Group LP.,                   operated on before 2005. The prospective data on these
Norwalk, CT, United States) for closure of the transected          patients are available in our computer database.
margin of the pancreas was published[16] and we now                    Before the operation, prophylactic antibiotic (ceftriax-
summarize our 20-year experience with this safe closure            one, 2 g, i.v.) was administered and in the early postopera-

            WJG|www.wjgnet.com                                 17186                   December 7, 2014|Volume 20|Issue 45|
Farkas G et al . Safe closure technique for distal pancreatic resection

 Table 1 Pathology                                                   Table 2 Intra- and post-operative patient factors n (%)

 Diagnosis                                        n (%)              Median operation time                        150 min
 Focal pancreatic necrosis                         9 (5)             Pancreas tissue texture
 Spontaneous pancreatic fistulas                  10 (6)              Soft                                          75 (50)
 Abscess in the tail                              12 (8)              Hard                                          66 (44)
 Pseudocyst                                       22 (15)             Not assessed                                   9 (6)
 Traumatic disruption                              3 (2)             Additional organ resection
 Segmental chronic obstructive pancreatitis       22 (15)             Splenectomy                                  121 (81)
 Cystadenoma                                      18 (12)             Total gastrectomy                              4 (3)
 Insulinoma                                        7 (5)              Left colon resection                           2 (1)
 Glucagonoma                                       2 (1)             Re-operation                                    2 (1)
 Adenocarcinoma                                   39 (26)            POPF Grade B                                    1 (0.6)
 Connected with total gastrectomy                  4 (3)             Morbidity                                       5 (3.3)
   or left side colectomy                          2 (1)             Mortality                                        0
                                                                     Median hospital stay                            9d

tive period all of the patients received standard supportive
treatment, consisting of total parenteral nutrition for 4 d,       years as concerns the clinical results after pancreatic sur-
a proton pump antagonist (pantoprazole), suppression of            gery, the postoperative levels of morbidity and mortality
TNF synthesis (pentoxifylline) and octreotide medication (3        having fallen appreciably[2,18,19]. Nevertheless, POPF is
× 0.1 mg/d)[17]. Oral nutrition was started 5 d after surgery.     still a relatively frequent and clinically significant finding
                                                                   after DP, its incidence having been reported in the range
                                                                   between 6% and 30%[4,20]. Moreover, POPF may be ac-
RESULTS                                                            companied by intraabdominal abscesses, sepsis, pancreatic
The average duration of the operation was 150 min (range           fluid collection and wound infection[21]. It is well known
90-210 min) and no transfusion was indicated during the            that advanced age, an inadequate poor nutritional status,
operation. The median drain discharge on postoperative             a high BMI, duct obstruction and soft pancreatic tissue
day 1 was 50 mL (range: 30-90), but had fallen by post-            are risk factors for POPF[22,23]. The surgical management
operative day 4 to 20 mL (range: 10-30). The amylase               of the pancreas stump is crucial, and various operative
concentrations on postoperative days 1 and 4 were 450 ±            modifications have therefore been introduced in efforts
120 U/L and 140 ± 90 U/L, respectively. Five days after            to prevent POPF, though without conclusive results. No
the surgery the drainage tube was usually removed. No              significant differences were observed between the most
ISGPF type A fistula developed in any of the operated              common procedures of suture closure and stapling with
patients at all, but in one case, an ISGPF type B fistula          stainless steel staples with respect to the POPF or intraab-
was diagnosed, which was treated successfully by conser-           dominal abscess after DP[24], and a further meta-analysis
vative treatment comprising 12-d octreotide medication (3          confirmed this[25]. The recent DISPACT trial found no
× 0.1 mg/d) and jejunal feeding. The incidence of POPF             evidence that stapler closure was superior to manual su-
was therefore 0.6%. Another 2 patients suffered postop-            turing. The 30% fistula rate revealed by this multicenter
erative pancreatitis, which was also conservatively treated.       trial demonstrated that the currently applied techniques
Reoperations were performed in 2 patients on the first or          for closure of the pancreas remnant do not always lead
second postoperative day, necessitated by bleeding from            to perfect results. There is therefore a need for new ap-
the retroperitoneal region. The morbidity was 3.3% (5              proaches, among them new operative procedures, with a
patients), but no mortality occurred in the postoperative          view to decreasing the rate of POPF[26]. The meta-analysis
period. There were no postoperative complications (no              by Jensen et al[27] of bioabsorbable staple line reinforce-
bleeding, wound infection, abscess or pancreatic fistula)          ment and the risk of fistula following DP concluded that
in 145 cases. The duration of postoperative hospitaliza-           reinforced staples may be a preferred method of pancre-
tion varied from 8 to 16 d. For the 145 patients who had           atic stump closure following DP, reducing the fistula rate
no postoperative complications, the hospital stay was 8            to 17%. Our present study, on 150 patients, evaluated a
or 9 d. All of the patients were followed up for one year          simple and safe closure technique for DP with the use of
postoperatively. During this period, no patients died,             PolysorbR staples (Auto Suture), and indicated a morbid-
but 6 mo after surgery one patient suffered a pseudocyst           ity of 3.3% and a POPF incidence of 0.6%.
following recurrent pancreatitis and was treated with                   Cartridges of PolysorbR, an absorbable lactomer co-
cystojejunostomy. In the follow-up period, 18 of the 150           polymer of glycolic acid and lactic acid, are commercially
patients displayed new-onset insulin-dependent diabetes            available[28]. Following insertion, these copolymer stapleys
(Table 2).                                                         undergo slow hydrolysis, involving progressive depo-
                                                                   lymerisation and metabolization to carbon dioxide and
                                                                   water. Their break-down begins around 2 wk postopera-
DISCUSSION                                                         tively and then are fully absorbed by 6 to 8 wk with no in-
There have been a marked improvement in the past few               flammatory reactions[29,30]. These results were confirmed

             WJG|www.wjgnet.com                              17187                           December 7, 2014|Volume 20|Issue 45|
Farkas G et al . Safe closure technique for distal pancreatic resection

by our experimental work on DP in an animal model                                    eration. The success achieved with absorbable lactomer staples in gynaecology
(mongrel dogs). Four weeks after operation, no fistula                               was followed by their use to close the pancreatic remnant after left pancreatec-
                                                                                     tomy, only minimal complications arising.
and no abscess formation was noted and histologically
                                                                                     Innovations and breakthroughs
the clips were gradually absorbed with no reaction[31]. Fol-                         The authors have utilized absorbable lactomer staples for DP in 150 cases with
lowing first successful use in gynaecology[32] absorbable                            indications of spontaneous pancreatic fistulas, pseudocysts, abscesses, trau-
lactomer staples were utilized after left pancreatectomy in                          matic disruption, focal pancreatic necrosis, segmental chronic obstructive pan-
32 patients: only minimal complications were reported[33].                           creatitis in the tail, and benign (insulinomas, glucagonomas or cystadenomas,)
Absorbable lactomer staples have similarly proved effec-                             or malignant tumours.
tive for skin graft stapling in burn patients[34].                                   Applications
                                                                                     This study demonstrated that the incidence of POPF was 0.6% and the ap-
    We have made use of such staples in 150 patients
                                                                                     plication of absorbable lactomer staples is therefore a safe alternative to the
with various indications for DP (with or without sple-                               standard closure technique in all cases when distal pancreatic resection is
nectomy): spontaneous pancreatic fistulas, pseudocysts,                              indicated.
abscesses, traumatic disruption, focal pancreatic necrosis,                          Terminology
segmental chronic obstructive pancreatitis in the tail, and                          In accordance with the ISGPF definition, a POPF represents a healing/sealing
benign (insulinomas, glucagonomas or cystadenomas,) or                               failure of a pancreatic-enteric anastomosis or a parenchymal leak not directly
                                                                                     related to an anastomosis. Absorbable lactomer staples are made from a co-
malignant tumours and multivisceral resection following
                                                                                     polymer of glycolic acid and lactic acid, which undergoes slow hydrolysis after
DP. The inclusion criteria and operative data correspon-                             application with progressive depolymerization and metabolization to carbon
dent closely to those in published series. The median                                dioxide and water.
age, the sex distribution and the splenectomy rate were                              Peer review
balanced, but the median operation time, the morbidity                               This is an important study showing experience of using Polysorb staples for
and mortality, the rate of POPF and the median hospital                              closing the distal stump after pancreatic resection. Regarding the consistency
stay confirmed significantly better results than those of                            of the pancreas, which did not change the option to use the technique. One
                                                                                     criticism is that the indications for pancreatectomy are very varied, which has
other large series[11,12,35]. Our good clinical results may be                       relation with the risk of fistula.
ascribed to the facts that the staples applied are absorb-
able, larger than metallic ones and correctly close the re-
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                                                                                P- Reviewer: Haddad LBP S- Editor: Qi Y L- Editor: A
                                                                                                                      E- Editor: Ma S

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