Blue light and sleep: What nurses need to know
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STRICTLY CLINICAL HEALTHY NURSE Blue light and sleep: What nurses need to know Strategic interventions can improve alertness and sleep. By Beverly M. Hittle, PhD, RN, and Imelda Wong, PhD HEALTHY SLEEP holds as much significance as Our bodies are biologically designed to be diet and exercise to optimal health and well- awake during daylight hours and asleep when being. Poor or insufficient sleep has been associ- it’s dark. Sunlight (a blue light source), acts as ated with increased risk for motor vehicle acci- an external signal to the body that it should be dents, work injuries, diabetes, heart disease, awake. Staying alert when it’s dark outside or cancer, depression, and other mental health dis- obtaining sufficient quality and quantity of orders. Many shift workers, including nurses, ex- sleep during the day can be challenging. Expo- perience difficulty obtaining enough good sleep sure to blue light sources (such as bright in- because they work nights or have early morning door lighting and electronics) before bedtime start times. In a meta-analysis by Zeng and col- can exacerbate sleep problems. leagues, over half of nurses studied report that they experience poor sleep quality. According to Sleep and circadian systems at a glance Hittle and colleagues, on average, nurses report Natural wake and sleep times can be explained sleeping a little less than 6.5 hours per day, less by the two-process sleep regulation model: than the 7 to 9 hours of sleep recommended homeostatic sleep pressure and the circadian daily. Although a 30-minute difference may not system. Homeostatic sleep pressure refers to the seem like much, over time it can add up, jeop- need to sleep, which begins building in the ardizing health and safety. body the moment we wake up, so by the end of 20 American Nurse Journal Volume 17, Number 3
the day we feel ready to sleep. The circadian sys- tem is controlled by the suprachiasmatic nucle- us (SCN), located in the hypothalamus. The SCN, also called the master clock or “conduc- tor” of the circadian system, paces the timing of all the body’s circadian rhythms and physiolog- ic functions such as the sleep–wake cycle. The SCN relies on external cues (such as light) and internal cues (such as the time of day meals are consumed) to keep the clock on schedule and aligned with our day–night earth cycle. Light is one of the strongest external signals keeping the circadian system in time with the 24-hour period. Although several light proper- ties can affect the circadian system, wavelength is the most significant. “Blue light” refers to shorter wavelengths in the light spectrum and Make light exposure work to your advantage are stronger influencers on the circadian system than red or orange light (longer wavelengths). Daylight, bright indoor lights, and light from Here are a few tips for using bright light exposure to improve sleep. electronic devices all contain blue light. When we’re exposed blue light sources, the retina de- If you work a day shift, consider the following: tects the short wavelengths and sends a signal to • Spend time exposed to natural daylight or bright light in the morn- the SCN that it’s daytime. As a result, the SCN ing. For instance, work near a natural light source, such as a window, turns off the circadian system’s nighttime phys- or walk outside during a break. iologic functions and turns on daytime func- • Attempt to limit bright light exposure in the evening (after 6 PM). tions. For example, circadian rhythms regulate • Avoid your smart phone, electronics, and other sources of blue light before bedtime. the hunger and satiety hormones ghrelin and leptin, which circulate more widely during the • Keep a consistent sleep schedule. For example, on days off, contin- ue to expose yourself to bright morning light and avoid bright light day to accommodate our response to food. in the evening. Likewise, in the evening, the decrease in natural sunlight signals the SCN to release melatonin, If you work a night shift, consider the following: easing the body to sleep. • Attempt to limit bright light in the morning after you work a night Because our circadian system is more sensi- shift, starting with early morning light between 5 AM and 7 AM. tive to bright light at night, shift workers may • To aid sleep, wear blue light–blocking glasses from the time you leave your work area until you’re in bed, when avoiding light is dif- experience suppressed melatonin production, ficult. They look like traditional glasses, but the lenses are orange. making it difficult for them to sleep. Regular • Spend time exposed to bright light in the evening and during your exposure to light at night also can shift circadi- night shift to improve alertness. This also may aid daytime sleep. an timing, resulting in a delayed sleep phase • Keep the timing of your daily bright light exposure consistent. For (pushing sleep timing later than our bodies example, on days off, limit bright light in the early morning, and would naturally fall asleep) and contributing schedule your main daytime light exposure during the late morn- to a misalignment of our circadian system with ing, midday, and evening. the day–night earth light cycle. Circadian mis- • Avoid your smart phone and other sources of blue light before bed- alignment and exposure to light at night also time. have been implicated in disease development, In addition to these tips, several other resources have been designed including cardiometabolic disease and certain for nurses. cancers. Delayed sleep phase can occur in those • The American Nurses Association Healthy Nurse, Healthy Nation exposed to bright light before falling asleep at Grand Challenge includes sleep as a health domain and provides ad- night or night shift nurses exposed to daylight ditional support for improving sleep ( while trying to sleep during the day. • The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health has a free, online training program for nurses, Training for Nurses on Shift Light exposure and research Work and Long Work Hours, with strategies they can use to improve Indoor lighting and common technologies sleep ( (computers, e-readers, smart phones) have March 2022 American Nurse Journal 21
changed the way we work and live. Before the of the risks related to blue light exposure from invention of the lightbulb, sleep and work smart phones, TVs, and other electronics be- times were largely dictated by the rising and fore bedtime. This exposure can trigger the setting of the sun. Electricity and indoor light- SCN to activate daytime circadian functions, ing gave us more control over our sleep timing, increasing alertness and decreasing sleepiness. no longer strictly waking and sleeping by day- Technology companies have tried to overcome light hours. Computers and other digital tech- this effect by installing orange light “night nology provide expanded access to entertain- mode” features on devices. Unfortunately, a re- ment, shopping, socializing, and work tasks cent study by Mason and colleagues, using ran- dominated by lighted screens. We find our- domly assigned control and intervention selves in a 24/7 society, where we spend more groups, didn’t find significant improvement in time indoors during the day and are awake later sleep when using night mode. at night. Regardless of what shift we work, we’re exposed to less natural daylight and more Be strategic indoor light (including blue light) than previ- Research into strategic light use in the work- ous generations. place continues to evolve. We continue to learn Industrial lighting, including the LED and about sleep, light exposure, and associated fluorescent frequently found in hospitals, can health mechanisms. A recent literature review simulate sunlight, tricking our SCN into think- by Lowden and colleagues highlighted five ing it’s daytime. If light exposure can increase lighting factors that should be considered be- alertness and disrupt sleep, can we time it to fore implementing workplace lighting changes: our advantage while at work or in-between light wavelength or spectrum, light intensity, shifts? The short answer is maybe. In a labora- duration of light exposure, time of day light ex- tory study by Kervezee and colleagues, partici- posure occurs, and light exposure experienced pants exposed to bright light treatment during earlier in the day. Little knowledge exists about an 8-hour simulated night shift experienced a the correct dosage (duration, intensity) of these change in their sleep, indicating some adapta- various light components, and we have limited tion to the night shift schedule. consensus on how light exposure should be Harrison and collaborators conducted a measured and the most salient outcomes. Be- small multimodal light intervention study with- cause of these variabilities and too few longitu- in a hospital setting. The intervention includ- dinal studies, little guidance is available on how ed installing brighter lighting in the nurses’ sta- to integrate lighting interventions in the work- tion, limited exposure to a bright light box place. Hospitals and other healthcare organiza- when tired, blue light-blocking glasses to wear tions should strategize how and where to im- before sleep, and eye masks to wear during plement lighting changes. Brighter light may sleep. Nurses reported enhanced alertness help boost night shift nurses’ alertness, but it al- while working, improved sleep quality, and a so could disrupt patients’ sleep. AN better overall quality of life. Other studies have focused specifically on Beverly M. Hittle is an assistant professor at the University of blocking blue light at strategic times of the day Cincinnati College of Nursing in Cincinnati, Ohio. Imelda Wong is with blue light–blocking glasses. Two small the coordinator for the Center for Work and Fatigue Research and studies of night shift workers wearing the glass- an occupational hygienist and epidemiologist at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention National Institute for Occupational es during the day showed increased daytime Safety and Health in Cincinnati. sleep duration, decreased sleep disruption, and improved circadian adaptation to night shift Editor’s note: The findings and conclusions in this work (as measured by melatonin levels). This report are those of the authors and do not necessar- research may point us toward interventions ily represent the official position of the National In- where timing and exposure to bright light help stitute for Occupational Safety and Health, Cen- nurses better adapt to night shift and early shift ters for Disease Control and Prevention. work and strategically blocking blue light helps improve sleep. References Although exposure and timing of bright Boivin DB, Boudreau P, Tremblay GM. Phototherapy light is of particular importance to night shift and orange-tinted goggles for night-shift adaptation of nurses, all nurses could benefit from awareness police officers on patrol. Chronobiol Int. 2012;29(5): 22 American Nurse Journal Volume 17, Number 3
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