Blockchain Tech for Entertainment April 2021

Page created by Herman Mendoza
Blockchain Tech for Entertainment April 2021
Blockchain Tech for Entertainment

           April 2021
Blockchain Tech for Entertainment April 2021
Our    advanced      technology   blockchain   We have integrated the advantages of all          Our services and platforms are supported
technology is named ‘PIXCOIN COIN’ which       blockchain technologies for the goal of           by optimized master nodes policies. The
will provides three major services through     enabling more people to participate and           master nodes participants will contribute to
an ideal platform.                             enjoy the service. Our pride will lead us to      the activation of services and platforms
                                               reach higher values that traditional chains       through rewards and will be satisfied with
                                               have   not   been   able   to   achieve..   The   their profits. PIXCOIN COIN will expand
                                               PIXSHOP we are going to introduce is an           worldwide its innovative revenue model
   Small          Shopping &        Art        ideal way to realize anonymity, transaction       based on master nodes, which is the fastest,
 businesse           Local
     s             Currency                    integrity, speed and stability with pure          lightest, and most secure.
                                               SHOP alone

                                                Anonymit       Integrit    Speed and Stability
                                                   y              y

      Blockchain-based pixel shopping
      & ads service integration system
Blockchain Tech for Entertainment April 2021
Blockchain Tech for Entertainment April 2021
Numerous challenges lie ahead in the future. We have prepared to
present the most feasible blockchain solution amid the situation. Even at
this moment, numerous blockchain ventures are jumping into the

However, many people have failed to listen or come up with solutions to
problems that could change the real world. Blockchain is an innovative
digital technology, but those who apply it cannot change the world and
are following the change of the world.. Blockchain must create more
markets, attract more partners, and apply to more different industries.

We have to answer question, “Why Block chain)?”, but at the same time,
we also have to answer the question, “How to service the blockchain?”
Our answer is more concise, has lower barriers to entry, and is prepared
for more traffic. The key point we want to present can be answered in
the following sentences.
Blockchain Tech for Entertainment April 2021
The new generation will use App and DApp without division,
           and they will be free to use the service
   even if they do not know how the blockchain works..

                      -Saul Tarazona
Blockchain Tech for Entertainment April 2021
Payment coins have been leading the market since the launch of Bitcoin.
Ethereum and EOS, which claim to be the second generation blockchain,
                                                                           The continuous improvement and development of PIXCOIN COIN
are also unable to deviate from the payment and transaction focus. They
                                                                           contains the fruits of efforts to most realistically implement the principle
showed better scalability and potential but failed to popularize the
                                                                           of decentralization, which has become the fundamental spirit of
                                                                           blockchain and a double-edged sword..
We boldly integrated technology and services to overcome these
limitations. PIXSHOP COIN's network features simplification of double
proof-of-transmit transactions and the management and creation of a        Miners have had to shoulder the burden of computing power since the
history of transactions in which denials and frauds are impossible. This   launch of Bitcoin. This has resulted in the exclusion of ordinary

brings together all the technologies that have been called traditional     participants from the service. The Proof-of-Stake (POS), which has been
POWs within the Pixel, which allows the simplest code to handle the        proud to solve this problem, has argued that there is no need to
whole process.                                                             compete with other miners, but it is true that the market value created
                                                                           by POS has not exceeded POW

                                                                           PIXCOIN COIN wants to present an evolved platform that implements all
                                                                           the advantages of POW without the cumbersome Proof-of-Work in POS
       Innovative         Extended Crypto          Popularization of
      performance            Ecosystem                Blockchain           and simplify it.. This is a revolutionary change in the cryptographic world.
     Improvements                                                          Bitcoin guarantees the anonymity of the transaction, but despite any
                                                                           improvements, it has not been able to maintain the speed of the
                                                                           transaction that can satisfy users.
Blockchain Tech for Entertainment April 2021
PIXCOIN    COIN    provides   users   with   an   improved      user-centric   technology to confirm an appropriately distributed level of hash will be
environment through Proof of Service (PoS), allowing them to enjoy the         presented.
benefits of more stable transactions. We have created an environment           In the third world, 70% of the are unbanked. About 3 to 4 billion people
where we can enjoy more diverse services by expanding the trading              do not have full access to financial markets. For blockchain to solve this
method of blockchain, which is previously called P2P trading.                  problem, it must provide more efficiency and accessibility and enable
                                                                               extended service support. So far, no online service has fully achieved

PIXCOIN COIN's unique protocol method includes all the achievements of         this.

blockchain's evolution, improvement, and stabilization work that have
been accumulated. Transactions in currency, payment for services and
content, and approval of usage rights within PIXCOIN COIN’s blockchain
ecosystem will be freely and quickly performed, connecting more users
and services within the ecosystem..

The goal of PIXCOIN COIN is to become the most efficient and service-
oriented cryptocurrency available anywhere in the world. The best
combination between the network for service, platform management for
rewards and rewards, and
Blockchain Tech for Entertainment April 2021
We see the time when blockchain-based services become popular in                The possibilities of online content are endless. Reports of global content
2021. This pattern of change can be similar to that introduced by the           market size demonstrate more potential growth. It exceeded $5 billion in
Internet and mobile phone smartphones. The Internet was developed for           2018 and is expected to grow by $8.1 billion by 2022. If blockchain
military use, with limited availability for the public, but at some point, it   provides more efficiency and convenience for access to services and
gained billions of users as various contents and services accumulated.          transactions, a larger market will be opened.

We are paying attention to such a threshold. Some of the various                                                                                         81.71

contents presented online showed limitations that made it difficult to
service beyond the country. The most representative one is the webtoon                                                                      59.79
that is trending in Korea. There are considerable restrictions on serving
webtoons from one country to another. To overcome this, a global                                        34.81
webtoon platform is being introduced, but it is still limited to certain           22.87

countries such as the U.S. and Japan, and small producers are
complaining about difficulties in solving problems such as payment,
copyright, and translation.                                                        2010       2012      2014      2016      2018*          2020*        2022*

                                                                                                                                Source: Research and Markets Report

Abusing this loophole, piracy sites are rampant. Webtoons, adult
entertainment, etc. are being distributed around the world without fair
Blockchain Tech for Entertainment April 2021
Online   content   includes   games,     videos,   photos   and     various
entertainment. The blockchain should focus on the issues they face. The
blockchain can be an alternative or major solution for use and
transaction, protecting online content and maintaining stability.

It also eliminates the need for users to submit copies of documents,
time-consuming account sign-up, and rely on centralized platforms.

Our technology has reached enough levels to realize this. The online
content market we focused on includes small businesses, local currency,
online shopping, video, and broadcasting platforms.
Blockchain Tech for Entertainment April 2021
We aim to combine our superior platform with blockchain technology.          The virtual currency market is estimated to be five to six times larger
We took note of a content service that even PayPal, a global money           than the virtual payment (point, pay) market. This is based on statistics
transfer and payment service, cannot pay for. And we included it in the      from advanced countries and is expected to be 10 to 20 times larger in
list of platforms that will be serviced first.                               countries with severe regulations or bans.

The value implied by the name ‘Pixel Exciting Master Node’ is to realize a
fast and trouble-free service platform. The ad platform is close to the
traditional market, but it is also facing radical changes.

We estimate that ad market is about KRW10 trillion and KRW 600 trillion
for online shopping and about KRW1,000 trillion for online platform
(Media), respectively.

Small businesses are rapidly replacing ads and online shopping, and the
scale of paid payment is also rapidly growing.
Pixel ads, the first service that PIXCOIN COIN will introduce, is also a
                                                                               complex service of several factors. Pixel ads will introduce ads that
Online media, commonly called YouTube, is overtaking the growth of the
                                                                               predict the rise and fall of blockchain. This pixel ads, which is free from
TV broadcasting market. Among online media, Netflix has grown from $4
                                                                               the risk of existing random number manipulation, may be a new concept
billion (about KRW 4.33 trillion) in 2015 to $5 billion (about KRW 5,415
                                                                               for ad products, but it is not an important issue online. The most
billion) in 2017.
                                                                               important view for us is that users can enjoy the ad platform anytime,
                                                                               anywhere with PIXCOIN COIN's coins.
The only problems with growth are complex taxes and different
procedures and financial practices in different countries. And an
alternative that can overcome these problems is the application of
blockchain technology. The blockchain can verify the reliability of the
                                                                                                                                $5 billion
counterparty    without   viewing   the   counterparty's   personal   credit
information. Verified counterparties are guaranteed stability while
making free payments online.                                                                                                    $4 billion

The resolution of such a disorder cannot simply be limited to payment. A
new type of ads that cannot be provided by TV broadcasts is being                                        Ad Media Global Market Size Change
introduced online. Some of them are new forms that cannot be classified
as games, ads, new investment products, etc.
Traditional banking and card services did not provide convenience for
                                                                            their use. All broadcasting has hampered the growth of the market due
Online streaming services, often called 'YouTube' or 'Netflix', are where
                                                                            to restrictions on payment and free use of services. The blockchain can
access via blockchain is needed more than any other market.
                                                                            connect services anywhere in the world. The value of profit and freedom
                                                                            we seek will open up new avenues for these markets..
According to the American media NBC, the global media industry market
size exceeded $97 billion in 2014 and is expected to reach $150 billion
(about KRW 169 trillion won) soon. According to the "2017 Annual
Review" report released earlier this year, 76% of site users accessed
with smartphones and tablet PCs. On the other hand, access via general
PC is declining at 24%. Considering that an average of 81 million people
visited online media a day last year, an average of 61.78 million watch
media on mobile devices and 18.22 million watch media on PC.

In addition, the growth of the real-time broadcasting market is steep.
Real-time broadcasting is the content of Internet broadcasting and
allows two-way communication while being restricted in its exposure.
PIXCOIN COIN is a blockchain project to support trust, mutual development,
and advancement between users and platforms.

Our faith contains the value of service orientation. Trade with mutual trust
anywhere in the world, information and money can flow without border
restrictions, rewards can promote service activation, and value can be found in
the market where technological potential.

PIXCOIN COIN is the 3rd generation P2P cryptocurrency.       We are ready to
improve services for our users and drive the platform user experience. A new
team, improved technology, a new vision, and a strong network provide the
foundation for the PIXCOIN COIN vision.

The previous generation of coins after Bitcoin taught us valuable lessons. Like
Bitcoin, PIXCOIN COIN uses a blockchain database to coordinate and manage
the value that exists between two untrusted individuals. Furthermore,
PIXCOIN COIN has revolutionized the global service sector, which has not fully
utilized its potential. We have fused the advantages of version upgrade and
optimization accumulated by blockchain protocols into an integrated platform.
PIXCOIN COIN is ready to release an optimized master nodes model for
Despite blockchain's huge hopes, blockchain services have been slow,
costly and inefficient in server infrastructure. At the same time,
unnecessary verification and lack of network capabilities have caused
inconvenience to the user environment. PIXCOIN COIN wants to
introduce the latest SQL of PoS and hashing technologies together to
deliver a more complete solution.

PIXCOIN   COIN   provides   an   improved user experience    than any
blockchain while maintaining the inherent reliability of blockchain. To
improve both 'privacy' and 'functionality', we boldly said goodbye to
unnecessary SQL.

This will provide enhanced communication and increasingly provide a
foundation for the next generation of communities.

Improved communication connects users 24/7 and helps them grow.
Users will be satisfied with the ever-increasing number of connections
Blockchain makes it easy and secure to store and transact data and assets.

You can always access the service and enjoy your content anywhere.

Join us on a platform that expands across borders and into the world.

You can meet the wider world online and experience faster efficiency.
【Summary】                                                                   [Drawing]

                                                                            [Drawing. 1]
This invention consists of multiple pixels and can provide blockchain-
based pixel advertising service devices that include: a billboard                                110 112 114
generating unit for generating a billboard providing an advertising area
composed of at least one pixel; an issuing unit to issue PIXSHOP COIN to
be paid as rewards upon user's manipulation of the above advertising                                                130
area and NFT for billboard ownership to establish ownership of each                     Advertiser’s
advertising area within the above billboard to the Blockchain Network;
an ad registration request processing unit that establishes an

advertiser's advertising area using at least one pixel in the above
billboard upon request for ad registration in conjunction with the                                                              132
                                                                                                 120 122 124
advertiser's terminal, displays advertisement information in the                                                                134
advertisement area set above, and to pay part of the above-issued
billboard ownership NFT to the above advertiser by using the electronic
wallet of the advertiser and the electronic wallet of the server ; and a                    User’s
reward payment unit to display a billboard on which advertisement                          terminal
information is posted in the advertisement area on the display of the                                          Cryptocurrency

user's terminal and pay a portion of the issued PIXSHOP COIN to the                                               Exchange
user as a reward by using a user-side electronic wallet and a server-side
electronic wallet when the advertisement information is manipulated.                              Node

[Representative Fig]

Drawing. 3
[Drawing 2】                       [Drawing 3】

                210   230   200                                100

                                                300      generating unit

                                                310        Issuing unit

                                                      Ad registration request
                                                320      processing unit

                                                330    Reward paying unit

                                                340   Event requesting unit

[Drawing 4】                    Start                              [Drawing 5】                  Start

        Issue billboard proprietary NFT and PIXCOIN COIN   S400                 Provide billboard with ad information    S500
                                                                                          to user's terminal
                  Create billboards with N*M pixels        S402
                                                                                   Receive operation information         S502
               Receive advertising registration request    S404                    according to ad area operation

              Create ad area and display ad information    S405
                                                                           Provide ad link content to user's terminal    S504
         Billboard proprietary NFT payment for ads area    S408

                Receive ad registration request using
                      billboard proprietary NFT            S410                                                          S506
                                                                                  PIXCOIN COIN paid as a reward
                              Validation                   S412

              Update the ad information for that ad area   S414           Receive operation information for event area   S808

              Receive event-type ad registration request   S416
                                                                            Provide interface for event participation    S510
                   Display ad goods in event area                               and event participation request

                                End                                                            End
The PIXCOIN COIN pixel ad-type service platform is a combination of       We considered to expand the PIXCOIN COIN ads platform into global
rapid content services, convenience of payment, security and anonymity,   entertainment services from the beginning of development. Therefore, a
and blockchain to preserve the reliability of the contractual parties.    systematic operation policy will support it so that borders, social
PIXCOIN COIN's services function to achieve the following purposes:       environment of users, and legal restrictions can be organically reflected.
                                                                          The world's first PIXELAD technology is also the fastest, safest, and will
                                                                          add   advantages        to   platform   service   providers,   including   low
                                                                          infrastructure costs.

                                                                          Data is an international standard and can be used without restrictions on
                                                                          users' cultural and economic conditions, and the scalability support to
                                                                          expand the service area to content publishing - trading - distribution has
                                                                          been completed. Users around the world will be able to access the
                                                                          services and content they want in real time. We provide validation of
                                                                          digital assets and a superior defense against hacking and fraudulent
                                                                          intervention. Based on this, we will create transparent and future-
                                                                          oriented values and reward participants.

                                                                          The PIXCOIN COIN Service structure has been constructed with the
                                                                          highest priority to support an efficient system that supports the PIXCOIN
                                                                          COIN ad platform quickly in response to changes in operating guidelines.
The PIXCOIN COIN Platform provides a variety of functions to achieve
service objectives. The first service to be released is pixel ad, which will
be available soon. The pixel ad will provide you with the promptest
satisfaction of the various ad services we will provide. PIXCOIN COIN is
accumulated for every click, and it is built in efficient linkage with ads             Mutual contracts and          Secure         Real-time transaction
                                                                                          transactions            transaction            verification
shares. In the future, pixel shopping, local currency, online media, and
NFT will be introduced one after another, and these services will
contribute to the increase in coin value that participants expect.
                                                                               TRUST                                                                FAIRNESS


                                                                                         Mutual respect       Transparent revenue    Rewards and
                                                                                                                 management          monetization
PIXCOIN COIN's coin is the basis of PIXCOIN COIN's business, function,    The PIXCOIN COIN's rewards extend the PIXCOIN COIN's services and
and service. Our coin service is about to be released in June 2021.       support the crypto ecosystem. Based on this, participants' values and
                                                                          profits will also be improved.

We plan to disclose the main features of PIXCOIN COIN in advance
through the white paper and website. The issuance volume is 10 billion,                                        Advisor      [Funds Allocation]
and it will be listed on a promising exchange immediately after its                                              5%
release. We recommend that you refer to the latest announcements on                                 Legal
the website for detailed schedules in the future.                                                   3%
       Name                             PIXSHOP Coin                                               Marketin
       Ticker                                 PXP                                                     g…

     Total coin                    10,000,000,000 (10 billion)                              User                Marketing     Development
      amounts                                                                               Team                Legal         Reserve
      E-Wallet                               Decent                                         Advisor
Let us introduce you to the talents of PIXCOIN COIN. To realize our values
and philosophy, PIXCOIN COIN has been continuously scouting world-class

                                     Steven Kim/CEO Management & Development         윤희망 / Director 전략마케팅총괄

                                     Developer of pixel Coin and Founder of Souls,   Yoon Hope
                                     Software Development and Hacking Security
                                     Major, Chungkang Cultural University / Hansa
Jihoon Yang/General Manager     Jongmin Kang/General Manager Marketing and
Strategic Planning              PR

Hongik University

                                Junghoon Ahn/General Manager Computer
KIKUTA YASUAKI/Server General   and Master Load
                                Computer Science, Osan University
You can check the detailed schedule on the official website.
The PIXCOIN COIN Operating Committee will release various plans sequentially through strict project

    Exchange                                                                                       Global expansion of
     listing                                                                                     PIXEL Metaverse & NFT

   2021.01~06             2021.04~07             2021.07~12              2022.01~03         2022.03~06            2022.12        2023.01~

                       • Launch PIXEL NFT      • Develop video                            • Develop IXEL
• Blockchain ad
                         COIN platform            media PIXEL                               game, video,
  service market
                         service                  platform                                  metaverse
  research and
                       • Develop               • Game PIXEL                                 integrated
                         Metaverse                platform listing on
• Start of pixel ads
                       • Open NFT's own           Global exchange       Global exchange                                     Enter the metaverse
                         market                • platform                    listing                                        & NFT global market
• Release White
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