Blockchain-Enabled NextGen Service Architecture for Mobile Internet Offload

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Blockchain-Enabled NextGen Service Architecture for Mobile Internet Offload
Blockchain-Enabled NextGen Service Architecture
                                                      for Mobile Internet Offload
                                                                          Raman Singh                                             Hitesh Tewari
                                                                  School of Comp Sci & Stats                               School of Comp Sci & Stats
                                                                     Trinity College Dublin                                   Trinity College Dublin
                                                                         Dublin, Ireland                                         Dublin, Ireland
                                                          Thapar Institute of Engineering & Technology                  
                                                                          Patiala, India
arXiv:2104.08495v1 [cs.NI] 17 Apr 2021

                                                                 I. A BSTRACT                                 Today the world is using mobile cellular technologies such
                                                                                                           as 3G, 4G, 4G-LTE and 5G with varying data transfer speeds.
                                            The amalgamation of different generations of mobile cel-
                                                                                                           We believe that an improved user experience can be gained
                                         lular networks around the globe has resulted in diverse data
                                                                                                           by offloading such cellular network users to local, higher
                                         speed experiences for end users. At present there are no
                                                                                                           speed networks. For example, if WiFi providers could allow
                                         defined mechanisms in place for a subscriber of one mobile
                                                                                                           mobile subscribers to use their fixed broadband infrastructure
                                         network operator (MNO) to use the services of a WiFi
                                                                                                           and in return get monetary reward for their services from a
                                         provider. Cellular and Data Service providers also have no
                                                                                                           MNO, then one can reduce the load on the cellular networks
                                         standardized procedures to securely interact with each other,
                                                                                                           and simultaneously increase the data speed offered to users.
                                         and to allow their subscribers to use third party services on a
                                                                                                           The proposed framework allows independent private WiFi
                                         pay-as-you-go basis. This paper proposes a blockchain-based
                                                                                                           operators to be paid for their services by offloading users onto
                                         offloading framework that allows a subscriber of a mobile
                                                                                                           their networks, and that in turn means less capital expenditure
                                         operator to temporarily use another MNO or WiFi provider’s
                                                                                                           investment by the MNOs. Some studies like the one released
                                         higher speed network. Smart contracts allow diverse entities
                                                                                                           by OpenSignal [2] suggest that in the future, mobile Internet
                                         such as MNOs, Brokers and WiFi Providers to automatically
                                                                                                           will transcend WiFi speeds, then offloading can also be
                                         execute mutual agreements to enable the utilization of third
                                                                                                           performed from WiFi to mobile network infrastructure. The
                                         party infrastructure in a secure and controlled manner. To test
                                                                                                           second reason for offloading can be the guarantee of services
                                         the proposed framework, the offloading of a subscriber from
                                                                                                           to subscribers by the MNO where they do not have a license to
                                         3G/4G/4G-LTE/5G networks to a fixed broadband WiFi net-
                                                                                                           operate, or have poor signal coverage issues. These subscribers
                                         work was carried out and the results analyzed. The offloading
                                                                                                           can be offloaded to partner WiFi providers and the subscriber
                                         framework was implemented using the ns-3 network simulator,
                                                                                                           will be able to enjoy enhanced data speeds. The third rationale
                                         and the Ethereum blockchain smart contract features were used
                                                                                                           for offloading is to ensure better service while roaming. For
                                         for the settlement of invoices.
                                                                                                           example, a subscriber who does not have roaming enabled on
                                                                                                           their device, but wants to use the Internet for short periods of
                                                              II. I NTRODUCTION
                                                                                                           time can be offloaded to one of these high-speed networks.
                                            The global rollout of 5G networks is now gathering mo-            To allow subscriber roaming between operators and the
                                         mentum, as more and more countries are deploying this state-      settlement of usage charges, MNOs at present have memo-
                                         of-the-art broadband cellular network technology. However, at     randa of understanding (MoUs) drawn up between them on
                                         the same time many countries still have operational legacy        a bilateral basis. However, MoUs are complex agreements
                                         mobile networks such as 4G, 4G-LTE, or even 3G. Even in           which take time to negotiate, and therefore it would not be
                                         the places where 5G networks are available, coverage is not       practical to negotiate MoUs with large numbers of small
                                         always universal, and many pockets exist that still run older     and medium sized WiFi providers on a per MNO basis. To
                                         generation networks (e.g. 2G/3G/4G). A report published by        enable the offloading process, MNOs can register with an
                                         the GSM Association (GSMA) [1] suggests that at the end of        intermediary/broker who can collectively negotiate MoUs with
                                         2019, 4G coverage was about 50% of the total mobile Internet      many WiFi providers on their behalf. Additionally, blockchain
                                         availability by geographical area. Due to several advantages      technologies can be used to allow the participating entities to
                                         such as lower cost and fixed broadband/fiber infrastructure,      trust each other by executing smart contracts on a blockchain.
                                         WiFi still provides higher bandwidth speeds to its users, and     This append-only distributed ledger technology (DLT), along
                                         is popular among small and big organizations and also in retail   with a consensus mechanism allows the implementation of
                                         and residential settings.                                         smart contracts in real terms, and also digitally facilitates,
Blockchain-Enabled NextGen Service Architecture for Mobile Internet Offload
Fig. 1. System architecture of the proposed framework

verifies and enforces the contract between two or more parties         allows various other blockchain nodes to interact with each
[3]. Smart contracts can act as a bridging gap between stake-          other, and to update the ledger periodically, including, adding
holders, and can provide subscribers with a new level of user          or executing new smart contracts or transactions. The MNO
experience.                                                            authentication module helps to identify and authenticate a
                                                                       subscriber from the MNOs subscriber database. Since there
                                                                       are many MNOs which are registered with the Broker, and the
                           F RAMEWORK
                                                                       subscriber should be an active user of that particular MNO, this
   Our proposed offloading framework enables subscribers               module identifies a subscriber from an open smart contract,
to temporarily offload their data usage from low-bandwidth             and authenticates its status in order to verify that the user a
to high-bandwidth channels, without changing their network             valid subscriber and is authorized to offload.
operator. Fig. 1 represents the block diagram of the framework
and consists of three primary entities, namely a Broker, MNOs             The smart contract module interacts with open smart con-
and WiFi Providers. The Broker as the name suggests is                 tracts to identify users, and sets the values of the parameters
the ingress of the whole process and is able to coordinate             in the contracts based on the authentication status, such as
activities between all the entities, as every entity in the system     success or failure. This module can access the smart contract’s
is registered with the Broker. We believe that a GSMA [4] like         data based on the authorization allowed and helps in executing
entity aptly fits the role of the Broker in our proposed system,       it. The billing module can access the transactions stored in
and all MNOs must register with it. The Broker maintains a             the blockchain, and create a bill based on the executed smart
blockchain node along with a registration service. The MNO             contract which involves a particular MNO. This module then
registration process includes setting up a blockchain node for         matches the billing amount from the invoice received from the
storing smart contracts and transactional data. Organizations          WiFi Provider and authorizes the payment.
that wish to allow their high-speed wireless infrastructure to be         The third set of entities are the WiFi Providers which open
used by MNO subscribers must also register with the Broker,            up their infrastructure in a controlled manner to the subscribers
along with setting up their corresponding blockchain node. The         of MNOs. To expedite the offloading process, a WiFi Provider
Broker has oversight during the settlement phase, and also acts        maintains a blockchain node on its premises. This entity also
as a mediator in the case of any disputes.                             operates on four modules, such as the blockchain interface,
   The second set of entities in the system are the MNOs that          authentication module, smart contract module and billing mod-
allow their subscribers to opt for offloading to a higher speed        ule. The blockchain interface is responsible for maintaining
network. Reasons for offloading can include low-quality signal         an up-to-date smart contract and transaction data, along with
coverage, high-speed requirements, roaming to non-serviced             the full blockchain. The local authentication module ensures
areas, or even accessing services provided by particular Data          the mobile number ownership of the subscriber by validating
Service providers. This entity includes various functionalities        a one-time password (OTP). This local authentication of the
like a blockchain interface, authentication module, smart con-         mobile number also avoids the spamming of mobile users
tract module, and a billing module. The blockchain interface           or blockchain data. For example, if the local authentication
Blockchain-Enabled NextGen Service Architecture for Mobile Internet Offload
of a mobile number is not concluded successfully, spammers           also generates a random one-time password (OTP MNO) and
may create millions of offload requests using random mobile          sets the value of OTPCheckMNO to OTP MNO in the smart
numbers, which in turn would create a corresponding number           contract. OTP MNO is also forwarded to the subscriber’s
of open smart contracts, and force denial of service attacks         mobile number for further processing. Once the subscriber
against legitimate users. The smart contract module allows           receives the OTP MNO value, it enters it on the landing page
the WiFi Provider to create a new smart contract and set its         of the WiFi Provider. The WiFi Provider in turn assigns the
variables based on the subscriber authentication mechanism.          OTP MNO value to the OTPCheckUser field of the smart
Once the subscriber is allowed to offload and subsequently           contract. Now, if the values of Auth WP and Auth MNO
terminates its connection, the billing module records the data       are both equal to 1, it deduces that both the WiFi Provider
usage and writes this as a new transaction to the blockchain.        and MNO have validated the subscriber’s identity. If the OT-
Fig. 2 details the various phases of the offloading framework.       PCheckMNO and OTPCheckUser are the same, it represents
   Phase 1 - One-time Registration: The registration process         that the subscriber is authorized to offload, and the smart
for a new entity such as a MNO or WiFi Provider wishing              contract has been executed on the blockchain. The smart
to join the system commences with the submission of their            contract can also include other information like total time
trusted third party (TTP) issued public key certificate to the       allowed to offload, or any other conditions with the associated
Broker. The Broker which maintains its own blockchain node           offload which need to be honored by all the parties.
stores the certificate as a transaction on the blockchain. All          Phase 4 - WiFi Access Facilitation: In phase 4, the WiFi
the communication amongst the entities in the system is              Provider checks the status of the smart contract. If the contract
carried out using public-key cryptography, and backed by             is executed, the WiFi Provider allows access of its services
transparent logs to ensure auditing at a later stage [5]. MNOs       to the subscriber provided by its infrastructure. Primarily this
and WiFi Providers join the blockchain network by creating           service is high-speed Internet, but it can also be a wide
their corresponding blockchain nodes.                                range of other services offered by WiFi providers. When
   Phase 2 - Offloading Initiation and Local Authenti-               the subscriber terminates the connection, the WiFi Provider
cation: In phase 2, an offloading request is initiated by a          records the data consumed by the subscriber in its logs.
user/subscriber. Once the subscriber is in the range of a               Phase 5 - Blockchain Transactions and Billing: Phase
WiFi Provider and wants to request an offload onto their             5 deals with the transactions and billing-related procedures.
network, the subscriber connects with the wireless access point      The WiFi Provider creates a new transaction in relation to
(WAP) and accesses the landing page of the WiFi Provider.            the data consumed by the subscriber and broadcasts it to the
The landing page can be common for internal and external             blockchain network. This transaction will be verified by all
users. Providing their mobile number in both the username            other blockchain nodes, and once verified, will be added to
and password fields indicates that the user is external and          a block by utilizing the proof-of-authority (PoA) consensus
wishes to initiate an offload procedure. The user also selects       mechanism by one of the authorized entities in the system. The
its associated MNO from the drop-down menu provided on the           PoA algorithm is able to provide faster transaction throughput
landing page. The WiFi Provider generates the random one-            using a “identity-as-a-stake” based consensus mechanism. It
time password (OTP WP) and sends it to the mobile number             significantly increases the speed of validating the transactions
entered into the landing page by the user. The user then enters      by generating blocks in a predictable sequence, and hence
OTP WP on the next field of the landing page. Once the WiFi          achieves a better transaction rate when compared with PoW
Provider tests the validity of the mobile number, it generates a     or PoS. The invoice can be generated by the WiFi Provider
new smart contract and sets the value of Auth WP as 1. The           after an agreed period of time such as a week or a month.
WiFi Provider then encrypts the mobile number of the user            The WiFi Provider will access all the transactions made by
with the public key (PK MNO) of the mobile operator which it         it from the blockchain data and prepare an invoice based on
obtains from the blockchain, and assigns this encrypted value        the mutually agreed per unit price. This invoice will also be
to the field given in the smart contract. The WiFi Provider          verified by the associated MNO and can also be ratified by the
also includes the identity of the concerned MNO in the smart         broker. Once all parties verify the invoice, the bill will be paid
contract, so that all other entities know for whom the smart         using a mutually agreed out-of-bounds payment mechanism.
contract is intended.                                                   The Ethereum blockchain supports the scalability for large
   Phase 3 - MNO Level Authentication and Smart Con-                 scale offloading requests/transactions using a combination of
tract Execution: Phase 3 describes the process undertaken            sharding and side-chains. To test the performance of the
by a MNO. The open smart contracts stored on blockchain              Ethereum blockchain, researchers measured 4 million trans-
are searched by the MNO. Once it finds the intended contract         actions for 380 hours [6]. The experiment concluded that
by matching the subscriber’s operator name, it will fetch the        throughput decreases whereas latency increases linearly if we
encrypted identity of the subscriber and decrypt it using its        increase the block period which is fixed as per the difficulty
private key. The decrypted data reveals the mobile number            level of proof-of-work (PoW). As in our proposed framework,
of the subscriber. The MNO tries to verify the identity of the       we are using PoA strategy, this bottleneck should not affect
subscriber against its subscriber database, and if successful sets   the overall throughput and latency of the proposed system.
the value of Auth MNO to 1 in the smart contract. The MNO            To decrease the time required to complete the workload, the
Blockchain-Enabled NextGen Service Architecture for Mobile Internet Offload
Fig. 2. Sequence Diagram Illustrating the Various Phases

study suggests that powerful machines with high memory and         implemented on the Docker [9] platform. Each node in the
CPUs should be used as blockchain node in PoA mode, for            ns-3 network is connected to a Docker container using the
example, the computation time for workload can be reduced          tap-bridge arrangement of ns-3 [10]. In the simulation environ-
by 25% if the memory is increased from 4GB to 24GB. If the         ment, the subscriber is initially connected to the MNO node,
network size is considered, it is found that in 90%-100% of        and when the smart contract is executed the connection is
cases, matches are found for smaller network sizes, whereas        switched over to the WiFi Provider. The simulation was carried
the match ratio is merely 60%-75% for larger networks.             out for 350 seconds on an Ubuntu Linux based computer
                                                                   running a virtual machine with 8GB RAM, Intel i5 2.50 GHz
       IV. C ASE S TUDIES AND R ESULT A NALYSIS                    processor, and 100 GB of allocated memory.
   The proposed framework was implemented using the ns-               The experimentation was conducted over five separate case
3 network simulator [7]. Various ns-3 nodes were created           studies. The first case study takes the global average of Internet
to simulate the different entities e.g. Subscriber, MNO,           speed and latency for fixed broadband and mobile Internet.
WiFi Provider, Broker and a Data Server. To implement              The bandwidth given for the fixed broadband is assigned to
the blockchain functionality, the Ethereum [8] blockchain is       the WiFi Provider link, whereas the bandwidth given for the
mobile Internet is assigned to the MNO link. In this case                                  when compared to other case studies. As the data transfer
study, the subscriber is offloaded from mobile Internet to fixed                           speed decreases in the 4G and 3G case studies, we can
broadband as per the speed suggested by the global average. In                             see an increase in packet drop ratio for non-offloaded and
the subsequent case studies, the subscriber is offloaded from                              MNO flows. If these flows are offloaded to the WiFi network,
3G, 4G, 4G-LTE, and 5G mobile Internet to fixed broadband                                  the packet delivery ratio rises to a better quality of service
i.e. the WiFi Provider. The various data transfer speeds and                               requirement.
latencies considered for all case studies are provided in Table

                                  TABLE I

   Case Studies     Network Generation   Average Speed (Mbps)   Latency (ms)   Reference
 Case Study 1:       Fixed Broadband               92                21          [11]
 Global Average       Mobile Internet              46                36          [11]
                     Fixed Broadband              241                13          [11]
 Case Study    2:          5G                      71                20          [11]
 Comparative             4G-LTE                    50                50          [12]
 Average                   4G                      10               100          [12]
                           3G                     1.5               500          [12]

   Fig. 3 shows the packet delivery percentages for all case
studies. The packet delivery is analyzed for all types of flows,
such as when the subscriber’s packets are not offloaded, for
offloaded packets, for packets transmitted through the WiFi
link, and other packets of different users which are being                                  Fig. 4. Total Flow Duration Analysis For Offloading and No-offloading
transmitted through MNO network.
                                                                                              Fig. 4 exhibits the time taken to deliver a 500MB file, and 10
                                                                                           such total requests are made for each WiFi and MNO network.
                                                                                           One request of transferring a 500MB file is then offloaded
                                                                                           to a high-speed network. From this figure, it is evident that
                                                                                           the time taken to transfer files is significantly reduced in the
                                                                                           case of the offloaded flow. In the global average case study,
                                                                                           the non-offloaded flow takes 10.23 seconds to transfer one
                                                                                           file, whereas it is reduced to 0.91 seconds if the request is
                                                                                           offloaded. Similarly, the graph shows a drastic reduction of
                                                                                           delivery time in all other case studies. The longest time is
                                                                                           taken by the 3G network which is 339.11 seconds to deliver
                                                                                           the file, whereas it is reduced to only 0.49 seconds if this flow
                                                                                           is offloaded to the WiFi network.

        Fig. 3. Packet Delivery Analysis for Various Types of Flows

   For the global average case, the packet delivery percentage
is the same for all cases except for the MNO flows, however
this difference is insignificant. In this case, 99.96% of packets
are delivered for non-offloaded flows, offloaded flows, and
WiFi flows, whereas 99.94% of total packets are delivered for
the MNO flows. For all other case studies, it is evident from
Fig. 3 that 100% of offloaded flows are delivered, primarily
because of the enhanced data speed of the WiFi link. A slightly                             Fig. 5. Delay and Jitter Sum Analysis for Offloading and No-offloading
less number of packets are delivered in the global average
case study if compared to all other case studies, because                                     Fig. 5 presents the analysis of delay sum and jitter sum for
the fixed broadband speed of the global average is lower                                   all case studies. The delay sum is the addition of all delays for
each packet for the full duration of flow, whereas the jitter sum   same offloading framework can be investigated on automated
is the addition of all jitter for every packet for any particular   switching of network traffic from high-congested channels
flow. For the global average, the delay sum is calculated as        to low-congested channels. This automated and agent-based
598.50 seconds. For other case studies such as 5G, 4G-LTE,          framework could support load balancing and optimization of
4G, and 3G it is computed as 390.32, 806.39, 1749.86, and           next-generation network infrastructure.
8466.05 respectively for the non-offloaded flows. If compared
                                                                                                 R EFERENCES
to the delay sum obtained by the offloaded flows, we can see
a drastic reduction. The delay sums obtained for the offloaded       [1] K. Bahia, and A. Delaporte, “The State of Mobile Internet Connectivity
flows are 45.34, 16.95, 16.75, 16.42, and 16.42 for global               State-of-Mobile-Internet-Connectivity-Report-2020.pdf, Accessed on
average, 5G, 4G-LTE, 4G and 3G.                                          20-01-2021.
   Jitter sum is also improved in case of offloading, whereas        [2] I. Fogg, “The State of Wifi vs Mobile Network Experience
                                                                         as     5G      Arrives”,
it is high if no offloading is performed. The jitter sum of 1.51         com/files/data/reports/global/data-2018-11/state of wifi vs mobile
seconds is reduced to 0.53 seconds for the global average case           opensignal 201811.pdf, Accessed on 20-01-2021.
study if offloading is performed. It is reduced to 0.17 seconds      [3] S. Wang, L. Ouyang, Y. Yuan, X. Ni, X. Han and F. Wang, “Blockchain-
                                                                         enabled smart contracts: architecture, applications, and future trends.”
from 3.16 for 5G, 0.23 seconds from 1.41 seconds for 4G-                 IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems 49, no.
LTE, 0.28 seconds from 7.98 seconds for 4G, and impressive               11 (2019): 2266-2277.
0.28 seconds from 45.63 seconds for the 3G case study if             [4] Global System for Mobile Communication Association (GSMA),
                                                               , Accessed on 20-01-2021.
offloading is performed. The enhanced packet delivery ratio,         [5] O. Gasser, B. Hof, M. Helm, M. Korczynski, R. Holz, and G. Carle, “In
along with improved delivery time, reduced delay sum and                 log we trust: Revealing poor security practices with certificate trans-
reduced jitter sum, enhance the overall quality of experience            parency logs and internet measurements.” In International Conference
                                                                         on Passive and Active Network Measurement, pp. 173-185. Springer,
provided by the MNOs to their subscribers.                               Cham, 2018.
                                                                     [6] M. Schäffer, M. Angelo, and G. Salzer, “Performance and scalability of
                      V. C ONCLUSIONS                                    private Ethereum blockchains”. In International Conference on Business
                                                                         Process Management, pp. 103-118. Springer, Cham, 2019.
   In this paper, an offloading framework is presented with          [7] ns-3 a discrete-event network simulator,, Ac-
its several advantages and infrastructural benefits. It can fa-          cessed on 20-01-2021.
cilitate MNOs to allow their subscribers to benefit from third       [8] Ethereum,, Accessed on 20-01-2021.
                                                                     [9] Docker Container,, Accessed on 20-01-2021.
party operator high-speed infrastructure for a particular time      [10] R.       Singh,      “StepByStep:       Establishing    virtual     net-
period. To the best of our knowledge, there are no such                  work       between     Docker      container     and   NS-3     nodes”,
mechanisms that exist as of now which can support such         
                                                                         establishing-connection, Accessed on 20-01-2021.
inter-organizational arrangements securely and efficiently. Our     [11] Speedtest Global Index,, Ac-
proposed framework deploys smart contracts for authentica-               cessed on 20-01-2021.
tion, thereby allowing the subscriber to offload, and utilizes      [12] L. Rizzatti, R. Squiers and M. Castren,“Design and verify 5G systems,
                                                                         part 1”,, Ac-
blockchain transactions to record and generate invoices. The             cessed on 20-01-2021.
MNO and private WiFi Provider both authenticate the sub-
scriber and its mobile number to rule out any spamming of the
system. All the transactions are verified by each participating
entity, and new blocks are added using a PoA consensus
mechanism to minimize the mining effort.
   The proposed framework was simulated using ns-3, and
the Ethereum blockchain was integrated into the simulation
environment using Docker containers. A total of five case
studies i.e. global average speed, 5G, 4G-LTE, 4G, 3G to WiFi
offloading were tested. The final analysis shows that offloading
results in improved packet delivery ratios, reduced total flow
duration, total delay, and total jitter. These parameters suggest
that offloading can help in enhancing the end users quality of
service experience. A present, Internet speeds vary geograph-
ically as well as amongst operators. A user has no choice but
to switch operator if they need higher speeds, or services that
cannot be provided by their operator. Our proposed offloading
framework can be a great leap forward for subscribers who
can enjoy higher bandwidth speeds on a on-demand basis.
   In the future, challenges such as the scalability of
blockchain transactions, simultaneous subscriber load, etc. can
be analyzed. Time lag analysis of the high load of subscriber
offloading requests can also be carried out. In addition, the
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