Bleeding Disorders in Congenital Syndromes - American ...

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Bleeding Disorders in
                            Congenital Syndromes
                            Susmita N. Sarangi, MD, Suchitra S. Acharya, MD

Pediatricians provide a medical home for children with congenital                             abstract
syndromes who often need complex multidisciplinary care. There are
some syndromes associated with thrombocytopenia, inherited platelet
disorders, factor deficiencies, connective tissue disorders, and vascular
abnormalities, which pose a real risk of bleeding in affected children
associated with trauma or surgeries. The risk of bleeding is not often an
obvious feature of the syndrome and not well documented in the literature.
This makes it especially hard for pediatricians who may care for a handful
of children with these rare congenital syndromes in their lifetime. This
review provides an overview of the etiology of bleeding in the different
congenital syndromes along with a concise review of the hematologic
and nonhematologic clinical manifestations. It also highlights the need
and timing of diagnostic evaluation to uncover the bleeding risk in these
syndromes emphasizing a primary care approach.

                                                                                              Bleeding Disorders and Thrombosis Program, Cohen
Children with congenital syndromes                   these patients as part of surveillance   Children’s Medical Center of New York, New Hyde Park,
                                                                                              New York
with multiple anomalies need a                       or before scheduled procedures
multidisciplinary approach to                        and recommends guidelines for            Drs Sarangi and Acharya contributed to the
their care, along with continued                     appropriate and timely referral to the   conceptualization, content, and composition of the
surveillance for rare manifestations                 hematologist.                            manuscript and approved the final manuscript as
such as a bleeding diathesis, which
may not be evident at diagnosis. This                Achieving hemostasis is a complex        DOI: 10.1542/peds.2015-4360
accompanying bleeding diathesis                      process starting with endothelial        Accepted for publication Aug 15, 2016
due to thrombocytopenia or other                     injury that results in platelet plug     Address correspondence to Suchitra S. Acharya,
coagulation defects may be a part of                 formation, which is then strengthened    MD, Bleeding Disorders and Thrombosis Program,
the syndrome that is not routinely                   by deposition of fibrin formed           Cohen Children’s Medical Center of New York, 269-
                                                                                              01 76th Ave, Suite 255, New Hyde Park, NY 11040.
addressed. Consequently, this may go                 by the proteolytic coagulation
unrecognized in these children until                 cascade. Platelets initially attach
                                                                                              PEDIATRICS (ISSN Numbers: Print, 0031-4005; Online,
they face hemostatic challenges, which               to subendothelial collagen and
is not uncommon (given the number                    von Willebrand factor (vWF) via
                                                                                              Copyright © 2017 by the American Academy of
of corrective surgeries performed                    glycoproteins VI and 1bα (GPVI,
for the congenital defects) in this                  GPIbα). This leads to activation of
                                                                                              FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE: The authors have
population leading to unanticipated                  platelets releasing Thromboxane
                                                                                              indicated they have no financial relationships
surgical bleeding. Counseling for these              A2 (TxA2) and conforming the             relevant to this article to disclose.
families should include discussions                  glycoprotein IIb/IIIa (GPIIb/IIIa)
                                                                                              FUNDING: No external funding.
regarding potential spontaneous or                   receptor on the platelet surface into
                                                                                              POTENTIAL CONFLICT OF INTEREST: The authors
trauma-related bleeding associated                   its high affinity state, which now
                                                                                              have indicated they have no potential conflicts of
with these syndromes that can                        binds to fibrinogen and vWF. This        interest to disclose.
evolve over time. This review aims                   further leads to release of platelet
to highlight congenital syndromes                    granule contents (fibrinogen, Factor
where hemostatic defects have been                   V, platelet factor 4, Calcium, ADP,        To cite: Sarangi SN and Acharya SS. Bleeding
                                                                                                Disorders in Congenital Syndromes. Pediatrics.
reported, aid the treating primary care              ATP, serotonin, vWF) leading to an
physician (PCP) to adequately workup                 extremely procoagulant surface and

PEDIATRICS Volume 139, number 2, February 2017:e20154360                                      STATE-OF-THE-ART REVIEW ARTICLE
platelet aggregation. The stage is        of which 17% (43 samples) were            made soon after birth. Although
now set for the cascade of serine         due to chromosomal anomalies. The         survival beyond infancy is rare, life
proteases (factors V, VII, VIII, IX, X,   prevalence was 54% in Trisomy             expectancy is improving. Recognizing
XI, XII, XIII) activated by the release   13, 86% in Trisomy 18, 31% in             thrombocytopenia is important
of tissue factor, which culminate in      Turner syndrome, and 6% in                because these conditions have
the cleaving of thrombin to form          Trisomy 21–Down syndrome (DS).            associated cardiac, respiratory, and
an insoluble fibrin mesh leading          However, Hord et al7 reported mild        craniofacial anomalies that may need
to a stable clot at the site of injury.   to moderate thrombocytopenia              corrective or palliative surgeries.
With the many players involved in         (platelet counts 40 000–100 000/          Surgical planning in these patients
coagulation, it can be seen how the       μL) in 28% of neonates with DS. The       needs a multidisciplinary team with
clinical bleeding phenotype can be        exact mechanism is not known, but         screening blood work to identify
modified by gene–gene interactions        is thought to be due to decreased         thrombocytopenia, which if present
by improving or worsening the             platelet production, from chronic         will need platelet transfusions pre-
integrity of clot formation directly      fetal hypoxia, which also leads to        and postoperatively depending upon
or indirectly. Therefore, this review     intrauterine growth retardation.8         the complexity of the surgery guided
will focus on congenital syndromes                                                  by the hematologist.
                                          DS (Trisomy 21) is also associated
associated with quantitative                                                        Turner syndrome (45, X) can
                                          with other hematologic findings,
(thrombocytopenia) and qualitative                                                  be associated with transient
                                          such as polycythemia, neutropenia,
platelet function defects (ie, defects                                              thrombocytopenia (31% of patients6)
                                          abnormal circulating blasts,
in platelet generation or defects at 1                                              in the newborn period. Due to the
                                          erythroblastosis, and giant platelets.9
or more levels of platelet activation)                                              single functional X chromosome, girls
                                          Approximately 10% of neonates with
and coagulation factor deficiencies.                                                can inherit X-linked conditions like
                                          DS have transient myeloproliferative
It will also highlight congenital                                                   hemophilia, but this has only very
                                          disorder, which can present with
syndromes where bleeding can                                                        rarely been described.12 Therefore,
                                          isolated thrombocytopenia or
result from defects in the underlying                                               prolonged bleeding events warrants
                                          thrombocytosis, leukocytosis, or
connective tissue or anatomic                                                       referral to a hematologist for workup.
                                          persistent peripheral blood blasts.
malformations that increase                                                         Gastro-enteral bleeding can occur in
                                          These abnormal blood cells will self-
predisposition to bleeding. It will                                                 Turner syndrome due to associated
                                          resolve in most infants by 3 months
further discuss basic evaluation of                                                 inflammatory bowel disease or
                                          after birth; however, 20% can have
these patients on the basis of a high                                               often unrecognized intestinal
                                          more progressive disease. Both
index of suspicion and highlight what                                               telangiectasias (incidence of 7%).13
                                          transient myeloproliferative disorder
phenotypes need specialist referral
                                          and myeloid leukemia associated           DiGeorge syndrome (22q11.2 del)
for both health maintenance and
                                          with DS (ML-DS), which presents           is the most common micro deletion
prevention of surgical bleeding and
                                          at 1 to 4 years of age, have somatic      syndrome with associated mild
discuss general treatment principles.
                                          mutations in the megakaryocyte            macrothrombocytopenia in 30%
Table 1 and Supplemental Tables 5
                                          erythroid transcription factor            of patients resulting from deletion
and 6 summarize the key features of
                                          GATA-1.10,11 ML-DS has a preceding        of the contiguous GP1BB gene in
the congenital syndromes discussed
                                          myelodysplastic phase with patients       the deleted Chromosome 22q11
in this review.
                                          presenting with progressive               locus, which codes for the subunit
                                          anemia and thrombocytopenia,              of the platelet adhesion receptor.1
                                          which then develops into leukemia.        Immune dysfunction is common in
ASSOCIATED WITH A BLEEDING                DS-associated acute lymphoblastic         these patients and it is estimated
DIATHESIS                                 leukemia develops after age 4 years,      that immune thrombocytopenic
                                          presenting with cytopenias, and often     purpura is 200 times more common in
Chromosomal Syndromes                     lower platelet counts than ML-DS          these patients as compared with the
                                          patients. Therefore, all DS patients      general population.14,15 These platelet
A fault in chromosome distribution
                                          should have a complete blood cell         abnormalities need to be identified
during cell division leads to
                                          count at birth and if found to have       early on and specifically before
aneuploidy, which can be associated
                                          any hematologic abnormalities             corrective cardiac surgeries. Close
with thrombocytopenia but is rarely
                                          should be referred to hematology.         collaboration with a hematologist
severe. Hohlfeld et al6 in a study of
5194 fetal blood samples (17 to 41        Other trisomies such as Trisomy 13        before these surgeries will help avert
weeks) reported 4.7% samples (247         and Trisomy 18 have very distinct         bleeding complications.
samples) with thrombocytopenia            clinical patterns (Table 1),              Noonan syndrome is a relatively
(platelet counts
TABLE 1 Features of Congenital Syndromes Associated With Thrombocytopenia
Disorder               Incidence             Clinical Features                        Incidence of Thrombocytopenia              When to Refer to Hematology
Trisomy 21             1 in 660              Cognitive impairment, hearing            7–28%a                                     All patients with any hematologic
                                                issues, thyroid issues, heart                                                       abnormalities
                                                defects, gastroenteral atresias,
Trisomy 13             1 in 5000             Cleft lip and palate, polydactyly,       54%a (All patients had platelet counts     Platelet count 100 000/μL)
                                                omphalocele, VSD, PDA, neural
                                                tube defects
Trisomy 18             1 in 5000             Dolichocephaly, micrognathia,            86%a (20% with platelet counts 50 000–     Platelet count
(EDS) being the most prevalent.
Although collagen proteins are
an integral part of capillary
scaffolding, they also contribute
to platelet activation, adhesion,
and aggregation. EDS is a clinically
and genetically heterogeneous
group of conditions with varying
degrees of skin hyperextensibility,
joint hypermobility, delayed
wound healing, and atrophic skin
scarring. There are 5 subtypes with
a combined prevalence rate of 1
in 5000 individuals. Type IV EDS
(vascular type) carries the gravest
prognosis affecting medium and large
sized vessels. It can initially present
as easy bruising and gum bleeding,
but depending on the vessels affected
can have bleeding from every
possible site of the body, including
fatal intraabdominal bleeding.23 The
other subtypes of EDS manifest with
soft, fragile hyperextensible skin
along with joint dislocations and
bony abnormalities.23 The diagnosis
is often challenging in children,
especially when there is no family
history and can lead to extensive
hemostasis-related bleeding
workups, which are often normal.
In the office setting, clinicians can
use the Beighton scoring system
(Fig 1) for evaluation of joint
hypermobility and refer patients
                                          FIGURE 1
with high scores to the geneticist        The Beighton Scoring system for joint hypermobility. Degree of mobility assessed by passive
for further evaluation and                maneuvers in 5 joints. Total score: 0–9. Hypermobility score: ≥5. (Figure reproduced with permission
confirmatory genetic testing.24,25        from Arthritis Research UK;
Capillary fragility is common among
all subtypes with variable degrees        Abnormalities in Vasculature                        (telangiectasias) without intervening
of platelet function defects and                                                              capillaries, which have a higher
coagulation factor deficiencies           Hereditary hemorrhagic                              propensity to bleed due to inherently
(factors VIII, IX, XI, XII, and XIII)     telangiectasia (HHT) or Osler–                      elevated perfusion pressures. In HHT,
being reported.23 Desmopressin            Weber–Rendu syndrome is a                           telangiectasias can develop in the
has been shown to reduce bleeding         common autosomal inherited                          nasal mucosa within the first decade
risk and postoperative bleeding           disorder with altered defects in                    and worsen with age, presenting with
in pediatric patients with EDS,           vascular integrity with an incidence                severe and recurrent nosebleeds.
suggesting that a weakened platelet       of 1 in 5000 individuals. The                       While evaluating significant and
collagen interaction underlies            underlying genes ENG, ACVRL1,                       prolonged epistaxis in a pediatric
the bleeding tendency in EDS.26           SMAD4 encode proteins leading                       patient, the PCP should inquire
Therefore, individuals with suspected     to elevated expression of vascular                  about bleeding from other sites,
or confirmed diagnosis of EDS with        endothelial growth factor.27 This                   presence of anemia and gastro-
any bleeding symptoms or planned          leads to characteristic clinical                    enteral bleeding, and strokes related
surgical procedures should be             manifestations of dilated and                       to arterio venous malformations
referred to a hematologist.               tortuous postcapillary venules                      among close family members. It

4                                                                                                                        SARANGI and ACHARYA
might be difficult to make a diagnosis           TABLE 2 The Curacao Diagnostic Criteria for            proteins of the coagulation
in childhood as characteristic                              HHT                                         cascade), specimen handling,
telangiectasias are often not present            Criteria              Definition                        and interpretation and should be
until later or present as benign-                  Epistaxis           Spontaneous, recurrent           carried out in conjunction with an
looking mucocutaneous red spots                                           nosebleeds                    experienced hematologist who can
that go unnoticed by providers.                    Telangiectasias     Multiple, at characteristic      accurately interpret the clinical and
The Curacao Criteria (Table 2) is a                                       sites (lips, oral cavity,     laboratory findings. Although light
                                                                          fingers, nose)
validated scoring system developed                                                                      transmission aggregometry and
                                                   Visceral            Pulmonary, liver, cerebral,
to help elucidate a diagnosis of HHT                  involvement         spinal, or gastrointestinal   its modification lumiaggregometry
as nosebleeds and telangiectasias are                                     vascular malformations        are used for initial screening for
common in the general population.28,29             Family history      A first-degree relative with      platelet function defects, there are
Otorhinolaryngologists should be                                          definite HHT                   limitations of standardization and
                                                 Diagnostic criteria
consulted early on in a child with                                                                      reproducibility. However, it can
                                                    Definite HHT        3 or 4 criteria are present
prolonged recurrent nose bleeds to                  Probable HHT       2 criteria are present           help identify platelet adhesion or
look for these telangiectasias without              HHT unlikely       Only 1 criterion is present      aggregation defects, platelet granule
which the diagnosis may be missed                                                                       release defects on the basis of which
until a later encounter with a life-                                                                    further confirmatory testing can be
threatening bleeding episode.                    with known inherited platelet                          carried out.
                                                 disorders.32                                           Wiskott–Aldrich syndrome is a
RARE CONGENITAL SYNDROMES                                                                               rare autosomal recessive disorder
                                                 Supplemental Table 5 outlines
ASSOCIATED WITH A BLEEDING                                                                              due to defects in the WASP gene
                                                 the various features of inherited
DIATHESIS                                                                                               (Xp 11.22) with an incidence of 4
                                                 thrombocytopenic syndromes. The
                                                                                                        per million live births.3 The clinical
                                                 underlying molecular defect can be
Inherited Platelet Disorders                                                                            features classically include the
                                                 restricted to platelets alone, or in
                                                                                                        triad of microthrombocytopenia
Many of the inherited                            some cases can involve other cells
                                                                                                        (platelet counts 5000–50 000/
thrombocytopenias are clinically                 thereby resulting in multisystem
                                                                                                        μL) presenting as bruising and
mild and may go unrecognized                     dysfunction. Evaluation of the
                                                                                                        purpura in the neonatal period,
unless faced with hemostatic                     patient and the family for presence
                                                                                                        eczema that develops around
stressors such as menses, surgery,               of immunodeficiency, hearing loss,
                                                                                                        infancy and immune defects with
trauma, or childbirth.30 A thorough              albinism, and renal findings will point
                                                                                                        recurrent sinopulmonary infections
bleeding history is a crucial                    to an underlying syndromic cause of
                                                                                                        in midchildhood. A high index of
component in the evaluation of                   thrombocytopenia. This is further
                                                                                                        suspicion should prompt referral to
these patients, including obtaining              complicated by the fact that all
                                                                                                        a hematologist who may recommend
previous blood counts if available.              components of the syndrome may not
                                                                                                        splenectomy to ameliorate
Particularly, time should be devoted             be present in affected individuals and
                                                                                                        bleeding symptoms associated with
to eliciting the family history with             therefore a high index of suspicion is
                                                                                                        thrombocytopenia or bone marrow
special attention to hemostatic                  key to their diagnoses. While working
                                                                                                        transplantation, which is usually
stressors, such as menorrhagia,                  up these patients, it is important
                                                                                                        curative (Table 1 and Supplemental
bleeding after teeth extractions,                to collect fresh blood samples
                                                                                                        Table 6).
blood transfusions after surgery, or             with citrate as the anticoagulant
unexplained anemia. Platelet counts              to eliminate the phenomenon
                                                                                                        Bone Marrow Failure Syndromes
should be determined in family                   of pseudothrombocytopenia.
members with bleeding symptoms.                  Automated platelet counters are not                    Thrombocytopenia in inherited
The pattern of bruising and bleeding             accurate in the presence of macro                      bone marrow failure syndromes
disproportionate to trauma should                or micro thrombocytopenia and                          (IBMFS) presents as a component of
raise suspicion for nonaccidental                manual inspection of peripheral                        progressive marrow failure, which
trauma even in patients in whom                  smears under Giemsa or Wright                          is the hallmark of these syndromes.
congenital platelet disorders are                stain provide important information                    Thrombocytopenia may present in
suspected.31 The use of standardized             regarding platelet number, size, and                   the neonatal period in congenital
bleeding assessment tools is very                granularity. After recognition of                      amegakaryocytic thrombocytopenia
useful in this setting. The Pediatric            these syndromes, further diagnostic                    and thrombocytopenia with
Bleeding Questionnaire identified                evaluation of platelet disorders needs                 absent radii (TAR) manifesting
high bleeding scores (>96% of                    careful preparation (a nontraumatic                    as petechial bleeding and rarely
patients) in a cohort of 23 patients             blood draw to preserve component                       leading to catastrophic intracranial

PEDIATRICS Volume 139, number 2, February 2017                                                                                                  5
hemorrhage. Unlike other IBMFS,          syndrome and a number of other            should be based on the gestational
the thrombocytopenia in TAR              platelet abnormalities described,         age, onset of thrombocytopenia (72 hours
suggesting that nonlife-threatening      recognize that abnormal platelet          indicating postnatally acquired
procedures could be delayed until        function usually persists despite         infections), and the clinical status
after infancy. Fanconi anemia            resolution of thrombocytopenia in         of the newborn (sick versus well
presents with thrombocytopenia as        some patients. Therefore, formal          appearing). Karyotype testing should
the first hematologic manifestation      platelet function testing with a plan     be done in all obviously dysmorphic
during midchildhood, whereas in          for platelet transfusions are indicated   infants with thrombocytopenia.
Shwachman–Diamond syndrome it            before major procedures despite           Inherited causes of thrombocytopenia
appears later, having been preceded      normal platelet counts.5                  are in general rare and rarely
by neutropenia for variable amounts                                                present in the newborn period. If a
of time.33 Supplemental Table 6          Other Congenital Disorders                clear family history is present, the
outlines the various IBMFS that                                                    hematologist should be consulted
have thrombocytopenia as part of         Storage disorders such as Gaucher         to guide appropriate timing of
the syndrome. The pathognomonic          disease and Niemann–Pick disease          confirmatory testing and help
physical features can aid in             present with splenomegaly either          manage thrombocytopenia in
recognizing the underlying IBMFS,        due to direct splenic infiltration or     the neonatal period. This should
but it is important to realize that      portal hypertension. While caring         include a comprehensive delivery
half of these patients may not be        for these patients, it is important       plan with contraindication for
recognized until adulthood.34            to keep in mind that platelets can        instrumental delivery, vacuum,
                                         pool and sequester inside the             or use of fetal scalp monitoring.
Chromosomal Disorders                    abnormally enlarged spleen, which         Early onset thrombocytopenia
                                         can lead to acute life-threatening        50 000/ μL are good
rare inherited disorder that can
                                         platelet function defects.39 Once         clues pointing to an underlying
have transient thrombocytopenia
                                         these disorders are diagnosed, it         inherited defect. In the setting of a
at birth.35 More recently a higher
                                         would be important to obtain a            well appearing infant with isolated
incidence of chronic immune
                                         baseline platelet count and refer to a    thrombocytopenia and absence of
thrombocytopenia (ITP) in these
                                         hematologist for bleeding symptoms        any other features, it is reasonable
patients has also been described
                                         or before a surgical procedure            to treat for immune-mediated causes
(see Table 1).4 Self-injurious
                                         for a comprehensive evaluation            of thrombocytopenia (neonatal
behavior is often a component of
                                         of the bleeding phenotype and             alloimmune thrombocytopenia)
the syndrome that compounded
                                         recommendations for surgery.              until platelet antigen incompatibility
with thrombocytopenia can lead
                                                                                   can be demonstrated between
to an increased risk of intracranial
                                                                                   mother and infant serologically.
bleeding. It has been proposed to        GENERAL GUIDELINES FOR HEALTH             Most allo or auto antibodies against
get platelet counts for these patients   MAINTENANCE AND MANAGEMENT OF             neonatal platelets clear from the
at diagnosis, with any unusual           BLEEDING SYMPTOMS                         circulation over time with platelet
bleeding symptoms and at 5 yearly
                                                                                   counts normalizing within 1 to 2
intervals if asymptomatic and refer      Newborn Period
                                                                                   weeks in most infants. Persistence
to hematology for severe bleeding
                                         Thrombocytopenia is encountered           of thrombocytopenia beyond 8 to 12
                                         fairly commonly (up to 25%                weeks42 after birth should warrant a
Jacobsen syndrome (11q                   of admitted newborns) in the              hematology consult especially in the
syndrome) is perhaps the most well       NICUs with rates increasing with          absence of any immunologic factors
described congenital syndrome            prematurity.40 The challenge lies         or genetic syndromes.
with thrombocytopenia that               in identifying which of these can
poses significant morbidity to           stem from an underlying inherited         Infancy and Beyond
affected children. The clinical          disorder. Fetal platelets are found in    The reader is referred to health
phenotype is variable with               circulation by ∼5 weeks of gestation      supervision guidelines for various
macrothrombocytopenia a frequent         and start reaching adult values by        genetic syndromes, which are a
(88.5% of patients) feature of the       22 weeks.41 The diagnostic approach       useful resource for physicians

6                                                                                                       SARANGI and ACHARYA
TABLE 3 Management of Common Bleeding Symptoms With Identified Platelet/Coagulation Defects
Symptom                  General and Preventive               Associated With Platelet          Associated With Coagulation           Interventions Useful for Severe Symptoms
                         Measures                             Defect                            Factor Deficiency
Epistaxis                Place patient in sitting       Local application of                    Local application of                  Bleeding lasting >10 min despite hemostatic
                            position with neck forward.   hydrophilic powder such                 hydrophilic powder such                measures, >5 episodes per year: refer
                            Firmly compress tip of nose   as NasalCeasea                          as NasalCeasea                         to ENT for electrocauterization, nasal
                            for 20 min.                                                                                                  packing for persistent or profuse
                         Daily saline nasal lubrication       Aminocaproic acid 50–100          Aminocaproic acid 100 mg/             HHT patients may need laser ablation or
                           and humidification of room            mg/kg/dose every 6 h              kg/dose every 6 h × 7 d                embolization
                           air.                                 ×7d
                         Do not: Stick toilet paper,          Desmopressinb intranasal                                                rVIIa (used in Glanzmann thrombasthenia
                           cotton balls in nose as can          spray 150 μg/dose: 2                                                     refractory to platelet transfusions)—
                           dislodge clot                        sprays for adult, and 1                                                  referral to hematology dose: 90 μg/kg
                         Do not: squeeze bony part of           spray for
with other indicated systemic
hemostatic therapy because of
abundance of fibrinolysis in the
mouth. Children with a high risk of
bleeding should avoid contact sports,
heavy exercise, or isometric exercise
and wear protective pads to avoid
deep hematomas and bruising.26
Nonweight bearing exercises such as
aqua therapy should be encouraged
to promote a healthy lifestyle. Some
of these children can have restrictive
diets and vitamin K and vitamin C
may need to be supplemented, the
deficiencies of which can aggravate
the underlying bleeding disorder.
Common bleeding symptoms and
their management are addressed in
Table 3.

Antifibrinolytic agents (ε amino
caproic acid and tranexamic acid)
inhibit plasmin activity, thereby
strengthening clot formation and
can be used for prevention of minor      FIGURE 2
trauma-induced or minor surgical         Suggested approach to sequential presurgical evaluation for children with congenital syndromes
bleeding especially involving mucosal    with known or suspected bleeding diathesis. The laboratory workup should start with an initial
surfaces that are rich in fibrinolytic   screen and a more exhaustive workup can be done in conjunction with the hematologist on the
                                         basis of known hemostatic defects for the specific congenital syndrome and the bleeding phenotype
enzymes in areas such as the mouth,      of the individual patient. aBleeding phenotype: prolonged (>10 min), persistent (>5 episodes/year)
nose, uterus, and gastrointestinal       nose bleeds, petechiae with minor trauma, bleeding while brushing teeth, heavy menstrual bleeding,
tract. Desmopressin (1-deamino-          prolonged bleeding after tooth eruption or extractions; prolonged bleeding after a procedure
                                         requiring a red cell transfusion, >1 cm bruises especially palpable in nature after minor trauma.
8-D arginine vasopressin) increases      bHigh risk procedures: craniosynostosis surgery, multiple teeth extraction especially wisdom teeth,
platelet aggregation by increasing       plastic or vascular procedures, cardiac procedures, scoliosis surgery, neurosurgery, liver or kidney
plasma levels of vWF and factor VIII,    biopsy. cLow risk procedures: simple dental extraction, bronchoscopy, central venous catheter
thus improving platelet adhesion         removal, cutaneous biopsy, GI endoscopy with biopsy, laparoscopic abdominal surgery. dInclude
                                         factor XI levels in patients with Noonan syndrome.
and function. It has been shown
to be useful in various platelet
secretion and granule defects, EDS       and therefore should be reserved                    studies are needed to evaluate
and Noonan syndromes, where it           for serious bleeding symptoms.                      the impact of thromboelastogram
can improve platelet function and        In some cases, judicious and                        to improve patient outcomes in
promote hemostasis.26,47–49 Both         tailored use of fresh-frozen plasma                 bleeding disorders.
1-deamino-8-D arginine vasopressin       (FFP), cryoprecipitate, and rVIIa
and/or antifibrinolytic agents           may be indicated. The use of
can be used as monotherapy or            rVIIa is approved in Glanzmann’s                    GUIDELINES FOR MANAGEMENT
adjuvant therapies to more definitive    thrombasthenia where it improves                    BEFORE SURGICAL PROCEDURES
treatment. Hemostasis therapy            platelet aggregation and fibrin and                 Patients suspected to have a
should be tailored on the basis of       thrombin generation.50 Point of care                congenital syndrome with a
the underlying hemostatic defect,        devices, such as thromboelastogram,                 bleeding diathesis (symptomatic
severity of bleeding symptoms, or        which can quantify global hemostasis                or asymptomatic) must have a
hemostatic challenge of planned          and monitor response to therapeutic                 sequential evaluation at least 2 to 4
surgery and results of the bleeding      agents, are increasingly being                      weeks before a scheduled surgical
evaluation. Although platelet            explored in clinical settings such as               procedure as proposed in Fig 2.
transfusion seems straightforward,       trauma and surgery,51 which can                     Bleeding assessment tools are useful
the development of alloantibodies        provide improved bleed management                   to get a standardized bleeding
may cause platelet refractoriness        and patient outcomes. Further                       history and calculate bleeding scores,

8                                                                                                                       SARANGI and ACHARYA
TABLE 4 The Components and Scoring of the Pediatric Bleeding Questionnaire
                                                 Symptom/Score                                     –1                              0                                1                                2                                 3                                        4
                                                 Epistaxis                                         —                No or trivial (≤5 per year)        >5 per year or >10 min               Consultation only             Packing, cauterization, or           Blood transfusion, replacement
                                                                                                                                                               duration                                                         antifibrinolytics                   therapy, or desmopressin
                                                 Cutaneous                                         —                No or trivial (≤5 per year)         >1 cm and on trauma                Consultation only                         —                                       —
                                                 Minor wounds                                      —                No or trivial (≤5 per year)        >5 per year or >5 min           Consultation only or steri-         Surgical hemostasis or              Blood transfusion, replacement
                                                                                                                                                               duration                           strips                        antifibrinolytics                   therapy, or desmopressin
                                                 Oral cavity                                       —                              No                   Reported at least once              Consultation only               Surgical hemostasis or              Blood transfusion, replacement
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                antifibrinolytics                   therapy, or desmopressin
                                                 Gastrointestinal tract                            —                              No                       Identified cause                   Consultation or                Surgical hemostasis,                             —
                                                                                                                                                                                               spontaneous                   antifibrinolytics, blood
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           transfusion, replacement
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           therapy or desmopressin
                                                 Tooth extraction                       No bleeding in at least      None done or no bleeding         Reported, no consultation             Consultation only             Resuturing, repacking, or            Blood transfusion, replacement

PEDIATRICS Volume 139, number 2, February 2017
                                                                                              2 extractions                in 1 extraction                                                                                      antifibrinolytics                   therapy, or desmopressin
                                                 Surgery                                No bleeding in at least      None done or no bleeding         Reported, no consultation             Consultation only              Surgical hemostasis or              Blood transfusion, replacement
                                                                                               2 surgeries                       in 1                                                                                           antifibrinolytics                   therapy, or desmopressin
                                                 Menorrhagia                                      —                             No                    Reported or consultation             Antifibrinolytics or              D&C or iron therapy                Blood transfusion, replacement
                                                                                                                                                                 only                      contraceptive pill use                                                  therapy, desmopressin, or
                                                 Postpartum                             No bleeding in at least          No deliveries or no          Reported or consultation            D&C, iron therapy or                Blood transfusion,                             —
                                                                                              2 deliveries               bleeding in 1 delivery                  only                        antifibrinolytics               replacement therapy, or
                                                 Muscle hematoma                                   —                            Never                  Posttrauma, no therapy          Spontaneous, no therapy           Spontaneous or traumatic,          Spontaneous or traumatic requiring
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             requiring replacement              surgical intervention or blood
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           therapy or desmopressin                        transfusion
                                                 Hemarthrosis                                      —                            Never                  Posttrauma, no therapy          Spontaneous, no therapy           Spontaneous or traumatic,          Spontaneous or traumatic requiring
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             requiring replacement              surgical intervention or blood
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           therapy or desmopressin                        transfusion
                                                 Central nervous system                            —                            Never                             —                                —                     Subdural, any intervention           Intracerebral, any intervention
                                                 Othera                                            —                             No                            Reported                     Consultation only               Surgical hemostasis,              Blood transfusion, replacement
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             antifibrinolytics or iron             therapy, or desmopressin
                                                 Reprinted with permission from Bowman M, Riddel J, Rand ML, Tosetto A, Silva M, James PD. Evaluation of the diagnostic utility for von Willebrand disease of a pediatric bleeding questionnaire. J Thromb Haemost. 2009;7(8): Table S1. —, score not
                                                 available for this particular system.
                                                 a Includes postcircumcision, umbilical stump, cephalhematoma, macroscopic hematuria, postvenipuncture, and conjunctival hemorrhage.

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