Bleaching and hurricane disturbances to populations of coral recruits in Belize
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MARINE ECOLOGY PROGRESS SERIES h b l i s h e d December 14 Mar Ecol Prog Ser Bleaching and hurricane disturbances to populations of coral recruits in Belize Peter J. Mumby* Centre for Tropical Coastal Management Studies, Department of Marine Sciences and Coastal Management, Ridley Building. University of Newcastle, Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 7RU. United Kingdom ABSTRACT: In 1998, coral populations in Belize were disturbed sirnultaneously by a severe coral bleaching event and Hurricane Mitch. The impact of these disturbances was assessed for naturally occurring populations of coral recruits (2 to 20 mm diameter), at a depth of 8 to 10 m on the forereef of Glovers Atoll. Bleaching took place at aii 4 study sites but the hurricane only affected 2 sites, enabling the effects of bleaching to be compared to those arising from bleaching plus hurncane damage. Pre- disturbance recruit density, size-frequency distribution, and cornmunity structure were similar be- tween sites (at kiiometre scales). The bleaching event lasted ca 3.5 mo. From 70 to 90% of adult colonies bleached and at least 25% of recruits exhibited signs of bleaching. A month after adult colonies had regained usual colouration, only 1 % of recruits showed even partial bleaching. Surprisingly, coral bleaching alone had no measurable effect on either recruit density or community structure. The com- bination of bleaching and hurricane disturbance reduced total recruit densities to 20% of pre-&stur- bance levels. Effects of bleaching/hurricane disturbance on community structure were spatially patchy, and I suggest that such patchiness may arise from variable Cover of protective rnicrohabitat and/or dif- ferent storm conditions mediated by proximity to reef cuts (breaks in the reef crest). KEY WORDS: Coral recruitment . Bleaching . Hurricane Mitch . Mortality . Cornmunity structure INTRODUCTION severest hurricane event at Glovers Atoll since Hurri- canes Greta in 1978 and Hattie in 1961 (see Stoddart From September to December 1998, coral popula- 1963, Stoddart et al. 1982). tions in Belize expenenced two of the most severe dis- Here, I document the effects of bleaching and hurri- turbances of recent decades: massive coral bleaching cane events on coral recruits occurnng naturally on the and Hurncane Mitch. Coral bleaching refers to the pal- forereefs at Glovers Atoll. Recruits are defined as juve- ing of coral tissue brought about by a loss of coral's nile corals at the size of first sighting in the adult habi- zooxanthellate symbionts and/or a breakdown of zoo- tat (Caley et al. 1996),which encompasses diameters of xanthellate pigments (Glynn 1993, Brown 1997). The 2 to 20 mm in this study (see also Hughes 1985). Corals 1997/8 bleaching event in Belize was Part of the most on the seaward side of the atoll expenenced both widespread bleaching event ever recorded and was bleaching and hurricane events, whereas populations probably attributable to anomalies in maxirnum sea- on the leeward side were sheltered and expenenced water temperatures and solar irradiance (International bleaching but no apparent mechanical damage from Society for Reef Studies 1998). In late October (during the hurricane. By surveying recruits shortly before and the bleaching), the eye of Hurricane Mitch passed after these disturbance events, and on opposite sides of approximately 200 km south-east of Glovers Reef. Hur- the atoll, I compare the impacts of bleaching with the ricane Mitch was a category 5 storm and was the combination of bleaching and Hurncane Mitch. As far as I am aware, this is the first study to examine the effects of bleaching and hurncanes on juvenile Carib- bean corals. Specificaliy, I ask the following questions Q Inter-Research 1999 Resale of full artide not permitted
28 Mar Ecol Prog Ser 190: 27-35, 1999 with respect to an offshore atoll in Belize: (1) Does a ardly. Care was taken to inspect cryptic habitats (e.g. severe bleaching event (as defined by the degree of between Montastraea knobs) in which recruits were bleaching on adult colonies) lead to net mortality of often found. Each site was located near the drop-off recruits? (2) What is the net post-recruitment mortality and was dominated by Montastraea annularis and M. rate ansing from the combination of bleaching and faveolata. Sites measured approximately 60 by 30 m Hurncane Mitch? (3) How do bleaching and 'bleaching and depth ranged between 8 and 10 m. The maxi- plus hurricane' events affect the community structure mum diameter of each recruit was measured using a of recruits? clear rule and species identification was made when Synergistic effects between bleaching and hurricane possible. Recruits ansing from asexual fragmentation disturbance tvere not exarnined because no site expe- of branching colonies (Hughes 1985) were ignored as nenced hurncane damage but no bleaching. were (rare) cases where larger juveniles (>20 mm dia- meter) of massive species had fragmented into recruit- sized daughter colonies. The diameter of the smallest METHODS observable recruit was 2 mm but species designation was not possible, and therefore data are reported here Surveys were conducted at 4 sites on Glovers Atoll by genus. Replication differed during pre-disturbance (Fig. 1). Sites on the seaward forereef (East 1 [El] and sunreys: 2 transects were surveyed at W2, 6 at E2, ? at East 2 [E2]) experienced bleaching and hurricane da- W1, and 10 at El. Sample size for post-disturbance mage whereas leeward sites (West 1 [Wl] and West 2 surveys (14 transects, except W2 which had 13) was [W2]) only experienced bleaching. Sampling for re- determined for a 90% power of detecting a 2-sample cruits was conducted in late July 1998 and January differente in density of 6 recruits (sample standard de- 1999, which equates to ca 5 wk before the bleaching viation) based on the pooled standard deviation of and 4 wk after the end of bleaching, and 3 mo before pre-disturbance data. Measurements of adult coral the hurricane and 2 mo after the hurncane. In situ Cover where made using 18 replicate 1 m2 quadrats bleaching observations were made in early October. per site. Recruitment was measured by the same diver visu- Overall differences in recruit density were tested ally inspecting replicate 10 by 0.5 m belt transects ori- using a 2-factor unbalanced general linear model entated parallel to the reef crest and located haphaz- ANOVA (Minitab 1997) with sites and tirnes as fixed MEXICO - .. --- ... -:- ..- - 17"N GUATEMALA - IOD km - - - -- --8g0W -..: Prevailing direction of Hurricane Mitch Fig. 1. Distribution of sampling sites at Glovers Atoll (= Glovers Reef) showing the location of reef cuts (breaks in the reef crest) and the path of Hurncane Mitch
Mumby: Bleaching and hiirricane damage to coral recruits 29 factors. Multiple cornparisons were defined a priori tially bleached d u n n g October (n = 130) but only and examined using Bonferroni tests. The size-fre- 5 recruits (of 374 censused) were partially bleached by quency distribution of recruits was examined using January 1999 and none were fully bleached (see 4 classes: 2-5, 6-1.0, 11-15 and 16-20 mm. To investi- McField 1999 for discussions of full and partial bleach- gate the effects of disturbance on the structure of ing). recruit cornrnunities at each site, comrnunity distance With 7 m seas for several days, Hurricane Mitch was measured using the Bray-Curt1.s similarity co- caused extensive damage to shallow reefs removing ca efficient and represented using non-metric multidi- 90% of living Acropora palmata at some sites. Direct mensional scaling (MDS). The Bray-Curtis similarity darnage to adult corals at Sites E1 and E2 (8 to 10 rn) coefficient has a number of desirable properties for will be reported elsewhere but ca 85% of large Mon- measuring community similarities, such as ignoring tastraea annularis colonies showed recent partial mor- joint absences of species (Mumby et al. 1996),and. is a tality. robust measure of ecological distance (Faith et al. 1987). MDS is a widely used method of presenting multivariate differences in community structure be- Spatial patterns of recruitment tween samples in 2 dimensions (Clarke 1993). Data were averaged per site without transforrnation. Differ- Pre-disturbance densities of recruits were similar ences in community structure were examined using among sites (Fig. 2): ca 10 recruits per 5 rn2 transect. similarity percentage (SIMPER) analysis of the contri- Unbalanced ANOVA gave highly significant main bution made by each genus to mean inter-site dissimi- effects of site and time, and site-time interactions larity (See Clarke 1993). (Table 1).Bonferroni multiple cornparisons (not shown) revealed that recruit density did not vary significantly between sites before the disturbances. Overall re- RESULTS cruitment levels after the bleaching event (at Sites W1 and W2) were not significantly different to pre- General impacts of coral bleaching a n d Hurricane bleaching levels. Significant ANOVA effects were Mitch at Glovers Atoll attributable to the reduction of recruits at eastern sites following the combination of bleaching and Hurricane The 1998 coral bleaching event began in early Sep- Mitch ( p < 0.001) The reduction of recruitment den- tember following a rnonth of calm weather and in- sity at eastern sites was remarkably consistent: 80 and creasing water temperature (to 29 to 32"C, depending 81:,0 of pre-disturbance levels at Sites E1 and E2 on the site, T. J . Bright pers. comm.). Most adult corals respectively. Conversely, recruitment density showed showed recovery of colouration by late December 1998 only a 1"/o decrease at Site W1 and a 3 % increase at (i.e. 3 to 4 mo later). Early signs of bleaching-induced Site W2. partial mortality (large patches of recently dead tissue overgrown with filamentous algae) on adult IWr - -- Bleach ing only Bleaching & Hurricane 16 - corals at Sites \V1 a n d W2 sug- gested that Agaricia spp. experi- 1.1 - enced the greatest partial mortal- ity (ca 20%, Mumby unpubl. - data) . Acropora cervicornis is not common ( 1 2 % total benthic CO- ver), and ca 20% of total colony area has died recently. Recent 2 rnortality on adult Montastraea spp. and Porites spp. was ca 10 a n d 5 % respectively (Mumby unpubl. data). During the bleach- ing event, 70 to 90% of adult colonies a w ~ e a r e dto be either 1 L fully or partially bleached at all West I West 2 East I Easi 2 sites (Mumby unpubl' data' M' D' Fig. 2.Overall patterns in recruitment density for aii genera. Open bars: pre-distur- McField Pers. *pproxi- bance (July 1998) data, solid bars: post-disturbance (January 1999) data. Error bars: mately 25 % of recruits were par- standard error
l o n a plepuels :sieq i o i i g . e p p (6661A~enuey) a~ueqrnlsrp-lsod:sleq pqos ' e p p (8661 hpy) asueqinls!p-ald :sleq uado .aseqd 6uqdures qsea Buunp ' a l ~ sqJea Je slrnl~alne loj suognqulsrp K>uanbaij-az~s.E '61d (uiui) ssep laiauie!a - OZ 91 S I - II 01 -9 S-2 (uiui) ssep Ialauie!a
Mumby: Bleaching and hurncane damage to coral recruits Table 1 Unbalanced general Linear model ANOVA comparing recruit density change community structure. HOW- between sites, sampiing times, and their interaction ever, the bleaching/hurricane impacts were site-specific resulting in different Source df Sequential SS Adjusted SS Adjusted MS F p communities at Sites E1 and E2 (Fig. 4, Table 2). Site 3 675 263 87 5.67 0.002 Time Table 2 shows how the combination 1 623 316 316 20.42
32 Mar Ecol Prog Ser 190: 27-35, 1999 Table 2 . Differences in community structure of eastern sites, E1 and E2, before and after settlement mortality, (2) popu- the combined bleachng and hurricane disturbances. Contnb.: absolute contnbution of lations are not strongly recruit- -1 each genus to the overaii dissirnilarity between cornmunities E1 and E2 in a given ment limited but settlement sampling period and Sums to total dissimiiarity between sites space and post-settlement mor- tality are similar between sites, Genus Pre-disturbance communities Post-disturbance cornrnunities and (3) populations are not Mean colony density Contnb. Mean colony density Contrib. (~m-~) (5m-') recruitment limited but post- E1 E2 E1 E2 settlement mortality is highly ; density-dependent. These ex- Agaricia planations cannot b e elimi- Pontes Stephanocoenia nated at present and further Siderastrea studies are needed to examine i'vlontastraea 0.07 spatio-temporal dynamics of Leptoseris 0.50 larval supply, settlement space, Scolymia 0.07 and post-settlement mortality Madracis 0.00 Mycetophyilia 0.07 2 at different sampling grains Colpophyllia 0.14 4 (sample unit sizes) as well as spatial distances (Caley et al. 1996, Mumby 1999). The density, size-frequency distribution, and com- It is tempting to suggest that the dorninance of munity structure of recruits were found to be highly recruits in the 6 to 10 mm size category may represent consistent between sites before the bleaching and a large-scale early summer recruitment event. How- hurricane disturbances began. This was surprising ever, densities of the sinaiiest recruits in this size class considering that sites were drawn from opposite sides (2 and 3 mm diameter) were probably underestimated of Glovers Atoil and the spatio-temporal Patterns of during visual sampling even though cryptic habitats recruitment usually show great vanation. The scale of were scrutinised carefully. The 2 to 5 mm class is prob- the study may provide some insight into the apparent ably a better record of 4 to 5 rnrn recruits. The propor- uniforrnity of community characteristics. Edmunds et tion of 2 to 3 mrn corals ranged from 0 to 4 % of total al. (1998) described an appropriate sampling strategy recruit abundance, so undersampling had Little impact for juvenile corals (0.4 to 5.0 cm diameter) to consist of on the conclusions reached by this study, although seventeen 0.25 m2 quadrats placed along 4 transects very recent (
Mumby: Bleaching and hurricane damage to coral recruits 33 the population dynamics of juvenile corals. I suggest at have been compensated by recruitment and growth. least 4 possible explanations for the apparent absence Future studies are needed to examine population of bleaching-induced mortality. Experimental tests a r e dynamics at various temporal scales and with manipu- necessary to discriminate among them. lations in recruit density. Empirical studies are also needed on the effects of bleaching on juvenile growth rate, but, as I point out next, local conditions may miti- (1)Did juveniles experience a severe bleaching event? gate the influence of bleaching on growth. Few studies of in situ bleaching (if any) have specifi- cally examined whether juvenile corals expenence (3) Did heterotrophic feeding on sediments mitigate similar bleaching responses to those exhibited by adult reduced autotrophic nutrition during bleaching? colonies I did not conduct detailed recruitment sur- veys during the bleaching event but visits to each The western side of Glovers Atoll experiences con- study site suggested that approximately 25",, of re- tinual sedirnent deposition from the seaward lagoon cruits showed either partial or (occasionally) full (Gischler 1994). Whilst sediment can reduce the bleaching. These observations were made a third of growth rate, smother and kill juvenile corals (Birke- the way into the bleaching event a n d cannot be con- land 1977, Hunte & Wittenberg 1992, Babcock & sidered representative since a n unknown proportion of Mundy 1996), low levels of sediment may perrnit hete- recruits may have bleached earlier and subsequently rotrophic feeding on epipelic micro-organisms (Toma- recovered or died, or bleached later (the Same is true of scik & Sander 1987).Since the levels of suspcnded sed- snapshot estimates of bleaching intensity in adult iment deposition at Glovers a r e not high enough to corals). It is safest to conclude that at least 2 5 % of deem the reef uninhabitable to juvenile corals, it is fea- recruits expenenced some bleaching during the event sible (but not tested) that sedimentation levels aug- a n d that 1 mo after the adults had regained normal ment the feeding and therefore survivorship of recruits colour only 1 "" of recruits exhibited even partial on this atoll. The difficulties of quantifying the severity of the bleaching event notwithstanding, it appears unlikely that recruits survived a bleaching event (4) Do juvenile corals receive less irradiance by virtue purely by avoiding becoming bleached; it is more of their cryptic microhabitat? likely that the incidence of bleaching in juvenile corals was less than that in adults. It is not clear whether High levels of ultraviolet and photosynthetically reduced bleaching in juvenile corals might result from active radiation (PAR) have been implicated to stimu- a n ontogenic physiological change in zooxanthellate late coral bleaching (see review by Brown 1997). susceptibility to bleaching, or simply a n external con- Whether the cryptic location of many juvenile corals sequence of juvenile microhabitat (see suggestions on, for example, under-sides and vertical surfaces under Question 4 below). (Babcock & Mundy 1996) confers a refuge from sus- tained direct exposure to i.rradiance remains to be Seen. Furtherrnore, whilst some juvenile corals bleach, (2) Was bleaching-induced stress insufficient to create exposure of the (bleached) coral tissue to PAR may colony mortality? partly determine the fate of the coral. Studies are needed into the scattering and attenuation of irradi- Did bleaching stress reduce growth rates effectively ance at the scales of recruit microhabitat and into the shifting juveniles into a dormant state? Dormancy direct effects of irradiance on bleached coral tissue. would help explain the consistent size-frequency dis- tributions at Sites W1 and W2 before a n d after bleach- ing, but for population Parameters to remain un- Effects of coral bleaching plus Hurricane Mitch changed, chronic levels of mortality would have to be absent or balanced by recruitment and growth. Mor- Coral bleaching was present throughout the Belize tality rates are unlikely to be Zero over 6 mo (Bak & Barrier Reef and atolls making it impossible to distin- Engel 1979) and therefore recruitment and growth guish the effects of hurricane disturbance on bleached must have occurred. It is not clear whether mortality and non-bleached coral populations. Given the ob- rates are simply low and balanced by low levels of served absence of a bleaching-induced disturbance to recruitment and growth, or whether population sizes juvenile corals at western sites, however, it seems a r e tightly regulated (e.g. by density-dependent mor- unlikely that bleaching would have significantly exac- tality) such that even a marked mortality event could erbated the damage created by the hurricane. Hurri-
34 Mar Ecol Prog Ser cane events lead to mortality of recruits by sediment Canbbean reefs which also expenenced severe scouring, direct mechanical breakage, and the re- bleaching. The responses of juvenile coral populations moval of substratum. Post-hurncane events such as an to large-scale phenomena such as coral bleaching ephemeral bloom of blue-green and filamentous green need to be categonsed. For each type of bleaching algae (R. B. Aronson & T. J. Bnght pers. comm.) may event (e.g. duration, percent of adults affected in each also create further stress: Van Moorsel (1985) found bleaching class), classifications should attempt to filamentous algae to be the greatest cause of mortality relate the physical and biological conditions of the site in juvenile Agancia humilis. (e.g. depth, physical exposure, herbivore grazing in- Spatially patchy responses of adult cornmunities to tensity, adult coral cover) to the responses of juveniles hurncane damage are weli established (Woodley et al. at the scales of comrnunity, life history strategy, and 1981, Edmunds & Witrnan 1991, Witman 1992, Bythell individual populations. If patterns emerge at large spa- et al. 1993a,b,Rogers 1993),and, based on this study, it tial scales, such classifications will be instrumental in appears that this premise extends to juvenile commu- modelling the irnpacts of bleaching events on the nities at a depth of 8 to 10 m. The proportional reduc- dynamics of coral metapopulations (Mumby 1999) and tion of Agancia and Leptoseris recruits was less at Site therefore help bndge the gap between the large scale E1 than Site E2. Site-specific mortality patterns may of many population processes and the often inade- offer a simple explanation of the differences in relative quate scale at which they are studied. agancid abundance. First, survivorship of agancid recruits may have been higher at Site E1 because the cover of Montastraea was greater at Site E1 (ca 60 % vs Acknowledgements. I would iike to thank Elizabeth Glynn, Ben Hadfield, and Karen Jarnes for their assistance in the 39% at Site E2; note cover of Montastraea is excep- field. Dr Tom Bright, Cindy Liles, and the staff of Glovers Reef tionally high at these sites). Most agancid recruits sur- Marine Research Station provided invaluable logistical sup- veyed in January were found deep between Montas- port. I thank the Belize Departrnent of Fisheries and the traea knobs, which may have provided shelter from Wildlife Conservation Society for permission to work at scouring and direct mechanical stress. Second, prox- Glovers A t d . The comments of 4 referees improved a n ear- Lier version o m e manuscript. This study was funded by a irnity to reef cuts may affect the velocity and surge of NERC Fellowship under the Earth Observation Science Initia- water. Site E1 is near a reef cut whereas Site E2 is mid- tive. This is contribution number 5 of Glovers Reef Marine way along a continuous reef (Fig. 1).Mechanical dam- Research Station. age to adult colonies appeared to be more severe at Site E2, which might be because dispersal of stornl surge is irnpaired where connectance to the lagoon is LITERATURE CITED impaired by a reef crest. It is possible, but perhaps unlikely, that differences in agancid abundance were Babcock RC (1989) Fine-scale spatial and temporal patterns actually attnbutable to (or modified by) recruitrnent. If in coral settlement. 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